Pondering Revolution

As a thought experiment, let us debate how many Americans seriously want to overthrow the government. And by this, I mean approximately how many Americans seriously would support a violent overthrow of the current ruling system. I am not talking about internet talkers in youtube comments or hemming and hawing leftist bobos who wring their hands and parrot MSM talking points but have no coherent ideology other than hating whoever the MSM tells them to hate. That's not overthrowing the System. That's being the System's tool.
While MSM polls are an easy source when talking about this, we should take everything with a grain of salt because they obviously have an (((agenda))) and are thus suspect.
This is a worthwhile thought experiment because ultimately we will need to overthrow the System and it is almost certainly not going to be non-violent. Anons have different experiences and interact with different segments of society. Alone we have a very inaccurate picture of the political landscape. But together we will be able to form a better understanding.
Knowledge = Power

My personal take is from personal experience with a wide subset of regular Americans, with a strong slant towards the White working class.
The vast, vast, vast majority are concerned with trivial things and only display a passing frustration with the government. In my experience, most are happy to yammer for hours about which nigger kicked a ball around but bringing up politics in any form will lose them in an instant. Most men have no strong opinions about any political subject and almost no women at all.
However, among political conservatives I would judge that around 1% would seriously support overthrowing the government. It's difficult to gauge how many "conservatives" there are but based on political party membership, I'd say that around 1% of registered "Republicans" and maybe a higher percentage of Independents would support a violent overthrow of the government.
This factors to around 1 million White Americans who would support a revolution. Approximately.

With leftists it is a bit more tricky.
Ironically Democrats are far more conservative than Republicans in terms of radical politics so barely any would actually support a violent overthrow of the government. At least that is as far as White Democrats are concerned. Since there is basically no organized communist element of America, they're irrelevant in politics. Antifags would of course support "desphroying capitalphlistalistic patriarchy." But after a few days of rioting, these morons would mostly change their mind and want to return to living in their parents basements. They're bourgeoisie revolutionaries, not real revolutionaries.
Similarly, among the blacks, alienation from the government is actually higher than among White conservatives. Which is ironic for obvious reasons. However not only is willingness to see the System toppled violently absent from all but the most dedicated black nationalists, but a black response to such an event would only be more rioting for gibs. Of course if the military began shooting them, I suspect they'd opt to remain content with what they have…
Mestizos are another issue and I have far too little experience with them to make a sound judgement.

Among the elites, that is another issue entirely. Obviously most are amoral and would "support" whatever benefited them. Bear in mind that the elites do not serve the jews because they love jews. No one loves jews. They are the most unlovable race on the planet. They serve them because they fear them. But if they felt that their survival meant turning on the jews, most would do so in an instant.

Anyway, this is my analysis. About 1 to 2 million Americans would seriously support a violent revolution. The elites are amoral opportunists.
Please share your own thoughts and experiences so we can all form a clearer picture of the political landscape.

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I think one thing that's important to understand about this hypothetical situation - and I'm reiterating it to stress it.

It wouldn't be like the last Civil War with two, clearly delineated factions drawn up by political convenience and simple geography.

It'd most likely be the government losing control across the nation, to political and fringe ideological groups who all have vastly different motives and ideals - but they'd in an opportunistic fashion, seize on any resounding chaos to achieve their own machinations.

One thing I think is interesting to ponder is when you think about this "future war", or maybe it's just "fantasy" but if it were to happen there would be a unique feature to it that no other war in history has had. (Well at least to the capacity we see today.)

Our societies, population and bureaucracy are bigger than anywhere in the world has ever been. It would be the largest population to ever undergo such an event - and it would be the wealthiest nation to ever undergo such an event, and the tyranny in question would be one of the largest governments to ever exist. Well surpassing any names you might pull out of the history books. Essentially - the size of this war, and the size of it's vacuum effect would be more substantial than anything that had ever happened before - and so the blood letting would similarly be of a staggering propensity.

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I think the number is most likely just shy of 4 million. But you also need to calculate how many people would uphold the current regime, if they had to do so violently - against organized, or at least dauntless resistance and a modern urban guerilla war - where the majority of households contain the supplies necessary to create basic chemical weapons.

I think the vast majority of people sit on the fence - and are content, so long as their basic needs are met and they don't have to face the reality of the world in the eye. That's why the majority of people have a political opinion - but very few have a geopolitical one.

They genuinely don't understand that there is a bigger picture - which, I am glad for. It's an ugly task and an even uglier thought - no matter what ideal you believe in.

