#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: The Ninja Warriors Edition


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6. Dig for info regarding the ESA, (also ECA, IARC)
7. OP ESRBusted! Expose the ESRB for being against developers and consumers.

- twitter.com/VoQn/status/709444614025977856 || lang-8.com/groups/3054
- youtube.com/watch?v=7AL__CptUSQ
- reddit.com/r/KotakuInAction/comments/5qva0e/deepfreeze_deepfreeze_291_update_five_new_entries/
- youtube.com/watch?v=KcDVvqv93CM
- imgur.com/gallery/X2w49
- archive.fo/y5mGL


youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
youtube.com/watch?v=ipcWm4B3EU4 - #GamerGate in 60 Seconds;
archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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if you shitpost, your waifu becomes addicted to nigger dick


The bread will never reach 700 toasts


farm those memes boys




Previous thread recap.
I'm just gonna let user from the previous thread talk about solving problems with video games because holy shit, that is bat-shit insane.


You have been visited by


Good luck on love, Good Luck on Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy





never EVER support nazi kick ball
its super gay

Ever since the Podesta hand bandage thing, I've noticed it elsewhere.

I really really like this picture.

But user…
YOU'RE my waifu


I fucked up my last post

Looks like they are trying to turn the screws on the Trumps, you don't go against glorious Social Justice

for her


Also a reminder that if you're a straight white male, you're not getting the ESA scholarship.

But what if the shitposter is a nigger?

Ujibu aj u modkucc0 acc veihkood 0ouh ect udt ud0ret0 nxe johaeijc0 sedjatohj xoh ke ro nuavi mukohauc xuj jemo toof joukot fohjeducak0 fhercomj udt jxeict dek ro uheidt vahouhmj.

Ucje te dek jkuhk kxaj jxak uwuad.


I think Fallon actually almost de-gloved his own hand.

I'll still love you.

>you will never have little Gondola helpers assist you with your herb garden of flavor and NOT WEED you fucking 420blazeit faggots
I love those little bastards.

Of course, they're going to keep kicking and screaming for as long as he's president and even when he's not president people will still hate him and talk on how WE SURVIVED Trump's presidency among other things.

Gondola is cute

You disgust me.

Nigger that's not news, the only scholarships straight white men get anywhere are for sports.

Milo on Judge Janine (who)




Seriously, who are these "Experts" Gallagher is listening to? And does Gallagher realize that if he wants talent at the video game industry to flourish with new blood and creativity, then going the Common Core route of dumbing down education by flooding classes with shitty games and also pushing for "Social Change" is only going to dry up Gaming? Like I said before, there are many questions that have to be asked because there's a lot of things that not only need clarification, but also the realization that what he's doing is going to do more harm than good.
And a reminder that according to the ESA, Mafia III "Unflinchingly tackles racism."


The salt!


Sorry, I couldn't resist.

Jeez its not like we aren't on the internet or something

what happened with the superbowl? Who won and why are sjws on the side of the falcons?

Don't know maybe its the whole Patriots name.


Seriously? Yahtzee explains it best in video related

It's not up to other to waste their time trying to see if your claim is real, no matter how little time you think it takes. Source your shit or be called a shill.

really? God damn that's petty, even for them

They support whichever team has the fewest players that openly support Trump obviously. Like the petty children they are.

Oh in other news that we all already knew really:

The Patriots won the superbowl and SJWs are salty because apparently The Patriots are full of white male Trump supporters or something

Am I the only one more sickened by the fact liberals want to shove politics into fucking sports? Sports are the one thing thats supposed to be free of political bullshit where people set aside their political bias and trade it for team bias instead.

Tom Brady is a white man who supported Trunp who plays for a team called the Patriots. it's the perfect storm of SJW triggers.
The Patriots won. Everyone said the Falcons would win (WSJ had them at 90% chance of winning, just like Hillary…) but the Patriots made an amazing comeback and now the salt mines are open and the winning just won't stop.

That's easy to explain: The Football team name is "Patriots" & Tom Brady boasted about voting Trump.

Nice trips, but where is the archive?

Super Bowl salt


This shit just puts a smile on my face.

BLM and SJWs politicizing a sport they called violent masculinity in the past breitbart.com/big-journalism/2017/02/05/super-bowl-media-fail-god-election-night/

I'm surprised they pay enough attention to sport to know which player is on which team. Isn't gridiron a very masculine sport that they should try to dismantle rather than watch?

Why wouldn't they? They shoved it into our fucking video games.

Not really. It's such fucking bullshit that they think that they can just shove drama into literally every facet of human life. What, do they think that Hillary putting up at least two attack ads every commercial break during the fucking World Series wasn't part of the reason why people didn't vote for her?

Beat me to it.


Say with it me


No because the NFL is 67% Black

Didn't someone dig and find out that this same guy decried Ben Spurr's "Beat Up Anita" game?

They chose the team with, in their worlds "the most blackest and gayest city" in the US to beat Trump.

Yeah but they are white males, thats encouraged. It's 99% likely they are a Literal Nazi.

Don't forget that this guy had his life completely ruined and had to beg for help, I think Ian sent him like 300 dollars cause he felt bad.

How in the fuck does that happen? That's not diversity at all.

I love Breitbart. They do their share of clickbait, but they're like a fucking news outlet ran by faggots from Holla Forums.

>But CNN is based in… Atlanta.

"Perhaps they have learned: patriots never quit."

Oh, yeah, I remember that. Ian kept sending money with apologies repeatedly. Still not getting his ads back.

Does anyone else find it funny that GamerGate managed to start a cultural revolution and propel Trump to the white house and Holla Forums to mainstream power but video games and video games journalism is still shit and E-celebs are still massive fags?

Why are the bigger things easier?


How's the Wikipedia article coming along?

>the Patriots won again
fuck those guys

t. Hoosier

People keep getting banned for bias, more single-purpose accounts keep taking their place to protect the edits the banned people made.

They're pretty much the Cowboys of the 2000/2010s era. The Quarterback, Coach and Owner of the Patriots have supported Trump, which pisses off the liberal hive.

Explain to me Acid, what is going on in the Super Bowl?

Butterfly effect.

We flapped our wings at a water buffalo that was bothering us. The buffalo hasn't fucked off yet, but our flapping caused a hurricane to hit downtown San Francisco.

Someone should spread pic related for salt

Wonder how /sp/ is taking this.

After checking out wikiinaction, more people are leaving, the same people who were editing the GamerGate and Zoe Quinn articles have now also set their sights on the PizzaGate article. wikipedia has reached their donation goal for this year but are still asking for more money.

Isn't Pewdiepie and numerous others okayed?

And I assume it's easier because it's such a big thing and didn't lose focus.

The QB of the Patriots is a Trump fan, and the Falcons are based in CNN's hometown. The entire major media was rooting against the Patriots.

The Patriots blew the first half and the Falcons started the second half with a three touchdown lead. Wall Street Journal and others said the Falcons (the "blackest, gayest team in the NFL") were 90+% sure to win the Superbowl.

Patriots made a world-record comeback into the first Superbowl overtime in NFL history and won the game. MSM is losing their fucking minds and having Vietnam flashbacks to election night!


In other words, as always, We are the victorious?


And we didn't have to do shit.

I'm seriously considering rooting for ISIS now, some of these fuckers deserve some Sharia Law to remind them reality isn't Twitter and Facebook.

they're probably ecstatic like 2 years ago

Some amazing level of bants.



I'm still laughing that analysts were wrong about the Cubs losing the World Series on top of both these other things.


That's really gay.

The first reply to that stat tweet it someone saying "WELL RUSSIA ISNT INVOLVED WITH THIS GAME"

Those people never fucking stop do they

It really was gay, idk why I clicked it. Anyone else who reads this, don't click it.

Attempting to repeat the same action, expecting a different result, is the definition of insanity.

It's furry and really gay. I prefer the unedited image because She takes human cock, and even marries one. Truly humans are superior white ones at least.

is that why you double posted that image?


Yea these people are nuts.

Count me in.

>mfw I realize that friendly media pundits are using terms like "Top Kek" unironically because of us. While talking to the President's son.

I thought Asians were scientifically and statistically considered the master race.

incoming blogpost.
I don't care about politics in hand egg, I barely care about hand egg, maybe if there is a funny or interesting superbowl commercial or something. Most of the time it's a boring game.
But maybe this year it will be somewhat interesting. Pick up the local newsrag this morning.
I don't want politics in handegg, sometimes I just want to watch a game without any of that shit.
I don't want politics in handegg, and I hope to kek the year of the Firecock and Justice will bite the leftard fucks in the ass.
Find out Patriots won in a yuge comeback. Holy shit the memetics are unbelievable in this timeline.

arent all eggball teams full of white and black dudes? how can they be racist?


Check twitter, reddit, and tumblr, Poe's Law isn't getting detected when they truly believe that this game was rigged, some bitch went on a rant about Russians athletes getting banned because of steroids.

Loving this timeline.

And Dave Rubin's message to the Regressive.

Have you been watching the superbowl ads? Audi went full SJW. In a fucking CAR commerical.

Think /sp/ will have to shitpost away SJWs worming into sports? Are people going to picket and go after March Madness playoffs if they zoom and enhance on one of the NCAA players and find a MAGA hat or something? Push for WNBA?

Yea and their board doesn't have a single woman in it.

Some champions of equality.

