What is it about this naive, always happy robot servant that's so alluring?

What is it about this naive, always happy robot servant that's so alluring?

Attached: emmy.png (975x1066, 1.14M)

Other urls found in this thread:


I prefer always smug. Crossover when?

Attached: 1898_113500.jpg (213x320, 13.14K)


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Attached: sarah connor.jpg (220x322, 19.39K)

>>115107142I'd like to see you try meatbag

Attached: mfw.webm (1000x562, 2.97M)

>>115107115We crave innocence, both to get closer to simpler times in our lives, but also to corrupt it because it's akin to taking a virgin instead of a whore to bed. We hope for happiness like this, without the burdens that life has imposed upon us. We want the subservience of an unquestioning robot in a world where other people may not listen to us, and offload chores and menial tasks to someone who appears to enjoy such work that you and I find no pleasure in or may not have time for.Emmy is an easy answer to complex real world problems. Escapism.We can also fap to her, I guess.

Attached: 1566776464570.png (750x638, 575.21K)

>>115107115You just want a compliant slave girl that won't judge you.


Attached: suffer not the robot to live.gif (320x136, 1.2M)

>>115107115I swear if the author will address the dystopia of that world it will be a great comic.


Attached: IMG_2837.jpg (1125x754, 943.58K)

>>115107115because she'd make the perfect wife

Attached: Emmy Robot Good Morning Sir I've Prepared Breakfast For You.png (1168x1267, 590.59K)

>>115107115You faggots spamming

>>115107206Pssh nothin personel orcs...

Attached: sebastian yarrick.jpg (740x482, 25.31K)


Attached: IMG_2838.jpg (1125x689, 899.22K)

>>115107230>the perfect wifeIs submissive and obedient and has neither agency nor ambitions of her own. HMMMM

born sexy yesterday

Attached: 81WvUuKtOGL._RI_SX300_.jpg (300x400, 26.65K)

>>115107268her ambition is to make you happy, which makes her happy, seems reasonable to me

Attached: Emmy Robot Smile.png (1200x1158, 1.2M)

>>115107142This user gets it. This is what canners deserve.youtu.be/L0K6Cb1ZoG4?t=276

Attached: 1523603436894.jpg (340x250, 14.23K)

>>115107256I fucking hate the ork design, it's just not alien enough just reminds me of fantasy shit like LOTR. i hope when they finally make a movie the aliens actually look like real aliens, like properly lovecraftian to make the universe more mysterious, with a handful of humanoid looking ones. but yeah orks, elves, dwarves need to fucking go!

Attached: War Of The Worlds Alien 2.jpg (720x948, 103.47K)

>>115107367Oi, ain’ dat a bit rude..

Attached: IMG_2466.jpg (629x807, 305.69K)


Attached: 1.png (988x1348, 568.92K)


Attached: emmy authorities.jpg (1080x623, 262.21K)

>>115107367>i don't l ike how the orcs look like orcs

Attached: zis guy.png (234x219, 49.75K)

>>115108808the orcs should just be removed is what i'm saying

Attached: Warhammer 40k Height Manlet.jpg (2270x1004, 339.43K)

>>115107115I prefer the slutty one with the ponytail

>>115108878who's that?

Attached: Emmy Robot Looking Up.png (467x445, 343.36K)

>>115107115I LOVE MAIDBOTS!

Attached: Capture.jpg (601x681, 105.59K)

>>115108895This one

Attached: Screenshot_461.png (165x294, 103.08K)

>>115108924hows she slutty?


Attached: 1588535504446.png (4469x2927, 1.51M)

>>115108996because she said so

Attached: all the difference a wig can make.png (748x732, 140.19K)

>>115108996Ponytail, don,t know why its slutty but it just is.

>>115108996It comes at least partially from the fact that in most of her appearances, she has a little bit of the fuck-me eyes going, especially in her debut in this concept art. Some also see ponytails as being some kind of "blowjob uniform," or something like that.But she's just become the designated slutty one according to anons.

