Fucking yes, now I don't have to deal with shitty VPN speeds.


Other urls found in this thread:

Golden Age! Get!


They're just going to go back to being litigious instead.

That's the real page, dipshit. Next time don't use a botnet browser.

Well, we can't help it if your parameters are fucking autistic, user.

Who cares? Shit never actually worked.

My shits been turned off before, thats why. The place I live in only has one ISP Sharter and getting repeat offenses, and therefore getting blocked, is not an option for me; I've used a VPN but they always divide my speeds into a fifth of what they usually are.


How about you try gitting gud at pirating instead of being a retard?

What fucking VPN did you use? I can get nearly normal speeds even from European-based services.

So… Yay Trump?

Let me break down whats happened since you comprehend text at a first fucking grade level
Now maybe you can understand why I'm glad.

PIA because I'm a cheap bastard with little to no effort

Pretty much famalam

So what does this mean? We can host torrent sites in the US now without worry?


Not necessarily, although I'm sure Trump will ease up on federal gubbment fighting with torrent users.

tl;dr you can torrent without worry of threat from suits and/or actual court hearings/lawsuits/fines


Fucking Northern Hemisphere softies and their connection speed privilege.

Private trackers won't save you if you're not on a VPN.
ISPs only detect you're torrenting shit when you have multiple conections opening and closing like crazy. A private tracker is just a smaller group of those connections opening and closing.

Ah, a fellow cunt.
What are you on? Telstra put me from 150kb/s to 900kb/s after years of them telling me that was as fast as it goes.
Pack of cunts they are.

This is what I'm getting right now, under Kike Warner Cable….err, I mean (((Spectrum)))


I think this is Trump's gift to his internet people, wouldn't you think?

I live in New Zealand, I rarely get above 1mb/s, usually about 600-800kb/s, I get random spurts of up to 3mb/s but they only last a few minutes.


Tired of winning yet?

Don't worry Aussiebro, maybe some of the runoff from Guggle fibber optics will result in better speeds UUUU :^)

Shills BTFO

I'll celebrate when we win the war, not the battles.

This is where you fucked up. They wanted the money, the gave fuck-all about content that wouldn't get them indicted in a child sex sharing ring.

This would've been my course of action if I didn't need internet so badly. Of course I could've responded to a bluff with a bluff, but I didn't think of that at the time due to the suspension.

so im stupid

what is this again?

Instead of going through our ISP and them sending you letters. Companies can now sue your ass directly.


Please tell me what prevented them from doing this in the first place

Does that mean they won't have access to the information ISPs have and thus won't be able to as easily gather evidence to build a case and justify a suing?

That sure didn't explode in the face of the RIAA when they started suing single mothers that could barely afford to feed their kids, amirite?

from what i understand a lot of amerifats can't do this because only one of the two giants offers service in their area

What they do is gather the IP from the peers list, and then report them to their respect ISPs, so that is definitely a possibility

need sauce on the press secretary quote. cant find anything by googling.

ctrl+F "internet"

Well for future reference, quickest way to get them to back down or to run a discount bargain with you is to call and politely say you're disconnecting your service. The protocol is they HAVE to forward your call to billing/account mgmt, who will then try to sell you anything to keep you in service. The key point is to play it cool, don't get inflammatory, and don't respond to any runaround baiting.

Again, them getting a consistent fucking payment from you every month is far, FAR more important than listening to some IP holder's bitching over imaginary money they'll never see and isn't being lost.

Of course, if you do this for any discounts, you CANNOT do it regularly (as in more than once a year). Shit like that stays on record, so it's an ace in your hand you can only play so often.

Know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em, etc.

what is there even to pirate and how does a novice get started, not interested unless there's booty

I am too stupid to know what this means. what is this.

No more warning letters

Practically any offline playable game, and some multiplayer games w/a vpn service like tunngle

As well as movies, TV shows, music, software, etc.

If its digital, its somewhere.

I meant more along the lines of suggestions. What do you like to pirate cause all I've done is Crusader Kings 2 along with its hundreds of dollars worth of dlc

doesn't that mean they just won't warn you. but still arrest you.

I have pirated for the past 5 or so years without a VPN and have not gotten a single warning letter. Am I really lucky, or are they really not that common?

Or is it just because I have midco and not one of the really big ISPs?

There was nothing in place barring them from arresting you when the system was still there so not really, and its harder for them to make a case since they have less evidence of you pirating

Probably all of the above, except commonality. I used to get them a lot on previous ISPs.

Forgive me for being retarded, but does this only affect the US or does it affect the entire planet?

U.S., it was an EO signed by Pimp boss Trump

I expect Spicer to petition for the safety of our chinese cartoons.

If what I heard was true, at least we'll be safe from data caps and other such Jewish tricks for a couple years after the merger. Could be worse.

I'm the same way. I think most notices are due to downloading MAFIAA content, but then again my roommate in college got us a strike seeding fucking Naruto so who knows?

They're kind of like sharks, in that they lurk peer lists and find a suitable target to scare into handing over money.

I'm the same, I think COX is just based as fuck.

big deal


Same with Time Warner/Rectum, I guess that's one thing not wrong with them.

Could be better as well. Pray to kek they give it out better plans/bundles.

it generally depends on what you pirate. congratulations you arent entertained by normalfag shit

are comcast the ISP equivalent of jews?

i guess i will just party and dance with you guys



I used to work at a cell store where we also used to schedule/maintain hardline connections, and i can safely tell you that that doesn't really work anymore. i mean, if you're calling in to lose your mind over a mischarged bill or something they'll listen, but i've actually heard Loyalty and Retention supervisors say verbatim "we do not sympathize with clients using our service for illegal means. if you want to cancel that's fine by us"

Living hurts

Much better.



Is that JonTron? Looks like him.

No. There's still laws on the book. CCA wasn't a law, it was just an agreement between a few private groups to work to find pirates. That's part of the reason why it's generally been useless too.

Nothing legal.
However, suing single mothers and old men… didn't go as well in the public eye as they planned.

No he's Jon "Aryan" Jafari

It wasn't an Executive Order. CAS wasn't a government program anyways, so it's not like an executive order could do anything about it. The MPAA and RIAA wanted to avoid any government interaction so they could make up their own rules on what counted as piracy. Glad to see that they finally gave up, CAS was a bullshit system and I'm glad it's gone.

You don't deserve to be smug yet, faggot. We have yet to see if all of this will hold up or if he'll even continue being a bro.

I have to say though, I'm cautiously optimistic. Maybe Trump isn't a horrible cuck after all. Now all we need is to jail shillary.

How the tides have turned

jontron's middle name was always aryan though

no, he needs to let her disappear and be forgotten, at least until the leftist protestors get bored and go home to find something new to virtue signal about. that or until he finds even more incontrovertible proof and evidence that not only is she a lying cunt but that she's a genuine traitor. trump is playing chess and he's doing it very well

What a sad thought.

Well, any time is a good time to send shillary to the camps and force her to do finger-paints for the less fortunate.

Wouldn't that just be a nursing home?

Well it would be torture for her because she'd have to do something for other people without being paid. We could also try forcing her to donate to charity. Whatever makes her mental anguish greatest, I say.

not exactly, it means your ISP won't send you a warning if you get caught copying that floppy.
If anything it's worse for pirates now.


Taking away the warning just means you're not told you got caught with your hand in the cookie jar, you're no safer than you were before you fucking retards

Which is the problem, you like the ISP pick up on it because you're stupid