Why are so many male leftists so hostile to feminism and (CIS) women's rights?

Why are so many male leftists so hostile to feminism and (CIS) women's rights?

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Because it's a female supremacy movement that has no place in workers' struggle.

People don't want to see fault in their own behavior.

feminism is female supremacy

Your premise is completely false. They are not hostile to women's rights, they are hostile to people who attempt to derail economic progress with baseless ad-hominem. Kind of like you're doing right now.

Source? Also I find it rather strange that no one accused non-white men of being "black supremacists" when they campaigned against institutional racism. Why the double standard guys?

The two concepts are not opposed to each other. In fact I would argue that they are linked. If you ignore the needs and rights of women your movement cannot truly be considered revolutionary.

Because we want them to be good mothers and caretakers for next socialist generation, following the heroic revolution of working men.

I don't care about bourgeois women, I don't care if they are fairly represented in bourgeois institutions.


fucking /thread


Nobody is doing revolution like they used to. Besides, what you're asking for is men's rights. There's really enough of that on the internet already.


women already have full rights and they are using them to destroy society.

We need to become more like the muslims they as a religion know the best place for women in society

This place is too full of no true scotsman/revolutionary

hurr durr

I see hostility mainly in the case of divisive idpol bullshit.

Or tankie retardation, but you can safely ignore everything they say

I support some sort of a female emancipatory movement. I just feel that class is more important.

nod an argument ;)

Or, you're obsessed with women to the point you think they're more than people and are a radical force of change, when nothing really is changing at all.

This, mostly.

This is the reason why we must distance ourselves form anfem shitposters, comrades.

Women already have it better than men

Life on easy mode

Stop strawmanning. I am sure that many here call out liberal black supremacist bullshit when it arises.

Why are contemporary feminists so occupied with putting a corporatist war hawk into the most powerful position on earth because of her gender?

What's the point of the struggle for more female CEOs?

Some definitely are. Mostly though because they don't genuinely care about the subject itself and just repeat the content of bad quality memes they've seen somewhere. It's pretty much the same approach Holla Forums takes to politics just focused on one specific subject. I mean, personally I don't care that much about feminism but I get why people would. Liberal feminist are still pretty bad though. They limit themselves in their feminist endeavors by accepting the confines of capitalism. Commiefems are top-tier

nigga they are less than people

suck my cock dude

I'm not suggesting defeatism. I'm suggesting the rules for previous revolutions do not apply today. Thinking outside the box is the only way.

We are losing because of LARPers like you who think confronting the most advanced military on the planet can possibly win in ten or even fiffty years with a simple militia movement.

You can burn down the white house, you can burn down the pentagon, you could do everything you possibly could

And you still would lose.

And that is why nobody fucks with retarded tankies. They can't strategize properly.

It actively subverts traditional patriarchal capitalism by highlighting the similarities between the sexes and also shows gender for the complete nonsense that it is.

What argument is that. You're arguing your own stupidity.

There is a growing number of women's rights advocates out there that refuse to label themselves feminists. This goes to show you how tainted and disconnected this label has become, even to people who believe women's rights and their advocates.

It is the exact opposite. Women are more prown to be of the center in political scale than men due to their natural desire to preserve themselves and their children. They are not the hunters that evolution molded men into. They are not the warriors of the tribe who sacrifice themselves for the good of the collective.

Subverting capitalism by more capitalism, what a wonderful idea!


Liberals who call themselves feminists and liberals who don't want things to change, golly gee it's not like men have fucking retarded decisions made on a daily basis

*with, fuck I'm tired

Guerilla warfare still has it's place. We need to learn lessons from Iraq and Ukraine.


Also this

Feminists believe that the primary contradiction in society is between the sexes, so they don't care about anything else.

If a female president murders people in the third world it doesn't matter because they don't see the relationship between the US and the third world as exploitative or oppressive

If a female CEO enriches herself on the back of other peoples labour it doesn't matter because the feminists don't see the worker/boss relationship as exploitative.

Feminists are an enemy of the class just as much as reactionaries are.



Women, even in humans, even in apes, are just as cruel if not more so to their own children than men are. Men really are about the same.

This argument is retarded. "Nature" as you observe it isn't even possible.

Holy shit go to fucking college and stop living at home.

That would be: You

You don't understand you are one step closer to communism if get oppressed by both genders equally!

As someone who is Vietnamese I thought you would know your country`s history better.


I'll take men for $400 please

I'm afraid of women.


As someone who's white and sophisticated I thought you wouldn't be elementary school educated on biology.

You are though. Do you not understand how dialectics work?

fucking check your education muh privilege some people have to work for a living and don't have time or money to go to feminism class.

We're talking about feminism as a set of ideas and principles, men are feminists too

Because, for most feminists, the solution to all the world's problems is gibmedats and women being in charge of everything (gynocracy). which is not compatible with leftist politics at all. which if i have to remind anyone here excludes: gibmedats, idpol diversity bullshit, oppression olympics and censoring speech (unless you are state commie scum then i guess not)

Clearly you don't

Reality check bitch. All animals of all genus and family, taxonomy what have you, do not take care of their young like fucking birds.

They do many things. Leave them abandoned after a few months, harass and attack them until they leave, eat them when food is scarce.

Men just leave on the spot most of the time.

You want to argue about nature? That's nature.

Lol, fucking white working class male who thinks he is as oppressed as female* PoC college students. Now your place on the oppression ranking and shut up.

Loaded question, next.

I never claimed them to be less cruel, but the social conditioning of the most of our history still stands.

I already have degree in public administrative sciences so I don`t really have a reason to go back into university. I`m also employed


Just as retarded as saying "Because, for most socialists,"

ok bye

modern women are the leading cause of consumerism

they're mindless slaves to capitalism


Most feminists means in this context feminist academia and the overwhelming majority of feminist organizations.

I don't nearly make as much mockery of you as I could.

I don't believe any of the shit you just said, nor are people working at home necessarily working class. There is nothing inherently labor oriented about most Americans working at home anyways, they're primarily Capitalistic just as any other

Anfems get one thing right.


I don't need to be oppressed to be better than you sinner

By making men and women equal you essentially destroy the concept of biological gender entirely in the social consciousness. You also drastically improve the lives of women workers under capitalism while it still persists.

What are you going to do about it? Make Capitalism more equal in our ability to consume? Argue that people are taking advantage of material conditions in capitalism the wrong way?

It's pretty easy to distinguish bourgie "feminism" from socialist feminism dude.

If they don't own means of production they are not capitalists


I have never ever encountered a feminist in the classroom environment who even vaguely understood how important class struggle was or how bad poor men have it (no sexual prospects, rape cage prisons, draft prior to 2016, extreme suicide rates, less homeless shelters, higher rates of victimization for violent crime, higher rates of mental illness, less empathy from community especially regarding mental issues)

the only feminists i've ever met who were sensitive to these things were full on an-com/an-soc and they were on internet forums and imageboards

this is the exception not the rule user

don't appeal to no true scotsman when you know for a fact most irl femmes are just liberals with their hands out

I never argued that. Read again.

people do buy things for other people
for example, a woman might buy a car for a man; just because you see dog food is being bought, it doesn't mean dogs are buying it m8

Solution is simple: remove females form workforce.

How does working from home make one a capitalist?

