/agdg/ + /vm/ Amateur Game Development General

Just like make game edition.




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To get this thread started I am working on a Camera Team Vehicle (CTV) for short maybe, this fuckers purpose is to spread propaganda by using their approved Photoshop program (they don't use Gimp because they hate freedoms) and of course bunch of cameras, it will shoop your tonk in mass genocide which causes a net negative for your credits balance.

You better blow that thing up buddy before you will become poor nigga

What ?

bix nood muh fuggeh whop de ship de fugga where da white wimminzs at

There is a significant lack of cameras on that vehicle if it one is to even think about using it for the stated purpose.
However there is one important question that can save this Can it Drift?

how do making video games?

Based on what I've learned from EA, Microsoft, Sony, Activision, Square-Enix and Ubisoft shit on a plate and give it Promotional budget of at least 60 million.

So anyone got any tips on where to get ideas for games?
Like for me the programming is not so hard but its just an original idea that is hard.

Every idea I have ever had is just a blatant rip off of another game with slight adjustments and I don't want to do that. And taking someone else idea doesn't seem right either.

I am just one guy so I need to make my game sort of unique to get its players in, but not so overly unique that it sucks. Any ideas on where to get good original ideas form? I'm leaning towards making a VR game.

i want to make a 2d side scrolling platformer about a ninja rescuing his waifu

no such thing as a original idea tbh

just gotta present it in an interesting way maybe but above all if its a good game and ufn to play no one cares how original it is

I see no problem in this, that's how most of the games are made. Hell, that's how anything is made. Imitation is the heart of any action.

Well its moreso all my ideas are about making existing games better.
I can rant all day about how I could make all the game I play far better.

But making one myself is different. And these are all huge games, I'd never be able to make one alone.

Another problem I have is money. I'd like to make a bit of money on my game, but how? Should I make it cheap so everyone buys it? Making it free to play with cosmetics? Free to start? I'd need to sell my game as having a 'cool artstyle' which in fact is just me taking shortcuts as I can't make good graphics for shit.

Something's been bothering me lately.

I'm about 1 month away from releasing my game on Steam. Last week I saw a game come up on the recently published page, and it's in the same genre mine is.

Usually I don't care, but that game also got a negative review and a positive review in another language right out of the gate which put it at mixed. I went to read it, and the review is basically a bug report. A few of the bugs mentioned are also bugs in my game as well which I thought I've fixed but somehow still happens, but never when I'm testing it, only when other people play it and I don't have a debugger attached that can tell me what happened. The rest of the review reads along the lines of "I liked this other game better, this game sucks because it isn't that game."

What I've seen looking around at other devs that published on steam is that "mixed" and below is a death sentence for sales. When a game shows up in someone's feed and has mixed reviews it's almost always dismissed and never seen again.

I've lost sleep over it. What if my game fails because someone had a minor bug and left a negative review on it? It's not like I made some pretentious garbage non-game or a shitty pixel BoI ripoff meme game that took two weekends to make, I've set aside my health, family, and social life pouring every breathing minute into this game over the past 8 months because I wanted to make something people would have fun playing. All of that is about to go down the drain and no one's going to play it because of something ultimately inconsequential as a bug that doesn't actually affect the game that much that I can't even find the cause of.

Even if the dev of that other game goes and fixes it, the number of people that change their review after an update is even smaller than the number of people that review it, and the game is still going to suffer for it. Seriously, when's the last time you've ever reviewed a game you played that wasn't a AAA title, much less changed a review you've already written? I've tried to be better about it but I still forget sometimes.

What if I release my game and it's not even a bug that makes someone leave an early negative review, but just someone reviewing it because the graphics weren't as good as they expected? What if someone just sucks at the game and leaves a negative review because they can't git gud? What if someone leaves a negative review because they know who I am and just leave a negative review out of spite? Or worse, what if it's one of those one-sentence negative meme reviews? It doesn't help that a lot of the negative reviews are aggressively marked helpful and positive ones marked unhelpful which pushes the people that actually liked the game and didn't have any of the problems mentioned by the others under the ones that did.

I'm absolutely terrified, this is my first time ever getting to this point making a game. It's not that I want positive reviews, I just want the game to not be dead on arrival over an early negative review. If my game is actually bad then yeah, I'll accept that, fix what I can, and move on, but if someone leaves a negative review over a small bug or a minor gripe in the first few hours then the game is dead and I'll be broke as shit after all the money I spent paying the artists and musicians on the team. I don't want my game to end up dead, forgotten within the first week, then bought in a bundle for 17 cents three months later. How do I stop worrying about this?

I just wanted to have a excuse to bump this thread :^)
I don't think I will be able to add a drifting behavior for a enemy vehicle
Well it has one now.

As someone that doesn't think twice about games with mixed reviews. I understand why you are worried.
The only thing I can think of is, if you see a review that you think is stupid, counter it with one of yours.
Its not that hard to make a fake account and I am sure you could get friends of family to shill it for you.

Yeah it sucks to do that I know. But doing it to counter maybe one or two stupid reviews at the start might not be so bad. Reviews are really easy to manipulate if the game isn't too popular. But on the same token, I don't care much for a game with less then 1000 reviews regardless of what it is, but thats just me.

Again only do it to shitty reviews or meme reviews so the game still has a fair chance.

Try attracting some people who are going to be eager for your game. Are there any communities that focus on your genre of game? If so try talking to them (frankly, as the dev of your game). Consider giving some early copies to those that display interest, hoping that they'll feel obligated to give a more favourable leaning review or at the very least give you some feedback before it would effect your rating. It's better to sacrifice a dozen sales and get some early momentum.

Someone who gives a shit and is waiting for your game to be released is going to be a lot more invested. There are people out there that want to support the little guy, so don't feel bashful about pulling at heart strings a little. ('if you enjoyed this game please leave a review or tell a friend, I've worked hard on this')

i'm trying to make a shitty bat'leth for a mount and blade mod that i'll never make
worst case scenario i'll give it to sarranids
now comes the horrible texturing experience

Link it here. Assuming you're not asking more than $20 I'll buy it and review it. It may be blatant cocksuckery, but everyone deserves a chance.

Thanks for understanding. People are pretty keen to fuckery like that though, and if (more like when) I get caught doing it I'll permanently be known as "yet another dev that used fake accounts to boost his game." It also reflects poorly on the other people on the team, and I have to keep these people on good terms if I'm going to make anything with a team in the future.

That sounds like a better idea. I have a few friends on steam that like this sort of game and some nearby that could help. Hopefully it won't be like pulling teeth like it is trying to get other people to play test and give feedback/bug reports.

I genuinely appreciate it user. I can't do that for anonymity reasons my team is full of libtards and would eject me from the project and publicly vilify me the minute they found out I browse here much less posted here, but hold onto that $20 and save it for another dev that could use it and doesn't mind breaking his anonymity, I'm sure he'd appreciate it just as much.

Thanks guys, I feel a little better about it now. I hope you all just make game and don't have to worry like I do.

reply to negative reviews with something, acknowledge if they point out actual flaws and bully them if they write stupid shit.
Hand out a few copies to people that would give you honest criticism before release, let them play the game and ask them their thoughts, don't explain the game to them beforehand and let them figure everything out by themselves, if they don't figure out parts then take it into consideration. Also take any of their thoughts into consideration. that doesnt mean of course that you should alter the game according to each of them, just think about those things they bring up
Also advertise your game on places with people that might enjoy your game, but don't shill and admit to being the dev. If they do reviews then you could send them a few keys.
What kind of game is it?
Best of luck, user

What kind of cuckoldry is this?
Good luck on the game user.Hope it does well.

