There are people on this board who defend reactionary rednecks and hicks

You just like to be edgy and to ally with edgy people

Other urls found in this thread:


Love them or hate them. You cannot change the fact that we need them on our side. You cannot shame or insult someone into supporting you. We must make it clear that it's in their own best interests.


You're more likely to recruit liberals than reactionary inbreds


are you saying changing your political views also changes your class-based economic status

Holla Forums is trying too hard

No it changes your worth as a human being

You the workers of all types. You keep forgetting this. Nobody said communism was easy.



Maybe, maybe not that is something that is discussed near constantly here. The problem with liberals is they're such a large group that it is hard to typecast them. A major hurdle with them is they may feel perfectly fine with the system as is and change can be seen as being too risky to their current material means.

A "redneck" might not necessarily be a conservative a lot of them are former industrialists, farmers and miners who got cucked out of the economic system. It can be said it's a much smaller hurdle convincing them it wasn't Jamal or Juan who stole their job but the rich fucks.

How is that a neoliberal meme, he's right. College educated retarded liberalss, sticking their noses up at workers. They should be shot in the fucking face. There is no reason for a worker, especially a white one to unite when the majority of those who are educating, in the media, in colleges, and in corporations are attacking them, and them alone by name.

I don't think you understand how near-impossible this is. You can literally show them every shred of evidence and they will still vote for Trump and beg for a wall to be built.

Let me guess, you're a nazbol

You ever lived in a trailer park?
Hell, you ever been to a trailer park?
Don't talk shit about people you don't know. Shows your ignorance.

No ethical consumption or employment under capitalism.

Irrational hatred is a hard nut to crack no doubt, but I'm arguing in most people it's a less hard nut to crack than perceived "comfort and stability."

That choice doesn't exist in a vacuum for fucks sake, did you see the DNC pitch to workers? They rolled up every stripe of disabled, illegal, non white they could possibly find, and that was the fucking pitch. More Global capitalism.

At least are sane enough to realize a wall is protection from what global capital wants them to become, at least they had a small victory, for once.

That doesn't make it right for them to judge men in worse positions than themselves. If they have it shit, they should sympathize with laborers, not hate them


It makes it absolutely right to vote for less cheap labour flooding their communities.If that is hatred then that is what it must be. What other choice do they have?

Reformism doesn't work, nor does defending intra hatred of the working class

That's not a pitch, that's why they don't give a shit about anything you have to say, that's why you cry about 'irrational hatred', it's very fucking rational.

Typical commie faggot.


I'm on my phone, someone post the Jimmy Dore video where some hick BTFOs you ivory tower fucks. They know goddamn well that none of their manufacturing jobs are ever coming back.

That's not my fault they don't understand they're getting fucked by the wrong people. If they can't see results at the moment, we aren't trying hard enough. Not trying hard enough includes defending the working class hating the working class.

That's easier said than done. They see immigrants taking over local communities, but they don't see the porky that is lobbying to keep the borders open and the wages low.
Instead of telling they cannot be upset about immigration, tell them who's really responsible for this.

Whereas you have the capacity to write off regular people because they were denied a good education and healthy socialization. What the fuck is your excuse?

Redneck originally referred to active labor you fucking retard.

They are more reasonable than liberals. Liberals are in full-on cognitive dissonance mode. Conservatives and reactionaries have less cognitive dissonance but more spooks (or "flawed premises" if you prefer). They are inherently more reasonable than liberals. Have you ever even interacted with these people? You just have to not be a retard and avoid using words that they're trained to be afraid of.

It's kind of hard to oppress anyone when you yourself are being oppressed. If you actually had the end goal of oppressing reactionaries you would be well advised to unite first to overthrow capitalism and then betray your allies, since that would be necessary to put you in a position to do that. But it's a fucking retarded idea in the first place because once you've overthrown capitalism the material conditions have changed and society will evolve out of reactionary ideology.

Rednecks and hicks, as cultural representations in your mind, are spooks, comrade.


They do, they voted for the first time in living memory for an economic nationalist

Did you just miss the last election? They know their party betrayed them so the voted for someone who was totally contrary to the Chamber of Commerce party.

Interestingly, my mother is an Ayncap and she flips shit about how the democrats specifically enact policies to encourage immigration but she enters some kind of fugue state if you point out that they do this because it benefits employers due to low wages and inability to go to the authorities when crimes are committed.

