Overwatch is a piece of shit game, stop playing it blizzard cucks

I see a lot of cucks here playing this piece of shit.
You are effectively giving money to Blizzjews and paying for an online only DRM.
Are you proud of yourself overwatch players? Spending 60$ on this garbage, I'd rather fuck an orangutan than play this overpriced le memewatch game.

tl;dr go back to halfchan or plebbit and play your shit game there. Let us play real games

Other urls found in this thread:


Quality post; thank you for it.

It's a game that only retards play, but you also sound like a retard with this autistic screeching.
A much more sensible technique would be to spam the overwatch general with gay porn and gore.

I don't even play Overwatch and I think you're a huge faggot, even more a faggot than the average OP. Reported for shitposting.

Fight the fucking cancer then.
Ban all the memewatch thread makers and tell them to go back to halfchan.
Overwatch belongs in the garbage.
We will see in 2 years when Memewatch stops being popular and blizzard pulls the plug from the servers and you effectively just gave 60$+ to Activi$$ion for being a good goy

t. Captain Obvious

So, this is the official Overwatch thread now. Please remember to report duplicate threads. Not liking the OP is no reason to shit up the board with more threads.

fuck off

i already gave them the money. gonna go play some OW now. also ur a fuckin retard if you bought any lootboxes

no, I need something to hold me over for Undertale Yellow



[muffled reeee in the distance]


while we're at it we should also ban all the games i don't like and you do. more power to the mods and more censure is what you're after, right?

Literally the same line of thought

nice thread Op

okay Holla Forums

You just mad because you won't make money cosplaying d. va while playing overwatch on stream.

Nice dubs, but I think you missed my point. If they're going to have their shitty general, this should be it. This is the Overwatch thread now, you faggot OP.

Oh, I was afraid someone would forget to make the new thread once the previous one 404'd.
It's good to know shitposters are on alert to make threads about games they don't play or like as long as they get to shitpost in the OP. Really saves the trouble of making the OP ourselves.
It's pretty much just a consolation prize since despite being OP, it's just one post and OP are faggots by default anyway. But I'm sure it made you happy. :D

Anyway, have they announced anything else about Doomfist? Last I heard, there was some talk with Terry from the Old Spice comercials with Blizzard sending him plenty of their games because he wants to play them with his kids and someone suggested he should do VO for Overwatch and how he'd fit Doomfist and then there was some rumour that that might be true.
Numbani already saw some changes a lot of patches ago regarding Doomfist so maybe he's the next hero to be released.

Imagine a gigantic black dude that goes around punching the living shit out of everyone voiced by that guy… Maybe he'll set the standard for more mellee heroes to be added.

If you want to play an Overwatch-like game simply play TF2 or Paladins, they are both superior AND free, blizzcucks

But why would anyone want to play a nigger? There's a reason nobody wants to play Lucio and Winston.

Overwatch is modern garbage but where is the line drawn? I can't discuss games like doto or csgo here because of this shitposting culture.

Maybe if you're a casual yourself, also

Oh and I almost forgot
Check em



You must be thee most insecure fucking faggots on this planet.
Seriously fucking kill yourself or get a life.


If you gonna go degenerate go for a mare at least you pleb.


wtf i hate overwatch now

So I have never actually seen footage of Overwatch, anyone here who has played can you tell me if it is a straight up clone of TF2? or is there any difference?

At least we saged

You can discuss those games if you want, just start a thread.
Problem is, what's there to talk about those games? doto is item autism and csgo is knife autism with bunnyhoping to pretend there's something interesting. I'd bet you can still find some people here that play those games but you could probably make one team, maybe two with them and that's it.

If you have to play a MOBA, go with HotS or Smite, those at least look better and don't have shitty snowballing (game decided in 5 minutes, still takes 40 to finish)
If you have to play a shooter that's not typical arena shooters, go with Red Orchestra or Rainbow Six Siege. Didn't played the last one but it has a thread here and Red Orchestra is pretty good.

