Is there a lore reason why so many bosses in dark souls that are basically just people in armor are fucking huge...

is there a lore reason why so many bosses in dark souls that are basically just people in armor are fucking huge? iirc Yhorm was the only one who was explicitly a giant

Because it makes it easier for them to hit the player, and for the player to hit them. Otherwise it would be just like fighting a really strong hollow from the burg.


I had always assumed it was just representative, as if this is a story and the size of your opponent was to give gravity to the challenge they posed, especially relevant to a new player.

Also literally this, but why was Vendrick's royal guard so huge?

None written. It could represent power, or it could just be that they're of the same race as Gwyn.

Because jap devs are retarded.

gwyn wasn't impossibly big. andre the giant was probably about his height and stature.

Bigger soul = bigger stature

What about Ornstein, Smough, Artorias, Sif, every knight boss ever, etc?

Maybe there are just two races of giants. The fuck huge and the tall.

They're just superhuman. Probably some kind of powerful pre-human hominids that eventually degenerated into normal people over time.

You're actually a manlet

I always saw the Dark Souls world divided into Gods and Humans. Humans being smaller compared to the Gods who were just beings that were really tall.


Some demi-god race. Both Gough and Ciaran say something along the lines of 'typical human treachery/behavior' when you antagonize/kill them. Lazy answer God magic that makes them big.

it's because they eat their spinach

The split is something like "the gods" being the ones in charge of everything, "demigods" for lack of a better term being those who work directly for the gods, giants, and humans. Granted, there's almost no information outside of item descriptions and dialog that is vague if you aren't throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. Since humans are those that come from the Furtive Pygmy and carry fragments of the Dark Soul, that's the reason we're so small compared to everything else.

This seems like the most reasonable answer.

I once made a thread related to this question but from a different angle. My question was whether there are any games where we get to be the the giant. So far the closest thing to this would be games with character creators where you can create a fuckhuge person as your avatar and then constantly fight against bandits who are usually average sized.

In Souls' case it's perhaps because humans are descended from the Pigmy guy who by definition would be smaller in stature than the other gods, but the games don't really explicitly say that.

This is why I always saw the Dark Lord end in DS1 as the proper good end since it meant the Age of Humans was finally taking place rather than the endless loop with the Age of Gods

It was the good ending; you broke a perpetuated cycle of stagnant life in the hopes that something else would happen and sent the games down the path of the sequels.
Starcraft 2 had a similar ending, except the heroes were fighting to perpetuate the cycle, and I honestly wondered who the hell thinks that's the heroic end.

Granted, I forgot about chaos demons, but they were are all created after The Witch of Izalith tried to recreate the first flame rather than one of the "founding" races.

The best ending is the one in 3 where you give the Firekeeper the eyes from the corpse in Untended Graves and let everything go out. Yes, the fire will eventually restart, but the flame you see across the three games should have been put out ages ago.




If it wasn't for the dragons existing, none of this would have happened. By recreating everything from scratch, you might get a world where dragons never existed. You might even get a group of people who understand that the fire needs to die completely before you can create a new one rather than endlessly throwing fuel into a fire that's getting weaker every time.


The cycle of the flame has basically shit-all to do with the dragons though, the Lords and their offspring gods would've existed with or without them and the Lords (Gwyn especially) are why the flame's been allowed to go on for as long as it has. Kaathe was right in the end and the flame should go out but is being prevented from doing so by a god fearful of the Dark, willing to curse the world into a limbo of Hollows and sentencing the First Flame to its own limbo of diminishing returns from repeat Lords of Cinder.

I just have a feeling that Gwyn and co. going to war with the dragons, and then the forces of Chaos ended up overexerting the flame and are the reason it started going out. Although letting the fire continue allows for more fighting and that's always better.

I think divine weapons do more damage against him. Just stand near the entrance and you wont agro all of the skeletons that are in his boss room.

I tried that and still got fucking raped.I'm also stuck on the Blood Starved Beast in Bloodborne, and no matter what advice people give me, his grab in phase 3 always kills me.

As far as we know the flame lights and goes out entirely of its own accord, and trying to keep it going fucks things up bigtime. The dragons are an oddity and my best guess is they're spawn of the fog that permeated the world before the First Flame, but that's entirely my own baseless conjecture.

Also divine weapons don't do anything more against Nito, you'd want fire weapons if you're abusing a weakness. Divine weapons pretty much just keep skellies from reviving, so they're still useful in Nito's fight but switch to a fire weapon afterwards.


