Will DRM ever die? I just want to buy games and let them sit on a transferable hard drive forever

Will DRM ever die? I just want to buy games and let them sit on a transferable hard drive forever.

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I've got to take a shit. I'll be back in a few minutes.

DRM has almost always existed.
It's just a way of ensuring the Devs get to keep as much money as they can.

I hate it as much as anyone, and if I were to make a game I'd want to not put DRM on it, but for every person that buys it and uses the DRM-free tag as you would, OP, there'll be 20 others who don't.

I pirate then buy a lot of games I enjoy, but there's people who won't, so the DRM will likely never end.

The types of games that have DRM aren't worth playing. You're not missing anything.

I wish that DRM today didn't mean rootkit. Sacrificing the security of your PC for a vidyagaem is dumb.

Why not just use gog?

Congrats you own the game OP!

RMS should get in to piracy instead of open source.

Just pirate any game that has DRM, and buy the good ones that don't have DRM. Remember, if you buy a game that has DRM, you are supporting more of it. Don't do what this retard who uses steam says, the DRM makers see nothing but your money and deduce that DRM is working and you want more of it. Never buy a game that has DRM, only pirate cracked versions.

For the most part this is true. Most games on steam are garbage, and the good ones generally are sold outside steam without DRM, so you never have to support valve.

I do and I love GOG. Not everything's on there though.

DRM is an inherent result of proprietary software.

Pirate everything that has DRM and go

when will shit shitty meme died?

until that hard drive dies in 4-5 years because planned obsolescence


Holy shit, looks like I'm buying Hitachi from now on, what the fuck Seagate.

Same here

I back up everything monthly, I'm not a retard user.

Seagate drives are like Dodge transmissions. If you don't get a shitter, you get one that lasts ages.

Just ordered newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16822179010

Will it be ok?

DRM will die when you overthrow capitalism.

The level of defense people throw up for DRM hurts me. I get publishers shilling for it, it benefits them. But seeing consumers talk about how great it is, contrary to their every interest…

Well, I question if we don't deserve to get goy'd to death when people are that fucking retarded.

You get used to it after spending a while on Holla Forums.

No - and it's only going to get worse.

I like to think Denuvo is what everyone who uses and defends steam deserves. They didn't speak out then, so it was just allowed to creep in further.

The vast majority of people who use Steam don't 'defend' it, they just use it.

People don't tend to think of the repercussions that having everything so locked down is going to have in the future and truth be told they probably wouldn't care much if they were told either. Convenience and apathy will always win.

And by using steam they are supporting and helping more like it exist. They are just as much at fault.
When did convenience come before freedom to these people?

Didn't nudoom get denuvo removed from it recently ? I know that doesn't mean much but still.

Seems ok but time will tell. Supposedly faster than the wd blue 1Tb I was going to get. Also what is true. pic related.

It's indifference and convenience mostly, as long it doesn't fuck over your system people don't really give a shit. Also you come arcoss as having a stick up your ass railing against weaksause DRM like steam. Seriously steamworks DRM is weak as fuck, who gives a shit about it.

See this is the exact shit I'm talking about. It just screams 'fuck the patriarchy' tier of shit. Who fucking cares, Denuvo got cracked.

I'll assume that's rhetorical.

fuckin' right, im enjoying total warhammer as we speak

I think mine is decent too, I've been using it since july 2012

can you shill somewhere else

I actually have considered Steam as a DRM platform and while I don't like it, I think Valve was in a pretty shitty position. Look at it this way. They just came out with this new digital platform, 'digital distribution is the future', but it's entirely untested, entirely unproven.

They shop it around to various publishers, and they, being the fuckheads they are, are like 'Well, for digital stuff we need to lock this down hard. We'll bring in our own DRM when we put the game on your platform'.

