How do we convert Angie Varona, who is a far right -nationalist Cuban conservative from a bourgeois family to Communism?

How do we convert Angie Varona, who is a far right -nationalist Cuban conservative from a bourgeois family to Communism?

Why would we want to?

with my dick

not worthy any effort until she removes those tumors from her hind area

Give me the methodology to convert water into gold, and I'll give you the methodology to change a *bourgeois conservative nationalist* into a commie.

It's the result of squats you lazy slob


Cuban emigres deserve the gulag.

A cuban nationalist would support Castro.
If it wheren't for him Cuba would be an american brothel and puppet

I don't know, but first tell me what tossing bougie salads is supposed to accomplish?


I want to get Anzu red.

Imagine the butthurt on halfchan if she went red. Holy fuck it would be glorious

Remove her skull, and shit in it.

She's from Turkey. 90% she's a conservative muslim.


90% of turks are conservative muslims. And why do you think she's a he?

More like 55%. There's a significant liberal minority, especially in the major cities. And, there's the secular Kemalist nationalists, especially amongst old folks.

There are lots of anime trap cosplayers, especially on chans.

This. Also, found no evidence that she's "far-right" or even "nationalist". (Or even that she's Republican.) Hell, Cuban Republicans, especially from "bourgeois families", tend to be neoliberal cuckservatives, not radical nationalists. Kill yourself, OP.

Why wouldn't she be a conservative muslim?

she's just anti-castro afaik

Why would a conservative Muslim dress like that? Wouldn't it be more likely that she's an outlier?

Young girls are allowed to dress without a veil.

so better than what it is now?




