Bioware is in deep shit, people are not preordering Mass Effect Andromeda and companies like Barington Harvey are "hitting all the listed sites of influence" to push it really hard. We have all heard the rumours that Inquisition failed to save Dragon Age and this is make or break for the company.
I scroll down now and see THREE mass effect threads on page 1 alone. The Shills are here. Hide, report and let them die on the vine.

Don't fall for the marketers Holla Forums you are not this stupid.

Yea i was wondering why there are 5 mass effect threads open right now.
you'd think they wouldnt make it so obvious.

You sure about that buddy?

But yes all the Ass Effect posting is too much

theyre even posting in pol lol

No it's pandafag who used to post WoW threads and act like a giant fag in them.

This isn't the studios it is outsourced. I work for a uk brand called Future Publishing making adds for magazines and its been doing the rounds lately that -as AAA does when they have no confidence in a game- they hire a bunch of companies like Barington Harvey and Eccles international to perform "covert narrative massage" which means going to places like 4chan, Holla Forums, reddit, neogaf, something awful and so on because they know they are the places you influence for the word of mouth, for normalfags you just hire some polaris network shill streamers to push it.

These aren't bioware, these arent people that play videogames they are straight up hired suits that sit in their office pretending to be "the youth of today" and dont know what mass effect is, they get a plastic wallet full of information to post and a thumbdrive of screenshots. It is a desperate attempt by a company deep in the red. Their forums are gone, their ips are poisoned and swtor is once again in dire straights by all accounts.

EA does it, Ubisoft does it, Square Enix used to do it but i havent heard about them doing it for a few years since they know they just need to put final fantasy on a box to make money and microsoft tries it all the time.

I make dumb adverts for video games in magazines, that dont mean i want muh sekrut club full of schiesters pushing shit they dont even know is trash.

I found a flaw in your theory.

When is it coming out? I thought Andromeda was still years away? This sounds like a failure on marketing's part. As someone that spends pretty much all their free time on Holla Forums, I barely know the game exists.

I don't know if you are stupid or a shill trying to cover your ass but heres how it works homeslice.

Remember how anita spoke at the EU about the "gabbergoober menace"? do you really think Holla Forums is not big enough to be noticed now?

It will be out next month or something. It is evident it will be shit and EA hid the game out of hoping it would sell through sheer brand recognition and nothing else. The very few minutes of gameplay shown at the doritos pope awards were atrocious, as it was all trailers that showed any in-engine footage.

I was saying this and reporting threads earlier, now I come back after an hour and it looks like people have wised up. When reporting I did make it a point to gets the mods to make a Mass Effect General to act as a containment thread because hired suits will keep posting trash anyway so we might as well confine them to a tagged shrill shill pen until their cheque clears.

Andromeda is due out next month. They had launch trailers or something a couple of weeks ago. They were so bad you'd think they were pre-alpha concept demos or something.

I imagine they want a bomb, their contracts usually have the companies agree enough bombs and the get cannibalised for "downflow" with EA. buy em up, milk em creatively dry then break them down so they cant be competition.

Let's be real here, any actual "talent" in Bioware left the company the moment it got bought up by EA.

I can't tell if we're being raided by genuine shills or if this is just the cuckchan infestation reaching critical mass.

I say we do the usual and dump porn in any of those threads.

I would bet dollars to donuts they have a folder of mass effect porn to try and keep going that way. Overwatch and to a lesser extent evolved showed normalfags the power of lewdness.

We all saw it used in desperation by Randy Bo Bandy and stillborne last month.


Fuck off Ricky!

Porn dumps don't really work anymore. Randy, sick of killing his company, Borderlands, and Duke Nukem, decided to kill the ability to dump porn in to shill threads as well when he realised his Stillborn game lost to Overwatch because of porn so he started pushing his own rule 34 content. That's how fucking sad it's gotten.

But to look at their position. They are paid shillers for nu-bioware games they know some of out culture as expressed in their posts I looked through as I hide and report.

