Lowering weapons

What First Person Shooters allow players to manually lower their weapons or have them pointed to the ceiling?

Hardmode: Lowering weapons is a gameplay element (i.e. Friendly NPCs will act more hostile or will be more likely to shoot you on sight if you have your weapon pointed rather than lowered).

Fallout and Stalker are the obvious ones.

underrated game mechanic

I think Ghost Recon might have let you do that. I really need to go replay that game.

Some Gmod mods.

Remember when lowering your weapon ended up requiring you to press like 6 buttons at the same time?

Not really lowering weapon, but in Goldeneye on N64 I think it was the statue level where you had to talk to 006 while unarmed to complete the mission.



Why do so many games do this shit?
There are shooters from the 90s where the protag lowers their gun while pointing at friendlies. It can't be that hard to do.

this is fucking stupid

Postal 2, but that's more about holstering than just lowering. If people see you with a gun they get suspicious and stuff happens.
In EYE your weapons automatically lower if you're standing in front of a wall and there's no room to hold it. You can't shoot or reload a lowered gun.

Wasn't Halo's "holster" just looking down with the pistol?

I remember Halo 2 having an actual holster function but it meant using a grenade or not having any.

Isn't lowering weapons something the French do automatically?


I remember other kids thinking I was the hottest shit when I showed them how to do it during Halo 1 LAN parties.

I miss those times.


lol why cant i just join the bad guys XD

The first America's Army game did this, you raised your rifle when you were standing in front of a wall.

In STALKER you carry it slung on your back, not just lower the muzzle.


Qu'est ce que tu viens de putain de dire à propos de moi, petite salope? Pour ton information je t'apprends que j'ai été diplômé premier de ma promo dans la marine, et j'ai été impliqué dans de nombreux raids top secrets contre Al-Quaïda, et j'ai plus de 300 meurtres confirmés. J'ai reçu un entraînement en gare au gorille et je suis le meilleur sniper de toute l'armée Française. Tu n'es rien pour moi mais une autre cible. Je vais te putain d'effacer avec une précision telle qu'elle n'a jamais été vue sur terre auparavant, note bien cela. Tu penses que tu peux t'en sortir après m'avoir dit ce genre de merdes sur Internet? Réfléchis à nouveau, connard. À ce moment même je contacte mon réseau secret d'espions dans la France entière et ton adresse IP est en train d'être tracée en ce moment même alors tu ferais mieux de te préparer pour l'orage, lombric. L'orage qui efface cette petite chose pathétique que tu appelles ta vie. T'es putain de mort, gamin. Je peux être partout, n'importe quand, et je peux te tuer de plus de 700 façons différentes, et ce juste à mains nues. Non seulement je suis entraîné de façon extensive au combat sans armes, mais j'ai en plus accès a un arsenal entier provenant du corps d'armée de la marine française et je vais l'utiliser en entier pour effacer ton cul misérable de la face de ce continent, espèce de petite merde. Si seulement tu avais su quelle vengeance impie ton petit commentaire "intelligent" s'apprêtait à faire descendre sur ta tronche, peut être que tu aurais fermé ta putain de gueule. Mais tu n'as pas pu, tu ne l'as pas fait, et maintenant tu en payes le prix, espèce d'idiot. Je vais chier de la fureur sur ta tronche et tu vas te noyer dedans. T'es putain de mort, gamin.


Fallout NV, OFP/ARMA, Unturned
>tfw unturned is slowly becoming a STALKER clone instead of DayZ "but better"

This is obviously bait, but I'll just entertain the idea.

First and foremost, it's just a game and devs should let their players dick around however they like, regardless of some mold you're supposed to fill as some half-assed blank slate character the writers made up.

Morrowind did it great: important NPC you've personally developed a grudge against? Nuke them dead for catharsis. Then reload a previous save.

yeah! video games should just let you do whatever the fuck you want. im playing mario, but what i really want to do is manage a tank factory. what the fuck nintendo?

Is that actually fun?

Step aside, Yoshi.


It is, somehow. Now that nelson stopped being a faggot and is apparently making random NPCs a thing it seems like the game might actually become a proper singleplayer thing.

deus ex human revolution but its not an FPS

F.E.A.R. has a dedicated holster button. It raises your movement speed and switches the fire button to stronger punches. I once had a fun time doing a fists only run of that game.

Half-Life 2 does it automatically when facing friendlies. Duke Nukem 3D has a button to do it that's totally worthless. Not totally related but TES4 also lowers disposition if you speak to people with a weapon out.



I wish I could do this in more games. I'm afraid I'll ND into a friendly NPC.

Only with the Heroes Unleashed mod (which is p. much Vanilla++)

For CE, yes,but every game since then has included an actual button sequence to do it as a feature.


Well why the fuck can't I play as the bad guys?


Yep, I remember doing this in Halo 3. The button combination was a pain in the ass to do, had to hold the controller like two claws. LB, RB, Click Left Stick, Down on The D pad and A I think?

i got your flashlights right here
