I'm an uneducated NEET and I hate myself. I feel like I have a very poor understanding of politics...

I'm an uneducated NEET and I hate myself. I feel like I have a very poor understanding of politics. How do I into political theory? Is there something my pathetic mind can digest?

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Here fam

Maybe you should read that book too, user.

Lurk more and read the Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx

Retard who doesnt know who politzer is alert

Maybe you should read it, and understand political science is just applied philosophy

Dont do this

Just read your PDF.

Literal garbage.

Excellent arguments.
Got anything better to get someone into solid enough ground to know what materialism is, why it is correct and why it is the basis for leftist politics?

The Manifesto, troll.

Dude, why work? Just wait for the revolution and we can all be party members lol.

The manifesto is fucking irrelevant

Wait a second, thats not the correct one

Maybe this one is

Why cant I upload it? I bet the bourgeoisemare behind this


I don't know what your looking for buddy, but if your interested in learning about Marxism as a holistic philosophy, I'd say anti-Duhring the best place to start: marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1877/anti-duhring/index.htm


Ah yes, I see your reasoning.

anti-Duhring is a little long for a total beginner. I'd say read Socialism: Utopian and Scientific. If you're feeling lazy, skip to part 3.

Good luck trying to understand politics without philosophy then

The book is easy as shit, you can read it in 3 days

I bet you're that autistic little faggot who runs the leftypol discord

You can use any other philosophy book, i give no fucks, but politzer is a great writter and he is easy to umderstand, but go ahead, start with a philosophical essy of 600 pages instead

I dont use discord

If you really are desperate go check Wikipedia's series on Marxism, there's no magical pdf that will get you in the know of Politics, Economics and/or Philosophy, I for one started watching YouTube videos on channels like School of Life (not actually that one but I don't know many channels in English), you'll know when and what to read when the time comes.

suicide is painless tbf
Don't drag the board Autism Level down any lower than it already is thanks to europoors and tankies.



I think its about personality and genetics to understand the wider picture. Your role is to be a working man or soldier.

Please, all of your theory is made by Europeans. It comes to no surprise that your colonial mind can`t comprehend it.

read this theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-at-daggers-drawn-with-the-existent-its-defenders-and-its-false-critics