She is gay

She is gay

How does this fact change your perception of the character and the story?

Other urls found in this thread:'Aubigny

Wow. I didn't give a shit about this game and I still don't.


I'll be back later to view the results of the discussion.


Not if she gets raped regularly.

I thought we had reached peak virtue signalling already, but clearly not. I wonder what games will look like in a few years? I mean, the change from just a year ago has been unbelievably exponential.

Shit thread, fam.

It's time to stop!

Is that why the character animations were worse than fucking Witcher 2?

Well, I'm not surprised, but I also don't care about this game in the slightest, so overall, I suppose it changes nothing.
Didn't even know about it prior to your posting.

I for the most part play female characters because I like making waifus, so lesbian NPC's are always welcome if it's a game with romance options. I don't really care about romancing dudes.

I don't own a bloodborne-box though, so don't give a fuck.

Can a game get a name more generic than this?

Fan theories are going to pop up that she doesn't have a mom and her animations are robotic because she's secretly a robot. I guarantee it

Who's everyone's favourite lesbian protagonist?

Sounds like a name a japshit dev would use, i doubt you would be complaining if it was the case, cunt

If she was lesbian in a jap game, she would at least be sexy.

Don't care tbh.
I just play japanese games.

On a jap game she would have a dick, they wouldnt be blunt about it tough. Jap gays stay in the closet like the faggots here fapping to gay porn all day every day and acting like they arent just like tumblr

I was kinda thinking of getting it on sale, because I wanna kill robot animals. Fuck that now, I'm not supporting some blatant pandering to faggots.

this isn't even entertaining shitposting, if you're not going to contribute at least be entertaining

Can I get a source?
I just did a pretty heavy search and I've found nothing to claim that she's a degenerate.
Can you provide source?

go back to your closet

go back to SA or make better posts goon

The actress gave an interview about it.
Give me moment.

did i invade your safe space ? are you triggered? calm down or you will rupture that glass dildo up your ass

Will they make her burn coal for bonus virtue points?


Japs even make their niggers attractive


Because all they do is take one of their characters and give them darker skin I'm not complaining though

No doubt the dyke baboon will be her lover

thats more like it, pretend to be retarded and proceed back to your closet

Cant complain either

makes me leery as all fuck.
From an ad, it looked pretty darn interesting, but if *this* is one of the first details we learn about the protag…
There goes any hope I had for this game..


It's the current year. Everything is pozed.

The shemale in the middle is from what game? Looks like a treated bullshot, i guessing something by Sony

Wait this shit came out?
Also big surprise burch is gay

Uncharted 4 i believe

It didn't yet, it comes out later this month


So everyone just believes OP without source?
Not like I would be surprised since the game looks like that kind of shit, but still.


I assumed as much, so in no way.



It wasn't enough the Jews took our white women away so now they are taking away our vidya women too. Race war now!

user, it was always trash and so was Overwatch.




Polygon wrote about it. I don't see the big deal. This isn't pol.

Shit game got even shittier.

Can't wait until it bombs and the developers sperg out and start blaming "homophobes".





Wat an-ee-moo?

You're on the wrong board


Do I have some news for you.

I just want her to get the help she needs for her mental illness, user.



Retards, don't reply to the Holla Forums shills.
Also, OP better provide some source.

Hahahaha. Thank you friend. You are a riot.

What are you on about

Holla Forums please, Holla Forums doesn't need any help making themselves look like complete faggots.

Is there porn of the two where they get gangraped straight?


no but there is one where a guy shoots one of them and fucks her while she is still warm

Now who would that be?


Are you telling me you can`t choose your partners?
What are they going to cut next?
Skin colors, everyone will be albino or mudskin?
Accents? Everyone will speak perfect english?
Tech AI? Only few types?
Open World? Linear zones?
Well into the trash it goes… then

Know about that one. Pity there's not one where they make them healthy girls again.

why are you even here?

Its mostly just rape, but Holla Forums made this

if you didn't see the tumblr coming a mile away then the problem is you. sick and fucking tired of you shitstain post2007 newfaggots whining about shit you enabled.

there is tons of sfm porn of them, surely there is one like that

Why are faggots and lesbians always obnoxious assholes?

