#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Magazine of Cuties Edition



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pastebin.com/V2eFA9GE (Last updated November 29th, 2016)
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4. OP DISNOD 2: REBOOT. The Blizzard staff email addresses were added for easy emails.
5. Defend Free Speech! Anti-Internet Censorship Database Operation:
6. Dig for info regarding the ESA, (also ECA, IARC)
7. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.


- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- youtube.com/watch?v=7AL__CptUSQ
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/5qva0e/deepfreeze_deepfreeze_291_update_five_new_entries/
- youtube.com/watch?v=KcDVvqv93CM
- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49
- archive.fo/y5mGL


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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• The #GamerGate Dossier: archive.is/nv1Fb
• #GamerGate.Me: gamergatewiki.com/index.php/Main_Page
• History of #GamerGate: historyofgamergate.com/
• View the timeline links in the Current Happenings section!

• All Operations: gitgud.io/gamergate/gamergateop/tree/master/Operations
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• Operation Shills in a Barrel: v.gd/IqOnFo (pick a journalist / outlet and find conflicts of interest);
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Let's start our bread right!

Who the fuck still cares about this meme "movement"?
You might as well call this fucking waste of first page space 4am, because nothing actually happens here aside from le ebin chink cartoon posting.


never EVER have a dumpster fire for a waifu
its super gay

You have been visited by


Good luck on love, Good Luck on Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy



Couple breads old but something to keep in mind along with the massive shilling this game got


Also have we stopped digging on ESRB and moved on to ESA? I don't mind but just wodnering

You can check both and compare, they are on the OP text. #6&7 in the CURRENT TASKS list on top. They aren't exactly separate though.

Read Breitbart?

Live in the UK?

You're fucked.


Just because the diggers on ESA is active doesn't mean the digging on ESRB has stopped. Just post whatever new finds are out.

Previous thread recap.
What a mess.

This saddens me deeply.

That sounds like a REAL problem, right there!

Churchill right on the money again

Pretty sure it has tons of doujin for it that look pretty on model. At least I constantly see that character while browsing sadpanda.

yeah but you know japan

Why is Kanna so cute?

There was a lot for that character, but I looked up the artist and it seems that was as lewd as he went. I guess I could look for some knockoffs.

lel /leftpol/ has a thread bitching about us for thinknig Anti-fa should be labeled terrorist.



blessed are the meme makers

SRS sticks out like a sore thumb in that thread.

>>>Holla Forums1344219

Have the SJWs tried to co-op Dragon Maid and try to "fix" it? Seems right up their alley for targets it's essentially a show about a lesbian couple raising a daughter but it has lewd content.

What game?

a lot of the responses are honestly positive in relation to GG


We must be reading a different thread.

it's ok, pappy
you don't have to defend them
you're ours now

How does girls keep intestines from falling out of vagina? Woman are poorly designed like a open balloon. Need to stop it all coming out


ok, let me rephrase. Compared to the "GG was always useless" tone I was expecting, "GG had its point, did its job, and a lot of its people left leaving the dredge behind" is a lot more positive to me. And not entirely untrue in a sense- even mombot's stopped doing the "Good morning gamergate" stuff, last I noticed. Eh. I just got done reading a few threads that were more alarming with anons defending weird twitter, there (relevantly enough, where a couple of anons defending GG and attacking Anita), so this reads positive to me in comparison.

I've been here from the first exodus you silly user

Almost funny how they come to one of a handful of places that lets us openly speak just to bitch about us/undermine us
It fucking kills these people that they can't do their usual tactics of getting into a mod position and just ruining shit from there, it fucking kills them that crippling the site's funding didn't work, and their usual hit jobs of spam fell fucking flat.
The one thing they dedicated their lives to hit a big beautiful wall manned by autists and a cripple/some fat kike that eats cakes by the box

shut up and draw more lewds you fucking gommie

Yes, there's already articles on Animefeminist and some controversy over the funimation dub.

Shhh. Don't tempt them. there already is fujobait

GG was a blowback regarding a current symptom of media, government and society. Eventually the sort of PC Culture Fascism that permeates was already part of other entertainment cultures, other media, but the majority never had a voice, because the media won't let them have a voice.

Until the election, then they realized that despite all their narrative spinning, social media posts, click bait articles, about being "on the right side of history" was nothing more than a blanket they sewed for themselves and wrapped themselves up in.

If they control the perceptions of the public in the present, they get to control history, and write down on wikipedia that thanks to these published articles, Trump was known as the worst President that ever lived, on par with Hitler.

Mombot still mentions/defends GG from time to time, and occasionally uses the hashtag.

I actually went to one of those museums, and if that experience is anything to go by, it will fucking suck.


Although she obviously took a step back from it.

Say anons, how many of you have collected all the screencaps from GDC since 2014 of them lecturing about their feminist-Marxist and social justice agenda for the video game industry to follow? Post them all. GDC is a month away, those things should be shared around Twitter and hijack their tags whenever and wherever people can. What do you think?

the big boobs and lewdness might make them think it's a lost cause. Same thing happened with Galko. Tumblr wanted to like but got triggered by her boobs.

also, for her

captcha is still trying to make player a thing instead of gamer

Because some of them were from when GG started. Gaming co-ops are the future.

There is not a whole lot to spread as of now, the esa dig is still in progress and there is not a tag to jack right now.

The funnier part of that is one time before everything had to be PC and oppressive and feel-good garbage, they allowed people to play Dead or Alive: Ultimate on the Xbox.

Then it's up to Lucoa to keep tumblr away from Maid Dragon.

It up to the mayan dragon god(dess) to stop them. Ok.

Tohru's boobs aren't that small either. SJWs love seeing lesbian couples raising a kid, but if there are too many cute girls or big boobs, then they think the creator is appealing to 'the male gaze' and suddenly it goes from a progressive piece of work to gross porn and they feel betrayed. I'd say for that reason it's more likely to see tumblr protesting the show and trying to get it banned or censored because it's an affront to what they want media to be.

The day can not arrive soon enough when the vidya industry inferiority complex and fixation with comparing itself to movies is done and over with .
I got nothing against preservation of vidya, I wonder if the ESA shares the same opinion. :^)

What was the "controversy" did they insult Trump or something this time?

Don't forget any kind of loli lewdness which Maid Dragon has tons of. Kanna's thighs + outfit is a dangerous combo. Really baffles me though since they're all for lusting after actual children.

This is so far the only thing I agree with Michael on. Even games that are very rough around the edges sometimes makes up for their scores. It's just a matter of doing it right and not doing what marketing did in the 90s and slap Hip-Hop + Rap onto everything because it's the cool thing.

I cannot see the ESA being for any kind of preservation since first and foremost they are a tool of the big western publishers which are vehemently opposed to the stuff. Also yeah I cannot wait for developers to stop striving to be movies and go back to being video games.


Video Game's actually caused quite a bit controversy among the people who perform in orchestras. Orchestrated concerts are actually pretty popular right now and have brought in a ton of much needed money into the scene. It resulted in a lot of musicians praising video games for reviving interest in the orchestra and allowing them to continue doing what they love for a living. Of course though a bunch of them have also been opposed to the whole thing thinking that video games are for children and below their work.

It's okay if real children are being hurt. Makes perfect sense.

Well, at least Japanese orchestras are cool.

Since Ted Price got mentioned, I'm just gonna post this as a reminder.

Yeah this makes sense I mean this is a company that mandates 30FPS lock since "consumers don't care about FPS". Not to mention everything they've made since that decision has been a flaming garbage heap that also sold like complete shit. Them virtue signaling as hard as they can makes perfect fucking sense. Shame Insomniac used to be one of those great companies that actually had some standards in their work.

Have they made anything worthy of notice after InFAMOUS 2?

Wasn't that Sucker Punch?

Whoops, my bad, they made Resistance, not InFAMOUS.

That's not Insomniac, that's Sucker Puch, the OG Sly Cooper devs.


Yeah that is sucker punch. Insomniac were the Spyro, Ratchet, and Resistance guys. After Resistance 3 they decided to make all their games 30FPS they have been tanking ever since.

God, the amount and pissing and moaning and sheer misinformation about that EO is driving me insane.

It isn't a muslim ban. Plenty of muslims are still allowed to come here. The only criteria used in the EO is nationality, and the countries from which we're not accepting anyone are conflict-ridden hellholes of extremism and instability.
Non-citizens don't have constitutional rights. Also, Obama did this, Bush did this, where were you idiots then? Also also, does the name "Alien and Sedition Acts" mean anything to you numbskulls?

fuck Holla Forums is dumb

I know their crying over Sargon wanting antifa to be classified as terrorists nevermind during the inauguration in DC they were trying to set up fertilizer bombs

Syeten is god


The only thing about them conflating it to a muslim ban that is even makes any sense is them conflating it with Trump's plans for in the future prioritizing christian and jewish refugees since they are in the most danger in the region. However this will be "AFTER" the temporary moratorium is lifted. It also makes perfect sense and is something even Canada was doing for JUSTin took over.

Nope, it's the SJWs that are mad this time, because Kobayashi in the dub explicitly says she doesn't like women or dragons. In the sub the line is "But I'm a girl, though" in response to Tohru saying she loves her. In the dub she says "Sorry, I'm not into women or dragons." This triggered tumblr pretty hardcore.

In truth, if Kobayashi is straight she sends a lot of freaking mixed messages to poor Tohru, but it's worth noting the only time Kabayashi shows anything like attraction to her it's because her gender got swapped for a chapter. Still she holds her hand and stuff a lot, which is like third base in anime.

>this is a partial list of the over two dozen issues that we lead and manage and prosecute on behalf of this industry.
Read it and weep!

Something's not adding up here.


I'm with them in that case though those two lines mean very different things. Shitty translation is shitty translation regardless of who it pisses off.


The ESA have been anti-gamers and anti-artistic freedom all this time? Color me shocked!

