For Honor’s accidental alt-right connection

For Honor’s accidental alt-right connection
“Deus vult”

Other urls found in this thread: from Pompeii.htm

How do they take themselves seriously

for honor is a meme game, literally they should've made some kind of ssx clone
oh wait they did but they had the wrong director directing a bushido blade wannabe instead of ssx clone

There should not be a single person alive who is surprised by this shit anymore. The only thing people should do is ramp these things up to 10 to make these faggots squirm harder


Funny thing is, AFAIK "deus vult" is never said or mentioned anywhere in the game, it's just people associating knights with crusaders, so there isn't a damned thing they can do to change it.

Who the fuck gets uncomfortable about the Crusades? All the Seljuk Turks? You don't see Europeans crying about Saladin beheading a ton of captured knights.

we live in an outrage culture, what else is new. yare yare daze.

That sounds too believable.

If Deus Vult has an uncomfortable connotation for you, it is because you are in need of purging by the grace and wrath of God our lord above, amen.

i played one of the alphas and they never say "dues vult". they have some generic kingdom name they yell "for [x]" i think

these babies need to stop talking about games if crusader memery gets the best of them

And they have the audacity to call others uneducated lmao

They're getting triggered by the players, not the game itself.

Deus Vult Brother

Even though the game itself is shit, this is a non-issue and its just Polygon trying to find a excuse for Trump bashing. There is no reason for this article to exist.

It's pretty funny how people associate the crusaders with killing muslims when in reality they killed more jews, christians and citizens of the Byzantine empire just because some of the commanders got power hungry.
In fact the catastrophic failure of the fifth crusade lead to the fall of the Byzantine empire and the rise of the Ottoman empire

And boy is the game shit everyone is a huge pussy and just runs away from you the second you start to win and then you need to chase them the fuck down before they group up to gang rape you since it is impossible to fight more than one person in this game without the bullshit revenge mechanic.

Do you guys remember that underage user that got snitched out by a Ubigoy for showing us the For Honor demo and then he said fuck it and dumped footage in pornhub?
I wonder if Ubisoft did something to him

Well I'm just now hearing about that but I figured he must have broken the NDA contract and is probably figuring out how to pay lawyer fees and getting sued back into the stone age.

Never interrupt your enemy while they are making a mistake. The further they push vidya into our hands, they further away from normalfags it gets. And if they happens, it may mean that some of these awful companies will finally crash and have to pay for the sins they've committed over the years.

Its also funny how they like to forget how many times the muslims tried to invade Europe and even succeeded for a time. A mudslime women in France recently said the battle of tours was racist.

Charles Martel did nothing wrong.

from my experience devs usually won't sue over the contract. people leaking on the NDA are giving the game free publicity.


Put all heathens to the stake tbh

wtf I love deus vult now


Oh you can do that stuff in For Honor? What about the Black Sun?

The right arm is off by one pixel.

Problem with the vector system when you zoom on it like that. At proper zoom it's fine.


Thread theme.


Sounds too believable to take in jest.


Corrected version for you, user.

Fucking poo in loo.

come on faggot


What the fuck are you doing?





May God smite them where they stand. Deus Vult.

I'm not a religious man, but seeing this post and the unity in the replies to it makes me think I should be.

Urge to purchase crusader armour and retake Constantinople rising.

I tried it through the open beta for the first time a day or two ago. Massive server issues, then I got into a 4v4 game. It instantly paused the game completely in order to find another host because the host left. The connection crashes for all of us instead. After that, smooth sailing, but I won two 4v4 games. Tried 1vs1, went 0-3 first game but then 3-0 the next two.
It's too simple of a game. It's like a fighting game but from a third person perspective, but it is designed poorly in the face of longevity. The three-directional blocking/attacking/parrying initially neat and simplistic, but gets old very fast. Also, considering there's shit like teching out of guard breaks and attacks that can be interrupted, you'd hope the netcode is good.
The netcode is complete shit.

don't you mean ransack it again?

It's peer2peer m8, and yes it's shit.

There's still a server you have to connect to in order to join a match or play the game, and those fail more often than succeed.

quads confirm they're best goyim. I think it's mostly an american meme but they've tried hard to push it in Europe too.
Most christians I know hate jews though.

Deus Vult?

Most everyone hates jews.

Who honestly reads this article and takes it seriously? I know that these people get their click money out of outrageous titles like this but there has to be some poor clown out there who is reading this and taking it seriously, i would love to se their face, what they think and look like.

Didn't give a fuck about the game, it looked like Chivalry mashed with Dota. Hearing I can loudly proclaim
changed my mind though.

And here's the historically accurate version.

The Mongols didn't kill enough muzzies.

Baghdad and Tehran didn't recover from the Mongols visiting in 1350 until 1980. Don't blame the Mongols just because your ancestors were lazy and didn't do their share.

Who the fuck is still reading this crap?
How are they still getting funding and is there any way to take it from them?

Who opened those gates, again?

But user, just like jews, you can't kill ENOUGH muzzies.

So what happened in 80s?

Like Pringles, once you pop you just can't stop!

thanks finland

What's even the pull of For Honor?
Like looking at it, it seems like a more sluggish version of Mount And Blade, but with a stamina bar.

Fuck Pringles. Overpriced bland can of shit.

The populations of Tehran and Baghdad finally recovered to around the levels they were at five centuries earlier.

Come on now.

Wow Tehran and baghdad is very low energy.

its like mount & blade with infantry only combat and an actual focus on combat structure instead of just wildly flailing away with floaty swings and blocks.

Deus Volt, brother.



My ancestors already did their share removing kebab on the Iberian Penisula, thank you very much.

buy the not-dorito cornchip flavour, it's much better

Yes Mrs. Fooley

No, it's just a term plainly describing that christian culture, most notably mythology, evolved from the jewish one. Or have you never touched a goddamn bible in your life?

Too bad christian mythology is uncreative and boring as fuck compared to Greek, "pagan", Norse and Hindu

I unironically believe journalism was a mistake.

I mean… let’s be real here, it’s not like the "Crusaders" were all around swell guys or anything. I know it’s like hundreds of years removed so it doesn’t make you uncomfortable (like riding around in a game as a cowboy and shooting Indians probably doesn’t make many people uncomfortable), but… yeah. There’s your wake-up call about how shitty we were throughout History.


Jewish values and Christian values are absolutely distinct, despite sharing the Pentateuch and a common religious tradition. The term itself saw no use for nearly two millennia as it is a complete fiction, not meaningful in understanding the similarities and differences of the two. Neither ancient Judaism nor Talmudic Judaism share much of the essential, universal character of Christianity, arguably the defining element of the religion.

tl;dr no Chaim, kike values are not Christian ones

If the Crusaders were 'not swell guys' then the Muslim Saracans were subhuman barbarians raping, pillaging and butchering on a scale the Crusaders could only dream of.

Read more.

nigga you just do not put the pious on the frontline.