So you don't play the game.
Lucio is picked very often for Koth maps, especially Illios and is the default offtank when Ana won't cut it (never). He's played very often and the wall ride might justify why.
Winston isn't picked because he's easily outclassed by other Tanks, poor guy really needs a rework.
But it does not have anything to do with niggers, sorry.

I love how Holla Forums keeps pretending they aren't a cancerous hive mind, and when they’re called on their bullshit, suddenly Holla Forums is a bastion of highly individual people with diverse tastes and opinions.


Maybe you should go outside.

Plebeians need not reply.

Im sure people in "LMAO IM SO HARDCORE MODE" will stop trying to be hardcore because they dont like a character.

Oh wait no they wouldn't.

You're literally proving what I just said fam.

No u.


Well, there's always youtube. You can go watch some faggots like Muselk or Ster or Mister Paladin (that switched from TF2 to Overwatch).
They are faggots but they play well enough to give you a good idea about the game.

I'd say the difference is that the characters are less specialized and there's a bigger focus on team combinations than strictly "your thing". As in, you can try to roam around with Pharah like you did with Soldier or hold a point alone with Torb like you did with Engineer.
But it's not gonna be as effective as staying with someone else from your team and working with them, as that's most likely the kind of oposition you'll find as well.

For instance, the most classic example is Pharah and Mercy flying around in the sky shooting rockets down. Mercy takes care of potshots taken at you but you gotta handle targets fast or they are gonna kill Mercy. There's still personnal skill there aiming your rockets, picking proper targets and maneuvering around, but if you try this alone, their McREE is gonna kill you fast.

Oh and I guess the bigger difference is that the Devs don't have a fetish for their Soldier equivalent like Valve has for Soldier, and give Pharah only the standard amount of 200 HP like everyone else normally gets, while her rockets are 120 damage on direct hits, not insta kills.



Full/v/ is fucking dead.

You don't need to talk about a game to play it, though. Smite may not be better than Dota by Moba standards but it surely is more fun. You get a greater variety in abilities, a different perspective and the control scheme is way more fun than clicking on shit. You'll get what I'm saying when you pick Medusa and get that item that removes the movement penalty for firing when you hit someone.

Check again, nigger. Zarya is despised by a lot of people for her default skin to the point some people buy (with in game credits :^) their alternative skins to never see her hair again.
And yet, she's still picked very often because her kit is quite impressive and usefull, rewarding proper timing and excessive bullying.

To be fair, it is a mistake to talk about Holla Forums like a hivemind, especially considering we have multiple other imageboards visiting here.
But there is indeed a vocal minority that loves to parrot and virtue signal how superior their taste is, when they visit 8/v/, a place made of traps, boipussi and degeneracy front and center. And I wouldn't have it any other way, despite not liking any of that :^)

Been dead for over a year dude.

Hahahaha holy fuck.

Don't be rude, user. The board isn't dead just because people say things you don't like.



Looking back at the amount of sexy cosplay done with characters from Overwatch, it's probably one of the biggest games to fight against feminism in videogames.
Fucking ironic.

this tbh fam smh

yeah thats why blizzard made Tracer a dyke, inserted another dyke, 2 sandnigger "independent womyn", hue dyke and designated shitting street woman

fucking kill yourself

the only people who like overwatch are sjw's, plebbit and iPod generation.

kill yourself

You are the reason why video game industry is dying

fuck off

Gas yourself.

Basically. normalfags don't like actually playing games, they prefer "interactive movie" at worst and "mindless distraction" / "press x to win".

The good news is that as the tools get more powerful I think we're going to see more true "indie" games catering to people who actually like games.




They were pandering more to the yuri fags than Tumblr.

They released a new hero? Cool shit! I didn't saw her though, are you sure about that? Because if it's just like a minor character in the lore or something, who the fuck cares?