Good to know.


Not exactly rocket science to say its a worthless piece of data.


Sounds about right.

Well, that's true.

…Are you complaining, Lena?


Yeah she's losing oppression points by the pound.

except lena
she looks like a child with downs

Lena dunham gonna lose weight and become somewhat fuckable.
The God Emperors divine will will go unappreciated.


well it used to be

I'll never understand women's inane need to gossip about what celebrities say.


Great minds discuss ideas.
Average minds discuss events.
Small minds discuss people.

She has to if she doesn't want to be eaten alive by her peers in the feminist cult

Unlike ghandi, you are an incestuos rapist, so good luck getting anywgeres with that.

Fuck off, we don't want her, or your libshits.

I think you'd have to be willfully ignorant to think gamergate wasn't a world changing event and a net good to mankind.
But I think I couldn't disagree with a lot of that talk either. Early on we had more of a focus and got things accomplished. Nowadays more than ever so much of gamergate is just nitpicking what total nobodies say on twitter and getting outraged over every little thing.

Not so much here, where people at least try and get things done inbetween shitposting, harassing gookanon, and drawing. But people who care to find out about gamergate aren't coming here, they're looking at kotaku in action on the "front page of the internet". And it's no shock to anyone that reddit is fucking retarded. 15 replies to the ESA digging, 300+ to whatever twitter drama to call someone a cuck or petition for stupid shit. It's not at all surprising for people to think gamergate is dead, toothless, or full of alt-right whatevers.


looks like she has a bad case of Hemorrhoids


More evidence the Holla Forums clique still exists.

>we are more mature, we are stronger, we are much more effective in the world of the matters when it comes to setting policy

what? walk me through your logic here? Why would a Holla Forums clique make a thread go quiet?

who fucking knows the logic behind this
the fucking BO of Holla Forums is a revoltfag and so are a few leftypol faggots
no surprise they are still bitching about da vee klik

Holla Forums is cancerous anyway.

There should be a "Rei or Asuka" survey, see if my prediction is true and Trump supporters ike Asuka and Hill Supporters like Rei.

I don't like either. Where does that put me?

Lena Dunham will never be great.

Who's your favorite NGE girl then? Or boy? Depends on your answer.

…I never watched Neon Genesis Evangelion.

True patricians know all NGE girls are shit.


Well, then start. It's well worth it, trust me on this.

LadyKiller in a Bind I believe. Despite being a nothing indie game with very few player base it was shilled hard by the entire media and as progressive for being uncensored, despite the fact we've complained about shit being censored forever and got ridiculed by the same media.

that's what they told me about KLK but it was garbage

You never know what your missing out on until you try something Plus, you fell for the Kill La Kill meme


a bloo bloo bloo
suck it niggaz
t. karltural marx

Jesus, if this is the best Holla Forums can do they really are cancerous. And pathetic.

At least Holla Forums can meme.

Good taste, user.

Hello 2013 oldfag Holla Forumsyp


The best part is I'm not even from Holla Forums.

"You don't like me so you must be from Holla Forums!" Protip, Holla Forums, NO ONE LIKES YOU. Not even the fucking furries.

>this work must continue, the mission isn't over, and our strength & success depend upon the continued support of all of you.
>follow the video game voters network & be a part of our digital army.
Yes, these are the same Penn & Randy.

Of course Pitchford's involved. That motherfucker has his hand in so many cookie jars, it isn't even funny.

Penn though? I doubt that's him…. right?

I'm sorry user

Fuck. I liked him.

No heroes, anons.


I have to wonder if there are game creators/developers based in Japan that are involved in these ESA indoctrination summits.


Fuck that is a really good twist. I am laughing. That is probably the best part.
Good, the site is garbage. Like most of the American internet it is full of crybabies with victim complexes, although this one is right wing so at least it is a different flavour.

I'd say the best part is this though

t. person who has been discussing an event that happened years ago ever since.

Only the American branches.

I'm not going to insist I'm a great mind. I never said that, actually. That said…

Apparently the grapes are sour. :^)

This timeline continues to get wierder and wierder. I swear over 9000 time travelers must have saved someone they shouldn't have to create this butterfly effect.

no worries, they'll sowly go full commie


Everywhere Holla Forums goes the message is the same: Fuck off back to your containment board!!

Here I'll get the big one out.

ps i dont think sour grapes means what you think it means

Don't those fuckers literally steal assets from Western games for clones, then convince people in China that Americans stole the assets from them?


Gamergay is still alive?

That is correct!


>>>Holla Forums1345377

The reason it's the same everywhere is because everywhere Holla Forums goes they are incapable of shutting their mulatto mouths about their autistic comfort blanket of a board and now they're all that's left elsewhere.


Rubin's alright. I don't always agree with him, but he's alright.

Such a big mouth and no teeth at all.

bonus points to anyone who knows where that comes from


Sincere question, do you guys really not see that bourgeois control of commodity production is what leads to the degenerated state of video games and the collusion between publishers and journalists?

Do you not see that the reason why developers made such a concerted effort to attract female player was the need to constantly increase profits and expand their audience?

Enlighten me, comrade!


pretty sure you can report this to police for …..identity theft or something

Holla Forums is on it right now.

Crybaby Americans with victim complexes again. When will China and Russia invade you and uncuck your minds?

I'd rather individuals making games that they want to under the assumption that if it is good they can make a career out of the profits rather than state controlled vidya production.

Rage at me all you want, commie, I'm not the droid you're looking for.

Do you think Muslims will love whales like these in the Middle East under Sharia Law?

She'll need a circus tent as a burqa. Jesus.


There is alright curves, then there is fat that should be taxed,and that is definitly a cash "cow" for the taxman.

Thats not thicke user. Thicke does not have tapioca stuffing.

I'm on both boards regularly m8, still telling you to fuck off


These idiots are seriously doing to the term "fascism" what they did to "rape", "racism", "sexism" and so on. Christ's sake.


If she ever eats me out of money
And we need the rent
That'll be a cinch
'Cause when we're in a pinch
I can put her to work under a circus tent

I want to see the other tans this way



You people are disgusting!

Bad. No lardassing females.

Come on dude.

Time for questions!
With Eletronic Arts' decision to deempahsize its presence on the show floor, can you talk about how that might change the dynamic of E3?

muslims don't touch pigs user.


Agreed on both counts.




Nigger commies would just write off Vidya as western decadence

With Danielle how will you tell the difference? I kid, I kid.



Danielle is already thick. Don't you dare ruin that fine piece of ass

Good idea, critique of Marxism is quite popular now.

Shut up Gilda, you are not healthy enough

Can a drawfriend put these GG ladies in the new meme sweaters?

The proper term is curvaceous.

>not as monster girls
>with "meme sweaters"

Oh gosh, sorry about that guys. I thought it would be funny. I'm not into fatties but a slightly chubby Vivian would be cute.

Danielle is already thick and Gilda is destined for muscle.

So you've got about 5000 people watching you on the various DICE streams right now, and they're all gamers. So you've got the gamers watching you, in this room we've got people from the industry, what would you want to say to the gamers that are watching about the ESA & what you do for them?
>let's show our maturity as an industry together, together with you the gaming population to create an environment where everyone is welcome.

I asked this before here but was retarded and forgot to register the responses

Vivian. This drawing of her. Iconic and defined Vivian. THIS is her, etc.

What would be the equivalent of this drawing for Danielle and Freya? The drawing in your opinion where you look and go "yes, this is the ultimate distillation of this character in its most iconic status"

So they're not even pretending that they want to use the "Network" as a personal army of sorts?

DF twins as hakutaku, Vivian as a selkie, and Gilda as a potato.

What would be a nice addition to that fellowGamers.jpg that I don't have is an ESA sticker on Buscemi.

For Freya, embed 2. For Danielle, the closest I can think of is pic 3.

The "Network" never said anything about the TPP or Anita. I think that "Digital Army" of theirs is gonna need to play more games because I accept that challenge.

These two. And third for their loli versions



Well, considering who's backing the organization, I'm sure they're just pre-emptively trying to protect against legislation that would forbid them from treating employees like complete garbage.

Thats a real piddly ass number. Also

Too late to prevent that shit, not unless trump rewrites nda laws. Programmers and animators should have unionized late 80s

This one sounds particularly shitty and evil, but just taking a glance at their websites there's nothing too weird going on. The main website doesn't really seem too different from what we do, except for it being out of date since november. So not even useful for what it's supposed to be. The twitter is just twittering about famous people playing video games or something.

sure it is

The problem is for a group that preaches about not having their stuff being taken away, defending video games from the evil politicians and critics, & being for free speech, nothing about Anita or the TPP popped up. Which begs the question, what kind of an army are you if you don't stand by your principals?

Weasels. Backstabbing abusive weasels.

It was funny, I will admit that.

Weasels? More like snakes.

Yeah, I've been following along for a little while and I understand it's not really a good thing. They're going to prop up the "right" people and omit uncomfortable facts. It's just that excerpt from the speach sounded outrageously heinous so I was expecting more straightforward "vote democrat", "we're for her" type of stuff.

Few snakes trick. I like reptiles, weasels not so much, plus weasels do have the nose

Keep in mind that they did partner with Rock the Vote during the mid-elections in 2015.

gonna roast that boypussy



I think they have charity status, so they avoid blatancy to avoid losing tax exempt status.


Delete this, NOW!


You're the second person who forgot to remove his IP address in a gamergate thread I seen. Congrats. You're fucked.

Why the fuck weren't his eyes also painted orange?

Isn't he in prison yet?

jesus fucking christ kill yourself

>>>Holla Forums1344219

leftypol pls

And thanks to you faggots keep linking Kanna from Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon, you've now made me watch the anime. I've never felt so entertained in my life thanks to the cuteness of Kanna, you fucking dolts! I hate you all for this!