Nah. After the two great Khans some of the mongols fought for the mudslimes. Mongols are shifty.


Off topic but friendly reminder furry gangs are very real & they are Raping Kids in real life.
Being dead serious. Furry Pedosexual rings are wide spread. Not a surpsie Muslim refugees welcome activism is popular In the furry community.

Here's a tip buddy, almost nobody in the 13th century was a "swell guy." Everyone was perfectly happy to go to war and brutally slaughter their enemies in the name of their religion/sect of said religion/any other reason they can get their hands on.
But there is a mountain of evidence showing that the majority of crusaders genuinely believed in what they were fighting for (i.e their Christian brothers and sisters in the holy land) and who gave up massive amounts of wealth and land to go and fight halfway across the world. It cost an average of four year's of a knight's wage just to travel to fight, let alone make it back. And when they did make it back, the vast majority of them immediately gave up their plunder to the Church. I can't comment as to what the church did with said plunder, but acting as though the crusaders were all muh evil westerners and the Arabs were just peaceful mathematicians and scientists is frankly bullshit.

It is not like there is any probable defense for muslims, but this is like trying to scale faggotry; "We only suck dicks so we are less gay then anal bandits".


also, also;
How the fuck are you gonna have Crusaders and avoid triggering everyone?


I like it, it looks nice


Not politically expedient for anyone to clutch their pearls over the Byzantines getting sacked. Same reason no one talks about the Baltic Crusades.

Oh boy, i can't wait to see their reaction when they learn about the Reconquista and how we kicked all muslims from Spain centuries ago.


Yeah, nah. That's bullshit.

Teutonic knights were basically a country and that came with the same burden every country has. This means politics and defending your borders. Killing "poor" Cathoics and pagans is both a codeword for defending your borders and acting in the interest of your state. Today we don't do as much warfare, but these were chaotic lands on the fringes of civilization at the time.

Fifth crusade sacking constantinople was a meme. Supposed crusaders were excommunicated prior to even deciding to go to Constantinople, which they did as a Venetian military. Sack happened when the Byzantine king didn't pay them for helping him restore his throne.

Crusades talked about in the pic hapened in the 11th century, yet the argument faglord pulls out references atrocities from the 16th+ centuries.
There's more, but it'd be complicated to explain those. You get the point. Nice argument faggot.

I'm only getting an erection.

are you suggesting that anybody could have PREVENTED the pious from getting to the front line? they're on a mission from GOD, you aren't going to stop them from getting a piece of the action.

The best thing about all this is that you know most of the development team in Canada for For Honor are total cultural Marxists, or at the very least, Grade-A shitlibs. Not only have they totally pandered to the people currently savaging their game over nothing, a decent number of the developers probably feel pretty guilty about what they've made because of this article.

I love it. Reap what you sow.

They had a perfect product here to just kick all of that SJW crap to the side and just be real and honest about the fact that they we're creating the equivalent of every 6 year old boy's fever dream. The game could easily be sold as unabashed pure masculinity just based on the subject alone. Instead, they cave super hard on putting female warriors into the game, and their answer was pretty damn cringe-inducing in its political correctness.

Hell, one of the developers on this game was extremely involved (although never got too much attention) as anti-GamerGate on Twitter for years. I think his name was Palle Hoffstein? Anyways, openly admitted he was being an ineffectual internet warrior while working on this game and no one at Ubi stopped him. And he would spend a lot of time on that shit. So it's fantastic to see a dude who basically spent three entire years doing little else besides working on For Honor and sticking up for Polygon to see the culmination of that work be Polygon illiterately shitting all over his work just to get some clicks.

I meant more literal as in formation. You have mercenaries, thugs and other rabble tagging along for gold, and sure salvation. And you have pious who actually have no business in war but still there because his priest/landlord/whatever said so. Then career soldiers, nobles and with them what passes for the equalivent of middle class.

How do you form the lines?

Incredible. I see more and more of reddit leaking over to Holla Forums. You have no idea the history of the crusades, you think they crusaders just decided to one day fuck muzzies shit up for no reason?
Fuggen muslim shitheads had raped, conquered and pillaged Europe for hundreds of years until finally FINALLY Europe banded together to rightfully kick mudshits out of Europe. Fuck off to to your hugbox where you choose to ignore real facts and history.

Has Ubishit denounced the game and it's aut-light community yet?

I mean, I love my Visigoths, but that's pretty embarrassing.

Give them time

go back to tumblr


Why were the crusaders looking for a dunce vault in Jerusalem? What were they expecting to find? And if they find it, what did they do with it and were did they put it?

I smell a conspiracy.

I'm pretty sure that was just bait

Every crusaders just was searching for his personal gain, looking to find some riches when plundering. They just attacked whatever the pope wanted them to attack

good thing there aren't any bad goy symbols in the game!

I read something interesting about this somewhere.
Allahu Ackbar/"God is great" implies that you are doing something good and god is happy about you doing it. It shows that the chanter has not put any thought into the morality of their actions, they dogmatically believe that whatever they are doing is completely just.
Meanwhile Deus Vult/"God wills it" does not imply that your actions are completely just or that god is happy that you are doing them, but you are doing what must be done, what God wills, whether or not you like doing it. It reflects a much greater understanding of the moral consequences of your actions, and the greater respect for life of the european people.
Basically, it's "HURR GOD WANTS ME TO KILL YOU" vs. "if I must kill, I will!"

That's a blatant lie. Reffer to


Amen brother

Judaism is a race, though, not a religion. You have to have jewish genes to be a jew, and belief is not a requirement for entry.

Literally patriarchy, I can't even…

Why would they? Ubisoft drinks the kool-aid from top to bottom, and just like the dumbfuck over at Netflix they too will scratch their heads in confusion when they try to overreach with their virtue signaling and piss people off. They're all still thinking it's the CURRENT YEAR and likely hallucinating that Hillary won.

You remember that tweet from one of those numale cucks that said nerds need to be bullied into submission? He had the right sentiment but the wrong target, because numales are reality's punching bag. They throw shit at their own to ingrate themselves with people that hate their guts for being white, male and vaguely heterosexual. They don't realize the "stigma" of being a cishet whitey will never go away, yet like the retards they are they keep chasing after those that hate them. It's like a nigger wanting to join the KKK.

No, it implies the same thing as Deus Vult, namely that whatever you're doing has succeeded because Allah wanted it to happen. Muslims are even more batshit with that stuff than Christian, to them every single thing that happens in their lives was part of Allah's will and at the end of the day both Semite worshiping cucks use the meme to justify their moronic behavior.

They were the best of friends, fam. The goths, visgoths and other germanic tribes that bred with the celts and romans were far too busy killing each other than bothering to unite their tribes. It took the proto-spaniards almost 300 yeards after the muzzies got their asses kicked in Poitiers to start mounting an offensive.

