Titanfall 2 Thread

Are you going fast Holla Forums?


I got a

It still boggles the mind that the guys behind Call of fucking Duty made a game faster than a DOOM 4.

That just shows how fucked vidya is.

but its the guys who made COD when it was good

Even so. It still shows how fucked the Industry is when FUCKING DOOM is a snail's pace when compared with a fucking EA game. It's starting to make me think DICE and Bioware actually have free reign over their games and choose to make them garbage.

Would it make sense to compare this to WET? in the sense that you gotta constantly move around to kill people? Or is Vanquish a better comparison.

Call of Duty is one of the fastest FPS though. This is very slightly faster. It also plays like CoD except with drivable kill streaks.


Reminder that A-Wall is bullshit that lets a pilot go toe-to-toe with a titan.
Reminder that Phase Shift is bullshit that acts as a double-use get out of jail free card.

Mother fucking Pulse Blade, I can kill a nigga with it if I need to
Mastiff and G2
Amped Weapons, it's just too useful paired with an anti-titan weapon
Drydock, the middle area is really fun for ranged combat and moving around it is fun.
Pilot v Pilot because I hate how one sided matches can get involving titans

Problem with dropping all 6 titans is that if the other team is stacking charge rifles and MGLs your gonna have to deal with new titans versus your already damaged ones

Is this game worth getting? I don't really feel comfortable with that "EA" logo.

idunno if I say anything is be a shill. It was really cheap for some time but now I dont know.

You could spend like 5 bucks for EA access and play it for 10 hours

I want to git gud, Holla Forums, but I don't usually play FPSs. What do?

Do what , said. Play the campaign. If you like it, watch some videos on jewtube and figure it out.

Phase shift and switching to A Wall sometimes because A Wall is stupidly broken
The two loadouts I switch between are an A Wall lout out with the soft ball for maximum mini nukes and Phase Shift load out with the Cold War.
Dice roll for when I'm not trying and Smart pistol for when I want to destroy and make people salty
Legion with Secret compartment cause I can remove Ronin with that.
Foreword base Kodai

Yes. The game is very strong and definitely is worth a go. However the problem is to do that is that you need to get origin which is a commitment in it of itself.

Phase Shift only delays the inevitable. It's really obvious to see where the guy is going and as soon as he pops out you can just hose him down with bullets.
A-Wall is pretty stupid though. It should have a maximum amount of health.

Aside from Origin there aren't any trademark EA fuck ups. It's surprisingly good, but pirate it and see for yourself.

At the minute my favourites are
>Holo Pilot partially because the helmet looks really cool
Reminder that Northstar and Scorch a best.

Got a triple melee kill at the very start of an 8v8 Skirmish on Crash Site after sneaking behind the enemy team up the hill, almost got two executions before anyone saw me. Felt great.

I didn't either when I found out my brother bought the game, but it is genuinely good. The campaign in particular surprised me with the amount of effort put into it, but the multiplayer's great too.


APEX Predators

Angel City Elites

Vinson Dynamics


Marauder Corps

ARES Division

I can agree with this list.

I agree

Yeah. Is there a reason to even be a part of the ARES Division? If you want villains just go for Vinson or APEX predators, where they are more or less just chaotic Neutral.

Gotta go fast
Kraber and p2016
Battery or amped weapons
Scorch or Tone
Angel City
CTF and attrition

No it isn't.

robot legs
regular shotgun
Not sure yet.
I'd like last titan standing but for some reason no one is playing it. So I play just regular deathmatch.

just started playing the singleplayer campaign to get a feeling for everything before i get my ass handed to me in multiplayer. movement options are pretty cool - its streamlined enough to be on consoles and fast enough to also satisfy the pc audience, i'd assume. why did they only provide this on origin? i imagine they miss out on a shitton of sales because nobody wants to put up with a dozen platforms. battlefield negro and fifa may be big enough to do good enough despite this, but for most other games this seems like a pretty retarded decision.
ea are as homosexual as expected

also, how short is the ttk? seeing this is from ex cod devs - short? probably mitigated by the movement speed, but generally not a fan of this.