Do they not teach any marxism in vietnam these days?

tankies need to be sent to Siberia

requesting a female Porky


proofs needed

And I've never met a liberal who doesn't overlook those issues either. Looks like we agree, the problem is liberals.

Same goes for most collectivists who are men. IE Liberalism. This is non issue.

Yeah, right.

wages would shoot up 50% within several months.

I for one believe women would love not being forced to work to live, maybe just chill at the house with the family and watch Netflix instead.

You mean a mom for her manchild.

Again, not what I said.

Women work more than the demographic you are, and are more fit for labor than the demographic you are. Your arrogance is palpably ironic.

Women and especially feminists have no empathy for men and can certainly be classified as misandrists in the same way they classify much of society as woman hater.

There are none, since women don`t produce anything. They have no surplus value to be exploited in capitalism.

omg lets go shopping!!! I neeeed those shoes!!!!

Boohooohoo someone got their feelings hurt

This is about material, not your feelings. Go to tumblr if you want your identity respected.

What makes these people "capitalistic" then?

what is pay gap (>inb4 hurr not real look at this youtube video by Maddox)
what is forced marriage
what is islamic hatred of women


They'll get even fatter than they already are.

You got middle class white women right, that's for sure.


They work more(but not as smart), but their work is concentrated in sectors of society that will be replaced by automation.


Voting in retards. Voting at all. Defending their choices. Being liberals, etc.



Show me evidence that it is actually real.

I am genuinely curious.

You vastly insult the intelligence of me and others by comparing yourself

Your post shows lack of empathy for women. If you had any empathy, you would realise that women aren't entirely self-centered around their sex or geneder.

You may not believe this, but there do exist mutually beneficial relationships.

By that logic most of the world's population is "capitalistic"

A woman might do this:

But he's a drain on her.

There is a biological reason why almost all of noble prices in hard sciences go for men.

Men are essentially arguing that women who are liberals want an equal place in capitalism, ergo all feminism is false.

This is grossly uninformed. I could mock men who are liberals all day, and you would throw a hissy fit saying "SEE WOMEN DON'T CARE ABOUT MEN" and make some dumb fucking argument about how biology works when it works the exact opposite

God I hate this generation of internet dwellers

the pay gap is only real in the sense that women work different and on average, lower paying job as men.

for example consider the demographics of a typical group of child care employees vs a group of lumberjacks

The pay gap is a lie when you have men and women doing the same job.

also consider that women negotiate for better pay 21% less than men do.

Women have a scientifically proven, recognized automatic in-group bias for their own gender while men haven't.

Perpetuating the pay gap lie only harms your own cause, user.

Exactly. We're living in Capitalism.

There is a material reason actually.

There is however, a biological reason as to why you are so short sighted and stupid as an individual. And it isn't a mass generalization of men.

Yes their all consuming shitposting has changed the popular position of the board against them.

I for one will embrace this new Brocalist age we are moving towards.

ITT what the material conditions of late stage capitalism does to the psyche of young adult males with regards to females.

It's the last hurdle to get over.

fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy fallacy


It was actually more hostile in the past than now.

No one would do that lmao, people take the piss out of liberal men none stop, feminism is a liberal philosophy, it's bourgeois pro capitalist imperialistic idealism, so we gonna hate on feminists too

You do realize that's incorrect don't you.

The animal kingdom does not give a solid fuck about any of this.

These are people responding to material conditions.

So is Marxism Leninism.

Tell me, what have feminists done for male victims of sexual assault and rape? Aside from shut down their shelters of course. Where is the Violence Against Men Act to help prevent domestic abuse against men?

But really your post proves my point perfectly. I think you need to go back in the kitchen sweetheart and let the men do all the talking about important things.

I'm sorry, are we the law now? Do we have to care about each individual case on a daily basis?

I think you need to cook your own meals and not act like a child.

Source? I'm pretty sure that science has shown that women actively sabotage other women rather than supporting them.


I'm saying women "go shopping", actually looking for things to buy, doing it as a social activity.

It could just be a cultural thing but it might be psychological: www-personal.umich.edu/~kruger/Kruger_Evolution_and_Shopping.pdf

Do you know what empathy means you fucking dumbass?

Personally I'm wondering why so many leftists are so hostile to white supremacy and mens rights.

this is why nobody likes you

I'd assume quite a lot actually. Meanwhile all men's rights do is to whine about feminists doing nothing for male victims of rape and doing nothing for male victims of rape.

Not the tantrum you're throwing about liberals = women



It is not simply that.
Have you ever worked in environment dominated by women? It`s horrible the constant bickering and infighting. I`m just clad that I got transferred out of that shithole that is called social services into tax administration.

You literally say this on a daily basis. As for a bunch of LARPers and faux revolutionaries, I'm not really in the position to care as a communist what people would do given the chance of revolution besides maybe throwing rocks at their local McMansions

You'll notice that stopped being a thing when laws discriminating against blacks were repealed. Feminism is the BLM of women.

you will all face the wall after the revolution.

Remember articles 20-21, scum.


Your feelings about the conditions of working environments don't matter, only material conditions of Capitalism matter

I don't like him but he provides a service by being the "bad guy"

asain man, you are a piece of commie shit, rot in hell.

also thanks for fulfilling your role.

Are you sure you're not the bot because you talk like a retard and can't identify people's sex

Ho Chi Minh at this point would agree with me. Ideology changes in practicality with time.

So then you admit feminism is solely a female chauvinist movement and has no real concerns about equality. Thank you.

I don't attempt to identify peoples' sex through text on a user imageboard because that's sexism you backwards piece of shit.


You have less than I. We do not achieve anything by not confronting uncomfortable facts. Or believing facts are all that aren't uncomfortable.

The fact is men in Capitalism have their own sins, just as women.

Anyone who suggests otherwise is just as much an enemy of collectivism than you think women are.

You just did.

Because feminists are so productive and helpful toward men's issues, yeah? I'm sure they're doing a lot to help abolish drafts on the whole rather than whining that women don't get drafted too.

Men's rights guys are only able to whine due to the fact that feminists (for a long while, at least) were treated as always correct. Thus, when they said rape of men was not as heinous or as worthy of attention as rape of women, it was assumed correct. Meanwhile, people who actually tried to help male victims were marginalized and shouted down until they had no infrastructure to provide aid, or at least very little ability to do anything good.

Why do you think feminism has fallen out of popularity in every respect but "the name sounds nice!", its true colors have been shown time and again. There's no such thing as uncorrupted feminism, it's twisted by its very nature to imply that women are creatures that need special attention to appease.

I strongly doubt that change of those material conditions would do anything about the issue I`m conveying my feelings and thoughts about.

There is such a thing as Nazbols.

Do you know why?

They're your thoughts and feelings.


And yet I never see feminist women confront these sins, it is only hinted at once they are cornered.

How interesting.

anfems, please answer my question from here 8ch.net/leftypol/res/1142920.html

Just ask the Yahoo CEO that turned out fo have fired men in management for having the wrong gender.

This generation being outrage hoping retards. Feminism was even more hostile in the past and nobody gave a fuck

It's a meme

It's because this board is your only connection to the radical left. You are in essence a liberal.

stop posting

It's a meme

Yeah Ho Chi Minh would be reading jessica valenti columns, retweeting laurie penny and voting for hillary

lurk more faggot

he history of capitalism>Yeah Ho Chi Minh would be reading jessica valenti columns, retweeting laurie penny and voting for hillary

Who the fuck do you think I am? Your dad?

