I email aroumd this comic when I try to explain to bourgeois porky liberals in my hometown of LA that they played a...

I email aroumd this comic when I try to explain to bourgeois porky liberals in my hometown of LA that they played a part in creating the modern white supremacist movement known as the alt-right.

How do we smack into these retards' skulls that by alienating poor, liberal, young white people, they risk creating more Nazis?

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Dumbest thing I ever read. The alt-right is not a reaction to "bourgeois porky liberals" it's the result of fascist propaganda on FOX and reddit. Just think about how long it took to ban /r/coontown. We just need better and quicker ways to stop hate speech then your stream of nazis will dry up fast.

you're a fucking moron. banning speech does nothing but create more resentment and hate. censorship fails, always.

The Bourgeois elitists mocked young white men who voted for Obama twice, and they felt so alienated by Hillary's tactics that they joined the side of the people who welcome them: Trump and the alt-right. This is indisputable.

Jesus Christ. You're never going to win an election again, you dumb Democrat motherfucker.

this, until whites face legitimate material oppression blatantly, all of these reactionary movements are not the cause of material conditions, but just the result of social structures being threatened.

tell that that to the white kids in the Rust Belt who have been shipped off to Iraq and Afghanistan for the last 16 years.

Tell that to the unemployed and homeless kids addicted to booze and painkillers and heroin. Tell that to the middle aged factory worker whose been laid off.

You're out of your minds if you don't think that white kids in middle America didn't feel threatened.

And tell that to all of the teenagers who were once Bernie supporters but became Trump supporters after the avalanche of "hurrrrr BernieBros" commentary. I saw people switch with my own eyes from Socialism to Fascism. GOOD people, too.

Stop making excuses for them.

We can either help them out of poverty or they will murder us all.

They just lack the proper education. Make them class aware and the problem will solve itself. That's the help they need.

That's what I'm saying!!! We can't defeat fascism with this bullshit Democratic Gender-Race enhanced Capitalism.


I guess that's your answer to everything. Very convenient.

We can either welcome poor white people into the Left-wing or they will continue to radicalize, eventually organizing a massive fascist block before murdering us all.

Your choice.

most poor people didn't vote like they always do. I'm not sure that we're facing a wave of lower class white supremacy. Historically that's never been the case and it doesn't make sense that it would be now. As I understand it, the petty bourgeois has always been the central part of any nationalist movement.

I'm glad that liberals are uninviting. It means that maybe the poor will be able to find their way to actual class-consciousness rather than being "woke"

I pray you are right because it doesn't seem like only middle class-upper class kids joining the alt-right. I definitely knew Berners who switched.

Exactly, its easy to rebel against people who openly hate and despise you while also worsening your material conditions. They will simply goes elsewhere in hope of getting their needs answered after being let down so many times before. Making them highly susceptible to fascist or right-wing populism.

Liberalism/neoliberalism on decline are two of things that majorly fuels fascism.

Poor whites have been reactionary for a long time now and not much will change that.

A vast majority of whites face legitimate material oppression by, you know, being proletarians. Denying this makes you… well, a liberal.

Which makes me puzzled as to what you're doing on Holla Forums in the first place.

I used to try to explain this to the Bernie-leaning Gamergaters. That we empathized with their struggle and just because we believed in racial justice, that we didn't hate them.

Then the liberals started doing their STRAIGHT WHITE HETERO MALE thing. I watched as good people (of all races) turned into Nazis. It breaks my heart.

Nah fuck wad. I'm not going to risk my well being to help someone that at every turn votes and acts to screw themseleves over as long as it screws which ever race or gender they blame their problems on a little harder.

They can come after me, I'm ready.

The state can't be everywhere and it's not going to spend to much resources on defending it's useful idiots

They need to face as much as the minorities they blame all their problems on, THEN maybe there's a chance it'll sink in they're in the same class as all those minorities.

They're going to buy into white supremacy all the way until there are every bit as poor, burtalized by police, and neglected as blacks.

There's #trumpgrets on twitter of scared white Trump voters terrified of Trump taking away their health insurance or leaving them unemployed

Why is it always assumed liberals have all this surplus time, money and intellect to spoon fed reactionary white people.

