#GamerGate + #NotYourShield [#GG + #NYS]: Of Easy-Listening Music Edition



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youtube.com/watch?v=wy9bisUIP3w - #GamerGate - If It's Not About Ethics;
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archive.is/23Fde - GamerGate: A State of the Union Address.

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Autistic edition name there, OP.




You have been visited by


Good luck on love, Good Luck on Surgeries, Concentration, Smugness, a better PC, the ability to spot shills, Orchestra instead of Dubstep, an easy guide to mememagic, faster Japanese learning and Salt of your enemies will come but only if you post a pic of your Waifu followed by the words “FOR HER, THE WORST NIGHTMARE OF GAMERGATE”

Remember to always be a big guy


You enter your daughters' room and see this. What do you do?

Good Afternoon GamerGate


Archive of previous bread

Ayo hol up


Wonder why Gilda has a benis.

So that FE heroes game what a hoot to bad us americans can't play it

As true as this is now, I don't think they'll listen since they're dealing with LITERAL HITLERS

This is why the Japanese games industry is superior.

Living proof of that

Because the best deserve to be equipped properly



They're a cult that's why. The content doesn't matter only people who are your "enemy".

Re-posting with archive links in pic


I'm really surprised that shit like the last picture isn't considered inciting violence / uprising. Surely shit like that should be illegal.

In my language Antifas is one of the many ways we refeer to Balaclavas, you know, those mask, Terrorist and anarchist use during protest or attacks to not being recognized.

Mememagic Works yet again at ridiculizing our enemies with the name they pick for themselves.

God bless anime waifus

That we're always the ones being dicked around. Right now moderates are siding more with conservatives on the sheer fact that they aren't being quite as insane. I don't really even like many of these conservatives. I think Alex Jones is dumb and I'm not even that big a fan of Trump, even though I like the salt he brings.

It's just everyone else is so much worse.

I would impregnate her over and over again.

Based women are already taken I bet

Oh my god. The cancer.

The worst part is thank to that fucking mayor they got away with all the crimes they committed completely scot free which will only make them repeat this again and the next time's going to be far more violent.
If you have any suspiration these terrorists will be congregating near you arm yourself and travel with people.

It ends now Chu celebrating cancellation
Color me a person of color

link to .mp4 chunabomber talks about (above 8mb)


Tolerant left indeed


Okay that second one is pretty funny

I want to compare this to commie russia, but this is going more parallel to the black civil right movment, the blacks this time being conservatives.

Aw shit, this is gonna be fun

Can't cuck the tuck

Welp downloading that FE heroes game
I need something on the lighter side to take my mind off antifa

I can't play it because nintendo's site won't let me confirm my nintendo account…

disappointed, user


This is his chance to trigger a shitload of people, I hope he doesn't fuck up.

As long as what you're uploading is below 12MB, you're good to go.



As long as he spends zero cent on it, it's fine.

I've been addicted to FE and advance wars since I was a kid
I have a problem
You hear ads about how weed and crack is bad but nobody has done one about Fire emblem :^)


Can these fuckers hurry up with the violence so we can kick them out already? I don't want to wait for 2018 in the unlikely hope that a conservative becomes governor.

Missed that, when did they up the limit?

Also, stand by for censorship apoligism from lexi alexander

You're forgetting the tumblr-insert.

There was a time when I thought the human squadmate might not end up so bad because the rumor was the humans were going to be based on actors like Miranda, but nope! "Edgy" side-shave and a face that looks like its been beat with the ugly stick. It's just Cisquisition all over again.

Good thing Japan still has waifu games.

Don't forget to watch the Michael Bay Mario movie and play Candy Crush while you're at it.

Recently my mom invited me and my brother to go with her to visit family
And… I am having second thoughts


Call me a faggot but I'm legit scared. I feel like the mass manipulation that america is currently under is only going to get worse. These riots will become full fledged terrorist attacks. There will be blood. There will be deaths. And worse, it'll all be done with the approval of the media, and SJWs.

And really, is it any surprise that the only people defending and celebrating these terrorist are SJWs and aGG? Because of course. We always knew they were shitty horrible people. But stuff like this confirms it. It's done. Never doubt it, they are terrible people. And I truly believe that history will record them accordingly.

get psx2 and play klonoa 2, or dark cloud

You already have a mayor who prevented the cops from stopping a terrorist group on a rampage who might have possibly committed murder, what else needs to happen before that shit state gets what's coming to them?


Ironic that Berkeley proved that Anita was right about college folks being violent and threatening to guest speakers

alguma vez te calhou cocó?


I still have ps1 games in shrink wrap, my backlog could last me a decade. It's a mental burden and yet a comfort for future preparedness all at the same time

I'm shocked they let her keep her breasts. I though breasts were sinful to nintendo now?

If they live in a place like central california, upper california or ventura to San Luis obispo I don't think you got much of a problem. Unless they live in San Jose or San Fran I don't think you will get anything bad.

After camilla
I doubt it
I think they made her tits bigger

It's going to be a wonderful bloodbath, isn't it?
May the spirit of Huey Long guide my bullets when they sink into the necks of the oil barons.

At least people are still resisting and many people are seeing just how bad leftists really are.
Be grateful, at least you're not European where shit doesn't happen because everyone is afraid of being labeled a fascist even though the decline of the Union and Western civilization as we continue to travel down this path is pretty obvious, and funnily enough we were never a melting pot.
Corruption and kikery is even worse here, but at least I'm not Canadian/British.

They live near San Fran and LA

a mim só me calha carapaus à espanhola

Canada has some of the worst financial corruption in history. Every politician that leaves office is always revealed to have some sort of financial crime.

Dipshit mayor released his statement on the Berekely protests.
Original tweet was deleted.

The great romoval of marxists when? Boy I hope it spreads to EU, Ye got lots to remove.

About 16th of Sept. I would link the specific thread that brought it up, but all I have is the changelog.
There were plans to increase to 16MB, but I don't know what happened to that.

Thanks, Nintendo.

Maybe you'll be blessed with a good roll now user

What is this emotion? She's having a psychotic urge to kill or a Vietnam Flashback?

LA doesn't really have any problems that weren't already there before trump, and if you are nervous about san fran just ask them to meet up in napa. It's a nice winery area that's pretty quiet. Though I don't know how san fran is really acting as I haven't been there in years.

izzat young jontron

Finally a game that represents the down syndrome community, thanks bioware.


Maybe for Record Keeper. Luck doesn't seem to carry over games.

A good answer to a bunch of rioters who can't bring guns or they'll be considered an uprising which will be put down by the government is, suprisingly, guns.

Which a LOT of trump supporters have. So we do realize what's at stake, and it's their lives for trying to kill people. And i'm sure it's not something people will exactly miss.

Looks like it.

So, can Trump defund a whole town because its mayor supports terrorism?


I have one, but lately I can't play anything because I need to go back to ladykiller in a bind pirated it of course and I swear to god I've never had this much difficulty playing a game before. I genuinely feel terrible just thinking of starting it up again.

I would describe it as "triggered".

Trust me, user, that shit isn't anywhere near. Over here we have the family members of former Communist Party members that leech so much money that one even bought the property rights to a business that ran a skating rink just so his kids could ice skate alone for a single weekend.

You think thats bad?

He can do way better, thanks to one of the EOs Obeezey signed through, he has the legal right to drone strike them.
One can dream, of redemption for that trashcan.



I think we have a winner here lads

Fascism with a nice face

Is this megaphone-chan's long lost sister or something?


Turd took a 2 million dollar vacation with his family to the states, and did so openly. At least your nigger tried to hide his skimming. Plus, your nigger did not give the countries gold to soros.

Check out this scummy native ad for Apple in The Irish Times with an easily-overlooked disclosure


At the bottom:

I don't know what the laws for advertising are in Ireland but for comparison the FTC requires a "clear and conspicuous" standard so that readers know what they're reading and specifically call out that disclosures should not be "buried in unrelated details":


Normally I'm pretty permissive about where you put disclosures (especially for amatuers which The Irish Times is not), but that's pretty bad. And trying to sway people's opinons on a contested issue feels even worse than if they were just hyping a product.



How the fuck do you hide buying a business that people regularly visit?

Shell companies

user, he bought a business to keep everyone else out, and he got caught doing it as a result of keeping people out.

hi wheres proofs :^)

Reminds me of that CNBC executive whose kids were murdered "by the nanny" (who then went into a coma) right after they covered a story on bankers laundering money, which vanished from their site shortly after.

Im not familiar with the story, just saying that shell companies are one of the options in hiding who is really behind shit


There are multiple vids from different angles, check the Holla Forums thread >>Holla Forums9118123

>>>Holla Forums9118123 I swear I put an extra > there

To add insult to injury, the psychotic stare is the neutral emotion.