You aren't very good at your hobby.

That's a girl?

Good end?

It is the most extreme form of faggotry to not like lesbians. It is up there with claiming traps are gay.

nigga do you know how actual lesbians are


typical lesbians are fatass bulldykes who only munch carpet because they have a burning hatred for men

fags are just fags

I'm surprised dykecuck hasn't yet joined the thread. Usually merely mentioning dykes brings him running.

You fags better not reply to the dykeposter after that obvious fucking bait.

sounds damn right

But what's her name Holla Forums

My [D] will pound that fish so hard that she'll forget all about dykery.

You speak from my soul.


Easy. I use this argument all the time with my lib sister. " why do people not like gays in games user? Is it da bigotry? Must be da bigotry!"

I show her this image and she flips her shit everytime.

This is not a person. This cannot have their own thoughts or preferances. This is not gay or straight as it is not alive. This is a digital object to do with what you will for entertainment. If I don't find it entertaining the object will not be used by me. Since the subject material does not catch my interest in the slightest I do not care. Furthermore if the object is in opposition to what I find entertaining I will tell others not to use the object as human nature inclined us to warn others of danger when threats appear.

She always gets salty.




Only on ps4 pro*

*probably also on pc

I think you'll find it's over half.

Reviewing the game now. It's only subtle reference.


do you think that choby faux faps to the fan art that gets shoved down his throat?

I have no problem with a character being gay. In and of itself.

I have a problem with a character sexuality being artificually forced on me when makes no sense with regards to the plot or setting of the game.

For example, if there was a game about the sacred band of Thebes, and ancient army of faggots who were kind of badass, or about fictional Amazonian lesbian warriors, I would have no problem with homs being a main focus. The problem is when a generic narrative is taken and turned into gay propoganda, or when the setting makes being a bumfiddler contradictory to the world presented.

The problem with progressives and their crusade for diversity is that they think intersectional identity politics is a substitute for good game design, intelligent narratives, or cohesive world design. When you play a game set in medieval times, you should expect butchdykes to be burnt at the stake.


Lesbian porn when?


>Not fishporn.

Guess I'll post smug

yeah. don'tcha want to see sum wimminz squish their gashes together?

No since that's boring, one of them has to have a dick or two.

only one right answer

You have strange taste user, but as roman proverb goes, we shouldn't talk about other people tastes. I rather prefer women to be dickless. Just pure XX.

Praise KEK

Is this another bioware game? Who cares anyway.

Farage has the face and smile of a man who has seen the joys world has to offer.


Thread's no longer on the first page - post more Farage. Remember to sage.

wew what's next? Are you gonna say that you hate feminine penises?


I don’t care about the story and want the character and its creators to die.

It’s that simple.




Jeb still has a chance to win



fuck off shill


dubs don't lie, western devs a shit

Wow the devs are really bigoted for implying that only lesbians can be stonk wymyn
Also nice source faggot

Don't care about the game so I don't care about its lesbeams.




He's gay

How does this fact change your perception of the character and the story?



First post, best post.

Its made by a bunch of fags who dont know how to write, of course she'd be gay. If she wasnf sne is still voiced by Burch which automatically makes her shit outside of the surefire shit writing.

This is what Holla Forums always wanted, a ginger lesbian girl protagonist, but they're bitching about it because it's being made by SJWs instead of ONE GUY from agdg he doesn't exist anyway

Its going to be a shit game no matter how the devs lean on their beliefs


It is funny. All those english and americans that will suffer through A. Burch VA. So glad I'm stinky foreigner with my own language version.

I wasnt planning on getting to begin with so it changes nothing

If it was Japanese I wouldn't care. But seeing my familiarity with Western games, it's more likely she's gay for the sake of shallow pandering.

The problem is that they aren't doing it to pander to "us" you dip.

that could be fun

aaaand it's shit

literally the worst fucking va i've ever heard, every voice she does sticks out like a sore fucking thumb. it's like having diarrhea poured in your ear.


