Hello there, Holla Forums! Have you been keeping your teeth healthy lately?

Hello there, Holla Forums! Have you been keeping your teeth healthy lately?

Danny DeVito teaches us to brush our teeth every day, so yes

no, in fact i rarely even brush my teeth
i don't really see the point in keeping a good oral hygiene if i don't have any gf to kiss


I agree with Dr. Rabbit



I only brush my teeth 4 times last week, I just chew gum for fresh breath

Everyday witch cum.

Stop, you're going to make Colgate take down this board :(

Fucking hell, someone other than me remember that?
I was only 10 at the time but I recall when I woke up one morning to see if Walrusguy had anything new out only to find his channel gone. There were protest poops for weeks that used the usual alternate sources of the era to poke fun at Cuntgate such as Volvic, the SMW/SMB3 cartoon and the CDi games. Then you had two of the earliest YT lolcows in the form of Chris Crocker and Chadwardenn showing up around the same time and they got turned into sources pretty damn quick.

Last I checked he since returned to making poops to this very day but at the time he was the hottest name in the business.

Yep, early ytp was good times my man

They don't call it the dental jew for nothing
His Sonic poop with the recorded C&D call was gold.

wat, it was already mainstream by this year, 2006 to 2007 were the early phase, when poops were that, shit or random sequences made by loonies ala Gamecubehero

He sounds similar to the Warden from Superjail

>never floss and brush teeth maybe twice a week for two and a half years
when did you stop buying Big Dental's lies?


I brush my teeth only before I go to an event with people I care about, so about a maximum 2 times a week for me too.
I can look in my mouth and I see nothing wrong.

Yes you cunt.
I got my wisdom tooth taken out last week, was done by some paki fella who talked me into it after seeing the x ray, his wife tried to tell me it was fine if I didn't want to do it then he reprimanded her in pooindaloo talk and had to take some uber strong anti biotics which fucked my up so bad, I can count on one hand the amount of times I've felt that shit, worst 370€ ever.

I think whatever bacteria you're cultivating in your mouth is more important than brushing tbh.

I'm sorry the mean man hurt you.

The surgery was painless, just a slice a wiggle a grip then a yank and it was out, followed by lot's of blood.

Get a White dentist you fucktard.

He was a specialist, an oral surgeon and I couldn't find another in the country.

What country only has 1 oral surgeon. I had 2 wisdoms pulled when I was 23 and I was at work 3 hours later. But then I had a dentist who knew what the fuck he was doing.

What shithole country only has one oral surgeon?