So that means they were or are one of us but did this for money. That is just unforgivable but more so it is sad. They are like whores selling their knowledge of image board culture to shill instead of selling their body they sell their mind and soul.

I can tell you this. I will pirate the new ME and I will make images critical of it I will make .webms showing every instance of Marxism etc and post it to destroy any chance nu-bioware has of making a sale.

Doesn't matter. We're not talking about normalfags, we're talking about just this board here.
We did the same with Fallout 4 and DooD.

Reminder that Redditors think 'let's shit on ' threads are ironic. We all already know it's going to be bland with a shit story, bad acting, terrible animations and no meaningful choices - so why even give it any attention at all?

Is OP a Cyberpunk 2077 shill?
Maybe an Elex shill?
Or is OP just a retard who genuinely believes there are people who would buy andromeda because of some shitposts on Holla Forums?

Either way, kill yourself!

Honestly you would be surprised. As a whole Holla Forums's lexicon is pretty small. "cuck" "normalfag" there isn't a lot that isn't long adopted by facebook like pepe or "tfw". The crib notes cheat sheets to pretend to be an oldfag, such as you can be on here i guess is not terribly long.

So do they pay you per post or hour?

Holy shit you really are desperate.

I am sorry i point out your narrative massage OP, are you BH or eccles?

Because Holla Forums talks. Not just on here but a lot of Holla Forums takes it to places like twitter, they keep the brand in circulation. We all shat on games before and they still sold. You just keep the normalfags hearing the brand name and its a constant reminder to buy the product. Doesnt matter if its good or bad, we all know there are retards on Holla Forums that bought fallout 4, every call of duty and battleborn. They exist but dont mention it for shames sake.



I hope Andromeda sinks the company and helps sinking EA especially.

OP, right now i don't see any of the ME thread even near the top and most of them have been about how retarded it is. I seriously doubt that its actually being shilled here.

Square Enix has refused to send any more review copies of games to a certain spanish review site (can't remember the name) because they talked negatively about FF15, even those they ended up giving the game a 7/10 anyway.

I always keep thinking, "nah shill don't exist here", but now that just doesn't seem to be the case.
You'd think they would try attacking other online communities that are more populated and easier to manipulate. Like Reddit.


They do attack leddit too. Just that it's such a malleable place that no one realizes who the shills are.

They are. You're delusional if you think we're the only ones getting shilled.

Being a faggot and making several threads is not.

I can only dream that by not buying that pile of shit that it would break bioware. please, we need another crash so that the quality can be made again.

Ass Effect 2 was the game that made me abandon AAA, such a slow mindless game with such low-quality writing it felt like someone was drilling into my skull and extracting everything inside.

It was also shilled to huge success on Holla Forums back in the day, thankfully DA2 caused the majority of people to wise up.

Nigger its a furfag who thinks he is a top tier troll. He fags it up in multiple boards on a regular basis. Mostly tries to needle Holla Forums.

Unfortunately some still defend Shit Effect 2 even to this day.
Ouside of Holla Forums, i've seen many claim that Crap Effect 3 has great gameplay. Un-fucking-believable.

Doesn't need to be marketers. Fanboys are about as bad, more promiscuous and do it for free.

Isn't it strange how we can identify characters based on the way they post?

Even the shitcunts who try to shit up the boards they are somewhat endearing and you get the feeling that they have nowhere else to go.

Overt shilling IS fine. Because you are free to shitpost it to your heart's content.

He is going at it on Holla Forums right now. He might actually get paid to do some shitposting but I think he just claims it to provide a justification for his pathetic attempts to get rises out of people.

New conan?


That would also explain the amount of Switch/ Zelda threads.

Hello, fellow anons? I don't suppose you may be pre-ordering Mass Effectâ„¢: Andromeda? I know I am. Bioware truly knows how to create something magical, a revolutionary game. Fuck the haters, they're just trolls. Am I right, Holla Forums?

