#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: A Tale of Hate, Sexism and Bullying Edition



- Contact: [email protected].
pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated November 29th, 2016)
3. Archive.is isn't sure you'll donate money to them. Prove them wrong: liberapay.com/archiveis/donate
4. OP DISNOD 2: REBOOT. The Blizzard staff email addresses were added for easy emails.
5. Defend Free Speech! Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation:
6. Dig for info regarding the ESA, (also ECA, IARC)
7. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.


- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- youtube.com/watch?v=7AL__CptUSQ
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/5qva0e/deepfreeze_deepfreeze_291_update_five_new_entries/
- youtube.com/watch?v=KcDVvqv93CM
- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49
- archive.fo/y5mGL


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

• Use archive.is to deny sites ad revenue and traffic and preserve websites in case they are deleted later;
• Use tweetsave.com to archive tweets before they are deleted;
• Beware of COINTELPRO tactics: The Gentleperson's Guide to Forum Spies - cryptome.org/2012/07/gent-forum-spies.htm
• Be civil if you have to argue with people on Twitter, Tumblr or any forum - don't make us look like douchebags;
• Do not accept requests for any goal or demand list: pastebin.com/p5dVp1e5

• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
• Operation Disrespectful Nod: v.gd/jtftaG (email advertisers);
• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
• Operation Baby Seal: v.gd/iwvyPm (reporting Gawker for violating content guidelines);
• Operation Prime Rib: v.gd/ChMVI8 (stacks with above for x2 damage);
• Operation DigDigDig: v.gd/lUx6Nq (find connections and corruption);
• Operation Vulcan: v.gd/Kbzw0L (educate yourself on logical debating);
• Operation UV: archive.is/N9ieT (contact the FTC about Gawker);
• Operation Firefly: archive.is/Kz6kP (spread #GamerGate to Tumblr and help update the Wiki page);
• An user's Guide to Twitter: v.gd/nwrbYF (the basics).

• GamerGate Wiki Boycott List: thisisvideogames.com/gamergatewiki/index.php?title=Boycott_List
• Support List: v.gd/bFfDrJ
• Boycott List: v.gd/eYq9go




Other urls found in this thread:

christopherjferguson.com/APA Task Force Comment1.pdf

first for benis

No basement



I need to know if this is a real tweet that is archived

This is the first time I'm browsing and posting in a GG in months, probably even over a year.

Be gentle.




remember to keep the ratio of sensible relevant posts and shitposts balanced

Sorry, she doesn't have the two reasons that make her the greatest Gildafag

Get out


Even for a cat, that is WAY too hairy


Seriously, though, I can't help but wonder if either the writers or the translators lurk in these threads sometimes.



Previous thread recap.
The most interesting bit though is the ESA making E3 open to the public years later and after the dirt on them has been uncovered.

Is Gamergate still a thing or are they thread for posting memes?? I thought GG all truned in to the alt-right and vied for Trump online but instead the silent majority who did most of the work lost the election and some oligarchs switched it over so the real-majority of america that is negro marxist lost.

Who is our new target of harassment, gamergators?

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, Good Luck on Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


what's the story behind those headpats?

Stop gargling media cock



Oh, user-Kun! I have a gift for you~

No idea, honestly. I just saved them for the purpose of having headpats to post.

So "White supremacy" is their buzzword for Western civilization?

Come on man, stop hogging all the good stuff :^)

for her

the worst nightmare of that mod last night

I got a few of them saved too, like this one. Was wondering if there is a story behind them. Like was patting part of a game that triggered sjw's or something.

It still is, user.

Someone in the previous thread asked me how the industry's health is, and so far despite the kike practices & messes, they aren't declining.


It's cute

I'm still salty Capcom gave those clowns licence to make a Chinese only Monster Hunter yet still refuses after 10 years to port Frontier to the west.

that's it?

Don't know if this has been posted yet, but enjoy.


The faggots of noa or treehouse removed the headpating in the new fire emblem games because muh western sensibilities. how new.ur?


No Morgan,

Yeah I think it was already. But it's nice to be reminded they still blame everyone but themselves.

Sorry don't have any and I'm too tired to go and make one now, maybe tomorrow.

Who? random twitter SJW that blames us for Trump or any tangible connection to the clique?

No thanks.

Reminder to always rub it in their faces.

So nobody, just though that was interesting.


Finally libshits will have a decent meal instead of (((organic))) grass clippings.


While the ESA gives different numbers on how much revenue they generated from 2015 & 2016, I think it's safe to assume they haven't declined.
U.S. Video Game Industry Generates $23.5 Billion in Revenue for 2015
U.S. Video Game Industry Generates $30.4 Billion in Revenue for 2016

Well the same old sob story of us being the Illuminati who are "protecting" the establishment is still whirling about, nice share though.

Wow, drugs make more money than videogames.

Drugs make more money than any other industry on the fucking planet. Maybe human trafficking competes but I doubt it.

Wasn't there some analysis of #GamerGate tagged tweets showing that there was effectively zero harassment done by people using the tag, outside of painfully obvious trolls?

Yes, but I don't have the links.

You mean individual money? I can't see that many people buying humans if no retard has been caught doing it yet.

You'd have to show me some hard evidence that there isn't more grass clippings in a mexican pizza than there is in one of their $20 grass chia smoothies. I mean fuck, most of the employees at Taco Bell clip it for a living at their other job.

That type of statements always sounds like it's equivocating to me for some reason. Considering the amount of outsourcing that happens in the industry.

Now let's put it in comparison with the global box office that movies are doing. Just like with video games (So says this source anyway), it hasn't declined and the new strategy Hollywood wants to do is pander to China.
Global 2015 Box Office: Revenue Hits Record $38 Billion-Plus


Still kino.

shit taste tbh

Do we have a copy of the shit in the OP image yet?

Why living


Nazis watch out, cokeheads are coming after you.



This should have also been in the OP.

Any date when it goes live? I need a good laugh.

Reading though it, they forget to mention that Yum!, of Taco Bell, and Frito-lay Of Doritos, are both wholly owned by Pepsico, Mountain Dew.


I beg your pardon?



Quite a slip there, Emiliano

Left Wing Crack Houses.

QUALITY research.

Speaking of which, what happened to that would-be Doctor in Gamergatology?

Unfortunately, the PDF for the Music industry's revue stats is too big, so you'll have to go here for yourself to check it out.
Regardless if the video games industry makes more or less money than the movie industry, the question still remains on either regard.

Forgot the archive. Dewrito goblin needs to go.

so, they forgot the part when FBI proved GG was just organized shitposters and "some people" faked those harrassing emails?

the paper that they're talking about up top. Do we have a copy of it yet?

The more I think about it, the more I want to look at the paper. What the fuck could be in it, if they couldn't even bother to gather some egg twitter accounts telling some nobody feminists to kill themselves?

This "CyberSafety" workshop is either incredibly bias or really desperate for any papers it can get a hold of.

The more and more I hear of the ESA the more I hate them. they're only seemed focused on making as much money as possible, pushing out the entertainment aspect out and replacing it with pseudo-intellectual crap so they can stop feeling embarrassed about being associated with that non gamers see as a "child's thing" and government approved brainwashing.

Have they don't anything good?

Assuming you're talking about "Measuring #Gamergate: A Tale of Hate, Sexism, And Bullying", nope, it doesn't look like it…yet. I found the site for it though!

That's what I was talking about. Forgive my wording. I haven't eaten much today, been really foggy in general.

So essentially the US has to pander to China or lose out.


Look at the fucking comments by these idiots about the ESA's position of game studios regarding the "Muslim" ban. Did these same idiots bat an eye when Obama imposed the same ban back in 2011? Nope!

The film industry does yes, Hollywood is pandering to them hard as that's where the majority of they're money is coming from.
One of RedLetterMedias videos brought this topic up.

Repostan from last bread:

We now have concrete confirmation from people who worked for Gawker that we cost them 1 mil USD, and that we softened them up enough for Hogan to deal the killing blow.

However some others believe we actually cost them 7 mil. They actually started arguing with each other on Twitter about it, and one was so buttblasted about they even wrote an article on Paste:


So now whenever somebody says that we didn't have a hand in Gawker's downfall, show them this.

Whoever made that thread is a goddamn idiot, plebbit is not interested in fucking digging for info on the ESA, cop out bullshit like "Of course they have to worry about their Suicide Bomber programmers from Iraq!"

Didn't someone mention us directly in the "Eulogy for Gawker" or whatever as well? I'm pretty sure someone admitted it before this faggot.

Then post there calling them out.

inb4 "ew reddit"

The FBI has been infiltrated by russian right wing hackers who hates St. Hillary.
Now I'm not saying the FBI is Putin. But the FBI is Putin.

IMO there's something of a complex with the ESA and the publishers regarding vidya status. It touts the financial profitability side and how it is a a big and still growing market. And it mentions on more than one occasion on how it is also a cultural thing. Which I agree. Here is where it gets to the therapist couch.

Despite all that, the industry still seems to have a chip on it's shoulder about being vidya. Or maybe still something of a growing pain. Maybe it's just me, but it appears like there is a weird push pull with how vidya is almost boastful at times how it's not movies, but it also wants to be movies. Even though financially it has become a bigger industry if the figures are accurate. But still, please movie sempai NOTICE MEEEE. Or how vidya can become a social change agent and the push for gamification. Can the industry accept vidya just being vidya.

FBI is the new KGB.

Who bitch dis is?

Gather info and refrences and spread it.

I hate china more than the jews.

The FBI already was the KGB, what are you talking about. The fact they let all the high flying pedos go about their business while they give immunity to all of the people who could've testified against Clinton during in email investigation proves it.

Well that is business for you, it's just that they take so many wrong ways of doing it that it may work in the short run, but in the long run? Usually never discussed. The long run seems to be a lost art.
This is indeed a problem. Remember, "Let's show our maturity as an industry together, together with you the gaming population to create an environment where everyone is welcome."
This is also a big concern, especially with slapping familiar IPs on there. It's one thing to remake/reboot/give it a unnecessary sequel, but it's a whole new level when games are being used for propaganda and I cannot agree with that.
Of course, they fought tooth and nail with California over the regulation of games and it ended up at the supreme court with Scalia saying that "Video Games are qualified for 1st amendment protection just like movies, music, and books." along with pic related. It's just a matter of informing the retards who keep censoring shit and use video games as a scapegoat that this shit should've stopped when the Supreme Court said video games are protected and the industry needs to be reminded that pushing the envelope is fine. Really, Scalia & the Supreme Court is the best ammo that the ESA produced.

Would you kindly hold on to making ESA threads on Reddit please? Stuff hasn't even been sifted out properly.

Please trump, give us another scalia or 3.