How? Now I don't hate asians, some of them are also very cute, but most of them are ugly as fuck. Like watch some asian movies, you got like a few really good looking woman in them and the rest is ugly as fuck.

they debunked their own ad on twitter too when someone asked them if they don't pay their female employees the same. They went into detail about the factors that led to them paying their female staff the same but ended up with them earning less.

Not really.


Even the aussies are shitting on SJWs

Wow. You get this from Japanese geocities or something?

Not to mention the massive over representation of blacks and under representation of whites, even on the Pat team. It's like liberals were born retarded or something.

I heard about the audi spot going full koolaid, but I didn't catch all the commercials. Most of them have gotten shittier over the year. I even forgot about the half time show. If gaga blew a gasket it would be more interesting than the rest of her act so far.

I love how Richard Spencer has become a monolithic boogeyman.



Do sjw's ever get tired of losing and being wrong? Also I hope you guys are out there looking for salt.


Here it is.

Champions of equality everyone.

too obvious user. Go for something simpler like 'russian funding to the patriots to win highlight the state of the US in 2017'

How is that obvious?

They realy don't. And with his dad, everytime The Don tweets, there is a stampede of verified accounts trying to insult trump for virtue signal points.

/sp/ is taking the results well. I nabbed this from them:

Listen to the fucking booing as the trophy got handed over. Atlanta mad as fuck.

But that's true, isn't france a majority muslim country?

And to think that I never heard of him until he was punched. They inadvertently spread his name around more.

That's some salt right there.

It is now :^)


Technically it's rooting out the source of the problem.
The sooner the leftist ideologues get removed from power and get forcefully but rightfully pigeonholed the same way they tried to do to us, the harder it will be for them to fuck shit up all over again while constantly gnawing away at their power base.
Nobody will want to buy SJW propaganda "games" if they aren't in vogue, regardless of how much you may agree with them, which takes out most of the normalfag section of the equation without engaging them in a way that shills or attacks, leaving the truth, which is something far more palatable.
But there will always be someone seeking to make things work for them. Maybe within our own ranks, one who turns traitor for the sake of power.
The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance.

I would laugh so hard if they did. Remember, the WNBA are the ones who stopped an entire game to give someone an award just because a woman managed to slam dunk.

It seems to me women's sports and feminism is just really more out to embarrass women than promote them. Fortunately, the majority of women do not identify as feminists and most white women voted for Trump.

They aren't "based" and proof of that was the whole SJW thing. I guess the Japanese are ok at most but definitely not the Chinese. Fuck them. As for their movies, probably the only one I watched was Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon and the actors were all good looking as fuck. If you wanted ugly, it doesn't get anymore ugly than blacks. Even pug dogs and hippos are better looking.

all the blur and visual artifacts for one thing

I didn't actually want the Patriots to win, though, because its just fucking boring. But I guess the salt is nice.


And they have the audacity of calling others fake news.

Originally the designer was commissioned to replace the fallen statue of Rhodes, so he actually studied Egyptology designs. After the budget blew out, he changed the design to Libertia Roman Goddess and shopped it elsewhere.

But to SJWs any non-european is muslim or black to them. It help cover their racism.

SJW Twitter is in full meltdown.

It occurs to me that the way you de-sensitize someone to something is by exposing them to it over and over until their brain adjusts to the release of those chemicals. Maybe if this kind of demoralization happens often enough we can de-sentitize the cucks out there and turn them back to normal.

You can't make up stuff as a joke and not expect the news to run with it.

This is an issue with a lot of things they try to do in game, comics, etc. When done properly and with quality, you can enjoy or at least tolerate media that has messages or morals you don't like or agree with. It's the ham-fisted, blatant lecturing and scolding type of work that makes you feel bad, even by proxy, that turns people away.

This. You can tell a political story without it being propaganda.

The reason they don't understand this is because they have the belief first. The game or comic is just their vector to push it by. I sincerely doubt Eidos believes that the Illuminati et al are making aliens and running the world, but look at Deus Ex. Filled to the brim with politics, and absolutely great.

You can handle heavy themes in a mature way, I still remember a comic that handled losing pets in a really great way, it even helped me get over a recent tragedy with one of my cats.

But SJW's don't do that, its always forced and hamfisted, in the real world nobody walks into a room, tells everyone's they are gay or a tranny and demand they be called by their special pro-nouns, but for SJW's they do.

Its like that comic panel with Barbara telling her roommate what happened to her when she got shot by the Joker and the roommate responses with "IM A TRANNY, I TOTALLY UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU WENT THROUGH"

Cause you know, getting shot, paralyzed and stripped naked by an insane murderous clown and then having your nude pics used to torture your father is exactly the same as being a tranny.

How so? I very much doubt the Chinese being that good.

I'd like to see them try.


So Egypt = Muslim to them, when the stuff he was studying dates to centuries before Muhammad was even born


That's specifically the entire reason why I called it propaganda rather than "messages or morals you disagree with."

The time the French Sculpture was studing was during the Macedonian era of Egypt so.

Charts of intellect and divorce rates mean nothing to a guy like me. You can be incredibly intelligent and not know how to make a cup off coffee. As for divorce I've never even been married so why would I care?


I dunno, even propaganda can be fun in the right context.

Who cares, I'm just saying what the data seems to indicate.

Keep in mind it's not just SJWs mad about it. The Patriots are like the Yankees used to be or the Lakers. They've just won so muc that peopel are a bit sick of it. Acid made a connection to the Cowboys, but even they weren't this consistent even at their height. So there's a lot of people who just get mad at/bored of dynasties.

Facts are racist, apparently. The leftist loonies need to be mocked into submission like the fundie Christfags were.

Guys, do we have archives about Jim Sterling? Especially about censorship and the time he bullied a dev into removing a non-PC-approved game?


I laughed pretty good at that.


Superbowl isn't about football anymore, its about stopping the Nazi Team

Oh yes, they're so proud of Mafia III tackling racism, it's even on their site!


That crop is from porn isn't it?

Before I saw this thread I didn't even know they had gone that far with it. Sure, the commericals I knew. But I didn't realize each side in the game represented the constant fucking bifurcation of everything in America. Christ, I'm so sick of it. There's no middle grounds anymore.

Just a little nip slip.

wtf is this?

Can I have the image without the MAGA hat, full nipple?


It's becoming the "…otherwise, the terrorists win" mentality for this decade.

On the subject of the NFL…

10/10/2016: "It’s time for Taylor Swift to say something about Donald Trump"

As they like to say: "You can't be neutral on a moving train" (And "yes", you can. In fact, you should, at least until you know what's up.)

ESA also had a partner during the 2016 election. Not sure why a car company of all things, but OK.

From a Disney short about the id and superego in your mind finding a balance. The girl's cavewoman id pilots her to pig out on treats.

…then the short turns to fight against the nazis by the end. Funny enough, the version I remember taping off TV was a Wonderful World of Disney edit with Ludwig Von Drake and trims out all the WW2 stuff

they sure seem to love that word

Somebody asked for this in the previous thread. I have no idea about the veracity.

Somalia Trump Hotel sounds like a good investment, same for having a logical argument…

You could switch Trump Businesses with 'Countries currently in decent relationships with the US' and you'd have a more honest graph.
You have to be pretty stupid to think Trump gets decent money from Hotels in the middle of a fucking warzone anyway.

Why is 9/11 relevant?

Because it fucked over citizens dealing with airlines and allowed the US government to have an excuse to help its lobbyist by going to war in certain regions.

I think it is more "countries that are somewhat stable".

It's because of the basis of banning Muslims is percieved as due to them being potential terrorists.


Iran is somewhat stable, we haven't gotten to them yet.

Well, considering the fact that you can actually travel to SA, UAE, Egypt, and Lebanon without being fucking beheaded, I'd say it's a good call

Because in the diseased, festering minds of our opponents, they think our entire mindset is based on or around

So I found this page upon looking up more info on Gallagher…

The third column is true
>The executive order, signed by President Trump last Friday, indefinitely suspended Syrian refugees, and barred nearly all travellers from seven Muslim-majority countries - Iran, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, Somalia, Libya and Sudan - for 90 days and blocked refugees for 120 days.

Regarding the countries not on the list (but could be in the future), we have: Saudia Arabia, Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Colombia, Venezuela, southern Philippines, trans-Sahara (Mali), and Sulu/Sulawesi.
>The 10 countries whose nationals should be cautious are Egypt, Lebanon, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Colombia, Venezuela, southern Philippines, trans-Sahara (Mali), and Sulu/Sulawesi.
>Trump's Chief of Staff just said on NBC that Egypt & Saudi Arabia may be added to the list of banned countries. The fight continues to grow.

Now, the first column's header says "9-11 Hijackers", which doesn't account for other terrorist incidents such as the San Bernardino attack and the Orlando Shooting.

Eventhough Trump's Chief of Staff said he wants to add more countries to the current list, I don't know if he'll do it (if he does, then everything's fine).

Anyway, crux of the argument lays in the second column. I don't have the time to check it out now, but if he deliberately omitted countries in which he conducts business regardless of the terrorist history they have, that's a big no-no in my book.

According to Wikipedia each country that has a Trump business also has a McDonald's, and the banned countries have none.