We have this discussion every fucking week.

It'd run at 30 FPS on a console like it's supposed to, last I checked. Chances are his hardware's just outdated.

Nothing wrong with that. Dark Souls gloat on fairness, so fighting fair and square should be pretty good, actually.
I fact, some of the best parts of Dark Souls is fighting ghosts or mobs of your size, specially mobs too like the Dark Knights or Havel.

This is a good explanation, actually.

Ornstein isn't that big.

In Fable TLC your character becomes huge as he grows in strength, more huge than a normal person, as in height and muscle.

Nito is piss easy without the skeletons. What the fuck are you doing wrong?

No clue man.


Have you tried basic shit like not getting hit, or are you a faggot going in with a focus on poise/defense?
What is your current setup?

Part of it is because humans are ridiculously tiny compared to the rest of the world, the other part is that it's tied to their souls in some way, hence why boss souls are usually strange and unique compared to the generic ones you get off of monsters and hollows

Have you upgraded weapons and armor? Try picking up a better weapon.

We agree that keeping the fire is a shitty idea, but what you want is a shit idea because it isn't my idea.

Wouldn't occult weapons also do more damage to Nito since he's a god? I've only ever use divine to clear the skellies then used a standard or lightning weapon through the game.

Demon Souls > Dark Souls > BB >>>>>>> DS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> DS3


It's a fucking nightmare to get Dark Souls to run decently on PC. One of the few games I'd buy a remaster of in a heartbeat.

Calm down satan. No shit i've tried not getting hit. I'm just going strength and I managed to roll the BKH.

Yeah I have. BKH is +5.

Armored Core>>>>>>>>>>>Demon Souls > Dark Souls > BB >>>>>>> DS2 >>>>>>>>>>>>> DS3

If you stick near his legs, you might be able to dodge his attacks better.

3 is bland as fuck and a below average game because of the fact that they put too much BB in it along with shitting it out because they were under contract to make it, but it's way better than 2.

Suckle on mine urinating penis tip, clown i agree to disagree

Occult weapons don't do any more damage to Nito (in fact they'd do the same damage as a normal weapon or be otherwise useless due to split damage if I remember right), Lords are different from gods. Hell, the Occult Shield mentions the demons tried stealing Nito's power in their bid against the gods, and it's a high lightning-resist shield, so probably "the gods" refers completely to Gwyn and/or his offspring. The Witch of Izalith's daughters just seem to be gifted pyromancers/fire sorcerers if they're not demons (though I remember the one that serves as advanced pyromancy teacher is surprised a mortal can see her so chances are she's a god that doesn't acknowledge herself as one directly), and the Furtive Pygmy's offspring is humanity in its entirety.

Thine penis is naught but the smallest of acorns.

The Witch of Izalith and the Daughters of Chaos are separate from the demons, since they were only created after the Chaos flame went rampant

get dsfix and change the resolution to something shitty like 640 x 400

Was referring to the ones like Quelaag that're sorta-kinda demon, transformed after the Bed of Chaos was created and they were consumed by the failed First Flame recreation.

The demons still confuse me since the demon catalyst mentions the firesage was the first demon and last user of fire magic before it was morphed into pyromancy. So the witch of izalith didn't create the demons but cause their numbers to become much larger?

I think what happened is that some chose to become demons, and prior to the Bed of Chaos was created more started to be created by it rather than people choosing to do it.

I always figured that line to imply the Firesage was "closest to the source" by being the first demon spawned by the Bed of Chaos and thus had fire sorcery, if nothing else. It doesn't specify how long it was between the recreation of the First Flame and Gwyn's decision to become the first Lord of Cinder was, for all we know the demon wars against Gwyn and the gods resulting in being sealed within Lost Izalith could easily have happened before he went off on his pilgrimage to the Kiln.

Nah man, the chaos doesn't over exert the flame, the chaos was mimicry that went wrong.

It has to do with humanity consumption. Smough was fucking huge because he always ate people, and the dark soul represents the physical, men, and mass. When you consume people you become huge. Otherwise it's just because that's how the designer wanted it, souls has never had a very consistent plot. It's a fucking dress up game with RPG elements though, what can you do?

I was talking about the war that Gwyn and co had with Chaos.