The northern spaniards get their dicks hard by pointing out that they were the only bit of land in the Iberian peninsula that was not conquered but the truth of the matter is that the tribes there won 1 (singular) battle against the kebabs in Covadonga…and were promptly slaughtered in 712 when the kebabs reached the Cantabric sea. They then fucked off to the Pyrenees because the cantabrian mountain range was not worth controlling (just picture your land being so shit its not worth raping and pillaging).

By the turn of the millenium the Reconquista was pretty much a contact of: if you go south and take a shit on the Quran in the name of king Alfonso X then your children will be low-tier nobles while the Crown of Aragon was too busy getting into a shit-fliguing competition with France and inviting as many Jews as they could to their cities.

And after the Califate of Al-Landalus degenarated into a bunch of child-raping nobles more worried with praying 5 times a day than maintaining a 0-tolerance on crime and lower tithes than Christian rule people were a wee bit too eager to turn coat.

And Granada fell in 1492 after Queen Isabel pretty much told Fernando she would stop bathing until the capital of the Caliphate was hers.

So your glorious past is nothing more than 700 years of in-fighting, in-breeding, border-changing skirmishes; an empire that gave you enough knowlege on securing land and infrastructure, educate your nobility but too stupid and lazy to secure their loyalty and that decided to go mystical by the time of its twilight and over a millenia of historical revisionism.

jesus christ, kill yourself you cringy kid
also this

It's both a race and a religion. You might as well argue that Nazism is not an ideology because it was all about Germanic supremacism.

nigger pls, in England you had entire songs about plundering, raping and what not being sung on castles and in countryside, only First Crusade was justified and was effective, everything else that followed was retarded and resulted in destroying Byzantine.

Dude, do you have any recommended reading material?

Same shit as the Crusades then. Go die "in the name of Jesus" and we'll reward you with a patch of dirt where you can rape the mudshit women.

They were all fucking retarded and poorly thought out affairs. Medieval Europe was not Rome, they had neither the infrastructure nor the know-how to go campaigning so far from home. It was an endeavor doomed from the get go and merely staged to fill the coffers of the (((Vatican))) with loot.

Pringles are fucking horrible.

Im fucking blind tbh


they were amazing feat of will and determination, most of the crusades managed to succeed despite the lack of infrastructure.

no, that is simply too ignorant of a claim, almost every knight, king and emperor spent literally fortunes and got deep into debts just to get to the holy land, and thats not even a third of all the expenses such military expedition required at the time. Sure, perhaps some nobles got slightly richer, but even people back then knew chances of profiting off a crusade were close to none.

Game has Denuvo, so I don't even care anymore. It's just a copy of Chivalry with the Deadliest Warrior expansion anyway.

Pretty fucking rich coming from a genetically faulty country.


Deus Vult

Ah the non-existing "alt-right" boogeyman somehow strikes again.

The church certainly gained from holding lands while the crusaders went to fight, and from the riches brought home, but the ideology of the first crusade was anything but an attempt to enrich the Vatican. If it was, then Pope Urban II must have been a military mastermind controlling the Seljuk Turks and other converts to attack christian settlements, as well as the crusaders. And not only that, but he then made them fight bloody battles on the off chance that some crusaders might come home with riches.

tbh I think they just changed the boogeyman from "NATSEES" to alt-right because normalfags started to realise the meme about "everyone I dont like is hitler" is bullshit from the media.

they just want to make them feel scared and guilty of it being a "wyat supreemasist group" that IDK why they allow gays kikes and shitskins

My friend tried to tell me about the alt-right, and I said to him that not only is the alt-right bullshit, but it's just the new anti-semite insult to stifle people and shut up dissidence. So finally I asked him to give me an indication of this alt-right movement, and nobody seems to be able to. I don't see anyone on the internet identifying as "alt-right," the only time I see the words "alt-right" is when it's applied by the fascist group Antifa or by the MSM to justify someone attacking a person (apparently regardless of whether they're actually leftist or right). And what really bothers me about all of this is that Hollywood and the MSM just keep doubling down on their rhetoric. You would think they would have gained some god damn insight and calmed the fuck down and started realizing nobody wants your backyard politics, just do your job, but no, they think that somehow they have real power to sway the people. To the point that the entire cast of Stranger Things (aside from the girl who played Eleven, interestingly enough) are standing on stage and literally fist bumping and talking about HOW AWESOME IT IS TO PUNCH SOMEONE IN THE FACE… Because you called them alt-right, and that's good enough.

I dont know which side is more retarded, kids pretending the crusader were cool or liberals butthurt about it

yeah because pedophilia wasn't enough at this point.


Doesn't mean they were any less retarded.

Yeah, that's why they went and looted Constantinople.

There was nothing great or glorious about the Crusaders, it was just typical "go die for Jews" type of idiocy Christians always fall for. What kind of morons thinks killing mudshits is worth the effort when they do such a wonderful job of it themselves?

You have cuckolds on this board that still keep perpetuating the idea that there is such a thing as SJWs and the "regressive" left, and now the fuckwits are inventing names such ac Ctrl Left thinking they're being cute, when all they're doing is playing right into the left's hand. They want people to call their loudmouthed fringe names because it helps them reinforce the narrative that "SJWs" are merely extremists that in no way represent the ideology of the left at large, they want to play name games because it helps the left maintain positive PR.

"Oh no goyim, not all leftists are like that" they'll say, when in truth "SJWs" are just the retards that voice out loud what every leftists is really thinking.

But they do have real power. I'm not talking about the developers themselves, but the people that allow their shit to prosper. We didn't get to this Marxist hellhole by accident, it was an engineered affair.

I bet you they'll stop laughing when brownshirts are busy bashing their heads into the pavement until their skulls crack.

This is what the left never gets, no matter how violent they are, the right wing was always willing to go farther and be more efficient and brutal about it, and all they've been doing for the past decade is doing everything in their power to piss everyone off.

Funny how no Saracens are complaining.

Antifa are totalitarian communists, not Fascists. Fascism is authoritarian, not totalitarian. Rule by force is not a political ideology, but a method.


well on twitter I see people that think they are alt right but they are actually a minority of children reddit tier.
most of the e-celebs that claim to be alt right are hated by the real movement of natsocs kek

sage for offtopic
so basically is what you just said

But that's different. It's okay to attack Nazis because my rabbi said so. What's not okay is Nazis attacking anybody, not even in self-defence, because they're Nazis.

Any good Crusader games? I didn't like the For Honor beta

I really don't get it. Are they so lacking in self-awareness that they don't understand what they're doing by calling everyone they disagree a Nazi and saying there are no boundaries they can cross when dealing with such people?

Do they not see how this radicalizes the other side? Just look at their behavior since Trump won, the more the screech the more entrenched and fanatical the support for Trump and what he represents gets. I wouldn't be surprised if after his two terms come to an end white America decides to elect an even more radical and extreme candidate.

As it stands the left has lost the House of Representatives and are in real danger of losing the Senate, and losing it so badly the Republicans will get a majority you can't filibuster. They've already lost hundreds, if not thousands of counties and they're busy smashing their MSM propaganda machine against a wall for next to no effect.

