Why the fuck is NO ONE talking about this? You fucking retards...

Why the fuck is NO ONE talking about this? You fucking retards. This is the best goddamn ROM hack to ever grace this planet.

Other urls found in this thread:

mediafire.com/file/rca639f6hk8ttdy/Megaman CX.nes


mediafire.com/file/rca639f6hk8ttdy/Megaman CX.nes

Here is the English translated ROM, found it in the comments.

That's the most terrible bait I've seen in a couple of years.

Funny, I feel like the one who is being baited.

no one cares retard, there's millions of those being made every year, whats special about yours?

That's not how you spell Extra Mario Bros

This is much cooler on a purely technical level, though.
Also Mario Adventure is better

Is is a halfchan invasion or something

Get the fuck out kid.

Go back to halfchan

Why do you do this? Go onto a perfectly fine thread and shit it up for a few chuckles? Are your lives seriously that pathetic?

Why do you pretend like anyone is fooled by you hopping proxies?

Not really, no


Stop trying this hard to convince us you're not the new one.

This looks like complete shit and only fun if you've never played Rockman before and want some meme levels.
In fact, that's what this is: A fucking meme game. You only play it because it has some characters and names you recognise and can attribute as nerd cred.

Post some good fucking ROMHacks or don't bother at all.

That video is even worse because that fag is using save states and slow-mo to complete easy sections.

Stop being so paranoid you autismal fuck

But that's wrong you stupid retard. Moemon is the best romhack.

Do you honestly believe anyone is fooled? Is your narcissism really that bad?

You are fucking retarded, holy shit.

Now let's not get ahead ourselves, OP's shitfest is better than moeshit.

Been here since 2014, while you look like you're desperately trying to fit in and spewing buzzwords without having any idea what you're talking about, autismo.

Classic narcissism, believes everyone else to be below him and "retarded." Ironic, considering your narcissism has blinded you to how have embarrassed yourself by acting like a retard blubbering and shitting himself in the middle of the toy aisle at Walmart. Maybe do some thinking next time and save yourself some embarrassment.

You better delete this thread OP, cuckchan is on full force here and you won't get any discussion going unless the mods do something. Maybe try tomorrow by making a Romhack general?

Moemon is just a redrawal of the original game, nothing more, though.
This is a complete overhaul, amazing from the technical side of things at least. The only other NES hacks I can instantly remember on a similar level are Mario Adventure, Megaman Ultra 2 (unfinished) and Extra Mario Bros., although honestly EMB is not that impressive compared to many other things in the scene.
And if you look into Sonic hacks, there is a lot of amazing stuff there.

You astronomically autistic moron, shut the hell up, jesus christ.

No, that would be Rockman 4 Minus Infinity. It's packed with new music, boss fights, weapons, and stages that all have something different to set them apart. Best of all, it isn't made by an autist like whoever made this and OP. The only big negative is that the buster is underpowered and the weapons are overpowered.

Latest patched ROM: mega.nz/#F!1UgwTTzb!1g6IqAiVdZk6hZ8WVAUMdw

It's a fucking NES game of course it will have pixels…

Sure is. Only autists care about shitty ROMhacks.

You're right, though. OP should delet this.

Eat a bag of dicks nigger.

You just won't stop until you've rolled around in your own shit to the point your skin is raw.

Found the gay.

Pointless bullshit grafted on so that everyone ignores how shallow your romhack really is. Moemon is vastly superior precisely because it doesn't do that. The only changes it makes are chosen with surgical precision, changing the game just enough to complement an already flawless system. In doing so, it exceeds the sum of its parts and becomes a legendary godgame like never seen before.

It's interesting how incredibly scripted a lot of those are, adding brand new abilities or just completely changing the gameplay. I've seen very few Mario hacks at that level, is Sonic like Pokemon where you can basically write whatever you want in assembly or what?

Minus Infinity is amazing too, yeah. Forgot about it for a sec.
Although it still uses MM4 levels and bosses as a base, so now it's a bit less impressive. The boss battles are great though.
Almost amazes me NES can pull this off.

Do you realize just how fucking stupid you look right now?

Almost amaze me OP can pull this off.

I am wincing in embarrassment for you right now

Which is why I prefer ROM hacks to fan games, it always just amazed me on a techical level since I was a kid.
It's like breaking a rule or something.

As for Mario, as far as I know NES's ASM is much harder to code for than Genesis' 68K, so much less effort is put into this.
Sonic ROMs are also fully decompiled and disassemblies are available to everyone, with comments throughout the code.
SMW community is not that open at all as far as I know (wasn't there much), so less effort is put into brand-new coding for games.

none of it is original.

So are any of you aware of the NES remakes for Megaman 7 and 8?

I remember seeing that ages ago but didn't know what it was called.
As for Mario hacks there are ones out there made to be impossible without TASing. The Item Abuse TAS series is comfy to watch, but I wouldn't want to play it.

Hey, I found the only Mega Man ROM hack that's more autistic than OP and his hack! I bet there's even worse ones for Sonic, though. Furries are some dedicated faggots.

What's the point? Might as well just demake the games with a retro look on some 2D engine that doesn't have all the limitations of the NES.

