Games that every user on Holla Forums should play at least once in their lives. Games that are must-plays...

Games that every user on Holla Forums should play at least once in their lives. Games that are must-plays, no matter what genres they like.

starting solid with this gem.

Other urls found in this thread:

i guess morrowind is a must.



Sonic Spinball.
Mega Man X3 SNES

My favourite game of all time, and one that I think is a Holla Forums classic that is still discussed to this day.


I didn't care about airplanes before I played these games, now I can't stop masturbating to pictures of them.
MiG31 a shit. F/A-18 is best plane.

It's a snes jrpg, but it's certainly not generic. It's almost an anti-jrpg in some ways.

The Ur-Quan Masters version of Star Control 2 is the best way to experience it, the voices are funny as hell.

should I play the PS1 games first?

Shenmue. Though it's a slow game and Dreamcast emulation can be a bitch, its worth a playthrough because of how much shit it did at the time that even new games can barely struggle to replicate, and you may as well play the Yakuza series for good measure since the two are like ying and yang in terms of ideas.

And while I'm at it, Timesplitters 2 and Duke Nukem 3D. If you love shooters you owe yourself to play them.

My suggestions.

And another batch.

Good taste.
SS2 is garbage and is a completely diferent game with the name slapped on to sell more copies.

You probably think Treasure of the Rudras is just a Final Fantasy clone too

I agree. They butchered interactivity for graphics and atmosphere. They are both recommended though,

Ah yes, since i already recommended bloodlines, this game is also a fucking must play.

No. The games all take place in the same universe, but their stories are self-contained, aside from a few very minor references to each other. If you do decide to play the ps1 games, be sure to play the Japanese version of 3 with the English patch. For some reason, American version of 3 had a ton of content cut from it.

My niggah.

*the American version

Wasn't the 3DS version of assault horizon a port of one of the Japanese ones? I don't know which one but I'm certain I heard it's one of them

my nigger.
anyone who likes the concept of open-ended RPG should play this.
you can play Arcanum 10 times, and be surprised with possibilities every time.

I liked SS2, but the most dissapointing thing about it was Shodan of all things.

she works much better as an obstacle to overcome than a reluctant ally

this game is great

2, but this one was uncut in the west anyway

the PS1 Ace Combats had a bad run-in with localization
1 (Air Combat) and 2 had mention of nation names nixed for whatever reason (probably so they could avoid having to explain about Strangereal).
3's original US release cut 1/3 of the game out along with the story and 5 of the endings. Knock around in an Ace Combat thread and see if you can't get the fan translated version or if xDelta patching doesn't intimidate the fuck out of you, get the patch from USEAtoday (google it)

as far as chronology is concerned, 3 is the furthest in the future, 0 takes place before 5 (but should probably be played after), and the rest is a bit flexible

the head of Project Aces cites low manpower and difficulty translating


Dark cloud 2 and battle network 3

Going for most relevant and/or influential titles of a given genre here. Reason for Devil May Cry 3 over the first is that I feel like DMC1 still smacks of its inspirations (Resident Evil and to a small degree Ocarina of Time) while DMC3 is where the series really comes into its own.


I'd say Theme Hospital is superior to both Dungeon Keeper 1 and 2 in that sort of Bullfrog game niche.

Great game but is it honestly the type of thing you'd recommend to someone who does not like RPGs? OP did say 'no matter what genres they like' and all.


man mafia is great but fuck the mission with the old ass race car

Agreed, back before you could just google such things plenty of people quit playing there (I did the first time I played years ago). The patch made the race easier and you can skip it with the shortcut (vidrelated).

The important work is done already.

Start AC4 => AC5 => AC0

Goddamnit Bamco hurry up and rerelease this shit already

you should play the entire quadrilogy of course. don't tell me you've only ever played starfox 64 or something.

Considering how much of a love letter DMC3 is to fans of the first game I don't think it can really be played without the first, there were a lot of decisions in 3 that never would have been made if they hadn't been trying to live up to DMC1

If you played a Souls game and haven't touched an Armored Core or any other From game you owe yourself to do so. From isn't that good at making games and I love Armored Core. DDS can be replaced with SMT3 but DDS is is a good SMT starting point.

Mandatory Metroids

Mandatory Castlevanias

Why does Aria of Sorrow get so much hate? It's a really well made game. You don't see that many games designed well that also had good mechanics sound and classical story progression.

and brilliant concept art in general, from character portraits to spritework.

Nigga what? In my experience people love Aria. The previous game Harmony of Dissonance got shat on way more, primarily because it was so easy and looked and sounded like shit on GBA. Aria felt like a response to HoD in the best way, fixing most of that game's faults. Anyone who shits on Aria has no taste.

I've tried thrice to play Morrowind but I always lose the will to live (in-game) when I get to Balmora.