They're imploding and discrediting themselves and all their opponents are doing is memeing them with a fucking cartoon frog. Just imagine the hysteria when the right decides it's time to stop fucking around and gets serious and organized.

you don't have to be a religious man to fight these heathens
Deus Vult

Stronghold Crusader is an obvious choice, then you have various mods for Mount and Blade where you can remove kebab, Sands of Faith being the most prominent one, Expeditions: Conquistador lets you bully the native niggers of South America.

Allahu Akbar just means "God is the greatest". It's the cornerstone of Islamic faith, the idea that there's a single monotheistic deity and nothing is of higher status. It's more than just a thing terrorists say when they blow up, it's used by every Muslim repeatedly every day. It's used repeatedly in prayer, when using rosary beads, when butchering animals in a halal way, and in loads of other situations. It has nothing to do with justifying murder, and is more comparable to saying hallelujah.
I've got nothing on Deus Vult though, because the only guy I know who says it is a halfchan furfag.

I'm an amateur of the stuff, really. I have only passing knowlege but a good start would be Jaquin Costa (turn of the century historian), although I don't know if anything has been translated into english.
In short: once empoverished landlords could start selling their land (desamortización, "transmisión de manos muertas") the dam exploded with past marriages, contracts and all other deals during the occupation. 7 centuries is a long time to just boild it down to just "Removing Kebab 24/7".

Another piece, if you can read spanish is this one:
It's fairly new but it gives details on the peace treaties, non-aggression pacts, etc. Just think that there were periods of 40-50+ years in the middles ages where the average serf would think, "why the hell did my pappy skewer muhammed for? his daughter's quite hot".

J.J. Martin (1975) La Peninsula en la Edad Media. Good work for knowing who were the first tribes to start the push and expansion south on and what they claimed and when they decided to say "stop".

And finally, one that I haven't read is "The Reconquest of Spain"by Lomax (1978).

This kind of a mish-mash of old and new but it is good.

Not surprised.

oh I see, you are just a Holla Forums reject spouting memes. Im sorry that I responded to your retardation.


You're trying to understand their logic. There IS no logic. Logic is Lovecraftian to them; strange, bizarre, foreign, incomprehensible. They operate entirely on emotion. Self-awareness, self-reflection, reason, and empathy are all anathema to them.

Just a reminder:

John 16:2-3
Revelation 21:8

Murdering for Christ is blasphemous heresy, stop praising it, and ask Jesus for forgiveness.

not a single webm of gameplay? you faggots don't even try anymore to pretend that you're hell bent on destroying the board through politicization

I am actually not sure if you are Holla Forums or actually meaning this.

Pretty much. Just like Evangelicals today are the second major backer of Israel after the Jewish lobby and divert inordinate amounts of money and resources propping Israel up.

It's pointless because they keep killing each other in far greater numbers than we could ever hope to attain. Going after them merely unites them behind a common cause. Learn to read you stupid sack of shit.

They were all pointless endeavors that failed to achieve anything of worth and did more than their fair share of damage to Europe. We wasted manpower, money, time and effort for minimal returns and managed to weaken Byzantium to the point it was easy for the Turks to conquer it in the process.

I wish you Christians would stop pretending Christianity is the white man's faith, especially when the majority of Christians aren't white to begin with, and the Vatican and the rest of the priesthood (of every denomination) is clearly anti-white.

But there must be some cynical, sociopath Jew in charge of the whole machine somewhere. There must be someone that gets they're unraveling and power is slipping from their fingers and them doubling down is only making things worse.

This would be the time for their handlers to tell them to ease up and pull back, to lull the gentiles into a feeling of security after their first major victory, instead they're going all in. I just don't understand.

Speaking of Trump, it's pretty amazing to watch a new president not just backtrack on all of his mandates and promises, and actually LITERALLY FUCKING DO something other than play golf and read See Spot Run to 5 year olds. He's been in office for less than a month, and he's just moving with boundless resilience and zeal to make sure that he does good by the people. TPP is dead, TTIP is dead… He's even making good on things that the Obama and Bush administrations said they'd address, but then decided not to, like investing a billion dollars into the education system in poor and disenfranchised neighborhoods to bring them up to snuff with affluent areas (where it's not uncommon for rich people to "invest" into schools because their kids go to those schools).

Then there's that nigger woman from California who just keeps saying THE STUPIDEST FUCKING SHIT. To the point that other ULTRA LEFTISTS have to literally be like "you can't say that, you know." Like she said they were "investigating into the Russian hackings of the election" and how they were going to impeach Donald Trump, and finally the woman journalist she was talking to was like "Eh, do you have any evidence to support this? You can't just talk about impeaching a president, you need evidence BEFOREHAND."

On the other side of the border, Canada is really starting to feel Justin Trudeau continuing his father's agenda. The Canadian economy has gone from a SURPLUS to a 1.5 trillion dollar deficit since he took power. Current projections are if Trudeau gets booted in their next election, their economy might recover BY MID CENTURY. "The budget will balance itself" apparently didn't pan out. Not to mention all the identity politics that are just fucking wracking the country, like an "Anti-Islamaphobia" act that makes it a crime to criticize Islam. And speaking of that delightful little religion, BlackLivesMatter Ontario, and the Islamics of Eastern Canada have recently coming out naming Justin Trudeau as a white supremacist, a Nazi, etc. And calling for "people to rise up" and "overthrow the government" and the such, trying to turn Ontario into Syria.

Apparently it doesn't matter if you're left or right to these people, if you're not a Sharia government, you're the enemy.


Go fuck a choirboy, you catholic dog.

Not gamers since we don't have to be their audience and it's abundantly clear we're not.

I can only suppose they want to trigger a civil war. Of course, they need to make sure it's the evil Nazis who throw the first stone (and even if it isn't, they'll say it was anyway, but they need to keep their story somewhat plausible). My pet theory is that they want to win the war so they can use "hwhite supremacist atrocities" as a reason to reshape the western world along the lines of South Africa.

look shill, if you want to SELL your product, you need to show gameplay.

stirring up retarded """controversy""" won't work here, im not gonna buy it because they say a cool /christian/ meme.

Well the question just answered itself.


"The first stone" is usually just a formality in global politics. Russia for example is notorious for invading pretty much every country around them and yet they have always officially been the ones reacting.

You mean this?


If you do not defend your faith with the force of violence others will seek to destroy your faith using violence. At one point, when Europe was mildly isolated from Islam, I may have agreed. What we face is the complete destruction of our culture and art, which are the highest heresies a blasphemies a society can endure. If I stand to be judged before God because I defended my culture, I will not beg forgiveness.

Go back to trying to subvert Holla Forums, that at least is amusing

one more reason to not buy this garbage

Who are you quoting

I'm not buying or selling this garbage you fucking tard. The game is awful, the only purpose this thread now serves is crusader memes

Killing Saracens and Pharisees isn't murder; it's mercy killing.