Doesn't change my response. The Witches didn't overexert the flame. All they did was try to mimic it after it started to dim, which probably happened way after the dragons were gassed.

For all we know, the Flame started go out the second the Lord Souls were taken out.

Apparently consuming souls makes you physically large but its a half baked fan theory with very little backing it like most of the dark souls lore.

so Priscilla was eating tons of people too?

Why do you think the painted world is peaceful, it's inhabitants kind?

I sure hope so.

And that's why I cut off her tail and stuck in arrow in her to track her while invisible.

Phat souls can be inherited as well as gained. Also, dragon blood is bigness that predates the soul-size economy, so you're big no matter what.


hell fucking yeah

footprints nigga

don't forget the crow women.

Ah bugger off I knew the whole footprint trail bit (I couldn't have pegged her in the first place if I was just going off where I was last hit) but an arrow's more reliable and lets me track her if she's on the side of the arena without snow.

Maybe you shouldn't have been a flaming faggot for coming into the painted world and attacking everything you see.

Those two hollows at the gates attacked me first. I had no choice but to genocide each and every thing in there after that. Also loot the place.

You came at them with a weapon! They were just practicing self defense!

There are multiple races in DS beyond men and giants. Those classified as "gods" fall between men and giants in size, and this is where most of the "very big human" types fit. I'm fairly certain that this group encompasses not just godly rulers like Gwyn and his children, but an entire race of divine or semi-divine beings who drew their power from Gwyn's flame. So all the black/silver knights would be included, for instance. They're not men, and they're not descended from the pygmy's flame. They're an entire race of larger than life heroic demigod figures. There are plenty of normal human-sized enemies you fight in the game, and I don't believe it's just a matter of making things bigger to make them easier to see.

From Lore perspective it kinda makes sense, as you are essentially fighting godlike creatures.
From gameplay perspective? It's to toss you around. If they are big, like all fucking bosses in Dark Souls, you will realise that they can kill you in one hit and you can hit them for three minutes straight unless you grind autistically. They also can knock down most of your stamina if you use a shield, most of their moves can't be parried and roll becomes the only viable defence tactic. DS bossfights just abandon half of their gameplay mechanics in favor of the feeling of being faced with a threat much bigger than you. Some people like it, I'm not a fan.

In demon's souls soul absorption corrupts your physical form, tower knight was a normal human size beforehand.

Because the more souls you collect the bigger you get fuckboi

Priscilla, plz

They sized to intimidate player. Unless it stated that they are giants.

I will never even begin to understand Souls lore, I feel absolutely retarded when people around me can actively discuss this extremely vague series of events for more than a few seconds and I have no idea what they're talking about. I must be autistic because I played all of the games in order less than a year ago and retained none of this supposedly rich story.


because you play as a loli or a manlet in those games.
they're japanese if you haven't realized


How are the sequels to the original? I've barely ever heard anyone talk about them.

You're not the only one I bet, Miyazaki purposely made DaS's lore vague because he likes to read what the player can come up with the story. However, I fucking hate 90% of DaS and BB lore videos. Most of them are shit at presenting their ideas and doesn't really have depth to it. But then again, I can't say their theories are wrong because Souls game lore are so vague that almost every theories are possible.

In DaS3, the flame is the villain and that is why the 3rd ending is the best.

Because his mother is Gwynevere that's why, same with Priscilla I'd wager too at the very least Seath is her dad. Gwyn shrunk due to being eaten by the kiln but was relatively tall, artorias was as well. The idea is is that these men and women aren't human beings but a mix of the gods and another species.

I remenber reading an interview where he mentions that while learning english, he would try reading fantasy books but since he could only read a sentences, the stories and the lore felt disjointed and clouded in mistery, he wanted to give this same feeling in his games.

I personally like it, even in the real world there are some things about our own world and history that we might never know

I kill her all the time. These was supposed to be a questline and a separate ending with her. When she blows wind at you during the fight that was actually a scrapped and reused blow kiss animation. You can call bullshit I got my information from a guy on 8ch a couple years ago, he dug in the files and found that I guess, I got the animation saved though. Your waifu ended up mating with a guman though.

Yeah, I like it too. Usually vidya lore are boring to me, but DeS, DaS and BB have such an interesting world that I can't help but being curious about the lore.

big heda
they gods
culture of soul

Yes you're correct, just because you look human doesn't mean you are. Only those born of the dark soul are human. That doesn't stop the dark soul from corrupting other soul beings as we can see with Artorias and Oolacile residents.