Yes, I've played Daggerfall (couldn't beat it because the second to last dungeon was filled with stuff you never had to do before and got lost) and beat Oblivion three times.

I blame mostly the alien civilization based on insect carcasses. Sure, realistic as fuck. I just felt I didn't belong in that smelly dark elf hell.
Also, fuck Cliffracers.


Yume Nikki, God Hand, Bayonetta, Silent Hill, and Xenoblade Chronicles

Yeah, I know what you mean.
I had to put the game down and come back to it a couple times before I got a grasp of how the combat worked.
But the banter between races is fucking perfect. Sometimes merchants tell you to fuck off and die based on your race, and the location.

And finally, the rest.

The issue is that Igavanias are shitty, backtracking grindfests.

Fuck off Cuckoraptor


Fuck off, no-taste trashbastard

You first, cuck

I don't plan to any time soon, libtard

I'm sorry you suck at video games to have to grind in Igavanias

I bet you haven't even played OG castlevania

I know, it's just that I just can't roleplay any character/environment.
My first playthrough Oblivion was using a character that was everything I wanted to be myself. I remember how I was avoiding everyone while looking for a cure for vampirism. I was so involved.
Second playthrough, my character was a woman and I just could never worry or care about her. I never synched with her, I could never put myself in her shoes. A valuable lesson.
Also, the whole classical european medieval architecture was perfect for my tastes.
So good I just spend months just walking around, wondering everywhere and checking the landscapes.

Morrowind got a lot of things right.
And a bunch of shit wrong, HOLY FUCK.

The best moment in that game for me was this:
Fuck yeah. Oblivion never gave me a moment like that. Heck, the only recent game that did something like this was Elona.

So you're an illiterate nigger too? Sad!

MechWarrior 4: Mercenaries.

Nice try, libtard :^) You're the CNN of vidya

Two complaints about Cave Story:
- The difficulty curve takes an extremely sharp turn when you get to meet the Doctor (until then it was perfect). This doesn't happen in games like Shovel Knight, where the curve is manageable.
- You're (practically) forced to miss the best ending until you read a guide.

I'll never finish my backlog, I guess I'll just have to replay it this year.

My sister was just showing her kid the wonders of Sim Theme Park.

I have my doubts about Zelda1. I think it hasn't aged well. And there's a lot of NES games that are replayable (Crystalis & CastleVania III are the first ones that come to mind).
I wonder if the Test of Time means that someone who hasn't played the game before can still enjoy it without the benefit of the nostalgia factor.

What's it like being the Young Turks of vidya :^)

It's not as good as 4, but it is maximum comfy.

You never denied being a libtard either, and The Young Turks is a fine news outlet that provides me with all my news.

So you're a libtard too? And a nigger? Sad.


Seriously though, I can't stand that RNG shit. Fuck that.

Then git gud faggot. They're not that hard. If RNG shit pisses you off then I pray you don't play something like Risk of Rain.

I'd think one of the Theme Parks is a must play too. Maybe also OpenTTD? I think the autism levels it requires might prevent it being a must play for everyone but it is pretty great.

I wish other games had that "Timeline is doomed" message instead of just making essential characters invincible.

I wish these games had proper, recent sequels.

I can't describe how comfy the Eye of the Beholder saga was.
To me, the simple colorful icons used for weapons, shields and items was what really made this game, something typical of the 90's (Ultima 7 & UnderWorld also had this).

I'm so tired of gritty medieval games.

Never played risk of rain, and now I certainly don't want to, and I don't have to git gud, because I don't like Igavanias and can not play them if I so desire. I'd rather just play Metroid, which is like Igavanias, but good.

Never played TTYD but heard it's fucking champ too

Thanks for doing us a service and showing how much of a casual nigger you are

I already recommended them casual fag, no need to be redundant. Then again you are a casual illiterate nigger cuck.

At least I'm not a libtard, fucking leftypol garbage

You sound like the embodiment of leftism, commie casual nigger faggot. That or you're just throwing out random words and you can't into English

HEY! We wuz kangz!

Hey, hey guys

Hey guys listen

Guys hey


Hey guys

Shut the fuck up.

Your life is suffering

It is actually, but it has nothing to do with politics, games, or shitposting.

You ought to. TTYD was the first Paper Mario game I played and it was really well done. Has a few tedious areas, but overall is a really fun, charming game.

Aria is generally really well liked. You might be thinking of Dawn of Sorrow, which gets some flak for the change in art style (a direct sequel is NOT the place to start doing that) and the seal system.

TTYD is better than the original.

You're thinking of Dawn of Sorrow, which was on the DS, used a more animu-like design, and a pointless circle tracing mechanic. Wasn't all that bad, though.

I guess I will post it, best space RTS, to this day noone has dare to make a better one.
Pirate the original, the remaster is garbage

The seal drawing is forgivable because you can use it for sequence breaking. What isn't (unless you're a crazy like me) is the ridiculous grinding for souls. Not as bad as CVHD though. I like Portrait of Ruin the best despite its even worse art.