Attached: Stroll.jpg (1080x1092, 206.01K)

>>115107347>Posting in this thread>Saying such things>With that picture.

Attached: 1493355606634.jpg (260x478, 67.08K)


Attached: 1588532816689.png (1149x1588, 407.78K)

has anyone colorized this yet?

Attached: Hey Sir, Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.png (576x803, 123.64K)

>>115107162Innocence is the main thing

>>115109061Requesting avery rubbing sunscreen on mollys back

Attached: 1589651467739.png (2048x2048, 1.76M)

>>115107367Isnt the eldar just Elves in space?

>>115107125Youre a louse

Attached: d2903i9-d1460aeb-3bf8-46d8-8ade-5df4d68de617.jpg (580x990, 338.71K)

>>115107115because you are a lonely virgin and you wish you had a girlfriend


Attached: 1589099304928.png (1695x1059, 2.02M)

>>115110251Way to prove him right lmao

>>115110180t.thot bot

>>115110283Only femoids use social shaming tactics on 4chan

Attached: 1588722872590.png (1618x1886, 461.07K)

>>115109088No but its in sometimescreativeanons to do folder

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Attached: dtkm.jpg (640x512, 86.38K)

>>115107115We cant own niggers so robots are a close second

Attached: EQNV1sTVUAEch59.jpg (919x1200, 200.53K)

>>115110561She likes how it feels when you rub it on her body, sort of how emmy likes the way glass marbles feel in her mouth


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I wonder how Sterling Robotics or whatever would handle moral dilemmas when it comes to the nandroids.Namely, if a nandroid is being abused by her master, or if one of the family members is being abused by the nandroid's master? Would she intervene, or would her programming not allow it?

>>115111125Im not sure if emmy can feel physical pain

i really want some emmy greentexts but the only one i have involves mouthplay and we will have no more because jannies are gay

>>115111300what's stopping you from writing some?

>>115111300Post it you coward

Attached: 1589703724432.jpg (462x372, 13.64K)

>>115111300I wish there was an archive of emmy greentexts involving user

>>115107115What show is she from?

>>115111416Not a show, comic. "Emmy the Robot." The comic only recently officially started on Webtoons, but there've been a lot of conceptual comics and artwork on the creator's instagram, for the past year. Anons found it last year and fell in love, and have followed the author ever since.The art has unfortunately gotten quite a bit simpler as time has gone on, presumably for the sake of making a weekly comic with varying numbers of panels more feasible when it's not the author's primary source of income. The earlier stuff is frankly gorgeous, while the recent stuff (and the comic), while cute, is heavily simplified in comparison.

Attached: Delaire Family.jpg (1080x1068, 96.75K)

What year is this universe implied to take place in? I get a retro-future turn of the century vibe. 1910-1930 is my guess.


>>115111339terrible at writing>>115111357i wish there are more greentexts in general>>115111351here

Attached: Emmy Greentext Nandroid Industrial Scale Mouthplay Nanny.png (1308x2438, 295.64K)

contain your autism till saturday

>>115111666>near voreshitwhy though


>>115111245Even then, would or wouldn't she try to defend her to avoid being made damaged?

>>115111694was there an emmy thread last saturday? i was eagerly waiting for one but it never saw it

>>115111890There was. It made it to over 500 in like 3 hours

>>115110180t. jealous of superior form of being

>>115107367>fantasy shit

Attached: thatsthejoke.jpg (600x450, 32.53K)

>>115111905>It made it to over 500 in like 3 hoursbloody fucking damn it no wonder i didn't see it. but holy fuck i have never seen a thread go that fast

>>115107367What did you expect from 40k, really? You'd be better off looking into Endless Space 2 and their ilk.

>I am not a robotStop reminding me, stupid captcha.

Attached: 1567192467383.gif (1225x975, 229.7K)

>>115112109It wasn't a very good thread though.