I think it's worth pointing out that size plays just as much as a gamplay mechanic as well as a lore one. Friede is an example of a tall human but I think that's done as a means to intimidate you, as in a visualisation of someone stronger than you because they're bigger. Konami's arcade beat 'em ups like Shredder in Turtles is an example of this.

This made me feel bad. Is like killing Quelaag's Sister.

You mean the other PS1 games or the rest of the series in general?

What the fuck are you guys talking about?
There's nothing deep about the souls games. You want the truth? Go fucking read berserk. You'll see immediately everything is pilfered from there. It's not even subtle, in fact it's fucking obvious to someone who read the manga before playing any of the games.
Since I never played DeS I won't speak of it, but some clear examples from what I have played
I could go on for hours about how badly everything in the world of the souls games is stolen, but I'd no doubt get some TL;DR replies. Anyway, even if we put that aside, the lore is still shit, and any confounded excuse miazaki gave for the fact that it's so full of holes doesn't make up for the fact that he didn't write a coherent story. To further put insult to injury, the games are never designed that well either, and are loaded with things that just make gameplay more difficult than it needs to be due to taking away control from the player or making things that a first time player would not know about and because of the slow controls you're not able to react in time. The levels are never designed with enemy placement in mind for actually making a difficult situation for the player, there's just a ton of enemies pushed in your face all at once and you just need to deal with them all. So the designs aren't theirs, the lore is barely theirs, the gameplay isn't that great, and the only thing they have to show for anything is the fact that the souls games are some pretty good dress up simulators, but that's just about it; you need to play the games through and through to get things to dress up your character.

Armored core 3 is pretty good
the other one for psp, specifically the japanese version, is also good, AC is the only series that From seems to do well with mostly, maybe because when they make a mech game it makes sense for inputs to not be direct because you're piloting a big hunky machine man. Even still, it feels good to play AC 3 portable.

Griffith is a weak cuck who killed himself by a lake by some demon named FEMdo.

This is one of the things I hated the most about Dark Souls after coming in from Demon's Souls. Everything felt just so stupidly large when there was no reason for it to. Demon's Souls' enemies were so varied in their appearances; there were so many enemies that were your height or smaller, from the knights to the rats to the deprived to the skeletons, and every one of them were dangerous and interesting still. Dark Souls making everything huge just accentuated bad design principles of the game for me. Too many fights are about rolling from the one massive hit, too many are about going around the foe and backstabbing them. It's a mess in comparison.

The game has a damn lock-on feature for that. It also has giant weapons and spells. It had nothing to gain by making so much of it massive or taller than the player. Pacing is still significant; Ornstein isn't more intimidating than Old King Doran or Garl Vinland and his size didn't help him. Dark Souls spoiled its players with size and it lost its impact as a result in most fights.

You see the sentinels in Anor Londo? Fucking nothing. You see the boar, or the golems, or the hydra? Nothing. It doesn't make me blink anymore. But when Demon's Souls paced it right, and managed its giant enemies with restraint? It matters. Do you know how it feels to first fight Tower Knight?


I hate when faggots unironically spread this shit. They attack you no matter what and you don't have a goddamn choice.

because fire and heat expands

Whenever I play DaS I always do a psychopath playthrough where I muder anyone/thing that isn't Human


Probably this. Most of the bosses are relics from a more abundant age and of a class that would have access to good nutritrion. You're a fucking plebian living on dirt probably born from a malnourished 15 year old whore. It makes sense that a 6'1" regular human being looks like a giant to a pathetic manlet like you.

Manlets will never learn.

Every game in the series is worth playing up until 4. 4 and 4A are more about quickboosting back and forth than careful tight maneuvering. Still pretty fun, but the environments are terribly boring. Haven't play 5 so I can't comment on that one.

They're innocent! Almost needs to be purged in the Souls games tbh.

I guess Mighty Number 9 was just inspired by mega man, they didn't steal the idea because plagiarism isn't an actual thing, that's just a buzzword
nice dubs though

I just got through Catacombs yesterday. I dreaded that area for a while, yet I found myself not fearing death with each normal encounter. Maybe it was my build, but the skeletons were barely scratching me and I 2-shot them with a Reinforced Club I raised to Divine+5, going by D&D standards for beating skellies. The bigger concerns there are the exploding skulls you need to rush past and the occasional drop trap. That and the counterintuitive ways to find the smith and (quite unnecessary) summon.