Hilary got 3 million more votes than Trump, plenty of those people are every bit as poor and hard pressed as Trump voters



Multiculturalism is a failure, regardless of your economical ideology.

shitposting is fun but that statement is still untrue
in fact the few recounts done just decreased the number of total votes for hillary, stay mad

thats because cultural values run much deeper than dance, food, and basic understanding of language

Ah, yes, you don't despise the proles for being dirty underclasses, you despise them for being racist. Such convenient excuse.

Because the most prominent of them do. Hell, many are sitting in major media being specifically paid huge sums to speak to people.

Good point, but it's not like neonazis need much of it.

So-called minorities in the U.S are still an oppresser class due to the fact that they unilaterally benefit from the imperialist plundering of the third-world. The poorest people in the U.S are still the top 5% wealthiest people in the world. I am yet to see any coon acknowledge this as they are all comfortably riding the coat tails of real proletarian labour.

Quite frankly they can all get stuffed and anyone who advocates their reactionary 'struggles' is a liberal bourgeoisie cunt.

Cost of living is way higher in the USA as well faggot.

That's horse shit cuck. llco.org/the-high-cost-of-living-in-the-third-world/

if you look at their profiles, it's all people who actually voted for HRC

Nah. You just don't get it.

Minorities are blamed for things they do, like crime. Those are facts. Two minorities, Hispanics and blacks, commit the majority of the murders.

They aren't blamed for everything.

What do you think 'terk muh jerb' is about?

A strawman. I never saw it myself and I spend countless hours on right wing sites.

Closest I saw to that, is people complaining about mass immigration bringing down wages.

Oh, actually, I did see it. But it's not the core of right wingers. It's Liberals complaining about Indians/Asians taking over their STEM jobs. They are like "well, I am a Liberal, but if Trump promises to cut down H1B visas, I may vote for him".

I was referring to the average social conservative lumpem and not Radix or whatever high-fallutin site you likely vist.

And liberals are hypocrites, news at 11.

Cuckservatives aren't against immigration, not even rhetorically.

"Taking our jobs" is a strawman, and they are probably strawmanning the "mass immigration brings down wages"

Also, what's with the intentional misspelling of words? It makes you look like a retard.

Terk muh jerbs is South Park, any other typos I might have made is because I am retarded.

Ann Coulter

You see, that's the thing.

It's the countries, Mexico and China. You know, the geopolitical landmass?

Not their immigrants here. So how is that "blaming minorities"? China isn't a minority.

You both are not getting it, minority crime is inflated with urban poverty, jobs fleeing & no new infrastructure, unregulated drug laws, and jail lobbies turning prisons into a business and arresting people for "bullshit crimes"(creating literal American gulags that greatly succeeds the USSR in numbers), so just stating facts and ignoring the cause is just meaningless shitflinging.

I don't think the white working class by large believes in "white supremacy", or needs anymore suffering than they already have just for them to "wake up" or that they are anymore "useful idiots" than people who vote for democrats in hope for positive change.

They are already facing severe poverty, drug epidemics, suicide rates are soaring, jobs fleeing left and right leaving no options for people to provide for their families leading them to resort to crime.

What needs to be done is that the working class needs to stand together to fight against the capitalist class, and not fight over petty oppression Olympics or blame each other for things that are outside of their control(material conditions etc).

Your shitty article is based off of a comparison with one single 3rd world country, and with no statistical evidence. On top of that, laughable claims such as

What is this? Early 2000?

there is your answer to why it happened

i hope youre the first one on the train


they've never been conscripted though
not exclusive to whites
so it is a matter of feelings, and not reality.

again not exclusive to whites, fuck off with your intersectional cancer.

Come at broke dick Nazi. The state always sends it stupidest and weakest first at a problem so I'll get to put bullets between the eyes of poor, backwards, ignorant hicks like before the state lays a finger on me

I would agree with you, but then I go online and look at where the suposedly "anti-white" stuff comes from and it's almost all liberal and progressive opinion pieces on their websites and blogs or youtube channels.
Alt-right sees this and uses it for their propaganda. I mean the MTV's video on "white guys" had recived such a big backlash that even random non-political youtubers are making fun of it.

liberals need to hang

this, common non-collage educated people will find the idea of white privillege funny because they will never view themselves as privilleged no matter in how much worse conditions black people are
liberals just don't get this and deem hicks and hill billies as some privilleged people lel

what is this, 2002?