I'm thinking of getting a PS4 Pro. What games are worth getting that aren't on PC

I'm mostly looking for games that are already out.

There are a few games I have already that were super cheap, including:

The Order 1886
Ratchet and Clank
Lego Marvel Super Heroes

So the games I was thinking of getting were:

Gravity Rush Remastered
Gravity Rush 2
Yakuza 0

Why should/shouldn't I get these and what are some of your suggestions?

Other urls found in this thread:


Ni-Oh, Death Stranding, Ace Combat 7, Tekken 7.

bad idea

just get the slim

Tekken 7 and Ace Combat 7 are on PC, and Death Stranding isn't coming out anytime soon.

What, you have 4k monitor?

What, you have 4k monitor?

Well fuck me sideways

Bloodbourne that's it lol

I'd wait on the ps4 pro, While it might have better specs then the stock ps4, few games if any will utilize it since doing so will alienate prior ps4 users.

Unless you are rich, and have a 4k tv. I'd pass or at least wait and see if it gets an exclusive you couldn't get on stock ps4.

No, I want to get one for when 4k is standard and for a more stable framerate for some games.

Don't get a 4k monitor. There's just no point in throwing down 400 dollars for a console that only slightly increases graphics and nothing else. If you already have those games did you buy them without having a PS4 prior or do you currently have one and it broke?

I bought them without having a PS4. I wasn't planning on getting a 4k monitor anytime soon.

I like 4k my father has one for movies and its fucking huge difference.

I'm not rich at all, but it is only like $100 more expensive right? Anti-aliasing and a better framerate are the only draw for me though.

I opted to have no presents on christmas to wait for Nier Automata collector's edition. And I got a huge discount on Horizon Zero Dawn. So those are the only other games that are near release that I really give any shits about or just don't know about I guess.

The slightly better specs for a 100$ seems wasteful. As I said, most games will hardly use them improved specs so the differences will be negligible at best.

Well I guess there is also the Hard Drive space. It's double the storage space of the Slim. Since all the games install on the hard drive I figure that would be useful as well.

Are there any backwards compatibility for games I bought on the PSN store on the PS3?

Can you not just replace the HDD like you could with the PS3?

I think you can, and you can do it with an SSD, but that's just added cost.

>Can't even [email protected]/* */

Sheep will buy anything.

It only has a SATA 2.0 header, so installing an SSD will be casting pearls before swine.


I found this vid with a comparison of the HDD, a hybrid drive, and an SSD. Varies a lot. Loading a save on Killzone was a 21 second difference. Loading Knack was a very little difference. But I can't imagine it justifies the cost of an SSD.

You should consider jumping naked into a swimming pool full of double edged razorblades for your crimes

The King of Fighters XIV if you like fighters, it's easily the best fighting game this gen.


Lol, why would he have both and why would he want to upgrade either one? Introduce that bitch to the master race.

Why would I fucking bother?

Doesn't the PS4Pro have performance issues and dwindling manufacturer support?
Actual question because I was thinking about seeing if I can find a cheap one to play parappa 2 on because parappa emulates like ass.

If a game runs on the PS4 it will run of the PS4 Pro, possibly better. Most of the new games that have been coming out have a decent improvement for the Pro. Unless you have PSVR, its not that worth it though.

For the Last of Us Remastered the framerate was worse than the regular PS4 at 1080p. They patched it though so it's on par with the PS4 now.

Gives AC7 an authentic experience

I like, don't care about last of us at all

Kill yourself Rugga
Anyone shilling for the Pro and iterative consoles should be executed for their crimes against natural selection.

Checked thy digits, sire

And I will check yours

Other than bloodborne literally the only games worth owning on that fucking console that are exclusive. And I geuss Persona 5 if you are into that.

It's fucking amazing how bad sony's handled 3rd party support and giving deals considering they basically had this gen handed to them on a silver platter.

I dont know how the fuck they did it but im more interested in the WiiU's lineup because everything else has literally nothing.
But then again the WiiU is basically almost fully emulatable now so who the fuck cares.

the tiny default drive holds all the games the console has, so what's the point?

except for a couple of games that run worse, and the possibility that it will start roaring like a jet engine and then shut down forever

Isn't the pro actually worse than a regular PS4?
Last I heard, a lot of games had trouble running properly at all on it, let alone with improved graphics/frame rate.

It's not worse, but games that ran like shit on PS4 will run the same on Pro except they're at 1080p rather than 900.

Those were fixed. And that malfunction was shown to be people faking it for views.

my general rule is to wait until the value of the games i want exceeds the value of the system itself.



unless you're super invested in souls online play or want to play re & tekken on an 'it just werks ™' machine, i'd hold off for a while.

Not a exclusive. The only good shit on the horizon are ni-oh (which seems to be getting slightly casualized) and yakuza.
I already have a ps4, it would have been a crap purchase If it wasn't that I payed a 150 for it (with two comtrollers and bloodborne included).

Not only that, Tekken was actually developed from the start on PC (PC architecture arcade board running on Windows 8) and then it got ported to consoles. The ps4 version seems to have some cheap and bad looking shader with less particle effects.


