Hello Holla Forums. Today, I want to share a game I made with you. This game was my graduation project...

Hello Holla Forums. Today, I want to share a game I made with you. This game was my graduation project, I made it in about a month. It's nothing special, not a big game, no groundbreaking features, just a game made by an autist highschooler.

If you do decide to give it a try, please report back and give ideas. I was thinking of making CSBQ II with a map editor, multiplayer and drinkable beer. How about that?


But user, I don't want to join the botnet.

I can fit my nose into my hands I swear

I mean I would play it, but my Windows are closed. Maybe CSBQ II can support a Unix-like operating system.

im not going to play your meme game thank you very much, plus what kind of gay name is "Pavle Dević"


It's pretty good for gamejolt standards. It's barebones, but you show promise for top-down shooters (which I myself am a huge sucker for). Everything is good except the AI, they keep running into walls.

It's a slavic name you fucking burger.

Do you happen to be a croatian?

Maybe a Serbian.

Does he remove kebab?

You really need to put some music into your game.

Croatian, yes.

Ironically, serbs are partially kebab themselves. :^)

But Srbija makes gud memes, I have yet to hear a single Croatian meme :^)

It wasn't bad, most of the things I would comment on are the lack of some things like background music during the levels, the gameplay is simple but there's nothing wrong with it fundamentally so that's fine.
Do high schools in Europe require you to do a project to graduate? Or is this more of a project you did on your own time?


Bravo kolega, dobar početak. Triba ti neki BGM, al van toga je skroz oke kao samostalan mali projekt. Čuvaj to za portfolio. I nastavi tako dalje.

r8 my score

It's breddy gud OP. I like it.

Here in Croatia technical schools require you to make a project and documentation for it as a part of your graduation, besides passing classes.

Hvala! Tada još nisam bio sposoban praviti glazbu no sada jesam. Planiram napraviti nastavak na ovu igricu, vidjet ćemo kako će to proći.

Jebalate igrice, radiš igru. Hladno gore u slavoniji?


Pas masters, moje isprike.

Zapravo, ovdje u splitu je toplo.

I like it

Onda je slijedeće pitanje wanna fug?


Daj neki throwaway mail pa se dogovorimo

Inb4 tatica u kombiju

Message me on gamejolt?
Provjeravam slijedne brojeve. Impresivno

Nemam kombi i nisam toliko star.

Why is everyone ITT speaking Chozo?! Reeeeeeeeee!

hmm I thought it was some kinda retarded cheeki breeki speak.

Pošalji dm na gamejolt my dude

It is somewhat cheeki breeki :^( we croatian. I personally know at least twenty ivans

sent ;)

Since you are in croatia, can you check on my friend Ivan? He's a stereotypical fat russian who wears fashionable tracksuits, smokes weed and never had a job

They are a meme.