What are your feelings on the autism of self imposed challenges?

What are your feelings on the autism of self imposed challenges?

And no i don't mean speed running.

If only i could turn off reflex time and set my damage taken higher it would be perfect.

What about you. I know Dark Souls is famous for its "soul level 1, broken sword +0, no magic, final destination" shit but what other games do you do this in? i'm a big Nuzlocke fan for example and i swear it makes Pokemon better games for doing it.

Or maybe you think its fucking retarded and you hate it, but why?

Share the self imposed bullshit anons, the 'tism must flow.

Install Infinite Heaven, gives the game new life. Now, I'm actually having to play stealth right cause around the PC is a shitload more guards, tanks, gunships, and sudden Skull attacks. You can also tweak a lot of settings, including what you want. Also, reflex time you can simply turn off in the options menu.

Do you mean reflex mode? The slow-mo? Becaus you can turn that off.

For challenges, probably just choosing low tier characters in fighting games. Feels better when you win.
Also fuck off with the autistic shit. It's not autistic to try and challenge yourself.

You CAN turn off reflex mate; look in your options. If you're on PC you can download Infinite Heaven or someshit to add the Skulls on free roam, increased patrols, vehicle patrols, etc.

I find it slightly annoying in that people who do so prop up bad game design instead of finding and supporting actual difficult/complex/customizable games. Just a minor peeve though, do what ya want.

Oh thank fuck.

People always shit on dishonored, because it was easy or something.

First time I played I set it to hard and turned the hud off completely. Was pretty neat.

I can't speak for others, but I shit on Dishonored because almost all of your abilities kill people, so a non-lethal run is boring as sin.

Well it was a stealth game with wallhack vision and a teleport. I loved the tone and 'nautical witchcraft' world but mechanically it was as conflicted as FF8. No magic runs are substantially better stealth experiences.

Still doesnt solve the 'heres all these cool tools but using any but tranq dart is a bad end flag" problem.

They fixed that to an extent in Dishonored 2, I think. The PC can simply refuse the Outsider and do a no magic run.

MGSV would be vastly superior if it had a subsistence version of all it's missions, even the boss fights.

I like to do it, I just wouldn't do it on a shitty game like MGS V.

Oh come now. The only boss fight in the game is sally, which has about as much going on as a Peace Walker boss fight.

I tend to enjoy Zelda games more when I'm doing 3-heart runs. Don't like how much you can tank damage in most of games.

This is an issue I have as well. I'm not opposed to self-imposed challenges in of themselves, but they're often used to excuse failings in design.

Wrong game?

It is its a shame you have to self enforce it. After all the neat things the current team has patched in i'm surprised a 'load player with 0 items' mode wasn't on the table.

the game is unfinished but you cannot deny the minute to minute gameplay is fantastic. It just needed more urban/developed areas because Peace Walker showed you can do that without making it a base like Shadow moses.

If they're are not boss fights then what are they?
Are you trying to be politically correct?
"Unique enemy encounters" / "elongated foe battles" / "Highly important event"

I can see that but often they are just a way for me to get more value out of a game i like either way.

wronger than wrong from the first sentence.

Not saying they are nessisarly good boss fights but I would argue these count as boss fights
Skulls attack during the honey bee mission
Skulls attack during the yellow cake obtaining mission
Skulls attack in the beginning of the code talker mission
Skulls after the helicopter crashed
Man on fire in the house of the devil
Man on fire in the hospital lobby
Mosquito maybe this is pushing it


There's a mod that forces subsistence mode, or something close enough to it, on all missions

I can. The empty open world, the bland base designs, and the dumb ai. Nothing can salvage how boring the game is. I wouldn't ever waste the time trying to make such a boring game fun.

I think that they're good for self-interest purposes. Playing through Final Fantasy VI without using magic, or FF7 without materia, or a single character challenge, etc…

It's only as "autistic" as you want it to be. Your challenge could be something simple as fuck. At the end of the day, what the fuck do you care how other people play through a game?

I'm talking more about the actual character control. It ruined the gameplay of Jack in MGS3 for me its so fluid.

