Would violent crime rate and drug abuse in USA lower if male circumcision was made illegal in most US states?

Would violent crime rate and drug abuse in USA lower if male circumcision was made illegal in most US states?

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We should just kill all males tbh. Maybe keep a few around for breeding, hard labor, and entertainment.

No. You don't see Orthodox Jews violently attacking people left and right outside of Israel, do you?

How the fuck did you arrive at this conclusion

I mean, aren't most rapists male? Checkmate liberals, everyone in a group is responsible for the actions of others in that group, just like Muslims and blacks

Harder to masturbate, can't have sex without lubricants

lmao tbh

I have never masturbated or had sex in my life and i'm not a violent druggie

Probably. Fuck the Jews.


The vast majority of cut guys are Muslims…

What do you mean? Almost every American is cut

Worldwide, I mean.

Where'd they learn of this 'covenant of circumcision' tho?

The special magical favors god bestows on and only on good Abrahams who mutilate their penis?

cutting womens vaginas…..booooo!!
Cutting dog ears and tails…….booooo!!!
Declawing cats……………………booo0o!!!!
Cutting baby boy dicks so you can make baby dick facial cream? …………….Yaaaaaayyyyy!!!


It was Kellogg you dumb faggot.

Where was Kellogg in Genesis? I missed that part I think.

Also to preface this for any butt-hurt semite knights:

It's not my fault your tribe made a religion out of worshiping itself, but fuck your religion.

I don't hate anyone for their DNA or who they were born to or any of that.

I don't even hate the religion but it is a religion for clowns.

Is it any coincidence that Holla Forums is now pimping /jewess/ to me in the top bar now?

There is no escape goy!

Jesus should've finished the job.

yes circumcision is child abuse

Boys can't be abused or molested, didn't you know?

Violent crime in the US is already going down though.

Kellogg widely popularized circumcision in the US because masturbation, without that cock cutting faggot maybe 1% of the US would be cut.

yeah but the difference is that white males built the society you live in today

no wonder it sucks

Yeah but he was SDA, a bunch of Torah worshiping Sabbath faggots.


In all seriousness, circumcision of any kind should be illegal unless your foreskin is rotting off or something