Then have bourgeoisie leaders not go to war.
In the meantime, why not do it?

this is why we need a trump presidency, now more than ever.

fuck I fucked up the post.

Yeah because in the history of Capitalism that hasn't happened vice versa ever

Give me a break.

To make liberals happy about their identity politics?

To have a potential revolution

I totally agree.

They were hostile, sure, but they at least got things done. Got women the right to vote, made advances on pro-choice fronts, got it illegal (for the most part in countries that hold civilized peoples) for husbands to rape their wives; they had a track record of legitimate progress.

People 'give a fuck' about whiny, venomous feminism today because it no longer presents a goal. It is useless now. The frothing 'tards that populate the 'movement' today grumble over microagressions and assumptions of gender while glossing over the suffering of women in less progressive nations (such as all islamic nations) without so much as an excuse.

Feminism is dead in the water, and has been since the nineties.

read lacan

I'm sorry I can't parse through every feminist blog and journal because I have to fucking work. We can't all live off of daddy's money while pretending to be a lesbian until graduation like some people.

forgot to take off my shitpost flag

Honestly the only people being opposed to material conditions and spitting venom are people like you.

You also have this individualism within you that can't seperate groups and demographics, they must all be a singular entity.

And you get infuriated in that in regards to Capitalism.

And I was talking about Feminism in the 70's and 80's.

revolution is necessary
we must eliminate commies, jews, and the .001%
and asian one official trip 2k17

then life will be worth living for everyone everywhere in north America. (Canada gets annexed)

Yeah cause people here are going to fly over to Islamic nations.
There are Muslim feminists are well

That's mostly just Holla Forums

You really don't have to. You just have to not be a dumbass to tell which is which. Because neither do I.

My dad is broke as fuck I'm living off financial aid, grants, and scholarships.

Keep dreamin nerd

Anyway, I'm not in the mood to read a thread like this, nor do I think I ever will be, but what are you people even arguing about? Like, what's the point of disagreement?

feminism has always been CIA

brocialism or barbarism imo

yeah in shallow graves, in rape brothels, and in rape brothels on their way to a shallow grave.

Men on the internet are sheltered and get upset at nearly anything a woman does because they're radical via reformed liberal. That's the long and short of it.

I was about to, but I realized I shouldn't because that joke fucking sucks

Because I don't want them banning muh kinks

Holla Forums just has some weird consensus about feminism because of all the ex-gamergate/ ex-pol posters

by communists i mean all left leaning parasites.

karl marx living on his friends couch for the majority of his life and never holding down a job or investments is a good example

We probably share a few

Men aren't offended by women, but please tell me why we need feminism when we are already socialists/communists.

You mean the people who call themselves "the right" on the internet who live off daddy's money?

So you really are just an annoying Lesbian Until Graduation liberal.

Tell me, how long until you graduate and start looking back fondly on your "radical" days?

One namefag whom shall not be mentioned is fighting against the consensus(feminists need to get purged) of whole board.

These threads always tell the opposite lmfao

You probably just came from the facebook page to 8ch.

funny considering feminism is the most liberal shit around

Why do americans use lotion when they masturbate?


Well it depends since you're already at that stage. Most men are.

I personally support myself and my mom digging holes with a shovel for 11/hr 40 hours a week.

I'd include a picture of my callouses if i gave a fuck about your opinion

I thought that was Holla Forums

Maybe you should read his biography instead of believing unsourced infographics you tard

Most of us originate form half-chan`s /lit/

Why don't you stop the pain and kill yourself before you lie more about your work hours

I want to dress up as a 60s GI. Can you dress in black pajamas and carry an SKS? I'll set fire to your village, if you know what I mean. I'm going to burn a real village and make you watch.

Anfem, this guy^ has a point. Feminists, as in idpol liberals, which are essentially the heart of feminism, need to be "purged" - perhaps not by what the tankie means but they are a hindrance to any class struggle. Mostly due to:

Most of you are Tao Lin? Wow.

It's because you're a cunt, anfem. Nobody likes you.

Almost all of this board is identity politics you fuck. It's just not called that because men are sensitive flowers.

but it's true, /lit/ was always known for being a commie board who is opposed to Holla Forums

I don't like her but I like the butthurt she causes.

I may be a cunt, but I'm a right cunt.


i like an fem. not a lot. but she is sharp and willing to argue for hours. which is all a shit poster could ever ask for

oh shit u got me

the people calling for the elimination of the bourgeoisie class are the liberals

and the feminists calling for more women bourgeoisie are the true leftists

really solid argument

No, you just think that. That's why you're a cunt.

You know exactly what I meant ;)

Vietcong were revisionists anyway, since they went against the PRC.

But the criteria isn't the same for what would be idpol

I'm too tired to argue or be more explicit, I hope you understand what I mean

Because their so class cucked that the kelloggs owner had circumcision become a thing


So you're a fucking liberal

Nope. I don't disagree on the cunt part. But I am right. I usually am.

I like her when she is actually arguing things and not just shitposting.

That's an odd response to circumcision.

See, you just keep exposing yourself as another liberal feminists that comes to leftist gatherings to shit on its members because of their gender. You realize a lot of people on here have numerous experiences with people like you IRL and have these strong opinions because of that?

Cry hard babby

Where did I say all politics is identity politics?



You won't get the arguments I'm making until you're dead and buried at this point. This is exactly what I'm talking about.

Wonder why women would have strong opinions. Must be their periods xDdDdDdD

We have a traitor among us.

because woman have more economic and social rights in western society than men

You still didn't answer my question. Why do we need feminism when we already strive for complete equality?

Where's that one image of a tankie saying "It's not about fighting Capitalism"

oh fug how do u keep coming up with these god like rebuttals

your arguments are so good you don't even have to make them publicly

amazing tactic, if you don't make a substantive point you can never be discredited, and therefore never lose an argument

ps. im stealing this tactic

Oh I see you're on your period.

Without sufficient anti-imperialist base such struggle could not succeed.

Because you don't. Equal branches need equal study, men's rights, women's rights, etc.

You need to confront all aspects of how Capitalism effects people and demographics and behaviors in order to have a valid plan of ideological attack. Not one half assed one subverted easily as the case so many before.

You already argue like I do.

Where did I say otherwise mong

pls outline your feminism and how it compliments rather than contradicts your communism


I mean hormonally speaking men are always on some kind of permanent period of hormone rush. I forgive you for it though.

Provide me examples of this, other than the COINTELPRO idpol liberals that we see in the mainstream media.

when will you fucking post your ass already, anfem?

Besides speaking in all capital letters making your argument very correct, you pointed out I was in fact, the one with the identity politics and not you, which also, is somehow correct.

Just kidding you are a hoser

Jesus fucking christ this entire board is completely fucking retarded.

She's Asian. You wanna see her ass? Go look at a plank of wood.

Although that would probably be more shapely than """her."""

post feet


You aren't warming me up to it at this point.

Using "anfem" in a sentence is still replying to me.

divorce, and alimony



Yes we do.

We don't currently study men's rights. That's just more idpol.

We already arrived at the answer: socialism.

You still have not answered my question. Why do we need feminism? You just gave a complete non-answer. What can feminism teach us that we don't already get from historical materialism? What good can feminism do that class struggle cannot?