This. OP is blinded by his prejudices. Or he's just a Holla Forumsyp false flag. Probably the latter.

Trump is free trade, they keep making the same mistakes every election.

If you can't empathize or communicate with the proletariat, and berate them for not falling in line with your specific vision of revolutionary change, why the fuck would anyone trust you or listen to you?

No wonder there's so many fucking tankies on these boards. Bunch of LARPing college kids who just want people to fall in line behind their oh-so-smart politics and economic theories.

I wish I could enjoy the countryside of America.

Let's throw theory down the toilet and listen to the creationist republican who voted for Trump and Romney who lives in Oklahoma how he best envisions his community without mexicans.



It's no wonder unions and union workers are increasingly jumping ship when pompous twats like you identify them as reactionaries and thus beyond saving. You'll never be in party leadership and it's a damn good thing you won't be. I doubt you'll even make it in academia due to your delusions of grandeur. Give it a few years and they'll subside.

As an aside, do you know the origin of the term redneck? I highly doubt it for you're typifying rednecks and hillbillies as some all encompassing evangelical demographic that, at its core, is fundamentally wrong. Forgive me for assuming but are you just hopping on the prejudicial blame train as all the other neoliberals have due to peer conformity, or have you witnessed at hand this 'hillbilly' bogeyman?

If you think that you won't be able to stand against somebody, that means you think your position is weaker than theirs. So you don't actually think so highly either of your theory or of your communication skills. It's the latter, since suppression of ideas will have the opposite effect of what's intended.

Look where that got you, librul

If you legitimately think that the working class does not also mean the college educated you're a fucking retard and you don't know shit. Republicans don't do shit for the working class, in fact many are hardly poor.

You're defending a demographic you think exists just as much as the OP.

They're not even the working class in America at this point, many are unemployed. That doesn't mean impovershed, but it does not mean throwing in our support with people who want an equally or more weaker demographic just "thrown out" because the world is changing.

I cannot support that, ergo I will not support that.

Having some retard scream out who visits churches where people practice speaking in tongues isn't exactly going to be someone worth debating.

This is about debate. If you cannot handle debate, I shouldn't try.

Who the fuck voted for Clinton, and why do elections matter in the case of this argument

You're liberal.

itt: Holla Forums falseflagging their own platitudes and strawmen to divide the working class from itself and the class struggle

ITT: people shut up a thread by seriously responding to a tripfag like they're fresh off the boat

It isn't like the people OP described care for class struggle

They are not the noble ape that people so desperately here try to paint them as. They vote against all our own interests, in fact they come out and vote more than any of us do for the next big corporate puppet king.

Can you critique the Mestizo 'working class' and call them fucking retards for voting for Spanish whites and falling for their bullshit. And

In Marx's time the working class were mostly factory workers and manual laborers. If you want to compare some college educated fruitcake who never worked a day in their life to that, you are the one full of shit.

Your understanding of these people is literally just a stereotype. You understand that these people have lives and are not writhing and speaking in tongues at all times, right? You should also be aware that these people are doing this because their culture copes with the trauma of class in dramatic and extreme ways, in reflection of class. You are talking about psychologically ill people, not monsters or malicious actors.

90% of people aren't trained for debate, and this won't likely change under capitalism. The best thing that can be done for now is to have an exchange of ideas and try to understand things from each others' perspectives. Racists and religious zealots are only a problem within your organization if you don't have people outside of their group to offset them.

"Quotation marks"

Like what example? Spanish republicans and democrats? Yeah I can criticize them.

Yes the 19th century

That's more like the people here than people who work on their own degrees. College educated people are suddenly not divorced from labor because you decided so.

Just based on your response here and your focus on the religious aspect of this population segment I'm under the impression that you're heavily influenced by some biases regarding theism.
I don't see how you reached this conclusion, "ergo don't support that" with that being a segment of American workers involved in unions. The rest of this statement is a bit difficult for me to sift through as I'm not entirely sure what weaker demographic you're implying is 'unemployed'. Are you meaning former union workers, manufacturers, miners, other energy professions, utility professions, or something along the lines of this evangelical, white bogeyman?

I'm slowly realizing that I'm falling victim to bait. In this case, your bait was effective. Pardon my autism.

Creationists exist en masse, I don't think you realize how often they will simply shut out anything to do with unionization or labor as much as they will about hispanics.

I hope your vagina prolapses.