Underage please go. You're not supposed to be here.

user, please. She is the fucking worst. Get out of the ABIDF

Excellently done.
have a bancho



Isn't this the game about fighting robo dinosaurs? How does being gay have anything to do with that? Does she do anything particularly gay? Would anyone even know she's gay unless a dev said it? If it makes no difference to anything what's the point?

That acting was horrible along with the ending. "Don't kill yourself, just be alone forever." "okay" "Thanks for telling my bro to leave."

The audio doesn't match up with the dialogue choice at all. Not to mention the sister acts non-nonchalant immediately afterwards like you are always right. Also the sister's face is messed up. It looks like it is stuck in one frame of expression. It also looks rather flat.

Personally I hate Old Horseface more. But Burch is up there.

As a post earlier stated, she'll be gay in name alone. There won't be any romance options, and they come as close as they can to the line "don't hit on me silly boys" without actually saying it.

All video game lesbian action heroes need to use Julie d'Aubigny as a framework, and then go from there.'Aubigny

But user, that type of character would just be a female character with male traits.
Fuck you Anita.

Back to Holla Forums with you. Go be a cucked manlet someplace else.

All games need to take inspiration from yuri. If you're gonna put dykes in your game at least make them fantasy lesbians for the male audience.

now I am not going to touch the game, or any other game made with FAG TECHNOLOGY
Fuck death stranding too.

An engine is only as good as the people using it.

I will not play the game and i will boycott the company.
Hopefully I'll get all of my buddies to do the same.
SJW's deserve only death.


Reason why anons here are bitching is because the protag isn't qt and her lover is an unfiltered sheboon. I don't and won't be playing a game where I'm forced to sit trough carpet munching, race mixing, ideology pushing trash.

I actually, out loud, sighed.
I mean, it could still be good, but they're definitely going for pander points, and that automatically dampens my enthusiasm.

We can't discuss a trainwreck in the making now?

Also because the game looks like generic trash. They might as well have called it Open World: The Game: Dyke Edition.

You don't discuss a train wreck until the train has finally wrecked.

Yeah that too, but we already covered this this previous threads. High-poly, flat textured shit. Put all your money in hiring 3D artists and minimize hard jobs like programming.


They obviously wasted their money considering the characters have that unique BioWare quality to them, and that the outfits look like shit.

The red head does look pretty good here.
The character's repetitive motioning/facial animations to make them seem more alive makes them look like they're twitchy crackheads, their voice/lip sync is off, the "few words" to a few cheesy sentences is bs (didn't they learn from the reaction to FO4, that this is a terrible idea?), also they had the "jerky head" syndrome due to changing who the dialogue is focused on, and a lot of other really amateur mistakes.
Overall… it reeks of amateur work pandering to an audience who've never played a game before; thus: "who cares if it's unpolished minimalistic garbage" - t. devs.

I haven't heard of this game until u mentioned it, but I can't find anything confirming that.

can't say I'm surprised…

That's the one thing they did pretty well, well, that and the hair.
Looks like they're using limited cloth physics with some tessellation to give it that more detailed silhouette. Not bad tbh, and a lot better than most games.


I bet you really thought Mew was gonna be under that truck too.



This and it also makes me think the developers have no confidence in the game and made her a dyke in the hope that at least the pink hair brigade will buy it.


Yeah textures are pretty much nonexistent with most being minimalistic and leaving the rest to resource hogging shaders and effects.

Kill yourself.

This is something I want to understand. Some games/anime/shoes where there's a bit of 'yuri' it will be some nice, softcore, sisterly lovin' between the girls which won't bother me a lot. Then there's 'YURI' where they go all out and dyke it out while stating men are pigs and trying to look like one even wearing a strapon that looks like a man's genital. Why is the latter example getting popular?

One kind of yuri is aimed at a male audience, the other is aimed at the mentally ill carpet munchers.

You can tell by the art style (which is generally terrible) and how nothing happens but feelz.

Maybe later

you might wanna get that shit taste checked, m8

quick thread tbh, fam-a-lama-ding-dong

Elbows too sharp?