But you can turn off reflex. It's a menu option somewhere…

I barely remember anything about this game anymore.
From start to completion I can only remember.
I think I only fought the skulls three times, the female skull snipers twice.
The many on fire twice.
Sahelathropus, I think twice.
I had to sneak out of a place when it showed up, and fight it along the mountain side.
I don't know what mosquito even is.

Reflex off.
Self imposed things I did was tranquil pistol only, and whatever I could obtain in the field, with no assistance.
And keeping my eyes closed during opening credit sequences to avoid seeing who would make an appearance during the mission.
Being notified of who was just about to show up was the dumbest fucking thing.
I think they didn't do it with Quiet in chapter 11 I think? It was the only surprising moment.

The yellow cake fight wasn't a fight for me. I snuck up on the truck, fuckers jumped out, grabbed the thing, jumped in an APC and drive away to an S rank, entirely by accident. It was the first time I got an S rank and learned the time bonus trumped everything else

I doubt that, and let me tell you why.
Its well known that there was corporate meddling in MGSV. Its been mentioned how Kojima wasn't allowed in the same room as his coworkers near the end of the development so at the very least we can confirm some level of corporate meddling.
The questions are what features were cut and what was forced in.
Corporate meddling is more characterized by cutting impressive or risky things and inserting "safe bets".
MGSV is very much an open world game. I would argue that the open world format is currently considered a "safe bet" due to the success of Skyrim and Minecraft. Neither of them have any real bosses in the traditional sense. In the case of Skyrim there are the dragon fights but they happen multiple times. I would argue that the Skull fights are similar to the dragon fights but lack the random encounter aspect. I would expect there to be "random encounter bosses" in Survive.
Both Minecraft and Skyrim also do technically have final bosses but they are underwhelming as fuck and ultimately you just go back to playing the game again as a sandbox afterwords.

If you compare GZ and TPP there is a huge difference in gameplay. Though GZ was meant to be the tutorial level it doesn't really play like the full game. GZ is less open world then TPP and I'd wager that it was the result of corporate meddling.

mosquito is the guy who take over the R&D platform.

I did forget about Quiet. And after thinking it over a bit, I suppose I would consider the helicopter crash skulls fight as a boss fight.

You can turn off reflex in the options, I also recommend turning off markers.

There is a mod on the nexus called Ultimate Phantom Pain Mod that makes the game harder and lets you configure your health, enemy health and even enemy vision range and preparedness.

People usually recommend Infinite Heaven but that's bloated and I couldn't get it to work.

I try to limit my inventory weight, only carry two weapons and one armor in FNV. No fast travel also, hardcore obviously. It's alright, doesn't stop it from being a bullet sponge shitfest

Try water pistol only, headshots stun enemies for a few seconds and all takedowns have to be CQC.

Isn't the max range on the water pistol something like 10 yards?


Anybody remember Nuzlocke challenges? Strange times.

I can't really do self imposed challenges. In essence it means you are competing against yourself, so even when you win, you lose. If I can complete it I must have made it too easy. Maybe I should have challenged myself to not use that other weapon either or maybe I should have to fight every enemy along the way.

There are some things I can do that run close to self-imposed challenges, but they are more to get the most out of whatever the game has to offer, to beat it more completely. I've done low level runs of Demon's/Dark souls, but the point wasn't actually to challenge myself, that was secondary. The point was to create a character as powerful as possible at as low a level as could be meaningful in order to use that character in multiplayer. In DaS2 it was a low soul memory character instead. Ultimately it wasn't a challenge against myself, trying to make things harder on my specific rules. It was an attempt to get something the game developers didn't want me to have, so still a challenge vs the developers.

I could do challenge runs for achievements. If Dark Souls had a "broken sword only" achievement I might do it, even though I have no interest in challenging myself in that way. Achievements themselves are of course meaningless, but this represents a challenge set forth by someone else, policed by someone else, their rules my fun.

Nuzlocke as a retarded edgy headcanon needs to fucking die. The concept itself is fine as it requires the player to experience all kinds of different party members with different abilities in order to beat the game, but the retarded fans needs napalm.


Damn son get it together.

I enjoyed the default difficulty. But I'm also terrible at video games.

