6 to 7 thousand people control 100 Trillion in assets, half the world's wealth


Fact based article that outlines how ridiciously Porky has the left out gunned.

Some highlights from the article:

"The TCC are not seeking a global government. The ultimate goal of capital is the building of a semi-privatized neo-feudal police states, controlled by friends of capital, where individual countries are populaton containment zones with strict controls on local citizens, and capital is free to go unrestricted anywhere in the world."


"To prevent global socioeconomic and/or environmental collapse and other 9/11s, we must contest the massive negative consequences of the continuing concentration of wealth under capitalism. In actuality, humankind is faced with extinction, at least to life as we know it. Any attempt to forestall this global certainty seems worth the effort. Unless we collectively challenge the empire, I am afraid we face a world that is evolving into a new dark age of neo-feudal totalitarianism unlike any previously known."

We're beyond fucked…

Other urls found in this thread:


Transnational Capitalist Class (TCC)

Well the Dark Ages preceded the Renaissance. The danger I fear is a scientific dark age, one in which the ruling class will have full (or almost full) knowledge of the human genome and be able to program humans to be slaves at a biological level. They will be able to make it so capitalism is human nature.



Wow, project censored has an article about how half the science papers published in the last 20 years are bullshit.


It kind of feels like major world religions have been priming us for this shit for millennia, preaching about the end of the world where the select few make it to somewhere relatively nice but everyone else is miserable. Except that's what's happening in real life.

Fidel Castro was among those people. Why do you mourn him then?

He tried to warn you bro, but you wanted """democracy"" why didn't you listen?

What the fuck, not even a year ago my GP suggested Paxil for my depression.

Rolled 3, 1, 4, 4 + 4 = 16 (4d4)
why not just become the porky, this shit is autistic. if u cant beat them join them

I wonder how Holla Forums will take this?

Because you cant join them either

I want forbes and Holla Forums to leave

how is "neo-feudalism" compatible with capitalism?

if anything a comfy peasant life seems better than the modern dystopia we call "democracy". At least your lord protected you.

How did this happen?

Where the fuck did it all go wrong?

Why couldn't we have had a revolution after WW1?

They will gloat because it will confort their view that mainstream science is Jewish conspiracy.
They will use this article whenever someone use a paper going against their views.
It won't cross their minds that "their" papers are also concerned. Only thoses going against muh common sense are obviously false.
Who want to post this on Holla Forums and bet about this?

we cyberpunk now

You can join them, if you're willing to be a ruthlessly exploitative psychopath. It's easier than you think.

The real problem is that the system is killing the planet.

Move along, nothing to see here!


That's highly misleading.

This is a broken timeline, we were supposed to have a revolution after WWI. In this timeline we go extinct.

Yes, industry puts pressure on institutions that screen their products to give them the results they want. This doesn't mean medical science is fundamentally flawed, it means capitalism is once against impinging upon honesty, justice and truth.

The same applies to fluoride. One of the first major proponents of water fluoridation was a major shareholder in the largest aluminium manufacturer in the US, the byproduct of the aluminium industry was a chemical containing fluoride that was expensive to dispose of because it can't just be dumped in a river somewhere. The results needed to give water fluoridation the go ahead were then obtained from an institution notorious for giving industry the results it needed to do exactly what it wanted. Moving ahead and now an even more toxic chemical is being dumped into the water supply, lacing it with trace amounts of heavy metals and poisons, and there is absolutely no correlation between water fluoridation and increased dental health, as seen in the graph dental health has improved in the decades after water fluoridation at an essentially uniform rate regardless of whether a country fluoridates or not.

This is because Fluoride is a topical treatment, it only works when applied directly to the teeth, drinking it has no effect, and can only have negative effects. It can lead to damage to to the teeth and bones, and thyroid problems. Suggesting drinking fluoride helps your teeth is like suggesting drinking mouthwash does. This is further compounded because once it's in the water supply it's in EVERYTHING, if you bake bread with fluoridated water, that bread contains fluoride, if you grow crops with it, those crops contain fluoride. Hell, when you have a bath or shower, you absorb fluoridated water through your skin, or inhale water vapour containing fluoride. No one even knows what the trace amounts of heavy metals and poisons could be doing to the population at large.

Hell, I stopped using fluoridated toothpaste to lower my exposure to fluoride, and my teeth are fine, because I don't consume vast amounts of sugary garbage. It's almost like that even when applied topically, where it is proven to be effective, it isn't actually necessary if you don't eat shit. The arguments against it have been undermined by conspiracy theorist chucklefucks saying it causes autism and cancer. It doesn't but it's still fucking shit.

The articles says as much. Scientific study is funded through grants which are awarded in a stupid "free market" type model where the most "productive" scientists are awarded the most grants.

To appear productive "scientists" put the thumb on the scales of their own experiments to make them produce results they other wise wouldn't.

One method is using small sample sizes.

There's an even bigger problem in science. It that there's alot of already established science that would make life changing products but porky won't fund the commercialization of new scientific findings unless said findings are already in a pretty advanced stage of being able to be commercialized.

All this awesome science just stays in labs when it could be saving lives. Scientists and engineers call it the death valley.

SBIR grants are supposed to address this but it's woefully under funded.


This website is run by public citizen which acts as a watch dog group over the pharmaceutical industry.

You have to pay for it but they have a report on all the different kinds of prescription medication and alternative prescription medication that they recommend instead because it either works better or has fewer side effects.

While I'm not on any meds nor do I expect to be I'm heartened to know such a thing exists. It's got an easy to remember name too, so I feel confident I can point other people to it if appropriate. Thanks.

mega porky


Corporations = feudal lords
Private security, police, and military = knights
Employees = peasants
Lumpens = barbarians

You're welcome

Since when?