If you meant
Pre-2006-7 era seems to be where they were not as cancerous, and at least did went to bat when it was someone like Jack Thompson going after vidya for violins. When it comes to the bunk of 'vidya makes people rayciss and saxophonist' however. IMO so far it appears they either have no defense for that type of shaming scam, or drunk the koolaid, or seems to have taken more than a few sips.


someone in there is accusing the OP of 'having a thing for the ESA' like it's bad to focus on them. Now that I think about it, reddit was never interested in digging digra back in the day. They thought that was crazy too. They just want to say 'does anyone else hate kotaku?' and get upvotes rather than make a change.


Treehouse, the Nintendo in house localisation team, removed the headpatting feature from Fire Emblem Fates, because it was "too creepy".

They also made a whole host of bizarre changes, everything from forced feminist lectures, removing content, and straight up cutesy rewrites of dialogue compared to the original.

We started a whole hashtag op called #TorrentialDownpour that helped bring awareness to this shitty localisation, and it is the main reason now whenever a new Japanese game is announced for the west, the very first question people now ask is, "Is it censored?"

All this was just under a year ago, and the fact most of the people in this thread have already forgotten makes me pretty fucking depressed. Is the gate finally closing?

They've been at this for awhile lately, and looking at that thread's author, it's that fag Homer, for fuck's sake, don't blow the fucking dig by launching it wide open like Fart did.

Even if people don't remember #TD as long as people keep asking about censorship and localization is not something people look into is fantastic and is what the whole thing was about. It doesn't matter if people remember the name of the thing that started it.

I'm holding the major finds you got about the ESA. All I revealed to them is just a snippet on how ideologically driven the ESA is. And I won't even reveal it on KiA if it's all important until all evidences gathered have been checked and double checked.

These fucking people

It's the great art of shifting the blame on someone else for your own atrocious behavior.

Everyone I talk to about Fates online outside of image boards like this seems aware that Fate's localization was terrible. So Downpour did it what it was supposed to in spreading a message. It was never a boycott or anything.

weird how they operate purely on projection. I'm going to assume in bad faith every SJW is some sort of racist pedophile with a secret collection of dragon dildos now.

b-but it sold 50000000 million copies and you just wanted to harass woman
shoulda put it on devdex
attack attack attack

As somebody who used to be into social justice, a lot of people in those circles are there because they've done bad things and think it will make up for it, or at least turn attention away from them. There probably are a lot of racist pedophiles.

Someone should join and say "women cane have penises you transphobic peice of shit". :^]

Are you a feminist, a social justice warrior, a liberal or a beta male feminist?

I don't know why this defense isn't used more often. When people ask for a different playable gender just say who says the character is male stop assigning them gender.

its probably a tranny
we apprently have a few of them in these thread

Yeah, sadly the Rapp thing did distract from it. It did feel like, in the end, a lot of it got put on her, despite her just being a scapegoat while fucks like Marigos got to keep their jobs after that butchery. Still, there was nothing we could do once it came out she was a literal whore. That's just like divine providence or something. No one could ignore that cow potential.

I guess I would have called myself a male feminist at the time. I drifted away from that more into liberal, and then somewhere in there I got disillusioned with the whole thing and the people and they forced me to the right. I guess I'm right libertarian now if I had to label it.

I promise I'm not a tranny. My pronouns are he/him/his and I have a penis.

That whole article is basically:
Ey yaw. So I heard GG ganked Gawker out of 7 mil.
Nuh uh that's not true, it was 1 mil. Just a fleshwound.
Besides why are you empowering those shitlords anyways.
Who cares.

Them grapes are sour anyway.jpg

It basically fills the same social purpose as born again christians and other cults. And the guilt driven need for repentance makes them more extreme. Kinda like religious converts.

user please I really don't wanna fap right now and you have me imagining I'm chatting with cute traps with one hand gently rubbing their cock.

So how many people in SJW circles have been charged with rape so far?

That's great, but I'm pretty sure one of the editors of Gawker already said we did huge damage to them in an article.


Here's the closest you can get - an advocate group called Women in Action analysed the ggautoblocker list and found out most of them were innocent:

A professional data scientist did some great, objective scientific analysis of the #gamergate hashtag at its height in 2014-2015, but Randi Harper harassed him and his wife into deleting it all. Most of it is still up on archive though: archive.is/chrisvoncsefalvay.com

And yes, Randi pretty much got away with it.

Basically, yeah. But there's a subset of people who are born again Christians who feel they need spiritual guidance, or want to feel emotionally safe. I've known a few and it's always been the same story "I fucked my life up and it helped me get things back on track". Social justice is more about "I did something bad to someone else and this will make it okay", in my experience.

I'm from a pretty rural area so I'm not in with the big circles in Toronto or San Fran or wherever. I knew a couple guys who were definitely hiding something, and one eventually got caught with a shitload of child porn, like 6 months after we graduated high school.

I don't know what to say when I see grown-ass adults this uneducated.

He's just another bluepilled middle-aged manchild who follows trends blindly to fit in. He probably doesn't even know who Spencer is.

They also conveniently leave out the countless drone attacks he authorized. So much so that (((24))) had to make a season about it.

Go home, worst girl

I don't care shit makes my dick hard.

Keep in mind that the California bullshit started in 2005 and the case finally ended in 2011. So in many ways, we can thank California for going full retard, we can thank Scalia for the verdict, and we can thank the ESA for providing the biggest ammo. Like I mentioned before, Scalia never said it applied to only violent video games, it applied to all of them and nobody realizes it or thinks it only works for violence. And this line in the wiki here?
Waste of taxpayer money and the same shit as before, just with a new kind of scapegoating paint. (Seriously though, I can't believe I have to thank California for being so retarded that they did something good in the long run. It's…whats the word? Someone tell me.)

You should still wait until the info is sorted out for redpilling, otherwise we get Farts & digging will be for nothing.

Zelda Torrential Downpour potential discussion:
The original link- Breath of the Wild can switch to any language when you change the Switch's language- yet dual audio is not an option.
1. Get clarity if this is true (Disk has multiple languages on it- both text and audio. You could even ask NOA- but phrase it in such a way so it isn't obvious you're fishing for dual audio potential info.
Don't copy what I've written word for word. Multiple people asking the same thing in the same way will raise a red flag.
2. If Dual Audio is basically there bar the menu option- meme how bad the VA work is on release. It's a major AA title that everyone will talk about, and Nintendo can "win" good PR by patching it in later. If not, NOA becomes a little more synonymous with bad VA work even amongst normal fags.
3. Debate whether writing to Nintendo Japan is possible (translators needed) or even worth while (will they reject all foreign letters and emails- even if they are large in number or in Japanese?)

Did Jewtube find a new way around adblocks? I'm seeing ads for the first time in years starting yesterday. Help me anons, I'm triggered.

The ESA asking the game studios about the "Muslim ban" is verified and needs sharing to get the people wake up a bit on what the ESA really is. Now what baffles me is they go super defensive when the ESA got caught red handed for lobbying for the TPP(also verified). Kotaku in Action is useless. And there are more in the ESA other than lobbying that you exposed, I'm holding all of those back and why? Because those things are being checked out and I know those are big bombs waiting to explode. I know how crucial these information are and unlike "Fart", I don't expose everything unverified.

Did you update them?

NOA is the worst at VA I mean what do you expect they never fucking have to have any VA. The only shit I think they've ever made VA for is Fates and that was horrendous even by shitty anime standards.

This has strong potential for the intro part of the the redpill construction. As a who, and what the ESA is and what they did that was good for vidya. And can still do if they stop being non winged faggots.

I think this might be the few instances where 'ironic' can be used correctly.
This bears repeating. The digging effort is going well and the sifting is going along, its important to get people to understand that's the process and it takes diligence and care to check and analyze.

Wew lad, get back to your fucking social media, you fucking normalfag

I get what you mean, I'm just don't want the dig to fall apart, that's all. I suppose you could remind people of the supreme court victory case in 2011. At least you could get good discussions out of that considering the ban of Dead or Alive Xtreme 3, the censorship that continues to plague games, and many other things.

Forgot to add
*and Gay Marriage being legalized by the Supreme Court that many people cheered for

Don't tell it to me, tell it to

Isn't an update to be had for my add-on. I don't use those pre-fabricated filters, I just construct my own. What's the new element to block?

Huh. I guess nyberg is here.

Don't worry man, I know how to hold up on things that important until they're all checked out. And it's no use explaining shit to them. From Operation Digging DiGRA almost 3 years back, which they dubbed as tinfoil, they dismissed it. So I'm not posting anymore on KiA, they're a mistake.


still got my old chart

Found a shill.

This reminds me, do any of the anons here got ALL of the deleted articles of Silverstring Media archived?

Yeah, tell scarlet to get the fuck off gits, same for the black dude.

Nioh and Great Wall are made by Japanese and Chinese respectively. How come bored single white ladies keep telling asian people how to respect asian culture?

William Adams was a real fucking person you god damn retard

Because (((white women))) are the most narcissistic self centered creatures on the planet.


-William Adams was a real ass person, and they made him more Japanese than he was in real life.

-Matt Damn is in Wall because the Chinese specifically asked for him.

-And I love how she didn't bring up ScarJo in GitS, the only actually offensive bad thing of that type lately.

Ivanka boycott is gathering pace

You turn the screws
You tear down the bridge
Flimsy as it is,
It's business like.
You shake my hand
You break up the band
Flimsy as it is,
It's open mike
punk rock
Red white and blue,
You twist the knife
Then go home to kiss your wife
A bigger better slice
is what you'd like
You kick the sand
You get the upper hand
You sell it to Japan
It's natural
Punk rock
Red white and blue


Hold up on the random twitter sjw retards. twitter.com/toggleModal that fucking timeline is cancer and fucking who?


You know with all that dirt that was uncovered on the ESA, I'm surprised I didn't find any connections on them with DiGRA.

Yeah tell the same story that's been told a million times already in the exact same way assholes. Creativity is for racists and nazis.

Iron Fist IS white though

How antisemitic

That thing should be checked out. Probably in ESA Canada, since DiGRA's former president, Mia Consalvo is a big name in the video game industry at Canuckistan. Who knows, you might hit a jackpot. Go for it!

Well they have a racist rapist on they're flag



thats not what a shill is you retarded Holla Forumsfaggot. but not like you know any better, you've run that word to the ground and now it literally means nothing. anyone who disagrees is a shill, anyone who advertizes is a shill. anyone who isn't a complete fucking emptybrained cultist is a shill. whatever.

pedophilia should be legal you cuck.

It might be backhanded, but finally one of these nuts realize the insanity of Islam

Funny, everyone's been sucking the pope's cock because he's an uber liberal globalism pushing cuck, but it needs as much reform as the religion throwing gays from buildings. None of this shit even surprises me any more, these people are pure scum


Call me when christians drive a truck twrough a muslim neighbourhood. Also, if canadian, report for islamphobia.