If you continue to not answer, I'll assume it's just because you have an ideological or emotional attachment to feminism, and not because you think there's anything worthy in that ideology.

isn't she confirmed as /thicc/

I have hour glass shape.

You want a plank of wood go look in a mirror.

Or maybe what I'm thinking of is a ball of clay.

There are demographics to poverty. Poverty is not general. It effects differently.

You are a moron for thinking poverty is an issue that only exists on a material basis because of the first material reasons. Those are true, but over time more become apparent within this frame.

This is what needs study.


she said she has a fat ass

I only remember that spurdo poster asking about your ass in the attention whore thread that the entire board participated in



They have mommy issues. In all honesty society we be getting on with a lot more if these knuckledragger hairy backs got out of the way and the indoctrinated """"women""""" they are with were taught just how wrong their thinking process is.

-__-; *sigh* no. it's an elevation of a people that have recordedly been oppressed. When we tell men to quiet down a bit we're not trying to take you're rites just getting you to acknowledge that maybe, just maybe it's about time they got to speak? Maybe?

It's fairly simple. It's the same reason why if you're hwhite you should maybe let the PoC speak first. It's about systemic oppression being eradicated through selective elevation of the oppressed. It's why the King gives his wealth to the poor.

What fault?

Sure is Holla Forums in here. How about we view people as a united people and not by their genetalia? How about we let them decide their future?

Wow. Just…wow. No, no they do not.

Oh look a wild Trump Supporter.


………….Okay yup. Done. This is just Holla Forums 2.0

No, she admitted she is shapeless

Oh shit, I just happened to lose sight of what is truly important ITT.

I'm sure you like to think that, and no, those mosquito bites aren't going to grow into boobies one day. Your grandmother lied to you.

News to me. None of you are fighting or coming up with anything short of waiting on your ass as "Accelerationism" with no plan of action

Agreed, but your idea of how it works is liberal and idealistic.

In order to combat the necessary parts to make socialism possible.

You simply don't understand in order to change society we need to make sure something is true or not true, and treating everything untrue just the same you would treat something with truth.

Therefore weed out truth from what's not in regards to class and action.

This is called "strategizing" but the moment any of you come together to combat Capitalism is the day I'm proven wrong.

no wait, under the reactionary incles we have proper class theory!

Not sure if this is reddit or Holla Forumsyp in disguise.

you're not half bad

Let me liberate you

Kill yourself, reddit.

Look at this white knight and laugh!

I will give your falseflag a 4/10

Is this a legitimate defense of the progressive stack in Holla Forums or a Holla Forumslack in disguise?

It's not blatant enough to tell.

are you reading this thread?
It's a PoC Woman and me arguing with you "WOMEN BELONG IN THE KITCHEN" arguments. It's ridiculous. Makes me physically ill.

The moment I talk about the sexual aspects of myself is the moment you cease all political argument.

Maybe the point of your politics is just to get laid.

lol yeah that's a majority of the board.

I have many positive female influences in my life, far more than men. I respect these women and things like domestic violence and being denied things such as employment because of the fact they are female makes me angry.
But people who loudly proclaim themselves as feminists never seem to address issues that women in my life have experienced, they complain about shit like mansplaining that has never been an issue for the women I know.
As a male, I consider feminists are to women, as MRAs are to me.
Obnoxious dipshits who don't represent what they claim to.

How are you not a white knight

Someone post the "hey Holla Forums whatcha doing?" pic pls

this is a high effort ruse, good job mate

Well then get off the board and go back to the fucking kitchen where you belong you dumb slut.

"WE'RE NOT LIKE Holla Forums"

Such freedom. Much love. So tolerance.
Can you atleast admit that women (especially PoC women) have it WAY worse than men?

Being a tankie is being a traitor.

I wouldn't call bias against men in the judicial system a "women's right."

Shut the fuck up I hate you more than anyone here


damn you slipped up, a real ess jay would always use WOC

Just show us your ass.
I have work tomorrow and I can`t stay up all night.

Yeah there's totally not a material basis for this at all, they're just greedy whores that like to consume in a… consumerist… society.

Then they'd stabilize and still decrease anyway as time went on as more and more men flood the market. Eventually, even the arduous labor most men do will be made a lot easier and automated (and, with advances in technology, a woman will do so as well, probably with some exo-type suit) so you can't fall back on that. Are most of these people even materialists? I'm not even a feminist but y'all got some shitty praxis tbh fam.

finally, putting the beta white knight in his place

finally a good post by anfem

There's a guy here that set up a fucking training camp. That's more than you've done, and plenty of people are trying to agitate and educate. In either case, socialism already is about equality.

Worker ownership of the means of production and high automation as a pre-requisite. There's nothing liberal or idealistic about it, and it requires no feminism to function.

What are the "necessary parts". How is worker ownership of the means of production insufficient?

You're simply rambling now. Make your point, or stop posting.

We can make strategy without feminism. At no point is your ideology required.

Going by her twitter, threads like this are why the cute cat girl draw left.

Good job guys.

This. A lot of people forget that not all feminism is idpol feminism.


what the fuck are you even saying

if you are starving you are starving

white people don't have some magic ability to live without food

the point of left wing economics is to give everyone the material conditions to live a comfortable life regardless of identity

you are arguing against a problem that doesn't exist

Fucc off. Regardless of what we think of feminism, we can`t keep scaling the levels of oppression.


Again. Case in point. you're all disgusting human beings.

I'm on your side

I'm not a "FEMINAZI SJW MOMMY WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME" I'm just a fucking person. I don't like labels. I'm laughing at the level of MRA in this thread.

wow hope those impotence jokes didn't hit to close


Kill yourself. I hope you get raped.

Screencap the one good post from this trip

This is low blow. It is not related to this in any way, we never argued with her and she was mostly correct about everything.

Socialism is not something ghost like with the reality of the free hand of the market.

It's hard, intensive material study.

You don't know socialism at all.

In order to get to this point, you have to make sure all parts are correct, long lasting, and planned.

It involves logistics, mathematics, humanities, it involves everything.

You cannot just give people money and say "live". You will have rebellion and class upheavel.

This is why studying feminism is a good idea.

In fact it's a good idea why you should stay foreign politics, local politics, and economics. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer.

What can be described as women and men getting the shaft. You don't account for this and just say "Socialism will fix it."

You know what that does? Let's porky devide classes again under your own admission.

You're simply a broken record ten posts ago.

alright you've upped your game, this is some good shit, it's like a laurie penny article

Who cares?

All feminism is idpol.

Neither does she.

She left us again?

You have the freedom to express your views.

I have the freedom to call you out for being a bigot.

This. Can someone atleast LISTEN to her?

All discussion of feminism is idpol while being dialectical is a screaming match of idiots pointing fingers at idpol ghosts not there

We can, it's called socialism.

fuck kys all you thirsty retards, white knights and autistic fucks

i don't support identitarian movement.

Yes you do. You don't know it, but you do.








This. Absolutely nothing ever good comes from threads like these.

Force of habit.

35 hours this week but i usually show up on time more often getting more of that sweet savory fiat currency that loses 2% of its value each year.

the only value women have is sex, anything else is a waste of time. Even in the workplace, women get next to nothing done because they in-fight about who is best looking and thus more valuable as a woman. And if they are not doing this in IRL they are tapping away on their smartphones doing the same thing online.

i really don't bruh

hey /r/socialism! You seem lost!

There is a slight change that anfem will post her ass ITT if we keep harassing her.

