Why is Half-Life 2 excused for having a linear design? And why do some fanboys deny that it's linear?

Why is Half-Life 2 excused for having a linear design? And why do some fanboys deny that it's linear?

Nostalgia. It's a linear, scripted driving game where you listen to NPCs talk to you for 30 minutes at a time.

1. Is there anything wrong with linear design
2. I've never seen this argument

There is nothing inherently wrong with having a linear design, and I've never heard or seen someone call Half-life 2 non-linear.

The game actually lets you look around and find random health/armor/ammo and has some decently large areas so as far linearity it's a lot less linear than a lot of the other games. The pseudo-cutscenes are pretty shitty though.

This is true of most linear games, though.

ff13 has you look around and find random items/armor/weapons and has some decently large areas. Your point?

It's more achievement/"easter egg" -ish with them caches.

Half-Life 2 would be so much better if it was open world like Skyrim was.

Oh boy, another thread where people don't know why HL2 was good when it came out because they're too young to have played it back then.

high quality funpost


Why is OP excused for having a linear template? And why do some shitposters deny that it's linear?

also fuck you that is one of the worst fucking comparisons to ever make. Final Hallway 13 to Half-Life or even Half-Life 2 is a compltely joke.

HL2 is fun, well-paced (at least for the first playthrough, after that you wish you could skip some parts), cleverly designed, and very immersive. So, being linear is not a problem at all.

lol you look at scores and see Half-Life 2.
Design a linear game, its shit.
Why? Oh why?

Most of the best games to ever come out are as linear as rope

Then explain it to us, old man, if you think you're so great. I played it 5 years ago and I thought it as nothing special.

Same reason why nintendo fans insist they don't rehash their IPs. Fanboyism is a powerful drug.

Of all the things to criticize about Half Life 2, you choose linearity, which is not an inherently bad thing about a game.

No complains about the linearity of Half Life 2.

If anything they complain about the shittiness of the open-world meme, then reference Half-Life 2 as an example of how a title can still be good despite being linear.

What does Half Life 2 do of outstanding for the FPS genre that it deserves to be remembered?

It's story? The fact that it's graphics blew every other 3D PC game at the time out of the water like it's predecessor? It's AI? It's writing?
It's like you're not even trying.

You can pick up cans.

Nobody denies that it's linear, and a lot of people are willing to excuse it's linearity because it was one of the earliest examples of an FPS with narrative and set pieces, rather than being maze like in it's level design.

What is wrong with a game being linear?
Who denies it?
Why the hell are you making this thread?
What the fuck is wrong with you?
God damn it OP I swear to god you become a little more of a faggot every day.

What's wrong with a game being linear?

HL2 was shit. HL1 was so much better

i only ever see people bitch about it. why do you make threads based on false pretenses?

Wasn't Half-Life 2 released before linear game buzz word went into full effect.
If there was a fad that pissed me off more is how every reviewer took off points for games being "linear". What the hell did that even mean? Why is it a bad thing? Not to mention the resulting "open world sand box" cancer that basically mean "open map with absolutely nothing interesting in it." Gametrailers.com, back when it was still a thing I remember constantly using that as a reason for giving bad scores.