I really hate the difficulty of SMW hacks.
It's a shame, too. Some of them are legit new games, with completely new levels, graphics, code and stuff in it, but the level-design is so fucking cheap only a couple of diehards and Kaizo players are gonna play them. Why even bother designing all this stuff if it's not enjoyable without save states at all?

Sonic doesn't have this problem outside of competely amature projects.
Maybe because Retro Sonic fags like to jerk-off to classic Sonic's level design (since it was one of the defining features of the game unlike other platformers), so it's always in spotlight, even normalfags are becoming aware with this with many reviews.
So more attention is put on how the original Sonic Team design their levels and they try to replicate this.

Well, Sonic is a lot easier and simpler than Mario.

It's new to Mega Man 4. I'm pretty sure there isn't any ROM hack with a completely original soundtrack.

That's what they are.

Is that so? Is it some custom engine that they are using or?

You're kidding, right?
Many people still find new stuff in Angel Island YEARS after playing the game, for instance.

Oh, it only now occurred to me you have been talking about the difficulty, rather than complexity.
That maybe true (because Rings), however, Sonic's level design it MUCH easier to fuck up, since you have to keep a lot of things in mind.

Those are standalone fan games, not hacks.
They still adhere to NES limitations like sound and palette, though.

Here's 7 FC in action if you want to know what it's like

Super Mario RPG: Armageddon and Hyper Metroid are fucking must-plays, both utilizing the mechanics of each game and taking them to their full potential, making them arguably more fun than the original games in certain ways.

I haven't played that many hacks and I know the Rock & Roll racing hack is better than this, especially on the technical level (Added 3vs3 and 2vs2vs2 mode, online mode with single screen when using emulators, the AI is heavily upgraded, new cars, new weapons and special weapons, new levels, new colors, new characters, the changelog is huge). Hell, the Battle City hack with bosses and puzzles is fucking amazing too on the technical level.
You look like a guy that when it comes to retro only knows Mario, Zelda, Megaman and Metroid.

I agree with this, but I'm not going to shit on the hack, just on how OP sells it, autism aside I think it's pretty good, but the autism completely kills it.

Post the .cia file and I'll consider playing it.


I don't care about nintendo and I don't are about you.


You just named exactly what you're doing, whereas the user you replied to made a well reasoned argument. Stating how long you've been here is pathetic



You are pathetic.

As far as hacks go, I am mostly aware of Sonic, Mario and Megaman to a lesser extent.
Other games seem more like one-off things or I am just unaware where to find most of it.

Is this goatse?

Gee I dunno, maybe people aren't as autistic as you about MegaMong or RockMong as the Japanese call him.

Because this is better

I don't blame you, it's not that easy to find the good stuff, but I hate when people like OP come out like that spreading their autism. He only had to make a ROM Hack thread.

That's not a romhack though.

It tastes so salty, post more.

Is that really what you think is going on here you mongoloid?

This isn't Sonic Megamix.

Nor is this uh, Rockman 4 BCAS for megaman shit

Try again.

He's shitposting, ignore him.

Item Abuse 3 is supposed to be unbeatable non-TAS. I remember finding a youtube clip of someone putting 1500 attempt at doing it legit and couldn't get past the first screen. It's more about showing just how much you can break the game using the components given.

Super Dram World is also by Panga and is actually a pretty good challenge. It has some legit hard tricks to pull off, a lot of kaizo-blocks, but never feels completely unfair.


Hyper Metroid is a mess.

Sonic Megamix is nothing special, it's not 2007 anymore and tons of hacks already surpassed it tenfold.
The only thing it has going for it is that it's actuallly finished. Although 4.0 is considered to be not the final version and 5.0 should have been completely redone, so it's not really done and there are still different finished hacks out there.
Looking forward to SHC2017, 2016 was terrible.

Jesus fuck.

I actually played it a while ago and it's pretty good, if a little cheap at times except for one small issue.

Use RetroArch, the VC emulator sucks.

For what it's worth it rips from a lot of strange games and the 8-bit renditions are usually decent. On that subject, is the Wily capsule boss pattern ripped from any game? Some of the boss fights are borrowed from other Mega Man games (Serges wall used for part of Cossack 2, the 16-bit Joe boss fighting like Proto Man from MM7)

Ignore the faggots shitting up this thread and post good romhacks

Please Explain

Contributing with the Megaman X3 Zero Project, that lets you play the entire game (minus the intro stage) with Zero. It even has new animations and victory poses.

To be honest, OP should've made a Romhacks general instead of shilling like a retard.

I was just too hyped out after finishing the hack and went on to make the thread like a complete retard


>Latest patched ROM: mega.nz/#F!1UgwTTzb!1g6IqAiVdZk6hZ8WVAUMdw
What kind of shit link is this? Why aren't you linking the source? Also when are you going to join P2P master race?

Show me on the dollie where OP touched you, user.

Plz gib names, I was interested in the details of the new characters the most. I like having different abilities to mess with. Are there others that have complete games with all different characters?

I take back what I said. The My Little Pony hack is less embarrassing than OP's by a hair. He's an even bigger faggot than I thought.

Holy fuck, how come I never heard of this?
I remember my 12 year old self always trying to play as Zero in MMX3 on PC
Thanks, will definitely check this out

how about no you retard

i hope nintendo calls the police


You best be joking nigger.


where the fuck did my image go, fuck you codenigger