It might start the progress that drove satanposter out of our board.

I'm actually starting to like anfem

I still want her to be banned and you fucks just keep fueling her, will you stop replying?

Because xe's a filthy redditor

More like force of reddit amirite?

Mods need to get rid of this ASAP or the few trap posters we have will be scared off tbf.

Just on the of chance that this is sincere can anfem pls tell them to fuck off again

they can't disobey the command of a woman of colour

What makes your value? Labor? Being mad at women on the internet?

If we want to behave as animals, I will no doubt be happy to leave my child at six months, or perhaps eat them, while you walk away.

But your argument to nature doesn't really account for that.

Fuck off back to reddit or Holla Forums

Reddit has an awful UI and I would never use it.

More like force of twitter.


wew comlads

I mean, really? I see leftists more receptive to second wave feminism than third.

I never claimed it was.

It's not, really, unless you're trying to describe it intimately.

Yeah, and we don't need feminism for that.

It involved material things. Quite correct. Good job.

The point is to eliminate money.

This doesn't follow. You haven't justified this claim. You've only made vague statements followed by this one.

This doesn't even have any connection to the argument at hand. I asked you a simple question. Are you going to answer it or not. Here I'll help you start.

Describe it, and tell me where I said the magic of socialism would fix it.

You haven't even described what "that" is.

Because you still haven't answered the question. Look at how your posts have grown trying to answer a very simple question. Get to the point or admit you don't have one to make.

traps may or may not be gay, but they are cute


Still better than 8ch imo, I wonder if there are extensions like appchan or such for fullchan

the only safespace I want is one free of shitposting

I'm glad we have the freedom to be wrong. You're still a fucking faggot, though.

Then stop sperging out everytime feminism gets mentioned. And remove all tankies.

it exactly is, a bias against men in favor of woman, it's pure supremacy.

Im not mad at women on the internet, just stating a fact. Women are just second class citizens because they are the yin to a mans yang. They nuture and run away while men nature and run towards.

But in all honesty I know My only current value is my labor because thats all I have to offer society at the moment.

Plebeian please go

Because the only thing feminism has ever done is to drive a wedge between men and women, and they done it by demonizing men by portraying them as violent rape-machines and at the same time given women the power to destroy a man with a simple accusation.

There should not be such a thing as women's rights; only human rights.

Your claims are irrelevant, your deductions are.

If you don't think it is you are bound to lose any class war you fight.

Yes, you do.

For fucks sakes I've been saying this whole thread it has. Read.

"Vague statements" is more you not understanding what the fuck I'm saying because you don't understand how collectivism works in the context of today.

How to get to socialism is entirely relevant to it. Besides, I would disagree that a state at this point is preferable.

You just said socialism will fix it. No plan, no action, no strategy. You think Socialism is magic.

Tbh even though I'm circumcised, I never use lotion. I just added it and the kleenexes to the pic because so many others do.

Good. Force out the contradictions.

not even once tbh

Weak&defeatist, what an admirable combination.

Hi, SRS.

Yeah and all civil rights do is drive a wedge between black and white workers right? God you guys are so blind to these issues holy crap.

I see you just keep typing nonsense instead of answering the question. If you're so certain that I'm simply uneducated, then feel free to explain it to an idiot. I'll start it for you again:

I'm guessing you simply don't have an answer.

I don't think those are leading feminists

wtf i love feminists now!!!

How is arguing not against direct revolution "weak and defeatist", it is in fact, arguing for you to be strong and fit to combat every angle Capitalists throw.

You are your accusations.


Replace civil rights with BLM, and you are spot on.

Would women ever allow men to remove them entirely from our reproductive process and in so doing remove men from theirs through male pregnancy, tube babies or cloning?


I am answering the question. Like I said you don't understand it.

In order to combat Capitalism, you first must understand that in order to protect itself it lies and devised on race, sex, and everything. Individualism is forced.

So, in this case, all aspects must be studied material or not, in order to come up with multiple solutions to all said problems and variables.

It's difficult, but if you do it you essentially have free reign over how Capital responds.

We don`t need female and male analysis of politics to achieve victory in class war. It is reductionist towards idpol.

Feminists have been bitching about sexbots and they don't even exist yet. Take a guess.

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little torture chamber cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place…. this place has a lot to offer… heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it…

Yes, you do.

dworkin is cool tbh

Boo hoo evil feminists being mean and rude to me waaaaaaaaaaah

Women's rights are human rights/

I'm as worried about them as I am about women having dildos. You're late to the party asshole


Women are not people, whether they believe themselves to be or not. Only men can be people

Hello Reddit!

I don't know what kind of person has a gspot up their own rectum

What value will it add to the class struggle, expect create a new point(and theory) for splintering the left? What good is it for?

K then, what actual issues do western women have these days?


Let me ask you, how are you not splintering the left by generalizing all aspects we need to combat Capitalism, Capitalism uses to combat us?

A poor, attempt at imitating humour by an unwitting female.

We will look after you in our socialist society. Us men.

Dude there are people on this thread literally arguing that women are not people and you are asking this question?

It does have links to the Ford foundation, so yes, I guess it is

Individualism is not incompatible with socialism.

So according to this, we should study astrology too, right? Or are you going to admit that you're just trying to obfuscate further so you don't have to justify feminism's existence?

Capital is going to fall apart under its own weight. We can see this. We don't need feminism to bring it down, just like we don't need astrology.

I didn't know men here were the ones who were funny

Who would you suggest? Those spoiled brats that went in front of the UN?

reminds me of another similar echo chamber on this site :^)

Well women sure ain't.


I've always seen men and women as nothing more than species that are closely related enough to interbreed. Whenever women interact with men in real life, it feels more like an alien mimicking humans in order to bridge the communication gap than actual genuine interaction.

Holy fuck

What the fuck does Astrology have to do with the material conditions of Capitalism


And your plan of action is just like the plan of action you have for your life

Sit on your ass

The fact that it isn't is what's the problem


You say it like it's a drawback

Another enlightened comrade. I wish for all men to be as wise as you are.

That's because your understanding of biology is as far as American sex ed.

Doesn't real, anfem.

You said that like I said that

If you mean the ones who are still alive, I don't know, I don't care about feminism all that much to follow the latest theory tbh.

[Citation needed]

user I'm being sarcastic and repeating what people said about the BPP

We avoid the usage of divide&conquer against us if we get rid of the identerian aspects of our struggle outside of class.

read lacan

Then why not call then human rights?

Even if it isn't, it is a racist organization.

That's fucking retarded because it doesn't address the problem it says "IF I IGNORE IT HARD ENOUGH IT'LL BE GONE I SWEAR"

Are you friendless or something?
What the hell is wrong with you to end up saying something this stupid.


WSWS also reported on this. They received around $100M. Let's redpill some goofs shall we..

What does this sentence even say? Write in English, you Vietnam fucking shit.

Do you honestly think there are enough ppl like that to matter?

nong nong bong dong fong

Read your own language better.

Go put ketchup on everything white

For sure


Wait until she uses the incel card

it goes nuclear

Can`t we like, ignore them until the material conditions have been changed(since cause for most of these conflicts rises form this base structure). You can`t effectively address the issues of superstructure without changing the base.

You'll never make head chef like that.


I will rape again.

Not at all, I know that biologically we require females to procreate, but with the advent of alternative pregnancy I see that as a symbiotic relationship more than a proof of being a part of the same species.