They're fine, but it has severe limits in terms of actual quality for a game.

You are clearly intended to play with something like Exp Share on in the piece of shit Gen VI games and that reflects on what you can expect from the overall challenge alone. You're expected to oneshot everything later on with a single super effective move by virtue of being naturally stronger, so you can't use "lol just turn it off" as an excuse when the developers blatantly didn't give a shit about those older, more experienced players that they rely on for sales too, especially when the average family isn't buying a formerly $300 handheld. You have no idea how much automatically having it on and having to turn off instead of being 100% optional in how you play the game says about the developers' shitty design philosophy.

You can argue a game like MGSV gives you the potential to realistically create a more challenging experience using the environments and mechanics, but you can't even fucking think of using that to say "it's not so easy if you intentionally limit your own standard strength or advantages the game literally gives you and expects you to use whenever possible to progress".

Are you ready?

Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door
No Level ups on Health
No Level ups on Flower Points
You cannot use any Badges that give Power Up
You cannot use any Badges that give Defense Up
You cannot use any Badges that give Luck Up
No Powering up partners
Double Pain on

1.- Crowd Control actually Matters. Turning the items with least value (sleepy sheep, daze, etc) into the most valuable
2.- In this way, coins actually matter now. Instead of just being badge-collecting currency, you need to spend your coins in CC items and Damage-dealing items to survive.
3.- You need to master action commands and stylish in order to maximize your damage per turn output in cases where you either one-shot or the enemy kills you.
4.- you CANNOT grind, because it works against you. If the stage levels up, there will be more hazards that mario has to deal with (water bucket dazing him, fog)
5.- You do not need to rely on counter in order to survive, although it helps in moments where it's sink or swim as last resort

Have fun.

I actually have beaten it this way. It is possible.
Tip: Get the double bag-space from pit of 100 trials when you can (around 7th chapter) because you will NEED the extra item space for damage dealing items and boo's sheets in order to do the final bosses

Only thing you CANNOT do in this run is Bonetail, although you are perfectly capable of reaching the 100th floor.

Impossible. If I remember correctly, there will be times where you can no longer raise a certain stat, so you'd inevitably have to raise HP or FP. Though, I have to say I've never thought of a pure BP run before and it sounds fun and challenging as shit.

Or maybe that was Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories with HP and CP (Card Points).

Wasn't one of the main criticisms of the newer paper marios being that it was item heavy?
Considering the partners are the main pull of the series I can't imagine it being that fun.

It's possible. I have done it. I don't want to spoil how I did it because it ruins the fun of discovering it yourself. It's not hard. just look at the repertoire of items that Mario can use and base a strategy around them. Star Storm (6 damage AOE) is one of the must-have items for your partners to use for damage. Another must have badge is fast-switch for your partners. Your partners are basically meat shields and item-users. especially flurry.

I spoiled enough but with that alone you can reach the 8th chapter. Do it, it's extremely fun.

Your main DPS per turn output is mario using attack badges like super jump for single target, not items. items are just more DPS for your partners who are not powered up.

Forgot to mention: No badges that give Health or FP either. You'll always be 10hp/5fp.

You have raised a good point. I might give this a whirl with that patch that came out recently.


I like to go back to Fire Emblem games sometimes and replay without resetting on unit death. It can be pretty brutal if you lose a good unit near the end of the game. I've done a lot of others but my brain is so fried that I have trouble remembering them unless I'm thinking about the game I did them in, specifically.

that made no sense considering pokemon never die.
If nuzlocke runs if a pokemon of mine ever dies I feel bad so i just heal it and put it on the PC

Why is your brain fried user? stress?

With me, it's not the autism of self imposed challenges, but the challenge of self imposed autism.

When playing games with enjoyable combat, I often make them harder for myself by outright refusing to use consumables, better/rarer ammo and some types of rechargeables, even if I'm dying over and over again.

Tens of tries later, I kill the final boss with a full stock of health potions, buff items, rockets, etc, but it's a small price to pay to not make myself feel like a shitter.

Listen, and understand. Those autistic people are out there. They can’t be bargained with. They can’t be reasoned with. They don't get tired or bored. And they absolutely will not stop, ever, until they have a platinum.

