Where were you when JonTron confirmed he's redpilled as fuck and doesn't give a shit?

Where were you when JonTron confirmed he's redpilled as fuck and doesn't give a shit?
(He appears about 20 minutes in).

Other urls found in this thread:



Hope he doesn't get shit from (((Disney)))


e-celebs are not video games

As much as I enjoy JonTron and Sargon, this is still e-celebshit, so fuck off.

I don't care about corporate shills

No thanks. Association with that cuckold is an admission of one's bluepilledness.

What's wrong with Sargon?

Probably faggots triggered by the fact he tries to view sensitive topics like pizzagate objectively.

He married someone who already had a kid and then spammed interracial porn at a bunch of alt-right faggots on twitter to upset them which worked. That means he's a cuckold apparently.

hes british

that means hes a muslim

back to cuckchan with your eceleb shit

By Holla Forums standards it definitely does

OK I guess? Though I would rather prefer him to stay out of any political or social stuff and just make fun videos.

Raising someone else's child is literally what a cuckold is.

Not really about video games.


You're probably still a kid yourself


That's pretty gay tbh fam

It means financially supporting the kid. Doesn't matter if you give a fuck or not, your own resources are still going towards supporting another man's child.

Honorary Aryan.


Give a synopsis of the video or fuck off

>edgy and a cuckold

Reminder that now you can be white supremacist without being white.

I watched a little of this last night, but I'm not watching all that shit now. Only things that struck me as worth pointing out was Jon saying he'd been on the anti-SJW side for the past 4-5 years, he just never said much because everyone jumped up his ass about it.

He's the classic casual liberal who got deeper into politics when SJWs started becoming more obnoxious and found himself being lumped in with the extreme right. He's just gotten so sick of the left's shit lately that he stopped giving a fuck.

There's several e-celebs who match that description, like Total Asscancer, but I'm fairly sure that Sargon married his woman and the child they have now was born during their marriage.

As far as I know, Holla Forums hates him because he's still a liberal (at least he tries to be) and he hasn't gone full 1488 RWDS. Also that he reads lefty kike fanfiction about starting revolutions and quotes it constantly. Not to say that Sargon is a rational, grounded, intelligent individual and Holla Forums is entirely wrong.. but you get the picture.

It's the same issue they had with GamerGate. They wanted an army to round up and gas the kikes. GG just wanted to play vidya. In Sargon's case, they wanted a "big name" e-celeb to dispense red pills, and he's just not that guy.

JonTron and Sargon and some other guy discuss shit and JonTron bashes leftists openly, that's pretty much it.

Sorry Alt-Rightsama, Jonkun doesn't play Identity politics for the other side of the coin.

Sargon himself identifies as classical left

No it isn't, you revisionist. A cuckold is someone who actively engages in watching their partner fuck others in a mutually consensual agreement. You
cannot be a cuck if someone had a kid before they even dated/married you. Shills like you trying to ruin the definitions of well-established words are the height of liberal scum.

Someone really needs to go down there and start beating the piss out of anybody who openly affiliates with any chan.

Which is nice and all, but that's like saying, "I'm a dictionary definition feminist!" which still puts you on the side of feminists, even though the majority of them are wholly irredeemable and have been for well over a century.

Most classically liberal values are now right wing, because the left went fucking insane, grabbed the goal post, and ran as far away as they could, meaning anyone who was center or just-left-of center is now a literal nazi.

There is a rule against e-celeb shit you fuck.

fine, fine, we will never talk about your wifes son again.

wrong place , try >>>/cuckchan/

Too late, even youtube comments have meme arrows now

Sorry, I don't go there.

Maybe you should start.

Be the change you want to see in the world and do it yourself fag.

You know, that might be worth it if it cleans this website up.

if you really didn't you would know ,lurk moar newfag

Who cares, check em

So close, but so far.

Enjoy your ban


Finally this thread's going somehwere

(very nice)

Red pills, green pills, blue pills, brown pills; purple pills, daily doses, and onychomycosis. Fuck your pills, I'll have none, I'd rather suck the shaft of my gun. I'll not pop them to bade your screeching, I'll not pucker them to induce bleaching. I'll not eat them with eggs and toast, I'll not swallow to quell your boasts. I'll not respond to your lengthy posts, I'll not give (you)s upon reproach. I'll abstain from your dogmatic prose, and I must insist you wear your clothes. Your pills and all you've got to sell, can all get lost in fucking hell.

God damn user, fuckin' saved.

I'm not even going to call it coke
that shit's a diet RC Cola star of chaos

I'll never forgive you if you don't get Mark

Looks like somebody took the black pill

He will only be redpilled if he streams while wearing an SS officer uniform while talking about the JQ.

I find a common theme with Holla Forums is if you're neutral, you're negative

This is what happens when Holla Forums actively recruits on reddit.


Holla Forums wasn't always like this. It used to be a nice place before the current mods turned it into cancer that parodies itself

I've never been to leddit and left halfchan in 2014, and also watched Jon since like 2012.
I'm just seek of the current state of things and excited that a guy whose work I like actually isn't an SJW cuck for once.

Okay, that's one of the two.
Now he must talk to his fans about the JQ.

Sure smells like neo/v/ in here

Which exodus did you come from newfriend?

Yes it is

At least it will trigger liberals and normalfags.

BLACKED is the most fappable 3DPD porn out there. That skintone contrast and seeing petite girls take large cocks is awesome.

t. Holla Forums

I'd believe it. Holla Forums is just a bunch of roleplaying memers.

I unironically want to have a semi-secret club again that exists only online period


This is not Holla Forums we do not kiss eceleb feet because they said something we like.

>>>Holla Forums

Feels good seeing the leftist cucks come out of the woodwork to cry about this shit. Not to mention we get 8 whole years of this flavor of salt!

hey Holla Forums
fuck off would you

>>>Holla Forums

What's the abridged version?

Leftism doesn't mean fucking anything these days, be more specific. You mean identity-politics spewing, hugboxing tumblrites?

Not a mentally retarded fanatic like the average Holla Forums closet-commie.

Probably why he left game grumps because egoraptors gook mongrelized wife


The present act of cheating is what makes it cuckoldry. Otherwise it's just being a stepfather.

now imagine Egoraptor fucking foaming at the mouth in rage.


He's a pseudo-intellectual shitstain leftist who pretends to be a classical liberal, when he supports behavioural controls like anti-discrimination laws, the inefficient welfare state when he knows jack about economics. He along with the other Anti-SJWs just support marxism lite. It just goes to show that he has no philosophical principles of his own and just wants to decide how the loot should be divided.

Some might say he and others of his ilk are redpilling normalfags, and guess what? Despite years of refuting SJWs ad nauseum with the same arguments, the SJWs and nationalists are still carving up the political scene. So, what if you convince people to adopt liberalism, they have no way of attaining institutional support, and once they try to run for office, they'll get shut out by the establishment, so ultimately, Sargon and the other anti-sjws efforts have been for nothing. And it's not like they had much of a philosophical foundation to stand on, as both groups believe in the same fundamental thing, just do different degrees.

Ignore these self-egrandizing asshats. They don't understand the problem with politics, all they do is refute the same people with the same arguments ad infinitum, they just want a slightly less forceful mommy state dividing the wealth and commanding people to play nice.