I guess this new bait is effective.

She looks like a man in dress, bro.

sauce on this image? reverse search found nothing

never even heard of this game
and I'm glad, it looks awful. I'll forget the name in 20 minutes.

When will this shit stop? I have had enough with this diversity shit they force on everything!

When we kill all the jews, dipshit. It never stops until then.

Because i vote with my wallet and don't vote for stronk wymyn or wewuz garbage games, this changes nothing.

A few years ago, "worth a pirate" was something you could say every now and then. I can't think of any recent game where that's the case. I simply do not want to play as an uppity woman or a nigger. Not the awkward way they're forced now.

Playing as a nigger was no problem in GTA:SA, because there were no underlying dirty motives, no agenda. I can't think of any recent game where niggers haven't been used for anti-white brainwashing or revisionist purposes.

I can't remember the last time I played a game with a female protagonist that wasn't shit and rage inducing as fuck.

user, please, you haven't heard played many games if you think she's the worst.

Even Bayonetta?

Jesus fucking CHRIST
How can people be paid money for this?

I didn't rage at the RE:Revelations games tbh but then it seems that it's just me that's okay with them here.

Oni ChiChi

user please she is the worst.

It is an impossible task for them to make niggers look appealing


well apparently there're people who buy these propaganda pieces, otherwise why would they keep making them?

nobody wanted to watch the fatbusters remake, it was a huge flop, but it still got made. leftarded propaganda clowns don't have common sense. especially if they blow someone else's money.


Worst as in

remember that VA want to go on strike because they dont get paid enough for this

They really don't get it, do they? Being a homosexual is a luxury of a decadent society where the realities of the frontier are not weighing down on society.

Just look at China and Japan to see how wrong you are.


u wot?

We're talking about caveman politics, you idiot. If the tribe across the river wants more pussies to fuck to make more kids, they will raid the place with the bunch of weak faggots who can't be arsed to protect their women and rape the lesbians and not give a shit about their sexual orientation.

They did a great job not shoving it down our throats.

christ it's like watching the retarded kids from south park have their voices replaced with a text to speech module.

I'm surprised this video exists, btw.

as in over-population probably. too many chinks.

Why not just have a male character if you're gonna have a lesbian. Men like girls.

I've been there m8, fags are still frowned upon. Jews have also been pushing the "go fuck gaijin xD 'specially dem africans" narrative pretty hard since they won't lessen immigration laws.

This. I already thought the game was gay, so why should I be surprised if a character is also a faggot?

interesting numbers there buddy boy

he sounds like joel from roosterteeth

I never even knew the game existed before this thread.

Doing God's work user.
I never really got the whole moral outrage over fiction thing, it's just there to tell a good story.



Yeah this was pretty much my response as well.

the only acceptable answer.

At least with Nioh they now have two exclusives that aren't completely shit. Some six more and it might actually be worthwhile to own the console, so I might purchase it in about 10 years.

Leftism destroyed lesbians.

I am 'mirin' those quadruple dubs, there, friend, and many thanks for the sauce


Besides the obvious garbage, the acting is embarrasing in all aspects. If at least that was convincing, but no, they can't even deliver their poison in a convincing way.

You poison someone by slipping it in there unnoticed. But for the last year they just go balls to the walls plastering niggers and dykes in peoples faces in the most unelegant way possible. It must only be a matter of time before it backfires because I refuse to believe normalfags will put up with this shit when it's so horribly put together, despite their acceptance of the SJW bullshit. It's just so incredibly BAD.


Have you seen the sales of Watchdogs 2 and Mafia 3 or Inquisition even?

It's been backfiring for years, but leftists only know how to double down, just look at them still chimping out that Trump won.


Because of course she is.

Pretty much. I'm going to bo playing so much Nioh that I'm not even going to have time to spend thinking about this no doubt upcoming failure of a game.
How do you fuck up dino robots?

Jewish fantasy vs. Reality

And the worst part is that they didn't even do what the film alleges. Nor did the "Villains" of the film even exist.

Over population.