Imagine a world where men and women stopped requiring each other for reproduction, how would evolution alter us? Over time, would we become so dramatically different biologically that no reproduction between the two could occur?

That's something I'm rather interested in finding out, because as much of a xenophiliac I am, I much prefer the company, culture and rationales of men to that of women.

The same could be asked of feminism. And you said:

My plan of action is to promote class consciousness and build tools that allow people to break free of the system. Data tools will likely be more necessary to make socialism work than architecture, by the way.

Show a citation then

she's way more emancipated that me

t. unemployed

Yet you take what online feminists say at face value

Good for you, clean the dakimakura afterwards


Because you acted like if it were true. How about you open your eyes wider, you stupid fucking gook.


Look I really don't understand why you so violently disagree with me.

I'm saying for every step forward we make directly without material conditions, ironically what Holla Forums is about/, that Capitalism uses more divisive tactics to push out our own individualism instead of our own sympathy and empathy.

In order to work out the emotional and material, we must study what may or may not be correct in all ways and shapes and forms.

In this way, Capital has no way to divide people from themselves. I see the main way to do this is what I propose + plus ways to make people join us by offering an alternative directly without words.

Oh sweet child.

read althusser

What problem? What has feminism yet to fix?

I wonder who could be behind this?

Is this the end of Holla Forums

I know that's the only sort of 'sex' you have

Feminism is material, I'm talking about immaterial things as well. When Capitalism argues for itself by astrology I'll eat my hat. But I'm talking about games economy plays like derivatives.

Your plan of action fails because it cannot account for a numerous amount of problems.

I read well enough. You don't know how to form sentences.

people were mean to her on a imageboard

The same that collectivism has yet to.

Not true. I also have sex with your mother

Cause wimminz are human

Zizek would give you an aneurysm

Prove that women are human

Are you a 12 yo Russian kid obsessed with CSGO?

No that's your step brother


In fact, women are more human then men. All creatures start off with an X chromosome that's original and formed, it takes a fracturing of that X chromosome to make the opposite sex.

And yet gender and sex aren't the same thing. Going by your logic, if they were human, they'd have the same chromosome pattern. Either:

They aren't human (and gender and culture aren't the same thing)

They are human (gender and culture ARE the same thing)

Which is it.

are you retarded?


tits or gtfo

these threads are even better than Holla Forums slide shitters
you folks are retards
both sides, fuck off

Where the fuck is your argument coming from

I wasn't arguing either sex is more human than the other. I was arguing under biological psued shit that you're working under, women are more human than men simply because all organisms naturally start off as female in the beginning of development. Making it basal.

But that argument is fucking retarded.

No it isn't. It's based on a spooky concept.

Feminism has nothing to do with economics or financial devices like derivatives, which you don't understand because you didn't do any math in school.

Nothing can account for all possible problems. Unless you're arguing that we need to know everything ever and have prescience, I don't see your point. Even if you are arguing for that, it only makes you a crazy person instead.

Which is?

Zizek at leas has grammatical consistency even if he uses made-up terms to make himself sound more technical than he is. You simply suck at writing.

Strirner is irrelevant. Read about semiotics.

Clap clap clap for saying something correct

Too bad it misses the point.

Nothing can, but we aren't talking about all possible problems in all possible ways in life. Just related to Capital today and how best to exploit it.



I was arguing that the biological constitution of being a male is derived from the male specimen. You presented a fallacious argument that because men and women share essentially what humans and potatoes have in common, they must be human.

All life has DNA. Algae living on rocks. Horses. Vegetables. If we can't take that in common, we have to follow by example. Why do men dominate the world. Potatoes do not dominate the world. Horses do not dominate the world.

Women do not dominate the world.

Men do. Men are templates of the human. Women are inferior or broken templates, and therefore, not on the same order.

You mispelled least. Also you're not correct.

I was actually talking about Chromosomes. Chromosomes and DNA are not the same thing.

Please go back to high school I'm really begging you, I wasn't even being serious I was using your own logic against you.

So not only are you a liberal you're retarded as well.

Is this what they teach you in Gender Studies?

I will not, unless you are going to give me more context(more specifically the book you want me to read and chapter).

Such studying has done very little to improve class consciousness for the majority. It is absolutely, imperatively ineffective. It reduces our numbers, divides us and makes us form new cliques. Without unity of will, there can never be unity of action. We will never have that unity of will unless we simplify our scale and focus.

Another fine example of female logic.

It has done more than Tankies have done since the Cold War managed to prove how inflexible and how much of a failure you were.

You take criticism like the catholic church took heresy.

Semiotics has nothing to do with what we're talking about, nor does this refute what I just told you. Feminism is based on bullshit.

It's hard to hit something when it doesn't exist.

And feminism will help us how? You don't know, but we have to study it just in case? Or is there a particular problem that you think only feminism can solve?

Chromosomes contain DNA, Chromosomes, are in fact, not DNA. They package it.

Can I pat you on the head for trying.

on the reproduction of capital

read it whole

Saying "spook" you have no place to talk when the concept itself is old and outdated. It has to do with what we were saying because you used it, when a finer point already exists.

Arguing it doesn't exist is really fucking stupid.

Must I repeat myself as much as you do in order for you to get to the point?

I'm not sure you have the Autism Level for such hand-eye coordination.


DNA is contained within chromosomes. They are two mechanisms which work with one another.

However Chromosomes are not fucking DNA.

read a bookchin cuck

Best thread 2016

yes this is something you should do

but i already do, hence why i am not a reactionary cuck like u fam

i mean you are sperging about how much superior men are yet you have been getting baited by someone with an anfem flag and a trip, that might be a guy

you can't get any more cucked than that my friend

Again, you miss the forest for the trees, my point is that feminism is based on made-up bullshit. There is nothing to learn from it.

Arguing that you didn't make a point is stupid? How?

I've made my point: Feminism has nothing to offer us. You haven't yet told me what it has to offer us other than vague statements on how we must study everything. You haven't told anyone here why they should care about feminism. If you asked me why you should study mathematics, I would tell you that you can apply it to data in order to make tasks easier, or that you can apply it to real systems in order to have predictive capabilities and build real-world tools. You cannot do this for feminism because it has nothing to offer. This is why you keep making vague allusions to problems without actually giving examples.

You're delusional this point. There's no purpose to this debate if you're going to act braindead.

Another reason we're better than leddit ITT: Even our anfems BTFO pure ideology retards.

Then you're wrong, and especially ironic using Stirner

I've been making points this whole time. I'm going to respond simply now, because you cannot comprehend simple shit.

Yes you have dear.

This isn't an argument


Then nor is this

stay btfo

sorry for interruptingyour triggering session, you may continue

I'm sorry you're not able to continue. I thought this board held itself to higher standards.

None of this matters anymore.

It's semantics. But in biology, chromosomes are an entire mechanism which works differently than DNA itself. If logs worked as a mechanism to contain wood itself, you would have a point. But you don't.

I noticed you're still making non-arguments and giving non-answers. Face it, you lost, and feminism is bullshit.

your pussy works as a mechanism to contain my dick

That's what you're doing. This whole entire time you've been using this more than Stephen "My Mom is a BITCH" Molyneux

I'm sorry you're not able to continue. I thought this board held itself to higher standards.

wew we got ourselves another "feels > reals" Holla Forumstard here and he's getting rekt by a fucking feminist LMFAO

So then, you must argue that a pile of wood is not wood, because the pile only serves as a mechanism to contain wood. Are you ready to admit that you're a retard for saying that chromosomes aren't DNA?