Harbins are not monsters! Just Hotwheels' relatives. :^)

Making the Buscemi "How do you do fellow kids" OC, give me shirt ideas.

Any quality Meido Doragon doujins yet?

Anything related to the mainstream gaming side of things would be nice. Don't forget the MLG bullshit.

but they are potatoes

an SJW/Goon going "How do you do fellow weebs" for censorship apologists

"How do you do fellow anti SJWs"

For goons pretending to be Skepticfags/centerists to bait in moderate fags

That we can all agree on.

On that tangent, it's really great for foreign developers to translate their own games themselves instead of hiring SJW-infested localization groups, and should be encouraged.

Zelda Torrential Downpour potential discussion:
The original link- Breath of the Wild can switch to any language when you change the Switch's language- yet dual audio is not an option.
1. Get clarity if this is true (Disk has multiple languages on it- both text and audio. You could even ask NOA- but phrase it in such a way so it isn't obvious you're fishing for dual audio potential info.
Don't copy what I've written word for word. Multiple people asking the same thing in the same way will raise a red flag.
2. If Dual Audio is basically there bar the menu option- meme how bad the VA work is on release. It's a major AA title that everyone will talk about, and Nintendo can "win" good PR by patching it in later. If not, NOA becomes a little more synonymous with bad VA work even amongst normal fags.
3. Debate whether writing to Nintendo Japan is possible (translators needed) or even worth while (will they reject all foreign letters and emails- even if they are large in number or in Japanese?)

Also Should we take a look at our old pals in FE and it seems the artist Kozkaki still makes the characters sexy but that's in the nip side I doubt NoA is up do any good.

Goons love to pull a redghost type of concern troll pretend to be moderate and try to used circle logic to guilt you.

WIP. Also Gallaghers already got the pose done in a photo of his.


Like this guy he even fools cucks who left gg into buying soros dindunuffins & Rubin is bad for letting people they dislike on

We need that face of 5G plastered on the fellow kids' guy.

Halp me.

Does Canuckistan even have a right to free speech? Or is it one of those implied but not enforced things where the government can ignore it's principles at will?

Need more suggestions. Perhaps badges of the companies & ESA?
Also the pic just got more scarier

That's perfect, anons! Though there should be the caption "how do you do, fellow gamers" at the bottom for that extra sass!

Nope, we really never have had free speech, at least not in writing, and they will selectivly enfoce shit like this and end up making a shitton of criminals. And in islam vs trans, the white one loses.

This weird goon shilling has been all over Holla Forums lately.

We have no free speech in Canada its the land of the cucks and JUSTin Castro.

And just an addendum, make sure there's the ESA logo in there somewhere.

I just thought of something: Instead of having Cloud on the skateboard, the ESA members are on there!

And he will be discarded like trash by his handelers, have financial and looking at him sex scandal crimes pinned to him, true or not, and the rest of parliment will have no changes what so ever.

Yes, yes! That's perfect!

Have you ever wanted to fuck the personification of grassroots movement?

no, she is daughter

I saw her as asexual who's married to her job until proven otherwise. That's what I always see her as when I've read couple of pages of the manga

While we're at it, edit this too related to either feminism/social justice or ESA related. However you please, anons.

Boom! Potent weapon is ready to be deployed.

Damn, this OC is so…


Thank you so much user! Make more!

I just started watching and I kinda agree, she just seems more annoyed by Tohru's advances and doesn't really give a shit otherwise.

You people need to stay away from monstergirls do you understand you are not welcome?

this too, dubs of truth

Need ideas for shirt & skateboard.

Quit baiting.

Are you sure he's merely pretending?

How do I get a family like Kobayashi?


the fuck you expect from flavor of the month anime shit posters

fucking cancer

Making two versions just because I post on both boards.

They try to make it sound like nazi's did all the damage.




"What do you think the fallout of Gamergate is and y'know, what do you sort of really want to communicate about that to everybody watching?"
>I'm encouraged and very optimistic about we're gonna end up.
End of DICE

Video for those that want to watch it.

Can you make an OC of that so normalfags on Twitter to absorb this? Thanks again, digger.

Realize that sound works poorly for video that is meant to be looped, or if it had none in the first place. WebM is also vastly more efficient for most video than GIF. This for example was 10MB originally.

You're a nigger and you're giving AOTS a bad rep. Fuck off.

It's a matter of sifting through the stuff I typed out and thinking which works best. I already got the comparison of Space Invaders & No Man's Buy down.

That's not LWA though.

Sorry that was only pic I have of her at the time. I've see. Weird monster girl art from tumblr that looks ugly I have an asexual friend who tries her best to "seduce" me by badly flirting with me and sticking her butt out allowing me to touch it. Pic related, how she do it sometimes

Thank you again digger. I personally owe you for going your way and unearthed the dirt that the ESA have been hiding behind the scenes from the video game industry and to gamers alike for many years now.

LWA is complete garbage, glad it's flopping

But they were right, he was a cuckchan faggot.

That's not fucking asexual user.



It really pisses me off that these people support violence. Don't they have any principles or moral decency? Don't they understand that all violence does is radicalize the opposition? Not that Holla Forums is any better in their rhetoric, but I have yet to see them actually go out and attack anyone.

People need to focus on being a good person first and foremost. That's how you get a good society, not by playing the "ends justify the means" card and ripping it all apart, because here's a little secret: It doesn't end. It NEVER ends. You can't "win" because this isn't a game. Life goes on even after you succeeded only your victory was built on a mountain of corpses. It doesn't matter how good life is after that. It doesn't bring back the dead.


You might want to realize who is in charge of it now.

Somehow missed that.

Holy fucking shit user. I was being a such a faggot for boycotting a place full of people that hate my guts and would ban most things I say, even non-GG things. At last I truly see.

I don't care what imageboard I'm on as long as there are cool people to post with and cool mods. I'd rather post here with Mark as a board owner than post on cuckchan with people who get triggered and mods like the person who banned clothed loli

Just realized I missed the Video Games Voter Network.

I've been posting on 4chan since 2006, this might be hard for you to swallow but not a lot of people cared about gamergate enough to leave the site once the exodus happened. The boards I frequent on 4chan rarely have moderation so I don't give a damn if they're sjws or not.

The words on the VGVN button are too tiny to read, and most people wouldn't recognize the logo.

De, A veidt ak u seifco 0ouhj uwe nxod hojouhsxadw kopk safxohj udt reebmuhbot ak rosuijo A'm u xiwo jkuhvepvuw.

A tat xulo ud atou edso ke mubo u reuht nxoho ousx cokkoh ev kxo ucfxurok aj nehtvackohot ke mubo kxo nxeco reuht kucb ad Saurian kxeiwx. Av GGHQ oloh taoj evv veh houc A mawxk te ak zijk veh vid, rik kxuk ajd'k caboc0 ke xuffod.

Why are you here? To shitpost? We have designated threads for that.

Perhaps you should stay there, then. You deserve what it has become

She's not really into it but she do it to thinking it will make me happy. Saging because it's off topic

That's what they said about the Patriots. :^)

Very well. Wonder how I'd go about presenting the comparisons…

Sure she is. I'd bet a dollar she's playing hard to get with you.

stop this gay meme

She is my girlfriend for 4 or 5 years so I know she's kicking herself for not understanding turns ons and stuff

Space Invaders: victim complex
No Man's Sky: scamming, sham performance

Found another Q&A with Michael Gallagher over E3 2008, his very first one.
VB: How is this going to be a new kind of E3?
VB: It’s a different show from two years ago and even from last year. How’s it going to be perceived?
VB: What are you going to talk about in your keynote speech on Wednesday?
VB: How did you choose the Texas governor, Rick Perry, for the other keynote?
VB: The industry still has its share of political battles regarding censorship. How are those going?
>MG: We are winning those but we are not out of the woods. Our industry every day is selling one video game every nine seconds. We are broadening the market to include senior citizens and everyone younger. We are doing a lot to legitimize this as a cultural phenomenon and an economic phenomenon. We’re entitle to the respect that type of industry deserves. There are many in the state and federal arenas that operate off a broken, flawed historical stereotype. That problem is a top priority for us. We’re trying to set a positive image for this industry and to make sure politicians understand it. We’re deflecting the attempts to paint the industry and gamers in a stereotypical way

is this what your sex life is like
i bet you haven't actually fucked yet

VB: Would you say Jack Thompson (the crusading Florida anti-game attorney) embodies your opponents and their views?
>MG: He is in the rear view mirror. (Thompson lost a round in a disbarment case a few days ago). The bright future that lies in front of us does not include Jack Thompson.
VB: The show has its critics. How do you feel about those? Like the show isn’t what it used to be. The show is past its prime.
>MG: This show is targeted at people like you. The brighter minds in the media and the analyst community can come and be exposed to the senior executives of this industry and the up-and-coming games. They can sit down and experience them in a way where they aren’t competing with thousands of other people to see them and to be exposed to the top executives. That’s a different focus from the old E3. If we target for 4,000 to 5,000 people, and the old show had 80,000, you’ve got 75,000 people who aren’t happy. They’re not included. We understand that. We have a passionate consumer base for our products. The bottom line is this is about the business of the video game industry. This format provides that.
VB: Some companies have dropped out of the ESA. There seem to be several reasons. Some may not get along with you. Some don’t like the higher dues. And some worry if the mission is where it’s supposed to be.
VB: I can’t specifically answer that.
VB: It is unusual that some of the companies that dropped out of the ESA will still be at E3 in some way.
VB: Did you lose the broadcast media that loved the extravaganza and the booth babes?