It's that Shitter Star is a pathetic worthless disgrace to all RPGs fucking ever with its shitty sticker mechanic and design.

Carefully managing items and currency for them or equipment doesn't even compare.

I can't rationalize not being allowed to level up partners. They'll just drop like flies and become absolutely useless within a 2 chapters. Also, not even being a me to use the handful of HP and FP badges that increase both by 5 is just ludicrous, especially when you're asking people to intentionally worsen their experience by giving up BP for badges that only increase damage you take without any tradeoff whatsoever.

Double Pain does not affect your partners. Only Mario.

With that said, your partners will die in boss battles after tanking 2-3 or so hits if not healed. This is why you get the quick-switch badge to change meatshields if you decide not to use a heal and push for damage.
You want to switch them to manage damage your party takes along with small things such as putting Vivian's Damage over time for extra DPS then switching or bobbery to throw bombs to set up a big damage turn. You can also switch partners AFTER they had their turn, if you want to sit flurry on enemy turn due to her high natural HP.
This challenge run encourages you to use your whole roster's HP pool, not just one partner.

Mario can also tank damage turns on the front, with a certain expensive/rare item for special bosses

You can also switch a dead partner to another with quick-switch badge, if the partner happens to fall.

Cave Story =Death Metal Disaster Mode= Challenge

That's the only way I play CS now. 3hp Polar Star Only was a challenge I cleared in 2008, I wanted more.

Do you have any idea of the amount of people who have no idea about building a house and still do it? I think it's pretty unchallengful when self-imposing shit in vidya compared to a lot of IRL shit.


I can dig self-imposed challenges so long as the game is fun without them, MGSV is not the case, you basically have to make the fun out of the game for yourself, it's sorta fucked

How do you unequip your primary weapon so you can just go in with a shitty handgun or no gun at all? I tried to do that but no matter what I have to take a rifle with me.

I don't know. I just ahve trouble thinking, the past few years.


Self-deprecation is fine, but don't imply everyone here is some burger with zero aspiration.

Infinite Heaven lets you tweak anything just the way you want it. You can Subsistence+Extreme+Perfect Stealth if you want to.

It's hard to take you seriously at all. You're on a board about vidya and autism, and you're shocked you find people that do autistic self-imposed challenges and don't go outside. Sure not everyone here is a burger but come the fuck on user you act surprised about the autism.

Nigga theres like 800 pokemon at this point, the point is variance.


Shadow of Mordor is fun up until the first boss If you refuse to use upgrade, never use your skills points outside of mandatory story skills, turn off notifications, and most importantly
This games nemesis system is obsolete because you never fucking die but with this you'll die more often and hordes of orcs will actually be a threat. Get into a fight? fight to the death no matter how many captains show up. Optionally no archery but when I tried this I created an environment of natural selection that eliminated everyone who wasn't weak to archery.
Fuck you Nazu warchief

Self-depreciation is the only surefire way to not become a pretentious retard.

Nigger what

No matter what you do, Shadow of Mordor is an awful game. Also you forgot Can't be Jumped Over.

Never bothered with them. Closest thing was fucking around in GTA3, planning a route across all three islands where you have to both drive and travel on foot, turning on the 'civilians are hostile' and 'civilians have weapons' cheats, maybe increasing the wanted level a bit, and seeing if I could make it all the way through.

After getting Silent Assassin in all missions of Blood Money I felt lik the other rankings were pretty boring, so I created my own condition to spice up the game.

To kill every single character in the map… without being detected.

I feel like it's completely justified
I'll try the naked run once though, sounds dope. It's a shame you can't fucking make multiple games though, because I want to make a new game where I go Vlad Tepes and start killing everything

My only difference is no fultoning soldiers, i do it on repeat missions for the base but as in Peace Walker fultoning soldiers is too broken.
Case in point the large mountain base where you rescue the Bionics expert. You can clear the road level with ease then scale the crane and jump over onto the top level and just keep turning the generator off and fulton the guy who checks after he gives the all clear till the base is empty. You make it like classic metal gear where you can only knock them out temporarily then you know every cqc knockout is only a temp reprieve.