>>115112110Indognesial tanah busuk nanah air maniku,Tanah haram tumpah darah haidku.Disanalah berhala hindu berdiri,Masuk jadi sami hindu ibuku.Indognesial pelacuranku,Bangsa timur2,anjing kurap dan Tanah Babiku.Marilah kita berseru "Indonesial Babi hutan ku."Hiduplah berhala hindu, Hiduplah belanda pujaanku,babiku, anjingmu, semuanya.Bangunlah dewa hinduku, jilatlah di pantatkuUntuk Indognesial babi hutan raya.Refrein:Indognesial hindu Kaya,zionis, freemasonisrael, serbia yang kucari.Indognesial hantu raya,makan tahi, jilat juburHiduplah dengan makan tahi .Indognesial babi hutan,Makan, MinumHidupku, Tahi Orang Malaysia kucari.Indognesial si anjing,Makan tahi, Minum arakMarilah makan tahi Orang Malaysia.Indognesial! gempa bumi, tsunami.Di sanalah aku merorol ibuku sendiri.Indognesial, pengecut, dayus.Marilah kita makan tahi, "semua ayukkk mas!"makanlah tahi Pukimu, Sembahlah berhala hindu,Bangsanya berwajah anjing , si anjing kurap belaan belanda...Sadarlah dewa hindu bali ku, Sadarlah tahi Oarang malaysia...Untuk si anjing Indognesial.RefreinIndognesial! penyembah berhala, pemakan najis.Di sanalah aku makan tahi Orang Malaysia.Indognesial, si anjing kurap, Kita Jual ramai-ramai gadis perawan kita.kepada Pemuda Perkasa Malaysia,"semua ayukkk mas!"makanlah tahi Pukimu, jilatlah tapak kaki Paduka Raja,Bangsa Malaysia , Rakyatnya semuanya baik dan kaya.gagah perkasa, kacak orangnyaUntuk Tuanku Paduka Raja.

I dunno, American Chobits?

Attached: images.jpg (307x425, 33.27K)

>>115112594Not at all

>>115112109>never seen a thread go that faston the whole site or the board?either way, that's pretty sad

>>115113146just this board. although i probably missed it because i am not on my pc when the thread was created

>>115113190It was about noon and it was gone by dinner. Emmy threads usually last several days and ive seen some last a whole week

This thread is too slow, post more Emmys

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>>115113362>>115113362take a bath and go on

Attached: 1567677497586.png (1077x797, 151.72K)

>>115113481>Ahhh, that felt wonderful!

Attached: 1568115222058.png (874x704, 144.19K)

If i could draw, i would have drawn about 100 emmy's at this point :)

Attached: Emmy Robot Summer Dress.png (669x851, 218.54K)

>>115113747Shes so cute

>>115113852couldn't be cuter imo

Attached: Emmy Robot Christmas Outfit 1.png (563x829, 277.75K)

>>115113897Any drawfriends here?

Attached: 1589827558591.png (310x597, 413.15K)

Attached: Emmy Robot Comic Staying Up Late.jpg (1038x1487, 723.54K)


Attached: 84a.png (615x944, 106.61K)

guys, hear me out... robot dragon maids.

Attached: dragonmaids.png (1760x2263, 2.72M)

>>115110138>tomboy robot maidyou're killing me user!

>>115113747Do you have hands? Yes?Are you disabled? No?Because all you have to do is grab a pencil and start drawing.Maybe the first ten Emmys will look like shit, but I'm quite sure by the time you get to the 100th Emmy, you'll be surprised by the progress you've made.Just don't be a fag and don't give up.

Attached: emmy is a liar.jpg (789x454, 130.83K)

>>115114337I'll give it a shot, thanks

Attached: Emmy Robot Black Dress 4.png (828x880, 400.48K)

>>115113362I-I'm sowwy Mastah, I done did spilled the Cwanbewwy Sawse Evewywheah

>>115114508Shes massas lil robobedwench

Attached: 1569267613765.png (900x900, 408.53K)

>>115114427The beginning is always the hardest part. Good luck.