You should really save shit from mysterious death threads because you will rarely ever see it again


Just became uncle for the sixth time

Hope this madness can be stopped in time so my nephews and nieces won't be indoctrinated with neo-fascism in school

sage for off-topic

That look just screams "Did you fucking assume my gender?"

I had it but I had a PC failure.

We are also arguing who has it worse with 2 different beasts. Finacial corruption of politics vs financial corruption of the bank.

Goddammit we could have had Resident Evil level Tyrant transformation formulas for personal health reasons. just personal health reasons. not for world takeover stuff I swear

Where does it prove he's a Milo supporter tho?

congratulations, user.

But "murder" isn't a gender.

Yeah, what a fucking bigot he is, being a gay Jew that takes it up the ass from black men.

I would say that the mayor should be fucking ashamed of himself, but it seems like the Bay Area politicians are collectively trying to give Chicago a run for their money when it comes to the "most corrupt" award.

I completely forgot about that "strike"

Now I don't really hate gay people, but at what point, and more importantly why, did humanity stop considering gay a mental illness?

Someone should post burch scabbed

as soon as we let the bleeding hearts speak.

You mean they're actually going to do something other than picket in front of a dev studio on everyone's lunch break? Or is Tara Strong having another butthurt meltdown because someone like Chris Rock reminded her that voice acting isn't a lucrative job?

So I just grabbed this from the previous thread. I'm fairly sure that Dabs is a FYAD goon, one of those who managed to worm their way into proper journalism, like Jeb Lund, Taylor Wofford and possibly others.

When it was considered a "mind your own buisness,its our bedroom not yours" thing. Gays who try to make their sexuality others buisness are not disabled, just attention whores who need to be starved. Saying they have a disease legitamizes them too much.

Holy shit I don't give a fuck about Milo and just saw you post by chance but that is literally the exact BS argument that SJWs use to defend their own otherwise indefensible comrades.

I was told the male lead and female lead are twins.

I'll give Bioware a few points if they make the twin a romance option.

fuck, that's that SA commie board or whatever right?

They convinced some other completely separate union that has nothing to do with them to join to artificially inflate their numbers.
Their "protest" is going to bad and being ignored by everyone they're getting desperate.

what kind of code is this?

Never interupt your enemies when they shoot themselves in the foot. This time with a tank cannon.


Kinda the opposite. They hated the commie board, and arguably sabotaged it to death. Their profile is more NY hipster/bobo/limousine liberal.

pedophilia signaling or some shit

Add this to the list of senile celebrities.


Did CNN NOT EXIST during the 80s, where mainstream media pushed "hate speech" as the hip thing?

At least he admits they exist even if he's trying to call false flag. Most are trying to pretend it just didn't happen.

Not the kind of bigot they talk about. He's not a nazi or a white supremacist. I say that because he's a gay man that lusts for black cock they absolutely have to show proof he's a bigot.

Takei is a hypocritical asshole. He will complain avout whitewashing akira only to applaud glackwashing annie. He is inconsistent.

Just to clarify the second pic, we're talking FYAD goons here, and they hated LF i.e. the dead "commie board".

Uh. Small world; Kassy Dillon was also temporarily suspended of Twitter in January for quoting Leslie Jones (the actress who went on a meltdown after Ghostbuster tanked and got Milo banned)
please use archive.is/culture-wars/conservative-writer-kassy-dillon-suspended-from-twitter-for-repeating-leslie-jones/
Anyway, someone mentioned that (the definition of terrorism) on a Fox live stream yesterday. The host read the definition twitted at him and a heavy silence of ten seconds followed. They refused to call the event a "riot", they were even calling it a "peaceful protest" at the beginning.

At this point, regardless of what happens next, we're marching toward a closed society. The values it will promote will either be those of the left or the right (depends on who will win); but there's no other way around. The useful idiots served the power centralization process well.

Already happened, unless they're planning to do another one before or after Milo's upcoming meeting at the White House.

Super Robot Wars is my drug of choice. :^)

Woah SJWs are so heroic.

This really makes you think.

Or they are wearing ski masks because they don't want to be identified when they start using those crowbars they carry.

Shit. Link if anyone's interested archive.is/FhsQa

That's pretty much the point. Once you turn their own arguments against them, like that "10% of Skittles are poisoned" one, suddenly you have them saying it's a shit argument, even though they came up with it.

Has it been confirmed that the guy they beat up is dead?

I really hope someone's head roll for this bullshit, this was no peaceful protest, the police should have intervened way sooner.

didn't knew he was going to do that too. Anyway, could someone give me a short summary of why the left hates milo? I never really gave a shit about him.

Nothing, maybe he will pop up in a few days if he's not dead and out of the hospital.

got it

these two helped me remember

Outside agitators my ass. Besides, if they somehow are, the craziness of the left in general does nothing to present a single inconsistency in their behavior.


Maybe if y'all weren't dressed in revealing clothing you wouldn't get rapped by people. :^)
someone send that to him I don't have a twitter account.

Going to be really awkward for the media if Spicer brings up the riots in the upcoming press conference. Or even better, invites Milo for an impromptu speech.

Choose one and only one, faggot pilot of a shit ship.

No true scotsman fallacy.

Try again.

Freeman supports Trump? I guess the internet will stop calling him God now.

See, I would agree if I actually saw protestors actually telling them to fuck off, not tell them "BASH HIS FUCKING HEAD IN" while they're kicking someone while they're on the ground.

I was thinking the whole "asking for it" mentality.

And about the outside agitators, even true or not, this is why riots and shit shouldn't start because it grows and grows when people just join into the chaos

Reposting my oc from last thread


Thank god there's at least one celebrity who actually thinks with their head.

You gonna win so much you may even get tired of winning

He's also against black history month because even he knows it's stupid and in the process trigger's a jew.

If you wish your Leader to fail just so you can all righteously chant in everybody's face "I told you, I told you", it means you'd rather see your nation crumble, burn, drown in blood and desolation than be wrong (in short, you are willing to sacrifice your whole nation, friends and family on you ego's altar). Freeman is probably part of the sensible ones who would rather hope the person they don't like are able to do their job properly, so whether or not you like the guy, at least society's standard of living increased and nobody got hurt in the process.

You have a source on that, user?

There are actually plenty of celebrities that support Trump, but you usually only hear ones that criticise him in "touching and heartfelt speeches"

Can we use now the "Look, your idols love what you hate, don't you think is time to rethink your choices?" as they used it with us during the first day of gamergate?


Well, it's kind of different, considering that the people they were talking about fully threw their lot in with their narrative, like Wesley. Far as I can see, it's just a bunch of people going "look, guys, he isn't literally Hitler."

SJWs don't work like that, most of them are irredeemable. Even if Trump lead us to a post-scarcity utopia they will die thinking he is an ebil nazi.

They have no will, they exist to be used,

Its actually quite nice how many sensible black people there are. Whiye libshits need a kick to the head though, especially when they perpetuate the "stupid black people" stereotype more than Holla Forums

He’s a perpetual victim and an opportunist, just like feminists replying "we're not all like that" when a rape victim comes out and explains how feminists wished she would "get raped again" or "she had it coming" not being feminist.

The last webm thread had a video of a guy saying that if Trump called for harsher penalties for child molesters, the leftists would be against it and screaming about what an intolerant bigot Trump was.

Its the islam is a religion of peace shit all over again, they say its not all of them but the actual situation is that its a few using violence while the rest supports/cheers.

How? Hes supposed to dissapoint me just like 95% of the people I look up to.
How does he do it?

He's old enough and wise enough to have earned that magnificent voice he has.

Probably, like I said they have no will, they are drones. They have been told to hate Trump so they hate him, no matter what.


'm gonna call bullshit on this one until you give an actual source you faggot. And all anons in this thread believing this picture right away at face value are morons.

How long until he gets smeared with false rape allegations or drug charges or whatever? Black people are apparently not allowed to have positive role models.

I can't into coding, what's the left one mean I assume they're fake petitions that don't count votes?


The petition to declare antifa a terrorist org is stuck at 1 signature despite other petitions working correctly, it also has different code that appears to disable the counting.

I can hear the distant screeching of "House Nigger" from here.



ideologues are ideologues no matter the religion or cult, there is only double downing, jail, and death awaiting them the further radical they go– but these are particularly stupid people who can not grasp they are using radical tactics in a democracy. They are wanna be authoritarians who are in control, and they never will without burning the constitution. These are ultra stupid people.

This means that most people won't be able to see it
This is the countar saying that nobody has seen it

This means anyone can see it
The number shows how many have opened the link and looked at the page.

Holla Forums needs to find out his running this site and report them, and gather as much evidence in the process.

False alarm, everything is fine.


Has anyone tried to, you know, start a new petition to see if the problem persists?

Good morning, faggots.

I got muted by a female cosplayer that follows me in the dawn of me explaining to her on how the Women's March and feminism in general are both farces. I'm kind of sad right now.


