Is there any reason to believe the software on the switch will not be absolute shit?

Is there any reason to believe the software on the switch will not be absolute shit?

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web browser exploit COMING IN

I'm assuming you mean the stuff that isn't vidya.
Nintendo usually do a good job with menus. The only fuckups I can think of in recent memory is that you need the gamepad for Wii U settings, and the 3DS used to go into camera mode if you accidentally bumped L or R.
As far as outright, gamebreaking fuckups go the only one I can remember is the Wii U, and streaming the first update. If you lost your Internet connection while updating the original white Wii U, it could get bricked.

They usually have a good track record with software that comes with the console, so I doubt it'll be shit.

I think Nvidia were handling software for the WiiU, but maybe that was just the OS and graphics API.

The 3DS camera is holding both L and R for 1 second.
Are you retarded?

The software will likely look pretty, but I fully expect the browser to be utter shit like the 3DS browser.

Also, AndroidOS, so they can probably just steal people's code and designs.
Waiting for root access day 1.


Until around version 6 all you had to do was press one of them, and it would immediately open the camera. I also said that it used to do that, they've fixed it since.

It's running android?

Modified AndroidOS. It's pretty much a Nvidia Shield with Nintendo labels at this point.

switch is shit post dog


Already 10 posts into the thread and this shit appears again.

The Nintendo Switch was a mistake

This is just Midna's body with a minecraft block head, lmao.

its the only positive part of the switch

what is wrong with you

but someone posted the dog already

Goddamn you cannot make this shit up

Child like optimism?

You got to establish a base line.
What software coming out this year isn't shit?

Look at the games it has coming out for it and ask

Do I think Breath of the Wild will be better than:
Yes, it is EA at their gayest.
Yes, it is Ashley Burch as an ugly ginger in a ostentatiously multi-ethnic tribe shooting robot animals that seemingly provide nearly no threat.

Sad fact is I place more value in BotW than most games coming out this year.
Then you have Xenoblade Chronicles 2 which also appeals to me more than most games.

I have a PC that can still handle the multiplats.
At that point its just


We need to give this user a nickname, his autism is reaching a level where we can tell who he is between threads

I wish i had 2 tall anime girls to molest me.

Fuck, you got me user.
That's going to make me giggle like a girl for the rest of the day.

Oh look boring generic weeb shit

Noticed its SS which makes it slightly better but not much.

I'll tell you how they fuck it up.

4 Players get their switch with mk8
Everyone has his own screen
But Nintendo will show a 4-player splitscreen on each one like they did with mk8 on the wiiu gamepad instead of giving the wiiu player its own screen

Important Reminder
Switch Dog is technically clang and not furry, so that makes it OK.

Keep telling yourself that, buddy.

TBH I still can't understand how they could fuck up again this bad. They're so out of touch with reality, I mean the paid online was bound to happen (because Sony and Microsoft are doing it too) but Nintendo shouldn't have done it if they weren't capable of creating a system that makes it worth it (1 NES game only playable for 30 days, really?!). The fact that they're forcing people to use an app on their smartphone in order to chat with other players is insane, that shit should've been included in the console.
What Nintendo needs is a man with a clear vision for the gaming business (and no, Miyamoto is too senile for that).

It's not much, but Nintendo UK's site describes the Switch's headphone jack as supporting mics and headsets. I wouldn't be surprised if it actually is in the console, and they just suck at explaining things as usual. if you want to see for yourself.