Valve knows this will kill Steam right off. It's never going to get off the ground if every publisher brings their own bullshit DRM to the platform. So, they go to the publishers, who again, are fucking stupid, and say 'No, hey we took care of that. We got this DRM called Steamworks and it's great! We use it for all OUR games, so you know we believe in it. Why not just use that?'

Steamworks, of course, is really just the DRM equal of a 'please do not steal' sticker. It's a placebo that Valve sold to publishers back in the early days of Steam so they wouldn't fuck their platform with all their third party bullshit.

And it worked. For awhile. Now though, publishers aren't buying the placebo anymore and are fucking up the platform with their own DRM and Valve isn't the same company it was back then, so they don't realize Steamworks DRM has outlived it's usefulness.

So, I don't judge Steamworks TO harshly. It at least had a pro-consumer reason to exist, that being to get publishers to stop with shit like SecuRom. But it should have been abandoned once it was shown that game will sell and sell big, even with no or paper thin DRM.

Valve created steam originally as DRM for their own game. They had the malicious intent from the start, they were NEVER on your side.

When you get the stick out of your ass. Seriously you sound like a weeb telling me he DROPPED an anime he pirated like it means something.

Shoo shoo, necrophilia jew

My dislike for DRM is often countered by my love for how much people will shove a stick up their own arse over it.

Wew, what's with all of the cucked defeatism?

Eventually publishers will realize that DRM in its current form is a dead end - you can't rely on any system while the majority of information still resides on the target machine.

Once the infrastructure is in place most triple-a titles will have the vast majority of content streamed and most people will not care.

I got it from a friend to use it in a friends pc. Ironically the seagate I was using at the time failed and I had to use this one instead. I've only used this one for about 6 months but its been used for like 7 years prior and no real problems. The seagate that failed me was a ST3160828AS 160gb.

Keep on spouting memes kid, that's the ticket.

Then why has steamworks never been updated to try and stop cracking? Seriously, if you crack one steamworks title, you basically crack them all. If Valve actually cared about preserving Steamworks as DRM, they'd try to actually combat the pirates somehow.

They don't invest a single cent in it because they don't give a fuck. They know, or rather knew, that throwing money at DRM is a waste of time and won't increase profits. If you were right, why has Valve left steamworks the weakest, most easily cracked DRM in the modern age?

It's still DRM and it should go the fuck away, but if it was Valves play at a Denuvo level control scheme, why do absolutely not care at how easily it's cracked? The evidence doesn't support your position.

Why are you such a cuck for DRM?

I don't give a shit about anything else, this is the only component that matters, no matter how many times valvedrones defend steam and say DRM is ok when valve does it.

Words of advice, attacking a fence sitter never gets them on your side. It's just better just to support them when your enemy fucks up.

I was responding to a valvedrone. You're either for DRM or against it.

Nope, it's probably gonna keep getting worse. Safe to say if you actually want to own your games, you'd be a console gamer by now.

Being willfully ignorant on the context of something, even if it's something you completely disapprove of, is moronic. It limits your ability to properly state and defend your positions and leaves you an impotent hardliner chanting a hollow slogan instead of being persuasive and your opinions defensible.

Understanding the context of various DRM schemes makes you MORE capable of tearing them apart logically. Picking a position and standing on it stubbornly without providing said context makes you easily ignored.

Then I'll just burn the game to a disc. What's the problem ?

So I gotta act like a SJW against a DRM so weak it might as well not exist for me to be one 'your side'? Why am I the enemy say fuck DRM that acts like a virus on my system and be indifferent to DRM that's a paper tiger?

Here's the only thing you need to understand, it's pretty simple. DRM is an anti customer malpractice, it only exists to restrict you, and can do nothing beneficial for the software it is tied to. It is only meant to harm. Defending it with weasal words and pussy footing around denouncing it in its entirety makes you easily ignored.

burned discs dont last for shit?

Thats where M-discs come in.