It's pretty short, though depending on your loadout and how good you are at movement you'll do better. Still, most weapons are hitscan and will kill in a few hits

Phase shift, but i perfer Stim
Car, its my last gun in the smgs i need to gen up
Battery, paired with over core, its to op.
Ronin, i have been maining legion for so long i needed a switch, ronin is fun, but i perfer scorch
Exoplanet, This map is surprisingly good for titan fighting,
Attritian only playlist i enjoy, got me 7 gens up

Anybody using SMR?

SMR is the automatic missile launcher right? I fucking love that little salt excavator

Guns op as hell, but nobody uses it. Must be to hard for people to get kills with it, and that its really good at taking down titans.

Yes it is

my friend who still goes on 4cuck said he just beat some people from Holla Forums. pls do better next time guys and beat him

The only people on this board who'd play TF2 are 100% casuals.
The people who are good at vidya here mostly play other stuff.

Reminder that using any of the following:
Phase Shift
is considered faggot behavior and you WILL be stomped on sight.

how did he know they were from Holla Forums?

forgot Smart Pistol, Ticks + Sentries
also, Ion is bugged to hell:

Vortex duration is tied to framerate, the lower your framerate is, the longer it lasts.

All projectiles caught in vortex shield do approx. 2x more damage through AOE. Catch some Legion rounds and release them right next to his feet for an instant doom.

You can refill your energy as ion by leaving and entering the titan. Combined with Phase Embark gives you the ability to take down enemy titans with extreme swiftness through the use of the shoulder laser.

remember, ion is best titanfu

Don't forget that using Grenadier weapons is bro-tier

Doesn't this game have Denuvo?

yeah, it does

please explain

Well yeah, if you play this game you are a faggot.

Recon kunai faggot or grappling hook depending on map
Alternator or Mastiff with smugglers run and ricocheting rounds. Lasergun or antititan grenade launcher as my secondary.
Teleports-behind-you or It's fine, depending on mood. Nuke or Autotitan+ plugin.
Spacious farm one, forgot the name
Crash site


Holo pilot. Everyone keeps falling for the projections, and I don't know why.
R-201, MGL, incendiary throwing star
Scorch with the inceased time + damage thermite shield. Casually flank titans and get up in their face with it. Works everytime.
Exoplanet and Crash Site simply because Holo projections work very well at the beginning.
Pretty much been sticking with Attrition. Might branch out to something new soon.

Managed to pick the game up on No Games 4 when it was on sale. Also had store credit, so I figured 15 bucks was a pretty good deal. So far, haven't been disappointed.

Stim. It feels like a less stupid phase shift with some additional utility.
Alternator. Hip fire for days.
Ticks, just because I like throwing them at a bounty hunt pod and getting $40 for free.
Scorch, mostly. Been trying to make Legion work but he feels as slow as Scorch without the damage output.
Haven't played on too many, but Exoplanet with the caves is neat.
Bounty Hunt. Hardpoint encourages a lot of camping and Attrition is too unfocused. Haven't played enough CTF to get a feeling for it.


Legion already gets shat on by ion. What can a legion do vs vortex shield?

It lasts longer than the legion shield and there's no way to bait it. Only the shotgun blast is any good, but good luck catching the ion with that slow fucker.

At distance the ions laser out does you way worse.

Yes and no. Bunnyhopping seems counterintuitive in this game. Oftentimes I'll have a chain of a few jumps, and then suddenly my guy will lose all momentum and then almost hope straight up. I can kind of air strafe half the time though.