I work at a TJMaxx.

This is going to be… interesting.

Really showing your dedication there.

I posted in the lefty hugbox then got this oh so heartwrenching response.
I almost feel bad for these bastards.
It's better to mock them than to actually help them tbh

I'm not going to enable the Turd's retarded laws, no matter how funny I think it would be to report someone.

Rolling dubs for pero arrests hopefully goons,ESA board members and Jimbo Stanton get grabbed by sessions.

I guess we still have no future. Anyways, this cybersafety workshop looks like another shitty hollow convention probably made to launder sponsor money.

I've figured out why there's so much Maidragon pictures in the GG thread. Holla Forums's daughter is in it.


Nope. Anytime you read something with this part:
it really means "christianity needs more reform than islam". Even with the "both of them needs less fascist dictators", you can guess who it's really virtue signalling for. It's not for christianity, and it's not a realization of the insanity of islam. It's still the old

They fear china yet prostrate before it. Also, tpp was going to fuck the enviroment harder than anyone aside from greenpeace knew.

They probably are not canadian and would get a pussy pass anyways**

The problem is the media is shoving this in their faces, no one talked about the Obama drone strikes on civilians or Obama not closing Guantanemo, or covertly supporting ISIS And yet the media would like you to think he was the best President ever.

But look at this Trump virtually personally killed this child.

Speaking of William Adams…I am reminded to finish pic related sometime.

There will be not competition for Twitter, or Reddit unless its approved by the powers that be, otherwise they won't push to the normalfags through the media. You know this.


I like how they barely give a shit about the Seal that died.

Yeah I know.

I fucking hate social medias.

That's true. It's okay when women do it, even in Canada.

Christianity has had many reforms. Constant reinterpretations of the text to adapt to a changing world to both keep christianity relevant and to make sure no divides form in society and communities between modern values and religious values. That's why the western world isn't built on medieval thinking.

Islam has never had one reform. They still hold true to a barbaric medieval view of the world where it still has to be conquered in the name of Islam. There is even the idea of taqiyya in islam where it is a moral act to lie to an outside infidel about how islam operates to protect the faith.


hahaha NO.

too bad she died really she looks like she'd be a sweet ass cunny fleshlight but she's definitely not american, or european. its a mudshit.

That's it, I am done with twitter for good.

A moment like this, I wish I had a gif of crying Blackthorne/Anjin.

It's someone spamming it because the thread is fairly active. The same with that shitposter with the electroboom and soundless webm spam. They're not here for GG discussion or topics, and have said as much.

You really think someone would do that?

Just go on the internet and lie?

Ramis pals

Got any links to share? I love this kind of shit. I'm like a goss goblin

I think that's what he wants though. Don't give in.


*especially in canada.
and you can disagree, but the laws should be used regardless of how stupid they are, because the sjws and normalfags will fight it if it is used on them often enough.

There's only faggot that was a confirmed cuckchanner. Meido Doragon is good slice of life animu. I generally hate that shit, but this has caught my interest.

Christianity teaches forgiveness for sinners and tolerance for non-believers. Islam on the other hand teaches retribution for sinners and subjugation for non-believers.

Wasn't her 16 year old brother and father killed a year or so ago by a drone because her dad was a terrorist and in a terrorist camp or something?

I just don't want to give that cuck the satisfaction of having one more person arrested for his made up hate speech garbage.

It's better for you, Twitter is made to make you a stupid normalfags who can't formulate ideas that are more complicated than 140 characters.


Iron Fist is a white because thats the entire premise of Iron Fist, that a foreigner defeated the dragon to become the Iron Fist.

Asian setting=MUST BE A CHINK, is one of the most racists things you could ever say.

but it's a comfy setting for a story

Not the point. There was spamming of it in one past bread, and the faggot straight up wrote, it does not give 2 shits about any GG discussion, it's posting a bunch of it because this was the most active thread in the board.

You're a faggot. The genre is over saturated.


I don't want to defend king nigger but he never applied a ban, he applied a more strict immigration control on a few selected countries and thank goodness it fucking worked

Sessions is in.

Those CON pedos saved and posted CP and admitted to it.

I want rektening.

Has Sessions said anything in regards to Pizzagate?

Did it every occur to you that this is false flag to cause infighting in these threads and get certain people to turn on things other GG members like?

I hate to admit it, but I suspect the same tactics may have been used to start the Gildafag war.


Why would i archive something with nothing to do with deepfreeze or GG

Yeah, no, a shit ton of people lost their healthcare because of Obamacare, and ended up in a situation where they can't afford health insurance.

Obama was trying to start a war with Russia. With a country we have been fucking over for years, because he didn't get his way.

I will never understand how the environmental impact slipped by.

Don't forget all the people that lost their jobs if not got their hours cut because of Obamacare.

Not bad.

Problem when people say pedo is I don't know what they are referring to, toddlers? or Jailbait.

Found you. You're getting memed on hard.

Nice to see that after all this time, they still haven't learned a thing. You'd think they'd cut their losses and hope we go back to playing vidya after a while.

Liking those things is not a problem. Spamming it is a problem.


Does look like jailbait to you?

pure (((coincidence)))

Very true, and I think those spammers are shills trying to ruin things for everyone else. Remember when at the end of threads some anons would amuse themselves by posting bird webms? But then in the next thread some guy would just keep spamming those videos over and over to jam up the thread?

Sills watch for the things anons like, and then try to ruin them.

jailbait isn't cunny.

Then why is it the fundies that are so eager to condemn people?


Looks like deleted his account. Should've have just stayed the course, my man.


I deactivated it.

Put it back up you pussy.

All you're doing is encouraging them to attack people with different points of view.

There's a world of difference between protesting with signs and blowing people up

So is this jailbait or cp

if you deactivate your twitter the liberals win

if you kill yourself you win

But the evil marxists have signs saying mean condemning things!? And we call them literally satan for it! :^)

Well i already got locked out from my accounts, they wanted some phone number for me to reactivate.

I hope the memetic wish comes true and this year becomes the year of true justice. The year of the Firecock is beginning to gear up, and I hope karma comes for the podestas and the nybergs of the world.

Why would anyone wants to impost Marche? Why there's multiple french furry shitposter in these breads? This ain't right.

Yeah that and rioting, smashing windows, throwing rocks at people, pepper spraying innocent people and beating people with metal poles.

Don't be a wuss. I got attacked by George Takei's zombie legion regarding me misspelling his last name when I launched a tirade on him still complaining about Trump's victory as POTUS and it went on for weeks. WEEKS, mind you. I stayed the course and I don't mind getting tons of notifications like that. Let it be, they'll stop and focus on why you're in Twitter in the first place. Don't give up.

go home leftypol. You're drunk

Holla Forums got butthurt I was fucking with them a few times and now one of their faggot keeps saying they are me and I'm pretending to be them

definitely jailbait, too tall to be cunny.

work on your subject-verb agreement, gookie

There's no point in arguing with these meme mega-accounts. He could post a picture of himself fisting a puppy and people would be jumping over each other to suck his dick anyway. Just either shitpost, or don't bother, because they'll never respond in good faith and their audience doesn't care.

Unless he slips up and says something racist or whatever. Then they'll turn on him in seconds.

Gook, it's "impersonate". Second, it's "shitposters". Lastly, why the fuck you exposed yourself again, you fucking piece of shit!

My point was that the christian fundies are a hell of a lot closer to islamic philosophy than regular christians. Notice the fundies in the image I posted were applauding the guy who shot up that abortion center, even if they wouldn't dare do it themselves.

Nigger if I could deal with kelly & fuzzfag these shits are nothing

By the by, how the situation in Worst Korea coming along gook?

Now what kind of an attitude is that?! You're gonna let those thin-skinned pussies get to you? Come on now, your entire existence and the fact that you disagree with their ideals while they've been getting BTFO at every corner shows they are afraid!

So no mention about the mockery of Dorito Pope I assume?

Does anyone remember the reaction back in 2005 with Bungie did an April Fool's joke about the Mountain Dew logo becoming an in game emblem for Halo 2?

This article doesn't seem to get that Doritos and Mountain Dew are something we make fun of. Even that DVa thing is the way it is because it's considered a joke. Doritos and Mountain Dew are to gamers as fried chicken and watermelon are to niggers. It's part of a stereotype.


There is so much bad cosplay porn of her it's ridiculous. Most of them just can't pull it off because they have terrible saggy bodies and ugly faces. We need a campaign to tell women that they can't stay hot without exercise. Let them know that their ass isn't hot, it looks like somebody stuffed their pants full of cheese curds.

wow look at this racist post and not one reply decrying it. we really have turned into an online hate group. we need to close the gate at this point

once again proving

2D > 3D

Alas, such is always the nature of things that get popular. Camwhores have always been depserate for attention and, sadly, far too many lonely spergs settle for 3DPD.

That is why we'll always have 2d.

Under their logic shooting up an abortion center is saving lives, I mean unlike muslims blowing up infidels, killing people who make a living murdering babies is a pretty different reasoning.
I still think they're quite hateful honestly.

At this point I kinda gave up just plz don't impersonate me that's all I want nothing else

I will make another shitrep soon. Current situation is Impeachment Phase 2: The Queen Strikes Back. Suddenly Choi and Park's goons went organized as fuck and they working together for impeachment to be rejected at the constitutional court. Anonymous blue house worker interviews that Park and her goons are pretty damn sure that they can somehow turn over this impeachment, through court reject or time expiry by delaying it. I don't even wanna think about this mad queen succeed to protect her throne and this batshit insane mad chaos state goes over next year. The government workers are refusing to work and we're losing approximately over a billion dollar USD from this 8 Goddess/impeachment shit. and the Chinese and Japanese started to tackle Korea with political, diplomatic, territorial problems because right now we are fucking too busy to deal with this madness. Fucking China effected special protective trade law only targets on Korea and fucking Japs started to claiming ownership of some fucking rock middle of the ocean that nobody cares, and demanding invading Korea. This is fucking madness.
She literally holding the whole country as a hostage and in her hands martial law card is ready to be pulled trigger.
This is some fucking insane shit to watch. Think you are playing Ace Attorney with the whole country. The whole country is now political battleground.
This whole fucking thriller shit going too far and it's killing my heart.

I want Gook's tight boipussy

so is this 2d or 3d?

no such thing

I understand Gook. And you cannot be impersonated, you're one of a kind, so don't worry too much.


So it'll be over in three days max? Great! :^)

Maybe this will cheer you all up.


Delete this



What about figma?