VB: How is the health of the industry?
VB: The economy has been weak. Is that dragging down the industry?
VB: What do you think of the broadening of the video game market?
>MG: I could not be more pleased with the broadening of the game market. It is poised to deeply penetrate the American cultural consciousness and a lot of economic benefits come with that. We are delivering. The Nintendo Wii has broadened the market to senior citizens. You have seen the scores of articles that are out there about senior citizens playing the Wii their retirement homes. That’s a program for PR success. We broadened the audience to include casual and mobile gaming. Now you have new things like the iPhone 3G. I realize the launch was a frustrating experience. The core components are rocket fuel for the dynamic genius of the video game industry. We have great progress and opportunity ahead.
VB: What do you think of the console war?
>MG: This industry is incredibly blessed to have a three legged stool for its success. All three of the consoles are doing very well with different segments of the market. The American population benefits from that competitive zeal of three strong platforms.
VB: Do you have any sympathy for the Microsoft guy who felt like E3 has become a console show and isn’t a PC game show?
VB: Where is innovation most evident to you?
>MG: It’s in the quality of graphics, depth of story telling, quality of sound, integration of music into the experience. That takes technical innovation and an innovation in storytelling. Our industry is doing a fabulous job of that. Also, there is innovation in the interface with the game player. When you point at the Wii, and it’s so easy to understand out of the box, it brings in a whole new kind of game player. That’s very exciting for the industry. Look at EA Sports and what they’re doing with Madden football. They are focused on approachability.They will take advantage of the Wii platform to increase the size of the audience.
VB: What are you playing?
>MG: My kids and I played through a lot of Mario Kart for the Wii. The degree of difficulty was much harder than its predecessor. It was harder for those like me and my kids took advantage of that. I played Grand Theft Auto IV and I appreciate the creativity and energy of that game. I can understand its economic success in the market. I recently played BioShock (from last year). I was behind the curve on that. I had to wait and be patient.


Yeah pretty much. We rarely do it anyways she sometimes cries at me at me when we're done saying she's not human and apologies if she's did bad

How do I help clean Jap media house of any retards that need to fuck off?


Hey, is the memory leak or whatever getting worse? Earlier I hit 3GB usage with just one tab open, the GG thread.

Just an outside observation, not directly related with the ESA digging: I've noted that there's quite a bit of articles on them, and gaming-related articles tied to them coming from VentureBeat.

Anyone remember when they attempted to contact GG back in 2014, along with Milo (Breitbart), Ryan Holiday (Observer) and Pakman? Unlike Milo, the others quickly backed off for various reasons, the main one was due to "a lack of leadership" and the "movement" was bound to "fail" in a month or so. I wonder what they think of GG now?

Incidentally, checked VB's founder's twitter, and although he hasn't tweeted in a while (either the tweets got nuked or he abandoned it, good decision on his part either way), some familiar antiGG names are there.

Such a shame that after all the pretense they're just another head of the hydra, but that's to be expected by now.

What browser are you using?

Forgot pic.

It got really bad on waterfox that I had to go back to pale moon and even then it 1/4 of the memory that waterfox. If I leave it alone then waterfox crashes on me and uses all my ram.

I'm not having any memory leaks when I turned off auto-update.

Firefox with a bunch of addons.I don't ever hit 3GB memory usage, though. Maybe 1 if I have a bunch of stuff open.

Jesus. Something's fucky with this site.

Something's always fucky with this site. It's the reason I love it.

So how long until Activision bitches to the ESA about banning keyboards on consoles?

It does kinda remind me of classic 4chan in that regard.

I heard about that from my brother because he plays a lot of Overwatch. Sounds like they need to get good, to be honest. They wouldn't have to play on console if they could actually aim.

What an asshole. I even made you a sound version.

so that's why my browser has been shitting itself lately


No you dysfunctional idiot. The question is not whether or not it's "okay to punch fascists". The questions are "do you esteem due process", "do you respect presumption of innocence" and "is your decision of calling someone a fascist driven by evidences and reason, or emotional and irrational gut feeling".

I personally think it has to do with the animated softserve ad in the lower left.

I use PaleMoon because Firefox was having a major memory leak problem when displaying animated gifs. Like the browser would chug to a crawl and crash after a few minutes to an hour, depending on the size and no. of gifs open.

Maybe, but I run ublock everywhere because I'm a fucking jew. Not sure if that would matter.

Is that the 64bit version of FF? From what I remember reading elsewhere, the 32bit has a lot of issues. Stayed away from Palemoon for months since HW trashed it, but recently converted ever since Palemoon started having regular updates again, including fixing some long standing issues.

uBlock Origion? Don't have issues with it myself. Used to have WoT, but dropped it when it's clear that SJWs swarmed the community and devs.

I think I'm using 64-bit, yeah. Regular ublock, though. I couldn't decide between it and origin so I flipped a coin and picked that one. Concise list of the differences would have been nice because in addition to being a jew, I'm stupid and I have a short attention span.

Isn't it also a thought crime to just punch someone for having fascist ideals? It'd be like "Yeah, this person hates these people, but hasn't caused harm to them or generally broken the law over his hate– or at least not yet. Better assault them!"

Milo got interviewed by Alex Jones about the Berkley riots. Milo's planning on doing a speech there again and Filterman is going in support as well. They're doing another interview together on Wednesday.

The thought cirme would be having the fascist ideals, not the punch.

When did he turn into Vergil?

Oh damn, wrote that sentence wrong

First, don't let them impose their subjective reality as what is objectively happening. Milo is NOT a Nazi or a fascist. When you reply "yeah, well, beating Nazis is also violence", you acknowledge that they were, indeed, fighting Nazis.

These people are completely backward and cognitively impaired. Amongst many things, they are confusing symbols, meanings and messages (that's why they "feel like watermelon" is offensive, but cannot pinpoint why exactly); they are looking at their riots just like you would like at an art performance. They consider the motive of the riot to be the message (hence "rioting is free speech"), and even though they are no forbidden to express the idea that "they don't want to hear what Milo has to say", they think that preventing people from going apeshit (because they are actually legislation pieces punishing destruction of private property) is censorship.


When he got motivated.

Yeah, probably should have clarified. I should have mentioned that even if anyone is proven a neo-nazi or fascist, if they aren't breaking the law with those beliefs, what gives you a reason to use vigilatism?


Should we be looking out for a guy named Dan trying to kill him?

did the media actually list all the terror attacks in response to Trump saying that, or is this speculation of how they could fuck themselves over?

Most likely that
is how they might screw themselves over in the future.

one of us


Speaking of which Nioh comes out today.

So they hired a group who failed and resort to pathetic childish insults.
Oh i'm shaking in my boots.
So expect shills gotcha, anyone have that list of tactics they use like forum sliding and stuff.

Why are people talking about the European Space Agency?

I wish I could fuck them all in their mouths with a hammer drill. That, and the typical response of "lol click the link for context" response is infuriatingly antithetical to the entire premise of GamerGate. People who can't put a bit of context into their post as replies to a thread are also doomed to make shit threads, so that probably explains the severe lack of quality, and the lack of people actively policing low effort posts or bare minimum OP's.


May all context dodgers die in a thermobaric explosion.

black women were originally exotic weren't they?

There wasn't much widespread reporting of the new years sexual assaults for one thing.


jesus fuck, is the fags who keeps spamming this in the breads from cuckchan? fucking hell it all makes sense now

Have any examples of such cancer that need to be defended against?

Isn't it interesting how everything not shown in a western culture light is seen as "exotic" and "stereotyping"? They want to erase their culture and subject our own, making everyone the same and indistinguishable, in the name of some equality.

if you were fapping to national geographic maybe, like nearly everyone did before the internet

Thank fucking god her channel is dead. Back when she started she could easily get 1m+ views, now she struggles to get more than 150k.

Good evening, faggots!

hello sir

Apparently Marvel finally decided to abandon politics.



Ill belive it when it happens
Atleast one guy is writing about heroes and not political correctness

Not seeing anything that says they got rid of it.

Thanks to all of our diggers and artfags. Keep up the good work.

Why did some cuckchan fag come to shill?

Holla Forums got all shitty at us today
Revoltfags along with the shill that keeps trying to get people to think he is me and derailimg thread with gookanon shit all keep trying to start shit

your a faggot Marche but you sure as fuck still don't use cuckchan.

That Games for Change tweet for Anita reminds me that I've also got to transcribe Mike's speech from there. It's probably going to be more interesting considering the funding from Department of Education & "Social Issue" games from last thread.

What kind of "social issues" might that be. Hmm..

Who's the brown seamen demon?

Thats a fucking load of shit if I ever heard it. Look at all the damage their social pandering has done to their comic brand. Turning every female super hero in a quirky slice of lice character. The abomination that is captain marvel from a good character miss marvel who's mantel was given to a diversity hire in a hijab and X-23's social anxiety into female wolverine with snarky comebacks.
And that fucking defense from the writer saying there's nothing wrong with politics in comics because they used to do that back in the day is a load of shit. They were used as a plot device, comics were never meant to be a vehicle for political agendas.
At least DC started to realized this mid 2016 and is starting to fix the train wreck that was the new 52.

I already talked about it previously in the thread: Islam, Global Warming, Sexism, etc.


Acid, if you're awake and lurking at the thread, make a thread on Kotaku in Action about the matter!

Now hold on just a moment, the info still needs to be sifted and sorted out.

My browser froze at least twice. You can try opening "about:memory", click "minimize memory use" and then update the thread. I managed to save the tab a few times doing this (went from 2,4gb to 300k memory)

RICH FUCKING JOHSTON and it was of KiA's frontpage again. Hi's most upvoted submissions are coming from there now and he took a notice

Is buying a samsung galaxy s7 worth it, if I'm buying it primarily for the VR? I can't afford a vive or a high end gaming PC, but I can afford the $30 payments on a galaxy s7.


About fucking time! Did they finally realise that they inadvertently mobilized an army against them?

Do you want your hand to explode or to be set on fire? Don't buy it, motherfucker.

I've been dreaming of VR since I was a wee lad. Now There is a vr setup that's affordable.

