What did she mean by this?

what did she mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


If this is real then the clown world has become too crazy even for me.



We're living in the end times bucko, buckle up and enjoy the fuckin ride.

anita really is Holla Forums's girl, she's a pure contrarian who's entire existence is defined by countersignalling

What the fuck?

Holla Forums is legitimately afraid of her. if you made this thread on there it will be deleted. if you make any thread and mention her it will be deleted.

what did she mean by this?

wow, she's so quirky and unique

she's a weeb, fucking disgusting tbh

all it would have taken was one hero but none of those gamerfags were man enough to step up and take some direct action

lol they were too afraid to even say here name


they should of read some Jordan Peterson

These people just want something to kvetch about.

what did she mean by this?

You know them by their hypocrisy.

It might not be 8D chess as Trump is just old but it sure makes the leftists twist themselves into pretzels.

Omg she's just like us!


obviously it's not games
only when all masculinity has been soybeaned will we be safe

Holla Forums are almost as bad as Holla Forums as well when it comes to shit talking trump over this vidya shite, they ban you for bad mouthing him unless you do it in a specific, politic, cucked way.
They've been more and more like reddit over the years, banning over fuck all for for days at a time.



anita doesnt even play video games though

Is she literally not seeing the irony and hypocrisy in her bullshit or is it just part of her act?