Chrono Trigger may not be the best JRPG, but it was incredibly defining for the genre and medium.
There are so many game that are needed to be play, more than enough for a single lifetime. Makes you wonder if games should even be made anymore. I'm not being edgy and contrarian. I still think great games are being made, but how many are pushing the medium further now that it's older?

I wish the re-release that has online MP was also available on PC. I love that game so much. I still play it on Dolphin but the only way I can play multiplayer is when my friends come over.

Still have my imported PAL copy I got when I was a kid. Found out about the game through ssbm trophies. /comfy/



The soul grinding wasn't bad as I recall. At the least, I've never tried to break my DS in sheer frustration because of any of the handheld grinds and I've 100% all but Circle of the Moon. But then, the grind was also my disturbing zen point and I honestly didn't mind fishing 100% the repeated times I played PoR, AoS, DoS, and OoE.

I can see why people complain about the drop percentages, though. To me, however, the bullshit you have to pull in Demon's Souls for the rarer weapon stones is much, much, MUCH worse.

Absolutely Max Payne 1 & 2 are among the best shooter ever created. Criminally underrated, great story and killer gameplay (I exclude 3 from this since I don't believe it to be a true sequel).

PoR is my probably favorite DS CV. I know a lot of people complain about how some stages are just modified versions of earlier ones but I think OoE is worse about that.

Throwing everything into one pot without any rhyme and reason? Sounds a lot like FF.

Does The incredible machine qualify? We never talk about it and deus ex, fallout and other default answers are known quantity

I prefer to treat 3 as a totally different IP. If you pretend it isn't Max Payne it's a solid enough game though inferior to MP 1 and 2.

Frog Fractions was excellent. even today the lolsorandom is actually well done instead of shitty reddit-tier lolsorandom

As hinted, I'm like that too. But Iron Golem is the worst enemy to farm, and you want 3 of them (one for kaladbolg, one for valmanway, one for using). Great Axe Armor isn't too bad if you know the trick.

OoE is seriously hurt by all the "go left" stages with boring enemy layout. The castle is sucky and linear too compared to the one PoR has.

Aw yes my nigger
Completing this game is a pain in the ass but it's worth all the porno music in the world

My ciber dick is pleased

I will add jack and daxter for platformers and stalker soc

To get a proper palate, one must know both the best and the worst.

Legitimately attempting to complete a terrible game is a must for anyone who dares to consider themselves a video game enthusiast and/or hobbyist.

Also, Odin Sphere is a must-play for anyone who fancies 2D Action RPGs or thinks they might come to fancy the genre.

It's the gold standard.

PoR also has Yuzo Koshiro.

lol no

Guardian Heroes is a side-scrolling beat-em-up, dude.

Its a action rpg mate. You gain levels and raise stats. It fits the bill. It's a better game by far to Odin Sphere as well.






I actually liked the first two PS1 Ace Combat games better than the PS2 ones. Though the second game is definitely a huge improvement over the first one.

How's the visuals? Something Vanillaware is worth playing for that alone, just as well the games are good to go along with it.

Bad games can be fun too. What's totally irredeemable is boring plain Jane games that make you feel nothing.

Go have your smug duel elsewhere.

I dunno about gameplay, but in motion it looks horrible and lazy as shit.

Am I retarded for not getting the joke? I'm playing morrowind as a warrior and I have no problem killing the fuckers.


underrated post

it's only funny if you're a retard and the first thing you do after getting off the boat is see that mountain and climb it.

If there's any Zelda games that are must play its Link's Awakening for 2d and OoT for 3d.

Fucking spectacular taste, user.

SS1 is Super Metroid before Super Metroid. There, I said it.

What do I win?

Boy oh boy do I have the recommendation for you, then. Greatest litmus test the PSX generation has to offer.

The Drankengard Saga is pretty good and i think it should be played once.

I'm glad to actually be having trouble coming up with games that haven't been posted already.

Diablo 2 should be here somewhere, but I can't post it myself because I could never get into it.

Hold on just a minute hombre. Max Payne is a pretty okay game, but unfinished as fuck. Starts well then falls apart after the first part. Max Payne is everything good about MP1 dropped, now to become god mode. It's shit. And MP is maybe the only good shooter I've ever played. Shooters by inherent design are garbage.


This was supposed to say "Max Payne 2"

I'll agree to these choices. JC2 remains my most-played game on Steam.



why are they yelling? don't they realize that if they're sharing a space suit, they share the oxygen and screaming or any other intense activity consumes a lot of oxygen?
I don't remember fingerbanging godzilla monsters
that's a lot of differently sized people standing in one room. How are they not stepping on each others toes?
That camera man better get out of the way of that car

Mark is a kike nigger faggot

what did you say?

