{{{Capitalism is good}}} ? What proof is there that Capitalism as a permanent phase good?

Some things aren't voluntary, i.e. healthcare, a roof over your head & food.
Capitalism has this. Mob rule by the elite & coercion by their enforcers(cops). Laws are mostly written by porky nowadays. They stifle economic competition, inflate prices, have the credit system as a tool of coercion as well.

How do we not have this already under capitalism? The elite rule the government making the economic rules biased towards their own profit-making abilities. They beat down regulation against them as well.
I don't prefer a dictator.
see above
Like I mentioned before, some things are actual necessities & shouldn't be privatized because of this. It shouldn't be a business decision whether you live or die(healthcare, food, shelter).

It's also interesting that this poster says they don't like dictatorships, yet praise Pinochet. Imo, even if he had helped Chile economically, that's not what I'd base a "successful" country on. I'd base it on the health & well being of its people. From reading about it, it seems any economic recovery was due to returning to some of Allende's socialist economic policies.

One can say that's what the US/CIA does best.

Other urls found in this thread:




Capitalism is none of my concern

Guys, capitalism is a form of government and a political and economic theory. It is not simply a systemic result of having a free market economy. I am not being sarcastic.


Get a load of this cuck

When gulag comes again, I will just chain you to my living room table. You will be my personal jester.

you can try

trump stopped the TPP

does that make him a socialist?

Btw, this was just a quick response I did for someone in the moderation thread.

But I said to make another thread so it can be discussed better. So, here we are. Just adding context to OP. If the thread is up in 24 hours, I can contribute again. But for now, I have a flight to catch. :^(

You sir, are a threat to America.
I love that image

Thank you friend.

Not saying Pinochet was all that good but


thanks for oc


something something cia


Capitalism is not a real thing. It's a word coined by social critics. Nobody here can prove where and when capitalism started.


thanks all for the input, OP out

Kek what, is Ricardo a social critic now?

There is no proof that capitalism is "good" because that's an entirely subjective qualifier.