The petition has been up for a long time and it even had a pretty popular reddit thread, no way its not 150.

Which is the only thing keeping them safe ironically enough.

I hate white leftist people.

Why? cosplayers are notorious shallow whores who think they're to good for hooking or caming.
Did you never go and take a look at /cgl/ back on halfchan? actually don't not without a puke bucket.


I know that feel. I know this smart pundit who sees straight through the bullshit of liberal media, and yet somehow believed their lies about GG. I tried contacting him, but senpai-kun keeps ignoring me.


Ok I don't know anymore, user, search in your heart until you feel it's the right time to let your autism loose.


Take note, she's also following me as well. Well, she followed me after I said that I could explain to her on how Women's March and the feminists behind it at hypocrites and the "movement" in general are all lies.

I don't g- what ? There's no one in Europe who would take you seriously if you said "voter IDs are bad". What the fuck ?

It was posted on both Holla Forums and the Donald Reddit board, it would have passed 150 long ago.

Personally I think it will have to get manually approved and it will take a day or two

There was also some poor fucker that collapsed on the middle of the street. There seems to be no info on him, except that he was saved by some MMA jock.

That's what I meant. Why not just unfollow?

Power of the media, if they started that shit in here you will see a shift


Yeah I was actually surprised to hear that they don't have voter ID's in the USA. Here in Germany you can't vote without a ID either. How are you going to counter shit like people voting twice if you don't check for ID? Hell, here in Germany you have to carry some kind of ID every time you go outside.

I don't know other european countries, but here in Spain you are required to make some national ID to be identified. If you don't identify yourself to the cops they can easily fine you or even get you to the police station if you are especially suspicious or a dick.

It kinda is, he did vote for Hillary


and im back
the hell I didnt need to delete a tweet or enter a phone number

Meanwhile, nationalists in Europe are laying antifa the fuck out with one punch in the face.

was it because of all furry porn?

No we won't, read and , in Europe you can't even vote without one. No one thinks it would make sense to NOT use this system.

It's call "bigotry of low expectations" leftists think nignogs are to stupid to know what an ID is or how to register to vote.
That and the left rely on voter fraud.

Or the recent case where a Swedish nationalist jump kicked someone that spat at one of their feet and his head hit the pavement so hard that the guy later died in the hospital as a result of it

The argument against Voter ID is that black people are too poor and stupid to fill out forms, wait in lines, and pay the roughly $100 fees to get a government ID, so it suppresses their vote.

Also, a mandatory fuck you Val, I hope you get trucked

ok that's cool, I agree you shouldn't have to
I agree
oh cool
And you lost me. Why can't these people ever keep the bible out of their arguments? It's the right wing equivalent of white privilege. "You can't abort babies, not because they're alive but because my pastor said it's a no no." Goddamnit.

gonna have to sauce that, i want to jack off

It is basically the best way to get illegal inmigrants.

For fuck's sake. Here we barely pay 20€.

I just said nothing to delete and not needing a number so fuck knows why

And im from an western european country too, if the media starts pushing something as good you WILL have people like in the WEBM. I wouldnt be surprised if they started doing exactly that because of muh poor refugees but im sure those are already getting their ID cards this very moment.

you can get a picture ID (not a drivers license) from the dmv where I live for $10.


Sinful's another word for "harms community".

A lot of gays have a huge amount of throwaway sexual partners, and surprise surprise, most gays don't respect people because they barely even know what it is.

for her

Exactly. A basic ID. We don't even use driver licenses to identify ourselves most of our time yet that could be used if you don't have your ID at hand.

Then say that instead of sinful. Say that gays spread AIDS like no other, because they do. God's will is not an argument.


Day of the rope can't come any quicker.

Yeah they said that in the webm too, + that black people are stupid and can't use the internet.



It also is generally the constant propaganda that makes people believe that poverty means earning only $0.5/hour and drinking sewage runoff. For example, whenever someone talks about Africa, you always get given the image of starving children in a desert plain and are told that it is representative of the majority of the continent.

fuck off fart

Freeman doesn't even know the whole story yet, just the shit everyone else has had shoved in front of them, and he's still willing to believe Trump will be a good president.

Is he still stalker her?

Fuck you. Swedish led white niggers have no place in finnish society. Especially if they find finnish laws so hard to obey.

How do you know? Maybe he even browses this place and called you a faggot once


Maybe you got mass-reported and suspended automatically but a human didn't find anything wrong with the tweets reported?

I'm watching that whole George interview right now. I hope Trump gives the medias something to think about, a real black eye. I will be cheering.

The fact that he has managed to do way more than any other candidate in the first week shows that he really is

I highly doubt it, he doesn't seem to be giving off any hints of that being the case

They tried the AIDS thing in the past. IIRC, they tried to depict it as bigotry to assume that they were spreading it, despite the fact that the logic holds true. Plus you have some of them outright admitting that they WANT to get AIDS now that they can just take a pill to suppress the effects.

The other thing is that their sexual practices are far more extreme, which leads to some nasty shit.

the hell is your problem? except from the trump one, those are all webm's I found in previous gg threads.

Finnish stormweenies are controlled by swedish stormweenies. And the stormweenie faggot was a criminal thug with prior convictions, 2 years not nearly enough.

Not seen this in a while.

Havent seen this in a long time

reported for being fart

How viewed is this?

What matters is who agrees. Far more people can be swayed by the god argument rather then the "harms community" argument, simply because the church has less of a chance to be called racist or sexist as doing so blankets a vast number of people rather then a small group and invites wrath on the accuser.

It is very much a valid and useful argument, so stop being triggered you tumblrette.

Here's your gold star for effort.

51.318 views, if that is the original one.


Also as an addendum, using BOTH arguments while under user is a great way to convince people, in fact use as many angles as you can, or just the ones that you think are most effective.

A good plan is multi-faceted as well as improvised.


They are losing power too, they overextended and the Clinton loss is still hurting them.

Well that's just rude.

But immigrants don't get to vote, user.

Stay out of my country you cuck.



I just use appeal to emotion 24 fucking 7 in combination with logic.

Well sorry that I can't remember the oxymoronic name of their faggot club. Thing is that faggot had just as much right to kick that other faggot as your antifa faggots had to beat people with trump hats: none.
Now go be triggered in your safespace bunker.

Kerro missä asut ni katotaa kuinka kova oot homo

hey, what works works.


Low sisu post. Sad.

Its Holla Forumsyps nowadays you cuck

Hello, my name, is Morgan Freeman. And you are reading this in my melifluous voice.
I would just like to say that this user right here.
He's right you know.
No, I will not use a tripcode to prove who I am. Tripping is for faggots, a gay homosexual faggot, much like>>11850661 is.
And I, Morgan Freeman. Am not a faggot. You can ask Ashley Judd to confirm that fact, when she is not running off her white liberal mouth about gaymergate. I still remember Ashley's taste like it was yesterday, on the set of Kiss The Girls. It's sour, with a hint of metallic copper and sea urchin, the type you find at a chinese grocery store. I know what you are going to ask me next so I will save you the trouble. Yes, it's true I, Morgan Freeman, as a black man do not eat pussy. Ashley Judd was the exception to that, an exception that made me regret ever trying it in the first place.
And that is all I have to say about that. Wait, there is one more thing, Mr. Wayne.




how about Holla Forumse dancers?

Check out my new meme, gamergays.

(Fuck You)

Go suck your swecuck masters cock faggot.
I'm sure he'll rescue you from the big black man.
I mean sweden is 110% white, right?

Someone needs a helicopter ride.

Oh fuck, not this shit again

I can understand shit like Holla Forumstard, especially considering how long it had been used, but Holla Forumsyp is just cringe-worthy to read

Are you lost, this isn't Holla Forums.
Go defend your rapefugee invader friends someplace else no ones buying your shit here.

vaginasa re gross

You misunderstand me, I want commies and swedecucks out. Alltough I guess they're the same thing.

Oh god what is dried on those panties? Just vaginal ejections?

Likely the same Press Agency, they failed to rewrite the article they bought. It happens all the time.

Girl cum I think.

I'm kinda tired to have my country's news use the symbol of terrorists the muslim woman using the american flag as a yijab or whatever is called and being so biassed to any political view that doesn't agree with them.

It doesn't help every politician in my country is shit.


Smegma probably


If McCarthy were somehow revived today, would he support GamerGate for hating commies?

Or would he spaghetti out the second he got shitposted and become a lolcow?

Antifa is mobilized in NYC.
>>>Holla Forums9119807

Alltough he has some point, the movements usually advocate for a creation of 'not EU this time I swear' but we all know it will be subverted if its not the end goal allready.
Independent nations not globalism.

I'll be honest, I didn't even know women could produce smegma

Wew man, why? I know I just posted a bunch of used panties, but why would you visit a cuckold place?


The left is its own enemy.

But nationalist tend to not be globalist.