What does that have to do with the protagonist being a lesbian and apocalyptic settings not changing people's sexual orientation?

Let's not let truth get in the way of Jews demonizing white gentiles. Remember the Holocaust!


Those are some impressive digits

It's real in my mind.



Goddamnit Disney.


Fixed it for you.

But that is correct; "American" refers to a nation founded by and comprised of whites. Blacks are also American but in a unique sense, hence "African-American."



A characters sexual orientation doesn't fucking matter unless it some how affects the fucking plot. Orientation as a plot device is fucking retarded. I (we?) don't fucking care.

Fuck off to Holla Forums. No one likes carpet munchers.

Its like you are asking for good writing or something.
Fucking entitled male gamer

sounds gr8

It's because i'm american? Is she racist?

lmao what a tard


>a nation

why did you post a picture of an Italian American?


Well, only in this year we had Batlefield World War 1 being a nigger instead of a white male who represents the reality, we had Watch Dogs being a nigger hacker who don't represent the reality since they are 00000,1% if they exist, we had Mafia 3 instead of being about Italians and Europeans, being a fucking disgusting nigger

And we had Fifa 17 with the best european players in todays world being white, caucasian men, Like Messi, Bale and others, they put in the carer you forced to pretend to be a fucking nigger

Now this game was called by the guardian a feminist game

The games are being garbage

I don't buy none of these games and i will not buy, maybe i could buy this feminist game as the guardian says, only used and sold for $ 3 USD if is not so disgusting, the games with niggers i will not buy.

Espera Oscar de Corti - It was real in my mind

Isn't he just American?

Still best post.

Looks like sony will keep the blunder of the year award for the second consecutive time.

Well Mr Marketer, here's how it changes my perception.

I will not even pirate this game. There are so many games in existence right now even from 20 years ago that I haven't played, there are a ton of mods, free games, and a few gems that appear every year that I will simply not even bother pirating a game that wants to sell me propaganda.

I really do not hate gay people, but the recent trend is to make an entire personality for someone just by making them gay or transsexual, or strong wimmin. Well, you can eat shit because I'll play something else. Not only the woman in that game is ugly, but she somehow has time to be "gay" in a very dangerous world where you have to be a hunter and gatherer. Are there even strong male characters in that game? Because women being hunters, lol


Felicia Day is the one that gets me. It sounds so unwarrantly cocky. She pretended to be a gamer like a decade ago on an internet video series and now everyone wants to hire her ugly ass, and you can pick her voice out easily in a game. For example, she's fucking everywhere in Vegas. Shopkeepers, Veronica, random female NCR. It grates after a while.

Fucking degenerate.

Why are the animations so shit? And the voiceover so out of tune with the body. Are back in the PS1 era?
Her head is too big for her body
Holy shit, the black chick looks funny as hell. Is she from looney tunes? Did someone hit her with a frying pan before the video started?

Then you will be killed right alongside them. This isn’t a matter of opinion. You either hate faggots because of the existential threat they pose to society or you are complicit in the damage they are doing and will be punished for it.

This meme needs to die.


Thank you Holla Forums, our greatest ally.


Is there more to this? Even if fake it's still funny.

Who gives a fuck those drunk squatters were here first?

Fag enablers are worse than the faggots. At least the have the excuse of being mentally ill.

someone has to creampie those eggs.


My values are that I do not take propaganda trying to make me feel shameful for my race or sexuality. There are some gay people who do not throw around that sort of propaganda and just live their lives. Maybe stop roleplaying and accept that people do not have to be black and white about a thing, eat shit.

Seriously, nigger?

Not only they are not the first, they were never nations, nor did they occupy the land, they roamed it.

A thing that only applies for humans.

Too bad you don't have any land then, I'm interested in expanding my back yard.

No. There are not. They do not exist. Faggots are DEFINITIONALLY mentally ill and uniformly act in the way they are stereotyped as acting. Read the links. It’s proven, motherfucker.
I can’t wait for you to have a gun barrel to your head. Your last words will be, “lol, joke’s on you; I’ll just respawn, LARPers!”
Enjoy hell, faglover.