Working on brining jobs!
Making the faerie village Great Again!

check out this bad boy

Hey guys, i was wondering if you could rate my trailer. Its obviously not the one im going to use as a final trailer because its not in HD, but i want to see how i can improve it beyond what it is, because its obviously not good enough.

The itch.io draft is here: ika.itch.io/redsky?secret=0Pwz5Vk2LaEbydDqTztPDxn0FuM

Also, I plan to release this game on both itch and gamejolt, what other platforms can I release my game on? Does anybody know?

I may be retarded but simply making folder was pissing me off, why they don't let me simply right click and create one and why they have all the folders in a file system which I can only access in Godot. Is it too much to ask have a simple directory?

try sounding a bit more interested during the voice portions, it sounds like you just woke up and arent really interested.
Feels a bit too long as well without not much going on, i'd cut it off a bit earlier because you're not really showing anything new past that point.


Have some kind of indicator appear next to their portrait when their stat has been affected. Post your UI and some user might have more specific solutions.

I've been trying to fix a very simple problem for 7 hours straight Spent 5 hours on it yesterday

I can't even describe my problem, I just want to kill myself. Best I can do is that it's "just a simple if statement-tier problem"
I swear all I need to do is add an if statement that would be 4 lines at most

holy shit i am so fucking retarded i swear to god

gave all the sarranids a bat'leth for the heck of it

the fuck are you talking about? I never had any problems with folders in Godot.

Out of town at the moment so I dont have anything to post.

I was thinking of something like that but theres no way to distinguish that someone is at 16 in a stat versus going to die soon with 3

I was trying to import in some sprites and I wanted to make a folder to put the sprites in. Turns out I do through the import menu, I was trying to make the folder first and then just drop in the sprites, would still like it if I could just make a folder there.

What genre is your game in?

If you are worried about sales and such, better spend some time on shilling and advertisement. People are not gonna browse steam just to find new games, they need to hear about it from others as well. Try reddit, youtube (if you can give some livestreamer a free copy) to just talk about your game, blatantly just say I am dev, here my game just to get some spark in the crowd. You need to do some publicity to justify your hardwork.

I've been working on this boss defeat sequence for the past 5 hours.

I haven't yet figured out the justification for this, other than it seemed fun.

How the fuck do I open and edit 2D shaders in Godot? The documentation seems to indicate that there's a way of editing them from within the IDE and even a visual shader editor, but I can't fucking find it and all I've managed to do is bring up pic-related by doubleclicking the shader file in the filesystem menu.

You doubleclick the shader in the filesystem (or click the > next to it in your image) and it opens in the bottom of the viewport?
I don't think I have the latest version but this probably didn't change, right?

you can access your game folder from outside godot, you fool. Just make new folders from your file explorer or whatever, not godot.

Can't believe I missed the >, thanks user.

Good job, user. Keep the origin point the same but adjust it in edit mode about .2 units along the y axis so the handle sits properly in the character's grip.


i tried doing that in blender, for some reason it didn't seem any different
either it doesn't matter, or i changed it too little, but i can't be bothered with it right now
hopefully when i actually have free time in a month i can try and replace the sarranids with klingons
would be easier if i just had the source files for the star wars mod, then i'd just change the location names and races

Implemented an array that allows me to make separate treasures while using the same single script.

Unfortunately, it seems the monetary amount of it is slightly fucked, it gives a stupidly high amount that breaks the money counter.


What's the point of being a pirate if you can't acquire so much loot that your shekel counter breaks?

progress, dragging into job panels work

Special move that you can only do when the shekel counter rolls repeating digits when?

minor fix, now you're actually holding the damn thing with both arms

I'm having fun doing the write-ups on some of these treasures. The question is getting graphics for some of them. I mean, I'm using placeholders and everything, but sometimes it's difficult to find a good placeholder.
Finding a dakimakura that's an actual pillow and not just the graphic or pillow casing is a fun one!

I've honestly been tempted to expand the cutlass so that it has a bit more of an intricate fighting system and some special moves.
Something like that would be cool.

guitar audio loop for your soul




Good loop

fuck you, i don't care

praise Solaires waifu

Okuu a qt
or should i say Okuute?

I've half-finished a shitty OBJ model importer function. Right now, it grabs vertex data and skips everything else. This is a problem, because I should need index data to be able to properly render things with the vertex data. If I ignore that and treat the vertex data as if i were complete and descried the whole mesh, I get pic related. A nice start, I think, especially seeing as it means that once I get the rest of the importer done, I can load in whatever models I make in Blender that I want, so long as I export them right.

I'll post code if anyone's interested, but I don't want to clog up the thread with spaghetti otherwise.

Note: The Untextured, 'broken' looking meshes are the ones imported from an OBJ file; they look 'echoed' because I'm spawning in the objects by holding down left click, and an object is spawned for every framed left click is held down for. I would fix it, but it's a hardcoded placeholder before I bring in a 'real' player entity to control, with a 'real' input system/game interface.

If it's an OG Italian spaghetti then feel free to post it here directly :^)

You asked for it, friend. Note the unused char definitions, the inconsistent indentation, and the horrible repeated object-in-an-object grabs.

Hey, it works.

modelDataClass renderer::loadOBJModel(std::string modelFileName) { std::string text = getFileText(modelFileName); char comment = '#'; char vertex = 'v'; char index = 'f'; modelDataClass model; model.init(); std::string sub; std::string numSub; char subc; while (text.length() > 0){ sub = text.substr(0, text.find('\n')); subc = sub[0]; switch(subc) { case '#': break; case 'v': subc = sub[1]; switch (subc) { case ' ': { sub.erase(0, sub.find(' ')+1); for ( int kek = 0; kek < 3; kek++){ numSub = sub.substr(0, sub.find(' ')); //std::cout

That's a fine Italian OG pasta m80 :^)

Remember: No matter how bad you code is, it will never be as bad as Pajeet's.

your memes sicken me, amigo, and I sicken myself for having partaken in them.

Dubs confirms user is better at coding then a designated code shitter.

On a scalar of 0-10 while 10 being the highest how much did you memed on, kiddo? :^)

I know one indian who codes. The only language he can use is java, and he's currently struggling horribly to use text i/o to read from a file for a programming contest because he's apparently not allowed to import libraries. I don't know what's funnier: that he's probably wrong about being allowed to import libraries, or that he just can't get his head around grabbing what he needs from the library in question and pasting it into his program.

why aren't you showing more support for female chefs and coders, user? come on, it's 2016+1. Diversify your reaction picture roster!

I have 17 copies of images collectivizes which were part on some sort of a world meme database. Unfortunately I just dumped them straight in my hard disc with no second thought as a consideration, sorting it in their out in their respective location sounds like a hard work which I would have to trash it. I very much apologize for having a very monotonous set of reactive pictures which can be attributed for a 19th century typical western hemisphere mindset.

I can only offer my sincerest apologizes to you for doing several remark on a electronic exchange board with no respect for your people or your culture, however I could do a intercontinental electronic data one way exchange which has definitely a woman feature.

Give out a few copies of the game for free, to family, friends, anons, and people interested in that particular genre.
I plan on releasing a series of demos before hand though, so I can see what I should improve, and to quash any early bugs I might've missed.

Lots of games in the past have used friends, family, and such for a "closed alpha" demo of the game; which is transformed into the first reviews.
It's perfectly acceptable, and pretty normal actually; as long as they mention "I got a free reviewer copy".

Very well, anonymous electronic stranger board person. Your donation pleases the user. Please accept this rare vietnamese flipbook scratching as a gesture of our thanks, and as stock to expand your vast memetic warfare silo. Ave.

That took way less code than I thought it would. I pretty much only work in 2D with Unity, sorry and never saw code for importing an .obj before, so for what it's worth I'm impressed. Didn't think it was that easy. That just imports the mesh, you'll have to find a way to import and render the texture data next, right?