You must be the funny guy at parties.

Why do you say that?

Y'all niggas got good taste. I'm just gonna post some of the very few indieshit that are actually worth it.

I'm surprised no one has posted these amazing games

He deleted them probably because I argued with some illiterate casual complaining Igavanias have RNG and were grindfests despite being easy games. I specifically recommended Symphony and Aria along with Rondo and Castlevania 3 representing Classicvania. I guess I get why he deleted the arguing and shitposting, but my Metroid posts (Zero Mission, Prime, Super) and PC games (Deus Ex, Marathon trilogy, Hitman Blood Money, Splinter Cell Chaos Theory, STALKER) didn't offend anyone.

Fuck Mark.



Ghost Trick.


I haven't played 2 of those 5 but I think I can agree wholeheartedly based on the 3 I have played

probably because both of them are garbage.

the mod probably just selected your ID and deleted the whole conversation.

nah, they're breddy gud

If we're talking indie, we should also mention OFF, LISA and Liero.

I'm playing through Jedi Academy and it is astonishingly boring. I don't understand.

Can't believe I haven't seen this one yet in a thread full of good taste. Is it because everyone should know about it by now?

not your cup of tea, no biggie
I said earlier that I could never get into Diablo 2, but I still recognize it as a great game people should experience.
Speaking of experience, aside from cs 1.6, these were some of my first online experiences that stuck with me since.

Shit I used to play the shit out of that in middle school

Kirby's Epic Yarn is literally the comfiest game ever made. It can stave off suicidal depression, it's impossible to feel sad while playing it. Maybe angry, if you fuck up and lose all your gems, but that goes away quickly.


I want to replay this so bad

You said the magical derail word!

Kirby games are comfy though. Deceptively challenging, but most of the time you're just breezing through the game having a gay old time.

Most users of Holla Forums are so young they don't even remember Xenosaga so they don't know that has always been the artsyle in Xeno* games. Xenoblade X just returns to it after 1 game and people cry foul. I always have to take a step back and remember I'm arguing with 15 year olds on this site.

If you have a PS3, play this fucking game. When I saw the cover in the store I thought it was going to be some random bullshit for kids, but it's an incredebly creative game, fun to play, especially with friends/siblings, and has a lot of replayability.

Mario (2D and 3D). Zelda (2D and 3D). Super Smash Bros. Metroid. Megaman. Contra. Kirby. Castlevania (Classic and IGA). Resident Evil. Silent Hill. Metal Gear Solid, etc. Too many to name. All of the classic series. At least one game in each.

Blaster Master on NES.

Chrono Trigger. Super Mario RPG. Mother 2. Earthworm Jim. DKC on SNES.

Sonic 3 & Knuckles (and the whole trilogy). Sonic Adventure 1 even if it's very dated. Sonic Colors and Generations.

The World Ends With You. Ace Attorney. Zero Escape (at least 999). Ghost Trick. Osu!/EBA. Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga and Bowser's Inside Story. Trauma Center (1 and Trauma Team). Bit.Trip.

Paper Mario. Rhythm Heaven. Warioware. Muramasa. Xenoblade. Sin and Punishment 2.

The Neverhood. Half-life (at least 1). Portal. Half-Quake Amen (Half-life 1 mod, look it up). Oddworld: Abe's Exoddus. Rayman 2 and Rayman Legends. Gex 2 or 3. Tekken 3. Papers, Please. Hotline Miami. Doom. Serious Sam First and Second Encounter. Worms Armageddon. Hogs of War. The Sims 1 or 2. Super Meat Boy. The Wonderful 101. At least one normal character-action game (DMC or Bayonetta). Unreal Tournament (probably 2004). Undertale. An Arino game (Game Center CX 1 or 2). Tetris. Cave Story. LISA. A Yume Nikki-type game.

There are specific games in series I missed, since I just listed the whole series in many cases.

I've also missed on a lot of things, but should be enough for you to see a somewhat diverse collection of games.

An SMT game (probably Strange Journey). The Stanley Parable, Shovel Knight. Re-Volt. Sonic CD 2011.
Enough for now.

And there goes your taste.

I knew you would say that, but I geniuely like it and don't care about the meme opinion.
I also partially included games based on historical merits, not quality alone and considering how Undertale blew up it makes sense to at least take a look and be aware of it, even if you end up not liking it.
Just how SA1 is not that good on a technical level, but still should be looked into to see what it was trying to achieve and what all the buzz was about.

He's 11

Undertale blew up because kids love trashy queer shit due to progressive conditioning and autism being an epidemic. Enjoy your b&, underage.


Just kill me now.

You're trying too hard to fit in.
I personally didn't care about the samesex undertones at all.
And hey – your Japanese games are full of them, even Mario has not one, but two transsexuals, but I don't see you making a fuss over me including a Mario game.
Think for yourself, don't be a sheep.