I have no fucking idea to who are you trying to appeal to or what the fuck are you implying, but your retardation is pretty amusing.

I laugh when leftists come out and say Trump is an idiot. I remember that one incident during the election when he announced he was gonna talk about Obama's birth certificate during the opening of one of his hotels or something and all the MSM cucks rushed over there thinking it was gonna be a circus.

What ended up happening is that they had to sit there and report about military veteran after military veteran coming out in support of Trump and at the end of the whole spectacle he merely said that Obama was born in the US.

That was him playing them like a fiddle, and he's still doing it. Not only have people suggested that he's been blitzing with his EO because he wants to break the tempo of the news cycle, but that his ban on immigration from those six countries was purposely worded the way it was to distract the leftists from everything else he's doing, with the full knowledge that even if it gets upheld in the SC all he needs to do is put out a new one that doesn't mention viasas and green cards.

And yes, it's fucking amazing watching a politician actually live up to his campaign promises for once, and do so in a timely manner. We're not even a month in and he's already finished or working on 20 of the 102 campaign promises.

Is that the senile sow that thinks that Bush is still in office?

And yeah, Canada is fucked and Trudeau is insane. I don't think there is a Western leader out there that bends over as hard as he does for the leftist agenda. What's scary is the thought that he is actually a true believer, and I could very easily believe it because hearing him speak gives me the impression he's a genuine imbecile that lives up to the ski instructor cliche.

you are too stupid to breathe I imagine, but let me try to explain why you are an imbecile :
-christians killed jews ESPECIALLY during crusades, and they have been kwetching about it for centuries (peasants also killed many jews during crusades)
here is some shitty wiki article because I cant be bothered with you to find more sources

it was important because they were already on their way into europe, and as a proof of it, just look how far the turks and arabs got

Byzantium was already weak af FUCK, and thats putting it mildly. Turkroaches btfo byzantines many times before crusades, and it is a fact that despite the infamous 4th crusade they bought them more time.
I wish you Holla Forums rejects would stop pretending like you know shit about history

Great post, user.

You're right, it does look like they're trying to instigate a violent response and hoping the MSM covers up the fact they've been the ones that have thrown the first punch.

I don't think it's really working out for them though. Berkley was a major disaster in that regard despite all attempts to allude that it was Milo and his right wing death squads that were masquerading as violent protestors. Propaganda can only work when people are willing to believe it, and few have much faith in what the MSM reports these days.

Also, even if violence were to take place it would split over racial lines, with niggers getting shafted first, leftists second after they find out their anti-white self loathing doesn't endear them to the spics, and the spics getting their shit kicked in by the white majority.

I don't really imagine outright war would work out well for them, but then again I have no idea if the left actually thinks the military would back them.

What's your point? Nazis killed Jews in the Holocaust too, and it was all for the benefit of the ZOG. You seem to think Jewish elites care about a bunch of their fellow Jews getting killed if it helps push forth the victimhood narrative. You really need to learn what Juden are like.

Arabs had been stopped, contained and finally expelled without a need for Crusades, and Turks got as far as they did because, guess what, the Crusades fucked over Byzantium.

And I guess the Crusaders didn't have it in them to help their Christian brothers. But then again, we both know the Crusades were instigated to weaken Europe and whites in general.

This thread will not be going places.


Kind of like For Honor tbqh

ok sure
yes, because of crusades and reconquista

false. turks were already winning before crusades. Crusades were called because byzantine emperor asked pope for help, and thats a fact, look it up.
just one example among many :

Game is dead on arrival anyway. Devs being retards and Ubisoft being Jews guarantees there is no chance of it ever succeeding.

And it's a pity, because the basic premise is cool.

Well no, that's going downhill. This thread can't get any lower.

The most convincing liars believe everything they say for the time that they're speaking.

One cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Europe, so they say.


these journos really are grasping at straws now.
Sometimes I wonder who the audience is.
There's no way there's an SJW audience in gaming large enough to sustain that hellish site.

When will it end?

Here's Justin Trudeau being the douchiest he's ever been.



But he is correct and your "ok sure" is not an argument.

just one example among many

Nigger you dont even know what you are talking about, turks were shit before Crusades, Crusades weakened Byzantine in the long run and caused all Anatolian land to fall into their hands

I've seen Dark Souls streamercancer like Oroboro and Peeve shilling it like crazy so maybe they try for that audience.

your not "not an argument." meme is literally made up by a kike bolyneux

they were winning. why do you think emperor asked west for help in the first place?

It seems like in the webm he's completely guilty of his crimes.
What is the point of the whole conversation/meeting if they can't really impeach him?
What does Trudeau even have to do in the meeting if he can just regurgitate PR rhetoric?
Why can't they tell him to fuck off?

I'm still mad people don't understand the real underlying reasons for the crusades. It wasn't "let's go over there and kill moslems", it was closer to "holy shit, remember just a little while ago when the moslem hordes conquered the entire southern/eastern side of the mediterranean, and killed or drove off all the people who lived there (most of whom were either christians or whose descendants became christians)? Why the hell are we letting them get away with it?".

We need another crusade. Take back at least some of the lost lands. Constantinople will rise again.

It would seem natural that in a discussion about a game featuring Vikings, Samurai, and Knights, that when an article is written by a fairly well known journalist outlet (and don't pretend Polygon isn't well known amongst cucks) discussing the horrible racism of a phrase that isn't even in the game, that there might be a discussion sparked by people who share an interest in a common topic, in this case that topic is Crusaders. And that discussion is bound to go offtopic if the game in question is an abortion of art and everyone involved was not interested in creating anything new. If the article had been about some horrible racism of the Vikings or Samurai, the thread could easily have been snownigger or katana memes. Stop getting upset people are talking about things you don't like

I hadn't actually heard much about any serious "revolution" plans in ontario, but if any of that happened, I'd support it.
Because the second the state stops working here, we get to remove kebab and commie.


Oh look we have a 4chan shitposter/invader here

I think the only person who unironically call themselves alt-right anymore are Richard Spencer, and it's been speculated that he's an FBI plant anyway.

So both you and OP are confirmed cuckolds?
That's why this thread is shit. It's about an obscure article for a shit game that no one is going to play. Absolutely nobody cares about what some california Liberal hippie says, not even their fellow hippies. This thread shouldn't have been made in the first place.
At last I truly see. No more video games on Holla Forums.

Self-aware atheists shall chant Deus Vult.


It was precisely because the Jihad never stopped, Crusades were always about retaking European land and retaking the Holy Land. It is a SIN to compare the Crusades to Jihad because the Crusades were always defensive and never happened on territories like North Africa, which were muslim controlled.

Fuck, I hate how they always get people to live-dub over languages in political discussions for TV. Just use some fucking subtitles.
Especially in leafland, where a good 1/3 of us know french, why can't we just fucking listen to the frogspeak with some subtitles, instead of the typical stuttering mess of live-dubbing?

