I feel very alienated in this capitalist society. I've got nothing here, i can't fit in this society...

I feel very alienated in this capitalist society. I've got nothing here, i can't fit in this society, i don't feel any freedom. I'm depressed, i'm sad, i'm lonely. The only people that talk to me besides my parents are people which are about to receive money from me, like in a store.
So i was thinking about moving to DPRK. My plan is to travel to one of the few embassies they have in european countries and ask for asylum. Is it true that the DPRK is as far as capitalism as possible? I just want a simple life in a small flat in Pyongyang and contribute towards a brigter future. Maybe there i could have some friends and even a family of my own.

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North Korea is authoritarian national capitalism. Enjoy starving

define capitalism then.

go to rojava instead lol

Capitalism is where there is a class of people who own the means of production instead of the means of production being owned collectively by the workers or the people.

so you considers for example Feudalism to be capitalist?

But the workers do control the means of production by means of the state apparatus.

Unruhe plz

also this


Nice argument

You aren't entitled to an argument for every shitpost

It's not a shitpost though, it's the way things are. If you have a problem with reality, you can take it up with the universe

Not an argument.

this meme needs to die

the ride just never ends.

name one 'state apparatus' that is controlled by the workers.

I've no desire to go to North Korea but I know your pain. The idea of working for the next 40-50 years of my life for some cunt makes me want to cry.

No, that definition just distinguishes capitalism from socialism. Feudalism is further distinguished by an additional class - the nobility.

If you're so smart what's the definition. Also I'm not a marxist.

The state is the workers. The Communist Parties represent the working class, and in turn make decisions on their behalf.

tbf NK doesn't even claim to follow Marxism any more, just Juche shite


is class a spook?



Read up on what a resource based economy is - there is hope for a brighter future, but only if we work towards building one


That depends.
In a general sense or an idea,yes.
In the means by which I fall into a social class called working then no.

The state controlling the means of production just reproduces a class structure.

Look at this autism.

That I just found!

Let me point out the spooks to you

The state is an abstraction that in this case does not answer to the workers. Any group will act in the interests of whoever controls it, which in this case will be the party elites. This is why seizing the state can never work. Even if you start off with altruists in power, that power will attract people who want to consolidate power for themselves. Put another way, the state cannot give workers control; the workers must seize control for themselves.

Here, "represents" is another abstraction. The party or parties can only represent the people nominally (i.e. not at all) if they do not answer to the people. Material representation is possible, but it requires that the people have the present and immediate power to recall their representatives at will. This is a weird thing to wrap your head around though because the material reality of the power relation depends very much on the ideological conditions, specifically class consciousness and engagement with the system.

This is more or less restating the previous, but I'll address this specifically. People only make decisions on their own behalf. Stirner's insight is that one's own benefit is usually clouded by spooks. People support a state based on their belief (ungrounded in reality) in what a state does, on the belief that supporting the state is to their benefit. The belief is based on the ideology that the state will act in their benefit. The state, however is simply made up of people who will also act in their own benefit. If all of these people are similarly spooked and believe that doing things for the benefit of people is to their benefit, then everything will be fine. Reality is a lot more complicated than that. Very quickly, people who aren't spooked by "public service" or somesuch find ways to use the state's power to their advantage and detriment of the people. As long as the people remain spooked by "state acts in my interest" ideology, they won't resist the state in its actions against them. The only way for people (in any number, from one person up to all people) to be free is to be self-interested and free of spooks as much as possible. Otherwise those who seek power will find ways to exploit your spooks and make you their bitch.


When I say "go," we shall overthrow!

Why does autism make pretending to be a non-alienated normie impossible?


Venus project is just communism light and high on idealism. Soz.


So communism like always?

Also conspiracy theories, sci-fi and a leader cult. What could possibly go wrong?

But now we have super computers, so it can be really real scientific socialism.

They don't want you there. They might want you to visit so you can tell everyone how nice Pyongyang is or how they aren't violating human rights, and so they can scam you out of some money.

But are you for real? If you are considering the idea then you must have read something about North Korea before. Why do you think that it would be anything but horrible? You missed your chance to defect back when they would have used you, a non-Korean, as a propaganda tool, but I think those times are gone now, and Dennis Rodman is a better way to make the place out to be kooky rather than fatal.

Nigger. DPRK is a racial nazi state.

If you really are autistic enough to do this, at least choose Cuba.

I'd love to live in the DPRK but they are essentially an ethnocentric state. If you aren't Korean, you wouldn't fit in. SOME whites have moved there though, it has happened.

North Korea is a state that functions on the Leader getting foreign currency and spending it on presents for his generals and advisors, that is why they open the area near China for investment, the Ski resort, the tourism. It's a fucking joke.

You can live in Pyongyang and have a decent life no problem. Drive a car, go to the stores for Foreigners. Walk around the city freely. Fucking the local girls would probably not.

Why DPRK and not Cuba?

But best Korea has the best qts.

You are just a retarded autist that will feel alienated in any kind of society.

forgot my shitpost flag

They won't let you go out with them though.

I'm gonna move to vietnam and marry anfem

Its true though.
OP only has contact with his parents and shopkeepers apparently.
wont go away just by moving to some new place.

You absolutely sick fuck! All I would aspire is purely platonic relationship with tea shop girls so that I could have deeper understand of their ideology.


Because he's broke.

Maybe he should buy some more money.

I'm the same except I have friends (only guys because of not having money)

but shes a lesbian comrade


They are all butt ugly compared to the guides, check youtube, fuckin qt's flirting with the tourists, getting drunk on boats.

I have a word filter in my brain that changes that to "bullshit".

Same thing with "…with Chinese characteristics".

not an argument

Here, have this.

North is significantly less fascist than the south



This guy worked in Pyongyang and walked around filming, freely. They are the best videos of North Korea, of the shops and streets. He seems to have Asian autism which is very annoying but there are no better videos of North Korea than this. Also get to see other foreigner community in the Polish embassy stuffing their faces.


Go to Cuba, Vietnam, Rojava, hell go to Kerala, just don't waste yourself on North Korea.

You realize this is North Korea's equivalent of pop or idol groups, right?

These are women hand-selected to represent the Korean race in their propaganda.

So can you actually move there?

I wouldn't want to live there forever but for like a year would be interesting.

is being alive a spook?

Yes. Every ideology is a spook.

North Korea is a feudalistic absolute monarchy, man.

Kim is their sun king and the party leaderships are the nobility.

You will be a serf farming rice all day.

Go to Rojava and fight for freedoms instead.

How do i get to Rojava? It's a war zone, i would have to travel to Turkey and do the rest by foot.

that's a good idea, i do support you, there is a lot of shit propaganda going around in the internet, and these brainless red liberals in /leftypol will probably tell you not to do it.

you can try to communicate with Mr. Alejandro Cao de Benos, he's known for being easy going with courious people about the dprk.

also keep in mind there are other options, like rojava or cuba (i myself want to move to cuba once i finish my career)





Turkey won't let you in.
Travel to Kirkuk or Erbil instead and join a trek to Rojava.


What are Vietnam and Laos like? They're still officially socialist states but they seem to be somewhere between Cuba's path and China'a path

Laos is even more capitalistic than China, and Vietnam is speedily heading towards full capitalism.

God damn it