You are the sheep if you think undertale is a quality game. You said yourself you appreciate it because it got so popular.

shut the fuck up both of you

good games now
good sandbox game
good superhero sandbox games

Man that game was good, it's a shame it's so quick to finish
If you like Spider-man games Web Of Shadows is pretty good too.

I never said that, maybe you should try reading posts more carefully.
What I said was that I PARTIALLY included some games based on their impact. That doesn't mean that those aren't quality at all.
I also played Undertale before being aware of the buzz surronding it, which is probably I could enjoy it instead of hating it based on memes.
It was good before, but now that it's also made an impact it makes sense to look at it.
'Games that you should play at least once' can mean many things, including influential projects despite their failings (although all games I included are still good on their own, so I delibirately didn't include stuff like E.T. for pure cultural significance).

pls no bully


Have you played the first Spider-Man game? The one on PS1 and PC.
I really liked it when I was a kid.

Most of what I wanted to recommend had already been posted, so I'm going with this.

I really enjoyed this as a kid, I have yet to finish it though which I was planning on doing sometime soon.

Early harry potter games (may or may not be as fun as I remember. Also fuck you EA I fucking hate all of you)
The (Good) Fallout games
Metroid (inb4 other m)
Any of the n64 classics


It's only four hours long, you have no excuse.


What happened to Barkley 2?

Recently there's a lack of good games in this thread…

I was genuinely surprised by this game. It was 5 dollars at a local game store and I picked it up because people on Holla Forums recommended it. It seemed really generic at first and the combat isn't really much to write home about. The music, creative camera angles, strange game elements, and the way the game does not pull punches at all stuck with me.

Listen to this man.
He has great taste.

Omega Boost - PS1 game by the same studio who did Gran Turimso


1080 Avalanche - GC version

Burnout Revenge

Dynasty Warriors 4 and 5

Armored Core 3

Mortal Kombat Armageddon

Age of Empires 2
Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town/ Back to Nature
Daytona USA

Oh god the memories on Wave Race 64

Also the underrated Wave Race: Blue Storm

The Simpsons Arcade Game, Pokémon 2nd gen (or it's remakes), Atari 2600 Games, Doom, Vib-Ribbon, Ghouls n' Ghosts, Super Punch Out, Shadow Warrior (Original and 2013), Blur, Cossacks, Aliens Vs Predator Classic 2000 and 2, Gitaroo Man, TimeSplitters and Contra: Hard Corps.

This one too.

Fuck yeah it does.

How are they not games, exactly?

Correct me if i am wrong

Hey user, any DL links for the pc version?

Exactly, How puzzle games are not games? Especially since each puzzle room since VLR takes a considerable time to beat.
Which is especially funny, since you didn't bring up Ace Attorney or Ghost Trick, and I would argue that AA is less of a game than ZE is. In the end, they are all pretty interactive and that's just arguing semantics.

I'm so glad I bought that shit on xbox live arcade when it was still available.

Is the first movie game not good enough?


MP2 was an improvement in every way to MP1

I guess the theme got a bit more cartoony cliché, but MP1 just as much.

We're supposed to hate mother 3 because it copied off of undertale though. Mark will ban us otherwise.

Looks like i'm gonna have to make a backloggery for all this far past due for me to make one anyway

That being said, I'd highly encourage giving Avalon Code a play. It's a Nintendo DS exclusive RPG that's pretty interesting in concept. Run around smack stuff with a book and add/remove elements/traits from enemies or NPCs. It's pretty neat, but it can get pretty damned easy later on.

I rather liked that myself. Flawed in some ways (why would your encyclopedia not have an index for easier navigation; a search function to find specific types/shapes of codes would have also been nice), but still pretty damn neat, especially if you're the sort to like flavor text for NPCs, enemies, locations, items, equipment, etc. Shame Matrix Software got stuck in Mobile Port Bitch Hell for companies like Square for a while, and their latest game isn't a game any western publisher wants to touch or acknowledge.

On the off chance you didn't know, Nicoblog has scans of an artbook for it if that's of interest to you. It's not in English though, of course.

It should be one that every user plays, but it might divide players since some may not like some of the things it changes from its predecessors

I kind of get what you meant user. Max Payne 1 was lost potential, Max Payne 2 was dumbed down. At least that's how I see it.

actually, they aren't in the same pot until the ending
play the damn thing

I also don't mean just in terms of gameplay but also in terms of theme. MP1 had a lot of norse shit going on, MP2 was a lot more Americanised, for better or for worse.


Yeah, definitely not perfect, but a fantastic experience nonetheless.

i did not know this, thanks user.

Yeah, saw it pop up there one day. They've been building up a decent selection of vidya and anime artbook scans there in addition to the focus on game roms/isos.

