'Star Wars: The Last Jedi' Redeems the Prequels

Rian Johnson and Luke Skywalker have given the Jedi a story arc that makes sense.

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In the prequels, the Jedi are the worst. They’re an overfed priest class lording over the last days of the decadent Republic from their towers in the sky on Coruscant. Everyone says they’re supposed to be the morally upright guardians of order, “the guardians of peace and justice,” as Obi Wan tells Luke in A New Hope.

But the first jarring example that the Jedi aren’t all they’re cracked up to be comes in The Phantom Menace. Anakin is a slave they have to buy away from his master. He’s a child slave and instead of burning Tatooine to the ground and instituting social change, the Jedi gamble Anakin’s freedom in a pod race where death is a very real possibility. No wonder he grew up to murder them all.

Jedi ignorance and incompetence permeates the prequels. Mace Windu immediately betrays the ideals of the order when he learns Palpatine is a Sith lord. He attempts to execute the man without trial because he’s too dangerous. “It’s not the Jedi way,” Anakin says. “He must live.” But Windu raises his saber, and signs the death warrant of the Jedi order in doing so.


Anakin had to destroy the Jedi so Luke could redeem them

The Last Jedi is wonderful for many reasons. It doesn’t try to be Empire Strikes Back, it’s super weird, and it knows puppets are better than CGI characters. It also redeems and recontextualizes the prequels. It does so by rehabilitating the Jedi order by acknowledging its past crimes and working to move beyond them. It doesn’t rewrite or retcon the films fans hate, instead it elevates them to an important place in the cannon.

The prequels are movies about a society in decline. The new trilogy is about the rebirth of hope. It’s about learning to believe in legends again. That’s the message of The Last Jedi. Its ultimate act of beauty is to redeem the Jedi order in both the minds of the galaxy and the minds of the fans.

My Star Wars friends always explained to me that the prequels felt like a betrayal of everything they believed about the Star Wars universe. The Jedi were dumb, feckless elites who’d forgotten the spiritual nature of their path. They allowed fascism to destroy the republic. What they hated, I loved.

But I’d never read the Star Wars novels. I hadn’t heard the stories of the Old Republic and the Jedi masters that they had. I didn’t know what Jedi were supposed to be before the prequels made them something terrible. The Last Jedi’s final moments were built for every Star Wars fan who wanted to believe the Jedi were the noble knights Obi Wan sold them as in A New Hope.


Also nice to see that Screenrant, Polygon and Vice published three thematically close articles on the same date. Was it JournoList?

This is what nostalgiafags believe

So fuck the people that did!


What a pathetic attempt at damage control.

source or gtfo

It's sad that they are still trying to conduct damage control for this horrible movie.
This makes me think they are trying to suck up as many shekels as they can before the upcoming Soylo movie disaster.

Prequels were ok .

Hating the prequels is a meme for underage fags who never even saw them.

on some real shit luke should have killed everyone, then himself and bring balance to the force.
stupid af tbh fam

The first sentence is concentrated soy boy

The PT had problems mainly with execution but they are masterpieces compared to lazy pile of shit Disney call "star wars "movies.

No Rian, you don't understand the prequels at all. Anakin was the chosen one to end the sith once and for all by killing Sheev at the end of Return of the Jedi. All we get to see in the prequels is the suprising path the whole prophecy took with Anakin turning to the dark-side because of the negligance and manipulation that took place.

By saying the prequels shows the jedi be anything but heroes is precisely why people hate The Last Jedi. The jedis in the prequels were still heroes. At the end of the day they still wanted to do the right thing. They are not perfect though and they make mistakes. They let themselves grow comfortable and didn't question things like the clone wars and the growing authoritarian democracy that the republic grew into. They also let Sheev divide Anakin from the jedis by playing right into his hands with the whole thing of Anakin being on the council. But Yoda and Obi-Wan realised their mistakes at the end and re-grouped, prepared to right their wrongs in the end. They didn't burn it all down was ready to say that it's the time for the heroes of this universe to die.

Rian Johnson really is a fucking moron.

How? Not only did he through the jedi way save the galaxy from the evil unstoppable power of Sheev, Vader and the galactic empire and their two death stars that could blow up planets. He also redeemed and did the unthinkable, saved his father from the dark and it made him go to force heaven.

This is your mind on post-modernity. Fucking Hollywood-hacks who don't understand a damn thing about western mythology.

Shit that isn't rancid runny diarrhea is still shit.

Link to the archive, the article writer is a complete fucking faggot with a total disconnect from Star Wars.


But an obvious connection to Disney’s bank account. They are trying to muddy the waters.

But a big, intestine cleansing, poop that makes you feel good for the rest of the day for having pooped it out with minimal mess to your anus is far greater than a diarrhea poop that runs and runs and runs, that stays with you long after it's welcome.

CGI is trash. This is a fact.


How dare these aliens to have a different culture, don't they know its 32 BBY ??

Even when they're thinking for themselves, these soyboys can't think for themselves.

Some of the effects in the OT really have not aged well, and while the prequels did overdo it with CGI (no reason the clone troopers shouldn't have been men in suits), the puritan attitude some people have toward practical effects is silly. Pretty much any alien that isn't almost entirely humanoid can look better with the help of CGI.

The prequels will NEVER look this good.

I'm pretty sure the only people who actually hate them are the movie only cucks. If you bothered to look into any of the side material you'd know the prequel era was pretty much the best time to be a Star Wars fan.

I feel like it is a total waste talking about this series. Soyboys will always eat up whatever shit they throw out and Holla Forums will go far in the opposite direction (prequils were good) just to prove they aren't soyboys

Disney movies are filled with practical effects, yet I'm not impressed either.
Nobody cares if these effects were practical or computer-generated.

Also, the only people that enjoys Disney's episodes are people who hate Star Wars. They are the target audience.


Wanna project harder?

Perfect sequence and the CGI would have ruined all the magic.

The eyes and mouth look awkward and robotic. You could touch the puppet up with CG and make the whole thing look a lot more organic.

The fact that it looks weird was the point all along ==because it feels and look alien== .

Check mate CGI Soy Boys ;)

It moves like a glove puppet.

ITT Holla Forums assravaged

Just because you like to shove things up your ass doesn't mean ours are hurting Rian.

go away Rian =^_^=