And in relation to that article, there's a big fucking difference between shooting actual nazis, and advocating violence against people you deem a nazi because they disagree with you. These fuckheads are unhinged. They want to play this fucking game? FINE. I'll call them all nazis and then beat them within an inch of their life. They want to do this? I accept their fucking terms. But I don't want to hear any crying, they literally asked for it.

I was told that was the note 7, I'm looking at the plain s7. I really want vr user. I want my vr porn.


It worked it went from 4.6million K down to 400k on water fox. It back up to 760k when I opened up the GG thread.

Ok, I'm sifting through and I did a fast skim (have to do another read just to make sure) on the howdo you do fellow gamers, which I will mention in a bit. But I will say on this one, not just about Rato specifically
entry level or casual vs hardcore or niche, is pretty much a guaranteed no win area. I understand you're digging for the stuff and re-capping and that's fine.

But for sifting and distillation, that casual vs hardcore, PC vs console, console vs console or mobile vs non mobile stuff is the equivalent of an autist slapfight if it's brought up in 3DPD or any serious debate or redpill material. From what I have seen in 3DPD observation, there isn't such a clear separation anymore between platforms and casual vs hardcore.

Here is why I think going there only weakens the argument. It can give a false appearance that the points contained in the redpill only represents one type of vidya customers, and it only cares about one type or one genre of vidya. The ESA and the publishers wants to broaden their market. IMO so should this redpill. Not by diluting the points, but by addressing the foundation and root of it, 1st amendment and freedom of expression.

A politician or policy maker, or the VGVN memeing themselves in a How Do You Do Fellow Gamers is funny, sure. However it can miss a bigger opportunity if that's all it accomplishes. I think there might be a better angle to pursue. I care less about what vidya a politician plays if at all, I care more about the question whether or not they would defend the 1st Amendment angle that vidya's existence relies on. So IMO a better question would be,
Hey politician X, since you say you like and play vidya, would you still defend it's right under the 1st amendment even if it wasn't a gajillion dollars industry and have a massive potential voting block.
It needs work on the phrasing but I hope I communicated the gist of it.



Do you want VR games? Then don't go for phone VR, it's shit for that. PSVR is 460 with the needed camera and also works on PC with TrinusVR. If you just want 360 "VR" videos phone VR is good, if you want more, forget it.


Maybe something like this?
X, since you said you like to play video games, would you still defend its right under the 1st amendment, even if it wasn't produced from a multi-billion dollar industry?
I'd probably be pushing it if I added "When a game is used for controversial pieces and people demand for it to be pulled, will you still defend it?


For me it is, and large threads like this seem to make it worse.

And thus, the cannibalization of the left continues.
And I continue to regret nothing that I've done during the past three years.




Fucking shit, Virginia, get your goddamn act together.

I've seen libtards unironically say Trump is "Literally Hitler".



Streisand effect intensifies

Nostalgia Chick hears someone praise JonTron in her class, and it breaks her brain.

Yes, now that is getting better. Now that I think about it, I might even replace X with something like "to the politicians who says they like to play vidya', almost like a to whom it may concern but more specific to politicians.
Personally I understand where you are going with that and while I personally agree. I think in the context of the redpill construction, if it can't be crafted well or goes into accusation territory, I'd leave it out. I do personally agree though.

Wasn't she castroom couched?

On the subject of preserving old games…

Normalising violence against political opponents is wrong
You can't just call people nazis to justify violence against them.
Hey, stop burning down that starbucks! Did you just club a woman in the head? What are you doing? I thought the left was tolerant?
So much for the tolerant left

All it does is prove to me that Hitler was right when it came to the Communists.



Bitch, please
Also, tweetsave.com/thelindsayellis/status/502213857536790528

if she was she didn't do a good job since a decade later shes still in student debt.


Posting disgusting 3DPD to cheer you up.

Forgot to add. The stuff in previous bread with the ESA and Scalia ruling definitely has strong potential. And might be a good lead in or combo with the refining of the points mentioned in

Why do you think that would cheer anyone up?

Gilda is destined for muslim paradise. FTFY Pic related

They were only exotic for non-blacks.

Not going to write another comment, here's my reply (I'm sure you already know these people are manipulating language, what you're looking -the argument made in that article- at is the result: they control "reality")

Muslims are fucking barbarak. Referring to the original pic, not the gilda edit.

Whenever I talk to people about it they say "It's just a few bad apples"

Then when I talk to them about Saudi Arabia, they are in complete agreement about how terrible their laws are.

So which is it? A few bad apples, or a whole country?

I'll be getting some rest, might play some vidya or two to get me relaxed for transcribing the Games for Change speech.

Did you mean 'barbaric'. Because I'm going to steal "Barbarak" for a character name. Did I say steal, I mean taking back what's always been mine in the first place, BLM style. You fucking rayciss. :^) There, now that I cast that buff, I'm immune from all legal and physical consequences. Good luck honky-ass nazis, I'm behind 7 progressive stacks and so on.


Trump spam

Direct linking ralphretard and gizmodo, f011f6, what in the fuck are you doing.

Jts a leftypol shill

I knew it looked strange when I spelled it but I didn't care. It's a good name though, use it well.


Yep, sounds legit.

She's really perfect!

Miyuki Ayukawa from "Basquash!"


I was away for 2 days and cheeki sneakly layed low and avoided tenacious detectives. Did someone impersonated me again?

I don't know why people here have the impression Holla Forums was ever against GG. I'm guessing shills.

I know this may be old but I was arguing with someone about when literally wu went on that syfy show about how the internet ruined his life. His make up looks so bad he looks like a prettied up pig.

>>>Holla Forums710028

Thundercuck is having another sperg out.


What do you expect from a remaining scum like Dr. Philip Mason?

… how is a poll about trump a "spergout" ? Calling him "thundercuck" definitely makes you sound like an idiot, user. Either from /revolt/ or just from some dumbass place. Don't be a retard.

Quite the TOR drama there with the bitch.

he's been going downhill fast

fuck off val. I'll agree it's not quite a spergout, but he refuses to admit he's wrong, much like you refuse to drop the namefaging

GOOK! YOU MOTHERFUCKING IDIOT! You blew your cover, damn it!

It's not even about "being wrong" you big shithead. Link me other tweets where he INDEED is having a spergout (like he was with lauren southern a few days ago), and sure. But just being butthurt because someone on twitter doesn't like your favourite celebrity is called being a child.

Since lefties seem to only be able to communicate in pop culture references I thought I'd make this to reason with them.



To the shock of no one Val defends him.

/r/PussyPass mods are getting threatened with dox to hand over the sub to SJWs


Nobody cares shill

shoo back to twatter and keep arguing with nobodies


Holy shit, what even is this from ? Looks amazing, although the dub's trash.

you're shit
just shit

Everytime someone says that SJWs are not a threat, I'm reminded of things like this. These scum must be defeated. THEY MUST.

Fortunately, SJWs usually don't hide their powerlevel like we do, so it's easy to identify them.


These movements confuse me. Red and black are antifa, is there a legit anti-communist that's yellow and black? I've heard the "throwing out of helicopters" thing before. I assume it's an anti-communist thing.

Thing is, every communist government that has ever existed became fascist. Shouldn't both groups be one in the same?


The helicopter meme is about Pinochet, an out-and-out dictator, and an incompetent one at that, that's absolutely loved by self-proclaimed libertarian types. They're not about fighting fascism at all.

And Pinochet is a communist?

The fuck is this, and where is the archive?

It's mainly a shitty "lol helicopter rides for gommies :DDD" meme

Just the opposite, he overthrew a democratically elected commie and threw his supporters out of helicopters into the ocean. He's a darling of the rightwing.

I found the screencap on twitter.

Not the first time this happened, SJW's have taken over a lot of places like that. Makes you wonder how they get their IP's or real life data. One possibility would be that the admins secretly leak their IP out helping those people.

Never heard of him. He must not be too darling.

Pinochet toppled a socialist dictatorship, and being south American, promptly set up a dictatorship of his own. The helicopter meme comes from the fact that he purged the nation of the former communist regime, in some instances throwing them out of helicopters, while they were in the air.

They may have supporters who do their dirty work.

Dr. Jordan Peterson(the professor who refused to conform to the gender pronouns that University of Toronto and stood his ground) have this lecture about post-modernism and cultural Marxism. It's a must-listen video and tackles the tactics of our enemies. Spread it like wildfire!

So lieutenant goon Bobservo got memed on by Colin "Gamer Entitlement" Moriarty of all people. But at least he exposed one of Moriarty's conflict of interest, which is nice.


Oh, so NOW they care about conflicts of interest

i am sorry i thought someone impersonated me and derailed the shit out of privious threads i will hop my ip plz no bully

Ok, reading up on him.

"The military dictatorship of Chile (Spanish: dictadura militar de Chile) was an authoritarian military government that ruled Chile between 1973 and 1990. The dictatorship was established after the democratically elected government of Salvador Allende was overthrown by a CIA-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973. The dictatorship was headed by a military junta presided by General Augusto Pinochet. The perceived breakdown of democracy and the economic crisis that took place during Allende's presidency were justifications used by the military to seize power. The dictatorship presented its mission as a "national reconstruction." The regime was characterized by the systematic suppression of political parties and the persecution of dissidents to an extent that was unprecedented in the history of Chile."

So, libertarians that are against authoritarianism and want smaller government celebrate an authoritarian dictator? Also,

Sounds like what antifa and the left want to do now, if only they could. Also,

A communist government having an economic crisis? Noooooo you don't say.

Oh you know how the American right operated in the cold war. They pointed to themselves and boasted about democracy, then installed a million tinpot dictators abroad.

Ohhhh, I thought you meant today. Yeah, the cold war era right was fucking nuts. So were the dems back then. The whole country was losing it's mind.

Probably because it involves an able-bodied straight white guy in America.

Get good on your English, you faggook! Damn it! Your typing makes you an easy find!

I bet he tried to walk out of the store with like fifteen milky ways


How about the retards from The Mary Shit and the usual faggot bitching about fanservice?

