Beginning first playthrough of Witcher 2, suggestions and/or witty shitposty remarks?

Beginning first playthrough of Witcher 2, suggestions and/or witty shitposty remarks?

I wanna eat ass

keep rolling and hopefully realize you're playing a terrible fucking game and quit asap.

Not 2 but why do people think 3 is graphically amazing? It really isn't. It also runs like shit for the graphics you're given.

Don't spec too heavily into potions because there's a lot of big fights right after cutscenes/conversations that will clear all your buffs and not give you the opportunity to meditate to reapply them.
Definitely put at least a couple points into the melee tree to get shit like the reduction to backstab damage because the hitboxes are less than amazing and you'll take a lot of back hits from shit that it looks like you clearly rolled out of the way of.

Maybe look into mods to fix the aforementioned potion shit and also the menu system since that shit is atrocious, relevant information is spread across like four different menus, none of which can be accessed from the others unlike in the first game where it was all just different tabs of one menu.

You bought on the sale too?

Don't make a mediocre thread instead of playing a game.

Also the last third of the game wasn't finished and what made it into the game is ultra rushed and mediocre so enjoy the first two thirds and prep yourself for a disappointing ending.

got all awhile ago for like 5 bucks or something finally decided to play them

Did you already finish 1? Because 2 picks up right after where 1 leaves off, literally within a couple days, though you could still probably understand 2 without having played 1 since there's only a couple returning characters and references.

There's an official YT video with a brief recap of TW1's story

agreed, pretty much every major ps4 game looks better. it's mostly just rotten condiments that think it looks good.

started one but didn't finish it playing 2's tutorial now

Get the roll upgrades as quick as possible. Roll to get everywhere since he puts Link to shame.

If the combat of witcher one turns you off get the mod that fixes it. I think it's called rise of the white wolf. It makes you a swordsman master when TRY to attack you from the front, but you take extra damage from the sides and behind so oyu have to use your dodges to reposition yourself and prepare for battles. It makes the combat better then the hsit one in The Witcher 2 but still not as good as Witcher 3 combat. They all have ass combat though

so does riposte not even work? I've been trying for a solid 18 minutes

You fokken what, m8?

are you starting to realize this game is shit?

god damnit

drop it and play the better game it rips off, demon's souls

So, this is what, the seventh look I'm so bad at witcher XDD thread today? I know this is a shitposting staple at cuckch but shake it up a bit.

More like another person realizing The Witcher series is shit. I liked the story in the first one

While I agree with you, you could have formatted that a bit better.

i just want to play the goddamn game, i can't figure out the riposte to continue the tutorial



but I know how to use magic in dark souls fag, thanks for the free webm though

Just stop responding, no point in arguing with a retard.

DSP will never cease to amaze

There's a silver lining to this, you know every PPH helps to keep us above Holla Forums :^)

I think the worst bait is PC gamers pretending the games are any good in the first place.

that webm better be ironic friendo

you don't play on pc?
also the games are good, just very overrated by anyone who would recommend it to you. TW2 is definitely the weakest game in the trilogy.

everyone plays on PC, but it's the lie that any of the games are good that has hurt the industry irreversibly

What do you mean?
And have you played any of these games that you claim are bad?

the witcher games? yep. beat the first and second, didn't touch the third because they didn't fix any of the obvious amateur-level issues from the second.

have you actually played anything good or do you think everything is good?

Fair enough
I know what shit is if that is what you are saying. I don't know your tastes so I don't know what you consider good. I'm actually currently playing the third one and I don't hate it, but like you said it has very obvious flaws and they made it open world.
I'm also playing NieR and was about to start VA-11 Hall-A if that is what you were asking

We have ~100 more PPH than yesterday around this time but I'd wish they made less shit threads. Or more specifically less of the same shit threads.

I mean motherfucker, how many times can you throw the same godawful shitbait before you get sick of it? getting a gorillion proxies b& is kinda annoying as well

Aw, fucking hell.

and this better be bait