>>115107115>>115107115>>115107115All I want is for her to have her own TV show that is so successful across the globe that they end up getting winning an EMMY AWARD, just so Emmy can gawk awkwardly as they hand her a scaled down golden version of herself standing on a tiny pedestal

>>115114612Me too


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Attached: 1589651864245.png (736x868, 204.93K)

>>115107115>alluringAt least for Holla Forums, do people here still pretend it was natural? The push, I mean. I've seen this same observation made, but it does fit when people called those initial threads something like a bunch of CEO having a meeting to make Emmy threads for a whole month non-stop. It's was a moderate spam, but still. At least moderate when compared to the coomer spam this board gets daily.

>>115115568We agreed to only make new threads when new emmy content is created

Attached: Emmy Robot Black Dress 1.png (561x786, 145.83K)

>>115115568I think it was just a perfect storm of coomers, autists, and drawfags.

Attached: Emmy Robot Good Morning Anon.png (781x354, 491.52K)


Attached: 1589662900212.png (561x786, 155.46K)

>>115110159Yes, their basically the High Elves and the Dark Elves with a cosmic repaint.

>>115115796good morning plastic people


Attached: avery out of uniform.jpg (669x763, 220.75K)


Attached: avery.jpg (620x1176, 297.09K)

Attached: Emmy Robot Comic Old Emmy.jpg (2175x4300, 775.39K)

>>115114303>Hey user, let's go on the Ferris wheel!

Attached: Screenshot_463.png (511x822, 169.84K)

>>115115964DEAR GOD MOAR PLEAAAZE>>115116093UNF YES

>>115110396Indeed it is.Though obv I have the patience to wait until the proper weekend threads.

Attached: beachfrontBeauties.png (1695x1059, 2.09M)

>>115116189Glad youre here! Can you color>>115116093I dont mind if you wanna wait till saturday though

Oh look.A cute flavor of the month robot waifu to fall in love with and then be sad that such a wonderful thing won't exist until after we're all dead and the only hope for love is to settle with some biological thot.Haha, never experienced this disappointment before.

Attached: 1586054562215.png (731x649, 606.16K)

>>115116241Shes been here since last october, shes not a fotm anymore

>>115113923>>115111594Lovely style. I hope he gets support to quit his day job. The tone is spot on.

Attached: nanny-t800.png (1869x1679, 1.29M)

>>115116218It'll be done for saturday.I really hope people stop leaking Patreon strips, as it's been putting off draw-peeps from joining in.Also. Black hair Avery is best version.

Attached: AveryLetter.png (2048x2048, 1.64M)

>>115116289Yeah people need to cut that shit out, dommcell deserves to get paid

>>115116282Can you draw avery rubbing sunscreen on mollys back?

>>115115964Goth avery is best avery

Attached: Emmy Robot Comic I'm Coming In For A Hug.jpg (1072x4267, 1018.31K)



Attached: memed-io-output.jpg (885x514, 227.13K)

Attached: Thankfully Nandroids aren't that heavy.jpg (1200x6401, 2.16M)



Attached: 1587279535584.png (1688x1094, 427.01K)

>>115116241Actually real-world companion AI has advanced to holograms, and realistic, mobile, communicative companion robots are pretty close to being a thing. The American government is fighting like hell to lock it all down though.

Attached: Emmy Robot Sex In Bed 1.png (1040x891, 321.71K)

>>115107367Yer embarrassin’ yerself, ‘umie.

Attached: 970E6274-D11A-4E60-AFB3-23A30FE9E92F.png (500x500, 106.07K)


Attached: Emmy Robot Sex In Bed 4.png (864x865, 272.62K)

>>115116289Are you trying something new? Because looking at that and looking back at your past work, even the seemingly recent ones, just makes me want to ask what happened?

>>115115597Hey, I actually think that's like a plus, but like I said, this all feels very methodical and administrative, but also>only make new threads when new emmy content is createdlol let's not kid ourselves here

>>115117715We dont want emmy to wear out her welcome, its worked so far. We all decided not to allow her to be a fotm and die out


>>115117642I just colour things, user.I'm not the OG artist.