The last I heard from Wolff-senpai's mouth in the last few months is that it's actually 62 people that own half the world's wealth. How did that transform into thousands?

It didn't. The number is still 62. That site is retarded lmao

I want citations
I want more
This is nearing tin foil levels

The power is in the use of land for production and protection of assets. If you want to fight back, you will have to participate in capitalism long enough to get land which you can then use to make your chosen society and start recruiting others to your new society. You will have to make goods and set up power, food, water, and other vital production sources and create a temporary "corporate direct democracy" with intelligent and technically proficient members that can then use their skills to negotiate with the outside capitalist communities for trade ad goods to support your growth. The problem is that everyone there must pull their weight and make some sacrifices in personal effort and time until the society is self sustaining and then must work on growing and prospering, all while using their residence in the area to influence local politics to accept direct democracies and weed out the subtle loopholes that politicians, CEOs, and other power mongers put in to protect them from the masses discontent and to encourage better monitoring of their dealing in the area.

Simply put, we're going to have to start playing by their rules in our own way until we get the power to change them to our rules.

We'll probably have to design some production buildings based around self sustainment and civil resource production (Thinking maybe a farm tower using mirrors and solar panels to direct the sunlight inside and provide energy with a water collection and treatment facility built into the side and around it, possibly with small turbines at points where the water run-off from the building gets heavier)

Oh, you mean like the CRISPR-CAS9 experiments that people are already freaking out over due to fear of designer babies becoming a thing?

The poorest half of the world's population obviously don't have half the world's wealth (if they did there would be no inequality). Half of the world's wealth, being a larger number, requires more billionaires to fill it out.

At least we'll have the joy of watching those people bring proto-fascists and anti-"globalist"s to heel.

The several thousand number comes from not just the porkies themselves but also the owners of the holding companies managing their assets.

These managers are generally billionaires themselves, effectively directly control half the worlds wealth.

Not sure where the 62 number comes from. There are a lot of holding companies like the karlyle group that no one knows who's owns but is clearly owned by only a handful of people

There is remote, very slim chance, that Trump will carry through on his threats to build "walls" to impair the movement of capital, and there is an even more remote chance that the USA will win the unholy shitfight that this economic nationalism will unleash, and there is a tiny, barely perceivable speck of possibility that this will result in other nations following the US's lead and global capital brought to heel in a new economic regime.

But the smaet money is on "globalism" is a boogeyman, and the various nationalist movements will be used to suppress any possibility of international solidarity, while creating excuses for a new wave of austerity and superexploitation, and still allowing capital to flow freely.
The people on top do not want one world, they want a collection of defined markets for buying and selling with clear rules about what goes where and how they can profit from it, as well as to have clearly denoted paths for both legal and black market flows that they can control.


This is essentially what is meant by the one world government though. You guys are just "wait and see" defeatists cos modern proletarian nationalism can somehow possibly be worse than what this article describes, and the arguments against it largely amount to fingers in ears "nationalism is the real bogeyman". You people realise Western nations have multiple ethnicities right? You just say "feh, it'll probs not work cos of this, give up either way" with no actual plan to stop it besides some imaginary international solidarity movement somehow materializing just like it didn't in 1919 and thereafter, that somehow also won't simply get repressed into nothing as soon as it does on the current trajectory. I see no reason why solidarity couldn't emerge with national movements in play, because these countries are ALREADY nations, the left won't just disappear, if anything they'll probably be deneutered, and the movement is largely a reaction against neolib/con aka global capitalism, just currently manifesting itself as racial anxiety, in part because the mainstream (and rest) left has been fully subverted. I think it's worth a try simply because we have nothing else and all the timelines are extremely bad. The left-idpol retards actually think they'll be given a seat at the table and won't be ground into nothing like all of us, and the right-idpol retards are in part being triggered by them. Given how well the top has mastered critical theory to divide us I have a sinking feeling they know what they're doing overall by provoking a reaction, but they seem too disorganized and detached tbh.

I don't care, because it's not like I expect gibmedats from them.

You don't think the national movements are co-opted by porky to created the neo-fuadelist police states the article is taking about.

Yup, NWO is a porky sham. Real danger are Putin style autocratic ("""""democratic""") police states run by lovable scamps like Trump and Duterte. Backed by a permanently loyal base of violent zealots who use advanced propaganda techniques to crush dissenting rhetoric

Trump is the hypernormalization of the Assad-Putin-Xi axis of National Porkyism

Meanwhile we see that the likes of Sergeiy Brin and Carl Icahn can roam the globe freely while border laws (laws to control wage cuck movements) are strengthened.

Notice how everyone on the alt right suddenly collectively forgot that the terrorists are supposed to all be government psyops/trained mercenaries? Now its bomb everything all day long from the far right. Like the last 10 years of alt news never happened. Because the War on Terror was created so this could transpire. Trump was always in the plans. The upheaval of the PC Left was always waiting for us. The NRx revival was fated

This isn't viable. Statist taxes and restrictions prohibit this and the paramilitary/mob presence of the supporters of these neo-feudalist regimes will attack any grassroots dissent

couldn't have said it better

Can you please explain what "Statist taxes" means and how it would prevent neo-feudalism.

It seems like Russia is already a neo-feudalist state.

that's not what i said

i said that taxes, restrictions and land regulations would prevent proles from buying enough land to start communities and would prohibit those communities from prospering along with grassroots propaganda/paramilitary elements attacking them with the go-ahead from the state

yes russia is already basically a neo-feudalist state controlled by Putin and his St. Petersburg Defense Industry/Finance coterie