I'll run through the catacombs again later to clear it out and fully decend into the Tomb once I can free my hands of the lantern.



Honestly, I never found Wheel Skeletons to be all that bad.

I never had any issue with them in the painted world, its the catacombs that was utter bullshit.

so can the normal enemies
try a GOOD shield, if good shields are to heavy for you try the eagle shield

Did you try rolling?

I dont know man. After playing DS3 twice though, going back to DS2 was refreshing. Atleast for the first two hours before I decided why the fuck am I playing this, I should be off playing demon's souls.

That's the truth imo.
Recently i've finished my BB playthrough (different universes i know, but shut the fuck up) and even the pure humans are still considerably larger than you. Gascoigne and Gehrman both sport at least a solid foot above you. Non-boss humans are normal-sized, so it's pretty safe to say it's a design-based choice instead of a lore-based one.
Mind you that BloodBorne has plenty of reliable reference to show your character is of an average height, not an undernourished manlet as people have been claiming here.

There may be some other lore-based explanation going on but that's probably more of an afterthought.

tl;dr From doesn't give a fuck.

Is the AC1 remake for PS2 worth it too?

You mean Nexus? The menus are convoluted and navigating the game is horrid, but the gameplay's no different from the other installments. It's not entirely a remake; it just has missions from AC1 added in.


It's an extension of the core game (Nexus), then? If so should i assume they are worth going through?
I mean that because i have been intent on snagging a copy to add to my collection, but most people i talk to have bland or no opinions at all over the quality of the game. So, is it worth it or not?

I have played AC 2, 3, 3SL and V, if that info is of any use for reference. Thanks for taking your time, btw. Fans of the series are pretty hard to come by after all.

Divine weapons make it so all skeletons don't pop back up once they die, even Nito's. Get a divine weapon with a good swinging arc, and focus on your safety and dispatching the skeletons first.

Nito by himself isn't too hard once you get used to his moveset.

Right. Nexus's core story continues from Silent Line.

I guess I do have to say, despite what I wrote earlier, that there is a weird gray area of individuals who don't seem to be "gods" descended from Gwyn's flame, but are large regardless. Vendrick, for instance, is larger than most gods, bordering on giant-sized, but I'm fairly sure he began life as a man and a descendant of the pygmy's flame. Likewise, though there are some hints that the brothers Lothric and Lorian have something special about their blood, the fact that Lothric was intended to link the flame seems to imply that he at least was human, and if he is truly a blood relative of Lorian there is no real way to explain the elder brother's huge size. The only thing I can think of is, as others above have said, absorbing more soul matter than your physical body was meant to contain must necessarily mutate that body.

It's like chaos mutations from too much exposure to the warp in 40k.

They are supposed to be godly beings or some shit.
From a logical gameplay standpoint though, it's so the camera isn't looking downwards when you lock-on.

Meant the whole series (I can't be fucked trying to get access to a ps1)

Thanks, good to know. Was worried it was one of those series where all the sequels shit the bed for whatever reason.

DS2 is a mess in terms of being consistent with the lore. It's not just Vendrick but stuff like where Acid, Poison and Toxic come from (the hand instead of the stomach) and the fact a real ancient dragon (in the dragon memories) has a unique soul which doesn't make sense considering ancient dragons are before the first flame where all souls come from. DS2 fucks up so much that I wonder just how much involvement Miyazaki had in the planning of it if anything at all. I get the feeling that the team who was making DS2 only ask Miyazaki on things they had no answer for rather than asking what's correct.

As for humans getting bigger from consuming more souls, I don't know, though if anything the player character in my mind is just a short arse, or humans can also have the ability to change their sizes at will which isn't so far fetched considering you can change into dragon kin at will.

There are different reasons for different characters.

Some of them are not human. People like Artorias and Ornstein are from the race like Gwyn and the other gods.

Some of them are cannibals. Smough and Aldritch are different because they eat people.

It is a display of power. Vendrick, while a man, is huge, because he acquired many souls. Same with Wolnir

I'm having more fun with the PVP in 2 than 3. I just played through 3 again to get to the DLC, and I'm playing 2 now because I never did beat its DLC

I always do this.

I don't think it's said Smough is a cannibal, the only thing I know of is that he grinds the bones of his victims into his feed. I don't think Smough is human so if his victims are only human then he's not a cannibal.