Anons, make sure you pay attention to what the ESA digger is posting. E3 is in 2 months time, be prepared to whatever he will or you can uncover. Time to show the world how demented and ideologically bent these people are who says they're "for the games". Fuck them! Fuck their feminism! Fucking their diversity programs! Fuck the ESA! Fuck its members and its affiliates!

The US and Iran isn't exactly buddies, and they do proxy wars in the middle-east against the Saudis and Israelis.

Didn't some judge lift the ban though?

Interestingly, Michael's law firm deals with a lot of Democrats…

It's mostly Israel and the Saudis wanting complete control of the entire area which made the USA to destabilize the region really.


You thought comics couldn't get any dumber, YOU THOUGHT WRONG.


More soupbowl salt.


When was he not?
Pic related.

The order has been rejected.

Whether or not the order is in effect, if he's deliberately ignoring countries because of his business, it's still an issue. I get that the guy is a businessman, but right now, he's also President of the USA (and running for that position was his choice). The point is: I'm neutral toward Trump (as a person), but I'm expecting more of the function he's meant to fulfill.


Oh my God. I didn't know but now I'm just laughing even harder.

So a thought occurs to me. Specifically a way to break the ESA's political back, using a low-yield nuclear weapon that's been gathering dust since the first time we tested it against Intel.

Just how badly do we want to hurt them?

Because the ESA has shilled for Anita. And we do still have all the anti-Israel shit that she and Joshintosh said archived, saved, and weaponized.

What do you suppose would happen if a large group of citizens decided to contact the pro-Israel bloc of the US Congress with this information, and the links between Femfreq and the ESA? Maybe a week or so before the entire E3 hashtag feed got blown up with the ESA's dirty laundry, tagging certain politicians into the conversation?

'cuz the ESA might just be fucked into the core of the sun if that were to happen.

This gets even better, Gallagher responded to Gilman Louie who was at DICE Summit. (Louie himself is the founder and former CEO of In-Q-Tel, a CIA venture who some anons should be familiar with once Pokemon GO had the controversy of datamining.)

Isn't a weird adult-ish Flintstones the best comic at the moment?

You have to be extremely stupid to believe this.

You can put that smug face where you found it user
>if he's deliberately ignoring countries because of his business

Hell just watch this so you can actually understand what is happening since the media and academia are in full shill for Hillary 2020 mode.

This was worth saving.

It has its moments. The "Scooby Apocalypse" one can just fuck off and die, though. So much drama for the sake of drama, my god.

Seems like a poor business move if that's what they're going to assign this to. He's not making any money off the banned countries while spreading the other countries thin.

The open letter is no longer on the ESA's site, but thanks to Wayback, I got an archive here. Wonder why they removed it…
>Leading video game designers, storytellers, and professionals will gather together next week to honor excellence, artistry, and our industry’s craft at the 17th Annual D.I.C.E. Awards in Las Vegas. Before the awards are announced, I thought it would be timely to take a moment and reflect on the year we just finished as a landmark one for the video game industry. Our industry pioneered new business models, launched new technologies, and engaged hundreds of millions of consumers. Those accomplishments put us in a very strong position to innovate and expand in the months ahead.

Except that entire notion is pants-on-head retarded and it makes me question how low your IQ is to even embrace such blatant propaganda for even a second.
The reality is Obama made that list based on the CIA's information about terrorism and the department of home security backlog stating they CANNOT VET people since they don't have enough data on those countries and since the entire place is a warzone overrun with terrorists they have no way to guarantee if they are jihadists or not.
'if' he has a business is a pretty stupid idea considering the man is a fucking millionaire who already rejected millions of dollars of his presidential salary already, the idea he's penny pinching on banning terrorist countries is beyond stupid.

>Just last month, we partnered with the Hispanic Heritage Foundation’s Leaders on the Fast Track (LOFT) program to announce the inaugural ESA LOFT Video Game Innovation Fellows. These 20 minority youths each received a grant to further their development of video games that seek solutions to problems in their communities.

>ESA staff and member company representatives highlighted these and many other successes in our ongoing outreach to federal and state policymakers. This included our partnership with the Congressional Caucus for Competitiveness in Entertainment Technology to host panel discussions about the video game industry’s economic contributions and efforts to support veterans, as well as briefings with lawmakers about ESRB ratings and parental controls. Gamers also engaged with the Video Game Voters Network (VGVN), a grassroots network of voting-age video game enthusiasts, to help educate lawmakers and media on issues impacting our industry. Notably, VGVN doubled in size since 2010, passing the half-million member mark in 2013.
>Finally, at the beginning of 2013, our industry was the target of numerous ill-founded and disingenuous legislative proposals related to gun violence, as well as biased media reports and groundless claims from organizations seeking to scapegoat video games. ESA was proud to represent the creators, innovators, technicians, storytellers, and entrepreneurs who comprise this great industry and set the record straight with policymakers and media across the country. I applaud the leadership of the video game industry, in particular the broad spectrum of executives who joined me in our meeting with Vice President Biden, for their strength of conviction and unflagging support.


we get it
you wanna fuck trannies
you dont need to keep posting them


That translates to

What is Gallagher doing at a event with Islam?

Okay, before I watch this, simply according to the title alone, is it the usual "we can't vet migrants because we have no data and no viable tool to make the job properly"? Because if it's the case, I'm well aware of that.

That's a pretty short version of it, yes.
It also brings up pretty shameful shit about the San Bernandino case and typical political bullshit that reminds me of this video everytime they start to dodge the fucking question.

I forgot to mention, it takes the prosecutor about 30 minutes to get them to admit it.

Right, well the Obama administration made the list based on their information of terrorism in the region. The list precedes even the election cycle that Trump ended up winning, making any point about Trump constructing the list to protect the business he still owns fallacious. Unless he wanted to take an unnecessary amount of time, money, and CIA resources to conduct new research so they can craft a new list, Trump had to use what was left by the previous administration and actually enforce what was there.

Part of why the countries listed are there is because of the structural issues terrorism brings to a government and a state. If you're government is spending almost all of its resources fighting a domestic terror group that is actually taking over cities or assassinating government officials, you can expect large parts of the region to be in ruin, under terrorist control, or governed by local tribes and protected by a local militia.

That means the people living in those areas don't have any means of having their identities confirmed via ID cards or driver's licenses that would normally be issued by their government, because the government doesn't have a strong hold on their own country.

Now, we can discuss Saudi Arabia funding terrorism around the region to destabilize their neighbors, but the Saudi government isn't in the same position as Iraq or Somalia. Somalia's government is mostly nonexistent, while what remains of it is so corrupt it may as well not even be there. The Iraqi government is only still standing because of foreign powers arming them and delivering airstrikes.

So many people from that region can't be accounted for, can't have their identities confirmed because their government is overwhelmed with the threat of terror. This in turn makes it fucking impossible to vet them.

It just feels good to have something to hold when you're putting your dick into another person, don't knock it until you try it, having another person cum into their face and licking it off them is so intimate, hetero's will never know such joy, I can go and fuck a girl any time I want, but it doesn't compare to a girl with a dick.


We can also mention that Saudis are pretty much politically immune due to all the lobbying they make in the USA, you can see politicians kissing the ass of Saudi princes as commonly as they go kiss Israel's Western wall.

Both Israel and the Saudis have probably killed more Americans than all the other 'terrorist' countries combined sadly they have so much power they could bomb American troops and our government would call off our own rescue missions and cover everything up.


That's literally what happened. See 9/11

I like that Trump is a step in the right direction but one day there needs to be a guy who uncucks America from Saudisraelia.

USS Liberty and the Lavon Affair too.
We'd need someone to get rid of the Federal Reserve too, but anyone who tries to do any of those things and freeing USA from the shackles of those shitheads would end up like JFK.


galko tbh

Asuka afaik


The fuck is wrong with you?

isn't there like 50 something other muslim countries that aren't on the ban list?


Jiggly girls is god tier you cuck

fuck off revoltfag


he probably likes Shadman and doxy also



Doxy is bretty gud tbh.


I agree.

If that were to happen, I doubt they'd be able to simply walk away from that if their Anita shilling was exposed since she's got a bad rep among the gaming community…however, I also think Gamification needs to be discussed because people were opposed to Common Core (For good reasons) & if the ESA's agenda of promoting "Social Change" with trying to turn games into propaganda (That bit where Mike said he wants to use game assets like The Sims to teach people stuff) along with trying to push games as the new education tool where nobody is a failure (Common Core again), then I think some people might be upset. Especially the parents who the ESA keeps referring to when it comes to the rating system and other issues.
You could also remind people that they committed 3 strikes by not only supporting SOPA & PIPA, but also the TPP.

That could honestly be ameijin. That being said, it's better to look at what could happen if that works (which probably will, considering the dedication of people here).

Your choice.


Imagine the outburst related to it. All the Sarkeesian Defence Force rushing to save m'lady from the terrible hands of the US Congress, calling them oppressive and misogynist and terribad. All the feminazis rushing to write articles painting how it is bad and how Gamergate is dead.

Tell me there won't be lots of kekking in that. I won't believe it.

Could also be an opportunity for SEGA who is no longer part of the ESA to take a shit on them with the Sonic shitposting.

This is getting clearer as the information you unravel goes by, digger. Seriously, why the hell the ESA have been involving Islam into their "diversity projects"? This doesn't make sense. Oh…. I forgot, feminism praises Islam! That makes actual sense!

Reading this article on Donald Trump's picks…Gallagher was mentioned.