Creationism is the point where you stop telling yourself the truth and rely on pure faith of material fact to decide what is right. They usually are politically illiterate and don't know what to vote for.

Your sensitivity on their behalf is admirable but it is fruitless.

Not really. What bait is there? This population of voters exists and they are called Reaganites.

They're usually baby boomers. I don't care for them.

Not a nice thing to wish

In Mexico

So what do you want me to say. Judge the people who come here to work for nothing for their labor more than the Republicans here who want to deny them their labor?

I can judge them for their voting patterns and I can judge the people who want to deny them labor, and I can judge people defending Republicans' political choices just as much as Democrats.

At the end of the day labor is what matters, and both Republicans and Democrats work to deny hispanic laborers the right to labor, out of identity politics and hope it will make things better.

each shit you metropolitan baby

Bet poster is a Marxist or a Socdem

They're not denying them labor. They're denying them rights to make it easier for porky to exploit them and use them to depress the wages of American workers.
Bill Clinton was "anti" illegal immigration, but he did little to stop it.
At the end of the day, if you don't organize both American and immigrant workers, those in charge of the system will continue to drive a wedge between us.

This whole "you can't debate a bunch of hillbillies" is not productive at all.

Yes they are.

They would have done that anyway, do you think this really matters in how fucked you are? This is a barganing chip for votes, it's Southern Strategy identification shit.

Obama made up for it by deporting more than Bush and Bill combined.

No, politics will. Political illiteracy will. Not knowing that you're being fucked will.

I can shit on Republicans like I can shit on Democrats. You don't need to come to their aid.

You aren't getting a green card

Good thing my parents do and I was born here

OK you dumb chink let me outline it for you:

If they can be cooperated with, then we should cooperate with them because whether or not they realize it, our interests are aligned.

If they won't cooperate then they can sit out the revolution and reap the benefits of the new system when it's put in place.

If they actively resist, then they are a counter revolution and at that point they must be quashed.

It's not fucking hard.

We got a bad ass up in here yo

How judgemental of you, how ivory tower :v)

They will not outline it or agree. They are mostly baby boomers who existed during the cold war. Cold war era Americans, in these places, will do fuck all for you ever. Ever.

They do not care what to do, they will fuck themselves sideways before defending labor and calling themselves communists. Your empathy for them is empathy they will not share, period.

You have to show them material results, not argue to convince them. I'm sorry. You won't get anywhere arguing.

Sounds like you're the one who they hate not me for not wanting to fuck with them.

You're right it's not.

What makes you think your parents can come over and take advantage of the work of these 'redknecks' forefathers, and shit on them because they have their own culture and community? You sound parasitic.Are you a Chinaman?

Because you came to ours to reap the benefits because it was communist. To be fair, they weren't communists. But regardless your little war created some refugees, how ironic that America still hasn't learned from its mistakes.

Hillbillies and rednecks are becoming redder by the day, you reactionary faggots. Look at this guy:

Attention whores warrant insults based on however they present themselves.

You're talking about a large and diverse population who does not act like a singular bloc. Some will be swayed, and it's worth making the effort for the ones that will.

Empathy is irrelevant. Having a robust pool of allies is in my interest.

Did you read what I wrote? They don't have to be convinced to enjoy the benefits of socialism or communism. That is the material result.

You were the one who was arguing in favor of OP who wants to suppress these people. I laid out the scenario where that would be a sane course of action.

The proles just voted for the anti-war candidate and you snark, and mutter about theory, theory is dead. You have to deal with peoples lives as they are, before any theory can even begin to be effective.

The Liberal,' educated' elite voted for someone who though it was great that she droned the leader of an African nation, you cannot reason with these people, you think creationism is bad, these fuckers are true believers in global capital and American hegemony


The younger are. The older aren't reliable, they will vote to destroy their own retirement and social security if it means fighting the good fight for ol' US of A.

The problem here is baby boomers saw results under Democrats and Republicans, no matter how small, and are reaching in every direction to justify what's happening now that the cold war is over and things are changing.

They will be this way until they die.

Republican whites are diverse, this is a joke

You won't get any by these actions.

They won't accept it.

How do I want to suppress them? By hurting their feelings?


It's very much alive. You snark and mutter about the latest convincing magic trick politicians have done to get people out and vote for this sham of a system since they milked everything dry and had Obama for 8 and 2.

IE, you

Wow how much different than Republicans and their base

Sorry, I believe in race.