Playing through Dead Space right now with the following self imposed rules:

In my defense the game is piss easy if you play it normally. I'm actually running low on ammo now and using melee to finish off lone/wounded necromorphs.

I only ever fulton S ranks or higher, and since I'm someone who pirated the game and am always offline they're pretty rare. Instead of fulton, I make a point of knocking them out and holding them all hostage.

Can you not update the pirated copy or get a later version? the current team added daily missions like "replay mission 12 but this time capture 3 bases as well" for SS+ soldiers.

I have the latest version, I think you need to be online to get those daily missions

Thats a shame it really adds more replayability with tangible rewards.

All the multiplayer items can be unlocked and developed in offline mode with a mod.

I'll probably buy the game when it goes on sale on principle alone, but I feel like it's pointless because by then MGO will be dead, the FOV invasions will be dead, and I'll have had my fun with the main game.

MGO has been dead-ish for a good while, FOBs are still going strong though.

Framing isn't rocket science.

you can turn off reflex and also turn off enemy sight and damage direction indicators.

would be nice if
was a stand alone mod because I don't really want any of the other features.

When I played Far Cry Primal I had to impose a challenge on myself other wise the game was ultra-easy:
And the game was still too fucking easy.

Dishonored wasn't necessarily bad because it was easy, it was bad because it never made genuine use of all the abilities it give you and thus made the game easy as a result. You can beat almost the entire game without using any of them, meaning they're only there to make you more powerful.

Fuck, I suddenly want to download it and try this. Magic made you supremely overpowered, and the disrupter guys were too few and too easily taken out. I'm definitely going loud, though. If I'm not using magic I at least want to use all the other gadgets at my disposal.

If you can make an enjoyable meta-game out of a game I think that's cool.

You would be amazed how much more fun some levels are when you have to actually climb instead of blink across alleyways, that shit can be abused to speedrunner tier game breaking very easily.

I typically do minimum reload runs. No savescumming, and if I die, I start from the beginning of the map/stage/chapter.

Most games are not at all designed for permadeath, but are way too easy if you just hit quickload every time you run into a trap.

Naked and afraid is the most pointless show concept. They're naked, but they blur the fuck out of the whole thing, so there's no nudity anyway. Just give them fucking clothes.

It's a psychological shock for the participants and it adds a bit of difficulty to the overall challenge (clothes do more than cover your balls/vagigi).
I believe they should release an uncensored DVD, I'm sure they could sell a few copies of that shit.

Are you saying they do or they should? Because if they do I gotta get my hands on it, that's my fetish.

It's a shitty gimmick so they could say naked and get idiots to watch in the hopes of nudity.

He's saying they should, but they haven't and they won't.

While the idea is mostly a trick for ratings, not having clothes is a pretty significant inhibition to survival. Heat loss, sunburn, thorns in your feet getting infected, and so on.

I think they should, I have no idea if they did. Sounds like a smart business decision, I'm sure you're not alone with your fetish, at least

Any smart survivalist would make themselves at least a pair of slippers with stuff in their environment.

pretty sure they can make clothing, just can't bring any with them

That's what I mean though. There's so many tropical plants that can be used to make protective clothing. I'm not saying "take your hiking boots with ya!" cause obviously that's not going to happen.

What really gets me though, is these people don't seem to have ANY survivalist knowledge. They could be making tools, building structures, looking for specific resources and refining materials. Instead they all grumble 24 hours a day about how they're so fucking hard done by, because they don't know how to get food.

You're in an environment where there's a shit ton of food, you just have to be willing to walk the 50 feet to catch it and then be willing to eat it.

Its why i prefferred The Colony instead.

They can and do.

A lot of it is staged. They're taught the basic of survival and most know how to make a lot of things like huts and whatnot but they are given directions to make themselves seem a lot worse off and suffer more, for television reasons. It's like with that tv show 10,000 BC. Filled with fake drama and editing out a lot of actual survivalism to make them look like they're far worse off than they actually are.

What I wouldn't give for a decent survival show set in the stone age or starting with absolutely nothing focused on survivalism rather than faux drama.

Boy, have I got the youtube channel for you.