??? Genuinely puzzled here, unless you can't tell Lucio's gender.

:^) I played her even before the change to her kit

It's really not that simple. Normalfags want games they can use to socialize with other normalfags, pretty much how they like soccer or baseball so they can talk about it with their friends.
That's why CoD or LoL got a foothold with them, because they can play it and then talk about it with every other normalfaggot too.
That's also why shitty MMOs often get so many normalfaggots to play, all it takes is making it a "social experience" that you can do with friends.
You know the "it's fun with friends" argument? It's pretty much the main reason normalfags play videogames.

Still gonna take a long while but yeah, I feel we are getting there. Some good stuff shows up every now and then, nothing too amazing but then again, they are indies.
I just want big companies to realize their mindset fucking sucks at actually earning them money and they change to a business model where they actually helps indie developers with their ideas, instead of just canibalizing them.

Ubisoft has at least figured they can't keep making the same game every year (AssCreed) and are now trying something new (as in, ripping off MGS5) and EA is rumored to ditch Bioware if Andromeda sells like shit because they are tired of their bullshit and no shekels from that IP.


Yeah, I mean, I realize "indie" has become synonymous with pixelshit and ""indie"" games, but what's a better word to describe development outside the mainstream AAA titles?

How did you even end up here?

I play some godaweful mobile game with is one of a gazillion closed, in the best alliance in my area full of cashgamers and I can confirm this. So many people in this thing just roleplaying in chat instead of actually playing.


Fucking race mixer, get back to cuckchan and take your "diversity" somewhere else

The word was co-opted sadly, but it's not all bad. There are actual indie devs out there that even actually release things on their own.
Of the top of my head, there's Rimworld and Gnomoria, those are neat games like DF light but with an actual HUD.
Then there's Worlds Adrift, a game I really fucking hope doesn't turn to shit because the premise is pretty great.
And War for the Overworld, while nothing too amazing was pretty great on it's own too.
There is good stuff out there, it just takes a while to find it. Just gotta wait for everything else to burn away, which honestly shouldn't be too long now.

I remenber a shitty MMO called Metin that played and looked incredibly retarded and yet it was quite popular, both because it was free and because it was brain-dead simple. I came to realize nobody actually played it alone, they all visited each other to play the game together.
Then there's the shitty browser based games like Travian where people join so they can discuss politics without them being about actual politics. It's funny to watch them talk about it until you realize how retarded the game actually plays.
I tried to have that friend of mine to try Civ and he actually liked but still kept playing Travian instead because that's what everyone else was playing too.

i rather play a f2p game rather joining your progressive shitshow.


Ignoring the tumblrtier artstyle they always use for their comics.

Did the thread get bumplocked? I guess we can't have Overwatch threads anymore.



Honestly, it's pretty average. The characters were more bland than I expected. Somehow less fun than Paladins despite being the same thing.

But I have to play since I bought it.

Wont ever buy loot boxes obviously.

user…please revise your memes.

Why is Holla Forums always trying to ruin fun

I bought the fucking thing and I still play Halo 5 and Siege more than it. I like Reinhart, I like Mei, but in order to avoid the retards and actually win a game I need to invest time into ranked with all the tryhards. There are no actually fun gameplay options.

Not to mention everyone promised me a game with strong characters and all I got were TF2 style shorts and comics. Cool shorts sometimes, yeah, but fuck me this doesn't pass as plot people.

There was a substantial amount of her with Genji, drawn by an artist I rather like.

Overwatch needs a L4D style campaign desperately. It would definitely improve their game which is based heavily on characters and fanboy jizz.

But mostly likely just more skins and a new character half-way through the year.


because they are the true cucks of the internet

lol what a faggot

The Jew will forever be too much of a pussy to ban cancerous fanbases like this one and Undertale.

Yummy Blizzdrone salt thread.

You people sicken me
Get the fuck out of this board