Do you think this was our Franz Ferdinand moment, Holla Forums?

do you think this was our Franz Ferdinand moment, Holla Forums?

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There won't be a Franz Ferdinand moment when nukes exist.

Good point.
In that case, do you think this will lead to nuclear war, or even another cold war?

"even another cold war" for some reason i said that like cold war is worse. feel free to shit one me for my idiocy


Ok, good.

If you need more explanation, just see the reactions of Russian and Turkish governments. It's obvious that no matter what Turkish propaganda says, the Russians are not over the plane shootings and certainly will not just sweep this under the rug, but no one wants an all out war. What this means tho is further worsening of the relationships of both countries and more pressure from Russia towards Turkish government.

By the way, I don't mean that status quo will be preserved, I expect another coup in best case or a full blown civil war in worst for Turkey in the next decade. Erdogan filled the entire police and military full of these sort of insane Islamists and he has little control over them. The whole government is filled with incapable idiots and they are in full panic mode ever since 2012, it's only a matter of time before they lose control and everything goes to shit.

Can't wait tbh

Me too. In case of civil war, this gives me excuse to return to my country and kill some Islamists. Coup only means more dead and tortured leftists tho, it's always been that way.

No; Turkey and Russia have recently being attempting to renew friendly relations in order to settle crisis. Remember when Turkey shot down a Russian military jet for violating it's airspace for a mare 17 seconds and all Putin did was ban Turkish tourists for a while and then Erdogan apologised. On the other hand; this has been labeled by both governments as just some lone fanatic gunman that attempted to sour relations.

are you Turkish?

So you're from Turkey? Where do you live? I'm Russian but live aboard too.

Russia seems pretty chill about it, so def. no.


Doing phd in netherlands

I could see Turkey being the trigger point in the future for a NATO/Russia conflict, but I don't think this will be it.

Neat. I'm a pupil in Munich.

That would be darkly funny. Everybody was worried about Ukraine and then it's Turkey. Like a bait and switch.


Very unlikely.

Turkey is quite high on Erdogan, but it doesn't actually believe that it can wage war on Russia. It's logistically impossible. Taking a few bites out of Caucasus (and Syria) is their limit.

Similarly enough, invading Turkey is a non-option for Russia - to a lesser degree, though. But their internal situation is less stable: if war with Turkey happens, Putin will get thrown to the dogs, since Ukraine has a much higher priority for Russians en masse.

Sit and wait for 2-3 years. Possible Balkans are: Eastern Europe (after dissolution of EU), Latin America (Venezuela/Brazil), and South East Asia (Indonesia/Philippines).

What's your opinion on the PKK? They seem to be the most dangerous to Erdogan right now.

I doubt Russia would launch a land invasion, but instead try and VDV the shit out of them, or go amphibious on Trabzond.

Not really. The interest of Kurdish groups are only relevant to the areas they live in; this is the same in Syria, Iraq and Iran.

That's even more retarded than a land invasion

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