I don't get your point

Girls only cum in 2D, you fucking baka.

Curiously all of this only happens in blue states, yet the world should have to think of it as a representation of all the country.

It's impossible to get more cringeworthy than "mudslime", and yet it's a favorite of Holla Forums.

I don't want rapefugee swede backed thug organizations in my country.

Literally nothing wrong with referring to such disgusting creatures so scathingly.

It's mucus from her vaginal discharge. Vagina secrete a mucusy discharge almost regularly, depending on the girl, usually when they sleep.

Thank you, makes more sense than smegma.

Can't fucking turn myself into a cyborg fast enough.

Oh that, I think it stuck because of how insulting it is to people and not catchiness or how neat it sounds. There used to be other ones used like Mu-slime, which were even shittier.

No you fucking queer. The swedish "white" nationalists want to establish some fucking nordic eu where they would rule over the rest.
No thanks.


These bitches.

Seems par for the course of kotaku.

Not going to read that shit, but I can't play them either. I am very easy to scare.


That's the thing, it's not scathing. I can't even call it childish, because it implies it's at all offensive. It's some kindergarten-tier shit. Camel jockey, raghead, hajji, sandnigger, they're all fine, but mudslime is just embarassing.

Just keeping my head and dick for fapping and digestive system for eating perfectly intact at most.

580de2 is a shill
he is just posting random garbage
probably the same dude that got banned 5 or so times the last couple days for posting soundless webm and spamming the thread



iPod touch 4th gen or iPhone 4/4S

Your life must be suffering

Since we're sharing the joy of watching leftist retards, have this embed from last year.

Why is Kotaku still alive?

Good to see Holla Forums being no fun as usual.

McInnes isn't fucking around, threw an antifa skidmark into a window.

it was a deserved ban, you don't want to see that webm.

Being a Kirby fan feels so fucking secure. You literally never have to worry about any kind of shitty industry practices to Jew consumers or high budget standards to live up to.

Just good games made intended for having fun that just happen without a bunch of commotion. Though, it's weird how much dicksucking Planet Robobot got by media.

now that I watch those webm's, why aren't all those masked people stopped and checked by the police? If you do this shit in Germany the police wont get off your dick.

you realize that only makes me want to see the webm right?

yea kirby has such a solid track record
I even liked the canvas curse games, they were different but fun
never played the yarn one but people seem kinda flat on that

You still have to buy nintendo products or wait for emulation, but other than that I totally agree, kirby can't really be tainted, even when people post pics of him with a giant dick it's too easy to just laugh it off.

Literally me.

So… anything fun? I'm just enraged with the riots and the media just being happy when their side is attacking other people while getting no repercution nor justice.

if you want to see it that badly, I just posted it on pol again.
>>>Holla Forums9122214

They're at it again this time in NYC, no arsons so far but give it time.

When they day of tomorrow comes and these people are arrested massively or just be shot or dronestroken nobody will cry for them.

well that was disappointing, but not very bad.

Well, you're in luck…

CNN will.

CNN will be some of the first ones arested.

So you got a source to that webm?

"If you are single and earn less than $25,000, or married and jointly earn less than $50,000, you will not owe any income tax." TRUMP TAX REFORM
wew, why do you guys get this bad ass president and the rest of the world has to deal with retards? Trump will only help out the rich people they say.

well, I guess you do see now why that shit got me banned back then. It was a thread about getting married and porn being evil.



Also, I hope people archived all the threads that deal heavily with ESRB and ESA digging. Could be useful later when we don't have to shift through garbage just to get them.

I could understand not wanting to play the game in VR but otherwise this game has very predictable horror tropes.

Well, the old style RE games leave me with an unease felling, although I have been to play the new ones without a problem.


Rainbow Curse was too small for its own good while surprisingly having a holy shit amazing soundtrack that wasn't even done by the usual composers.

It's crazy how he just seems to be completely safe from literally anything wrong with video games or media in general today.

All these classic franchises like Mario, Zelda and most of all, Pokemon have legions of fans wait on pins and needles dreading what's in store for them while their other big name sibling just humbly pops up often enough to stay relevant and just delivers more of the usual good stuff you can't really predict. I can't think of literally any other franchise that just slips past everything that makes people get pissed and give up on a series.

How is Korea, Gookanon?

I'm not gook user.

Dez Schubel. I am honestly ashamed to admit it, but I bookmarked her shit.

Hillary played video games. Trump has never played video games.

Playing video games makes you a loser.

In your heart you know it's true.

Trump funded videogames.

Checkmate atheists.

Thank you for correcting the record. Now, get out!

I think it's because kirby is just hard to fuck off, no intense plot ruin or reboot, the characters are simple so rebooting them doesn't happen, translations don't have much chance for weird SJW pushing, gameplay never really changes because what was fun in superstar is still somehow fun in robobot, and it's not a big enough franchise to milk with DLC. it's just pure fun with few opportunities to go astray.


Trump is a video game.

Trump made a game.

*fuck with


she's probably researching things she can ban in that game in that pic


That is a pretty neat one, I really don't get why you would have to pay the government money for dying. I would kinda get it if the government was doing a small amount to pay for burial costs but not adding an extra tax that takes a shitload of what someone has earned that the government had already taxed when it was earned.

Put your fedora away you fag, she said nothing akin to it.
Even leftists like Marcuse critiqued the degeneracy of the left back in the 60s and 70s.
It's pretty clear that you haven't read that much on abortion and you've probably bought the whole agitprop with "my body, my choice".
You need to read up user, you need to get yourself informed, because "life starts at conception" is much more than a religious argument.
The truly horrifying part comes when you realize that 59 million abortions have been performed in the United States since Roe v. Wade.
And the evil part comes right after you realize that some states don't have term limits on abortion and along those a lot of states who have term limits later than 21 weeks.

They will use any excuse to drain you wallet, if they could they would even tax breathing.

Therefore Hillary is a loser. True. If Trump never played video games that's fine. If all he does is leave vidya alone that's already light years ahead of Killary.


wait wut? Did those guys try to ban gg but instead deleted their own shit?

And their backups.

What is this about, didn't gitlab throw out the repo a while ago? That's why it is on gitgud.

Someone saved my webm from a few threads ago

Fuck you takei. Can't belive I thought you were an alright dude.

holy shit this gonna be a wild ride

That was an example, calm down. she said the stupid popstar was sinful, when she could have said anything else about how she's a cunt. When arguing choice of words is everything, although I guess that's why she said it, to get the religious crowd behind her.

There are plenty of SJWs pushing for adding carbon dioxide breathed out to carbon tax.


Sauce? That sounds too stupid to believe, but we are talking about SJWs here.

Don't have one

Carbon dioxide taxes would fuck over /fit/. We should tax fat instead.


dude its fucking bai asuka no shit

There should be a gains tax.

I would prefer to make getting /fit/ desireable, since there is a correlation between fat and sojus.

Prosecutors got clearance to investigate Korea's presidents office, might start even today. The offices are saying they won't allow them in for the search

Years ago I watched a documentary video about Japanese companies hat give fines to their employees if they're overweight and have mandatory weight inspection monthly to encourage weight loss and healthy eating.
That shit wouldn't slid here though sadly.

Say, that might be a promising idea…

Hello gookanon. Is your country still a feminist distopia or is it getting fixed?

Wasn't Obama trying to do that shit because Michele program to make kids healthy and backfired hard?

You'd have to BTFO every retarded landwhale into anal oblivion first and make people 100% willing to joke as much as they damn well please about fatasses.

There should be more of an effort to strike that balance.

Oh some trade organization is also being searched and so is gook ftc in relation to Samsung

I'm not gookanon either, I'm watching it on tv

Some hackers fucked their shit up so there's some schadenfreude because they banned gg way back in the day.

pic unrelated


The only problem with that game was that Yoshi's Wooly World was leagues better. Other than that Kirby's Epic Yarn is still bretty gud. Likely the lukewarm media shilling is due to not being able to attach a controversy on these wholesome games (and thus more shekels + brownie points from the clickbait outrage) without looking really stupid.

On that note I can't really recall a video game with Kirby in it that was shit. Maybe the Smash Brothers franchise? But that's just the autistic fandom.

You know the song is called "Fortunate Son" right?

Now that you mention it, it seems it was floated.


Are these people really that stupid?
Also, you'd think that an area so liberal wouldn't be afraid of a man who says some things that are "wrong." The fact that they've gotta prevent him from speaking means they aren't as confident in their ideals as they say they are.

Wasn't FE Heroes done externally? Maybe Nintendo just didn't have a chance to fuck with it.

I also endorse this as a means of combating obesity (provided we tax fat people, not foods). It makes more sense than the sugar taxes do.
I cook with plenty of butter and oil. I'm in great shape because unlike most people, I don't spend my day sitting on my ass.

Epic Yarn didn't have a losing condition (at least, I don't remember one). It's not much of a game at that point.