This is coming full circle to the metal gear thread where everyone just started posting and watching MRE reviews.

Already subscribed my friend.

But what I want is a show, more than just 1 person doing tutorials, something like 5-20 people focusing on their survival first and their real relationships second instead of forced drama edited together afterwards. Something which isn't "hey lets get the most inept people together and give them no training L O L". I want a group that knows how to survive because neolithic man passed his skills on down, and it's about them actually surviving. People have taken that premise and turned it into little more than Gordie Shore; With Stones. I swear if one more of these shows comes out set in the stone age with another fucking vegetarian refusing to eat meat then throwing a tantrum because they're hungies I'm going to flip my shit and go on a fucking rampage.

Joke's on you, I'm subscribed to that guy, too.


At least it's not FUCKING RAW.


Eat shit Ausfags, can't even make your own bread correctly too busy turning all your wheat into booze and domestic abuse.


This is what happens when you don't chew the gum.

… maybe I'll reconsider.

too busy shitposting to make food tbh

Personally i'm quite a fan of "permadeath" challenges.
Sure, it's really frustrating when you die and have to do the whole game/chapter/level all over again especially if you die because of a glitch but other than that it's really fun i swear
especially if a game is too easy

and even with permadeath on the hardest difficulty some games are still too easy

This is some relaxing shit.


I feel tempted to walk around and rasp "NICE" at everything now.

similar shit happens when you try to detox off of heroine, which is why so many addicts also are reliant on laxatives.

Steve's also a pretty handsome guy.
no homo

Nah, that's pretty homo.

Most games nowadays are only playable if you self impose some rules, unless you are retarded

If a challenge run reveals just how shit and underwhelming your game is, you may have fucked up.
If a challenge run catering to your scoring system does that, you have fucked up.
Vid related, going for no trace, perfect stealth really reveals just how crap this game's lack of hard difficulty is.

What about Eli? I mean, yeah, he's an easy boss fight but he's a boss fight all the same

he fucked up the noodles. it's meant to be drained before putting in the seasoning.

I think that's more of a bug with how the side roll is detected. Also that vid is basically a speed run, speed runs always look easy, but I guarantee it isn't.

You would be surprised how much more fun and tense DOOM becomes if you decide on a "no quicksaving, saving only at the start of the level" rule.

I tried to do that with Unloved until I understood that 1) The locations are not designed to complete in one go 2) The enemy placement of Unloved is absolute bullshit with no rhyme or reason to it

Too much DOOT can change a man

I do it all the time once I git gud, hell I played RO2 so much I ended up throwing my primary weapon away at spawn and using my pistol until I picked something up.
I still came in the top 3 doing this, not sure if scrubby community or godlike at game

Sure there is, it's called "going in during day time" and "not doing those missions that cancel out helmets/flashlights/etc. for enemies".

Doesnt knowing the time allow you to prepare better mentally speaking?

You can. First thing I did. Not sure about damage taken though.

This is true autism, isn’t it?

In Fallout NV, I turn the HUD off and don't use VATS. That way I have to actually shoot things, and I have to count my ammo as I fire it. I also did a run where I only built my own weapons, which was hard. I was stuck with the homemade rifle and homemade plasma thing for a long time, but they're passable at least.
In Monster Hunter I pick a weapon class at the start and stick to it. No switching to something else if one monster counters what I'm using. I usually start off looking like an idiot, but by the time I get into mid High Rank I'm proficient with the weapon. It turned Gunlance from this horrible, unwieldly thing to a freeform comboing boomstick for me.
In Pokemon I plan a team of 6 from the start, and only catch them. I have to plan around HMs, which means having a balanced team. I don't use HM slaves either, so I have to integrate moves like Cut into my playstyle. One time I did it with 3 pokemon and no HM slaves, which was really fun.
I'm thinking of doing HL2 with just the magnum, and giving myself the ammo to do it. That weapon needs more love

In my opinion making it hard as fuck makes Fallout what it should be. Being stuck having to rob/kill a old dude for his shit outside a ruined super market even though i wanted to be the hero was better than any forced moral choice.

Self imposed challenges are fucking awesome

When you apply them to real life.

