Namco's founder Masaya Nakamura passed away recently with his death only being made public today

Namco's founder Masaya Nakamura passed away recently with his death only being made public today

In his respect, let's have a general Namco thread

They're using denuvo in every release now.

Yeah rip


Rest in peace.

Rip in peace, NAMCOT
A lot of fun games were either made or published by them. I guess he got out before it got too bad.

We should then repost this same exact thread every x years for current AA-AAA pricing relying on the nostalgia value to get posters.

Anyone ever played this one?

While I haven't played that many Namco games, the first Soulcalibur is one of my favorite games ever and quite possibly the greatest arcade-to-home port of all time.

Anyway, RIP Masaya. Wakka wakka wakka with the big man up there.

Good idea, Op.
I think I'll write about my favorite Namco game, Namco High.

What I think sets this apart from all the others is the excellent writing, art, and characterization by Andrew Hussie. He's the creator of HomeStuck if you didn't already know; and oh god is HomeStuck amazing. I love you Dave!

His fresh new interpretations of these old and honestly pretty lame characters make them now extremely compelling. And, of course, some HomeStuck characters are available too along with all the other un-lockable characters for a small fee (you start with six, which is a pretty big amount of content for the price of NOTHING AT ALL). Am I the only one who thinks this is the best payment model? I mean, you can just pay for what you want.

I couldn't stop playing until I finished all the stories! Well, almost all the stories. My greatest regret is not being able to finish Richard's path before Namco shut the game down. WHY THE FRICK DID YOU SHUT IT DOWN, NAMCO?! Nobody even cared about these shitty outdated games before Namco High (what the hell is a Time Crisis)! Did they want to loose money?

Really, it's a good thing that the old man died. What Namco needs to do is to losen up a bit and let go of the past and to make some games that actually belong in 2017 like Namco High. Pew pew!

I know what you're doing, and it's still disgusting. I have to balance it out with best race queen.

i only liked pac man world rally/rally

Namco was always second-fiddle to glorious SEGA.

Virtua Fighter? We steal it and make Tekken!
Daytona USA? We steal it and make Ridge Racer!
Ristar? We steal it and make Klonoa!
Virtua Cop? We steal it and make Time Crisis!
Space Harrier? We steal it and make Burning Force!

Weak b8, man. Come back with something stronger next time.

]quote]Namco High[/quote]
oh frick I love that game too!!!!! Especially that Valkyrie drawn by famed artist Ashly Davis. She's so strong and independent, dumping that cis scum misogynist Anthony Burch and taking the Wii-U!

You're right, ridge racer and tekken are fucking garbage.

Thanks for greenlighting Ace Combat and [email protected]/* */, dead guy.

Fuck Namco and fuck this dead gook

Maybe his passing is why. WHen you have people who dont really give a shit about vidya running things, they make decisions that hurt vidya to try to line as much cash in their pocketbooks as possible.

Well, its thanks to him that some good and great games were made and i thank him for it.
I don't really have much more to say.

Sega fuckin Dreamcast, my dude.

Stay there, all of you, and don't come back.

I just caught his name is Masaya
Masaya is also ded thanks Atlus


Namco helped bring greatness into this world.

Yes. YES!
If company starts pulling bullshit, it means company was shit to begin with, just not informed enough to pull bullshit earlier.

From the thumbnail, it looked like a little Momiji peeking out in the right corner.

are you having a fucking orgasm?

Kill yourself nigger

This, and fuck consoles. No one cares about your shit gooks who just make assembly line shit games.

Uh oh PCucks are mad

When aren't they mad?

LOL Butthurt

don't worry condiment, I'm sure some day the industry will pfft you know uh ahahaha maybe they might actually care AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA about you

Best version of Pac Man? Best Pacman game?

Championship Edition DX is finely tuned Pac-Man. Played it 2 years ago and it was fun.

The sequel came out last year, and word is it's inferior in every way.

Whoa that looks p dope g