Do you honestly think anyone here reads Polygon? In fact, do you think anyone reads Polygon? It probably has a small handful of autistic liberal readers, with a larger but still microscopic group of people who just read video games articles and listicles on the internet and don't care about autistic things like politics.




I understand the sentiment but,
you can't do that shit m8

In addition, because of they way these people behave the generation coming out of high school and middle school are apparently the most conservative in years. The kitchen I work at has multiple High Schoolers and most of them are conservative, even if they hadn't been a few years ago.



I read somewhere that Hitler was a Nazi

that's libel and you know it. Donald Trump is a Nazi but not Hitler come on now

Never been proven.

Well duh, he was a fucking white male.

The crusades were done to liberate the promised Holy Land, Jerusalem - the home of the Jews.
Christcucks were willing slaves then, willing slaves now.

Why hasn't Mark been doxed and hanged yet for allowing rule breaking shit like this?


>>>Holla Forums


Be gone, sinner.

>>>Holla Forums

Not to liberate them, they were already rulers of Europe through banking, but to give them a homeland away from those "animals in human form" goyim.
Look it up.

nod an argumend :—ddddd

>>>Holla Forums

you should go back to using an ID if you want to try and set a record

You should tell the zionists to say that along with their "christians should always be allies of Israel it says so in the bible".
Go fetch your lies to some jew pretending to be an evangelist they'd probably eat them.

Your falseflagging is showing.

What's the record, anyway?

It is exactly same shit with a different flavour of same semitic religion.


pretty good video

No it isn't you ignorant little shit.

Ebin torpost.
Are you looking forward to calling your mom a faggot when she asks you if you want to come with her to church tomorrow morning?

I'm just sitting here chanting deus vult to myself and laughing about it. I'm not even religious. I just think its hilarious.

Yes, well Christcuck mythology WAS invented by a bunch of kikes after all. Let's be realistic here, Christianity is just a 2000 year old false flag attack by Jews on Roman civilization.

It really would have been better if Muslims just finished the job the first time and conquered Europe, then we wouldn't have to worry about Jews anymore.

Who do you think was handling their finances and slave trade?
Islam is as infested by kikes as christianity is.

They're all semitic after all.

There's a chink in this armor

Yeah I sure wish the entire world was covered in constant terror attacks and everyone living in abject fear of getting killed all the time.

No, the Romans should have finished the job when they took Judea, that is, they should have massacred every single Judean.

Riiiight. Except slaughtered countless fellow Aryans because they refused to worship a Jewish god. Sounds pretty wrong to me.


I still marvel at the sheer idiocy of this argument, likely trying to paint Crusaders as peace loving Christcucks out to spread the joys of the Bible to the rest of the world.

Why not put together all the wars of conquest initiated by Europeans compared to all the wars of conquest initiated by Middle Easterns.

Also, it basically fails to define what criteria it's using to define what a Muslims conquest battle is as compared to a battle initiated by some people from the Middle East.

See what you Christcucks make me do? Your sheer idiocy has me playing devil's advocate for the mudshits.


It's about as accidental as (((coincidences))) are when Jews are around.

Why don't you go parrot your leftist ideals somewhere else?

he prob got banned on Holla Forums and is now venting

The middle east would win by a landslide because it's had civilization longer, simple as that.
Also, those images and shit aren't trying to paint the crusades as nice romps, they're trying to paint them as just wars of ideology, which they would've been if not for the amount of disunity, backstabbing and christian-land-ransacking that went on due to old grudges.


Wut? That's what we call them on Holla Forums because they're literally cucks who ignore the importance of race. Just look at /christian/

You don't get banned from Holla Forums for being anti-Christian, almost everyone there is. It is a Semitic religion after all.


There was literally nothing wrong with the crusades. Stop being mudslime sympathizers you cucks. They're literally not even human.

black vikings too

There's just something so faggoty about the way you write. Consider suicide.

Who do you think started brainwashing people into hating Christianity?

It's because he is actually from reddit and slightly retarded. It's not entirely his fault.

Same people who subverted christianity

Do the female samurai at least use polearms instead of swords?


Did someone mention… MODERN CRUSADES?

I can't speak for the knights or vikings but there were definitely female samurais, though they only used pole arms like the nobushi.

There's a female locked class called the nobushi that uses naginata.

There's an exclusively female samurai that uses a spear, but you can make the standard ninja ripoff samurai class female or male, and you can make the guy using the fucking Nodachi female.


Downloading For Honor now to make a QT crusader waifu.
Actually its already downloaded
Actually a friend wanted me to play with him and I don't really care for the game I just think its fun to play with him
Literally only got interested just now because I can make a QT waifu


Show a screenshot pls. There is no way they went that full retard.

See this
Doesn't change the fact that Christcuckery has always been a tool of the Jews for the sake of taming and enslaving the Aryan man. It exists for no other purpose, and because of that it must be exterminated.

Specifically 2nd image. If that isn't cute then you have SHIT TASTE and you need to report yourself to the taste police so you can get fined for having SHIT TASTE

You can change the skin color of everyone. The game has a decent amount of customization.

I play female Raider because it triggers people.

My point is that it's cheerypicking to only use the Crusades and then slot all the battles fought by Arabs/Turks as religious wars. And yes, I'm well aware of Islam's dogma of spreading their shitty religion far and wide.

If we're gonna use that kind of retarded argument might as well label Mongol battles the same, since according to their religion all lands under heaven were the domain of the Khan, they just hadn't been made aware of it yet.

The really sad part is that I'm not even defending the mudshits, I'm just poking holes at the retarded arguments christcucks love to come up with to make everything about their Semitic religion. If you ask one of them everything the white man has accomplished can be attributed to a Jewish cult, and then I'm the anti-white Jew sympathizer for daring to point out Christianity is as alien to Europe as Islam is.

Europe had its own native religions before Christians came and exterminated their priesthoods and stole their mythology to more easily subvert the native populations.

Fuck Christianity and their anti-racist, egalitarian, universalist bullshit. Deus Vult my fucking ass, Jesus wants them to love niggers as their brothers.

that isn't cute, and that also isn't a crusader

Tell me the difference between the male and female

Thinner waist, smaller shoulders, wider hips.

i want to fuck that armor

You still write like a humongous faggot, and should still consider suicide.

What it is is disgusting historical revisionism and Cultural Marxist propaganda. End your life.

Is this how little Holla Forums knows of history? There has been civilizations in the Middle East for longer than in Europe, but those ancient civilizations there were created by Aryans, by whites, before they ever arrived in Europe. Shitskins have never managed to create an advanced civilization in all of history without a lot of help from whitey.

shoulder width

You're retarded if you can fool anyone into thinking that's what Holla Forums thinks, leftycuck.

The jewish leftcucks have always campaigned against Christian values of the nuclear family, being kind to your neighbors and helping your community. The world we see today filled with degenerates is the work of the left.

So the only cuck here is you, for parroting their garbage.

