That Guy T defends White Nationalist EdgySphinx and the Alt Right

What do you think? That Guy T wants free speech for people who will take away free speech if their idealogy gets into power…

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And you call trips attention whores

Oh no, someone is defending a core tenet of liberal democracy! Someone call the brave anarkiddies so that they can bash this fascist!

I would prefer if you were actual whore instead.

Ancap defending aut-right fascists.

Why is no one surprised?

ancaps are degenerate.

The way history is looking the men will whore themselves out just as equally once they realize being a NEET isn't sustainable


A 'house negro' at its finest. The alt-right makes it clear what they'd do to blacks if they achieved power and this guy still defends them.

That Guy Tom does it again!

Fuck yeah

sounds good to me

Your pimp is probably going to be a dude. And your clients won't all be women.I hope you enjoy putting on a dress and sucking cock.

You're mostly going to bottom for creepy old dudes or fuck nasty old women.

EdgySphinx, the guy he defends who is an alt right white nationalist is also Coptic ie Egyptian as well

"When the bourgeoisie sees that power is slipping out of its hands, it brings up fascism to hold onto their muh privileges."


You do know you're on a chan right?

jokes on you I wouldn't be able to attract any clients


He fell for the liberal meme.

I guess. But it wouldn't be the ideal man. Just watch the ending of Reqium for a Dream but imagine too emaciated former neet boys desperate instead of two desperate women fucking a double dildo in front of a bunch of porkies shouting "CUM CUM CUM CUM CUM"

I know some people think that's hot but I don't.

Really makes u fink

There's nothing wrong with free speech. If he's actually defending their views, he's a fucking retard. Kraut had it right.

That guy T is very misguided, but he's surprisingly open to new ideas. I talk to him on Twitter now and then and he seems like a cool guy. I hope to convert him to a Mutualist over time.

Two women fucking a double dildo isn't hot?

I liked you anfem poster, I really did.

How spooked can one person be?

The alternative is taking away free speech if your ideology is in power.

This tbqh
Bootlickers never surprise me

I think he has naive opinions, but he seems genuine, and therefore can be suspect to change, provided he communicates/debates with the right people.

We shouldn't be so quick to dismiss people like him (even the more insufferably smug ones - eg. sargon of akkad). I don't really get the opportunistic vibe I get for them like I do with others (like Milo, Lauren Southern, people who are clearly in it for monetary gain).

disgusting bootlicker. we honestly shouldnt let things like this go as it keeps influencing potential aut-righters. fuck im so mad and im not even black

Sargon is legitimately an intellectually dishonest idiot. He refuses to listen when leftists try to tell him that his definition of socialism is wrong. He kicks and screams and demands that we use a different word to describe ourselves if we're not his definition of socialism.

I have a lot more respect for That Guy T. He seems to just be immersed in ancap retardery and unaware that there's a whole world of other stuff out there.

Maybe I'm wrong about Sargon, I hardly watch him (for obvious reasons). I don't know if I'd categorize him as dishonest, but he's definitely embarrassing. He says all types of dumb shit - I think that by amassing such a following you gain an ego where you believe you have special insights, and when you're called out on your arguments in reality you have to rationalize it somehow (I remember watching him debate some professor and after he said he lost because he was "overprepared" lmao).

Yet, at the same time, he has admitted he's wrong and conceded on certain things. If I remember correctly I think he said hbomberguys video of him was a valid critique, and hbomberguy goes pretty hard on him in that one. (I dont particularly like hbomber, but his videos on reactionaries like that are pretty funny).

But yeah, That Guy T is a lot more sincere/honest definitely. I suppose I'm just talking in general. In fact, he might be the most sincere out of the whole "anti-sjw"-type youtubers out there. Dipshits like "TLDR" and the type are pretty much beyond debating with.


Teal Deer is a STEMfag and so thinks he is in the Intellectual Caste™ and that it's beneath him to debate with plebs.