Should have ended it with Holla Forums instead.


OP, please. If you weren't such a newfag you'd know the anti-"shill" brigade is a much bigger problem on Holla Forums than actual paid shills. Stop being part of the problem.

You've got to be shitting me. At worse this is a falseflag some outsider is trying to push over muh mayhem and at "best" just a local bored shitposter,

Toddposting hasn't been funny for years and some shitty offshoot of Toddposting certainly wont be so you can just fuck off.

I've not seen anyone use that in years.
Can't see any Andromeda threads in the catalog though so the board kike probably killed them.

Anything something big happens with Trump, like that piss fetish report or HWNDU, people mention halfchan instead.

It's all about getting the name out there. If someone shills something you haven't heard of before they've taught you that it exists.
For example I can say "Daikatana got a GBC port and it plays like a top-down adventure game" and now anyone reading this is going to be curious. It didn't cost me anything to post this, and this thread has 37 UIDs and plenty more lurkers.
Besides, for a /scurv/ friendly board this place has a lot of retards. I remember seeing a pic of an Holla Forums steam group and loads of them were playing Fallout 4.


They've been caught shilling here in the past


What, the FO4 threads? That was 50% bait and 50% your average dumb faggots gushing over FONV or any shiny, new AAA drek. Mark being the attention (and approval) whore that he is went with the flow.

Exactly. But the whole muh organized campaign someone actually spent money on though? I mean let's face it, this google blocked/blocking shithole's not worth the effort.

Face it, Holla Forums has been noticed. It's a small board, but it's noted.

There's a bit of both going on. When people are pushing shit, it's probably shills. It's well-known that shills don't understand the difference between 8/v/ and 4/v/ though so they routinely expose themselves doing shit that doesn't belong.

Post more Nekopara. Especially the porn. Sure way to trigger Bioware fags.


That would be pretty funny if true, perhaps all of EA's kikery and libearal leaning pandering is catching up with them.

Sure does suck when reality finally catches up huh?

It says how desesperate they are.

Remember the words of wisdom - Ignore and report shills, for they are the scum of this earth.

Based on the post histories I've seen of the bioware thread poster, he's just a troll pretending to be a shill like 95% of the "shills" here are from what I've seen.

i told those fags that but no they have to concoct grand conspiracies about low effort trolls that have been around forever.

If that's the case, it's dumb as hell considering most people on Holla Forums already hate Bioware with a passion. I just don't get the logic behind that one, it's like Sarkeesian trying to preach to Mcintosh.

The threads get a ton of angry replies right? It's best just to report and ignore.

Why bother? To begin with, I didn't sign up to be a volunteer. Cleaning the board is you guys' job.

that is not true, there are plenty of obvious covert shills and not many overt shills. If I was hot pockets I wouldn't condone shills at all but I respect honesty and can tolerate if the board owner say's "overt shilling" is acceptable. I can even respect someone who is brave enough to openly proclaim they are a developer because honestly is a virtue. But being "free to shitpost it to your heart's content" is not true evidenced by Mark is very liberal with rule 8. It seem generally speaking the only time shitposting is tolerated is if you are from /monster/ or /a/ and posting loli or fury porn.

I hate to say, over the years their seems to be a subset of neo/v/ that are no better then halfchan when it comes to being loyal buyfags. they will talk shit about a game but after release their will be endless threads from people who actually are discussing in-depth details about the game. Although that also is likely a shill tactic to promote a false consensus that the product, while controversial on the board, is still palatable enough to invest in. Particularly trying to sell to those who might secretly be on the fence about the quality.

Take for example all the Dragon Age Inquisition threads, where anons where mocking it but clearly playing a purchased copy based on the screen shots and footage they are sharing of the game on day one release long before torrents or Denuvo cracks where available. sage because I don't want to bump this topic

EA spent 1.1 billion dollars one year in marketing, including covert marketing

This is nothing new