Japanese need to make it obvious that shit isn't welcome or tolerated.


America has a history of covering up its shit though, they don't like to speak of the time the White House was razed by invaders.

They don't like to talk about how the North told Europe that the reason they were fighting with the South over the slave trade so that no one would give the South foreign aid or support.

They don't like to talk about how they are the only Nation in History to use the atomic bomb in a war, and against civilian cities.

They don't like to talk about America blockading Japan so that they'd be forced to attack Pearl Harbor, after FDR had sent most of the fleet away on "exercises" of course.

Pretty sure in 40 years you'll get some declassified papers detailing how much foreknowledge Bush and Cheney had about 9/11 and how it would be their gateway into getting support from the public for middle eastern intervention.

America is just inefficient fascism. It has been since the end of WWII.

Interesting stuff.

Pretty much. Not unlike certain "libertarian" socialists defend dictators. That's why I'm always wary of American libertarians and ancaps.

To be fair to Allende, the economic crisis was caused by active sabotage from local capitalists and America. You can find plenty of material googling a bit. His economy was nowhere near nationalized. In fact, he had the opportunity to seize power 3 months before being deposed, but was all "nah we will continue on the democratic path to socialism". He was much bigger a menace than Castro ever was.

Oh, I'm a good old rebel,
Now that's just what I am,
And for this yankee nation,
I do not give a damn.
I'm glad I fought a ganner,
I only wish we won.
I ain't asked any pardon for anything I've done.

I rode with Robert E. Lee,
For three years, thereabout.
Got wounded in four places,
And I starved at point lookout.
I catched the rheumatism
A campin' in the snow.
But I killed a chance of Yankees
And I'd like to kill some more.

hate to say it but Val's right on this one. That tweet provided by a >(1) shows absolutely nothing of note. Thunderfoot is a retard but post better material that's actually a spergout next time.

great akuta - hex maniax

It all comes down to pathetic bitchy shaming. All I need to do is spread complete hate and intolerance for it.

I'm so absolutely sick of Japanese creators not just telling retarded foreigners to fuck off.

That's a nice looking Gilda. Any chance at giving heterochromatic eyes, with one blue eye and one orange eye? Will there be another version of that pic without neck/arm clipping?

B-But GamerGators poisoned the well of discussions around ethics! My totally trustworthy friends in the games journalism industry said so! :^)

They wouldn't leak IPs cause they would be in serious shit, it would be safer to leak the email people used to make a reddit account. You can use those to search on facebook or twitter to see if there's any profile associated to it and then go from there

Nice try shill


Take a look at this faggot.


Yeah in the character maker, just untag "Make eyes match" under eyes settings.
Holla Forums-honey.booru.org/index.php?page=post&s=view&id=138
There's the card, not sure if card uploading is still bugged so just to be safe i'll link the booru.

The fuck does that even mean?

That was a clever troll, by the way. He said it right as revolt was being pummeled, and he knew the only way people would hate revolt even more is if they thought Holla Forums was involved. I'm fairly sure they have a Discord server or IRC room or whatever where you could ask the BO.


wew lad

Wait what, I'm not seeing it.

Thanks. Now if only I had a computer decent enough that could run HS.

Just need to top it off with some Harry Potter references.

So assdromeda PR threads are gone. Did they run out of money to shill it?

Back then when I was in school they told us to never user our real name on the internet and use several different e-mails Don't use the same username twice and if you have to use your real name on the internet, create a new e-mail for those.

People throw all that shit out of the window and now pay for it.

Can we please talk about this? I'm starting to get furious over it.

Literally no reason to give a fuck about other countries and retarded pretentious insecure little bitches and yet Star Ocean 5 was actually affected because of it. How miniscule does not fucking matter.

I want a rejection of this shit by creators like Kenichiro Takaki and I want it now.

That's how goons operate, they worm their way in by sucking up to the admins while slowly brainwashing them to their way but if they fails destroy them and make a hostile takeover.

All it takes is just fucking saying publicly "I don't care what foreigners think about what I create". That fucking simple.

some refugee in Germany takes money from the state, then repeats it with 7 different IDs. He steals in total 21700€. Police assumes there are many more like him and assume that roughly one mil has been stolen. They also say that it is unlikely that he will get deported.


Nice taste desu ne


Feminism is about equality.

Please just get this retarded shit away from cartoons the japs only fucking make for themselves.

I'm so gods damned sick of anyone irrationally tolerating this retarded bullshit. Completely sick of nips never being like Kamiya and just saying to fuck off. It's literally burning me out mentally.

no first for benis means sage, you know that



And as for the rest of that thread?

The tech literate people told me that, but ever since facebook was popular, the tech illiterate pretty much went "Well, what's the worst that could happen"? That's when things got to where they are now.

Was crashing this plane part of his master plan?



Threads slow, so i'll ask a random question.

Do many of you guys shave your legs?

I really should to be honest, but it's a pain in the ass.

are you gay

bravo nolan

I only shave my head and my nipples

No because I'm not a girl.


Well, at least he's used to fatwas. Be interesting to see if he's pro or anti.

It just feels so good after though. My legs look so gross with hair in there.

Why your head?

Having a vagina isn't obligatory.

imgur.com/gallery/erN1M (Archiving didn't work. It's from the Shia stream hi-jacking)
Even Imgur is getting red-pilled. On their front page right now- after weeks of anti-Trump "jokes".

holy shit


is there a video?

It is to being a grill,faggot.

Some girls have feminine penises.

Please just fucking answer. I need someone smart to talk to about keeping this shit fucked off.

You apparently don't get visited by them either. Everyone loves smooth skin.

I had sex with a girl before. Didn't like it though.

No. I hate having my clothes rub against me. I shaved my back once and it was horrible.

it was a hoax.



Pets don't count, user.

Does sound like an SJW villain though

Okay Val, That was a good zinger.

But I'm serious.

Or the takeover is complete, and the SJWs are learning to play 4D chess


That wasn't much of a zinger dear.
But very few girls are enjoyable in bed, user, mostly because they tend to assume you're the one supposed to give the pleasure and they're meant to shake their hips, nothing beyond that. So not blaming you.

I had sex with much more guys anyway, and enjoyed it more.


Apparently. If you can find it, it'd redpill normals like no tomorrow.
The left are too far gone to listen.

If your fit, it helps.
If they are still not into body-hair, just wash some Nair over you.

Nair is terrible, leaves a rash.


But what if woman wants a teddy bear?

Off topic but I have to share, I'm so sorry. Holy shit I can't stop laughing.

it's mostly other gay men who want a teddy bear

I love this man and we need a Gordon Ramsay in the video game industry. I have the dirty mouth for it, but I'm just a faggoty waifufag

This will have to do.


I swear every time someone does the powerstance wrong I feel my inner hothead rising

I fucking loved that when I saw it.

I know it's newyork, but man, Holla Forums is diverse.

That's the best part. Diversity is their main schtick, yet we even beat them at that. And when confronted with a gay jew that prefers black cock all they can scream is nazi. They truly have no argument. Just brainwashed puppets of the mega rich.

There you go.

Do trucks count, namefag? I heard they fucked some french people.

Please tell me the artist is 10, years old. Otherwise that is just depressing.

It's deviantart. You just know it's a 20 something. It always is.


This could go either way. The description is so vague it could be either side. I highly doubt he would have pierced the mainstream media's lies to get to the root of gamergate.

That's probably not real.

You have to pay them more to pretend to like you.

offtopic - well, this whole fucking thread is offtopic
>browsing through some eromangaka's twitter
>find some details that leads to other accounts, and their steam
>mfw i discover they're a westaboo milf that plays doom, souls, skyrim, civ, gtav and fucking undertale

Oh give me a fucking break. I can't get past the first paragraph, it's obvious the reviewer is nursing some serious asshurt. This shit is just embarrassing.

wow user that's really fucking gay

While I agree with that statement I wont read that fucking shit.


I swear to fucking God, all those fucks could be arrested for pedophilia tomorrow, and the world's media would still slander Pizzagate because the abuse didn't happen inside Comet Pizza neener neener.

uhhh, no.

The only people who should shave their legs are fags, women and olympic swimmers.

And cyclists


Is it going to be called "Satanic Verses Gamers"

Aren't you supposed to be on the other side of a wall?

Every time I think I'm out, I see articles mentioning GG or something.

Now Salman Rushdie has written about GG in his new book? Or is that misinfo?

Scroll up.


Levine's a pretty cool guy 'im not going to stop lewding your daughterfu though.

Incidentally, over at /a/ they've switched tactics and are pulling a ggrevolt-style d&c on Holla Forums with >>>/wv/.
(Made 2 shots, codemonkey's screencapper doesn't save images.)
Funny how they keep blaming Holla Forums when it's clearly Holla Forums and Holla Forums's doing. What's even funnier is that this isn't the first time they've tried dividing the board - >>>/am/ and >>>/weebpol/ are a thing.

He is a fucking retard, even DSP is right about some things sometimes.


i don't think cyclists shave

God your pathetic Holla Forums.


>>mfw i discover they're a westaboo milf


TOR has been noted as being filled with SJWs for a long time. Massive SJWs that support censorship.


I'm up.

If I had any ideas on OC to make, then I'd get it done. My moon is still weak so I would need assistance in convening into actual Japanese sentences. But as long as that's in the clear, I can create images warning them of IARC & other issues.

aw yiss

I trim my limbs and torso hair cause I'm hairy as fuck

what a bunch of faggots

Levine may make really shitty games and enjoy making pretentious stories, but he is one of the people who called out JImbo sterling and a lot of other people who were celebrating over japanese games being censored. He even said he does not like censorship in light of DOAX3.

Reanon, you have plenty of attitude and an understanding of all this shit.

Why the fuck can't Jap creators and their fans of media exclusively for their society and culture just say to fuck off to retards who don't matter just to prove that bitching isn't welcome or appreciated at all?