I wonder of 5G's is a kike. He got tons of influence, connection AND money.

Nah, that's Doug Lowenstein.

By the way,

Good evening anons!

Speaking of kikes…


I can't unsee it now. The one using Sonic's Twitter account could have a field day with it.


Why do all the interesting things happen when im sleeping?

Because sleep is more important, you fag. It's good for you health!

End of PDF.

Because its all a dream
You are in a coma from failing to kill yourself by jumping infront of a car

Watch out for GamerGate
The public enemy of the world #1
It is the main hashtag responsible for…
☑ Being on the wrong side of history
☑ Fondling 55 eggs by surprise
☑ Molesting people in VR
☑ Plays DOOM better than Polygon
☑ Safeguards vagina bones
☑ Are the LOVELY, horrible people at 8E8ightC-han
☑ Told God check my quads
☑ Seducing AVGN to the dark side of history
☑ Turned waifus into Gamergate's worst nightmare
☑ Turned Notch into a woman hating MRA rapemonster
☑ Cuntfuses a lot of ovary-acting womyn
☑ Captured all goon territory in EVE
☑ Delivered the final leg drop on Gawker
☑ Corrupted Milo into an internet super villain
☑ Called a jew a nazi
☑ Bullied Reddit's abandoned daughter
☑ Memed life into Liru
☑ Refusing to ban Liru
☑ Uses celebrities lives as fuel for the meme magic
☑ Leg dropped gawker into bankruptcy
☑ Filled up Codemonkey's disk with shitposting
☑ Made Mighty Number 9 fail
☑ Attempted to kidnap someone at E3
☑ Hired 5 fictional toads and a fictional conman to gangrape someone
☑ Using a time machine to harass innocent localizers
☑ Gave a toddler meningitis
☑ Made it rain in London
☑ Causing the UK to leave the EU
☑ Casted the original ghostbusters as all men
☑ Keeping the MN9 booth from being set up
☑ Refused to play with Stephen Tortilla
☑ Playing Pokemon without fear of repercussion
☑ Not watching Grillbusters
☑ Talking to girls who play Pokémon Go
☑ Waging war against Ghostbusters and Leslie Jones
☑ Got Milo bampersanded from Twitter. Again.
☑ Leveled up on the DNC
☑ Barbecued worst Korea
☑ Chasing topkek from kotaku
☑ Appropriated and augmented a group of racists
☑ De-funded paranormal investigators by linking them to a suicide group
☑ Channeled the powers of love and death into misogynistic flowers
☑ Komm Süßer Troll'd
☑ Surviving for 2 years
☑ Ejected a fascist nicktator and toppled his dishonest empire
☑ More effective than New York Media, Silicon Valley and Hollywood
☑ Being Gawker's biggest enemy
☑ Celebrating their daughter's birthday
☑ Continuing to be the #1 hate group online
☑ Forced aGGros to spend christmas and new years whinging alone
☑ Owned some bitch
☑ Caught the Arby's killer
☑ Became a verb
☑ Made Pepe great again
☑ Inspired Trump's campaign
☑ Seduced the Occulus Rift founder
☑ Hacked the DNC
☑ Forced Pepe into the American school curriculum
☑ Bought 4chan
☑ Defended Devin Faraci
☑ Forced the UN to gather 800 gigabytes of white supremacy frogs
☑ Marketing of Nintendo Switch
☑ Infiltrating the emoji selection committee
☑ Hiding millions of anti-Semitic tweets
☑ Virtually raping a woman under the name BigBro442
☑ Unintentionally prepared all of us for the 2016 election
☑ Made halfchan go bankrupt
☑ Bullying a comic writer off twitter
☑ Turning S.Korea into a chinese girl cartoon
☑ Using free speech to undermine the freedom of the press
☑ Triggering Blizzcon
☑ is actually the FBI
☑ Making alternate earth great forever
☑ Creating fake news
☑ Ordering pizza without pineapple
☑ Genesis of the alt-right
☑ Outliving Castro
☑ Corrupting communist mascots with glorious capitalism
☑ Laid the groundwork for online harassment and conspiracy
☑ Glorious Winged Faggot Extraordinaires
☑ Funded the most diverse game in history, eliminating racism, sexism, and the game/animation/whatever itself from existence
☑ Being associated with white supremacist groups
☑ Spent Christmas with Liru
☑ Actually had fun for Christmas
☑ Destroyed the alt-right
☑ Became meme warriors
☑ Toxic gamer culture
☑ Weaponized nostalgia
☑ Shutting down every woman who tried to even have a forum
☑ Causing Battleborn to flop
☑ Carrying meme associations with the presidential inaugural speech
☑ Made Antifa shoot itself in self defense
☑ Set a limo on fire
☑ Taught the right wing to collectively target sponsors
☑ Sent the head mod of Holla Forums to attack Chia The Beef
☑ Revealed their leader to be grand nazi Jonathan ARYAN Jafari
☑ Shitposted an ethnic minority into existence
☑ Propelled a gay immigrant to international fame and fortune

☑ Opened Vault 7, revealing more pizzas


are you Australian? If not, welcome to our world.

Wikileaks has been tweeting about vault 7 and 9/11 recently
Nothing really for the list

☑ Won the Superb Owl 2017 for the White Supremacist Team.

What does this have to do with GG?

So most of you remember this gem I made while back? Well, if you that was rich of Gallagher to say that, then oh boy you're in for a wild ride at his speech at DICE Summit 2016.
>don't take our stuff
>That was the agenda, it was very important we prosecuted that, but today we're in a different game. This industry has grown and prospered because of your genius and your creativity and the games that you have made that have altered the entertainment landscape and changed business, sports, technology itself. You've changed the way that games are played and allowed ESA to do our part to change how games are perceived. So we're not just playing defense anymore, we're openly and proactively pushing a positive agenda for this industry.

Make an OC about this! NOW!

Almost thought the European Speedster Assembly was cucked from seeing all this talk about ESA

Not yet, I'm still watching the speech. I'm only a few minutes in and it's already solid gold keks.
Holy shit is not that a fitting comparison for the modern game industry: Lies & empty promises


SJWs who don't give a shit about American Football suddenly found themselves backing the "blackest and gayest" football team ever against the Trump-supporting white supremacist team, same old suspects and then accusations of this being a rigged game, muh russian steroids, and small mentions of Gamergate/Nazis/Alt-Right/Hatemongers in a sea of bullshit.





i don't have words or reaction images suitable to describe how stupid that is. Congrats on your double dubs though.


It went from mocking the election with Deflategate mentions and the recount, to full blown Poe's Law with "rigged game" "Muh russian steroids" from SJWs so retarded, they don't even know the rules of the game.

First half

End of game

We are long past the point where the hysterical woman gets a smack across the face to calm down

Big Bazinga-tier cringe. But still hilarious to find an inspiring image of something that's not in the final game or is way different. Hope he regrets saying that because it's gonna stick.
I think this speaks for itself.
One of our most important roles at ESA, as I mentioned, is to help protect and showcase this great industry. While our supreme court victory, establishing the first amendment rights of all the creators in this room and cementing those in constitutional form, is our most momentous accomplishment, E3 is probably the one that's most visible. Every year, E3 reinvents itself.
The industry nowadays doesn't remember that supreme court victory and keeps bending down to censorship. Sad!
Put that into perspective if we go with the ultimate redpill.
Way to go video games, you've got so mature that you don't bend down to the patriarchy! Anita is so proud of you!
I'm gonna watch more of it tomorrow and write more of the lines worth remembering for questioning & OC making. The best part? I haven't reached the 5 minute mark.

Always with the fucking Harry Potter references.

Hard-hitting social commentary here

The ESA is not just out of touch, but also out of reach to the actual industry and community. Fuck these people!

Does this song brings back memories? It does to me and it's raining right now.

Interestingly in the past year, due to simple declassification due to age. Researchers are now able to prove FDR had foreknowledge and actively cultivated the attack on Pearl Habor. Sending most of the fleet away while the aged ships sat in dock. All to garner public outrage and for them to demand blood.

Sound familiar?

Secondly recently declassified, George HW Bush makes a request for a CIA cable on Jack Ruby that was sent immediately after the assassination of JFK in 1976.

Wait long enough, and eventually the truth comes out, its just that anyone it could have helped are probably dead by then.

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.


George requested the cable in 1976, not that the cable was sent in 1976

The ESA also has enough plausible deniability on that specific instance, at least regarding the tweet the later removed, and gave a half spun apology somewhat. No I don't like it, but on that one it's not 100% solid. The stuff in their own newsletter and annual reports have potentially more interesting patterns and are at least straight from the horses mouth.

This is not just to you but everyone in general. Important reminder to
Not because the ESA a goodboi, but because going with anything less than 100% when you decide to go full nuclear is idiotic, and can get yourself in the backblast. Think strategically, tactically and practically, and don't go half cocked on this.

I've been gone a while, but is there some reason they referencing Harry Potter or is it literally the only book they ever read?

the latter. They're just overgrown children

They haven't even read the books as they keep getting the references wrong.

So what the fuck is the deal then? Why aren't they referencing anything else like star wars? I mean they were throwing the word "dark" around a lot during the ramp up for the election so I would have thought they would call repubs the "dark side" or whatever and that you can't give in to "hate" of muslims because that leads to the dark side, or maybe I'm just better at nerd political metaphor bullshit than they are.