I'm a hairy dude and recently started muscle training to escape from my azn femboy fate go gay somewhere else

thx user you are not gay like others

I hope so. At early days of GG everyone did thinks it as a video game but day after days it started to hurt and later it became a literal deep mindfuck for everyone. I guess when real life merges with vidya it becomes nightmare. It's joyful only when we play it through screen and controllers.


If figma is 2D3D, and thus okay, then what about cosplayers who wear those creepy anime character facemasks?


No problem, Gook. What I like are women anyway, especially those who are coming of age. Like this lass over here. And by the way:

I got a harem of waifus.

no the mask people are just creepy, and you know its gonna be like furrys when they take their suit off.

I got a bad news for you user

DvA is overdonw, but I think I could make a good Mercy once my costume's done.

Literally 3DPD failing to mimic 2D.

do you got a source cause i cant find anything

Gook knows

Preach somewhere else, Karin! Because it doesn't matter what you think!

I are you retarded? It's not like a million other things have the same tags as this.

As long as your not a man


Is the right person is the 'daughter'?

I'm not, but I don't want to post tits, so I'll leave

my bad i already had it favorited and forgot when i looked it up i ignored the shit that popped up that i've had the fav symbol on it

Daughter (male) should have learned how to put on make-up.

send me boobers on twitter il confirm it

Oh god it's like the lady persona from Split

More fucking Common Core.
GlassLab Launches Mars Generation One Game
>In partnership with NASA, GlassLab researchers designed Mars Generation One: Argubot Academy, a tablet game for middle school students that transports players to the “Red Planet” in the year 2054.
Smithsonian Launches New Educational Games for Youth

That ice cream she's holding is called a Vienetta, only sold in Japan/Aus/NZ/UK.
Her name is Bayonetta.
Whenever I see that image I keep trying to figure out if there's more of a joke simply beyond the fact that the two rhyme. It bothers me more than it should.

Who among the top brass in the ESA pushing this? And do they have connections to the Education Department of the US govt.? Check it out. You'll hit something, I assure you.

but we love tits


Remember that Gallagher did serve as tech adviser to George W. Bush.

Pretty much sums up the entire thing without needing to read it.

That sounds good actually. Is it something like robotics or lego type robotics, kids can have an almost vertical learning curve and they can be very fearless in trying out new combinations and concepts, their natural curiosity still not hampered by bad schooli-

Ah for fuck sakes.

I still find it hard to believe all these "studies" simply take the word of known, provable liars like LW, and Lwu, over reams of evidence, and now the actual statements of the fucking FBI.

And I'm still boycotting Patreon to this day for that, and the shit done to hotwheels and Holla Forums.


I always thought it was cake

We need a Mark cake eating edit of this.


Wow. Milo looks uglier than ever.
Jesus fucking christ, it's like as he ages, his inner jew slowly pours out and consumes his corporeal appearance.

I'm trying to avoid making gayfrog water filter jokes over this.


Fucking this.
Even the one major Christian schism that is the Reformation started by Martin Luther still spawned so many sects that every state in the United States had its own local flavor in government until the feds finally hit them with the establishment clause.
Compare that shit to the options you get with Islam, where you're either Sunni, Shiite, or a Kurd that nobody gives a shit about.



Milo looks like shit

Yeah no, i think our industry is making more money then ever before.

Really depressing

You were a good poster. We need more faggots on twitter that aren't just shitposting twitterfags. Hope you reconsider. Don't let SJWs and goons get you down.


Someone here is masturbating to this.


Isn't that what I said?

If this is actually happening, I want OC of Alex Jones vs. ANTIFA or Cenk.

Like that old Hitler v. Hitler loading screen.



Yeah I was agreeing, i just worded it wrong

I wonder what happened to that britfag
user he hooked up with from a GG meetup.

I've got a theory that every girl Holla Forums obsesses over turns out gay.

Is that a young Shia Lebouf

making webbums is easier than I thought

It's meme magic turning them gay so no man will touch them again and the waifuist will not become a cuck.

How long does it take you to encode webms? Mine always take forever.

how can they air such lewd things on tv?

I've started watching this after all the webms from it. It's fucking adorable

Is he finally getting his original hair back?

You both missed an opportunity to grow your Twitter accounts by rolling with it like Godfrey instead of retreating or playing defense.

What program do you use, I have been planning on make some lately?

ffmpeg (if you are l33t) or webm for retards or webm master or xmedia recode

I use xmedia recode. You can follow this guide with it

It's slow as fuck, around 5fps. Probably because I use 2-pass VBR VP9. Or maybe ffmpeg is just shit, lol open sauce.


I just let them actually reply to me. So it helped a lot. Ahahaha.

Shit taste. Mark is best girl.

mark is a loose woman

The ESA's 2014 annual report has lots of neat info inside!

PDF attached.

That actually works. Every direct mention pushes up your "Twitter presence" and is one of the metrics to measure your Klout (social media influence) rating.

That's also why subtweeting is a thing now: intentionally avoiding mentioning the person being talked about will not only prevent said individual/group/target/victim from becoming aware, it'll prevent the online "influence" to rise.

Technomagic in action.

to a point, justifications can be made for war and intolerance, especially if Christianity is in danger.
t. orthodox

One of my favorite taqiyya's of late:

please use archive.is/news/article-4201898/Islamic-Peace-Conference-hides-faces-women-flyer.html

Westboro is complicated since they are Calvinists, and hence believe in predestination. I think. I'm hazy on why they think protesting at funerals was necessary, since they think all people are going to hell except a predestined few.


I haven't touched much upon GlassLab, but it reeks of trouble.
>The Lab represents a ground-breaking collaboration between the Institute, the Entertainment Software Association, Electronic Arts, Educational Testing Service, Pearson’s Center for Digital Data, Analytics & Adaptive Learning and others.


They don't appear to be anything more than loons tbqh fam. See, the false narrative as I see it goes like this.
Except that with islam, the moderates who do want reforms that gets muslims and islam out of the dark age mentality either gets shunned, killed, or shunned then killed, leaving only the moderates that looks the other way when militant political islam continues it's aggression and expansion.
And last time I looked westboro does not have the MSM, Obama, CAIR, and celebretard apologists bending over backwards to constantly apologize for their actions.

Sheeeit, did I say apologize for them, I wrote that wrong. I meant to say, run interference and defence and normalize every killing done in the name of islam, and wants everyone else to apologize for islamophobia.

So the males are okay with being abused in the streets eh?

ESA and EA collaborating for edutaining purposes. What can go wrong. Also what is that thing on the bottom right of the page, playforce? Institute of play, is that fez?

SimCityEDU Community
MobileQuest CoLab
Playtime Online
Play@ Your Org
Design, Art, Code


Hows that elitist Liberal looking down on everyone else been working out for you?


I guess they were right, islam is feminist.
inb4 trying to fix the suicide bomber gap

I thought they have female suicide bombers called black widows (black and widowed, so that is at least double the diversity points to go with the islam bonus), and weren't there cases where male jihadist were dressed in female burqas. The western imperalist pigs claims it's so they can hide behind a skirt or blend into the crowd. But I think that is patently false news. It's likely to show how progressive and female friendly empowering islam truly is.




And iran, funny enough is the closest non asian muslim country to reform malasia is muslim asians but have a huge target on their back thanks to saudi arabia, bush and nigger king, and isreal that impedes them and makes them hate the west more than they probably would otherwise. they aint perfect, but they are the only muslim country that has laws to protect religious minorities from persecution


Offtopic, but I'm sure at least some of you will enjoy it. Innocent white - Hispanic charged with ID forgery to be deported, protests at I.C.E headquarters currently underway

Which if you'll remember is where one of the people connected in the Project Veritas video series was arrested. I believe the one that was caught lying about getting grabbed by the pussy, but I'm too busy watching the protest to double check.


If someone said to me while talking about videogames "I FUCKING LOVE KILLING NAZIS" "I LOVE KILLING WHITE SUPREMACISTS" I'd fucking run far away, they sound like a boston bomber in training.

Keep that shit in the webm thread

It's not about killing being okay with killing nazis but not klansmen. It's the scenario. The nazi's shoot back. You can see an immediate threat that engages your fight or flight. Killing people in a game who are mostly unarmed just doesn't feel as satisfying, and in some cases a little unsettling. Doesn't matter how much the game tells you they're the bad guys, it just feels odd.

Not to mention it comes across like a wank fantasy. It would be like playing a game as a jew gunning down a nazi meeting. You know that that scene was only there to serve an 'aha I beat you' moment from the dev. It's cliched and doesn't pay the situation the weight it deserves.

Pretty interesting article I founded. Jack Thompson accused the ESA of buying off politicians.
Game Industry Buying Off Politicians
>The Entertainment Software Association (ESA), headed by president Doug Lowenstein and located at 575 7th Street, NW, Suite 300, Washington, DC 20004, is the chief lobbying organization for the video game industry. It is funded by its corporate members, which include Take-Two Interactive Software Association, Sony, Microsoft, Eidos, Konami, Midway, Namco, id Software. The membership of ESA largely reads like a Who's Who of purveyors of violent video games. The perception is that ESA is a liberal/left organization pursuing in all quarters an absolutist First Amendment agenda given voice by ESA's various lawsuits, now pending, declaring that all state laws prohibiting the sale of mature-rated violence and sex video games to kids are "unconstitutional because minors have a First Amendment right to buy mature games." This perception of the alignment of the Left and the video game industry along partisan lines to the exclusion of the GOP, however, is wholly false, and here's additional proof of what others, including Miami anti-video game activist Jack Thompson, already knew: The Federal Elections Commission's listing of recent campaign contributions shows, for example, that ESA gave a whopping $10,000 to the Republican State Leadership Committee. RSLC describes itself at its web site this way: "The RSLC is the largest organization in the country helping to elect conservative state leaders. From building a Republican majority of state attorneys general to defending and expanding the Republican control of a majority of state legislatures, the RSLC makes a national impact one state at a time." Why is ESA aiding the Republican/conservative RSLC? Because the video game industry wants, with its money, to influence state officials, on whose turf the video game war is being primarily waged, not to restrict sales of mature video games to minors. Other FEC data show the video game industry has deeply infected the GOP ranks with its money-for-influence donations. Want more proof? What is the maker of the most violent and sex-filled video games in the world? Why Take-Two Interactive Software, Inc., of course. Take-Two has made all the Grand Theft Auto games, Manhunt, Leisure Suit Larry, Bully, The Warriors, and so forth. What is the most powerful Republican/conservative law firm in the world with direct personal access to both Jeb Bush and George Bush? Why it is Blank Rome of Philadelphia, of course, whose partner Rear Admiral Schachte was the key witness in the Swift Boat Vets assault on John Kerry and whose partner Barbara Comstock headed up "opposition research" at the Republican National Committee. Guess who the chief registered lobbyist is for Take-Two in the US House and the US Senate? Why, Blank Rome, of course. Don't you love it when "family values" Republicans facilitate the sale to children of a game in which you have sex with a prostitute and then kill her to get your money back? Now that's family entertainment! Republican [sic] aren't the only targets. Days after Senator Hillary Clinton nailed Take-Two in the Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas "Hot Coffee mod" sex scandal, Doug Lowenstein's ESA announced a $1000/plate campaign video game industry fundraising breakfast for Clinton, which she agreed to attend. "If you can't beat 'em, buy 'em.' The video game industry is trying to buy off every politician at the federal and the state level in both parties to stem the tide of parental fury over this industry's assault upon their children. Will the video game industry's strategy of "buy the people" thwart Lincoln's government "by the people"? Stay tuned.