Hold up, isn't that Chef Excellence?

Also, where can I find more dog chefs, and why are they so hard to find?

Indonesia and South Korea

Thanks. It's funny how the actual code you need is often a lot simpler than you'd think it would be.

Yeah, but not completely (yet).

[spoiler]The files use indices to describe which vertices are part of which polygons, and I'm not reading the indices yet. If you look at the part that says 'case f', that's where the index data will be handled and jammed into a model class.

The texture itself is an outside png file, and the texture coordinates are 2D; so in the OBJ file, it's a list of a load of 2D coordinates. The index list also has entries for texture coordinates.

And yeah, the actual code for drawing an individual model is seperate, though it's actually shorter than what I posted here. The biggest difficulty with this sort of thing isn't having to write a whole lot, it's just knowing what to write… Half of what I'm doing is just googling stuff like 'openGL EBO' and seeing what comes up.[/spoiler]

Good luck with your project, user, after working on my thing for a while I can definitely see why you'd want to use an engine if you were interested in actually getting something resembling a game out any time soon!

I am delighted to know that my message has been successfully delivered to you and that you sincerely accepted my apologizes.

Yeah it's him.


What would you call a stat that is like "science crafting"?

Not technology, and not research. You use it to craft medicine and various substances like acids/crystals/fuel.


I had to re-read some of that but I think I understand how it works now. Pretty cool stuff.

I mean hey, I respect enginedevs. Makes my job way easier without having to do all the low-level stuff you guys do. Can't help but wonder though, why make your own engine and re-invent the wheel instead of contributing to, for instance, another open source engine? Is it for practice or just for the love of it? Never really understood the appeal myself.

And now I'm fresh out of dog chefs. Damn it.

Sounds a little obscure. I've been thinking about "chemistry", but I dunno.

What does an unwrapped texture for a sphere look like?

Both of those, yeah. Programming is it's own reward, and plus I can't make make meaningful contributions to an engine without understanding how it works in the first place. If I've built my own, I'll be able to understand someone else's quicker

I suppose, ideally, it'd look almost identical to a perfect Mercator projection.

Sorry, not Mercator, myrahedral. Mercator's just a straight rectangle, that's horrible for spherical textures.

Your sphere's just a polygon mesh approximating a sphere, right?

My first time animating a walk cycle. Next on the list, a run cycle.

The mic sounds awful and your voice isn't really bad, but your tone sounds strange. it's too long too.

Also, where the fuck is the muzzleflash in those guns? The textures look too same-y too.

feel kinda like bigfoot.

Are you saying the walking is heavy and loose? It's meant to be a casual walk. Honestly I'm just glad that the first thing someone said about it wasn't that it looks mechanical.

you should add some tilt and sway to the torso when walking you lean forward a little and sway with each step

and I think something's off about the way the legs swing, should be a bit smoother and leg should be straighter when touching the ground again.

I've added those but they are very slight. I was afraid of overdoing it, but maybe because I animated it I have more of an eye for all the little things that are going on, so in an attempt not to over do it I under did it.
I can exaggerate the forward lean and sway then let it cook for a while to see if I'm like it better when I come back.

That's something I was worried about. I wanted it to fit well in the game without any sliding so when the foot is on the ground it moves at a constant horizontal speed. I think that may have carried over to while the leg is in the air. I'll add more ease-in, ease-out and see if that makes it better.
Moving the player up a little and straightening out the leg for a frame or two before it touches down should make it look less like the character is hitting the ground with a bent leg.

That looks very unnatural. Like the core body was the thing set in stone bobbing and floating forward, and the limbs were doing their best to almost give the illusion of walking without actually having any effect on the torso and hips.
There's very little movement going on outside of the limbs, and the weight looks very misplaced due to the aforementioned independent core.

Look at the moment where one leg is in front and the back foot is just coming off the ground. That shift happens too early. It should keep supporting and pushing with the toes for a little longer. Guy would fall over with that little inertia and having the only contact point being so far ahead.
The front leg, upon coming back, seems to go straight and then bend again for no particular reason other than to accommodate the rigidly moving core. It should be pushing the body upwards.

retarded algebra questions again
i've got 45+56x=7 (mod 11)
56x=7-45 (mod 11)
56x=-38 (mod 11)
now how do i find x?
the answer is x=6 (mod 11)
i was looking at pages.pacificcoast.net/~cazelais/222/linear_congruence.pdf but there it says that the number that's multiplying x has to be smaller than the mod

to slight i can barely even tell you added them at all it kinda looks like the torso is almost perfectly still

why do put the braces in such a weird way
don't you mean (7 mod 11) i'm assuming mod is modulo here which is a binary operator.
Anyway i wouldn't bother trying to get rid of the modulo
45 + 56x = (7 mod 11)
56x = (7 mod 11) - 45
x = ((7 mod 11) - 45) / 56

we always write it like that here
i'm just copying the homework from someone else, and they reach a point where they do this:
110u=2 (mod 13)
u=12 (mod 13) -> no idea how this happens

well i guess (2 (mod 13)) / 110 = 12 (mod 13) I don't really know modulo math I would just look up the for adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing modulo with numbers.

Haven't really touched modular arithmetic before. Looking it up and going through the problem, shouldn't that end up as u≅9 (mod 13)?

From what I gather, you want to find how much of the factor of u plus some arbitrary counts of the modulus sums up to 1.
Take the larger between the modulus and factor of the unknown and write it out as a factor of the smaller plus the remainder.

110 = 8*13 + 6

Then write out the factorized number as a factor of the remainder. There may be many layers of this. Repeat until you reach a remainder of 1.

13 = 2*6 + 1

Take the remainders to the left side for easy substitution.

6 = 110 - 8*13
1 = 13 - 2*6

Substitute from the bottom up until you get 1 equaling just some amount of times the factor of u plus some arbitrary counts of the modulus.

1 = 13 - 2*(110 - 8*13)
1 = 9*13 - 2*110

-2*110 + 9*13 ≅ 1 (mod 13)

Disregard the 9*13 because that conveniently cancels out in a system of mod 13.

-2*110 ≅ 1 (mod 13)

Now you know that -220 is congruent with 1 in this system, you just multiply both sides through to get the left side's factor to that value.

110u ≅ 2 (mod 13)
-220u ≅ -4 (mod 13)
u ≅ -4 (mod 13)
Add 13 to the right to get rid of the negative.
u ≅ 9 (mod 13)

At least Wolfram Alpha seems to think it's 9.

Hey guys, rate my idea-guy tier concept art here please. It's for a 3D beat 'em up I'm gonna make.

Also, don't bully I'm a NEET and I can't afford a scanner right now.

3 tits?

Whys she have 3 breasts?

She's an alien princess trying to conquer Earth.

Does she do it with her tits?

As for the design itself. Looks unremarkable, which doesn't mean it's bad. The art however is very amateurish but if it's just to cement the idea and you have no artist, then I guess there's no way around it.

Are you making a horror beat em up?

Nah, if anything her third tit is a vulnerability for her because it protrudes a bit too much.

What should I do to make her design more distinct? Change her fashion, facial structure,or something else?

Honestly? Practice.

Practice a lot, try out different clothes, look up real life examples and try to get it right.

you lost me

-2*110 ≅ 1 (mod 13)
110u ≅ 2 (mod 13)
-220u ≅ -4 (mod 13)
how'd we get here?

You have:
Imagine you split it up like this
It's clear that all the 13u terms are 0 (mod 13), so you are pretty much allowed to replace 110 with its modulo 13 term, so you get:
Now here you need to multiply 6 until you get to 1 (mod 13), you can do it like this:
This means:
So 12 is definitely wrong.

this gif is from old polish ad lmao

I took the -2 and multiplied both sides of
110u ≅ 2 (mod 13)

Finding that -2 was the whole reason for that song and dance.