Seriously, apply that fucking autism and learn a trade. You will make enough money to comfortably support your weebshit habits.

I beat Revengeance without using the parry move, I didn't mean to I just didn't pay attention to the tutorial and went on without it.

I was kinda confused why the sudden difficulty spike when mansoon got introduced but now I know I was just stupid.

I didn't realize I had been doing the precision cuts wrong until I reached Armstrong. Rather than move the stick along the edge, finding the cut, and letting go, I thought you had to move the stick from one side to the other.

Everyone is just going to go


I question the types of challenge runs that make the game super-tedious (like some super-restrictive RPG categories do) but sometimes they're a good way of extending the life of a game and experiencing it in different ways, like Deus Ex with pure stealth.

Ah, the "Buy the BDs" thing. Jewry at its finest.

Nothing wrong with them at all. They get you more time out of a game and get no better at said game.

It's like mods without installing mods.


I do them if I like the game but wish it was more difficult.

My worst ones:

It wasn't hard until the stalfos in ganon's tower which couldn't be avoided like in the shadow temple. That part alone took me 11 hours, because as soon as you start killing one the other fucking ALWAYS gets a jumping attack in, and at 3 hearts and no other protection you die instantly to that. And good luck dodging with the fucking hover boots on.

It was really pretty retarded, just turned the game into a mindless grindfest.

I'm gonna try to beat Breath of the Wild using no armor of any kind, no shields, and only the weakest and least durable weapons I can find. Gonna be a fun March 3rd.

Isn't that the intended way to play it?
I thought that the new ones have some easy mode where your units can't die, because newer players couldn't grasp the concept that death is eternal.

You fucking retard it's literally in the options
There are mods for that. There are even mods that impose subsistance on all missions.

better throw it out the window and make a new one.

That's how games used to be played before achievements and trophies you fucking pamperchu faggot.


Actually MRE's are designed to keep you full and not shitting for as long as possible for less downtime.

Then why the fuck does every cunt I know start squirting whipped cream after even touching them?

Self-imposed challenges are great for games you really enjoy.

I had a run on original Metro: 2033 on Ranger Hardcore where I didn't trade in my bastard gun. Which I enjoyed because it was my favourite weapon in terms of gunplay. Terrible spread, horrendous recoil, ridiculous reload. That gun was such a properly consistent asset designed for its place.
The game got easier as time wore on, as I traded in all my guns and didn't spend any ammo. Meaning I was rocking 300+ military grade rounds in no time.

having PTSD about the blobs in the secret metro yet?

That was unmitigated hell.

i understand the feel you are feeling.

Oh god ratpacks are fucking awful. Fucking retarded eating devices.

But best autism experience:

so lets say i wanted to make a nuzlocke style infographic for "MGSV: Self Enforced Subsistence", what rules would you put on there?

No tranq gun, just one unsilenced handgun.

No supertech / No tech that didnt exist is interesting. You could enforce it by playing without Big Boss, IE no robo arm. Problem is making a list of all thats supertech without finding out its all the interesting stuff :V

Well ideally Self Enforced Subsistence is basically Jack from Snake Eater in the 1980's

No guns from outside the AO. No Fulton. No reflex. No impossible tech. No vehicle drops. Diamond Dogs only. Final destination.

But seriously, I think it's a great idea. It forces you to use mechanics and items that you normally wouldn't touch. No more going around with the WU and a stun rifle Fultoning everything not bolted down.

It's quite fun and can extend your gameplay by a lot of hours

I froze my character at level 1 in rune factory 4 and beat rune prana/level 1000 sharance maze with the character after a few hundred hours of playing which was lots of fun to do. As others mentioned SL1 in dark souls is an amazing experience as well.

A few other ideas I had was to play through mario & luigi rpg's and avoiding all optional battles/random battles so you end up fighting only bosses and have to have godlike reflexes and dodge every hit in order to beat the game. Autistic self imposed challenges is what makes games great to me

this has me wondering who has the worst rations

He and a guy called 'gundog' or something go through some wierd shit including stuff like civil war hardtack, vietnam hotdogs, polish ww2 brain pate and so on and say things like 'believe me, i've had bochalism you dont want it"