His Letter in question.

Wait wait wait? Wasn't his kid the one who hooked up with TGWTG? Film Brain, I think? Is…is that him? Please tell me that's him. That would be just another hilarious chapter in that saga.

Slighty offtopic, but didn't Kotaku write an article bitching about Ike and Roy being at the top of the Fire Emblem Heroes poll?

It's someone from TGWTG

Guess what's the next thing to get the ghostbuster's treatment?

I mean, I guess it depends how that scene went down. (I didn't play the fucking thing) If the character knew what they were doing was just lowering himself to their level, than that's a good lesson on how vengeance, although satisfying, isn't always right.

If they portrayed it as some kind of heroic act, then yeah fuck that.


yes, though it just seems to be a filler throwaway "article"
Most online news seems to have degraded into filler blogshit randomly peppered with actual journalism.

just got the galko statue in the mail
holy fuck thats uge

take a pic of it next to your keyboard ants

Okay, not what I thought he was bitching about, but it makes it even better that he's bitching about a well-known female character (possibly) winning a poll for a shitty mobile game. On that note…
Well now he's about to get a lot sadder.

Mine got stuck in customs and won't show up until tomorrow

Its bigger then my big wego
even for statueshit its large

have you looked under her skirt to see if she's a big guy?

I did
she is not a huge guy

Stunning and brave!

The creatively sterile hacks who keep rebooting franchises need to quit fucking with old shit that was actually good and try creating new shit for once in their lives.

Here's the major difference between Christianity and Islam (from the point of view of an agonistic that grew up in a Christian community):

As a byproduct of Christian culture, you have the right to criticize Christianity; it's a community issue, and the most extreme elements are frown upon by their peers.

When you invite Islam into your country, you are not allowed to criticize Islam, because it's a different culture, it's not part of your roots, and you "don't get it". So, all the decisions regarding the direction and interpretation of their holy book are left to those who grew up in that culture and ARE physically in your country. And frankly they don't give two shits about your values or how conflicting their beliefs are with yours.

In short, you have less control over a foreign culture than you have on your own. That's the danger: it's something you cannot steer, criticize or reform (even after seeing the damage it caused in the countries where Islam is the Law and there's no distinction between the two); it's a perpetual danger to your own culture and by extend to those who believe in that culture, and those who grew up in that culture.

The kind of pictures you posted often ends up reprinted by the media: people are not afraid to criticize this part of Christianity and are not afraid to comment on it. Do the same with actions (in your country) originating from Islam and see what happens.

So companies like Activision and Vivendi Games backed out of the ESA in 2008, EA on the other hand remains faithful to them
Electronic Arts Is Backing the Entertainment Software Association
As such bad news rolled in, Electronic Arts stepped in to prop the ESA, which to many looks like it could crumble any given minute now. Talking exclusively to the GamesIndustry website, Jeff Brown, vice president of corporate communication for EA, has stated that the company is still 100% percent behind the Entertainment Software Association and that the decision of other major videogame industry companies to withdraw from the entity is a "failure of leadership."

what you're saying you don't want a (((modern))) take on a show that wasn't bound to it's time period? They were learning such old fashioned science about the body back then. Think of how much the kids can learn about genders and inject racial tension into the kids in ms fritzl's class

Is that cokehead sessler? Sheeeit, the things an addict would do to get more of that nose candy.
dr-rockso does cocaine.mp4

fucking kek the zero punctuation guy reviwed gravity rush 2 but turned it off after the first set of credits then complained about the story not being wrapped up despite it not being the actual end of the game

like there is an entire chapter after the credits where you actually fucking find out who Kat is and play as raven also

what a stupid fuck

Hmm. Now I have to look back and scan the dig and sift thread to see if there is a discernable pattern on just how the membership structure works within the ESA. By that I mean I wonder how much sway does EA have within the lobbying group. The gamification and edutainment stuff seems to be one example where EA has a noticeable presence, but I wonder if there's more.

He's been opening his mouth for things other than his dealer lately, while not understanding them or realizing they contribute more to society. Like his dealer.

I'm surprised he can even see the people he's looking down on around that big gut of his. I bet Bob hasn't seen his own penis since the 1980s.

is he on damage control yet?

And china is just as bad if not worse.

I used to watch X-Play back in the day. That picture is from that. It was spoofing Morgan Webb's Maxim shoot. I thought it was a decent gag at the time, so I thought I'd tell people the source.

I miss ZDTV/TechTV. I pretty much grew up watching it because my parents were never around.

thats because they hated you

You know how I know you're wrong?
"Hated" is the past tense.

Is that what that is, I have pretty much forgotten most vidya reviews or shows I did watched. It does look weird that sessler in the pic looked less gaunt and younger. Must have been when he wasn't snorting the stuff so much. So did he really kick the habit in order to get swole so he can punch nazis. Maybe he should spar with uwe boll first. Boll is german iirc, so that's 95% nazi like already. :^)

I am tired of this shit…
Video Game Industry Seeks Political Clout (2008)


The simplest solution to this is to simply assert cultural sovereignty.

While they can practice islam on our soil, they can only practice those parts that don't conflict with our laws. With a few generations of pressure to assimilate, they will eventually discard the uncivilized qualities of their faith, leaving behind those rituals and ideals that do not meaningfully conflict with the greater American culture.

The thing to remember is that islam, like christianity and judaism and any other major religion, isn't a monolithic hivemind. There are moderate elements within western islamic communities just as there are islamic terrorists hiding among them waiting for a chance to kill as many innocents as they can. But for most muslims in the west, they are more concerned with the regular banalities of surviving day to day than they are with striking a blow for allah or showing off loyalty to America. With a firm hand that punishes infractions of the law but otherwise does not meddle, these muslims will come to be tamed by civilization, just as christianity and judaism before them.

While Europe is too far gone to ever do this, America is still in a good position to do so. All we have to do is make sure they obey the laws and go to school, and the rest will eventually follow.

C-Net responded to that article and boy, does it make my blood boil.


doing god's work user

Moralfags from both sides, well glad the conversation of "Vidya causes violence!" turned to "Vidya will make you racist!" a year later with that accusation of RE5 being a dindu removal simulator.

Infinity Next when?

Oh man you had to remind of of that…

has codemonkey said anything?

Everyone latched on that, and when those fuckers said that in the Obango Presidency that vidya enjoyed more freedom? ask them if relentlessly attacking a developer then making them fucking put White people to placate the critics is what constitutes as artistic freedom, fucking assholes.

The best part about RE5 was that they were bitching about killing African zombies in the game set in Africa so Capcom changed some of the models to make the villagers look more white. However, no one was aware there were literal spear chuckers in the game until it came out, making the whole affair pointless.

Why isn't this in MUGEN yet?

Isn't that white washing though. :^)

The problem with RE in exotic locales is that you'll inevitably end up killing the infected people there, which causes the SJWs to start screaming "racism" if they aren't white.

Don't forget how Obama ordered the horribly skewed APA Task Force on Violent Media study that concluded vidya caused aggression and was subsequently torn apart by scholars from across the country.

christopherjferguson.com/APA Task Force Comment1.pdf

I know you're being sarcastic, but the whole affair is retarded. Oh it's bad a white man is shooting nog zombies, throw some whites in Africa, thats too racist! White-washing? What's that?


It was. Funny thing is reading that Jack Thompson letter and now, it's pretty clear some of the pearl clutching has not changed much deep down. It becomes absurd when vidya gets accused of being literal murder simulators, while I've read the phrase being used to describe the escalated drone war under obongo "like a video game, almost unreal." And vidya is still the one accused with the problem of distinguishing reality and fiction apparently.

They were bitching about L4D2 as well, around the same time. It was racist because it was set in New Orleans so obviously all the zombies were black.


Too much hyperbole, get the choice quotes from Shitaku, Polygone and ect. Because the bullshit truth coming out of their mouths is much more effective.


Because clearly the Japanese should hire and culturally enrich themselves with real africans, because if games are fucking art, why are you pushing your shit on the artist? wew, well good job user.

On the subject of the fucking stupid RE5 "Controversy"

William Adams was a real person and and Nioh was made BY FUCKING JAPS.
I wake up and this is the first thing I see here, thanks.


Bitch doesn't play Koei games, William Adams has been in several Sengoku games by them, but hey, you'll see a "We wuz samuraiz and shiet!" when they'll demand that this guy should be the lead, not even playing as his unlocked skin in the game will shut them up.


This shit isn't crescent fresh.

Don't forget Resident Evil 6 has a section in China where you fight Asian Zombies and those same people didn't complain.

Thinking about that "According to Polygon" image…it could be used to its potential! Just have to think of many controversies or censorship that happened during 2009-2016.

Evening faggots!

Did you guys hear the news? Netflix fucked up


Does it have to do with "Dear White People"?


They still haven't learned jack shit.

Netflix is shit anyway
A good portion of their original stuff is propaganda like the white helmet documentsty or koolaid for normalfags like orange is the new black
Then also that shit fit the stranger things cast hurdur punch nazis

And im sure the marvel tv shows spout sjw shit also

Coincidentally, Soros just bought shares in Netflix a few months ago and now they feel like race baiting




Are there more of these?

Is there any vidya character more gayer then Link?

seems like an exercise of futility, can't do anything else and when they get violent, that's when it's over

that is interesting

See image.
Why the fuck are you posting this?

If you give this image to anyone that isn't gg, they have no way of verifying that chart. Put a link/archive of the study or don't use it.

I thought it was a movie. Is it a netflix original now?
If they're just hosting the former, I'd have ignored it. The latter is cancerous.
Also, one of the tweets quoted was from a woman who protected/locked her profile. They sicced their readers on her.



Nioh looks like fun. Will buy it for cute ninja girl and Not Momiji when it's on sale or something.

Thing is, so far all they've shown is barely a trailer, and apparently the inspiration for the show actually makes fun of SJWs and shit like that. So the title is not in the slightest enough to start yelling about it, and the show itself could be the very opposite of what's implied.
People are jumping the gun like retards about it and cancelling your subscription because one fucking show has a TITLE you feel showcases things you dislike is absolutely mental and dumb as fuck.