Or you could do what did.

Anyone got the gamemaker webm? I need it for inspiration.

how do i get both images in blender to intersect?
they're in the same spot, but whichever was last selected is rendered over the other

oh nevermind, it was because of the wireframe

If it's specifically about making particular chemicals then "chemistry" would make sense.

Maybe this helps.


slowly maken progress



Listen here you little shit. That topology is fucking terrible. That's how I modeled when I was twelve. I can only assume you're an adult, which means you have no excuse not to do better. Now go read a god damn tutorial on how to create good topology and improve before I slap your shit.

buzz off, grandpa, we current year now

Disgusting, when you are still learning don't worry about poly counts, try to model in quads and get some topology reference.

it kind of works, i hope textures will make it a little bit more recognizable
at least i won't have to rig it

Try to use quads wherever you can. Quads are better at subdividing, smoothing, and sculpting. Plus it's easier to make edge loops when you are using quads.
Try to keep any one node from having more than 5 edges coming from it. 4 should be the most common and is better than 3, 2, and 1 in most cases. 6 should be extremely rare/non-existent. 7 or more and you done fucked up.

i think the most they're connected to is 5 so far, but i can't be sure
anyways, there's not too many polys so i'm not worried
and for once the UV's got mirrored right, so there's that


it's perfectly fine goy, nothing wrong there

Help guys, I think I'm retarded.
How do I handle melee attacking and combos?

Like, how the hell do you register a melee attack in a video game? Is it a function? Is it handled by the animation? Should it be an instantiated player state class? What the fuck.

And combos, I'm not even sure where to start with that. Every idea I have in my mind sounds like some nightmarish shit some 12 year old would try on a BYOND game. I'm about to punch a fucking wall I don't know how to start on basic shit.

Vid related is one way to do it.

fug, i need to figure out how to use normal maps
and i still need to make arms/legs

I remember asking this before, but I totally forgot the answers.

If you decided to team up with a coder, drawfag, composer here or anywhere on the internet to make a commercial vydia, how would you split up the cash?

You need a lawyer/accountant familiar with the specific laws where you live to answer that question.

share a copy here and let anons bugtest it for you

so did the red tactics guy make the move to Holla Forums years ago?

It's like shooting out a bullet with very low range

That's a very good question that you should probably decide beforehand.

Does anyone know what the effect at (0:35 - 1:01) is called, if it has a name? I'm thinking it's some sort of motion blur but I'm not sure what to call it.

What is this game? I don't even-

Go home Carmack.

Camera shake and motion blur. It looks like the way they do the motion blur is by taking a copy of the frame buffer, overlaying them over the camera view, blurring them, and then making them more and more transparent as time goes on. It looks like this is done every frame for the duration of the effect, but the camera moves enough and the frame rate is low enough it leaves those ghost images.


I only have UE4 experience, but the user that says shooting a bullet is partially correct.

You put colliders on your fists (or weapons), then on component overlap is when they hit the opponent.

To make combos, you make a switch on int attached to your melee button. Give a specific time period for when the first animation plays out, if the player mashes the button during, the combo int +1 and you play the next type of melee attack. Again once that is playing, if the player hits the button again the combo is now +2 and you play the finishing combo (assuming a 2-chain, otherwise just keep going)

The way to detect if you are still executing a melee animation, if you are unsure of the exact number of seconds in animation, you just put a Notification on the attack animation.

I'm going to talk to my roommate, do some budgeting, and see about working part time to start working on a game. As dumb as Austin is, he did make a game I really enjoyed, and I think I'm going to cut down on hours to enjoy life a lot more.

When I did something like that, attacks were like very short cutscenes that would play for the character. You had sequences of events that went from one to another, for example:
1. wind up period, you can turn around but not move, dodging will cancel attack
2. the actual attack, hitbox is spawned and your controls are completely paralyzed
3. "wind out" period, usually only for heavy attacks, essentially same as #1
4 (theoretical). a very brief duration that doesn't do anything, to give a bit more leeway for "combo" attacks

If you attack again somewhere during 2, 3, 4, or something, the next attack in the combo is initiated either immediately after step 2 or whenever you pressed the button during 3-4. Each attack type had their own class/object with properties that define how they behave, and some parts of the attack sequence change the user's behavior (for example disable movement, change animation).

My attacks and combos were based on the currently equipped weapon, so all the attack and combo related information was tied to the weapon which was a property of the character, almost as if it's the weapon controlling the player character.

There's probably as many ways to handle attacks than there is to handle anything else though, and mine is just one way.


feels good/smug

Last thread I posted my attempt at coding a roguelike in C++ without any 3rd party library, it was basic and didn't have any collision. Now, there's collisions and also the character doesn't leave a trail of @ everywhere.

Fuck it, I'm making a multiplayer game, I don't give a shit.

That's the attitude, fuck that guy and kick it to the curb!

Ever work on sight, light, and vision before?

well my shitty klingon clothing works
UVs are more or less setup correctly, although i forgot to rescale the texture, so stuff like the belt looks a bit pixelated
eventually i'll probably fix it, but textures definitely aren't my specialty
at least i'm proud to say that i actually finished a piece of armour without just modifying an existing one (although i did take the arms/bottom part of the robe to finish it off, but the torso is all me)
and my custom kingdom works too, although i haven't bothered making new troops for it yet, aside from the klingon recruit in the video

Is it even possible to have stuff like typical modern/sci-fi weapons on that game since you are making a Star Trek themed mod?

you haven't played the star wars mod?
it has lasers and everything

I don't own that game so idk what's going there, well that does has some impressive set of features, through but most of those energy weapons shown on that video seems to be semi-auto at best, can it even have burst/full-auto mode firing rate at all? So things like Assault Rifle/Machine Gun or whatever.

nope, all ranged weapons in m&b are essentially bows with varrying reload/projectile speeds
technically you can shoot very fast with the rifles in this mod, but your accuracy is gonna be horrible, and it's only a good option in close range

Anywhere I can read up on fog of war algorithms? Efficiency > Accuracy in my case.

Should I try to unwrap and paint this or use a lower poly model. I feel like 6,000 tris is too much.

This is more of practice on my part. Not going to use this in anything.

Working on my game. To sum it up it's:

Rust, but fully destructible terrain, true first person, fully customizable characters, autistic systems a-la redstone in Minecraft etc.

Basically "fuck with other people while building your dream lair" simulator.

How's my male model looking thus far? I'll model in cock later, don't worry

better than I can do 10/10

You'll probably save a bunch of polys making the cylinder grooves into bump/normalmap.

Absolutely doesn't matter for this kinda game.
You gonna do marching cubes?

I thought about it, but it sounds cheap and shitty for the kind of dynamic gameplay that I intend. I think I'll torture myself with finding a less "indieshit" method of doing it.

Thank you, dad

Marching cubes are not minecraft cubes.

My problem is shit being bound to a grid not necessarily cubes

I mean I can see how this can be applied to dynamic objects but it seems like an inherently flawed solution

What? How are you intending to not have a grid of some sort, then? How will you represent the game world and modifications to it in data?

why would you need a grid for any of that?

that's not exactly what I mean, which is why I reiterated. I'm looking into it now, but I was getting this iffy feel about it, like there's a good chance it's not going to work for whatever reason

About the "grid", thing I was simply trying to convey exactly what about it irked me.

The hunch, you know. I'm still giving it an honest shot.

I've never done 3d modelling before, what would you recommend - Maya or Blender?

anything for you son

blender is free and has a ton of tutorials and support online.

Maya is the industry standard.

supposedly Maya is easier, however you can really do anything in blender that you can do in Maya.

personally I like blender.

what would he use marching cubes for anyway?