To my knowledge it was a preorder-only thing in Japan (I'm not sure how readily Matrix Software's games get the artbook treatment anyhow, unless it's a remake they were doing for Square or someone) as the back cover lists "Not for Sale", so it's a bit short. High res scans though. If you know moon or can find someone willing, it could likely be readily translated for posterity (if perhaps as a text document; might be hard to properly edit over graphical backgrounds), the way Japan only vidya art/lorebooks have occasionally.

We lost a lot of that shit when UG and BG died.

Book scans I mean.

Reminds me of how old /rs/ looked like a link graveyard, and that was a long time back now.
I expect it was the same with anything else you could have searched for. Meanwhile, trying to post a link to a megaupload of the Oddworld artbook was, depending on the hotpocket on duty, a bannable offense because "don't post links to other site" or whatever the specific rule was (and I'd swear at times it would even affect something as simple as youtube links).
At least we have share threads here, but I've kind of thought something in the style of old /rs/, but with active maintenance and reuploads, would make for a nice file archive.

I just beat 04 and 5, I'm a few missions into Zero. I absolutely loved 5. So many great missions that I can't wait to replay, and what a great story. It turned out to be a better story about men becoming demons and legends being born than MGSV did.

This was such an insane introduction after AC04, just assaulting you with all this wild new stuff, "Yuktobania declared war, The Arkbird, all sorts of chatter, 'What?! The Razgriz?!' demons and fairy tales,
I'm blown away at how well put together it all was. All the editing is on fucking point, and they gave us a neat AMV that's certainly a product of its time.
I hope Zero is great too. I'm excited for it.

Vagrant Story

Euro Truck Simulator 2


Breath of Fire 3

BG2 then Arcanum just so people can see why BG2 sucks as a role playing game

Ghost Trick

Suikoden 2

Jagged Alliance 2

Alpha Centauri

Seriously, Holla Forums?


Maybe because its not as good as splinter cell series.


finally got around to giving this a try, got through wrestler & working on mecha. the concept is very cool but thus far, idk how to feel about the execution. the fights are at best clunky & have never felt very interesting and the amount of filler & vague event triggers in mecha are wearing on me despite how much i like the story. still enjoyable but not feeling like a must play

the first core fight can be pretty hard if you're doing a run for the spur cause the polar star is ass for that fight nigger. if you have trouble with the doctor fight I don't know what to tell you. the difficulty curve at that point is negligible to me having done hell/bloody cavern

iji is great. wish it was a bit longer.

I liked it, but it's nothing phenomenal and it's not a sandbox game, so it wouldn't fit in that post.

Dark Messiah.
Crash Bandicoot 1, 2 and 3.
Spyro 1, 2 and 3.

Quality games there m8. Really wish Hulk had another level or another game.

anyone have a good torrent for mafia 1? Whenever I look I can only find ones for 2 and 3, and I'm not even sure if the game is sold anymore

Game wasn't that good tbh

My policy of assuming every poster who uses coon runes is retarded remains a solid one.

You can go through share threads.
Alternatively, give me your retroshare id.
I'll hook you up

Dark Souls is good game that was ruined by marketing and normalfags. It caught on with the whole "prepare to die" bullshit, and now everyone talks about it like it's the hardest game ever made. IT'S NOT. It's not a hard game, by any means. In fact that's one of it's better qualities, that it is mostly fair in its difficulty. But people like to feel good about themselves, and feel real hardcore about the games they play, so DS2 was made to capitalize on that, and guess what, it sucked.

If you can ignore all of that and the memes, it really is a great game, one of my favorites. Don't read a guide or anything, just go in blind and enjoy the atmosphere. Super comfy.

There were two more 3D Hulk games. One looks shway, the other looks like hot shwarbage.

Bumping with suggestions

I strongly disagree. Unless you mean "to reenforce your love for 2D worms".

deus ex does not stand the test of time. It was outdated and shit before it even came out. It is not worth anyones time.

Campaign mode was pretty fun though

Nope, I've still got my original physical copy. I know it was removed from most digital distribution clients like Steam a while back so torrenting is your best bet.

Wasn't Prototype basically Hulk with a slightly edgier skin on it?

Good taste user.


The game is a gem and you have shit tastes tbh
if you don't like Live a Live then just play super mario RPG. Squaresoft's jrpgs are all excellent in general


Only reason I haven't played it is because

I always got bored of arcanum tbh. Just never gripped me as interesting.


Pokemon isn't a great game; it was something back in the day but the old versions are hugely outdated and the newer versions are either still lacking or turned into a pile of shit.

Replace it with Simpsons Hit & Run

I saw Suikoden 2. What about 3?

>tfw Sci-Fi chapter legitimately scared me the first time I played and made me feel at the end Captain Square is fucking shit though.
>tfw Wrestler chapter is just pure fun with one of the cooler battle systems in a game and Not-Hulk Hogan was bro tier

I actually found and bought a physical copy of that. Mostly because I got it mixed up with Vandal Hearts like the illiterate retard I am What am I in for? Sage for double posting.

