Holla Forums music

Holla Forums music

hard mode: music no one's heard before

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Thats actually pretty catchy.

This entire OST will blow your mind

do you remember this shit
how many music threads are there

My man!

Tin Star 2 never ever

Not even as a cameo




Come at me

Learn with Pokemon: Typing Adventure boss battle theme.

Did I beat hard mode?



I gaurantee you not many people have played Katamari Damacy Forever on PS3. The music is absolutely weird trippy and yet fun to listen to.

No, and that music is way too dramatic for how easy those bosses are





Shooters shouldn't have soundtracks this comfy.












Now here's a song I relate to despair.







but that is a lie

I prefer the songs that I have heard before tbh













Granted it is more of a walking sim than anything. Cyan Worlds had neat music.



Reminder that Ryu Umemoto is dead

I'd say the only way would be to make the music yourself.













My man.












Posting some Bomberman GB












Monster Raising is a dead genre and its a damn shame.

My nigga
I don't even know if this game is good but Kota Hoshino did an arrange for it

My African-American acquaintance