The only way to defeat naziphobia in the left is to be intimate with nazis...

The only way to defeat naziphobia in the left is to be intimate with nazis. Sex is the most effective way to be intimate with someone.

So describe to me, how would you like to have sex with a nazi? Give details.

Other urls found in this thread:


would bang a skinhead chick

Look I'd love to bang a Nazi cutie and convert her socialism but how likely is that? Look Holla Forums you're obviously trying to get us to advocate socialist women to bang nazis so you can claim that you've cucked us or something. Shoo.

You forgot to take off your flag retard

Well, I'm not in necrophilia personally, but I'd support

Where are the mods?



we have cucked them even before they even were born.

first post best post

That hair is awful.

In case any don't know there are leftist skinheads too. It's just a punk subculture and style.


Sadistically torturing them in an NKVD cell before their execution.

Is this your final solution? :^)


she sits on my face and calls me a "filthy red"

this guy is right, what the fuck.

I've had sex with liberal women, but never leftist ones.

Liberal ones I had to hide my 1488 power level with though.

Why are both Nazis and Socialists such fucking LARPers? This conflict hasn't been relevant for 70 years, go troll some liberals.

why would i do that?


We need to stop infighting and unite against the right

You are the right.

you are the right you stupid twat

are you more socialist than national?

We are the authoritarian left. Most on leftypol are in the libertarian left, which is fine.

I beg to differ.



you are, a fascist, and fascists by definition are right wing. You stupid fuck.

WW2 had little to do with ideology, it was just simply Russians vs Germans. A tragic war.


if you hadn't killed [email protected]/* */ that could be true

Except that your ideology is based on a 7-year period of militarization and fascism in germany, whichs primary goal was to eliminate communism and jews.

If you want to be an edgy racist leftist, you should be a nazbol, not a nazi, because nazism is both an underdeveloped idiotic ideology and staunchly anti-leftist.

You are correct about fascism. Mussolini, like most Italians, was a weak piece of shit. I won't defend an inch of him.

National SociaIism is not fascism, however.

on a scale of one potato, how fucking stupid are you.

National socialism isnt socialism in the slightest.

t. Hitler

bitter tears and asshurt over inability to achieve effective results in the real world

inb4 any neetsoc mentions ((trump))


I would agree that Nazism and Fascism are distinct, in the sense that Fascism was much less psychotic and nonsensical.


Theres the Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, as well as the fact that ethnic groups were relocated en masse after Russia won to increase Russias size in Europe.

Russia sought to bring about Russian domination over ethnic minorities in Europe, something we leftists would be opposed to.




eh pretty good


If I were to have teh secks with a nazi chick then it would be a violent and potentially bloody hatefuck that would happen periodically when we're both in a shit mood.


top banter

good taste

even reactionary men don't want them

which is why we put our collective benis in them and brag about it to Holla Forums :^)

Sorry already married to the immortal science of Marxism-Leninism

you're like a little baby, just watch this

you sure? Holla Forums fantasises over traditional women constantly

not really a dominatrix, just someone who isn't a boring stuck up cunt

I'd gangbang satannazi with some comrades and we'd all piss on her when we finished.

Nice bantz.

I dunno, sempai

Isn't it just as fascist to kill the fascists because they're fascist? I mean, by definition wouldn't that make us fascist?

A revolutionary is a doomed man. He has no private interests, no affairs, sentiments, ties, property nor even a name of his own. His entire being is devoured by one purpose, one thought, one passion – the revolution. Heart and soul, not merely by word but by deed, he has severed every link with the social order and with the entire civilized world; with the laws, good manners, conventions, and morality of that world. He is its merciless enemy and continues to inhabit it with only one purpose – to destroy

for real tho~


Traditional woman are apolitical. People like Ann Coulter are just boomer harpies roleplaying as intellectuals.


b-but what if you knock them up and wind up with a bunch of little Assershits and National Bolsheviks?


A grill that thinks she has sex with demons on the astral plane and that satan is the high priest of the nazi state Atlantis and that the joos are an intergalatic menace created by reptilians. She posted boobs once and they weren't the best posted here.