What are some good kinos about triggered hot pockets?

What are some good kinos about triggered hot pockets?

Previous thread


haters will say its photo-shopped

TGSNT thread was anchored and spammed with cuck porn, so I am guessing that.



Oh Margcuck. You sad faggot.

Not quite.

You seem upset.

I'd fuck Snoo

I'm not the one spamming threads because mods are deleting your off-topic threads. I haven't even posted anything Jenny-related since Bliss won the official queen vote for 2018.


what's wrong with her fucking face

Your low energy reddit tier hotpocketry is how she wound up Official Queen® in the first place.

Let me fix that for you.

I don't know what the fuck is going on


take your shit waifus somewhere else

Zach, pls, don't make Margcuck hard. It just makes this more awkward.

pic related may help you understand

holy fucking autism

Mod pivoted away from jennay after TLJ and switched spamming various other cancerous waifus instead, mostly maisie. He’s mad because this isn’t reddit.

What would you do without lies and deleted threads?

Make your mind up smiley.

Holy fucking autism indeed.

What does your mom pay for your meds?

Just get a fucking girlfriend you sperges

Nice projection smiley.