Purchasing a product with DRM is just as if not more harmful than purchasing season passes, dlc, and preordering. If you feel like you're improving video games by doing so, keep using steam. At least piracy exists, thankfully.

I'm sure you plan to do that with this not yet publicly available media to back up all those great PC games from the past 30 years like uh

Are you delusional? He has never said DRM is good, just that he doesn't give a shit because it's so easy to crack. Where do you get the idea that he feels purchasing a product with DRM improves video games?

press f for our fallen comrade

M-Discs have been around for a while now bud.

Except that I just positioned a very logical and feasible situation in which Valve implemented a DRM system purely to keep worse shit off their system and prove a point, that strong DRM doesn't equal strong sales, but instead providing a better service does.

Something they have repeatedly proven, which is why I don't think Steamworks serves any purpose any more, but it's initial implementation can be used as a condemnation of all DRM schemes in their entirety. In fact, the success of the entire steam platform, built on such weak DRM, can be used as an argument for the pointlessness of DRM as a whole.

You are discarding an extremely strong argument that supports your position because of your refusal to examine context.

you can but them right now


I use Steam regularly but I won't stop. This started with servers requiring steam to run. I wanted to play Gmod and then eventually Sven Coop. I'm not really resisting though and I don't find steam as inconvinient as some others do.

Although one thing I can argue against is that people on Linux get software a lot slower. I know that a few years ago it lacked some players entirely. Most people are Jews that make money so the free software thing is not their thing. If ReactOS ever becomed proper, I'd rather move on that.

As long as the delusion that drm does anything other than piss off potential customers exists, drm will be there to profit off of said delusion.
So probably never.

Seriously though, this is why I can't take anti-DRM seriously. You are so obsessed with DRM and ignore all of the other anti-comsumer practices, and rail against the most benign DRM in the industry that it honestly makes me think some of you fucks are DRM shills using reverse psychology.

You know that Hitachi and Western Digital are the same company.

yeah real fucking NICE, why cant i play my shitty budget priced games that go on a 99cents pricetag and i sometimes set up bots to steal steam keys to get shit games because holy shit this is fucking annoying, drm is super cancer

Can't you still play games on steam with offline mode?

Yes you can. Also, checked.

I just pirate the games, and buy them where ever it's cheapest if i like it, be it if from steam, GoG or some random CD key shop. And still play the pirated version. So yeah not an issue for me.

Also got a source on that image? Seems to be missing a lot of critical details. Doesn't breakdown based on model or hardware revision. Doesn't differentiate between form factor. Are these consumer or enterprise drives? Not even a sample size. Curious because I used to work for Seagate (10'-14') as an ASIC designer. Sure plenty of people would be curious to see this.

To ramble a bit further though. DRM, when used for marketing is a proper profitable tool. I've noticed a pattern where games with replayability and sandbox ones benefit from having a weak DRM or a non existent one. Things like Hotline Miami for instance. But due to the fact that you know you can play it again you're more inclined to "pay back" to the developer or to play to find out more about the games. So when a sandbox game or one of those has DRM, it's more likely to have lower sales.
The other case is where a game has low replayability and is very repetitive. In that case putting up DRM makes a lot of sense, the harder to crack, the better. People will end up being more inclined to play it due to the "incredible experience".

And one more ramble. About the consumer rights thing. I did mention that programmers usually don't care about the free software thing due to profits. Game company owners are in a similar situation usually. Consumer rights is something you're told is good. Notice that you're all repeating a pattern when saying that this is "anti consumer". The point of companies is to shoehorn in such terminology in order to make it more likely you spend money on their products. None of them care about you as an individual and see you as a sales figure. There never was a time where this didn't happen either because Atari immediately jumped the bandwagon to make people want their consoles and games rather than producing something of "quality". If you want a DRM-free and "pro consumer rights" place where this doesn't happen, your best bet is a dictatorship that doesn't allow for private business to emerge or limits it significantly. That's all I have to say. I'm sure I'll be called either a shill or a retard now but I felt like trying to give a small analysis on this.