Here is your basic comprehensive guide to blender

I assume the idea is using it for deformable terrain.

Thanks user

honestly marching cubes is outdated and overrated it was never meant for anything like this i'm sure there are better solutions

maya, because there tend to be some issues when trying to port shit from a maya made model to blender, but there's no issues the other way around
blender is free though

Oh well. I still respect him despite everything.

Are there any cracked versions of GameMaker Studio 2 yet? My beta ran out and I really liked its interface.

No, never. It's my first roguelike.

I came here to whine in detail about a problem I've been having but I can't be assed to. I'm just going to try again tomorrow and hope I remember where I left off instead of scrambling to get my project back together for hours like last time.

If you think about a problem as you go to sleep, sometimes you'll wake up with the answer or at least a better understanding of it.

My memory is too shitty to do that

what if my problem is sleep itself?

Sleep on the floor or a thin mat, faggot.

oh no. what did he do

If you're still here, I envy and look up to you, user. Hope that will make you feel better a bit.

You know, I can see why some people want to make Hipster games that "stands out" from the rest. I've even thought of making that kind of thing with my Philosophy 101 textbooks. If your game have no AAA equivalent, it's much harder to write generic negative review like "your graphics sucks".

>Marching Cubes
Cubes = grid based (8 point primal) contouring, if you didn't realize.
Marching/contouring = algorithm to procedurally construct polygons based on the format of input data you've programmed the alg to utilize.

If you want "fully destructible terrain" then you'll be hard pressed to find another solution as dynamic as an isosurface contouring algorithm.

There are less robust, and more specialized approaches to destruction. Such as fragmentation algorithms for objects, and in-general pre-fabbed objects.
This can be seen used in battlefield, and red faction.
You can also take a gander at sparse voxel octree using ray marching, but with the point that the current hardware paradigm being ill suited for this; in addition to the level of knowledge required to grasp the concepts presented in the algorithm… it's more than likely unfeasible for real-time gameplay unless you craft an engine around this with some novel ground breaking approaches.

Honestly, I'd like to see it, but provide evidence.
Otherwise, like your other post, you're arguing from ignorance based on some broad stroke assumptions.

There is always a need to maintain some type of coherence in the way you store, generate, and re-generate data for terrain.
Thus, it will always have some type of coordinates; a straight forward grid based solution is just an easy method of representing this.
There are alternate approaches to the actual storage of data (say, a spatial data structure like an octree/quad tree/etc), and how it's accessed; though it will in all cases be confined to some arbitrarily defined grid format for conformance to said requirements.

use this refrence mate.


I know about this, but in real time he bounces up and down too much for me to copy it exactly. I've already finished the animation though with the suggestions people game here and moved onto running.

made a mek'leth. klingons now have a one handed weapon
not sure if it's too big or not, but i think any smaller and it wouldn't really work all that well in the game

Make programming assets for others to use and sell them. Make mad dosh. If there was a platformer template for Unity I would buy it.

just 70$ goyim, + an extra 20$ for an upgrade

There are plenty of anons, myself included that would gladly work for you regardless of political associations. Basically excommunicating anyone who is different is the definition of intolerance, an irony I'm sure is lost on them.

Get rid of the voiceover, use a more dramatic score and wedge the facts like URL, story and other info inbetween like a movie trailer.

Download Makehuman and make your work easier.

It's going to be 2.5D, but thanks.

alright, the torso is finally complete with a pair of legs rather than a robe
if i'm ever gonna touch it again, it's gonna be for retexturing/minor details

Is there a good way to write your ideas down without it turning into a gigantic jumbled mess

I spent the last few days working on that OBJ file loader I posted here:

First, I got a bunch of horrible, basically randomised polygons for each mesh (because I was fucking up importing and modifying the indices that describe the polygons). Then I managed to whack that around and get it working alright, and I got pic related: a model, but missing about half of its triangles.

Turns out I was using the number of VERTICES as part of my draw calls for the new object rather than the number of indices. Silly me. Now I can make about 10000 of these things, if I like.


Last pic for now.

I'll probably dump the source on github or something, if any of you are interested in shitty enginedev. At least I'm not pajeet!

Got that right

you can do multiple images per post on 8ch.

Not with a broken browser, you can't.



I tried to do that but they never pull through. No one will have the enthusiasm for the project as you will.

I'm not relying on them for anything. It just sucks being a 1 man team. I usually quit my projects just because I'd rather do shit with other people. Then I join something with other people and they fuck me over. There are always autistic groups of friends obsessing over something, but it seems they're all taken over by hearthstone and league of legends.

Is this a bug or am I just being retarded? My project is small and I went through everything to make sure I wasn't just setting something back or anything. under that if statement its just changing a variable to a number, but when I run something to check if its that number, it says that the variable is null. I have it printing stuff to make sure that it's actually running before checking if its there, and it is. It's just setting it to null right after it sets it or something.

1. Open Microsoft Word or Open Office.
2. Write the following in this order:
A: name of game (pending)
B: objective (what the player must do)
C: Story (short, like Bowser kidnaps princess, you must go save her)
D: Gameplay basics (what makes your game special and interactive)
E: Setting
F: Obstacles/Enemies

of course for puzzle games this is a little different but this way all thoughts of one category can be organized.

People will help if you pay them. Also, Paper Mario is the best RPG ever made.

Is there any possible way in Blender to make it so the foot during a walk cycle just hits and slides on whatever floor is under the guy? So it can walk on uneven ground without any extra effort? the floor modifier doesn't work at all.

I honestly just want to do a project with a group of friends. My friends are interested but they don't know anything about the genre. I wouldn't really trust paying anyone unless they're semi-professional or at least extremely interested already, because you know how it is with gamedev.

The best way to make sure people are interested is to introduce a new idea never seen before in an RPG. Look how Undertale changed combat in the RPG genre, along with the humor and good music.

The hardest but most essential part is a very original idea. Once you have that, the rest flows naturally.

Sounds like a job for inverse kinematics. That's done in-engine though, not in blender.

Get Makehuman, add decimate modifier.

I know IK works with blender bones, but I haven't been able to make the floor modifier stop the foot from going through the floor when I move the leg.

Why would this be something you do in blender? Are you using blender's game engine? Any dynamic animations are done in engine.
I don't use the floor modifier, I just carefully animate it.

now what the fug did I ever intend to do with those

MH should be able to export lowpoly proxy meshes.

Multithreading can be so frustrating.
It's not the race conditions, it's not deadlocks… it's fucking cache shit that gets me.
Annoying that I have to add padding to my data structures to not have threads running full barrel into eachother like some autistic kids playing ultimate frisby.


Also annoying to forget, and then have to re-discover this shit after taking a break from my multithreading code for awhile.
Apparently I need to write more comments…


hey anons, gitgud or gitlab?


Blogpost incoming:

I've been more or less mucking about in FL Studio for several years. Picking up one or two plugins here and there and trying different stuff out. I want to be as versatile and as varied in style as possible. Yet even after all this time i can't bring myself to properly finish anything i start. I've somewhat specialized in making loops and i fear it's going to be the end of me. Note that i've never had any music lessons or anything of the sort so i have no clue about actualy music theory and proper structure i tend to just do stuff on the fly without giving it much thought. Im also horrible with learning by tutorials and end up exploding in autismal rage every time i try for the most trivial shit. Things like the guy presenting the tutorial sounding like a faggot or him having expensive looking equipment immediately disqualify the video for me. The same problem also affects my ability to try to approach other music people. I regard everything and everyone as competition. And if they are better than me, competition that i cannot beat. How the fuck do i kick my autismal as fuck ass into gear and just like make music?

tl;dr: How do i git gud at making music /adgd/ ?



You think i can shit money or something?
NEET life is the life for me, man. And i need at least 150% of my neetbux for nourishing my everlasting hunger for tendies.