Some extra pics. This game is cucked to hell

>Not wanting to hear a female warrior moaning screaming in the battlefield


Wrong. They have always supported and controlled Christcuckery.
None of these are Christian values, they are Aryan values, our people had these for tens of thousands of years before Jews ever invented Christcuckery.

more knights

not buying this character, but I'm gonna guess she can also be black. also I don't know how she keeps those undercut dreads so cleanly shaven

A lot of character creators just have a black skin color that people can slap on. Monster hunter has black skin color for character customization, are they cucked too?

Reported, back to Holla Forums


monster hunter is a game about historical characters that actually exists

I set that to female user

fuck I should finish my thought

monhun isnt a game about real infantry that existed, wheras for honor is trying to claim that vikings were black/white with brown hair, samurai weren't outmatched by europeans, etc

Monster Hunter takes place in complete nonsense fantasy scenario, while For Honor is heavily inspired by historical factions. Are you unironically trying to argue that Ubisoft are NOT cucks? Come on, I think that's been established already years ago considering their history of games.

Far Cry Primal even had tribes with different races in them. What in the fuck, these cucks actually believe 40 000 BC had multiculturalism. They don't seem to even understand what "tribe" means because it's purely determined by genetics, thus race.

nigger please stop. what were the values before christianity? polygamy, matriarchy and degeneracy , especially in ancient Rome and among barbaric tribes

Mesopotamians, persians, babylonians etc. weren't what we know as "aryan" today at all. They sure as shit weren't arabs, and they were definitely closer to modern europeans than niggers or sandniggers, but they weren't "our" white. More of a proto-mediterranean, which can be considered white, but sure as fuck isn't aryan.

Did you just assume his gender?

All of the character default to their white skin in the beginning though. The rest is just for autists so they dont cry about MUH SKIN COLOR. I'm not trying to defend them, because Ubisoft are inherently cucks since they're based in France, but I think in this instance it's really about not wanting people to pissed at them. or one of the sjws on the team had a shit fit.

no like I changed that guys gender to female. And while ubisoft should know better than to appeal to sjws, they don't

pick one

Kill your fucking self
Waifufag weebshits like you deserve nothing but a 9 mil between the eyes.

And before you mention where we are remember that being an obsessive and obnoxious weeaboo otakushi is not the criteria to likimg Japanese culture or uts discussion.

Not tolerated in any pagan society I know of
[citation required]
Rome, Greece, Nordic, Germanic, Finno-Ugric and Slavic pagans were all patriarchies
Examples? Because homosexuality for example was punished by death or exile all across Rome, in all Greek regions and citystates except for Sparta, and the northern pagans punished it by burying every homo alive in the swamps. Yet Christcucks like you, once you Jew lovers took over Europa, you tolerated homos, you didn't kill them, no, you ignored them.

Those civilizations were started by Aryans and later ran (to the ground) by the race mixed descendants of those who stayed in the region, while the smarter ones decided to migrate west into Europa as the masses of foreigners got too large.
Persians/Iranians for example, if made DNA tests on, have a lot of Germanic ancestry, proving that ancient Persia was founded by Aryans. Unfortunately their descendants made a big mistake and mixed with Arabs, and now we have the shithole that is Iran, their former glory gone forever.

But that's exactly what I was saying. Holla Forums is not a Christian board. In fact, not even joking, Esoteric Kekism is the majority religion there.



I see nothing wrong with killing backwards barbarians.

Says the one who worships a Jew.
Do you not see the irony of you Christcucks calling someone a kike. You worship one.

Having Vikings fight Samurai is also fantasy, and one of the big features for Online games would be character customization. And I'm not saying Ubisoft doesn't peddle leftist agenda, I'm saying that having a black color customization can't be the reason it is cucked when hundreds of games have the same thing in them.

They were more advanced than Christians of the time though, and Christianity literally regressed the areas it took over in Europe for a few hundred years before it got back to the same level of civilization the pagans had achieved.

You sure are defending them a lot though. It's unacceptable. Niggers would be chimping out if one of the factions was Zulu and you could make a white one.

if you made a game that was about ninjas fighting pirates it would be fantasy too but I think people would be right to complain if the ninjas could be white

go back to your cuck shed

By the way, can you make Samurai white too then? Or just Japanese and Nigger samurai?

you are the cuck papist cucker

You can make them white

We do have to do that though. Doesn't mean we can't smash Jews, Mudslimes and Christcucks all. We don't have to pick and choose from the subversive rats user.

Why aren't they complaining about the title? Honor is an inherently male quality, so the game is obviously sexist.


Boudica as an example. And that is only example we know of, she got into history because of her botched revolt. And dont forget muh strong female warriors in viking culture later on.

Some pre-Christian Celtic pagans were known to practice polygamy, although the Celtic peoples wavered between it, monogamy and polyandry depending on the time period and area.[35] In some areas this continued even after Christianisation began, for instance the Brehon Laws of Gaelic Ireland explicitly allowed for polygamy,[36][37] especially amongst the noble class.[38] Some modern Celtic pagan religions accept the practice of polygamy to varying degrees,[39] though how widespread the practice is within these religions is unknown.

here watch this and kys

I just hate muslims, don't have to worship a god to do that

Thats some nice historical revisionism.
Have you also subscribed to the dank "le dark ages" meme?


holy shit, (((ce9af7))), you cant get more retarded. thanks for showing everyone how stupid and ignorant imbecile you are

Far as I'm aware they use the same Bible as the Catholics and the Protestants. Care to point out to me where in the Bible it says white lands need to stay white and that niggers are subhuman?

kinda fucks with your perception of such lofty and radical ideology, doesn't it?

How about Zeus and Jupiter you Jew worshiping faggot? You know, the bedrock of Western civilization? The two cultures that shaped Europe above all else and whose glory everyone tried to recreate since the fifth century?

Is it a coincidence the Roman empire went to shit after Christianity was made the state religion? Is it a coincidence that they let in hordes of barbarian "refugees" into their lands that then turned against them and smashed the empire to pieces?

The hilarity of a member of a Jewish cult calling other people kikes is incredible.

took pic related 4U

remember Holla Forums, 2 more d&c posts BEFORE you complain about how Holla Forums is ruining the board, otherwise you'll blow your cover

Because no Christian women inherited an kingdom and ruled them? Right? Right? Oh wait… Literally dozens and dozens of female dictators throughout the history of Christcuckery.
Literally didn't happen you fucking retard. No wonder you're so retarded, you get your historical knowledge from Hollywood. There were no female warriors in viking societies. Shieldmaidens didn't exist, it's a myth invented very recently by Jews. There are only two known battles where women from viking villages fought and it was because the villages got surprise attacked by an enemy force so badly that there was no time to escape, all villagers picked up weapons and fought. Both battles were lost.

Ok Christcuck, it's time to stop posting.
Also the video is moronic already based on the title, only very high ranking people in Rome could get away with degeneracy, similar to how Democrats of USA nowadays are fiddling kids. Because they had money. Rome nonetheless punished homosexuality and other such things with death, if you weren't from the leading class and able to buy silence after getting caught.

