ITT: Post a developers best game. There can be only one. There hasn't been a tighter designed platformer ever...

ITT: Post a developers best game. There can be only one. There hasn't been a tighter designed platformer ever, and Retro showed off how truly great they are with tropical freeze. Compared with what I've seen argued as the best metroid prime, the first one, while an adequate interpretation for 3D metroid, the pacing is more all over the place, design is inherently less portable and parts of the game are extremely segmented to limiting to you at best one player and one stage mechanic to consider. It works, but as far as it being interesting and engaging on multiple levels, it falls flat compared to tropical freeze.

So what do you think is a developers' best game? Any studio, any person, whatever.

I was gonna post the best Gearbox game but they're all equally shit

I think we all know it would be OP4, which I'm not convinced gearbox developed entirely considering Valve is also credited.

but user, that's really subjective. how is this not going to devolve into "my oppinion is better than yours" trash? Tell me.

A developer's best game is pretty objective

but what if a developer made multiple great games of various genres? then it's just a screaming contest.

for example, i could never pinpoint the best game rare ever made, since they sucessfully improved on so many genres. it's impossible to say!

Is Wii U emulation any good?

it's a fun debate where we discuss good and bad qualities of games and discuss what we value more or less in games.

requires a high end machine, but it seems decent? I don't know how many games are well supported. If you aren't getting 60fps in DKCTF, don't bother.

Metroid Prime is definitely a better game, the visuals and sound are mindblowing and there's a lot to explore on Tallon. Scanning is an excellent mechanic for putting extra backstory into the game, it rewards you for looking around for stuff to scan and for scanning enemies when fighting them, but can also be completely ignored if you so desire. The pacing is intentionally very deliberate for most of the game and it's a good thing because it gives you time to explore, collect shit, and solve puzzles. There's also some enemy heavy sections which can get pretty intense (in a good way) since save points are infrequent. Shooting obviously isn't that great overall since it's on console and the c-stick wasn't a good idea, but it's not terrible and can be enjoyable.

Hell, Gearbox stole the art style for BL1 too.


the lock-on shooting works, but what do you think of when the game is introducing you to a new element of the design? Some of the enemies are the epitome of tedious, such as the ghost looking pirates that are only damaged by the standard blast. This seems like poor design - I can see why you'd have an easy and safe route for using the standard shot, but no alternate like a riskier way to deal more damage and quickly kill them? This seems like lazy design, or an element that wasn't thoroughly planned. Prime also has a very tedious fetch quest at the end with the artfiact hunt, which is hard to call a flawless execution considering the amount of back tracking involved. It is pure tedium and I don't appreciate the feeling of playing a game and having my time wasted.

Tropical Freeze however is extremely tightly designed and never has any point where it will ask you to wait. In fact, every level is designed in such a way that it encourages players to explore, to engage in small bonuses, to take their time if they need to, but also to rush through, and every level is planned in such a way that carefully timed rolls, bounces, etc. will maintain your momentum and you can achieve incredible times in the time trials. In fact, if you haven't at least tried that, you may be blown away by the sense of flow you're given in the game.


There's four types of pirates which represent one of your four beam types each. The Plasma Beam enemies go down very quickly, Ice Beam ones are fine, but the Power Beam and Wave Beam ones take a lot of damage. You can use beam combos to take them out faster, though. It's basic color coded enemy design and it's not all that fun, but shooting isn't the focus of Metroid Prime in the first place. I don't think you understand, it's ridiculous to compare the pacing of Metroid Prime to the pacing of Tropical Freeze because they're completely different games in different genres that have entirely different goals and it's appropriate for them to be completely opposite in terms of pacing. Metroid Prime is about the visuals, sounds, and exploration of Tallon IV, Tropical Freeze is about being a good, challenging platformer. Of course a game about exploration is going to be slow and deliberate while a difficult platformer is going to keep a high level of intensity throughout the game.

No, I do understand. I can promise you that, but I see a very limited appeal in that sort of design. I think there are better ways to approach making games as an ultimatum, and I think tropical freeze is far closer to that ideal.

There are good qualities of games like metroid prime, and they absolutely appeal to a type of audience but the lows in metroid prime are so very low, I feel. While in tropical freeze, they do not exist.

Not even the best Kirby game, let alone the best HAL game.

I missed you


They can also be damaged with super missiles and power bombs, they really don't take any time at all to kill even if you don't have the X-ray visor yet

All artifacts are laid out on a completely linear path through the world as long as you know where you're going and plan it out ahead of time

Ah my mistake I thought you were talking about the Chozo ghosts, not the elemental pirates. Those can still be damaged by super-beam moves like Wavebuster and Flamethrower. Even the Ice ones can be shattered with a missile once they're frozen

We might just purge this weebshit waifu-baiters once and for all. I'm tired of shitty threads about shitty story elements in shitty games.

No, I believe they are the chozo ghosts. I don't recall the name of them, they warp constantly in fights and as far as I can tell, are primarily vulnerable to the standard shot.


These guys? The ones with the spooky sound effects before you enter the room?

They're always present but not always visible to the naked eye, but even with the normal visor they have pretty distinct audio cues as to where they're firing from

yes, the very same. I found them to be some of the least interesting enemies to fight simply because they are an absolute grind.


Are you using your super missiles?
I think a lot of people are way too frugal with ammo in Metroid Prime games, due to the abundant ammo-free alternatives. The missiles are abundant, and you shoud use missile combos for every single enemy that won't go down in one charge shot.

That's a problem I always have as a player. I'm no good at ammo management, everything I have has to be at or near full in preparation for the boss fight (even though the boss fight will also shower me with ammo in most cases).

It also doesn't help that Metroid Prime, especially in the Trilogy on the Wii, is so easy thanks to the Wii remote's free aiming that ammo management isn't really necessary.

I was looking forward to Donkey Kong Country Returns when it was revealed, but I would never have anyone to play with so haven't tried and they would never have netplay because Nintendo.

And you're right, Metroid Prime is fucking garbage. It's like tried to translate something to 3D completely by template without considering the fun part.