I think i can motivate myself just fine if i just had an idea how to git gud

You don't seem to understand.

make history

That would mean you'd have to do it for free until money is generated though.

Do you have any idea who you're talking to?

let's just say that I shitposted a man into the whitehouse twice for free. Donald Trump was not the first meme president.

As a matter of fact, i dont.
Im more of a lurker on Holla Forums and rarely check in here.
Considering i had a kek related dream last night consider me intrigued.

let's make the video game we've always wanted to make but never had the discipline to accomplish.




looking for an ideas guy?
I can make shtick come out of anything. Just scroll up for my resume in ability to work on the fly and think and apply creatively. You need to hire me.


Is it that time of the day already?


Feels nice though, finally got it to be the speed it needs to be; for the demand it'll have once I finish the next required part of my framework.
Also, the backport of the .net 4.0 multithreading task library is SLOW (too much overhead), that is compared to the more semi-manual methods.
Though, the concurrent collections are nice, and perform well.

I know exactly what you're feeling. You're too critical of yourself and probably don't have much going for you in life. Deep down this frustrates you to the point of affecting your activities.

I've already made peace with the fact that there will always be someone better than me that started ten years younger.
Overthinking is a curse as well as a blessing.
You have to let your heart sing so you feel the freedom to pursue your passion, while using your mind to figure out how to get there.

Undertale did not have the best music, graphics or even story. But it was an original in gameplay and execution. Look how famous it is now.

I suggest buying a cheap MIDI keyboard you can hook up to the computer and just play with it for a while. Practice the fundamentals. Get familiar with music theory and different genres any way you can.

Do you know why? Because I have the same uphill battle as you. I'm making a video game but all I have is sketches and a design document. When I finally get my poor NEET ass over that mountain and get the game ready, I'm coming back here and asking you if you want to make the score. I want you to do it because I believe in you. Do you believe?

Made a new font for speaking to replace the older, shittier test font.

Now redo it, except make it legible this time.

I like your style, is memorable.

But for fucks sake, you are probably going to be able to only fit at most 12 words in that textbox and its going to be a clickfest.

If you can't implement an algorithm in 200 lines or less? There's SOMETHING wrong with your design or you're counting lines that aren't part of your algo.

My gut tells me you've got shit code due to non-proper abstraction and too tight intercoupling of what should be disparate components.

t. expert anus haxxer

I use for my project Gitgud. Dunno how Gitlab fares or if they have similar poz like Github does.


i'd take it

I'd take it too. PC operator jobs are the most easy jobs to work on your asshole, i might say. I am neet anyway. Having even such job would be heaven to me.

You would work for $3 an hour?

I don't work at all.

that's more than the minimum wage in my country, it's better than nothing
it's enough to feed me, pay for my rent, and still have leftovers for a month

Hoooo, I really hope not.

Ideally, dialogue won't be much more intense than a couple of dudes yammering at each other for a couple boxes.
Depends on how the story turns out, but I'll be hoping to keep things fairly succinct. The best kind of writing is when you've got nothing more to cut out, I'm told.

post code variable is probably local

why are there so many pajeets on my board

i'm bulgarian, you fucking burger
can't help it if my country is poorer than pajeets although this doesn't really affect our lifestyle, since everything here is dirt cheap

never heard of it

Depends on how cheap everything is.


I can't tell if this is making fun of third world, or mocking the first world for not helping them "correctly".

Retarded cunt. Does anybody have the jap picture explaining the problem with giving food handouts to starving africans?


So, I'm thinking about going to Digipen after I'm done with the military to get an RTIS degree. I'll probably end up either creating an indie company with no guarantee of success, being worked to death making big studio games, or fail out of school entirely.

Does anyone have any experience with Digipen? Is it a terrible waste of time or is it a decent, albeit risky and expensive, investment?

what are their prices?
i can almost definitely guarantee you that you'd find a cheaper university in europe
there's a pretty decent vidya one in holland, some of my friends went there

If I remember correctly, it's 27K per year. Now on the plus side, the post 9/11 GI Bill pays for a really good chunk of that, and I have enough money saved up that I probably won't need to get anything in student loans.

However, I am interested in alternatives if there are better ones. I have the time to make a plan and look through my options.

example here, this is what my friends took
from what i can tell it's nearly half a much as a degree from digipen
or if you don't care if it's vidya or not, i'm studying IT systems in a university in sofia bulgaria, and compared to either of these, it's nearly free. there's also software engineering and a few other IT ones


You should pixelize your characters a little, they're too "HD" compared to the background. Other than that it's nice to see progress from your game, do you have any vids ? Oh and did you add a little "beep boop" sound for every letter that comes on the screen ?

just make sure it's an accredited school (too lazy to check 4 u).
basically… avoiding any place with names like "art institute", or "full sail" as all of those are essentially scummy for profit schools (non-accredited).

Otherwise, if it's accredited, competitively priced, and you have prospects beyond a "game" related job with what you'll result with (portfolio/degree)… go for it.

I'm pretty sure Digipen is the most well known game dev school period.

I don't know if they're good or pozzed, but some pretty good games have come from there.

Why go to "game dev" school instead of getting a computer science degree ?

ahh, I wouldn't know, my personal outlook on "game dev " related degrees/schools is that they're useless, and do the industry more harm than good.
Better to go with a pure STEM degree.

anything mixing education + games is defacto pozzed

I know i'm contradicting myself in my post
too tired to clarify, or care
no bully

I took a look at the courses and it looks like a computer science bachelor with a couple game related courses here and there and of course every project is making making a game
This is probably the best you could hope for when it comes dev schools
with that said i think a simple computer science bachelor would probably be better for several reason not the least of which is the reputation of dev schools, people will think more highly of an compsci then they would of a RTIS degree or whatever other name they make up for it.

Seems to me you'd be better off going to Europe and studying CompSci at a dutch university. They're cheap as hell, you'll learn a lot that's applicable to devving, and you'll have marketable skills if you come out of it a competent programmer, meaning you'll have the option of getting an okay job and devving in your free time if you need to.
Are you an EU citizen?

Why dont you go back to Holla Forums? Gamedev has nothing to do with HIV transmission or bugchasing.

what are you talking about, everyone in the gaymes industry has aids

He has a point, pic related

I know it's bait but I really fucking hate school
Yeah except he's right about this part

If you think going to school for gamedev is viable at all you're a sucker. I mean fuck. Going to school for programming is already a scam but it's the only way to get a job even if you don't learn shit. I literally have learned nothing in school outside of my math classes. Everything I learned is from browsing online and watching people IN THE INDUSTRY give talks at conventions. School is just full of bottom of the barrel crap they just recycle for each course, so kids who would otherwise be NEETs wont drop out. This is in the relevant classes to.

I had one class teaching us about Finite automatons, pushdown automotons, and the turing machine. This is for computers in the 18 FUCKING 100S. The turing machine is the only one semi-relevant and even then you'll never use it for anything ever.

I honestly feel bad for kids who try hard in school and think their efforts aren't in vain. I try to tell them
but they never listen. They think busting their ass for a teacher who cares more about their research than their class will pay off someday. Meanwhile I don't even go to class and still get an A. School is a disgrace, it's hard to imagine how bad gamedev will be. Especially considering half the kids there are weebs with dyed hair.

There was a really good gamedev specific Dutch study named IGAD, 90% of the first years failed because it was hard as fuck but pretty much everyone got hired immediately when they graduated. They went over to a new method of education now though, and it isn't nearly as good. I would know, I'm a 3rd year there.

schools in my country used to teach pascal about 8 years ago
heck, the local university from my hometown has it as a mandatory course

My junior college teachers pascal. Then they teach C. Same exact class. I'm not even joking

user who recommended dutch unis for compsci here, I heard from a friend going that he's doing c, java, and haskell this year. At least it's not a single obsolete/unused language. You can put any java projects you did on your course on a resume if you need to, anyway.