I think someone just tried to manually raid us
Look at the catalogue




Harry Potter is massive on tumblr, that's pretty much it. These are huge packs of fresh 18 year olds who only discuss a limited selection of series, partially out of fear of being seen as problematic for liking the wrong thing, partially because they don't have any experience. The older types are more likely to throw in references to stuff like Hackers, but they know Harry Potter is like catnip to these new college types, so it's easier.

Holla Forums and associated groups are more likely to have experience with other stuff. There's still fallbacks on generally accepted popular stuff like Bane or MGS quotes though. They didn't grow up with Star Wars tapes, they grew up with prequel dvds.

meant to spoiler

remove spider. This is a cow tits thread

At least MGS and Mr. 4U have overt political messages in them unlike Harry Potter.

Try me bitch.


"cow tits" is such an ugly phrase for something so nice.

Going with just the Sark tweet is not enough since it can easily be sidestepped with,"it was an unapproved slip, it was removed and we explained it with a half spin apology". While personally I don't buy that, and I think the Sark tweet was just a peek of what's really underneath. IMO it'd be better to focus and examine on what is underneath, and there are quite a lot underneath the ESA that needs to be examined and questioned. not just the tweet that was removed.

In short, focusing on just the removed sark tweet alone like it is a yuge gotcha will not be effective, especially if it risks derailing the stuff that IS still underneath.

Those points are far stronger with a lot more potential, especially since many of that material is either from the ESA itself or easily verified, and can be tested and strengthened even more.

Listing them without the 3 strikes will be better. "3 Strikes" is accusations territory, and it can distract and weaken a redpill imo. Stick to 100% facts and connections, Questions, not Accusations.


Del Taco still seems to be sperging out about how terrible white and asian people are. Also, it looks like Justin told Dan Harmon to fuck off with PC bullshit finally and now no more Rick and Morty episodes will be made.

Del Taco?

To whom it may concern,

Harmful Opinions is back, same URL, but you need to re-subscribe.
https ://twitter. com/HarmfulOpinions/status/828590095045447681


Will we be ready to hijack the E3 hashtag though?

Speaking of propaganda: why people (specially from tumblr) just hate when army recruitment propaganda in games (I haven't actually seen any beside American army games or recruitment center using call of duty to "hook" people in joining) and find it the most shittiest thing ever but don't mind when it's feminist propaganda saying men are the worst or "being an anarchist and giving cops the finger is ok" kind of propoganda in games and or other media

Del Toro is shitting on Asians, really? When his last film was a rip off of a primarily Asian movie type? Mother fucker isn't just shitting where he eats, he is pissing upstream from the lake he gets his water from too.

"It's okay when they do it", like pretty much everything.

Then don't use that buzzword shit. Even ironically.


Tell me the retard is shitting on them for muh soggy knees.

Now this shit is cow tits.

Yuge boobers aint that great
Large but normal are best

I mean disgusting garbage bags.

Honestly we do need more giant hip/thigh/ass vivian stuff

Are you retarded?

Wait what about the fast food chain?
is their PR account doing something dumb?
Also they're better than taco bell, fight me faggots

That is clearly disproportionate fat

Umm, that's a fucking whale.


I fucking hate Cattleya.


Goddammit Acid.
What am I in for?

Remind me, which one of them went on Twitter to say "hey you banned my assistant and all he did was tell gators to kill themselves, sort this out pronto", was it Roiland or Harmon?

And if the cartoon ends I'll fucking celebrate, because I never watched an episode, and seeing the type of people it was popular with, I never will.

Might be the fact that the US army invades countries spuriously and kills innocent people.

Reported for posting 3dpd not even ok 3dpd but disgusting fatties

Decent Zelda clone. The staff alone makes playing the game worth it for me.

Jesus UNF those lovehandles.

Excuse me? I don't.

No. No. No. No hideous augmentations.


Holy fuck, I spent 1 hour on SJW Tumblr and I kinda want to kill myself. Wow. They try hard to hide it, but hatred defines them. It really does. They talk about love and really abuse the heart emoji, but every other sentence is dripping with hatred. And not only directed outward, but there is a distinct undercurrent of self loathing. Most of their blog post are tinged with it.

What disturbs me the most I think is not the fact that they gorge themselves on hatred, but the fact that society treats them as the default. That at least in their own minds, and as the media sees it at least, they are the norm. The "good guys." This allows them to thrive on hatred, spreading misery as far and wide as they can, actively bullying individuals or groups and in the very next post spew a bunch of heart emojis.

They tolerate no free thought. No dissent. No individuality. It truly is a hivemind of hatred, marching in lockstep towards a singular goal of destruction to all who would dare oppose them. Seeing this attitude everywhere now, in the media and amongst most if not ''all' democrats is really disheartening. The cancer has spread out of control. We need to get some powerful chemo, and quick.

I didn't say you did. I was just pointing out what a shit retarded buzzword it is.

Still months from that, we should prepare for the GDC San Francisco, so many virtue-signalers assembling.

Use your own hate to destroy this evil, user.

Do not embrace blind rage, but always embrace the hate.

I don't want to hate them, I don't want to hate anyone. I just want them to stop hating me. Shit's gotten out of control. I literally quoted MLK on my facebook and got called a nazi for it. Turns out "being judged by the content of one's character, not the color of their skin" is a skinhead belief now. That's what prompted me to revisit Tumblr after all these years.

It is not a bad thing to hate something, it is purely human. What matters is what you do when you are angry.
So hate, hate at your heart's content. Just use your hate not to destroy, but to build.
Your hatred is love.
Your rage is friendship.
Your anger is progress.

user, they're the most pathetic monsters ever hating us just for liking anime tiddies and not humoring speshul snowflaeks' delusions or giving mudshits retarded apologism or outright excuses while condemning innocent white people and Asians for the same shit. Spewing delusions about GG being evil for shittalking and actually critizing shit excuses of people. And any attempt to say otherwise gets you labeled as a shitlord and progressingly a Nazi.

These things are beyond contemptible and I'm personally spreading unyielding true hate through what influence I obtain throughout my life if enough people like my games they'll care I think this shit until the things have died off from triggering for the good and happiness of everyone that deserves it.

Listen to this user. I am using every thing negative or "bad" about my heart to do good and so fucking should you.

Super Bowl salt

I will try.


I didn't typed this, fucking chodemonkey

I am getting so fucking sick of all this asshurt over mudshits.


I'd ask you to link it so we can see the replies, but we know it's not a good idea. Can we get a screenshot with the names blanked?




what I love so much about all this salt is most of it came from accounts who were acting so smug before-hand.

Transcend through that rage, user. Only our anger can save the industry and the hobby we enjoyed and now, they're coming for you just because it doesn't have been subverted yet to their feminist and social justice agenda. Control your rage but at the same time, don't bottle it in. Rage is a good thing, user.

Remember: "If a king laughs at you, don't destroy his castle, build a mightier one and laugh harder."

That rabbit isnt human
Dont fuck it


Ah, poor Mr. Shitface, didn't Fig get them so much investor confidence?


Hate is not evil. Anger is not evil.

This was uploaded on Nintendo's "Mobile games" account today; Yusuke Kozaki's speed-drawing of an armourless Sharena from Fire Emblem Heroes.

Between this, and full-body petting of a static character image making it into the game, do you think Nintendo of Japan… heard us?
Did they deliberately choose to use DeNA's contractors, rather than Treehouse, for the game's localisation?
Is there now a glimmer of hope for Fire Emblem Warriors (and possibly Echoes) later this year?

Remember when Molyneux and Obsidian got a lot of shit for signing with a publisher after crowdfuding? If this happens again, I don't think the press will cover it, for some reason.

It's pink Hymalaian salt.

You say it as if there was something wrong with it.

It does help that they gave Lyn boobs and Camilla's are bigger.

Nigga that rabbit is nigga thats a rabbit tier

Yesterday, the Berenstein universe
Today, the Berestain universe
Tomorrow, the Bloodstains universe. Make it count

Who? Save from what?


No, who thinks Trump will save them, and from what? Did something happen?


I could greentext the bad parts of your post but then I'd greentext the whole thing.

>But also Vivian and Mark as minor characters


Also it's a good manga

Just how I likes'em.

Into the power plant you got, you yiffing scum!

next, on Joshua Moon Densetsu…


How worse do you want things to get

Submit this to >>>/cow/, comrade.

I actually found it there

Oh Josh, how you sperg about everything and ruin everything.

Wew Chris Evans is a nazi now too. Guess that virtue signaling didn't protect him for too long


Get a physical presence going and hand out leaflets. There HAVE TO BE libertarians in tech who are just as fed up with the bullshit as we are.


Bad idea. That's a lion's den, I say record every lecture that people could attend and leak it out, including the transcript to expose on how obsessed these people are to their feminist-Marxist agenda.

Jemokxadw jemokxadw 700 fejkj
k. acid man

No, you do know the current climate in Silicon Valley means anyone who isn't part of the hivemind gets swarmed right? and that's fucking Chanology cringe, distributing fliers.

Jesus, is that man fueled by drama? The internet will be de death of him.

Any sjw spergout at the superbowl? They seem assblasted about on Twitter for whatever reason.

Who has Trump bullied exactly?

Who hasn't he bullied?
Have you seen CNN?