I hope you're tired, tankie

I gave you an example of how you could make your pitch for feminism. Rather than making an easy win by doing that, you refused to make an argument. You have no point, no matter how much you claim to. Feminism has nothing to teach humanity. Kill yourself.

No, I'm saying logs and chromosomes work entirely fucking differently and chromosomes are not static objects like logs

Am I your biology teacher now as well as your mother

Wew, this thread.

Ironically, all the men in here shitting on the female gender are the reason, this feminist shit exists to this day. This is like some Twilight team Edward team Jacob tier shit.

Let it go lads, just let it go. Then we can live in peace.

Me personally, I wouldn't give a flying fuck if women took over every power/leadership position on the planet. Probably would work out better for me.

That said fuck bourgeois-feminism, and pop-feminism, shout out to all women and men running women's shelters, WIC, etc.


I answered and you just cried "Not an argument! It's not an argument I don't understand!"


anfem is a certified spookbuster

You can't teach biology because you never took the class. Genders studies don't count toward your science credits, retard.

Did you know that, despite being the container for DNA, Chromosomes largely work independent from DNA, though mechanistic of it?

And are not in fact, comparable to logs?

If you need to compare chromosomes to logs I really don't know what the fuck to tell you dude.

You didn't answer me with anything other than vague statements on how we must study everything. You didn't give me a single example of a problem that feminism hoped to solve and instead chose to allude to problems by referencing something else. You have not, for this entire thread said:

Not once have you done that. My example on mathematics would have served well enough, but you didn't do that. That would be too simple. Instead you're continuing to dodge the question like a filthy politician. Congratulations, you've shown everyone here why feminism is bullshit.

This is what I'm talking about my very confused friend.

I in fact, did not do this. But I did refrence other problems that feminism is needed similarly, or why even if it was what you say, it would be useful.

But you didn't understand and all you did was sit and pout and say "I refuse to understand this mom, please make sense". I tried harder, but you just kept pouting like a baby.

Feminism can solve the problem we have with mothers breeding worthless politically illiterate frog brained pieces of shit like you en masse how's that bud

Solve all our problems.

Nobody said chromosomes work like DNA, the same a wood pile does not work like a piece of wood. Are you being willfully retarded now, or were you always this stupid?

Learn to write English. I may have worked with cryptography, but even the NSA can't figure out what you're trying to say. And Chromosomes are just a way to package DNA so that it can be stored and copied. Kind of like a pile of wood. They just package wood so it can be stored and used. Very similar stuff.

I see you've basically conceded the argument and are resorting to more stupid statements. Congratulations on being a fucking retard. Proving once again that racism is wrong by showing us that Asians can be completely brain dead too. You're just as bad as spergook from /k/, except he's a fascist. You'd get along swimmingly.


You did that a long time ago by admitting what you said didn't make sense and was vague.

Anfem, you need to go back to the rice fields. Obviously not meant for higher education.

I gave you concrete examples. You only attempted it here:
And did so quite poorly.

Logs and the mechanisms of cells are entirely different in behavior. I don't know what you need though.

You did not give any concrete examples. You in fact, just asked questions with the same answer.


Read it again, and do so slowly. The monkey shit in your head is bad at processing information.

Examples for what? Why we don't need feminism? I'm not the advocate of an ideology. You need to tell me why I need your ideology, not the other way around, and I gave you examples you could use to make an argument. You chose not to use them.

You are making the claim DNA and Chromosomes are the same thing.

Chromosomes contain DNA but are largely not DNA because they are mechanisms to store it.

If you have to speak in wood metaphors you're a fucking retard and the monkey shit in your brain is giving you epilepsy.

Yes. You have yet to provide a single argument as to why we don't need feminism I haven't already refuted.

most people on the left is for women's right? wtf you talking about
being a bit critical of te third wave feminism doesn't mean you hate women or are against feminism. also plenty of female leftist who also are critical, stop blaming everything on one group of individuals, but it's probaly bait anywat lel.

i think the real amfem poster, not the shitposter or baiters are alright. like one who seem to read and know stuff and the other who have only been here sometimes

And just where did I say that, you illiterate ape?


And I addressed why I don't need to make such an argument. You're the feminist, not me. It's almost like a religion at this point. Have to believe in god unless I can prove otherwise, right?

Then you're not really arguing, are you?

Yeah, and that was addressed here:

Feminism is the historical name for anti-sexism.


The onus is on you to prove why we need feminism. Otherwise, we must not need it.

Communism already entails gender equality. It follows, then, that we don't need a movement specifically dedicated to women.

That was the most retarded argument I've ever seen in related to cellular activity sorry

You can't have communism pre made.

That's not how arguments work. You need to provide examples first why it does not work, so you don't get confused. Like you somehow ended up.

You don't know how to debate correctly.

You said chromosomes weren't DNA. They are DNA just like a pile of wood is wood. They may not do the same thing due to abstraction, but they are the same.

Nobody said you could, but you don't need feminism to achieve it when you already believe in equality.


Fucking no.

Go to hell this is so stupid

You can't have that pre made either.

Jesus christ do you think everything is handed on a silver platter for you like in your regular life

Yes they are. You said feminism is important. Prove it. It's called the burden of proof. You have it, not me.

Because a movement for equality must focus on both genders instead of just one. Because feminism has historically been sexism against men. Because women already enjoy full legal equality with men and this is unlikely to change.

Yeah, I should just accept your claims at face value. That's a much more efficient method of argumentation.

look at third wave feminism.
look at it.
There's your goddamn source.

And yet they are DNA all the way down.

How so?

Just because you're too stupid to get it doesn't mean it isn't true.

No they are not.

Provide examples that it isn't because if you cannot this is not an argument by a flagrant abuse of my time.

You don't know history if it bit you on the ass because your understanding of history comes from wikipedia and youtube

Why not? It is what you are asking me to do.

not an argument. Sorry, we don't accept VictimCard here. Visa, Mastercard and American Express are good though.

They are containers of DNA which are mechanisms behaving because of DNA while DNA itself is its own mechanism working differently.

Comparing it to logs, is in fact, fucking retarded, because logs are not cellular mechanisms.

You can't just believe that people should be treated equal? That's funny, I never needed feminism to not be a sexist. I guess I must have been wrong about that and I am a sexist. Or maybe you're just a fucking retard.

What are you even asking here, and why make assumptions about me?


burden of proof is on the positive claim. That's you by the way.

You can be idealistic all you want. This is about the material.

That you're an idealist

You're just calling names now.

Nobody said they did the same thing retard. A pile of wood is simply an arrangement of said wood. It's a functional item. You cannot carve a pile of wood. You can only do it to an individual log. Do you understand why this analogy works? Chromosomes are DNA all the way down. There isn't a magic Chromosome shelf that stores DNA. It's simply DNA in an arrangement. If you unwind that chromosome, it stops being that and is just a long strand of DNA. Chromosomes, like piles of wood, are arrangements of their components.

It's called an analogy, you autistic faggot.

Wow what a great argument. You are a master of argumentation and critique.

This only works if you understand that first you must give critiques of the whole not randomly ask to defend something in its entirety.