I didn't think the mecha chapter was that bad, just really underwhelming. It feels like there was more planned for it at first, but they had to scrap it because of time and budget constraints.
You're right about the ninja chapter, though. One of the worst levels in any JRPG I've ever played.

III has abysmal music and only 1 of the 3 heroes' scenarios (the kid who inherits his uncle's mansion) is any good. I say if you're not a diehard fan of the series to skip it. I mean listen to this shit.


Why suggest Q3? It was Multiplayer focused and everyone has moved on to Quake Live.


It's just a bit slow for me. Would've been way better as its own game, if you ask me.
This video pretty much restates every problem I had with it, besides the item crafting system. Then again, I looked up recipes on GameFAQs and was on an emulator, so I probably can't comment on it accurately given how I was holding the throttle key all the while.

All the music in that game is horrible barring the pre-title OP.

Honestly even though I enjoyed them I don't know if I can say any of the Juarez games are "must plays".

The first 2 have good stories but the gameplay is average.

Gunslinger has pretty good gameplay but all the upgrades end up making it completely unchallenging, and the story isn't as good as the first two.

It was pretty clear they just used the Call of Juarez moniker for name recognition. That said, even if it wasn't super challenging, the gunplay was fun and I enjoyed how the narrative actually had gameplay effects through the constant exaggerations. I just found it to be an all around fun game.

Was Jagged Alliance 1 good enough? It sure sucked ass and didn't give me any desire to try the sequel.

Mischief Makers is utterly skippable. Cave Story is only good for getting a handle on the kind of things normalfags overhype.

Same goes to Symphony of the Night, the garbage that ruined the Castlevania series and was surpassed by nearly every Metroidvania after it.

You can honestly just play Fallout and stop there with Black Isle Studios games. It's super short so you won't waste too much of your time. They're all the same horribly designed trash.

Halo is an important game to play to understand how it ruined console FPS. It's equally important to play FPSs that came out leading up to it to understand how the genre was innovating before Halo came and wiped it all out.

Here here!
Preach it!

Kirby Super Star Ultra is good to play if you want to get a handle on how moronic out-of-touch hacks can shit on a classic by fucking around with its controls for no reason at all.

Iji is a good game to play if you want to check out one of the standard-bearers for some of the worst possible control mappings in a game. It has the distinguished combination of fucktarded key mappings and no controller support.

Epic Yarn is a good "game" to play if you want to see the lowest point in the careers of some of the most distinguished luminaries of Konami fame. On the other hand, you could spend your time on the actually great games they've made, like NES Contra, Gradius II, and many Goemon games.

Wario World was trash, play all five of the original Wario Land games before you ever waste your time on that crap. The only thing it's good for is learning the lesson that Treasure sometimes makes bad games and they're awful at licensed games.

Gradius II
Raiden DX
Darius Gaiden
Battle Garegga
Cho Ren Sha 68K

If you haven't played every one these, you don't know shit about 2D shooters.

It's a great game

Okay I'll add one more modern game for completeness. It really is a standout achievement no less important than Cho Ren Sha.


Damn this board is dead. Good job Mark.


Play a real Ogre game.

Two really landmark achievements of the libre software scene.


Pick one of these, I can understand having trouble getting into the first one.


I do and it's overrated linear cinematic non-RPG trash

Nigger that's not why people shat on it.

And I wonder if you're fucking new and trying too hard to fit in.

Hey Mark, you going to ban these niggers like you banned me after recommending and defending Symphony?

Is he really still doing that shit?

I think one of the nuggets of truth also mentioned Dukat Ray McCall.


Yeah um but I'm going to have to stop you for a second. Robotrek actually sucked.

Dragon quest is a blatant copy of Shinzou Infinite 2, you retard. Shity games shity series.

Mark will "rule 8" ban anyone that disagrees with his opinions.

SotN got shat on by games that came after it hardily.

pic unrelated on all accounts

Jesus nigger just post images

No, kys instead

I'd say it's a solid turn based JRPG with cutscenes that drag on for too long sometimes.

I'd recommend to play it when you want something comfy.

Yeah, he deleted my posts a few days ago after I argued with some shit poster would made it clear he hated SotN because he sucked at it, thinking it was a grind fest when the main game is dirt easy.

The Sorrow games and DS games, sure, but Circle was broken because of it random card drops and the boring train wreck that was Dissonance was absolute dogshit

TSP is worth it for way cheap. Shovel Knight suffers from Final Fantasy XV syndrome: It's not that good, but people are so starved for non-shit games that they get autistically defensive of it.

Not him but the thread is video games every user should play at least once. The Stanley Parable doesn't have gameplay, it's arguably not even a game.

Circle's card drops don't even approach Symphony's most bullshit drops, that's a lazy criticism.