So you’re either saying that only whites have the right to any land anywhere or you’re saying something irrelevant to the topic of discussion.

Just imagine anons. When RWDS's start you can pick out the best looking anons, roofie them and get their boypussys while theyre fucked up. Imagine how angry Holla Forums would be, waking up with a sore asshole. And who are they gonna talk to? None will admit they were dominated by another man.

Triggered injuns need to shut up and drink more white man's fire water. No one gives a fuck about your opinions, you should have been exterminated a long time ago.

East Asians are cool too. Everyone else can go fuck themselves.

somehow I'm not surprised

Common Filth is likely dead, and may his degenerate spic ass rot in hell, but he's right, the only place for faggots is a gas chamber.

Honestly, when the war against the leftists begins in earnest, we’ll probably break the Anglo-Zanzibar War’s record.

By which you mean “japanese only, and only in specific instances”, of course. You’re going off the pre-WWII Jōmon culture interpretation of Japanese history, right?

I assume that’s a website since you capitalized it. Either have a relevant statement or fuck off.

What he said.

Oh wait you're the dyke cuck aren't you?


No, I mean the race in general. A lesser race couldn't have built China, a lesser race couldn't have created the Mongols, a lesser race couldn't have led to the "Asian Tigers", Korea, Japan, etc.

Once you exterminate Jews, spics, niggers, mudshits and curryniggers there's more than enough land and resources for everyone.

You're going in the gas chamber with all the fag enablers in this thread

Usually I stop responding when I see a discussion is going absolutely no where but I'll give you the joy of another response just to laugh at you. I am arguing with a kid. I stated that I wouldn't even consider pirating this game due to gay/feminist propaganda. I also said that this doesn't mean that hate all gay people.

Your immediate response was an angry autistic spergout where you said that I should be killed and that I am an existential threat. It did not matter to you that I may like a game where being gay would not be such a big focus, and it would at least make sense. You started to spergout some more and wish me death because I don't 100% agree with you.

I'm disappointed in the state of Holla Forums, it was not like this when we first started migrating here. And yet here we are viewing cuck chan tier posts. It's fucking disgusting that I even waste my time arguing with idiots like you, you don't even fucking deserve replies. This is not banter, trolling, you are just fucking stupid.

You understand roofies are covertly slipped into things yes? Theyre not a charging homo with a dragon dildo you get 20 points for offing with a shot in the gaysack.

He's talking about faggots though. All the times I saw dyke cuck he was very specifically talking about dykes. His beef isn't with homosexuals in general, but with the carpet munchers that NTRed his girlfriend.

dont reply to retarded larping faggots from Holla Forums, its fucking hilarious because they talk about the leftist faggots not being self aware and yet they themselves are exactly the same. LARPing faggots, thats all Holla Forums is these days, a disgrace.

wew lad, guess you can't take the bantz.


That's where you're wrong kiddo

It's like I'm on reddit or something.

Well, that was an awfully short thread.

It's not even the fact that he's from pol or not from me, it's the fact that Holla Forums is infested with kids and people who turn against each other even if they stand for the same thing. They have no idea what I stand for and they label me as a leftist because I didn't go full Hitler on fags, and that I hated most of them but not all of them. They think this is funny, banter or trolling when they were probably born in 2000 and they think acting retarded and randumb is funny. I do remember Holla Forums a few years ago from Holla Forums, it wasn't like this. We had great discussions, sjw fags were dub posted to death, retards were ignored.

The chinese are fucking shit, mate.
Literally copied everything they have from Japan, and when Japan was beaten, the US. You know fuck all about them.

10/10; shittiest troll I’ve seen today. Thanks for playing.

Pro tip, shitstain:

Reported for leftypol spam.

This thread is no longer what it was supposed to be.


Grow the fuck up you thin skinned, whiny bitch. Either that or go someplace where people aren't mean to you and don't call you a pussy faggot.

Ask your mom then.

All faggots must die and faggot enablers must die with them. That was the point of the OP and it has been resoundingly proven.

It’s like I’m really back in 2005.