Wow Republican orthdoxy and gay conservatism just got smashed to pieces for protectionism. The whites workers did that.

Republican orthodoxy didn't get smashed lol

And antirevolutionary cunts like OP is exactly why we'll never achieve revolution and gain appeal with the proletariat.

Good… Good… Keep insulting the working class.

The unsalvageable hillbillies were some of the most radical workers during the US labor movement. We need to be out there communicating with them because you sure as shit better believe that fascists will be/already are. They've been manipulated by bourgeois ideology like the rest of us.

Their are more communist hispanics than there are communist whites, you are fucking yourself over by trying to convince actual republican voters "hey, consider, communism?"

That won't work. It never has for 70 god damn years.

These are people who would defend the nuclear arms race and confuse tankies with all communists and don't even understand anarchists.

Jej, The party base moved and they tried to sabotage their own candidate

Anyone have that image from Rusbro about Cletus and Jamal?

And the candidate is now cock sucking for $$$ like all of us predicted.

Your ability to be fooled by politicians even after the election is sad

Nobody was fooled, they just voted for the only person in decades who spoke to them on issues regarding their lives.

Immigration and trade are the things people will crush Trump over if he caves badly.

"The intelligentsia are not the brains of a nation, they are the feces of a nation." -Lenin

But keep telling yourself how well read you are when Commissar Cletus and Commissar Jamal shoot you in the back of the head, you useful idiot. You will never be apart of the working class because you don't have the balls of a working man like Cletus and his 19th century hand me down heirloom 10 gauge does.

No they didn't. You're slurping up media spill, but they voted for a Republican for any reason the media will tell them they did. In the end they just voted for him because he's that smart business guy.

You over estimate the education of the average Republican voter by miles, perhaps light years

They voted for Obama, but before that they voted for Bush. Now they voted for Trump.

What do these three people have in common? Well they're all presidents and they're all shit and they have a rabid fan base that dwindles.

They didn't vote in their own interest, just like they didn't vote for Obama or Bush for their own interest.

Being a doctor in Soviet Russia was in fact, not being part of the "intelligentsia" and tankie defense of mass murder for purpose of destroying say, Physics, or what have you, really bit them on the ass for a bit when they needed it.

In fact, the Soviets became more and more academic.

I think you're looking for the Khmer Rogue

It's kind of exactly the same thing as when neoliberalism tricks people into wasting their revolutionary potential fighting each other.

this is too funny. please keep insulting more of the true proles liberals. this will work against you in elections at every level as recent events have shown you.

here, have an article.

sad how neoliberals saw this years in advance and were so stupid they thought the way forward to victory was to insult and alienate them even more.

Republicans are as true prole as Democrats. I really don't give a shit about the thoughts and minds of people who are die hard Democrats/Republicans/Independents/Any voter what so ever.

I'm interested in results that can convince them.

They act stupid, I really don't give a shit and I'll mock their decision making.

Fucking JYTimes, all the top stories are Anti Russia, Trump is Russian, and anti-Syria.

Rednecks have allot of revolutionary potential fam. Just don't drop certain words until after they know what what actually mean.

I'm not saying they don't, I'm strictly mocking life long Republican voters who still buy into Southern Strategy bullshit without realizing labor. They can't be changed easily at all, if at all.


You realize that poor rural areas in the USA used to be communist right? The IWW, for example, was strongest in places like Wyoming, a place I assume you call 'redneck'.

There aren't. Op is a false flagger who occasionally makes threads with that exact same image talking about why the white working class is bad

Fair enough.

pretty much

Bump. The Populist Party, which espoused very progressive values that benefited the farmer back in the late 19th-early 20th century, was based largely in places like Kansas and Nebraska - now the most obsequiously conservative states in America.

I think what happened was that not only religion corrupted these societies, but also the Democratic Party sold out the proletariat and ruined the agriculture-based economy.

What a bro

There is literally nothing wrong with this picture

Implying that anyone who isn't a stereotypical redneck or ghetto thug is automatically a rich, preppy, trust fund baby living in a gated community.

Its a defence mechanism to this video. Neutral is the best position in all idpol issues.


Its a good term to describe far right. Much better than not socialism.


social calvinists sitting around deciding who is the proletarian elect and who is the reactionary damned who will never be saved and fancying themselves the fucking angels doing the saving based on which demographics they find relateable.

get a fucking grip

Nice job OP, the butt hurt you caused with this truth bomb is epic.