He's done this more then once it seems. Often when I read the comments sections there has been instances where it seems like he didn't get the true end or more completion to see everything so he missed something really important, but still complained about it's absence in the review.

I'm going to assume he rushes through games, and when he immediately sees the credits writes it off for the next one for the next week.

Fuck off val

I basically rush games
Well i complete them and move onto the next
But its pretty clear in this case it was not the end

Wouldn't there be more prestige for them if they'd "remake" something that was terrible when it came out? If anything that would be a surefire way to be hailed as someone doing the source material justice.
I mean has there even been a single instance of the remake overshadowing the original yet?


That second one is genuinely more upsetting because who would turn down hot imp pussy.

I would for hot imp anal


You know that not doing it with a human means it's bestiality, right?

bestiality means you're doing it with an animal


well it's cool if it's really anti sjw, because that would mean the industry finally realized that you don't make money supporting those wankers. Either way, this once again proves that there are a shitload of people on the right side.

Thing is, whatever it is, jumping the gun because of a trailer and crying because a show is potentially sharing retarded views is tiring and plain stupid, and the guys cancelling their netflix subscriptions because of a fucking trailer are mentally challenged.

you got any proof for that? All we have so far is a trailer attacking white people vs your speculation. Fuck off val. Why the fuck are you even here if you are fine with shit like that? Are you fine with treehouse's shit too?

That's exactly my fucking point you faggot. All you have is a fucking trailer. That's it. You have no idea what the show will be about and yet you have all these faggots jacking off like they're TOTALLY making a statement because netflix made one show that MIGHT MAYBE WE DON'T KNOW YET BUT HEY IT'S POSSIBLE and they're FIGHTING THE SYSTEM AND THE SJWs by cancelling
Remember those cunts who cried on twitter because they didn't see a woman in a fucking zelda trailer ? Or those people who write dozens of articles about terrible videogames that are racist and sexist literally from a teaser or a few seconds of gameplay ? That's exactly the same fucking thing.
If you want to hate these cringe "dear white people" MTV-tier shitshows, of course, but being a cockbotherer because of nothing except a title and a few seconds of video is called being a MORON.

why would you think so? It's their money and they can do whatever they want with their money. And in this case they are even sending a good message, don't fuck with the wrong people or you get your shit fucked.

Don't you have a truck to catch?

gee I wonder what a trailer is supposed to do? Maybe it's advertising a slice of the show and the tone/humour of it. Seems an odd choice to advertise a show 'fighting the system' by doing the exact opposite of that. You're a retard, mate

That's exactly the point holy shit
On what do you base the fact it's "sending a message" ? To whom ? Over what ? A goddamn trailer ! If in two months the show turns out to be immensely anti-SJW or pro-trump or whatever, how goddamn retarded will people who "just do whatever they want with their money" look ?
The argument is that it's absolutely stupid to imagine you're "making a statement" by crying about something you have no idea about.
Regardless, moreover, being a bitch because a show is about the "wrong things" is precisely what people cry regarding "social justice" and "progressive thinking" these days. "This needs to be fought against" or whatever. Bullshit.

You're a tool. How many trailers kind of "circumvent" the purpose of the show/movie ? Watch the ones for Up or Wall-E again. They look like simple cutesy films for kids; first five minutes of Up are about the main character's wife being sterile and dying and leaving him alone, and Wall-E becomes this massive futuristic human-condition lesson on self-reliability and confidence.
Trailers are just that. Trailers. Assuming an entire work's content by its backcover is fair, but demanding the book should be banned or fought against or even complained about on NOTHING but such grounds is massively braindead.


that has to happen first. But either way, the message is don't support sjw's, we don't want your sjw bullshit. If their product is not sjw trash at all then they chose a better title the next time.

you do know the series is based on a movie that already came out right?

That is my very point, dear. "If" is a retarded argument to use regarding political/ideological statements.
"Does your book contain anything reprehensible ?" Well, read it for yourself. "Well the cover shows something I find reprehensible so we should ban it"
Do you understand the stupidity behind such a simplistic view ? Again : that the show turns out to garbage and "taking a stand" (not watching a show/reading a book/playing a game isn't much of a "stand" by the way) is your favoured solution, I suppose; but until the show's content is out in the open it's dumb as heck.
Every goddamn month at least we see from game journos or "personalities" on twitter people yelling about a game being awful for pseudo-moral reasons, and after being barely prodded, they confess they haven't played the game in the first place. They get mocked, as they should. Why the double-standard when the reverse happens ?
That's all I am saying. I don't even have netflix anyway I pirate so the end result is unimportant to me. All I'm saying is, if in the end you were yelling and fighting over precisely the opposite of what you fight and struggle over, you look like a doofus and give your competitors exactly what they need to express how faggy you are.

Ah, this I didn't hear about. Give me a source about that, I'm curious; all I've seen so far on the topic is people on twitter crying because of the trailer and nothing else.

Not as retarded as you look right now arguing that everyone is wrong for not accepting your imaginary scenario that goes against what has been presented. You're the type of retard who would think Link will ride a saber toothed tiger in Breath of Wind because they've shown him riding a horse in the trailer and surely they will subvert the expectations despite what they've shown.

You really are retarded. They aren't advertising the first 5 minutes or the moral lesson at the end. They're advertising the movie as a whole. The tone of the whole of it. And yes, both those movies are uplifting kids movies, mirroring what the trailers presented.


Oh ! I hadn't seen that indeed. Welp apologies then.
I still view it as a direct call for censorship in art to demand with financial and social pressure that some art work gets cancelled, altered or removed for purely ideological or moral reasons and remain convinced that, as retarded and awful the show might be, punishing people for making, enjoying or publishing it is precisely what we should be fighting against

Canceling a subscription to aviod propaganda isnt censorship


I didn't see you so up in arms about Ivanka Trumps entire fashion and Jewelry line being boycotted, because shes Trumps Daughter.

Cancelling a subscription specifically because one piece of art exists among ten thousand and advocating a popular engagement against the existence of this creative work is a call to censorship.

Retard. Just because I haven't talked about something stupid doesn't mean I don't think it's stupid. People boycotting her shit just because "muh trump" are faggots all the same. You're allowed not to buy a product for whatever reason, but demanding it gets removed from getting produced or enjoyed is a call for censorship and it's vile and braindead.


Stop posting anytime.

The dude on the left has a real-life tumblr nose how is it even possible

That's not what I said, faggot. Paying for netflix doesn't force you to watch that trash. Cancelling your subscription over netflix making ONE show is a call to censorship.

Nope, not the government unsubbing from them, nobody's forcing them to pull it down
not even subbed right now and not going to again, fuck off with that shit, sick of being told that i'm the root of all fucking evil let alone having it pushed on entertainment, fuck outta here with that shit

What's next?
Not donating to patreon is censorship?

Suck a fucking dick, you slug-slurping faggot.

Stop replying to this retard, either this is one of the shills who thought namefagging himself is a good idea to derail a slow bread or it's just Val revealing himself as a goddamn idiot who'll say he was just pretending to be retarded.

val maybe you'd find yourself more at home on tumblr or reddit. You have more in common with the sjws there

Just report val for rule8

Can you make a bigger version of that OC, user? That looks rad!

Holy shit I feel like I'm reading polygon right now
No one's forcing you to watch the show user. And no one's accusing you of anything by not watching it.

This is specifically the opposite of what I said.

Sadly, no, it's me. Considering art shouldn't exist because of moral reasons and enforcing a push against its existence as is, to me, is censorship. Have considered this against retards who cried against bayonetta or fire emblem, I'll keep considering it censorship now.

If its a shill, good job!
If its actually frogfucker, wonderful, i've had forced anonymity for a year now, now you're filtered.

Nope its the real val
He was defending muslims earlier on twitter

remember that you will never be this bad at video games

Jesus christ. Webm related

Stop lying faggot

Anyway, again, my point isn't that you have to watch garbage or whatever; my point is that censorship is any alteration made onto art for purely ideological reasons.
Polite sage

I don't donate to wikipedia because I dislike their shitty admins, therefore by your logic I'm censoring wikipedia.

Nice try trying to reframe the argument though.

it will still exist in its original form. Just no one will watch it because it's reprehensible. That's not censorship, that's people exercising their freedoms. And if you don't understand that by now then what the fuck have you been doing in these threads for the past two years while we discussed actual censorship of games where parts were removed and never seen again.

Except you are, you just fucking said "I still view it as a direct call for censorship" and all anyone has done is dislike it and stopping choosing to give the makers money, you just called that censorship.
Keep back peddling.

Vals always been a gigantic fucking idiot, he even defends the EU.



Okay, apparently I misworded some shit or I'm being incapable of expressing my point properly, but again : not watching something or not paying for it is not fucking censorship. Demanding something gets removed and enforcing financial pressure onto the makers to force something to get removed or altered is censorship.
It's been made numerous times from pseudo-progressives. From the cries on tumblr about fates forcing a gay to stop being gay, or the backers of that one game that had a limerick about killing yourself over your lover having a dick, that is identical to what's been done.
That's my only point. Disliking something (especially something that shitty) is obviously fine and not paying for it is normal. Fighting against its existence and pressuring the creators and producers to make it disappear (just like with Sam Hyde's show) is retarded and despicable.

Don't be stupid. It's being an ordinary consumer. If he had threatened the company and demanded that they remove something at any point, THAT is censorship. Cancelling a subscription is just deciding that you no longer want to continue patronage to a particular service provider. Netflix can still have that show and they can still show it around to whoever. A cancelled subscription doesn't change that.

Even if you try to make the argument that a bunch of cancelled subscriptions will make Netflix take it down, that's still not censorship if nobody demanded them to do it. It would simply be Netflix reviewing the reason for their drop in profits and changing it in such a case purely for their own business interests.

Boycotts are the only power consumers have, its part and parcel of the whole "free market" supply and demand. GG has advocated for boycotts in the past as consumer protest.

Cute ninja girl talking english is best.
Is Nioh coming for PC?

Well I'm sorry, I don't view it as such at all. A direct call to alter/remove something and pressuring the creators/producers with financial power behind that call is, to me, complete censorship.
If people unsuscribed from netflix because of a "shitlordy" show and demanded together, banded together, to get the show taken down because it's bad and shouldn't exist, I'd call that censorship as well.

Okay either you're /revolt/ or you're just a retard. GG has advocated for boycott of OUTLETS. Not of creators or of even any game or studio. That's even something very early on that's been fought against, hardcore, because faggots on /revolt/ were crying we totally had to make devdex.

It's a "PS4 console exclusive" title.

So its PC later then.