But the it stopped doing that for a long time. Unless you count isis as innocent people

Bully would indicate unfairly targetting someone repeatedly whose done nothing wrong.

Crying bully when someone says you did a shit job isn't quite bullying.

A police investigator was put on trail in sweden because he said that migrants are a majority in crime in örebro.

Nope, Holla Forums was hoping for something because they never saw a sports event before and don't know how absurd the security is.

SJWs are whining because the "blackest and gayest" NFL team lost in a historical comeback to the team whose owner, coach and at least one player openly supported Trump. I suppose part of the asspain is them geting flashbacks to Brexit and the election.

Only because Obama relied on mercs and proxies in Lybia and Syria. And let's face it, it's a matter of time before Trump starts another military engagement, it's pretty much a rite of passage for American presidents.

Gilda wasn't the traitor after all?

Just me or there's some major silence about the Denuvo's leak?

This will get really awkward when the monsters eat them.

Probably looks bad.

This might mean another collusion, right?

Headlines are too loaded for me to put much faith in them.

They're obviously going for an emotional response, which raises some red flags for me about the reliability of their claims.

What if it's Trump helping a revolt in Germany?


Let's go for the more reliable sources then.

A different flavor of shit is still shit, user.

Just because it's on our side politically doesn't automatically mean it's reliable and trustworthy.

… fair point.

That's the joke.
Gilda is one of the suspects ratting out the kids to mama. And if she catches them they won't be able to escape the orphanage before they're harvested by demons that want to eat their brains.

So GaymerGays won The Super Handeggs

Watching it right now. Tgst comeback though.

Thats some grade eh engrish right there

wew lad

Were the Patriots actually Trump supporters or did the SJWs just decide to arbitrarily assign meanings?

Mea culpa.


wew guys, did you see the new Der Spiegel cover? These evil fascists want the Clintons dead.

I suppose this confirms that Trump supporters are naturally superior.

no-go zone in Germany? I need some information on that. Sounds unbelievable to me.


fug forgot to reply

Ha ha, I can't believe it either

You mean "culturally enriched areas", user.

The same thing happened back when I learned about ghettos in america, I couldnt fathom a part of the city being unsafe. Now here I am, current year western europe

Stop giving commies and gildafags art

How do you get facebook to stop sharing my comments to one person with all of my friends that don't even follow that person? I make a random comment on one of Milo's posts, and my radical SJW friend get's a special notice of it.


I know, I know. But twitter is just terrible anymore.

Doing chanology tier cringe, in cancer central.

God this fucker is stupid. Some lady blows him the fuck out so bad I'm getting second hand embarrassment.

It's just another libtard muzzie lover projecting.



The left has lost the plot.

I'm glad Patapon isn't coming back. It deserves better than this retarded ass overly political age of media.

I don't even know what the fuck is going on in the country anymore. Apparently people are protesting that the Patriots won the Super Bowl now? What the fuck is even happening?

It represents white privilege/supremacy because… reasons.

I change my mind. THIS is the most embarrassing thing

But it is. It's getting an HD remaster on the PS4

Some people in the team support Trump so of course.

Retards doubling down as always.

Let it happen.


I swear it boils down to muh gators and asshurt over mudshits being told by everyone else that isn't media to fuck off.

This shit always makes me sick.

Glad there's no room for any forced continuation , let alone cultist bullshit.

Third and final game was literally ragtag underdogs living through the darkest hour of extinction to banish the greatest forces of evil once and for all through the powers of heaven and earth united. That's a fucking conclusion.

Jesus christ, his spelling gets worse the longer he rants for. I can just imagine him frothing at the mouth.

You think that's bad? Get a load of this guy. This is in the comments section a trump music video. This guy has been at for WEEKS. I check in every couple of days just to see if he's still going. HE IS.

That image is blank for me.

Turns out star children was a massive ploy to make society narcissist and collapse. There is a nice trail backwards to find out all who helped try to destroy western civilization.

Sometimes it's the little things in life that gives me the most kek. Pseudo intellectual regressives usually starts off with trying to sound like a commie chic', poli-sci professor, but a few posts later. They're spilling spaghetti non stop, revving up their autistic screeching and throwing around violent tantrums.

Shit, messed up the capture.

Here's the rest of it.

It's better than God of War 3 ended.

Shit, /cow/ should get in this asap.


It's in the comments of this vid. I hope they have fun. The dudes clearly disturbed.

So they're like us except while we embrace the hatred they suppresses it.

I'm getting seriously annoyed with that guy because I'm still getting notifications about him commenting every fucking day.

What the hell happened to Harmful Opinion's youtube account

Oh you poor bastard. I was going to comment but then I realised that was exactly what would happen.

More like we know how to control our hatred while they are consumed by it.

Hacked and all videos deleted. Same with his twitch and twitter accounts too, I think.

He got bindu'd

well turns out our politicians are right now discussing if they should call in the army to fight crap like that.

Not really; they pretend theirs doesn't exist. They're naked and swearing to everyone it's still clothes.

He uncovered a called out a bunch of shills lying about some shady app then proceeded to mind fuck the CEO of it for a few months then someone hacked and shut down all of his accounts as retaliation, this happened immediately after some idiot on twitter doxed himself, twice, then tried to blame Harmfull.

They twist their hatred as moral righteousness. We embrace our hatred and screech autistically. **Or I do, at least. Sometimes I go to the park when I need to let one out but don't want my neighbours to know I did.

Threadly reminder that Maddox (yes, the one who was famous in 2004) still shills Candid on his podcast because all his other sponsors dropped him for various reasons.


The way you worded that makes it sound like you go to the park to masturbate.

Or fart.


LOL leftypol is silly.

Why would you agree to a contest you'll clearly lose in the first place? why is this picture artifacted so heavily for something so new

Kind of. I prefer to do that in my bedroom. It's just that sometimes it's late and everybody normal is sleeping and I'm really mad so I'll get out my bike and ride to the park really quick so I can let out a REEEEEEEEEE without it being traced to me.

Would hit it tbh

To lose all his passwords like that, he had to be infected with a logger. Nigga gotta get better opsec.

Do you think they simply want the destruction of Western Civilization? I think thats what they really want, once they go outside, find out Sharia law is active on the ground where they are, and they get gang raped for not wearing their veils, they'll cry victory.

Now we just need a drawfag to "Fix" it by having the last two panels replaced with him hate fucking her into submission and her enjoy it.

Sometimes I wonder if i should just end it all and get it over with.

They want the destruction of the white race, but yea it amounts to the same thing in the end.

They might be similar to you, the same way you both crave big benisses to bully your raging boipussy, until you both get tuckered out and pass out with an ahegao face.

Knowing these people, she's probably a girl (male). I would still go balls deep.

Never give up user, just by living you are making them lose their shit




It's taking a toll on me, I can't just ignore this shit knowing full well what's happening, yet I can't do anything about it and the more I focus, the more depressed and angry I am.

It's not gay to fuck a girl (male). Just use protection so she doesn't get buttpregnant with a shitbaby.

So stop focusing on them. Do something away from the Internet for a while, like reading or working with your hands.


So an Incubus.

No, a succubus (male). An inncubus fucks a woman. A succubus (male) lets a man fuck her.

I'm right there with ya friend. This is all weighing so heavily on my mind. I never thought the day would come where the left would scare me. I was a democrat before gamergate. Started seeing SJWs about 3 years before. After 5 years of constant SJW attack and seeing them become more and more powerful and now resort to violence scares the piss outta me.

But you know what? We can't give up. And we certainly can't lose ourselves to this madness. Things will get better. I know they will. They have to. Negativity, hatred, bitterness…they always lose in the end. We have to have faith that these hateful people posing as progressives will become undone.

We'll get there, you and I. We'll get there.

They're starting it up themselves already. It's called Civil War.
Just like every other parasite in the world, they don't know when to stop until they've killed their own host.

There won't be a civil war unless a large contingent of the population are armed and willing to literally storm the white house.

If Soros has to pay most of these groups to do this shit then theres no civil war, its just about trying to sway public opinion against Trump and hopefully finding a crazy person to take him out.

If it came to widespread rioting the national guard and the military would kick everyones shit in, I really wish the Hollywood types would be there to get their face kicked in as well, but they'll be tweeting about the resistance from their mansions obviously.

So a gay incubus?

They are eager to shed blood other than their own.

No, a succubus with a penis.

A hermaphrodite succubus?

/cow/ found Trigglypuff melting down during an interview.

No, a male succubus.

I even have an idea for an edit.

Stop it you queer.

How you doing today guys?

Just acknowledge the male succubus so I can go back to what I was doing.


Super gay, user.

Keep going you queer.

Bro, that was confirmed to be fake months ago

only sith deal in absolutes :^)

succubus male etc



This is laughable, everyone knows the right have the best drawfags.


Well look who's backpedaling



O-oh, I knew that… haha…

Oh my fucking god


They lots a LOT of money with their SJW bullshit adaptations, didn't they?

I suppose it took them some time to understand that SJWs don't actually buy comic but bitch about them on dumblr at best.

Well Satan, I was hoping you help out in making that a reality for the big 2 comics.

Are they really that creatively drained that they can't do anything of any level remotely resembling quality?