Don't get a PS4 Pro. It's useless without a 4K TV. and even if you have a 4K TV, many (most?) PS4 Pro games run at much worse framerates, presumably because they're trying to push so many pixels.

It's not useless without a 4K TV, in fact its better if you don't use the 4K mode most of the time. Downsampling is the best antialiasing method. And every game so far currently runs same framerate or higher. There were a couple older games that ran worse initially like The Last of Us, but they have patched them.

No, just remasters and game streaming through PS Now.

You are clearly Doing It For Free™.

I'm not saying it's worth the price, just that you where wrong about pretty much everything you said.

You can't walk it back now.

Isn't that why people buy graphics cards?

Better AA is one of the many, many improvements from upgrading a graphics card–not the sole reason to buy it.
Saging because I know shills will bump anyway.


The Pro is the normal PS4 with an overclock CPU and memory, and basically crossfired GPUs. It's a good boost in performance, but if you already have a PS4 and aren't using PSVR there is no reason to upgrade. It should be $300, $350 at most.
My problem is when people are making shit up about it like it runs worse than the PS4 and the only benefit is 4k, when there are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize it. Paid online, exclusives, no 4k blu-ray player, too expensive for what it is, only three usb ports, only has SATA2, etc.


The only completely pointless PS4 is the slim. Want a cheap PS4? Get a used or refurbished old PS4, it's cheaper and still has TOSlink for surround sound sets. Just look at all the shitty bundles they're shoving out with slims, nobody falls for it without some additional incentives.
Care about PSVR? PS4P support is almost universal for PSVR titles and makes a big difference there. Bigger than 4k if you ask me, certainly bigger than the slight improvement you're getting at 1080p, which btw is already good enough to consider only the PS4P if you don't have any PS4 yet, but not enough to consider upgrading from the PS4 you already have.
Back to the autistic screeching found in any thread that triggers mustards.

I'm highly considering it
The amount of filth thats been piling on this board lately both depresses and enrages me.
Its like I'm reading Gematsu comments at this point.

Patrician digits.

Define "authentic experience"

It's a joke. He's saying that the overheating PS4 Pros sound like jet engines.

Great idea, do it and post proof of purchase.

That's not how reality works.

Guess I got lucky then.


bait thread is bait thread

Threadly reminder the Falcom thread isn't a Falcom thread but a thinly veiled Sony thread.

Don't, without a 4k screen, the pro benefits are marginal, and at this point some games actually run WORSE in it.

You're easily triggered.

I guess nobody should ever post in threads because they all start off with (1)s.

I have a feeling Rugga is ID hopping while shilling this fucking scam.

Now I'm sure of it

Ruggarel? Nope, I'm not him. I'm not ID hopping either, it's just that there are multiple people with different opinions than you.


I'm not ruggarel, I'm just not talking in or bumping this fucking PS4 thread. I had to agree with that other bloke because the falcom thread is just sony shit 24/7 so there's no point being in it.

Hi Rugga



user please don't make a fool out of yourself I already see you going (50)+ sperging out

Also getting the thread back on track I think the ps4 has a few titles that are actually interesting. But I don't see the point of buying a PS4 pro honestly, seems kinda like a waste of money.


Bloodborne and Odin Sphere aren't any different on the PS"4K" so I don't know why you would bother as those are the only two games on PS4. Also don't buy a PS4 and support $ony just play those games at a friend's house (assuming you can tolerate the 30fps otherwise don't bother)

sage for dumb question

You're not even trying anymore

You're a fucking idiot
Read my post before replying

I don't know what to tell you man, but I don't even care that much about the Pro. I only got it as a gift and I didn't even ask for it, I just thought I was getting a Slim or something. All I did was say that the one I got isn't fucking faulty like a lot of the others (for now I suppose).

Anyway, to respond to OP, both Gravity Rush games are pretty solid and Yakuza 0 is really good so far so they're good choices. I'd also recommend:

You're getting triggered I'm trying to respond to OP?

I need a an A E S T H E T I C edit of this.

I wouldn't bother, he thinks you're Ruggarel shilling for the PS4 Pro even though you just said you don't really think it's worth it.

If you're a weeb then good call. If not then don't bother.

Why are you bumping this thread?

Also this is only true if you don't already have a PS4.

Downvote went away for some reason.

Stop samefagging Rugga, you're too obvious.

But user, how do I stop doing something I never started doing in the first place?

I like the gif though.

a sage is not a downvote


I get to choose what my GPU does when I upgrade, you may get to choose if a dev decides that their game should run at 60fps instead of the 30fps standard, but then you lose your 1440x2560 resolution, also I get to turn off shit like Motion Blur, chromatic aberration, ambient occlusion and bloom, shit that is generally cancer or minimal visual gain for significant performance drop.

Maybe the impending Switch release? I can't think of any other reason as to why we are getting an influx of low quality sony threads.

All consoles do that shit.
There's only two sony threads. Low quality yeah, but I wouldn't call that an influx.

I got the lego game at the thrift store and I got the order for $5. I never said they're worth playing.

All me

Here's your (You)