Notice how he's fucking lying: He says he's been in a range, but if it was the case, he would at least have the most basic knowledge about a firearm, such as the bullet in the chamber, and all that shit. Even my mom knows this, and I never saw her with a gun, save for perhaps a G-con2.


>Even if you try to make the argument that a bunch of cancelled subscriptions will make Netflix take it down, that's still not censorship if nobody demanded them to do it

I don't recall anyone demanding to remove/alter it, they are simply withdrawing support for the provider, its the only protest power consumers have.

They probably already have the entire first season filmed so its not very likely its going to be taken off air, especially now SJW's have gotten wind of how its pissed of the "drumpftards"

just filter him

The term "assault weapon" is political,.
Look up the US federal assault weapon ban.
It mostly defined such weapons based on certain features, some of those being very questionable like having a barrel shroud, folding stock, pistol grip that have little to do with actual operation and just mostly look scary to people that know nothing about guns.

Did dumbshits complain about Far Cry 2 when it came to shooting nignogs?

sjws didn't have an interest in gaming back then

… but people ARE demanding netflix to remove that show is my point… ok that might be why people think I'm claiming "not watching it is wrong guize", lots of people on twitter are saying that netflix won't see their money back until the show gets removed or disappears or whatever. Of course just saying "fuck, netflix sucks now, I guess I'll just go to amazon instead" is fine. A bit useless I feel, but fine.
… fuck now I better understand. Sorry about that. Thought it was more obvious.

This needs a spurdo edit. That webm'd be perfect that way.

I used to do that but its pretty amusing watching him actually, he feels the need to be a devils advocate all the time and every single time he is wrong


France should copy this and ban exhaust shrouds tbh. Would make it harder for peaceful refugees to get their hands on high capacity assault trucks.

S-sorry… I really thought I was being clear about what I meant…

Oh and that is the political term,
"assault rifle" used to refer to select fire rifles.
They tend to be used as if they both mean the same, but they're not, necessarily.

This /k/ talk actually reminds me
buying a gun in France is very difficult (you have to go to the police, spend some time being checked, follow some training time, own a coffer for it, etc.), but I'd like something fairly cheap and simple nonetheless when the dosh comes. Any advice ?

We should really bring guns back in France though, the laws here are fucking disgusting.



is this you
>>>Holla Forums8951716


No. I have posted on Holla Forums maybe twice or thrice, and never again. Not even lurking anymore. Don't intend to, even just to say it's not me.



Shit dude… that's way too complex for me… will take a while for me to browse that and make sense of it
Thanks nonetheless of course, hun
Also in France those all probably cost twice their american price

I hope the next step is to remove professors and instructors who keeps pushing these kinds of indoctrinating trash out of academia. Like if they got 3 strikes, they're going to have their teaching licenses revoked and blacklisted in teaching for the rest of their lives.

God luck finding a decent weapon. Legally, I mean. Since the attacks on our soil, the European commission reinforced gun control:
That means less weapons for us, and more guns for the kebabs.
Don't forget the safe and the paperwork. Everything is made to dissuade you to get a gun. I wonder what the political candidates for the upcoming election think about the current gun laws.

They are in the institutions right now, teaching the next generation, I know because my sister-in-law is SJW Genderfluid and in polyamorous, relationship and is teaching your kids right now.

TBH if she gets caught fucking a teenager I wouldn't be surprised, shes got the the self esteem of a chair.

what does she teach

this is the problem

This isn't much of a problem in France; getting the right to own a firearm is very complex and demanding, and overall it's quite costly, but as long as I don't go to jail for some stupid reason or start believing in allah, I should be alright.

Does she have plenty partners or does her partner have plenty partners? Or both? Is she a cuckquean?

What about Europe?

highschool various stuff.

she has her typical feminist ally male that looks like every pic you've ever seen, and a male roommate thats basically a drunken leech.

Oh the roomate has now moved in with my other sister-in-law who is also a huge liberal/feminist with self esteem issues, so it looks like hes probably fucking her now.


no i meant what subject



See I knew they'd eventually grab KiA as the "example" of GG.

So now the cuck is saying not all of GG is Alt-right, wew, dat projection and narrative framing.

Yeah, I think that's a fancy way to say "cuck".

I do believe it's exactly the problem. Right now, our country only sees the gun at the wrong side of the barrel, if you know what I mean.
It would be nice if the nation took a different look at a gun. It's a weapon, sure, but not the spawn of Satan created in the depths of hell to kill our babies. It would be wiser to teach proper gun use and safety to people who wish to protect themselves, and less gun control.

The article is really pathetic too. It comes off as the journo misinterpreting the leddit admin's emails and private messages to create a narrative.

So did anyone see this coming because I didn't

I thought he was already married?

Assange is hitting the milf I wanted to hit when I was like 8 years old

Archive please, and holy fucking clickbait, love the bulletin list of bullshit, and there was a couple of Holla Forums threads about Anderson helping with the Wikileaks foundation when Kerry and friends shut down internet access a year ago.

"Players" didn't worked out. So now, they'll try a new term to replace gamer with "consumers".


He's a Henry: slatestarcodex.com/2014/08/31/radicalizing-the-romanceless/

what the fuck

I was gone for a few days
How was the super bowl? I've been hearing some strange tales about sjws about the outcome and the commercials


Twitter is up to some shit

Twitter banned the account of gab.ai which had not tweeted in over a month

Twitter suspended @sillyfunnycomic which posted political webcomics

Twitter is censoring Scott Adams

Curiosity got the best of me, and holy fuck I was not disappointed



They went and politicize a sport that they had no interest in. Some funny bants though.

Abject failure for teams with winged mascots. Again.

The commercials naturally caused a shitstorm. Budweiser put out an ad that basically trumpeted the American Dream. Leftists went "HA IN YOUR FACE TRUMP FAGGOTS," forgetting that they were calling the American Dream a racist fantasy not a year ago. Trump supporters are threatening to boycott Budweiser, forgetting that there was literally nothing wrong with the ad.

There was also some lumber company that showed the wall with a door or whatever. They were praised for being ~progressive~ but then they went and admitted they supported Trump and now the left has stopped talking about them.

What the hell

We are consumers, but Totilo's saying it like it's a bad thing.

If they're gonna use that to describe gamers, instead of "gamers", then that's worst than players.

What a fucking idiot. If they showed it it would be outright porn and be AO. But he's a dumbass.

You can also skip the video.

Ironic that the team that won were called the patriots

Wasnt there also an audi commercial pushing the wage gap bullshit and then they completely fucked themselves over on twitter after

When did Cromartie High School become about retarded lesbians?

Archives please.

I don't follow the Superball, but from what I've heard, it was basically like this:

I heard that there was another commercial where they basically said that women should get paid more than men
While women were assaulting men in the commercial

I think this is a new level of pathetic I've seen.

Forgot about that. Yes. They absolutely rekt their own shit on twitter before the ad even aired.

I don't care if this was intentional or not, this is great.

Man, I'm sure this is doing wonders for his future career aspects. He'll be lucky finding a job bagging groceries when his Patreon inevitably flops.

Tried, but it doesn't seem to work

Wow, several fucking years of being a "Video game journalist" they still haven't gotten it to their thick skulls that not all fucking culture is their Western progressive bullshit.

What the fuck
The game THROWS money at you, that's a huge theme in the game. Everyone is rich, and excess is a thing. You can literally throw money away in the game.

What's stopping you from buying an inventory full of health items?

Yeah Its not like the majority of america voted for Trump
Btw whens the recount?

Also watching these skits have a whole new meaning after listening to that stream

Well, Patrick is an even worse example of that, in my opinion. The dude practically grew up in exclusive gated communities.

Being a complete fucking casual who has to eat them like candy.

On top of that you have fighting styles MADE for dealing with lots of enemies. Kiryu's default Brawler and his heavy Best style works, while Majima bounces all over the place with his Breaker, and can swing wide swathes with his bat in Slugger style.

Fuck these people.


Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC
☑ Barbecued worst Korea
☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku
☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists
☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group
☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers
☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd
☑ Surviving for 2 years
☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire
☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood
☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy
☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday
☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online
☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone
☑ Owned some bitch
☑ Caught the Arby's killer
☑ Became a verb
☑ Made Pepe great again
☑ Inspired Trump's campaign
☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder
☑ Hacked the DNC
☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum
☑ Bought 4chan
☑ Defended Devin Faraci
☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs
☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch
☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee
☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets
☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442
☑ Unintentionally prepared all of us for the 2016 election
☑ Made halfchan go bankrupt
☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter
☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon
☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press
☑ Triggering Blizzcon
☑ is actually the FBI
☑ Making alternate earth great forever
☑ Creating fake news
☑ Ordering pizza without pineapple
☑ Genesis of the alt-right
☑ Outliving Castro
☑ Corrupting communist mascots with glorious capitalism
☑ Laid the groundwork for online harassment and conspiracy
☑ Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaires
☑ Funded the most diverse game in history, eliminating racism, sexism, and the game/animation/whatever itself from existence
☑ Being associated with white supremacist groups
☑ Spent Christmas with Liru
☑ Actually had fun for Christmas
☑ Destroyed the alt-right
☑ Became meme warriors
☑ Toxic gamer culture
☑ Weaponized nostalgia
☑ Shutting down every woman who tried to even have a forum
☑ Causing Battleborn to flop
☑ Carrying meme associations with the presidential inaugural speech
☑ Made Antifa shoot itself in self defense
☑ Set a limo on fire
☑ Taught the right wing to collectively target sponsors
☑ Sent the head mod of Holla Forums to attack Chia The Beef
☑ Revealed their leader to be grand nazi Jonathan ARYAN Jafari
☑ Shitposted an ethnic minority into existence
☑ Propelled a gay immigrant to international fame and fortune
☑ Won the Superb Owl 2017 for the white supremacist team
☑ Won't stop pretending it was about video games

why do i need to archive tabloid gossip?

Little fucks and their shit taste in videogames and fuck that casual shit with the difficulty.

Because "archive everything" is kinda a mantra here, if this is from the Dailymail, then no loss there, also

You forgot
Redpilled Jontron and Pewdiepie

His such a massive faggot he makes /cuteboys/ look straight.

It's not always a good thing, there is an implied "midndlessness" to the term. Like mindlessly just consuming or grazing, with no choice or say in the matter.

I much prefer the term "customer".

We have plenty of useless laws here in Burgerstan. Are they actually enforced?

He out cucks Jonathan McIntosh

There were two Audi ads

One was a girl beating other kids in go-karting while a father monologued about how its not fair she will be valued less because any man in a related field will be valued more because shes physically weaker, more emotional, takes more sick days, works less overtime, is less willing to travel for work, can fall pregnant, if you take statistics into account.