The problem for the comic publishers would now be trying to get the readers to return. The older readers may simply walk away from the comic fandom to pursue different entertainment. The loss of fans from their pandering would be amplified by the fact that it took the comic publishers so long to change their attitudes about the value of pushing SJ characters. The cancer killed their fan base.

sweet satanic full house

And they also need to get rid of their SJW employees, even if you somehow manage to get them to not insert their bullshit they still draw like retard.

What's important about this?

I'll never return. I washed my hands of them a long time ago. I only read a few IDW comics now, and even those I pirate.

Aren't marvel's comic sales so fucking shit that they have to do like a buy one get one free deal with their shit?

Marvel is beyond salvaging by this point, they went the way of Konami is pissed in the face of every single fan they used to have.
DC might be able to save themselves if they act fast enough.



Mango and euro comics are still ok last time I checked. The classic euro comics are still good. Lucky Luke, the moebius stuff, asterix, tintin.

In entirely unrelated news, Justin "Melting Minorities" Trudeau has just been exposed as a white supremacist by BLM.

This truly is the most hilarious timeline.



This is probably the worst drawn porn comic I've ever seen.

Correct. A succubus (male) is different from an incubus.

Feminist Frequency Employee Celebrates Berkeley Riot: medium.com/@SiO2Doper/femfreq-employee-and-berkeley-resident-celebrates-antifa-riot-7dc420b686f5#.hmaov21p3

Are these people Aliens?

Holy shit it get's worse.



Who got it?


Mother of god, what's up with those arms? Is the an orang-utan?

I truly think they'll never recover their PR after this.

good job linking a post faggot



Why the fuck haven't the x-tweens been forcibly crammed into a time machine yet?

For fuck's sake. What does these people want?


The sheer idiocy makes me want to kill myself.

You haven't seen enough porn if that's the worst you've seen.

The worst part is that that's completely accurate.

Your pics disgusted me so much I had to read some Prisma Illya for brain bleach.

There's a new chapter up.


Shut up catalan commie cat and suck my cock.

Cataluña es mierda y está llena de pseudojudios.

Aj kxaj kxo vehoawd cudwiuwoj kxhout?

If black people is so endangered and have so little control of their destinies, why shouldn't they be enslaved so they would be protected from themselves?

Justin whispers the 14 words into his wife's boyfriend's ear every morning.

bro don't do this you know i have to sage the thread now

Visb evv Acid Man kxaj aj houcc0 uikajkas.


It's beginning, again. The extreme leftards circular firing squad and cannibal potluck party is starting. Again. I've also noticed that feather indians are back in vogue for the college commies to virtue signal for.

Prairieniggers are the most oppressed of the oppressed, didn't you know?

Te 0ei bden nxoho 0ei uho?

y furry?

Even if he had them on his side, the Turd is out next election, pretty much guaranteed. He's done so little good that we'll be seeing a lot of provinces turn blue, and the left's already split here to start with. Plus Ontario's fed up with the liberals in general because Wynne keeps fucking us over with retarded hydro rates. Thank god he's not getting another term, I'll be able to die in peace.


Wynne made life hell and even my most libtard pals have gone center cause of JUSTin Castro.

I was already moving right thanks to /k/, the Zimmerman fiasco, GG, etc. Trudeau's just making me ashamed of my country. I hated Harper but I never said to myself "This man makes me ashamed to be Canadian".

I've noticed the commies virtue signalling for them harder than a thirsty beta nodder for some rotten freebleeding socjus axe gash.

What happened though, I thought muh progressive islam death cultist was the #1 spot on the socjus progressive stack oppression list.

Shit meme. And I'm not saying that just because it's my all time favorite number.

Wait, are natives the hot thing now? Because I can probably use that to get some crazy SJW pussy. I'm just barely native enough to have a status card. Mostly use it for firewater and weird japanese beads to put on my shelf.

That was more of a both left and right were trying to push a narrative though, but yea Toronto is hell I'm thinking of moving west or going to live in the states like Texas or Florida.

88 look it up

Use the opportunity to push them even further


Remember, the liberals have that meme where "everyone in America is an illegal immigrant" because we took the land from the IndiansNATIVE AMERICANS SHITLORD 200 years ago. So they're now the hero from Dances With Wolves. :^)

H = 8th letter of alphabet
88 -> HH -> Heil hitler

you know 1488?
14 words + 88?

I'm in the south so it's not as bad. We got Mexicans but they're mostly alright guys. We kinda swing between conservative and NDP down here, but there are definitely a fair amount of people who like Trump around here. Nobody really likes the Turd.

That's some high tier numerology, I love it

How was the right pushing a narrative? little niglet with a rap sheet and attacked Zimmerman and he fired in self defence.
Since when was defending the right to defend yourself "Pushing a narrative"?

88 means "Heil Hitler",14 stands for the 14 words "We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children"

We live in The Best Timeline now.

Best I can think of is because Zimmerman approached Martin first before the attacks occurred. It wasn't boy coming up to him. There's also inconsistencies since around the same time a woman in Florida got charged guilty despite Castle doctrine law because she almost hit someone with a bullet trying to protect herself from an ex barging into her home.

About fucking time


Fuck off from 40K

Gas everything.

Checking those sweet dub-trips

Dirty hippies always had a fetish for injuns and the noble savage meme. But wew, it's been making a yuge comeback with some of the leftards I've seen.

Why? Are you JUST-ine Castro? Are you the one virtue signalling like it's out of business, posing for a selfie like a social media addicted moron? Are you the one hypocritically shitting on their own citizen for goodboi points, and still having the gall to say something like "on behalf of all canadians, my condolences on the passing of my biological father I mean uncle Fidel"? If not, you have nothing to apologize for. Turf him out of gov't next election if you can. But no need to apologize for something if you did not do it.

Hold your benis, chief. Unless you enjoy the thought of sticking your dick in a blender.

If anything they should love that degenerate.

The right was trying to act like Zim zam was totally guilt free when the operator told him the cops would handle things and told him not to go up to the nigglet but he did so anyway he was in the right to shoot him but the right was acting like he was totally in the right and the left was Martin dindu nuffin it was one of the events that made me say the media left or right is full of shit.

Oh come the fuck on, they do know that Slaanesh was literally hate fucked into existence right?
It's the chaos god of excess, perversion and debauchery and SJW are defending it?

We need an exterminatus Earth has fallen to Chaos..

The issue wasn't that she missed. It was that she missed on purpose. Warning shots are fucking dangerous.

I'm ashamed to be Canadian because I'm associated with him now.

I've stuck my dick in crazy before. I'll do it again if I can find one hot enough to offset the crazy.

Well well well. Something interesting popped up amidst the shitposting.



Te 0ei hid kxo Saurian khudjcukeh jako? A'm cowakamukoc0 ujbadw rosuijo A kxadb ak'j badtu seec.

Grey&Grey doesn't sell as well as Black&White (not race, but moral).

Just crazy that she would have been more innocent killing her ex with Castle doctrine, but she got ironically punished because "Hey, you could have killed someone with that warning shot!" because it almost hit the person upstairs. Considering that Castle doctrine also protects you from using guns as threats and pointing them at/pushing the barrel against an intruder

That's for 5th graders

Tropes vs. Women in Video Games
Our signature piece of programming will come to a close in the spring of 2017, after two seasons and 23 critically acclaimed videos.

How many did they actually produce?

It makes sense. The assumption is that if you're pulling a gun, your life is in danger and you're ready to kill. But if you're firing a warning shot, then it's showing that you think you're not in enough danger to just blow them away outright. Plus the danger to innocents. You can't just go firing at random. Either don't pull the gun, or shoot the motherfucker who's actually about to hurt you.

And she didn't even thank Josh once, gave a bunch of shout outs to other dumbass but left Retard McGee out in the cold.

Seems like a good thing, honestly.

Teach students to research the facts themselves instead of taking the media's word for it, which is especially important given all the MSM propaganda floating around.

Well, and they sure complained about creationist propaganda.


They should have used "false" instead of fake. It makes more sense if you're talking about a story.

Again, why? Why is it that leftards (not you, I'm talking about the shame game they play) can say 'not muh prez\leader!'. Then go throw a violent tantrum and riot, and feel no shame at all. While expecting people who did not agree 100% with their cult ideology to feel shameful and apologize for every stair muffins incidents, even the ones that are not real because it's real in my head and we need to start a conversation.
Have you done Turd like things? If not, then you have nothing to apologize for.

From pg. 5
inspiring point of light and welcome
solace on an otherwise dark day. As they
say, it is better to light a single candle than
to curse the darkness. Anita and the rest
of you at FF have been lighting candles
and setting bonfires of hope against
darkness to inspire us all.
– George C.

Heh. Socjus seems to have a fondness for setting things on fire of late, that much I agree.

so… is there something more to it? In general, this seems to be good idea to teach about common sense when watching news

Fake news is codeword for not cucked. They don't have any problem with the MSM lying.

Wasn't there an adage during the last 2 decades with headlines ending in question marks could very easily be answered with a No?

I just found out that "I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it." wasn't actually from Voltaire and I've gotten it wrong all this time.

Thing is, the fake news label the MSM came up with got everyone actually thinking about how reliable the news really is, which has bitten them in the ass hard.

Spoilers: it's not very reliable

Im so glad the internet exists

Well, when you're told to start questioning things, inevitably you start questioning everything, including the one who told you from the start.

It's possible for "fake news" to just become "news I don't like".

Remember that kid that got tortured by BLM?