I don't know about the tax system in the USA, but the german one is very unfair. I do make use of it myself, but it really is unfair and should be changed. The more money you earn the less taxes you pay. For example if you own a store, or a bar you don't pay taxes on food and drinks because you can just claim that you bought them for your store. And if you buy a phone you can get some of the cash returned too, like the monthly bill on internet and all is returned to you.

If you do own a store you don't need that kind of shit. My cousin has his bar, if we buy our food and shit over his id we pay like 7%-19% less. We have our phones running on my fathers company so we don't pay that shit either. And since my father has his car on his company we also get a credit card like thing for fuel, so we don't have to pay that shit ourselves either.

I bet a lot of poor fuckers would love to save that money too lol. Anyway, congrats on making Trump win, he just did the first step to make the tax system better.

by the way, source on those taxes

To be fair, in my country they tax alcohol and tobacco a lot and yet we have the cheapest prices in the whole European Union.

If a president tax foods that are well known to be nocive and bad for you and make healthy and natural food actually cheap it would fix lots of your country's obesity problems.

Presumably the higher tax on butter and oil would be offset by cheaper healthy ingredients.

Like the higher the caloric density for example, the higher the tax.



That's even more retarded than progressive tax. Sure, people in lower brackets are a larger part of the workforce and so a percentage increase on their income is going to get more money than a percentage increase on a higher bracket, but that is an extreme dick move.

god fucking damn it I love that webm

Soy butter is not exactly good for you.

Marvel's spicwashing Molly Hayes in the Runaways Hulu show.

Saying personal expenses are business expenses is tax fraud, but I don't know how well it's enforced in Germany. Someday those people might get audited and forced to pay what they saved on taxes back with interest, but they also might never get noticed.

They actually have progressive tax brackets like everyone else, he's talking about rich people having more ways to get out of paying them.

But for example chicken breasts that arent overhormonated are.

For a country that actually has a whole continent to grow food your quality isn't too good.

Or maybe people started noticing that the same goons behind the #PerformanceMatters strike were encouraging the rioters going after Milo.

That what the IRS get for auditing him so godd*rn much

Crowder is doing a show from the hewillnotdivideus stream

And it's a complete shitshow.

Food isn't taxed at all in most areas, unless it falls into certain exempt categories or is sold in certain venues.
"Healthy" ingredients would get no cheaper under such a tax plan (and I don't support subsidies in such a scenario as that's easily open to corruption), and just leads people to pay more.
It makes more sense to tax fat people directly, but imposing as a higher healthcare cost.
This also has the added benefit of not letting food lobbies influence what gets taxed.
Do we tax whole milk, but not skim? Or is all milk "healthy?" After all, it helps you grow strong bones, right? (Even though calcium consumption in adulthood does little to add bone mass).
There is so much bullshit going around about what foods are and aren't good for you and so much money involved that there's no sense in letting government decide these things.

Calories in - Calories Out is what dictates weight at the end of the day. The individual is to blame, and penalizing people for choosing calorie dense options doesn't make sense if they're handling it in moderation.

I almost asked for a stream link.

Mug Club only I take?

Base it on the bmi

Fair point, but at the same time, how else could we put a tax on fat? Weighing people in order to tax them sounds weird and unpractical, not to mention Big Brother-ish.


BMI is a shit measurement.
Body Fat Percentage is way better.

Then that then. Weight by itself is usless.

I'd rather tax hairdye tbh…

did he died?


Jesus is training off-screen

Anons, Whoever make the next bread, Make sure to make her about twintails, Tomorrow will be the official Twintails Day

Cucker Tarlson and Gay Jew interview.



you know yesterday was twintails day right? was trending in japan on twitter

What do you want, dubs. A "delete this"? There you go. Now have you watched that clip yet.

not anymore

Was expecting the second one, honestly.

you were fucked by a man weren't you?

Had a power outage. Anyways, previous thread recap!

Let me give you a hand in that with some German art!

this doesnt really make sense to me.

Surprisingly, no.

They wanted to shut him down but gave him a platform on Fox. Thanks SJW.


is prison school manga actually good?

No one liberal is going to watch Fox news. They wanted to prevent him from changing minds, which he could do by being there and challenging them directly to convince the moderates and deluded useful idiots into not giving support anymore. This was very similar to the reaction to Ron Paul speaking that the former Black Panther mentioned when he was going on about how Democrats are still the party of slavery.

SJW will never change their mind, normal people with free will can. That at least one media picked this up and identified it as political violence is what I consider a small win. They could have let him preach to a choir of a few hundred students, now he's on TV reaching a lot more.


I hate meme clothes

Her legs are awkwardly short.

My sole weakness!


I'll be honest, that's the sole reason I posted those, since I saw that tweet.

maybe its a common japanese thing

I might need some help for sifting and sorting, and distilling the info so far. It's not an ops yet, but I may start a thread over at hq soon, something like ESAnalysis to start the reviewing and sifting process.
Since the ESA reflects most of the publisher and they both seem to be very interested in mobile and gamification, this might need more details. Preferably from the ESA own materials recently.
This one might be good when shown with that 'preserving old games is haxxoring and piracy' since it was the ESA MPAA RIAA iirc that tried to pull that bs move.
If there is a recent text from the ESA own material regarding that then it definitely goes in the solid file. I thought I read something like it but I gotta doublecheck that.

Too bad fag, you will get spammed

Very well.
I believe that is from their 2015 Annual Report.

I still can't believe that after the UC Berkeley riots, people are still rallying all across the cities in the US protesting these so called "fascist" ideals and its "enablers". Good fucking grieve, these people don't know what it's like to live in a fascist state. It's people like them who pushes leaders into declaring martial law on their asses just to quell these lawlessness. I'm really disappointed on how universities, colleges, Hollywood celebrities and even elected federal government officials are condoning these acts! Fucking grief, arrests have to be made! Put those treacherous scums in jail! Fucking god!

1998 called, they want their meme clothes back.

Ah ok that's the one, thanks. Page 26 yes?

in the TPP, a multinational trade agreement of 12 countries,
including the U.S. ESA participated in several briefings regarding
the terms of the final agreement, including one delivered by
USTR Michael Froman, who led the U.S. delegation.
The agreement was reached on October 5; the official text of the
agreement was released for public and congressional
consideration on November 5. Among issues relevant to the
video games industry, the agreement requires TPP partners to
enact basic laws that protect against IP infringement. It also
includes a general obligation to allow free transfers of data
across borders and that there be no requirement that data be
stored locally. ESA will work with other industry groups to
support approval of the TPP by Congress.

Also that thing with the "many gamers today are environmentalist and social justice warriors", that one is solid as well. I'm pretty sure that's in the hq dig and sift thread, more of a reminder to myself. And I think there is something in the ESA newsletter that mentioned one of the literally who crew game.

From a book I read a few years ago, a tattoo on the back like this was to identify from which whorehouse a girl got her training.

A guy I went to college with was talking about how the riots were justified because hate speech isn't free speech.

He was a journalism major and now works for a local newspaper. Surprise surprise.

Jesus fuck, either take it off or put on a real sweater.

It's pretty much just a bikini that can't decide whether it's 1 or 2-piece.


You take your meme sweaters and you use them as a parachute when I throw you out of a helicopter over the Atlantic fucking ocean. Nothing will ever beat full on, slightly oversized, comfy sweaters. Bonus points for going bottomless. And I thought tit windows were obnoxious

It's pretty good for most of it, then it becomes decent, and now the guy just seems to be drawing things out to the extreme.

still one of the best sources for reaction images around

Danielle's sweater needs to be turned into a meme sweater.

Any generous drawfags around?

surely you meant "circa"

I played F.E.A.R recently and the only time I legitimately got scared was when I cleaned a room but didn't noticed there was this guy crouched in the corner that didn't moved (while I was reloading and checking my inventory) and then suddenly started to shoot from the corner of my eye. It really made my hand jump with the mouse and the parts that were supposed to "scare" like the faces that suddenly flashes on the screen every now and then didn't phased me at all

HAHAHAHA holy shit, karma is really a bitch

My dad was telling me that the riots should be cracked down on but that he somewhat understood it because Berkely shouldn't have allowed a "white nationalist speaker". This is from someone who voted Trump.

I then reminded him of how the media tried to act like Trump was a white nationalist and then show him how of a nigger fucking faggot Milo was which got him all pissed off at the media again. Still though, it just goes to show how strong gell-mann amnesia is even now.

What's Milo talking about this time that's triggering everyone.

I'm working on it.

The boob window was good, but this is pretty terrible.

Also it's derailing as fuck

The one talking about Depression Quest here?
Not sure if already posted, but here on their site, they talk about Commending The U.S. Trade Representative’s 2016 List of Notorious Markets
Also Take-Two Interactive just acquired Social Point (Mobile Developer) for $250 million
Thanks Holla Forums for the painting collection!

sweet. Thank you. Remember to make her big breasted, with all the good sideboob the meme sweater allows

Don't forget to watch the AOTS you fools.

