Now that the rust has settled, can we at least agree that season 02 was better than season 01?

now that the rust has settled, can we at least agree that season 02 was better than season 01?


Look at OP trying to start a (You) farm

Did season 2 have less plagiarism?

I'm just going to assume Thomas Ligotti actually posts here, I mean I wouldn't be shocked

That's why it sucked


Season one also blatantly ripped off some of Alan Moore's writing from Top Ten.

Ligotti merely adopted Carcosa. Chambers was born in it, molded by it.

Season 2 hit more high points for me than 1.

2 suffered because the real content of the story was very slowly unveiled (the robbery of the diamonds in the 90’s, the corrupt Vinci Police department playing a role in that and in the Rail Quarter). When watched week-to-week this was far more noticeable than on DVD. That and it suffered by calling out the corrupt power-structure of California.

But the romance between Ray and Ani, the bro-moments between Ray and Frank, that whole train station sequence. Really conspiracy-kino. Shows detectives who fail to bring justice but are willing to surrender their lives to try and expose the truth.

Honestly, I got as far as the episode where Rust infiltrates the crack house, and I just did not care or understand how that tied into the larger plot.

Is this the Jake Paul brothers?


t. brainlet

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rust and Marty. The story is extremely layered, and without a solid grasp of theoretical conspiracies most of the clues will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rust's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these characters, to realise that they’re not just cool- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rust & Marty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Maybe the honorable thing for our species to do is deny our programming, stop reproducing, walk hand in hand into extinction, one last midnight - brothers and sisters opting out of a raw deal,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Darwin's epic On The Origin of Species. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Pizzalato’s genius unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them. 😂

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rust & Marty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid 😎

season 2 was good
season 1 was overrated as fuck

people who praise season 1 have never seen good movies that do what it did better

what do you mean, why does it suffer by that?

No, we can't.

The tracking shot alone is enough to establish season 1's superiority to season 2.

AKA Rachel McAdams' pointless vanity project.

Dishonest tracking shot

it was cool to see a ligotti short story adopted into a television show. Shame it went to shit at the end

I bet you also hate flash animation on principle just because it's easier to do than traditional animation.

It was an excellent piece of cinematography.

guess how I know that you're a brainlet

if that's really what you take away from watching it, maybe you're better off sticking to TWD


Season 1 was much better then the mess of season 2.


I do not rate the whole series based on one scene, I rate that one scene more highly than the entirety of season 2.

And that is not what I take away from watching the whole season, that is what I take away from Rachel McAdams' sophomoric, cliche performance.

anyone have that webm of S2 where the guy says "fucking commie jew fuck"?



Does that episode actually have anything to do with anything, or was it just "hurr durr true dectective work doesn't follow traditional narratives. Aren't we clever by inserting tedious bullshit into our show"?

Should've dwelled deeper into the cult the messed up cop was part of. And how it tied into the sex-party she was at in the end.

You really didn't get the end did you? They never solved anything, they only thought so when it was apparent there was a much larger conspiracy behind the whole thing. But like the good cops they were, they just "solved" the case and moved on.

These kinds of conspiracies are never solved because then they would have to take down the whole structure of modern society.

It was nothing special at all


>hey guess what (((religious group))) controls politics, molests children, and carries out bizarre ritual murders by way of a far-reaching criminal conspiracy

thanks fam

What kino be this?

Season 2 seemed to point to (((them))), but they dropped the ball on that.


This, what a letdown

Reminder that S2 was originally meant to be about human trafficking using the LA underground.

Did you not notice that True Detective Season 2 was one of the most overwhelmingly despised shows that year? Like every reviewer almost seemed paid to say it was dogshit.

I’m sure calling out the corrupt power-structures of California had nothing to do with these bad reviews

Oh in that sense, yeah you're right about that. But in reality that theme is a big part of what makes it so good. It's probably a lot more realistic than the normalfags think, with the whole fake news framing Velcoro and all that.

did season 2 have any callbacks to season 1 or occult shit at all?

That's what I thought about Iron Fist, then I watched some of it and it actually is pure dogshit and even worse than the SJW cape shows. Maybe they just knew it was so crap and had no social engineering angle and so they didn't even bother mailing the checks.

The Rachel McAdams character was there as a response to all the bloggers that cried sexism over season one. A true kinographer doesn't not respond to such pressures.

Season three looks like they're doubling down on the pozz with negro leads.