If he hadn't retired from vidya journalism beforehand, he would have been a central figure in anti-GG, up there with Rami, Kuchera and Leigh.

Apropos of fake news, The Cockzucker launched the infamous fake news filter ahead of time in France, which just so happens to have a presidential election scheduled for 23 April.



They desperately want to be the good guy and convince themselves that they're good.
Meanwhile people here like on Holla Forums or /baph/ dox and fuck with things for the fun of it. They don't pretend they're self-righteous or they're doing an act of good, they're just dick things because its funny they think it's funny.

nigger it is funny

Instead he is shitting up tabletop which is just as bad.

I know but in the bottom text
makes me kinda worried kids are surprisingly resistant for brainwashing to some extent

no idea where that came from but on my end, headline ending in question mark is retarded

at least someone's life got back on tracks

Yeah I know. That's retarded; mosly because the "tools" and techniques to tell white source is full of shit or not is stuff that le monde is IMMENSELY guilty of, all the time.
It's retarded and I hate it, but… what can you do ? lemonde.fr is also a site that has oftentimes reported GG as right-wing and totally under Milo's will and shit like that once "proved" that GG is right-wing because the most active KiA user replied to ALL alt-right posts, turns out it's literally the archiving bot
It's lost to the cause user. There's nothing to do left.


Holy shit the media is incompetent.

It's shitpost'oclock already?

What's the title edition?


Still 100 posts away, contain it for now

Wanna know what the journalist's retort was when he was called out for it ?
"How was I supposed to know ?"
Not even fucking kidding

I didn't try hard

Rumors are different, but when someone finds out some discriminating info? I'll bet it'll go right into trash

So what are those websites anyway?

Magazine of Cutes Edition

It's the thought that counts

But no one posts once new bread arrives.

Honestly, I'd say it's nowhere near as bad. Vidya is a budding art form/medium, tabletop is at best a sport.

wew lad, I never heard of that. Got a link?


I hope those dubs deliver on the cute.

I'll do back up bakery.
title: submarine titan edition
vid: youtube.com/watch?v=G_tffw7g_dE
back up bakery info only


It's in french though also I misremembered, he uses Mnemosyne (the archiving bot) as an example of a user "rejecting" the alt-right on KiA, then lists all the reasons why KiA still is alt-right, because it likes the lulz, and hates things like ghostbusters

It does.

Oh that reminds me of the time some journo, I forget who but I'm pretty sure they were from Kotaku, he found our threads on that fake site that highjacks our posts, randomly assings names to each post to make it look like a forum and has malware ads on the site.
Well he found that and tried using it to no avail and used the "How was I supposed to know" reutein, the fake site isn't even called Holla Forums by the way.

I'll be watching more of Gallagher's speech at DICE and jotting down more bits…

Time to trigger them with colonization!

Square beat them to the punch when they removed the Indian outfit with a cowboy one.
I do prefer Cowgirls over Indians but that's besides the point they shouldn't have changed it.


This is jeb tier


oh dear jesus, that really does it



More bits I got from Gallagher's DICE speech.

Please don't insult the Shadow President.

He actually did say Pwn…

why does eltonel keep drawing commie cats


Speaking of ESA dig and sift. Although there is still some time I will eventually want to start a "distilling a redpill \ message in many bottles" with the ESA dig an sifted info over on HQ.

There was some good points with strong potential in that IMO might be worth making even stronger and refining and polishing.
This one is gud, might be able to be made even gudder I think. Tone of delivery will be important, it can't be accusatory or angry. I'm thinking more like "you say you love vidya, we do too. So why are you constantly comparing yourself to non interactive media." Cue vid related for the full hollywood schmalz effect.
Same with above. Grab em right in the interactive medium.
Same as above again.
Same as above again.
Will need hard numbers to make it even more solid, the second sentence hmmm, I think I want to substitute "left-leaning" with either "questionable agenda", or "divisive", or even leave it out because the first part is far stronger and hits them right in the pocket book. Bringing up left v right just brings up a chance for them to hide behind "but look we donated to both parties".

I don't even know who this Zoe Quinn is and already I believe she's retarded.


Alex Jones' appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast is now his most watched one.
Don't know about downloads.

Are you trying to meme me?

*To clarify, personally I really like the wording so far, especially this part:

No. Yes, remember she's LW.

Are you joking? if not shes the straw the broke the camels back or the crack that burst the dam, but apart from that no one important and don't give the psychotic bitch any attention that's what she wants and she wants it badly she's become a nobody and it's eating up her from within.

Is that Sarah Palin?

All right.

Someone buy this guy a beer, because he'll probably want one by the time Huffpo fires and silences him like they did with Seaman last year.

Forgot to add,
Maybe paired up with their own words of vidya has become even bigger business than movies.

Ur a cheeky lil bugger ill give ya that

Is the moderate left starting to wake up?

She's trying so hard to become a thought leader.

How the hell can we get numbers on this? It's not like Steam's hardware survey includes armpit hair color.

It's just a prank bro.

They've been awake, just silent.



This one is worse.
People actually kickstarted this shit.

Is there real numbers available for "important work, we need to start a conversation about X" soc jus games, ie LK in a bind type shit. Compared to something that was not pushed as good for your own morality\progressive soul, yet did pretty good.

Fuck, forgot sauce

> I've always leaned into the 40k is hilarious. It is a very bleak joke, that teenagers can take too seriously
This is what's being done with nuDawn of war 3

so, shitpost time?

I've watched pornos with less cringy plot lines.

A video game congress…also it's not Palin, it was Nancy Pelosi. But a video game congress, and games these days get censored or barred for America releases.


That's the funny part. Marvel and DC have both built their business models, for decades now, on having these long, complex, interwoven stories in their respective multiverses to encourage their fanbase to never miss a moment, lest you be struck with the dreaded asterisk of "see issue #537- Ed." Their brands are built around these giant tapestries.

And for the last few years, now, they've been weaving elaborate Donte-grade fuck-yous into those tapestries. They're not just chasing off current readers, and they're not even chasing off longtime fans. They're actively trashing the appeal of anyone who ever wants to jump into the pool, because what autistic collector wants to jump into a hobby where a giant patch of the gotta-catch-'em-all back issues are so irredeemably shit?


Rant post venting incoming. Because as much as I try to keep a cool head during sifting, even I have to vent sometimes.

I know I should not be surprised, more nauseaus and disgusted at how these opportunist fucks really see vidya or almost anything else. Yes I know they're politicians. But now I'm much more inclined to believe some of them have no problem of hating on vidya in the past, but as soon as $$$ or a large voting block is flashed across their beady rat eyes. They change tunes right quick. Pokaymon go to da polls! WTF I love vidya now! Fucking disgusting.

Time for AIIIIDS

Nice double standards you have there jewtube.

Do they really believe that, referencing Charlies Angels, even the remake was a while back iirc. And Heff's spank mag (the US edition at least afaik) doesn't even have nudity anymore and you can't even say with a straight face anymore that I read playboy for the articles, since the writing quality has become watered down 90's lad magazine.

Has anyone even reported it?

They also allow actual pedo shit so this is probably tame for them.


E-celeb Idubbz went to an eceleb and told her to say "nigger" and caused mass-triggering.

I don't like the way he uses "Video game czars" considering the talk about Marxism in last year's GDC…


Hey, I said probably. I cant look into the minds of people who allow shit like that and diddling kids

I don't know who either of those people were, but it was pretty funny.

I don't know who the bimbo is, but that Idubbz guy got really popular for shitting on other big youtubers and going the extra mile to fuck with them.

If I recall (don't really follow youtube/twitter drama all that much so I might be confused), the girl yelled and started shit at the iddubz guy because he said "nigger" in one of his tweets, something like that, and she made a vid about it being horrid. Then for days people mocked her because she has NUMEROUS times throughout the years used the term nigger herself, and in VERY derogatory ways, unlike the dude who'd just made a joke not even at the expense of the blacks out there.
So seeing them both together is weird ? I dunno.

Into the trash it goes, why are those fucking "Watch me open my mail :^)" videos so god damn popular, are people that starved for social interaction?


gets better

for what it's worth, his unboxing videos are satyrical. It's people sending him dildos to his PO box, basically.

Eh, good for a chuckle.


To be fair, his unboxing videos are somewhat satirical. Stuff like him opening 24" Black Dildos, shit like that.

Oh, and to top that video off that blondie is a BLM supporter.

As uncle Holla Forums always says "You burn the coal you pay the toll"

This week's Sonic Boom was surprisingly good.
Not as good as the Chris-chan episode, but good nonetheless.

That's the Adolf 14. The new one is the Donald 14:
"to ensure that the forces of evil never again defeat the powers of good."

Yeah, that show's been surprisingly good, even just as a kid's show it actually has good lessons and creative action.

I like to watch Memewatch loot box unboxing vids to see the person's look of despair when they fail to pull what they want.





Fuck, the league of ventriloquists gag got me

Stop ruining california even harder than everyone else

But she totally doesn't fish for "harassment," right?


>we believe in this industry, we're a part of it too.

why is she talking to a kid that doesn't understand the word misogyny?

Idea guys go and stay go.

Good morning.

So, what about the new bread?

Is ready but we haven't reached 700

But without them, the vidya industry would not be where it is in current year. It might not even exist as we know it. :^)


Rice and bacon is good.

Rice, beans, and bacon are the spic trifecta.



Post it.



I love you.