I usually wait until the party's over or hype is down.

That kid's got some suspiciously defined hips…

I am watching Little witch academia. No idea why you are posting Kyoani screencaps though. Did click the wrong folder?




Try harder.

Where's that shit from? Still Berkeley?

Glad he remembered how fucked up the media are; I guess he'll get used to it.

That's the one, thanks.
The rest will be added to the dig and sift hq thread. Imo there's definitely enough to start the sift, sort, vet and distilling phase. There might be a few small digging in other things say for comparison analysis but hopefully that should not take a yuge amount of time or energy.


Granted trigger's stuff is generally meme flavor of the moment, but at least LWA is managing feels like an actual show, rather than an obligation for fans of a studo.

Anons, do you have the image of the burning light post at the UC Berkeley riot yesterday? I need it. Thanks.

Why did Depression quest get so popular? I don't understand it.

This anime is constantly shilled by normalfags so I'm suspicious of it's actual quality and suspect it's just a meme flavor with no substance

The clique pushed it.

It didn't. It was the journo clique trying to turn her into some indie darling but then GG happened. It didn't stopped them from keeping promoting it though


I'll never forget how hard it was shilled on cuckchan. Every time I'd say the writing was atrocious, and the MC acted nothing like people with depression act, goons told me I didn't know what I was talking about because the creator was a Ph.D. in psychology. Two seconds of googling showed me that the only Ph.D. Chelsea has is in bullshit.

What the fuck did they think was going to happen, telling the police to fuck off and not do anything?

I'm assuming you're new here; it's actually not that popular, but the GJP keeps pushing it in reaction to the soggy knees of GooberGott. The first time I heard 'muh soggy knees', I actually thought it meant something along the lines of cum-soaked knees.

It's not popular.

Also, Milo's book's sales soared by 12,740% following the riots.

omg the FBI got compromised by the Russians too

WEW remember to tweet it at someone in particular just so we can taste more of her delicious tears

Oh yeah, I remember saying that it was in no way accurate, and getting swarmed by those fucks. You know, because obviously it's impossible for someone with depression to say whether or not that Twine bullshit was accurate.

Whoops, that article's a bit outdated; it's now up by 18,200% and is the second best seller right now on Amazon.

Is there are digital version going around?


I'm fairly convinced there is some element within the feds that really really want to dismantle the Clinton political machine.

From an outsider looking in, it seems like he was doing fetish roulette for a while.
Is that not the case?

Remember how Giant Bomb had her on EVERY SINGLE E3 show, and Klepek would never shut up about her?


Shame CIA seems fully infiltrated.

There's an ebook and audible version that you can buy.

But every single time, they never learn.

What if I told you, the FBI was russian hackers all along. No? You don't believe me? I got some other notfake news I can sel- tell you if you don't like that one.
-t. MSM

Do we have something other than cernovitch's word that this is happening?

What do you mean by substance? Plot or character? In slice of life you are never going to get a ton of plot, because it's just vignettes. You do, however, get quite a bit of character.


So close to 20,000%…

Damn do I love the Streisand Effect





Now with 100% more attached picture for glorious thread archiving.




Reminds me of order of escallia.


Come on, user

How can anyone be this much of a fucking failure

Gamers and the 2016 Presidential Election



I hope he doesn't kill himself with drugs after getting all this money.


Oh wait, im retarded, the book doesn't come out till the 14th

Of March. We've got a while.


wew laddy, first Nool, then Gitjew and now Dyn. Who's next to be hit with the GG curse?



Big Kiwifarms mod, widely believed to be resurrecting kf after whatshisface nuked Pigfood to kill it.

Heh, Article in question.
>“Like all things of popular culture, eventually people want to study it seriously. And you never think of collecting that stuff when it was first coming out,” Carter said.

Antifa at Gavin's event, but this time, Police actually did something. breitbart.com/tech/2017/02/02/4-arrested-gavin-mcinnes-event-violent-protests-erupt/


I've dug around and haven't found any primary sources that the FBI is investigating the mayor.

Take the claim with a grain of salt.

Nool's right arm. Dyn was probably one of the guys sending death and bomb threats with the gamergate email Nool set up, which is what made Vordrak go after the farms. They wanted to troll gg so bad and all they got was the rage of some autistic lawyer that will end up putting Dyn behind some bars


that's the one from yesterday, this one is the one where he's in the studio



These fucking people

citation fucking needed

Wat, like illegal immigrants? How the fuck someone without documents can get into a university?

I just finished the last thread.

VGcats is fallen? Is this really what its come to?

That's it. All through #GG VGC managed to remain neutral. 8bit Theatre is long finished and over. PA is dead to me. Megatokyo went to shit when Largo left years ago. CAD is gay and always has been. VGC was the only webcomic left that I looked forward to reading, out of all my old favorites. He even did a FFXI series one time. It sucked because he updated like twice a year, but it was better than nothing and I always got a laugh out of his strips. Apart from Kukuruyo I have no webcomics left to read, and none of the original ones I followed.

I've lost an era.

totally reliable and something milo is very well known to do all the time
except its not reliable and he has never done that and not the sort of person to do that

aka his ass

These people are reaching for any reason to justify their violence.

Link or archive your shit you double nigger

Any other good GG people to support?

It was never good, nothing of value was lost. Open your eyes.


Breaking windows, destroying ATMs, lighting trash cans on fire, jumping on cars, vandalizing walls, throwing bricks, holding banners caller Trump a pig (because why not) was "necessary and good". Okay.


Found his source.

VGcats is something I grew out of when I got out of high school. Its just a distant memory of some guy who stopped caring about consistent updates.

No that's about it.
You can just support the last two with more money


ESA has monthly newsletters, not just weekly ones on their site. From their Facebook page.
Like I said, Mafia III: Dindu Simulator tackling racism is hilarious.

It happens all the time and President Obama pushed it, especially on state colleges.
t. U of M

Did you know the guy in this picture is a goon?

His name is versus, he has a twitch stream under versussa

Ill admit the terrorism bit scares me but I don't give a fuck about the other shit.

Milo is trending on youtube

All their comics were basically internet posts done up in comic format with furries injected.
You just want to fuck the cats, that's the only reason someone would pay attention to it.

I wouldn't say "gg people" but we do use the archive.is services quite a lot and it helped us hugely so far. If anybody can help with a few shekels we can have higher chances of keeping it alive a bit longer


Vg cats strip can be taken a few ways since it does not blatently strawman. That said, scotts been a faggot for years and extremly slow to update.



Oh boy

The ESA is inconsistent, though now with more info and time to review the terrain closer. I gotta say. There might be a possibility that it's inconsistent perhaps not in an always intentionally malicious way, maybe. By that I mean when the MPAA RIAA ESA unholy team up with the piracy and haxoring charge regarding game preservation and console mods for research purposes, IMO that one was definitely a dick move and not at all championing vidya.
It bears repeating, the MPAA + RIAA + ESA, usually means nothing good at least for customers and vidya it seems to me.

That facebook article, if I am in a not so generous mood I might see that as a very cynical attempt at trying to portray the ESA as a how do you do fellow gamer. If I am giving them a slight benefit of the doubt, there could be a chance that since the ESA is quite a large org, Whoever put that article in their facebook page really does like vidya and not just for profitability sake. That person may not agree with with the ESA did but is in no position to say anything publically. Again, maybe, and that is pure speculation at this point without proof. But If there is a more peaceful path to make the ESA stop with their bullshit, while encouraging more of their ok-non dickmove. Personally I'm not going to dismiss that chance, at least not at the moment.

It does show the inconsistency of the ESA. I'd file that under solid category as far as the info itself.

Should've wrote that clearer


So, who wants Cidney?

not even once

I wouldn't want one even if it was free

Sheeit, forgot to ask, since I don't use facebook much. Do you have an archive for that one or does archive.is have problems with facebook.

Don't the figures look like shit when you get it?

The biggest clue is that he reads the Economist. Only virtue signaling goons do that.

When the autist Voldrak is the reasonable one in the thread, it's time to reevaluate your life so far. But since it's /cow/, that probably won't happen even when someone dies or is arrested.
Seems inevitable, no matter what Gamergate does, it always bumps into (((them))).

Gravel faces or horrible paint jobs, it's the PAK trademark



speaking of figures
I received my shipping notification

are you going to check to see if she's a big guy when you get it?

Can't find any futa galko pics. She's too pure

Still the #1 best selling book of all time I think on Amazon.

I can archive Facebook but I don't know how to do it on individual posts.

You could say that he's Number Wan.


eww what the hell is this?

Best seller for the 24 hour period, actually.