The second ad was a Pixar Toys ripoff, where a Princess comes alive when the store closes, and finds a sexy new Audi toy car, it opens the passenger door for her and she says no I'm driving, then she races all over the store for no reason while a white male soldier toy flies into a xmas tree and fucks himself up for no reason thats related to the ad, he's just there to fuck himself up.

Then the store opens and a kid runs up and wants the car, with the Princess inside, and the Mum goes, "Those don't go together" and then the Boy secretly grabs the Princess doll to put into his Audi car.

Those are CAR ads btw

Funny how wikipedia convientely forgets all the times other sources have been unreliable.

Wasn't there a tweet where someone says Audi pays women less then Audi ended up saying that women work less hours than men on average

Why is pewdiepie redpilled?

I dunno about that one, but I saw the one where they have no female board members.

He's speaked out against immigration especially in sweden and has been speaking out against sjws


Maybe he was being ironic

Yeah, and Audi also admitted that hour-for-hour, women get paid the same as men.

you niggers they're just doing this because they think it's edgy not because they're "redpilled'
reminder that they cater to normalfags


These bloggers have been trying to get on the "LOL RANDUMB" youtuber/streamer crap with their cringe videos.

Don't forget that he got labeled as a racist because he asked two indians, or whatever they were to show a sign that said "death to all jews". He didn't even think they would do it.

Confirmed faggot.

They got shitty vetting, and that fake news article is still bullshit.

Pewds is a racist and Jontron is a nazi
What a time to be alive

He should do a collaboration with brote.

I believe jontron even said his subscription number in the stream

Well, he did one with Psychicpebbles, talked about the current climate of bullshit lately and other stuff.

It's really hard to figure out if they beta orbit around feminists for pussy, or just to get at other male feminists.

By the way him and PBG made up and are friends now after Jon invited him over for a drink

Danielle mod when?


That asshole decided that friendship was more important than political nonsense and decide to still be his friend.

Kudos on that.

Unless you are talking about Arin therefore you are right.

You guys got anything better than just "redpilled Pewdiepie" because I think we've overused that.


Made Pewds and Jontron our boys


Temporary Title: Adult World Edition.

Thats a pretty cool character. What makes SFV so shitty again?


Looking forward to the porn. The only thing SFV is good for now.

I already got an entry covering Mr Tronathan.

Maybe some variation on SWEDEN YES ?

The gameplay is great and the updates have been improving the game.

Barebones content, although you can get all the characters for free in-game money.

Censorship to try and get accepted into mainstream esports, rushed development to take advantage of money grabs, DLC content out the ass.

PC version had a rootkit, censorship, lack of content like poor story mode and DLC kikery, casualized compared to past entries, e-sports whoring, I think there's a few more things I'm missing.


Holy shit, thats actually pretty funny.

uhhhhh, how about ☑ Turned Pewdiepie against Sweden YES?
Wasn't he some big donator to Sweden YES several years ago? I remember Holla Forums hated him for supporting lefties or something years ago.

Why is he in a cupboard?

Doesn't look like it. Watch Nuclear Negro's stream of it, still looks as sterile as fuck as the launch version.

No, fuck you.

Why not Pilldiepie?

tbh people don't have the time to play through SFV SFV updated SSFVT2Remix and compare themselves the engine alterations and mechanics changes. Espcially if SF4 already turned them off it. I don't want to spend time learning the ins and outs of a game i don't care about.


Because that sounds even more shit than Pewdiepill does

But it sounds the same as Pewdiepie.

I'm just saying I watched a stream and it still looks as dull as the release build, calm your fucking tits. Street Fighter hasn't been good in in a over a decade. EX2, 3rd Strike and Alpha 3 were the last worthwhile games in the series.

Am I crazy or does this sound creepy?

Extremely creepy and fucked up

The evidence you have to not assume this is wrong from the start is that it's based on a film, and the film was about portraying SJW identity politics as misguided at best, from what I hear. Tumblr loved to make gifsets of a scene from it where a black student goes all "racism is power and privilege and whites are privileged" and shit but then the film pointed she was naive, apparently.


Someone's mad that his paper's been called out for being shit.

Random shit, but unless its full frontal naked, it's really fucked up, if its funny half-shirt naked, then nah, still fucked up regardless.

its this pic specifically.


Then bravo Kate, mother of the all years goes to you, that kid is growing up to be a fucking lesbian.

Correct me if I'm wrong but usually don't you delete pictures of your ex once you break up
Unless you end up posting their pics online as revenge porn

Numale sender, numale liker. They're both in San Francisco, aren't they?

here she is posing with her dad


Goony beardman is apparently in Spain.

Looks like its too late for her

Those rules only apply to men.

This is just fucking sad.

to be fair I wouldn't mind if my father was Michael Sheen


Please tell me thats water




CNN is just on a downward spiral


Ok, but then we also stop casting black people, oh wait

please use archive.is/culture-wars/black-actress-says-when-historical-dramas-dont-cast-non-whites-it-hurts-me/


Welp. That's it. Just going to have to close the tab each visit and just go into my Bookmarks manually from now on.

Pity. Having a tab permanantly open was convenient.

Maybe I'm stupid, but couldn't you just use automatic cache management?

I can't even get to that, once I hit 3gigs firefox freezes.

if the question is the updates, why not just turn the auto update off then update when you come back?



Words cannot describe how much this pisses me off.

What's his name again?

I thought you guys would be all over this.




Joshua Goldberg

why are the so many retards playing that game lol.

Because Oculus has no games

Here's the dev's twitter

ohh man, I thought that girl googled for her mothers nude. It was way sexier that way. A girl being into her father is weird.


why is everyone in the industry so gay? Please don't tell me that everyone turns into that kind of shit once they pass 35.

Jesus Christ Thats bad
I mean not even DSP or Egoraptor plays that shitty


Because dumb people with plenty of money.

So basically they pulled an election night

Essentially. There's a fair share of people who go "Whatever" when a team like the Patriots win because it's not surprising to them, much in the same way if the New York Yankees won a World Series. It's not even the first time they went through that false prediction, they thought the Cubs would lose the World Series and lo & behold, they won!

Well the guy in my webm is very likely actually retarded. Not going to link to his profile, but he is dumb as fuck, like not normal stupid but next level retarded. Well I think it's good that his parent buy him nice shit and try to make his miserable life better.

They even had a "there is a 90 something percent chance of the falcons winning."

We did it
We did that
It feels so great to see the salt continuing even to this day
So many magical events happen afterwards and everyone is seeing sjws for who they truly are

Need we forget

I wish I could relive that magical night every day

The inauguration day comes close

To be fair, the "90% chance of winning" for the Falcons came from articles written during the game because they were up like three touchdowns in the last quarter.

The faggots being so smug just before getting their shit pushed in is what makes it so great though

Random Question
How well is the Punch a Nazi meme working out for the left?

Terribly, libshit commies are making even more people turn away from them.

I can see why Jontron made that stream then

Can one nignog do a test for me?

Search in google "Twitter Stock" then "Yahoo Stock". Is there a difference how the results are presented?

Can someone explain the whole "Bowling Green Massacre" "Atlanta Attack" "Biggest ingaugration ever" thing?

Are they playing 5D chess or are they actually sliders from another dimension?



There is actually a feminist dimension in that show where hillary is president.

True, but with Th Patriots it was a true come-from-behind victory. With Trump, they simply hadn't realized they had already lost before the election even began.

One of Trumps advisers said this happened, because terrorism. Except it never happened.

Dumb lies

You want fake news? Listen to Trump's advisers

I stopped watching football a few years ago. But I'm convinced that anyone who was counting the Patriots out at any point of the game doesn't know anything about the game and/or the Patriots.
I was never a Pats fan, as I was always and unfortunately a Dolphin's fan, but anyone who's paid any serious attention to the game knows you don't count Brady and Belichick out until the final play of the game.

Guess how I can tell you haven't been paying attention to the threads

but there is no point is saying lies when they have good examples in Europe that are true. So whats the deal here? Theres got to be something more to this.

I have user. You fags were screaming like little kids over his inauguration crowd. Remember that one Clinton rally, where we had pics of different angles showing her crowd was really small? This time you were the democrats.

lol idiots

I know that user, but these people are goddamn idiots.

This might not be a popular opinion here but it might be simply that they made a mistake. At the point we're at the shitty medias will pounce on every comma out of place coming from Trump's office.

Hello shillblue

Looks like it!

Sometimes I wonder if they are purposefully trying to lull the media with stuff ups, because during the campaign trail Trump wasn't really caught off guard at all, aside from being just anti PC.

That's why I'm suspicious of it all.

Her making that "gaffe" was the same as saying the media never covers terrorism. They pointed out AAAAALL the times they've reported on that shit showing sandniggers are a problem, and the bowling green thing was again, him getting the media to say heres what actually happened, sandniggers got through the vetting after being enemy combatants and were planning bad shit but got caught.

That's exactly right. They don't know about the game, or thought it really was Good (I'm Still With Her and Bernouts) vs Evil Fascist Nazis (Drumpf Alt Right TurboNazis) NFL edition.

They could have just went 'hey shit is just a game of handegg at the end of the day, nothing more nothing less. There is enough of politicking for a while, some things are just a gam-'

Then kek ensued.

The Pats are very strange, especially if you were born around 92 to 95, since those people literally grew up with them dominating the NFL ever since they were Elementary kids.

So let's just ignore the blockades that happened prior to the inauguration speech, which is the time period most of the "empty crowds" are taken from, after which you can very clearly see the crowd being massive, which you can easily look up by typing "Trump inauguration speech" into Youtube and looking at the shots from during his speech. Let's also ignore the fact that outlets like CBS released "uninterrupted and continuous footage" to show as a timelapse of the crowd assembling, which was blatantly edited as shown by the transition between one shot to the next. Let's also ignore Spicer's reasoning provided, he is probably just a tinfoil conspiracy theorist. Let's also ignore the available images that many outlets "conveniently missed" that very clearly show the crowd being larger than what the MSM presented as the critical mass that the crowd was able to reach. Let's just ignore all of that and just parrot what some retard with "#NOTMYPRESIDENT" tatooed on his forehead had to say.

You would have to ask Kellyanne Conway since she made it up. You figure that an administration that has been under constant attack for over a year before it even came into office wouldn't play fast and loose like that but shit happens.

if you want to get tin foil, you can claim it's an inside job to discredit the administration and give it's enemies some low hanging fruit to latch on to, but I honestly didn't think that 's the case. Trump's not perfect, and his people aren't perfect, it stands to reason that one might go rouge and do something stupid or that they might just be a bad pick; there will be fuck ups. Accepting that as a fact early on will do you a lot of favors in the long run

700th for Buffalo Bills taking the next superbowl. :^)



your bread sucks



Scalies a shit memee

its not fair, collin was a good guy…

Can we go back to summoning the memeteor?

Dubs confirm

wait what