Giving critique is what people who argue do, asking "Mom why does feminism exist" is actually not an argument.

And there are no real relevant differences between men and women. A working woman is just as fucked as a working man. Treating both workers the same makes them equal in the place of work.

How am I idealistic?

Yes. That's the problem.

I never claimed it was.



God you were just about to say something intelligent never mind

I was criticising your inability to refute the claim, instead you just basically said "NO, U"

that's not what's being asked. What's being asked is that you prove that feminism benefits society as a whole in this current age.




You think you can snap your fingers and have complex human behavior solved on the spot via labor itself. Study must be done in order to achieve the material fact.

You don't get abstraction. I will one day mystify you with this amazing thing called legos. I built a house of legos, and yet it was legos. Then I put the house back in the box and the house ceased to exist. Amazing, I know, but your child-like brain will see it first-hand.

I was criticizing your inability to make a pointed critique.

No, I actually didn't.

This is such a general claim that you need to provide specifics on how it doesn't first, you cannot critique like this it's Failure grade worthy

You should actually. That happens to be one of his most fact-filled videos and it's very pursuasive.

I get abstraction entirely. You're just horrible at it.

When did I say this? Not even going to read the rest of your post until you tell me why you think I think this.

my critique is that you were being contrarian in place of an argument, if that's not pointed then I don't know what is

are you fucking serious

oh woe. you shouldn't have to back up your beliefs, that would require EFFORT amirite?

are you really trying to defend feminism?

Seeing as how I work with abstraction on a daily basis, I probably have a better grasp of it than you do. You're just mad because you're a faggot.

That again, is not a critique, it is a criticism of myself. Make a critique.

That's true.

Yes, I am.

It would be better if you actually made a critique on how something isn't effective first so I can argue, because I sure as fuck don't understand to what degree and how you disagree with it. That's how arguments work, you offer critique, I work with it. But you aren't. You're just doing what every high school student does when confronted with something confusing, ask "why why why", not offer anything substantiated or meaty for the argument itself.

You should be fired.

And yet I won't be. They'll even give me a raise this year or I'll quit.

Congrats on the job bro


It still makes me suicidal. I only care about the money. I wish I could be like RMS, but I'm not that smart.

Oh I see, you're just meme-ing horribly. What you're saying is the equivelant of stirnerites saying "spooks xD" to everything they disagree with.

You can can just stick "not a critique" on anyhting you like and call it a day, you intellectually dishonest faggot.

alright fine, have this:
Modern feminism is anti-male
the presence of SJWs and their ilk confirms this

now prove to me that feminism isn't anti-male. if you use the not a critique sticker i'm just going to assume that you think you're being funny.


No. I'm actually not. I'm teaching you how to argue correctly.

My rebuttal: Anti-feminism is illogical nonsense that is benefit from teenage angst as much as modern feminism is, it is liberal nonsense popularity contest shit. You cannot argue correctly being damning of this point.

Get over your angst and I could possibly see this argument working, but right now I see anti-feminism more and more as angst vs angst in a battle that doesn't matter that misses the point and obfuscates it.

In fact I see more feminists who are anti-feminists.

You just don't really have an ideological backing to yourself besides your emotions is what I'm getting from this.

There needs to be a label for people like you who aren't capable of making arguments and use the term sjw on everything they disagree with they cannot critique

How about, I don't know,


Prove to me it is. Remember what you said, when making a claim the onus is on you.

you complain that I can't argue properly and then answer me point with ad hominems. I knew feminsts had some double think going on, but fuck…

go to the feminist side of tumblr for a little while then get back to me

What does "real feminism" entail? Nobody seems to be able to answer this.

Wow. If that's your reasoning you really don't understand anything about anything huh kid? Go back to school and learn a thing or too before posting shit you know nothing about.

You have no place to talk.

but fuck…

I'm on an equally nonsensical side of the web, I'll pass.

Work towards what we both agree is necessary, anti-capitalism. You cannot argue Capitalism does not work differently for the sexes. In the broad sense it does, labor in labor, it is specificity over time combined with tradition, and Capital working within it and with it, that is to be critiqued.

Go put on an "I voted" sticker.

Ah, the confirmation that your arguments are build entirely on contrarianism and a shit meme has come through. Thanks for the confirmation.

But that's just socialism. Why call it feminism?

It's vice versa. Your understanding of argumentation boils down to a parent teacher conference level.

You understand socialism as well as you understand life.

Nice insult laden nothing post.

It's the internet, I thought men could handle their composure.

I know from time on places like this my whole life that what men say they are doesn't seem so familiar.

Women already have equal rights and so do minorities (in the West). The Civil Rights conflicts are over. Without a real cause to fight for or any real repression, modern feminists have to invent the wildest shit so they can pretend to be persecuted and gain victim status.

careful, dearie your SJW card is tipped.

You live in bizarroland.

This is about class.

Hard to take you seriously when you act the same in your inability to argue and base your identity reasoning on your emotions related to the opposite sex.

I'm not even remotely surprised MDE was cancelled, I felt it was inevitable. What shocked me was the fact that it was allowed to air at all - a huge step in the right direction, who knows how many people were redpilled by it?

the red pill………

They all act like you don't think they act.

a feminist telling me that my arguments are based on emotion. My irony meter just fucking exploded.

That's why we'll gulag and guillotine pill them comrade


Of course it did. The situation is ironic.

And how do I think they act? Do you really think there's no significant difference between men and women besides superficial physical traits and a couple of organs?

Are you saying Western women are in a different class than men and not given the same opportunities? Because if you look around you, they're given more. More support, more scholarships, more accommodations, more charities, etc etc etc.

Don't play dumb when you're acting stupid.

I think men tend to ask more loaded questions that lead nowhere. Your assumption is we're different, your deductions are incorrect.


So what you're saying is, it's a class issue? And also it really depends this is such a general statement it seems more like the ghost of a former crush is haunting your ideology than anything fact based

You can bitch all you want about your lack of representation in Capitalism. In the end do you even want it?

All that text and you say nothing of substance. It's like you're actually a woman.

This little of text and you say nothing of substance to argue. It's like you're actually a man.

Saying nothing of substance?
nonsensical arguments?
disdain for men?
yep, it's a feminist alright.

I thought you were against feminists.

You can't even defend your first assertion that feminism is a benefit to society. Yet here you are saying other people can't argue.

You are a retard.

Feminism accomplished it's goal; women are equal in all things except specific social matters and even then the courts are usually ready to step in and fuck up your life for brushing a women lightly on the subway or farting close to her or something.

At this point, "feminism" is code for "matriarchy". If people are equal, neither a patriarchy nor a matriarchy can exist. Likewise, if people aren't equal one side would inevitably win out in the struggle and claim society for themselves (patriarchy, now matriarchy).

It's a power grab basically and, I don't know about anyone else, I won't be having any of that.

Incredibly dissapointed with the replies ITT. Unfortunately I'm forced to now archive the link and snapshot it to make a thread on /r/gamerghazi. You just have to let tankies guide the discourse here, don't you? Despicable.

If this was an elaborate ruse courtesy of freech though, my apologies in accusing comrades of being sexist pigs.

Mainsteam feminism is mostly "White Upper Class Women Want To Have The Same Ability To Oppress The Poor As White Upper Class Men!"

There is literally nothing wrong with that, at least from a dialectical perspective.

I hope they are so triggered they kill themselves. Good luck!

nobody cares faggot