Not nearly as impressive, but still…

heil dubs checked
Thanks. I did find the facebook page, but since I don't have an account there is the sign up bar somewhat obscuring the view. Not sure how to archive individual post either, but that archive link seems to be good enough. Captured the post you were talking about.

That's a man, baby!


I am happy today.

At most it was a form of depression that really can't speak for all. All she did was possibly pull from her own shitperiences and make a linear CYOA tritepiece. Again, the only reason we know about it was because she slept with people.

tranny that got fire emblem censored

I forgot to mention they have a Twitch account.

So what did that faggot do this time?

Here you go;

This one iirc yes?
Someone mentioned past bread they don't have any recording of streams though. Since I don't watch twitch I am not sure if that's par for the course or they just don't bother.

I hate you you fucking double nigger. I was happy a moment ago.

I'm going to ask anyway even though I'm guessing I know the answer, but just in case.
Is the person tweeting that, a lesbian, and the pic of the man with that pigtail hairstyle is the man she is referring to. Or is the man in the pic the lesbian who is trapped in a mans body no it's not a joke respect my pronouns and headcanon.

*It's the second isn't it**

I hope Radiohead's next doujin doesn't have any scat in it

Nope, this one.

Assuming this were true and not ad hoc bullshit, it's not like preventing him from speaking publicly would prevent him from revealing the identities of undocumented students. At any point he could make a signed or anonymous pastebin or blog and STILL reveal the names.
Or, ya know, just quietly report them on the new government immigration website.
They've done nothing.

That's fucking blasphemy. That's like saying "I hope nezumi doesn't draw grotesque anuses and vaginas"


I have a feeling we've seen the "he outed trans people" thing before. Didn't some retard make that accusation on Twitter some time back?

Well sheeeit. So it is.

Which accusation is that again. Was it if Milo said Batwu is biologically not born a female = outing a trans?

Or was it saying biology is not a social contruct=outing a trans. Hard to keep track of all the socjus outrage these days.


You mean this?

Disagreement = Hate Speech = Nazis = Violence is encouraged against Nazis

Simple flowchart.


Found another ESA member: Reed Albers
>When I was a junior in college, I followed the advice of a staffer at the Progress-Index (Petersburg, Va.) and started an NHL hockey blog to provide an outlet to practice writing on a daily basis. I called it Capitals Kremlin and it helped launch my journalism career. From Capitals Kremlin I went on to successfully sell articles to the Richmond Times-Dispatch, land a job as sports editor at a local Northern Virginia newspaper and become an officially credentialed reporter for the NHL's Washington Capitals for the Washington Post's Express. Today I use the skills I learned on my own to produce digital content for the Entertainment Software Association, oversee the ESA's social and digital strategy, direct ESA's video productions and promote the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3).
>I manage ESA digital content production including video, photography, web presence, social media and alternative media outreach. ESA's content has been featured on sites such as Breitbart, The Washington Post, Polygon, GameSpot, DualShockers, N4G, EuroGamer and Gamenesia. ESA's social media footprint is the largest of any trade group in Washington DC, and our account for the Electronic Entertainment Expo has grown to more than 1 million followers under my direction. In addition, I oversee grassroots initiatives for the ESA, which includes the Video Game Voters Network – a network of politically active gamers who protect the First Amendment rights of video game creators. In 2015, the VGVN surpassed 1 million members and launched a major voter registration program for the 2016 elections called Start Democracy.
I think I found out who runs the ESA's Twitter, Facebook, and other handlers!

Based devs. Huniepop 2 better be as good as the original

This is bullshit

Toho is shit anyway

Reminder that even vidya characters hate shills.

Phillip DeFranco did a video on the Milo Riot. He came out fully redpilled, and then at the end backpeddled and was all like "Trump shouldn't defund them" "It was probably paid agitators"


That seems to be the new narrative.


I want to see that goth broad from the shitty spinoff in it. The description implying she's underage just makes my penis harder for some reason.

Funny how paid agitators were a conspiracy theory and fake news when it was happening to Trump and Bernie. Now it's obviously the only explanation, because they're good boys and girls who dindu nuffin.

It's a promising browser but it got the same amount of problems as Brave. I'm disappointed.

What was the phrase revolt used? Ah yes…

they were clearly paid by bannon

If only the mayor hadn't prevented the police from doing their jobs, maybe some of them could have been arrested and we'd know for sure who did it.

But oh well guess we'll just have to assume it's a bunch of guys who appeared out of nowhere for no reason.

Agitators paid by Soros to further divide the American people.


jesus christ

I saw someone say that Milo is a russian agitator.

These people are legit nuts, even Wu is more sane than most of these people.

Woah, let's not be hasty here. You're talking about someone who seems to think he can win a federal Senate seat just by screaming "GAMERGATE GAMERGATE GAMERGATE" over and over again like a broken record, and throwing literally everyone under the bus, blaming them for every failure like he's the bitch from Amy's Baking Company.

I was kind of hoping they would be cowed and settle down when Trump won, but they've just gone off the deep end instead. Just imagine someone with the stereotypical retard voice singing Nuclear and that's what they've gone.

They probably will after enough time has passed, I view this as the dying gasp of the left.

I'm sure they'll eventually either tire themselves out or get shut down, but I really assumed from the way they were talking during the election that they would just go into hiding. All the talk of fear and death squads and "Drumpfkins" being violent. I guess that was just all talk, like when they were saying "We need to accept the results no matter what".

They're doubling down breitbart.com/california/2017/02/02/sfpd-ends-cooperation-fbi-counterterrorism-efforts-part-refusing-trumps-immigration-order/

Gotta protect the special class of people instead of your political opponents.

I'd assumed the same. Oh well, never interrupt your enemy while he's making a mistake.


So I found this article here talking about internet companies being the top tech lobbyists
For comparison, I went to Opensecrets to see how much the companies mentioned in the article spent in 2016 lobbying from smallest to biggest.
Google: No info on 2016
Amazon: $11,354,000 - archive.fo/geHTk
Facebook Inc: $8,692,000 - archive.fo/H5P7H
Microsoft Corp: $8,710,000 - archive.fo/IFwNj
Oracle Corp: $8,620,000 archive.fo/zS1PM
ESA: $6,965,000 - archive.fo/Xq6nn
Qualcomm Inc: $5,560,00 - archive.fo/oZrnL
Apple Inc.: $4,670,000 - archive.fo/HOSwr
Intel Corp: $4217,862 - archive.fo/jBS3z
IBM Corp: $4,040,000 - archive.fo/0PYQ5

*Intel Corp: $4,217,862

Nah, what's going to happen is the current left is going to go full retard and tear itself apart; after that's over and public opinion is staunchly against them, the reasonable moderates who refrained from the madness will quietly step in and take over the wreckage of the left from the radicals that remain.

What could possibly go wrong?

Yeah, if they want to tear themselves apart, they're welcome to. I hope Trump passes nationwide CCW soon. Then it's just a question of what happens first: a commie shoots a "nazi" during a riot, or a normal person who bought a gun because of the insanity shoots an antifa in self-defense during a riot.

That's exactly what they want, then the media will run with "LIFE IN TRUMPS AMERICA, HE IS LITERALLY KILLING US"

And then we'll spam them with their own fake news narrative some more. Really, them bringing fake news into this is the best thing that could have happened for us, because they lie so goddamned often.



Jonathan Blow getting eaten by his own people.

Johnathan Blow is making alot of sense here Unlike Braid

That's twitter.com/xPettanko13

For a second I confused him with Phil Fish and was very confused.

Still, good to see even people like him realizing that what's going in is insane.

Here's the thing.

If SJWs keep doing this, their gravy train will run out because people will grow so utterly sick of them, all their doing is making their own brand toxic as hell.

Fan those flames, motherfuckers.

Exactly, user.

Call me when he either a) inevitably flipflops or b) decides to give gg a fair shake, cuz all I see is a weasel weaseling into the "sensible moderate" position.

Underage doesn't mean pedophilia, so by all means please alert me to any retards spewing that about teenagers, so I may take out the trash.

I think the only people who say that are people who just want everyone to know how great they are. There's nothing wrong with wanting to dick a 16-year old girl. It's illegal to do it in most places, the morality of actually doing it is debatable, but just wanting to is fine.

Exactly why there is absolutely no negotiating not slamming exactly that unarguable retardation any time it pops up.

If there's one thing in life that going to make me a hothead aside from mudslides, it's that worthless spew. It's one of the exact things retarded feminazis and ones in general get so pathetically triggered about and try to obnoxiously shame you for and I have literally zero patience for at least that at this poi


It seems to me that it falls into the same camp as "fat shaming" and all that other stuff, where it's feminists trying to shame you into finding them hot because they're ugly people with ugly personalities. Like maybe in the past they were hot enough to offset their personality, but they're getting older and uglier so they need to call you a bad person for liking skinny girls and teenage girls and such. I'm going to want to fuck teenager girls until the day I die. I'll be laying on my deathbed at age 295, surrounded by my surviving family, most of whom don't even know who I am because they're so far defended from me. There will be two thoughts in my head while I lay there fading away. "I got ripped off dying this close to 300" and "I wish I had a 16-year old on my cock right now."