I'm doing a compsci bachelor in the netherlands right now
And I gotta say it's pretty good I started programming before I started going there and i still learned quite a lot
In the first year we learned like 12 programming languages including assembly and quite a bit of other stuff to


You misunderstand, Haskell is obsolete/unused. C is used a bit, but not as much as c++, and java is the most used of the 3. I meant that it's better to learn multiple no-longer current languages than just 1.

For the longest time I thought C was outdated, but after looking at how CPUs and shit work I realized C++ is just a thing of the time now.

I knew several people who went there, and based off what I've seen it's a huge waste of time and money. All of them were pretentious rich kids who knew that Valve hired a couple Digipen graduates and thought the school would somehow transform them from talentless code monkeys into successful indie devs. Absolutely none of them have made it and now they're stuck at the school that gave us Extra Credits, bragging about Digipen's huge LGBT community and fucking fat trannies.
Everything you could learn from Digipen could be gained by reading books and software library documentation on the internet, alongside playing some fucking video games and taking note of which mechanics/design decisions work well. Put your time and shekels towards something more profitable instead of wasting tens of thousands of dollars on a shitty education buried beneath shittons of liberal propaganda and faggots doing faggoty things.

Burn it to the ground

Got a dilemma here.
I need human models.
But I can't model them because I'm too shit at it (I do well enough with static objects and terrain).
What do?

Not gonna pay someone to do it since it's just a pet project, but I think I need some sort of alternative artsyle for humans that lowers the polycount enough that even I can pull off.
Otherwise, I gotta take some anatomy classes.

Also, the rest of the art is all low poly, so I can't really use Makehuman or other "realistic" looking models without it looking like place.
Like taking a random Crysis NPC and putting it in minecraft.

Then lean how to, faggot.

next thing you'll say is going to be "user just use premade assets instead of working from the ground up"

I'd rather learn how to do this myself. If I am to become an indie developer of the caliber that I find respectable, I will learn how to make models from scratch, without help. That is the only way I will be able to really be proud of the work I do.

just practice with reference images from different angles
works well enough for me

But i can already play the piano fairly well. I have 2 midi keyboards, one regular one 2 guitars one acoustic and one electric and an accordion. I believe that music is my calling and i will never give up on it ever. Even if i lose my home and im out on the street ill still have my physical instruments. Id be fine with making a score if you arent expecting anything over 30 second loops since i struggle heavily with those. My stuff i make varies greatly in quality and genre too. I dont have fixed "style" or genre per se. Don't know if thats good or not. I like to stay varied.

Heres some cherrypicked samples. Please be gentle






Imagine XCOM, but you're playing against other people in realtime, with no turns and per-unit steering.

How do you do occlusion without it being a huge fucking mess? How do you make it even remotely visually understandable?

The fourth sounds very old school Japanese platformer. Like a PSX remake of a PC-98 title. The last one very Europoor. Rob Hubbard, Jeoren Tel and Chris Hülsbeck all in one.
Often people don't get the instrumentation and the melodic feel to match this well. Those sound very "right" as a whole, emulating the both the character and the content of older times.

Something is a little off on the fourth that I can't quite put my finger on, but it's pretty damned solid.

Good shit.

The first two sound a little too modern, generic and sterile. Like the kind people throw on Flash games because they found it for free and they needed something.

Third one's riding a little too close to Hotline Miami and the synthwave scene for me to say anything. It'd work there because the soundtrack makes somewhat of a whole.

The OBJ importer now correctly imports vertex position data, texture coordinates, and normals. I spent an hour trying to figure out why my textures weren't mapping properly, and then I fixed it by changing one + to a - (turns out OBJ treats 'up' as positive when it comes to texture coords, whereas openGL treats 'down' as positive. Fuck me.)

The importer should work for any OBJ model, so I'll reward myself with a modelling spree now and see what retarded shit I can throw into this thing.

I love them loops. The chord progressions are interesting and provide distinct feelings. I'm not a fan of strings and electric guitar but that's personal. If get the impression that you've learned a lot by copying stuff you like, which is perfectly fine, so if you want to do something else than 30s loops you just need to copy the structure ,transitions, breaks, ends… within songs you like. Jazz is a goldmine for these.

Perhaps an overarching melody to tie up the whole piece would help you go past the 30 seconds. I've learned a lot about them by dabbling in traditional music. This would allow you to build common structures (ABAB, AABA, instruments plays solo for a few bars one after the other, and all that stuff), make tons of variations like diminutions, transpositions, rhythm changes, all kind of cool stuff that you can use for a whole piece. To come back to your samples, I feel like most of the lead parts could be used as a solo, in the sense that the lead would play on the chord progression for a little while but it would be distinct from the melody of the piece.

Sorry if I used terms wrong, I'm not classically trained; but I trust you get what I mean.

Shit, that's exactly what I got from it, too.

First of all thanks for the input,
Could you elaborate what you mean with 'sterile' about the first 2? Im in no way educated when it comes to music so i just do what feels "right" to me. Good that you have these impressions about the other loops though. For the last one i was thinking of something like Turrican and for 3 and 4 i was indeed going for something like a synthwave feel because i like the genre for its comfyness. On another note. I like to replicate songs or parts of songs that i like. Is that a good practice for learning or is that a mistake? I tend to notice that the stuff i replicated has better quality than the stuff i came up with myself.

Thanks all for answering. Pretty much a solid confirmation of what I've heard or figured. Namely that there are cheaper and potentially better ways to go about it, plus of padding that profile due to projects consisting of making games, a CS degree or just reading would probably get the same knowledge.

I'll probably just continue trying to program by myself for now, maybe take a community college course or two for general electives, and decide if I want to go through with it when I get to that point. Still, thanks for the input, you guys are wicked helpful.

Sterile in the sense that they're frankly not very interesting. The non-offensive, indistinct and bland infomercial backing tracks of vidya. It's music for the sake of music.

Nothing wrong with replicating songs. Mix and match. Steal the good stuff and put it together with other good stuff. Slap it into a completely different instrumentation. Whatever makes it sound interesting. Originality is just mixing those things at a fine enough granularity and from varied enough sources that the common ear can't pinpoint anything to one track or person.

I might be slightly opinionated when it comes to emphasis on melody and content, though. If it can't be made to sound good when stripped from the context of timbres and can't be made to work on the most basic of instruments, I probably won't like it. Not to downplay the value of the character of sound, but there's no point in paint, decoration and ornament if it's not on a pleasing subject to begin with.

I can get behind that. But before i understand the how's and why's of all that all it will ever boil down to is going in blind and hoping for luck. I do have some feel for music but the theory just isnt there. The problem now is that i don't really feel comfortable with learning the theory because that would feel to me like im "giving in" to some sort of blandness. I have this idea of a 80 year old piano teacher in my head when i think of learning music theory and i abhor it. maybe i just subconciously want to be a special tumblrite snowflake deep down and should drink bleach

I think learning music theory is very valuable even just so you can consciously go against what it teaches

Well, even if im going to hate it theres some things you just have to do i guess. Any tips on where to start?

I'm pretty sure you aren't the same user as that composer looking for feedback from before…?
But just like him, melody is what you need to focus on.
Melodies tend to follow patterns that are a mix of repetition and new elements.
Take embed for example. The melody pattern for this one is "A-B-A-D-E-F-G-H" (where each letter in the pattern is 2 measures, or 8 beats).

It's these sorts of patterns that will stick in the listener's mind and make your music memorable.

I mightve posted here before but that would've been ages ago.