The fact that retards still bitch about all their fanservice and unabashed sexualization and even try to scream to change it should warrant fury and nothing but ridicule. I'm so sick of these people not putting their fucking foot down on what belongs exclusively to them.

Why is leftypol even a thing? I don't understand. Was pol to right wing?

Thanks for actually replying. I explicitly said I was starting to mentally exhaust just because I can't stand this complete lack of assertiveness over their own fucking culture.

Holla Forums was sick of their arguments being BTFOed so they created a safe space echo chamber for themselves

On 2ch it does, when a game gets censored to appease butthurt westerners they go berserk.

Hork hork hork


Is this the part where the SJWs swoop in and convince him he's actually a woman?

Huh, nice early birthday present for me

I mean - have you used Holla Forums?
Like, beyond those initial months post-first-exodus?


It's the part where the SJWs swoop in and accuse him of being a sexist. Again.

But then again, Trudeau is a white supremacist nowadays.

msnbs was gloating yesterday that the odds of her getting approved were slim to fucking none, had a good salt harvest while i ate lunch today

And what about creators? Why do they tolerate any bitching from retarded cultists in the west about what a bunch of horrible shitlords they are?

I can understand wanting a corner that Holla Forums won't take over. God knows I've seen plenty of our regular vidya threads descend into niggerdeath.

Most of the time they have higher ups to answer to, maybe even a board.



I can't speak for the creators but you will usually see Otakus get angry over their favorites getting the censorship treatment. While I can't the same happens for fans in the west, Otakus make themselves known to not give creators money & threats if they pulled a fast one on them. (I know I had a screencap of it somewhere, lemme see if I still got it…)

Most of the time, it's because of the higher ups working there. Explains why Konami and other companies wanted to go into Pachinko even though it's not going to take off.

Publishers gonna publish, user.


I'm pretty sure Mombot is some housewife who runs a gunpla store. Iirc she has a son who is a turbo nerd about gundam and shit. Hence the name mom because she's a mother. And bot, because gundam. No pic but I found a figurine statue of her for some reason. Must be some industry connections to the gunpla vendors or something.

I'm just fucking with ya. Mombot is actually some californian dudebro named Zach. He's kind of a chad version of Archie. I heard one of his nerdy highschool friend later had a sex tape scandal involving scat porn or some sheeeit, and one of his female highschool friend hit notoriety in some vegas titty dancer movie.

I memed :D:DD

Ya did it, champ

Someone should tell him to keep up the winning strategy of insulting/mocking anyone who deviates the least bit from contemporary liberal orthodoxy.

The AAA gaming industry needs to die. Today I told myself that I should check out the new Rainbow Six. You know, because I never gave it a fair chance. I just told myself it's new and it's from ubisoft so it has to be bad.

But I enjoyed the old Rainbow Six games, maybe this one is not so bad after all. And what do I see when I check out their storepage? A shitload of dlc.

Let me guess, game is full of microtransactions, there are no dedicated servers, and all the in game items are locked and require you to grind forever.

And nothing of value was lost. Although he'll be back soon. They always return. something something battered housewife.

How long will it remain open after Trump defunds the city/state

We need more Kamiya's who would just laugh them out of the room then waste another five hours tweeting nonstop
Another problem is a lot of them don't have a god grasp at English so rely on localizers or whatnot who as we all know feed them bullshit.

Why can't they at least release a statement in response to bitching over something assuring their fans they won't listen to it?

Why can't they at least state they create for their own audience exclusively? That particular "criticisms" are nothing to concern with?

What if that post is the hoax fam?

Zach was a fake identiy made up by her to bait SJW"S into attempting to dox her.


How do I fix this?

I'm sick of all the feelings of powerlessness towards absolutely fucking anything in my life but GamerGate.

Man, I honestly hope Scalebound was Kamiya telling Microsoft to fuck off.

Let the japs do their own thing. If they need an assist, fine. Nothing wrong with showing them that there are fans outside of japland that appreciates and respects their stuff. Otherwise why are you sounding like a mental case trying way too hard to batman for them.

Here's a steam key for Star Wars™ Jedi Knight™ II: Jedi Outcast™

that's a lot of trademarks


? = ?chan, the one we're on now (trying to discourage bots over here)

Basically, because there's no necessity for it, at least if we're talking about Japanese games coming over to the West, and being hammered by the fragile sensibilities of our highly political media/gaming media. Japanese developers and companies specifically don't do it because one, it is considered incredibly rude to mouth off to other countries and people in Japan. This goes both ways, but they won't just start busting balls all over the place on impulse like we will. They mostly keep to themselves.

Another very important point people need to remember about the Japanese vidya industry is that the indie scene is nowhere near the size it is here. This hobby really started to go to shit when everyone started yelling B-BUT MUH INDIES, because now we have leeches who call themselves game developers scrambling to make fucking anything so they can climb the ladder of ascension through their cliques. This made worse by the fact that corporations like Sony and Microsoft help elevate these people.

I mean, it's actually a really good system, but the people they thought they could reach with it were mostly abusive, marxist rejects with little to no skill in the field of game development, and no desire to master their crafts. Instead, we get them making "games" on Twine and advocating for the democratization of game production, which is a completely horseshit, utopian wet dream that can only lead to the bar being lowered for everyone everywhere.

See the Twine Revolution and Difference Engine Initiative for what I mean about democratization of game production and why it's harmful. I'd argue it's the apex of the entire wave of Marxist subversion of the video game industry as a whole.

Japan lacks the sizable indie scene in their vidya market to facilitate this kind of abuse, so it doesn't happen all too often. Hence, companies don't fee the need to say shit about it when it happens in other countries.

Now, Japanese communities are different. When it's just regular anons or Jap normalfags fucking around on their Jap social media, they do talk about this stuff and laugh at it from afar. It's just that expecting Japan to adopt the traditional American attitude of swooping in to deliver swift justice and a firm ass-kicking is a dream we'll all wait for forever. Culturally, it's very un-Japanese. From an industry perspective, it doesn't even make much sense.

It's up to Western audiences to put the pressure on their media, to stop them from covering and reviewing games from a point of Marxist pathos. The hard thing about this is that it is both a deliberate effort to stamp out competition from Japanese games, and a natural reflex of the betas and cucks who follow the people who are doing this deliberately.

You have people who don't know the greater effect of what they're doing, and even more people taking advantage of their blissful ignorance.

I could go further in depth about democratization of game production, the Twine Revolution, and what effect an adversarial media is having on Japanese games. It's quite an interesting tale of Indie jealousy, incompetence, and a media version of the Salem Witch Hunts

Did you read the spoiler? Or try reading it without being so autistically literal.

Huh, guess I don't have it. But I do recall being a thread where someone was talking about a manga, how Otakus were the life-supporters of creators because they paid the bills, not the publishers, and that if one were to do anything stupid to their favorite series, they would make themselves clear by burning figuress, death threats, boycotts, etc. All in all: Don't piss them off.

Sadly this user is correct. Understanding English is their weak point because they will have to rely upon somebody to tell them anything, and we know how goons & SJWs worm their way through infiltration.

Like I said, some of the higher ups won't allow that or they think they company shouldn't care about a problem that is beyond their hands.

sorry, my bad nigga, my ass has been paranoid lately.

Akshually. Many of them seem to also be rejects from film, and or writing, then they try their hand at not mastering vidya development. So they hold at least 2 if not 3 not-mastery in different fields and crafts.

By the way guys, RE7 is pretty good.

I don't work for Capcom.

belive it or not user, most people want to try and make other people happy. If someone comes to you peddling a sob story most people are instinctively sympathetic and would like to do what they can. The creators in this case are typically operating from a position of good faith. The problem is that the complainant is coming from a position of ZERO faith. They have a nebulous problem based on whatever issue of the day and think that the artist is obligated to alter their work to make the viewer feel better about themselves. This is compounded in an environment where twatter exists and people can spread lies, and slander you for being insensitive, just as easily as they can get in contact with you.

Honestly, just look at all the writers and musicians that total nobodies are giving crap to and offering up garbage criticisms. Journos like Grayson and the Polygon crew are just another form of this. Nobodies with garbage opinions about shit they OPENLY TALK ABOUT HATING trying to force creators into changing their work to appease the gods of political correctness.

Mix in some greedy fucking jew publishers that think appealing to the loudest minority bitching about not enuff trannys and Male Gaze(TM) and you end up with a compromised product that the original audience hates and is now alienated from future work, as well as never satisfying the complainant because they didn't give a shit about your art to begin with.

But never forget they don't want to take your toys away :^)

Well at least he recognizes he shat the bed. That's more self-awareness than 99% of SJWs possess.

His Twitter was absolutely pathetic to read.

From what I've been told, all paid DLC is cosmetic and all gameplay updates are free. It's not perfect, but it's a damn sight better than Borderlands' bullshit.

Corporations, including publishers, will by their nature try to keep their audience as wide and comprehensive as possible. That's why they'll tweet bullshit virtue-signalling but will stay away from any minimally contentious topic.

Of course, there are exceptions. You probably have seen several companies grandstanding about #NeverTrump or whatever. For businesspeople to make such a clear stand against a popular figure, it means they're severely bootybothered.

Easier said than done, but: become a creator. Have at least one activity that is both productive and whose products aren't alienated from you.

Incidentally, this feeling of powerlessness is extremely common nowadays, and getting even more so by the day. Alienation will become epidemic.

is that Robbie Rotten as Bayonetta?

Jokes on you, I have the GoG dump torrent


The cancer was forewarned in the past, in a scene from Wayne's World 2.

Binding of Isaac co-creator's response to Anita

Fix that for you buddy, no need to thank me.

It's not, it's just a mishmash of every modern FPS "horror" game. It's one of those what goes around comes around situations, RE created dozens of clones for "survival horror", now they just took their cues from others instead of being original.