I meant descended. Now I'm the retard.

So attack and crush this pathetic bullshit any time you see it.

Defeat the shaming over nothing once and for all.

Video Games can teach (2006)
We would be crazy not to seek ways to exploit interactive games to teach our children.

I don't think I've ever actually seen it outside of whiny tumblr feminists. My dad's a bigger pervert than I am and he's almost 60.

The hell is the

>>>/telvanni/ board?

Was this made over (((someone))) getting butthurt over Mark again or is it just a joke?

probably butthurt
there is a new shitty Holla Forums board every fucking month

mark is an autistic jew but he doesnt fucking let this place run like shit compared to power hungry idiots

A year ago on this short Shantae video by the same guy who made Welcome to Tumblr I ran into the most infuriating and sickening of these retards in my life and even now still feel tempted to completely slander it into nothing.

And they do exist elsewhere when "hurr she's 16/in highschool" is brought up. Don't waste time with civility, just fucking attack.

why are commies so fucking stupid

people say RP as gilda as a retard but jesus fuck that commie cat must be one dumb fucking character

No one RPs as Gilda, unless you think posting a Gilda pic means you msut be no matter what

You mean like the one by that one retarded anti-yuri little bitch literal cuck that we all helped collectively BTFO into tears?


we both know tbats not true

you guys remember that prof who asked for a white genocide? He is still being a bitch


Unrelated to America's ESA, but I found a board member of ESA Canada: David Walsh

Mind to tell me your hateboner for this matter?

I love Gilda to pieces. Pic related.


I'm just saying that the statement that there hasn't been roleplaying as her is a patently false.one. Or whatever it's called when posting pics of her along things like those stale 'NO BULLY, I WANNA FUCK _X' memes


Another former ESA member found: Stevan D. Mitchell
Also found Steven R. Phillps (Littlesis.org might work as another source of connections like Linkedin)

I don't even know where to start.

Thanks man!


That progressive garbage again.

When are they gonna trib?

Call them out for gaslighting and call it a day.

Yea it was posted in this very thread by me along with a book where he defends Chavez

Looks like they deleted it.

These threads have been killing my browser memory lately. I've had way more crashes. Is this just happening to me? My memory scan shows it's definitely coming from the GG tab. Or at least that it uses the most memory by far.

same for me

Same thing has been happening to me as well


same. I assumed it was something else. Is it any Holla Forums tab?

My Falcom tab is at 33.1 mb, which is definitely higher than normal. GG is up to 223 mb. So I think Holla Forums has a memory leak problem or something else is going wrong. Image boards aren't supposed to be memory hogs,

yell at codemonkey

I think it's an issue with the update system. Every update clog the memory somehow.

Trust me when I bitterly say those retards exist. Shit happens all the time whenever "hurr she's 16/in highschool" is brought up and I'm absolutely fucking sick of it.

It's unfortunately exactly my obligation and duty seeing as 90% of anime and its porn are literally in highschool or adolescent. So this remains a perpetual burden until I can 100% jam through those retarded skulls once to all.

That could definitely be it. I mean, updates causing memory problems to the point it causes an error is not exactly a new thing, Holla Forums has always had this problem. But it's never gotten this bad this quickly before. If I leave the GG thread up in about two-four hours my browser becomes unusable and it either crashes the whole thing Or I have to restart it myself. I used to be able to leave it up for days and days with no issues. So, something has changed.

I'm feeling the slowdown from this thread too.

because it will near limit soon

CEO of the ESA, Michael Gallagher, is a speaker at The Technology Policy Institute
According to their About page…

While it's definitely true that the longer threads go the more taxing they become, the amount of memory leaking from them lately is obscene. It's almost at half a gig now.

Do the thumbnails create much of an effect?

I noticed the last firefox update is making it leak memory more often. Also Holla Forums's javascript is dogshit.

Michael Gallagher is also mentioned in The Administration Project under Economic Policy, Department of Commerce, & Federal Communications Commission
According to this page…

Gallagher was a panelist for TPI in 2011.
Aspen Panel: A Discussion with Media and Telecom Leaders
>Keynote speakers at the 2011 Aspen Forum include tech entrepreneur Peter Thiel, Harvard University Professor Dale Jorgenson, Mark McLaughlin, President and Chief Executive Officer of VeriSign, FCC Commissioners Mignon Clyburn and Robert McDowell and FTC Commissioner J. Thomas Rosch. Other panel discussions will cover such topics as, The Internet in a Post-WikiLeaks, Post-Egypt World; Broadband and the Future of Video Delivery; Antitrust and Competition in High-Tech Industries; Cybersecurity: Public and Private Roles; and others. The draft agenda can be viewed on the TPI website.

They shouldn't. It's hard to tell with Holla Forums's js, though. That being said something has definitely changed for the worse within the last week or so. I'm not sure if it's on Holla Forums's end or Firefox's or both, but it's gotten really bad.


They still want more money, but bad timing on the little shit's demands, they should join the Anti-Trump protests if they want bigger coverage, kek.

For fuck's sake. My country's news are, once again, talking shit they know nothing about. They literally claimed that the Burkley incident was caused because there was a EXTREME RIGHT REPRESENTATIVE speaker and said that Trump's reaction to defund the whole university was fascist!

¡En serio! ¿está toda la televisión española bajo el control de la CNN o algún comunista judeomasón o cualquier mierda de esas?

¿Ahora piensas que todo es más que una simple coincidencia?


Pensaba que al menos tendríamos más control de la derecha que de los judeomasones, pero ya no estoy tan seguro.

I have not many particular skills, but I want to go to america. The world is getting crazy and I want to get out.

The world is crazy user, but you might want to consider that you're moving from one crazyass place to another, depending on where you move to.

They know exactly what they are saying. Pretty sure a lot of very rich Americans have some of their fingers in things across the border.

I'm just tired. I don't want to go full Holla Forums, but every day that passes I'm getting more and more angry. Especially because people here swallows all that shit without even question it.

I'm just a fat diabetic type 1 who likes /tg/ stuff, videogames, breeding and traps. I don't want to feel this anger.

Holy shit. This is WAY before the year Zero that we saw these feminists crippling into gaming to subvert it.

Holla Forums is really a bunch of fags, they are goaded by goons saying archive.is is "compromised" once again. They say they won't donate because of this but they don't stop using it anyway, straining the services and risking shutting down the whole thing

Found the ESA as a client for three different lobbying firms.
Subject Matter
Roy A. Lasky, partner of Statewide Public Affairs
Monument Policy Group LLC
I've lost count of how many lobbying firms they're in or had former members from, but hot damn.

Learn to weld, America is in dire need of good welders.

Just keep on moving user, hide your powerlevel and chill, that redpill when GG hit the fan just made me more pessimistic and cynical than my normal Holla Forums level rage at the industry, because this fucking shit is everywhere at all levels, just gotta face the realization that everyone hates everyone else, and all people are selfish pricks, doesn't mean we have to give up.


For the wall?

I can't help but be enraged with the demagogy floating arround so easily.

Apparently we're pigtails day or some shit, someone said so earlier. Should be mentioned in the bread name.


didn't you died at the louvre?

For metal working/repair. Work as an apprentice for a few years and companies will be fighting each other to hire you, especially shipyards.

I'm fucking 33.

Nobody died there, user. Some loony attacked fucking soldiers with a knife and got shot at. That's it.
Also I'm not muslim

I know user, it's pretty much the rage against feeling helpless and against ignorance, but hey, GG is both omnipotent force and the most impotent one at the same time.

Wizard + 3 you still got time for trade school user.

There is no age limit on learning a new trade. The information is out there, tutorials, forums, professional advice. If you truly wish for a better life, then you have to earn it through hard work.

Shipyard work may be too manually intensive for you, but repair shops/custom metalworking is generally pretty light on the body. The good shops have the durable 1920 era machinery that will last the test of time and is easily repairable.

Would any of you be fine with me making the bread? Be warned though that I'll be away for a bit & under my laptop which means my ID will be different.

Remember the guy from CBS that made that pizzagate reporting? He nuked his social accounts and went dark for a while. He showed up again on tv 2 days ago but I don't think we will be seeing any pizza related reports from him again

>>>Holla Forums9118420

make it

Emergency bread is needed, go for it, we'll bully you afterwards.

Fucking damn it.

The poor guy must be in a deep depression to delete so many of his accounts. Maybe he's suicidal. Hope he doesn't suicide himself with two bullets to the back of the head while working out in his home gym

Another name to the Clinton's list of "unfortunate accidents and ill-timed natural deaths"

we really must address the mental health problems the whistleblowers of this country face