The measures/beats help me but I can't read notes. I seemingly can't manage to hear out how the melody corresponds to the letter. Thats a bummer.

Turns out I'm not a natural at modelling.

At least I know the program can import any OBJ file now, though.

How do I actually design a game? I want to make a way to add text to a little box without it being overly complicated or a million if statements that are hard to keep track of within a single script but I'm a complete newfag with brain broblems.

To make my problem a little more understandable: I'd have a similar issue with creating text that characters say if I were making an RPG.

Yeah, they're gonna be pixelized down the line, I thought the important thing was solidifying the design and proportions first.
Not pictured: Shading, that'll come later.

I haven't uploaded vids since the new year but I usually post updates and other shit on my YouTube. youtube.com/watch?v=IYon3FOR3EY

And yeah, there's little beeps for every letter that pops up, but I messed up when selecting the sounds and they're a little too loud and high-pitched.
One friend described it as "a spider with knives for each limb dancing on my eardrum", so I think he wants me to change it.

Highly subjective and generic way I'd do it, you probably have different needs:
You create a textmanager and a windowmanager.
Windowmanager takes some inputs to decide how big it is, and draws borders and a background based on that information.
Textmanager takes a location and width, draws text at the location, with automatic linebreaks depending on the width.
You can then also make a TextWindowManager with the various types of window you have in your game, so you can just do for example "TextWindowManager.Show(WindowTypes.Dialog, "Hurr durr I r da hero");" when you want a character to speak or "TextWindowManager.Show(WindowTypes.Message, "You found a dragon dildo!");" when you open a package.

Anything more specific than that and I would have to know what engine you're using.

I don't know where I'd store that text

Godot. The only way I know how to store the text is by putting it in a script under a bunch of if statements and I can already tell it's a mess.

Currently I have something like this:

forgot to say that the template is literally just a template, and I instance it in a different scene and add a unique script for it every time.



That nigga still lookin' like an edgy Spongebob..

Anyone else still use the first game maker studio? I need to use it for a new 2d game and I do not plan on buying the second.

Very nice, high energy.It seems your "genre" is kind of fast-paced electronica music, which fits into certain kinds of video games extremely well.

Are you interested in using samples to make something more traditional in sound, like this?

I get where you're coming from but its good to have an example right next to what you're working on or inside what you're working on for reference.

Ahahahaha, beautiful.

He's an angry teenage brat, so I can believe it.

If he wasn't working under the player he'd probably be updating his Spacebook blog about how much everyone sucks.

Well i really like Grant Kirkhopes music but i never managed to properly understand/replicate his style when i tried.
Id like to do more traditional stuff as well and I probably already have enough samples to make it i just need to figure out how everything clicks together.
Heres some more stuff thats maybe a bit different. Im rummaging through my music folder right now so this stuff is going to vary in age.


heres some dire dire docks i started and never finished

This is an old one where i tried to make something longer than a loop. It is long but has absolutely nothing going on in it.



jeez these are getting old.

You're pretty good.
2 and 3 are "you're hired" tier, far beyond what I'd expect to hear in AGDG of all places. 2 almost sounds like you stole it from somewhere and put it there to see if we'd notice. 5 is the only forgettable piece.
Having a wide range of styles is a good thing.
Would you be willing to get in touch and help me out a bit? Not necessarily with straight up hotpocket work, though I wouldn't mind.

Id be willing to try. Id actually prefer doing it for free because as soon as theres some sort of pay involved i go completely overboard with the pressure and end up bailing, wasting everyones time in the process. I work really badly on demand. Doing something for someone alone is already too much pressure for me most of the time but i need to get that shit sorted out. If you still want to contact me, how do you want to get in touch?

steam or tox

Alright. Shoot me your steam and ill add ye.


Added. See you on the other side.

The reality of the situation is that you'd be lucky to get 3,000 purchases of your 2 dollar game on Steam. There are asswipes who literally flip asset store templates and recover their investment tenfold before they are taken down (if at all, especially if its still legal and their games technically still work). Some of the devs I know who have made mad dosh have been total assholes.
I get that for everyone here a one-man enginedev/artfag/musicfag who built everything by himself is the utmost ideal, but that is no way to break the stranglehold the Indie Clique has on the market.
Even if I were to become comfortable as a shovelware developer, it would still be a badge of honor for me, as long as the product I make is honest and entertaining… e.g. some of the crap Vinesauce has been streaming have made me learn more about game design than any AAA lets plays.
Because at the end of the day, most of the players (who happen to be normalfag Steam users or other) would not care if you modelled your humanoid by yourself or grabbed it from some asset pack, as long as it's not immediately identifiable by being cobbled together haphazardly. If you practice good design, you would be able to make assets from various sources mesh well coherently, and your game would still feel unique and custom built. On the contrary, even if you made a high quality AAA model right now but stick it into a hipster low poly trash style, your model which was painstaking to create would be accused of being an asset flip regardless of being custom built.
There are already many free and cheap things on the internet to help speed up your process. Use them.

One of the reasons I do certain things by hand is for the learning experience and on principle. I'm not in it for the money, I'm in it to make games I enjoy playing. If the games make money that's great, but if they don't then that's fine too.

Forgetting my personal woes, if you want your game to really be recognized by people as a great work, You're going to have to make something that's different from everyone else.
Even Nintendo uses some pre-made assets (most notably for instrument patches in their music), but in the end they're making something that looks very different from their competition, and it pays off.
Pre-made assets generally aren't going to get you that unique-looking character design that stands out from the crowd.

So I do think this user has the right idea, trying to figure out modeling on his own depending on how much development time he has to waste on learning everything.

My biggest tip to you would be to focus more on the character's silhouette.
Let's just assume your model's topology and shape is perfect right now- even given that, what makes your character look any different from all the other human character models in other games?
On the other hand, you can tell me who pic related is in an instant.

For 3D models, another important rule of thumb is to constantly rotate your model while you work (this advice comes from the man who modeled Golem in Lord of the Rings). This allows your eye to more accurately pin-point the locations of vertices/edges/faces in 3D space as well as see the model's silhouette from every possible angle as you work on your model.

Anybody know of any goods game development podcasts? Like how to do storytelling, traps, dungeon design etc, all I've found have been indie devs introducing other indie devs but never actually saying stunting concrete about the games they've made or game development general (the games that those indie devs have made are also very basic platforms in most cases so it's kinda unfair expecting them to go deep into subjects of game concept design).

i would like to see this too.

Although, even if their new stuff is pozzed, the old GDC vault materials are pretty great material for this. Although, you generally need to pay attention, and look at the slides to get all the info.

Also, I generally look at the "hardcore fans" of a game series.
They generally have way more than the "surface knowledge" most retain from a game (series), and have really explored the game with a perspective of mapping it out from a game design perspective.
Thus, you can get a fresh, and deep view of a game's lore, mechanics, and game design for the series… which adds a fresh perspective on how to look at a particular series/game.

what the fuck

frog keyboard?

added shitty normal maps, fixed UVs
also added the submod that lets you see kingdom borders/map, but i don't have any screenshots of it

Checking those gets.

After a few days of procrastinating I bothered texturing that damn thing, the texture resolution is 512^2 and I used Auto unwrap for that which sadly produces some ugly seams, welp at least the texture looks good enough.

Any ideas for how an FPS could handle improving a trigger on a weapon. The obvious is just being a flat +accuracy upgrade (and refire rate for triggers intended for that), but that overlaps a lot with other upgrade parts.

All I can think of is screwing with the controls, requiring holding the mouse button instead of tapping it to fire, but I don't think that's workable (except maybe as a penalty for very bad triggers, like a 15 pound pull cop gun).

I havent worked in weeks and i just dont feel like going back to my game. I also have a small issue i cant make more elegant and i feel like its stopping my motivation

new thread where

here you go