TL;DR has the single most obnoxious voice I've ever heard


He's pretty much your average pedant.

I didn't finish it, but this video criticized his style pretty well:

I, by no means, like Sarkeesian, but the video is a decent takedown of him. It's amazing how much these "anti-sjw" types like Thunderf00t focus on her, and yet never criticize her substantially (as opposed to, say, Insiti8iveJournalism, who's actually good)

House niggers deserves to be at the top of the gulag list

TL;DR's vids aren't really that bad, though. He's just an annoying cunt, but that doesn't make him wrong.

Except for all the vids TF has made where he calls her out on her clearly false allegations about games. Sarkeesian is a fucking con artist, fam. There's nothing there.

That dude never updated again. Why would you even bring that up?

Yeah, his obnoxious manner is a lot worse than his substance.

She is a con artist, I agree, her critiques are embarrassing. My point was that Thunderf00ts critiques of her aren't much better, and in some ways, worse.

Explain, please.

It's not that it isn't hot. It is very hot. Have you not seen requiem for a dream?

Two desperate people, one of which is in a relationship, and they're both addicted to heroin, where he can't supply it anymore, and his arm has gangrene, so she in desperation chose prostitution to get the money to get the fix while the other guy's friend goes to jail remembering his mother, the guy loses his arm and probably goes to jail after, and the guy's mom is getting electroshock therapy because she's addicted to amphetamines at an old age and wants to be known and loved, and back to the double dildo, she's fucking it for heroin money in front of a crowd of old porkies

And all of it happens in the span of I think like, 4 or 5 minutes of rapid cuts concluding how these people managed to fuck up their lives irreparably.

like the aristocrats but not funny and really sad and gross.

In general his videos are way too long, honestly, they can be summed up in 3-5 but he goes on for 10+ (usually just repeating himself). Not to mention his clickbait-style headlines ("SARKEESIAN BUSTED!!!!!") with the gradient-thumbnails. The guy is literally obsessed with her, he's made over 35 videos of her. Just go to his channel and search it up. The general rhetoric of his videos are pretty bad too, idpol nonsense over screenshots of memes.

I remember watching a couple that were particularly bad, but I can't find them right now. Rewatching some of his older ones though, my opinions slightly changed, some of his earlier videos were okay - albeit narrow minded (he would focus on the hitman example sarkeesian gives for 10 minutes rather than address the video and the claims she makes as a whole).

If I do find those videos Ill write something up

God I hate these twats. Once Trump is in office they'll change attitude once shit like abortion is banned or stop and frisk is implemented nationally. His BLM video is nothing but anecdotal evidence that is targeted for his viewership.

Dude, this is a common SJW claim, but he made those videos over a long time, as opposed to her, who didn't make any of the videos she was paid to do. :^)

When you start a video with dishonest portrayals of a game, it only makes sense to ignore the rest of the video where you go on about the implications of that. Nothing you say can be an honest critique.


And to think just yesterday I had turned over a new leaf and decided to be nice to you because you apparently memed yourself into some kind of episode.

anfam's face when my obsession with making her stop posting has reached such absurd pinnacles I purchased cycles on the Mirai botnet just to bruteforce her tripcode

So your solution is to take away free speech right now?

Nice false flag attempt, Holla Forums. But KGB invented subversion, you just copied us. You think you wanted Trump to win even though he's currently dismantling US hegemony. Hahahaha.

HHbomberguy is the best

Thunderfoot is in love with Anita

Muke you know it won't work, he's dumb as fuck.
He keeps tweeting about "muh evil leftists" and keeps mistaking leftists for liberals.

Fuck That Guy Tom and his trash aut right subscribers

The rare black cuckold in its natural habitat.

I disagree with this guy about a lot of things but he's right in this video. Debating ideas on their merits is always better than everyone separating themselves into increasingly smaller circlejerks.


that's not a bad thing