My best guess would be to get in contact with jap gamers and otakus, bypass the leeches whispers lies into the devs ears and instead of fellow gamers who goons can't infiltrate.
That or learn moon so we can tell the devs ourselves.

The way jap devs constantly cave in to the permanently offended I wouldn't be surprised if jap gamers think all westerns are afraid of tits.

That does not sound like self awareness tbqh fam. Sounds a lot closer to self pity. Or maybe a creeping dread that deep down Sensitive Joss Whedon realized it was always a cannibal potluck party that he joined.


Dude sounds like he's fucking wasted, still though, that was some good bants



Temporary Title: All Good Things Edition

I must be getting old. I remember a time when the thought of cosmetic DLC would be laughed the fuck out, because who would pay for that kind of nickle and diming when it should have cosmetic change sliders or a way to customize appearance in game or some free mods for that. Oh how I was so wrong with that in current year timeline.

Its like he somehow gets uglier each time he gets an interview


Also a reminder this is happening in 3 years.

Everytime someone puts that 2d avatar vs reality pic of the socjus and literallywho crew. I keep thinking it's pretty much The Picture of Dorian Gray. Except in reverse.

so we got 2 years before all the fun shit in japan gets covered up so foreigners don't get offended

But he is! He manage to make a game!

Flynt's getting fat!

that doesn't make it better, cosmetics are also part of the game and putting them behind a paywall makes the game worse.

They already got started with the "Nazi" temples (They say it's temporary, but you never know when it comes to caving in to peer pressure and moving on to other things.)


Can we please meme this?


Dude what? He is fully intending to do it




Not going to happen, Trump for 8 years.

You can't meme a meme.

Right, but I want him to make it. Imagine him having a tranny fit in office.

I agree, it's not perfect, but it's an improvement over what they were doing a few years ago. It took casuals some time, but they did get slightly smarter. We have to keep pushing. I honestly think that this PC Master Race meme could actually be a good pro-consumer thing, by spreading "radical" ideas like "never pre-order", "no DLC" etc.



and here we go, another one to the pile of shitpieces trying to force Discord into the ways of socjus


I seriously want to know how in the fuck they expect discord to handle it. Have global mods and some big brother type shit? How about no

Are you fucking retarded?

let them have it for all I care, discord is as bad as IRC when it comes to circlejerking cancer

Because for me shit that causes even the slightest bit of stress stacks up and starts warping anything I say and think. Turning a small irritant or annoyance into one that starts causing severe emotional instability compounded by a lifetime of anger and violent impulses without proper therapy and lack of parental guidance and teaching outside of working all day to keep food on the table and emotional support.

Wonder why I sound crazy at times? This just feels normal. This is the end result. I never truly grew up.

You have no idea how much I just want to do that. I dread trying to get a job just because this medical bill I shouldn't even have is at bay for my mother as well only while I have no income, which would change the second I got any kind of job until it's sorted out. Also, autism fucks with basic skills and actions constantly.

I have no power over anything in my life or influence over what I do for the world unlike all these worthless pieces of shit while I remain in the constantly suicide contemplating trap I don't deserve. Oh, wait, I can't even kill myself because of everything I'd leave behind or hurt in all kinds of ways. It's a wonder I can still even intelligently type and converse right now. I should be insane.

No. Having that nutbar in any public office for real is idiotic. I would not trust that crazy tranny with a city dog catcher position. That's not hyperbole considering it neglected it's own dog to death and tried to blame it on GG. If you are so desperate for 'the lulz tho' go hit your own feminine benis with a power drill.

Has people here gone full david gallant or something.

What do you mean?

Why would you allow Sjws any more control to bully a site into bowing.

We need to talk more about this next thread.

Found the font used for Shenmue! Surprisingly, it's another one from ITC.

Eyebrows is the cutie you fr*cking dumby

All right nigger, calm your tits. It's not going to happen unless dubs

What have you done


Also this is what they want to turn video games into.



You fucking piece of shit.


I declare your shit dubs invalid.

Well is there any type of art you're interested in trying? Or constructive skill, for that matter, like carpentry. I figure creating something physical would be better for alienation than something like vidya.


Only trips can invalidate them.

that webm, looks a lot like telltale games.

Go find medical help. There is a limit to what a singaporean snack forum can do, and it looks like you have reached that limit a while back. Stop getting autistically stuck on things you know are causing you stress, because who the fuck is holding a gun to your head and telling you to keep focusing on shit like that.

But I'm not a doctor or a therapist, so my reply to you on the subject is go find real help, medical type help. Whether that's a doctor to see if there is any physiological factor or a real therapist, damn if I know. I only fuck girls who cuts themselves, I don't fix them. Badum tish, that was a joke. Go find real help, h8chan is a lot of things, real medical help for your mental health issue is likely not one of them. Yellow pages, internet search for mental health help or clinic, fuck nigga, go look for something other than this bread.

Why would I NOT want a game to be as fucking amazing as that scene, user ?



entire scene in one shot, it's actually well done. What's that shit movie called?



The Protector

You fucking fuck. The blood of the innocent is on your hands, you fucker.

I mean I'm not sure if you are serious or just pulling my dick with . Because most people not named Jim Sterling or outside of neofag, will look at the girl on the viewers right when they read the file name a cutie.png

This reminds me of some game back in 90 something, it was FMV shit that was basically QTEs and shit, think it was Wirehead or something.

looks like a weird console game to me, why would I play those?

Have you considered photography? That is a hobby Leftists will never be able to subvert to their doing.


Shame on me, I forgot the title
But yeah, that scene is fucking insane. I saw another asian action film the other day, fucking INSANE shit, one of the most intense experiences I've ever had with cinema too
I forgot the name as well… the title is in english but the film was vietnamese or thai, I can't recall…

If he gets in, he better embarass and kill himself after failing to undermine Trump in any way.

Have I got some bad news for you.

I wouldn't say Shenmue invented, but it did help popularize it to what we see today.

How so?

I am pulling your dick.

See you next thread. Wu are not, may they all cultural marxists get purged in this new era starting with this year of the fire cock

Dubs don't have the power to cast a meme magic spell that strong. You'd need at least quints.

Most well known one is the raid, was it that one?

That's a relief. No homo.

I mean that while for the most part something like digital photography has been a huge boon in terms of lowering the cost of getting into photography. Some of the patterns you see in vidya, comics, movies of leftardism is unfortunately also present in photography.

Pardon for the misspellings (haven't slept) But at least I got my own dubs

Fuck you user you're lucky I'm not a cute girl otherwise I'd ravage your cock with all my holes. Thanks.
It was The raid 2 though

I still don't see how photography got co-opted. It's easier for people to take pictures nowadays with cell phone cameras, but I don't see how it's poisoned.


I fucking hate Discord, but it's worlds better than TeamSpeak or Skype. It's not owned by MS, and the application isn't a drain on resources like TeamSpeak.
But why are they complaining about discord as a company when it's clearly the users that are failing to moderate their own channels?
Oh, wait…
That's why.

The actual photography is not, at least not to the same extent thankfully. But it's definitely in there in the college courses. Granted I have not checked into it lately so maybe it has gotten better. But holy sheeit. The cancer was definitely trying to get in, the most resistant ones I saw was usually commercial type photography, or students who still values competence and the craft, learning techniques etc. But there was definitely a contingent of "we want to make the world a better place, through photography". But not in the way of say, photo documentary or war photography. It's basically the "girly things" soft filter with text macro tier, nu art photography.

All right, that's fair enough, I wouldn't argue that it's completely hopeless. Anyways, have a meme! What better way to sum up the new rating system than to have all eyes on deck?

700th reply!

Is that OC meme? If so.
Because if I saw that on their official site I would believe it.

You faggots, my brother and friend since childhood are the only ones I feel like I can really trust.

Every little thing I enjoy from my own fucking country could be the result of someone now twisted by this cult of self-important retardation into wishing me dead just for being a shitlord.

I just want to push through. I don't want to be a burnout when I know resolutely you're going to win in the end just because I can't laugh at the same shit. Just because I'm almost as unhinged as those things.

689, refresh the page manually to get an accurate count.

Wait, did you pay your mother's medical bills? Are you fucking retarded?
You need to keep those bills in her name so they can't become your problem.
I get this whole taking care of your elders thing, but you have to take care of yourself, first.

I'm not sure I agree.
Film is and largely always was cheap as shit. There was nothing holding you back from buying a much older model camera and still taking great shots because of all the control you get and the fact that film resolves very well.
A shitty digital camera won't get you very far, and camera equipment that isn't so limiting cost a lot of money.

Yes it is. Here, let's replace the logo on their site and see how different it looks!

Developing prints was not cheap at least where I am. And availability of those print developers became rarer with digital. Cost, availability and convenience when the tech became 'good enough' largely won out from what I've seen. I knew a few commercial and art on the side photogs who still loves traditional vs digital, but the bulk of their work has switched over to digital. Sure traditional film will never truly die out, but for the majority digital has become the mainstay.

But I will.

I found out my mother is finally cancelling my shit insurance now that Trump repealed that BS fine part about being fined, so I can apply for new.

No, I was sharing her insurance all this time and years ago I find out it wasn't fully paying off my bills. I don't know what the hell I'm supposed to do any of this.

She says we'll both get bowled over when we can't pay it all at once.

O-Oh dear…



I guess ill shitpost the last 3 replies needed for 700

wow, do your fuckin' job journos


What happened with the mememagic?

Do more mememagic!
and the memeteor too





He has hitlerdubs, it checks out



it looked decent, but I'm not going to magically forget all the bullshit Capcom pulled for all these years just because of one solid game.

its the nu-Star Trek of the RE series. play it and you'll have fun but just like all current titles of long running series, its dumbed down and streamlined to such a degree, reflecting upon it brings a palpable sense of loss and dissapointment that newer fans wont understand until its their turn to feel it