Fixed. Its battle system is slow as shit and not exceptional in any way at least in the beginning, which is bogged down in like 3 hours of cutscenes. I didn't have the patience to sit through it so I could get those sweet mechs.

From the word go they drag on for too long. What was supposed to be the prequel to Xenogears is basically a bunch of Japs cramming Star Trek and Evangelion together and they forgot they were supposed to make a video game.


Are shit because you can miss out on some valuable cards needed to beat the game. I never got the flame shield card which makes the fight with Dracula absolute bullshit

Which are superfluous and basically extra content you can just get rid of. Everything you need to beat the game is out in the open and made obvious on what you need to progress.

I'll be happy to break down Symphony of the Night's really problems, I love bashing that piece of shit.

It has terrible overall level design–it attempts to rip off Super Metroid but has a far more linear structure: you get an ability, move to the usually singular next area of the castle and repeat. Then there's the shitload of abilities which you use once to unlock the next path and never touch again. Then you get to the halfway point in the game (upside-down castle) and they drop the Metroid facade entirely.

The stat system was an interesting idea but ultimately heavily flawed in execution. The game is absolutely laughably easy for the most part, but there are some weird difficulty spikes in the upside-down castle. Then there are the myriad pieces of equipment you can easily stumble upon which break the game utterly.

Ultimately, it's a game without direction: they simply stuffed as much shit into it as they could. And I do mean shit. More than half the bosses are fucking retarded and pointless, the upside-down castle was the worst gimmick ever, and the game is sorely lacking the intense, constrained action that previous Castlevanias had.

It is sad how nearly every subsequent Metroid-like Castlevania improved on the gameplay featured in Symphony of the Night, yet some people still hold it on an undeserved pedestal.

This is just a glorified "what games do you really really like?" thread, so whatever. It's your opinion.

I liked it though.

lol, weren't you just talking about SotN bashers being casuals? If you think you need a shield to avoid the bats or the poison blobs then you're awful. The only kind of bullshit attack in that boss is the meteor storm, which only full invincibility can get around unless you dodge it. You absolutely do not need any cards to beat the game. The cards are as superfluous and extra in Circle of the Moon as the enemy drops in Symphony of the Night. Only it's a fair bit harder to stumble onto a drop that makes the game a pathetic joke in Circle of the Moon.

It's getting late, so I'll leave you with your opinion but

Again, not immediately. Circle is ruined because of its randomized bullshit drops and Harmony takes Symphony's already easy difficulty drops it down to infant mode.

No son, it's another great RPG from ENIX!


This is what bothered me the most about it. That and as you said it's too easy, but it never felt like I was enjoying the game, wanted to figure out more, or was challenged. Aria of Sorrow should be lauded as a much better point in the series if you wanted to talk specifically about metroidvanias of castlevania and not classic sidescroller castlevania. Still, best classic sidescroller is Bloodlines.

I said Dracula, not bats little nigger. Learn to read

So why did they put an entire sub menu for cards in the game?

Fair point, good argument.

No points, no argument, just autistic screeching.
Remember what an argument is, Holla Forums.

Unless theres been a re translation get that shit out of here.

Robotrek had a unique spin on things, it was niche, but ultimately it ended up not being very good. Falcom's best game might very well be Nayuta though. It's bizarre how it's the culmination of every thing they've done over their 35 or so year history. Being that they accomplished a lot of impressive feats saying it's all they've done crammed in to a 1 UMD game is quite the statement in itself but I won't say otherwise.

Also, Dracula X was the best Classicvania, fight me fagboat. The Sorrow duology is indeed some of the best IGAvania though. But Order of Ecclesia is even better, and I say this as someone who played as Soma day 1 in Harmony of Despair.

Which fight with Dracula? The first round? All three of his bat attacks can be avoided with some practice. The second round? The only things a shield will help with are the destructible bats and the poison blobs, but those are again easily handled with your whip. Unless you're talking about not running into Dracula's giant body? When he's about to do the dash attack you're supposed to fly straight up with the Roc's Feather. All that's left is the meteor attack, and as I said it's kind of bullshit but a shield won't do anything for you there.

You're quire right about Harmony, that game was a festering piece of shit precisely because they couldn't get the SotN dick out of their mouths. Your Circle of the Moon criticism has no substance unfortunately.

Ultimate Destruction is great

Soundtrack A+
Humor A+
Pacing A+
Endings A+
Art A
Gameplay B+

Sorry user, but walking simulator is the only argument you need when someone recommends a "game" with no gameplay.

I wouldn't call a game shit just because it had a bad translation, by that logic most of the NES, SNES or PS1 games are shit.

It also had shit tons of slowdown. Ubisoft ruined it

The first game for saturn had tons of slowdown too.

Nice try user, you know that wasn't what I was calling out.


I'll never give up hope

Best voice actors I've ever seen.