Consumer rights can exist in the free market though, all it requires is a competitor that does not abuse its customers.
This is why antitrust legislation is important, it keeps several players on the field so that if one starts being dickish consumers aren't totally screwed.
Steam isn't the only game distribution client, it's simply the one that gives its customers the best deal, between steam sales, fuckhuge selection, and drm second only to gog in lack of strength/obstruction.

I suppose the best argument giving against this is the fact that Steam has centralized DRM-distribution in the most successful way so it feels less like Steam has competition for quite a while now. Although they have made at least a few things to prove that they don't want to lose customers.
Still, that's a good point.

I have mixed feeling about antitrust laws. Especially the fact there have times they've been used solely to knock down the competition.

The laws may have been perverted, but at the end of the day a competition-driven market gives everyone involved the best deal.


That shitty graph has been a running gag on /g/ and Holla Forums for the last 3 years now. Backblaze (the group that did the tests) used drives that Seagate had already acknowledged had problems by that time (in fucking 2008 no less) and were among the oldest drives tested to boot. Also they put the drives through workloads that they'd likely never see in normal everyday use, especially outside of an enterprise environment (these aren't even enterprise drives to begin with).

Pic related, the actual details on the samples used. Again keep in mind this was back in Jan 2014, so even if that graph weren't the misleading piece of shit it was it still wouldn't mean shit today, it's been 3 years since then. That would be like saying you should buy a Nvidia GPU today because AMD had abysmal drivers 3 years ago (fun fact, that situation is now reversed).

Also what that graph doesn't tell you is that they went on to say that they still prefer the 4TB Seagate Desktop HDD.15 drive over everything else anyway.

And consumers who care about not being abused. That's the thing that keeps DRM on the market, it people stopped buying DRM-infested software companies would drop the practice in an instant. Sadly computers are an abstract magic concept to most people, they don't or don't want to see the implications DRM brings. Some of the DRM on the market is downright malware that fucks up your system.

Even weaker pushover DRM like Steamworks is bad: it still forces you to use Valve's software to access the download and you don't get a proper installer that sets up the dependencies on your system. Downloading the game on a system that isn't supported by Valve or the game requires you to jump through needless hoops. If I want to play a Windows game on GNU/Linux from Steam I need to install Steam in Wine to download the game, or download it on a Windows machine, and then transfer the files to my Linux machine.

On the other hand, if I buy a Windows game on GOG or Humble Bundle I just download the game using my browser or the client, and then just run the installer in Wine.

It's all just needlessly complicating something that should be simple. And when the game has an update you have to go through all that mess again because you don't get real installers from Steam. Saying that Steam is OK because you don't do such weird things is like saying you don't need freedom of speech because you don't have anything to say. Or like laughing at people who complain about an inaccessible staircase just because you don't have to sit in a wheelchair.

Are you a meme libertarian?

Never again

Or if you hate steam so much just torrent a crack version of it. It's not hard, and that doesn't really sound like that much of an inconvenience to me either way.

Or you bought in steam, get the pirated version, and never downloaded the steam version. It's that easy. Honestly just go for the best deal if you want to support the devs.

No you're just making a mountain out of mole hill. Also you still have to log on to download the patch from GOG, so it's not much different anyway.

No more it's like making fun of people who get pissy that you didn't put in trigger warnings. Yes there cases where it's vaild like war vets that have PSTD, but for the most part it's just whiny SJWs who just want their way.

I just want physical copies again.
Wait nevermind I just had a ptsd flashback to scratched installation discs, maybe they can start using USB instead

If some form of DRM existed that allowed copying your games for friends/other machines, allowed modding, had no restriction such as always online, didn't impact performance at all, would you still be against it?

What exactly is it 'protecting' in this case?

Never again my ass

Piracy. Though I guess copying the game and giving it away prevents that.