Do you not understand what revisionism means? Because it's a generally accepted objective fact. Roman empire was far more advanced than the Christians of the time. In fact, so were Germanic pagans.
Christcucks were backward goatfuckers. It is an objective fact that Christcuckery has slowed down progress of science and technology in Aryan societies.

Nobody cares what you think cuck, go back to Holla Forums.
Your garbage memes prove you know nothing.

I only showed how stupid and ignorant Christcucks are, in addition to being LITERAL cucks who suck Jew dick and love doing it. Pathetic race traitors. Again, pretty commonly accepted fact among all historians that "pagan" societies were more advanced than Christcucks of the time. Just a fact Shlomo, no need to get your panties in a twist over it.

That probably gonna happen

"everything i don like is Holla Forums etc.", this thread was doomed form the start, cuck.

considering Holla Forums actively recruits from reddit and coordinates raids on other boards, its not that unreasonable to suspect

We literally know you organize raids on Holla Forums though, you fucking retard.

Elizabeth I and Catherine the Great just off the top of my head. Also, Joan of Arc. Also, Boudicca was the casus belli, not the defacto ruler. In fact, the whole trouble started when her husband died and she refused to give her husband's land to the Roman as per agreement and they made an example of her and her two daughters.

Good job being so fucking ignorant of history you fell for leftist historical revisionism and think Boudicca was a military leader.

Holy shit it's fucking nothing.

You're beyond pathetic. Just go and have a mudshit kill you so you don't commit the sin of suicide.

You can complain if ninja's can be white and you can complain if a Zulu warrior can be white too, you would have to then argue most games where you would have a customizeable avatar and lose. It's a character customization screen, It's most likely going to have a black one to slap on a guy, not to promote white genocide.

He's a Christcuck, they never did appreciate history of their ancestors and thus never bothered to read it. This is your brain on the Messianic Jew.

This is Ubisoft we are talking about here. A company run by Jews and Marxists who want white genocide.

They could have just kept the samurai Japanese and the viking and knight white, or covered them all in armor so you don't see their skin at all.

And like said, this is Ubisoft we're talking about, always assume there is an agenda behind everything they do.

Once again, I agree that ubisoft is run by jews, but if character customization screen with a black skin is being cucked then there are thousands of games that do that and your list of games that are against you is large.

BF1 does the same fucking thing. Are you pretending BF1 is not politically motivated either?

Vikings were white, European medieval knights were white, samurai were Japanese. They're not using fantasy warriors, they're using historical ones transported to some other place.

I'll agree with you when they introduce a Zulu nigger and let me put a whiteface on him.

We're talking about recreations of infantry that HISTORICALLY EXISTED. That is the difference. I don't give a fuck if imperials in Elder Scrolls can be black when they should be olive skinned, Vikings actually existed and were white, Knights actually existed and were white, Samurai actually existed and were yellow.

Hitler was a "puppet of the Templars" in AC lore too. And so was Stalin, because nuh uh, gommies would never genocide tens of millions, they were uh, fake commies, Templars ruined communism so that's why real communism has never been tried!!1!

Uh, yeah. Yes, it IS, user. And it is a problem that must be fixed.

While I agree that this particular thing is most likely just a design choice you are argueing about intent. Ubisoft has shown they put in shit that fits their agenda, anything the company does is going to be looked at as if they are pushing that agenda (which they are).

look at this mad idiot losing debate and shifting goalposts.
Nobody gives a fuck about ancient greek religion because thats not what shaped european culture, it was their political system what we tried to recreate ya dumb idiot. But when it comes to religions, it was christianity that succeeded in europe and shaped its values.

there are literally hundreds of books explaining reasons why Rome fell, if anything Christianity helped it survive a couple of hundreds years more.
protip: church is the only instituion left from Rome which is still functioning today

you are not fooling anyone you dumb kike, you are the illiterate idiot who gets his historical knowledge from gods know where.


have some more evidence about degeneracy in rome from Pompeii.htm

you are truly pathetic, schlomo

But Lenin was a total bro because pop history and being a faggot with a liberal arts degree never made you look up what kind of shit went down during Lenin's rule.

I guess him ordering the Romanov children to be shot dead is just another Templar plot as well. Fuck, now that I think about it I can just imagine an AssCreed game set in revolutionary Russia where it's Templar infiltrators that do the killing against Lenin's explicit orders.

I like how they pretend Mao doesn't exist, or maybe he's just another Templar plant and was just trying the closest we ever got to communism for shit and giggles.

And you think the same doesn't apply to Christianity you Jew worshiping cocksucker?

The hubris is incredible. You people are complete fucking morons ignorant of any historical truth or context.

You know what Christianity gave Europe? Feudalism and being the ass end of the world for centuries. When did Europe experience a comeback? During the Renaissance. And what was the Renaissance about? Connecting with Europe's ancient (Greco-Roman) past.

Same shit with the Enlightenment. It was the white man abandoning the cucked Semitic faith they had been saddled with and propelling Europe to become the hegemon of the world.

Yeah, pure (((coincidence))) that.

BF1 was definitely politicaly motivated with them preaching how it was going to be like WW1, then have automatics,blacks as playable characters with them slapped on the cover even though they barely participated, and french cut out as DLC.

I'm asking if for honor has blatant proof like that besides just a black skin in a character customization screen.

I guess my issue is that I haven't seen info that is anti-white like BF1

And games like that would include Dragon's Dogma or Dark Souls?
But ubisoft has done this in the past and other user's have stated that they wanted more historical accuracy

nope, look where are pagans now, making videos filled with the most cringeworthy stuff in their cars and where christians are.

you talk about history yet you provided nothing but a logical fallacy with no evidence what so ever, which is basically just
which was proven as idiotic reddit-tier babble for retarded atheists like you at least million times

There are no native European religious societies now because you Christcucks exterminated them, betrayed your own race and willingly became servants of the Jewry.

Washing refugee dicks?

Kill all LARPagans.

Kek, No argument

Nazis were zog puppets until the point they didn't wanted to be zog puppets anymore, around the time they changed their economy to a government issued currency based on commonwealth as opposed to fiat money from central banks, this is why germany was revered around the world as a miracle for 3 years and then out of the blue brits declare war and a bunch of shit about killing jews and invading places pops up to make the germany loving normalfags change their tune.
They actually kept the jews that would otherwise had been deported to israel alive on camps in hopes to regain some sympathy, but you just can't get between jews and their usury.

Working overtime until they get entire christian population on


Which is only surpassed by the stupidity of an illiterate swine completely unaware of the magnitude of his own retardation like you.
Christianity is in a diametrical opposition to the synagoge of satan and a fundamental part of european culture, only in a brainded ignorant kiked mind a 2000 year old european institution leading global development would be a jewish cult designed to cuck the world simply because the church is run by fags nowadays.

Just so everyone knows, the game uses easyanticheat and Ubisoft has no issue allowing the creators of that software to screencap your system to sell it to fucking hackers.