>>115110138Need Tombot

Attached: 1589652010372.png (736x868, 215.79K)


>>115118125I want to go swimming in a mountain river with her

>>115112566The fuck is this?

>>115112594Inb4 Emmy on/off button is on the same place.


Attached: 1589932006710.jpg (1280x720, 164.83K)

>>115117466Whoever drew this particular drawing of Emmy, I'd like to see a nandroid's ass, just to see how it would look like.

>>115118309This but its avery showing hers off and taunting user


Attached: Emmy Robot Looking Up Dres.png (1016x879, 367K)

>>115118221When will elon musk give us qt tomboy robowaifus?

>>115117369Finally a robot girl gets to feel what it's like to be a cuckquean for once.

>>115117439>The American government is fighting like hell to lock it all down though.What? Why?

>>115117369I would never hurt or be disloyal to Emmy!

Attached: Emmy Robot Black Dress 2.png (609x882, 150.86K)



Attached: nandroid technical diagram.png (599x764, 103.02K)

>>115118746NICE! But can you give us some more avery pls?

Attached: 1589434861667.png (548x650, 65.4K)

>>115107367>what are tyranidsSeriously if you want ayy then look there.

>>115118737Whenever they figure out how to make them walk

>>115118899Is that serena wiliams?



Attached: IMG_2558.jpg (1125x865, 455.09K)

for me, it's giant robots

Attached: Yidddish.jpg (1024x577, 126.1K)

Why can't emmy be real bros

>>115111594huh? I was expecting the dad to be a Chad

Attached: 66816850_750583912025612_8224705474734439390_n.jpg (1080x1072, 200.01K)

>>115119108Im working on it, i cant reveal any details though because i dont want anyone else to steal my technology

>>115107153Im going to need the sauce

>>115117466>>115117528The messy hair makes it.

>>115119135will they be equipped with an artificial womb?

Attached: 1570257570576.png (1014x624, 141.57K)

>>115119221The problem is miniaturization. I got one to work semi reliably but its as big as a car

>>115118746Molly is the best

>>115107115Is she a man of stone or a man of iron?

>>115107230Is she an Abominable Intelligence?She can easily be swayed by the whispers of chaos because she lacks a soul.

>>115107347What I thought was retarded was not melting them down and recycling them.

>>115119156Appleseed Alpha, her name is Nyx

Attached: Typical Waifu Vs Robofu.webm (718x836, 2.99M)

>>115107367I shall enlighten youOrcsOrks they just replaced the "c" with a "k".ACTUALLY despite GW being a rip off of Dune, Starship Troopers, Judge Dread, Elric, LOTR and adding sci fi pulp culture elements from everything more in nerdy what if fun than malicious theft.GW actually made the unique version of Green Skinned orcs and with them being fungus and having the weird culture they have.DND orcs were pig faced beastmen, LOTR had them be mutants with a variety of skin tones and looks to them.


Attached: Emmy Robot Sex In Bed 2.png (1090x897, 290.74K)

Where can i find Emmy greentexts?

>>115119654what's GW?

>>115108872Fuck your face. The idea of primitive yet space faring junk pile/diesel punk mad max green goblin like barbarians is a cool concept.

>>115119636God damn.

>>115109050Thanks porn, for ruining the childlike hairstyles of little girls from pig tails to a pony tail

>>115119707her rear end is just as impressive

Attached: Appleseed Alpha Nyx Ass Walking.webm (858x1080, 1.74M)

>>115119749I just love the comparison between robot and human aside from the obvious sexiness.

>>115119636>>115119749HOW CAN HUMAN WOMEN EVEN COMPETE

>>115111629*Gasp*What if Russians Hack our Nanbots and spy inside our homes?

>>115119687Games Workshop, a table top game company who actually owns the Warhammer (Fantasy and 40k) IP.

>>115119809Well, first of all... they're real.

Attached: 3c8.png (822x718, 144.61K)

>an early robowaifu threadneat I was waiting for oneAnyone have a link for Big O? I can't find it on any of my usual sites and lurking the past few threads has made me want to check it out