Game gets easier as your progress

Why does this seem to happen so often?

Wow, it's almost as if there's a sense of real progress as the player becomes more powerful

More abilities let's you have more strategy and power. You also tend to acquire more health, so you can mess up more and survive.

You don't play many games do you, OP? That's a regular thing because of progression. Also
Why does this seem to happen so often?

It doesn't feel much like progression if the enemies don't change.

That's the entire fucking point of dying light though,you're supposed to run away from zombies most of the game so when you're stronger you actually stand a chance against them.
And that getting a gun feels godly because you can use it to threatens humans for shit.

Can you not read?

So like, I know I'll be a virgin forever and will never bear children. I'm no neckbeard, I lift, I wash, I work, I have money. Problem is I have no charisma and I'm not funny, plus im not white and have been rejected many times explicitly because of it even by my own race so getting a gf is either beyond my means, or would take an enormous effort on my part which I'm not willing to indulge.

So if I can accept my limitations, why can't you accept the reality that devs want people to fear a challenge

You get more skilled and usually get more tools to make use of that skill wheras early on you are both new to the game and new games tend t arbitary limit you so you can't actually use all there is to the game until the halfway point or later.

Especially RPGs, See Censorblade X and Dolls/Skells, a Major and powerful mechanic, available much later in the game then they should be.

Dying Light becomes SLICE EVERYTHING TO BITS WITH YOUR LIGHTNING-FIRE KATANA at night, and STEALTH-ASSASSINATE ENTIRE CROWDS OF ZOMBIES during the day. The game only gets rough near the end when you lose all of your shit and get shot at constantly, but then you get it back and finish the game with a QTE.

Most games do power creep really badly. It should take a shitload of effort to turn the game into a cakewalk. It should not be an inevitability.

I can agree with that. Gear should always be a skill multiplier, not replacement. Gothic 1/2 do this perfectly.

Because game designers work harder on the early parts of a game rather than the later parts to promote it at events and in the press.

Too often, I've seen games from the past decade implement half-assed RPG elements like a Diabloesque skill tree that can often be maxed out to make the game a curbstomp.

Just as often, I've seen games that don't put enough variety into enemy encounters as the game progresses. You still fight the same goon with the same AK-47 who still uses the same tactics he used in the first level except, perhaps, that there's a dozen more of his inbred brother-cousins wearing the same brands of chest rigs and balaclavas than usual at the final level..

So you prefer level scaling?

Atelier series does this pretty masterfully. As you get more alchemy options, you can become a living goddess.

We're not allowed to have games that focus on gameplay anymore. The computer/web entry barrier has been lowered so much that it would be suicide for a game to be made for people who could appreciate the effort that goes into games like Gothic.

More like there will be more borderline-invulnerable "armor is a magical shield" enemies that rush you, forcing you to jump out of cover and into infinite gunfire. This was the case in Mad Max and Tomb Raider Current Year +/- X.

Just want to say that Virals are the absolute worst thing about this game, and I hate them with every fiber of my being.

carry on.

level scaling is an excuse to keep using the same enemies

Don't be a bitch play on the hardest difficulty!

It is a lot more fun on Legendary, it is actually challenging!

I played the entire game on legendary but it still got easier as it went on, I think most of my deaths were not realizing I didn't have my grappling hook ready.

There's your problem

That or Karim. Fuck that boss fight, seriously.

I don't grind in any games I play.

I actually struggled more on one of the side quests, the one where you're lured into an office or something and attacked by a psycho.

They don't bother adding endgame content because often the game is based on the journey, the grind. If you get past the grind quickly because you can powergame, then you're not going to have much fun unless it's multiplayer and you can attack people who don't powergame. It's a shitty design philosophy that counts on the player being ignorant of the game's mechanics before hand, but I suppose it's fun for the people that suck at the game, and it brings more profit.

Developers forget to focus on a progression in the difficulty curve along with progression in player ability and skill. In most games the former is far more important than the latter, as the progression in player skill is often a byproduct of the former.