Reading a thread on Holla Forums about Destiny had multiplayer comments that made me wonder...

Reading a thread on Holla Forums about Destiny had multiplayer comments that made me wonder, does Holla Forums prefer their multiplayer shooter maps symmetrical, asymmetrical, large scale or small, closed quarters style?

How do you like your shitfit pogrom simulator layouts?

I like going really fast in Quake and on Tribes Ascend. I do not get that from modern multiplayers anymore.

Small maps on free for all with a fuckton of players where the average life span is less than ten seconds.

dont worry jiji, one day you will go fast again.

Boy do I have the map for you. Ten people get dropped into a three-story shoebox.

lol no

It is in Favelas on Casual when you're moving to the objective and woops, there was a Rook in that building behind you that you didn't check, and now you're all dead! Or everyone was crouching in the objective room for some dumb reason and Fuze drops a cluster charge and it's an ace.

Small/mid sized maps should be symmetrical, or at least roughly symmetrical. Larger maps are better off being asymetrical, as their size usually mitigates the impact of strategic positions, and the fact they're larger maps with more players means there should be desirable locations/items on the map that both teams fight over instead of it just being a cut and clear duke out. Furthermore very large symmetrical maps are generally boring visually. Very strong strategic positions on small maps lend themselves to blitzkrieg starts that then turn into roflstomps, this was common on many small maps throughout the Halo series. The first team to take the lead and control one or more key points/weapon spawns usually gained a significant lead unless both teams were very good and the one that lost ground was able to take out

Hemorrhage from Halo:CE is a good example of a mid-sized roughly symmetrical map. It added a few interesting differences and positions on each side, but was balanced for the most part. Whereas I found Infinity to be kind of boring because it was almost entirely symmetrical and just resulted in tons of sniperfaggotry due to teleporters, huge open spaces and a general lack of cover. Because there were no real key points to fight over it was just a drawn out game of the two teams butting heads in the same hotspots, sometimes advancing to knick power weapon spawns from the other team, but there were rarely ever any massive turns of the tide unless one team was outnumbers or really sucked.

In short small maps should aim to be balanced, short matches between teams, as if they offer any big power positions short matches become roflstomps. Larger maps should take advantage of power positions created by asymetricality to produce interesting fights and encourage large scale offensives and teamplay.

It depends on the speed of the game. If it's extremely fast run and gun like quake or UT then tight closed maps work best. Multi-levelled, narrow corridors, some open rooms with multiple flanks. Keeps it tense, stops you from just sitting in one spot waiting for people to come along.
Open maps only work well for larger-scale slow paced gameplay, with smaller skirmishes every now and then.
But like said, going fast is the most fun in shooters, and for that to work well you need to force people to constantly be moving.

Oops, end of first paragraph is missing:
power weapon users and players entrenched in power positions.

No I like giblets, mayhem & at least 20+ players. Sadly most people hate this type of fun & vote some faggy open map with teams and snipers

Long gone are the days of fast gunplay with a fuckton of people. When will fucking realism in FPS vidya die?

The thing I miss most are games that blend infantry and vehicle combat. I really liked BTB Halo multiplayer and old Battlefield for this reason. But both are now pozzed to death.

Kids can't into keyboards any more, and controllers don't lend themselves to games that require fast paced movements and accuracy. Also there's animations for fucking everything now, you can't just scroll through weapons or reload them in a second or two.
So short answer, probably never.

I don't know why, but I have always craved symettrical maps.

I also miss Battlefield 2142, that shit was fun and the vehicles were done right. How are the private servers?

I like maps that have both these elements to them.

Medium to large.

I hate snipers in shooters. Nothing takes the steam out of my engine more than being killed by something I never stood a chance of seeing, let along stopping. Doesn't strike me as remotely fair and an extremely unjoyable experience. Maybe if they did less damage I'd find them more tolerable, or there were more options to deal with them/counter them, but as things stand they suck me out of the moment and frustrate me. You can't learn to fight a sniper in most shooters unless you find a room with no windows and camp, and that's not fun at all.

I like the maps in RO2 - asymmetrical and moving as the match progresses, taking turns in favouring either side, so that you need to strategise and push through the hard sections as fast as possible while bleeding the easy ones the longest

There's a graphical glitch I get on that map when I get to the city, sometimes the world spazzes out and whole chunks just flicker between normal and black. It only happens on this map though, it's annoying.

My friend has the same problem on a different map, but I've never encountered it. Maybe a bad instal?

"umbra culling" in the console

Long range high lethality weapons exist solely to keep scrubs like you in line.

You gonna explain what that is or you just gonna throw out words?

Look when everyone else has guns that only manage to shoot accurate from 10-40 meters in front of you something that kills you from way beyond that just seems ridiculous. Put everyone on equal ground, if it's a modern shooter (which is pointblank, run'n'gun style game) stop letting people hide off in the distance like big fucking cowards. Either make all the warfare at long ranges so when you're killed by long distance it doesn't matter if it was by a rifle or sniper rifle, or make it all close-range warfare so that all the combat is lethal to all involved.

it stops the flickering and missing textures
idk exactly what it means or anything but it is a command that people have stated in many matches I have played and have used myself

forgot to add, the reason the textures flicker and disappear has to do with DOF iirc


This fixed, thank you so much. I thought those flickers were gonna give me a seizure or something.

Now time to kill commie scum and bring honor to the glorious Reich!

Was he autistic?

Above all else, what I think a map needs, particularly in a shooter game, is good flow. This isn't quite as much of an important thing with your CoDlikes where fast movement isn't a big issue, but in the older games where you're consistently moving and faster speeds you need a map with good flow that doesn't force the player to break his momentum.

I prefer symmetry with task-oriented team games like QuakeWorld CTF. Large scale maps for team games with vehicles obviously, and close quarters if it doesn't create one single huge choke point on the map.