Why are you on Glamour?

/cow/fags and anti-watson haters aren't going to like this…

Why aren't you?

Check and mate. Damn.






4pleb lust



Why? Thread is garbo

So who are the women? Can't help but think it's some kind of plan to save the company. Female owners/buyers would be the only acceptable outcome in today's climate. Another question is Harv and his enablers getting paid?

Kikes btfo

Su hora está llegando cismale Americanos!!

What makes you think the women weren't kikes?



Isn’t that Doug walker brother?

lmao women





You're the problem

Why so butthurt?
Did your waifu got

t. w*man


I knew this shit was fishy.

like potterwork


On one hand, this is what we say wymen should do. Stop getting female studies degrees and get on the work and business.

On the other hand, you just know they are going to run it into the ground.

I don't get Zack. He hates harvey for HARVesting Emma, but he also hates Holla Forums because they hate jews. If anything he should be pushing the
and calling for the gassing of the jewish people responsible for prostituting his waifu out as a child and mind breaking her so hard she becomes an MKUltra robot pushing anti-huminist memes. Is he half kike and that is why he goes to such lengths to excuse the people that raped the girl he loves?

Only when Hollywood is in cindering ruin

Can there be a new renaissance of film.

meh, at least this board allows shitposting.

only type of women i "respect"

It's Zach btw

lol ;D

Oh good.

This is the first time I thought of 7chan in years, whatever happened to them?

The only thing keeping them alive for years was, I shit you not, their megathread for tabletop rpg pdf pirating. The owner eventually lost his shit over this embarrassing state of affairs and nuked the thread saying that 7chan was more than one thread. I think that was the last major occurrence there.

Maybe they are trannies