Phase or cloak, usually.
Most of the time the R-201. It's just the most reliable. Second most might be devotion, it depends on the map.
Amped weapons. Fuck everything else. Once in a while I'll do dice roll to break monotony.
Ion best girl, plebs and scrubs who disagree GTFO.
I don't really have one. Angel city is pretty balanced, but if we're talking TF2 only maps, I guess black water canal is okay, and Kodai. Crash site is fucking AWFUL, and Drydock or whatever it is is only slightly less terrible. I don't know, most maps are just three linear lanes with chokes everywhere, they need more maps like the City where things are open yet closed at the same time, with vertical movement and little constriction.
Amped hardpoint and bounty hunt. I really am not a fan of Attrition, which is the most played. it seems too chaotically stupid. There have been plenty of times where I have spawned, seen an enemy pilot 50 feet away from me with his back to me, shot him, run out of my spawn and get killed by another enemy pilot who spawned behind me. It feels like they throw spawns anywhere and everywhere in attrition and it's fucking aggravating.

i wan fug titan

TF2s maps are way shittier than TF1s. Every map in TF1 was great, here there's only two I like, the industrial one and the one with the maglev rail running through the middle.

You're not just getting up to speed and jumping, are you? You gotta slide too.

Scorch is my second favorite. I really WANT to say he's my number one, but he's too situational to be better than Ion if you threw him into any random scenario. If you understand how to properly use and play Ion, you can fuck wreck people. Scorch is amazing, but his short range and slowness hampers him too much to make him better than Ion all around.

I'm not a huge fan of any of the factions honestly. 6-4 is okay, ACEs are fun because of the voice lines alone, but that's about it. Apex would be better if that faggot said more things than just

Nade launcher in general are wonderful ways to sort out the boys from the men. They're fun to use, but they aren't very efficient at racking up tons of kills reliably (unless you're playing hardpoint). The fags who cry about them don't exhibit the movement to avoid them so they think they're OP. I do think the EPG can be a bit ridiculous at times, though.

that's what a lot of people say. I never played the first to compare.

Speaking of the first game, can we talk about how UTTERLY SHIT the fucking spitfire is? The accuracy is horrid, the ironsights ironically don't allow you to fucking SEE anything, the only scopes it has for better sights are magnification ones (which is made worse by its shitty accuracy), it doesn't do anywhere near enough damage to compensate for the inaccuracy or firing rate, and said firing rate is low.

Most guns are good in one or two categories and bad in one or two others, or average across the board. But no, the spitfire is fucking terrible at everything. They took all the stereotypical disadvantages you could make for fire rate, accuracy, damage, and sights, and gave them ALL to the spitfire. No one uses it in TF2 for good reason. TF1 players tell me it was amazing for titan takedowns with a certain mod on it, but now that takedowns involve yanking batteries, it's a useless fucking gun.

Well, you missed out. I've been playing multiplayer shooters since counter strike and tf1s maps were some of the best ones I ever played.

They were balanced, they were huge, they were open and closed at the same time. They were also visually varied and they had no blinding solar glare everywhere.

Who's stupid idea was to put nuclear bloom in a game where you aim at the sky constantly?

They were also much better for the game itself. Notice how you can't drop titans everywhere in tf2, but on angel city you can. That's because the map was made well. Not like the turds in tf2. Hopefully they will import some of the other tf1 maps, angel city is not even one of the really good ones.

Oh yeah and the grunts were a lot more active in tf1, check out some videos.

The single player sucked away too many resources from the online mode I fear.

It was like living in a never ending fireball.

That was the LMG right? You could attach a mod called a slammer on it and wreck titans.
I've though about getting this game but no custom titan loadouts are really putting me off, can you change the titan AI voice still?

Nope. Each titan has a specific voice it uses that cannot be changed.

Eh you can sort of kind of change it by switching to the prime titans.

Do not fuck your Titan.
Mechs are not for sexual.


Let go, user.

Yeah it's hard af to use, it's easily outmatched by hitscan weapons in usability department.
But on the other hand it is so satisfying to get kills with it, shit even firing the damn thing is pure sex.

Someone brought up a good point by saying the Spitfire and the Devotion should change damage models. The Devotion kills in like 2 hits and doesn't even need to be fully spun up but the Spitfire does no damage despite being just as slow.

Poor Spitfire. Without the old rodeo'ing system, it seems completely out of place with everything else in the game.