There are roughly 3.8 million US; police, army, air and navy personnel (pretty sure that contains the national guard but can't confirm) - and just like the general civilian populace, not all of them would be willing to fight a war against civilians.

But that's not something I know enough about to predict.

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I would hesitantly agree on your analysis. Seems like we're in the beginning stages of a full on systems collapse.

Most important is to highlight the fragility of the system itself. There's precious little evidence that the state as it is right now actually functions as a cohesive whole. Our people need to realize:

1.) The people who actually make things happen hate them and they're different than the people who we're told are in charge.

2.) The system is actually weak, it's operating on faith and we need to end the false god of invincible government.

3.) They (the system) doesn't just disagree with you, they want you gone.

Hi Holla Forums.

We're not fighting Judge Dredd - we're fighting the Wizard of Oz. Hopefully that analogy lands.

I'd be willing to lay down my life for the good of my people. But it really depends on who is leading the revolution. It isn't necessarily impossible for a National Socialist government to take power through political means; Hitler did it. I don't think a revolution lead by degenerates like the Traditionalist Workers' Party is good; I would probably actually be a loyalist in that case. The problem is that if we do overthrow the government then there would need to be a follow-up. I just don't see a lot of people worthy of being called leaders. So if the entire thing collapses; ZOG can just come in, and we won't even be able to hide behind the constitution anymore. It would be an apocalyptic disaster should the revolution fail.

The problem with right-wing revolutions is that right-wing people usually actually have something to lose. They aren't losers like leftists. This naturally means that they won't do risky things. Antifa can risk life-ruining felony charges because they're all heroin addicted gender-studies majors. (never mind the judicial bias they receive) The counter-left, the right, and the third position don't have this luxury. I think the only pragmatic thing to do at this stage is to try and engage in populist politics. That would actually give us a strong chance at getting real power. As opposed to violence, which, if anything, would let ZOG crack down on us and make things far worse. Terrorism at this stage would be the equivalent of shooting up a school to protest gun control. Trying to appeal to the masses, while maintaining the implication of the 14 words seems like the best strategy we have at the moment. People of all races are pretty racist, but whites just don't seem to have a sense of racial identity. Instead of trying to force it on them, like some Marxist who gets surprised when the working class fucking hates his guts; I would rather do thing that make our people happy, while still saving the race. There might not be much praise, or many swastikas flying in our honor, but it's worth it. It's not sexy, but I think it makes more sense. Although if things get worse then I would like to see an American IRA type group emerge.

Don't take this as an excuse to be a cuckservative though. If I see any of you turn into one of those faggot libertarian zionist types then I will gas you myself.

Until the left pushes things to far and removes the social contract: then everyone lashes out at once against them.

The man who had everything then has nothing left to lose is the most dangerous sort of folk.

I personally think what is more likely is we see a consistent politicization of the youth leading to an increase in extremists of all ideologies. And what all ideologies mutually benefit from is the collapse of the current system - even the Commie frothing at the bit wants his chance at taking over the State.

There's been a lot of studies lately that suggest there are genetic properties to the political views people settle on later in life. And if the Youth are constantly being propagandized to at UNHEARD of levels - and mark my words, this is unheard of. The Churches did a very good job of it too but they never came close to this willing enslavement to a parasitical ideology.

So I think we can also assume; reasonably at least, that the coming generations are going to be magnitudes more political than their predecessors. And that as the state bursts at the seams from it's own incompetency and largess - the emerging ideologies that grow to replace Classical Liberalism and Conservatism; will naturally be extremist ideologies, because the confusing world of the future - the insecure political landscape, and growing awareness among the Plebeians that the State is merely an illusion - a Hollywood character and story book myth.

That will be when it kicks off - and I think it will most likely be the far Left that kicks it off. Not the Right. Whatever shows up on behalf of the Right will most likely be a reaction to the Far Left's well financed attempt at power.

Things today are not always things tomorrow.

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Well mr fbi agent.
Realistically speaking i dont think america could pull off an outright fascist dictatorship.
Im sorry to say this pol, but there are too many non whites to do that.
And white supremacy scares normies. Its a limiting ideology that doesnt bring in large groups of people. And alot of the people who do join it are sometimes degenerates, con men, or feds.

What i could see in america is a christian theocracy.

Christianity is deep in the veins of american culture.

Christianity is a thing that brings different ethnic and racial groups together.

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I disagree, consider that like proper Italian Fascism, American Constitutionalism is an attempt to recapitulate the values of pre-Imperial Rome.

Completely forgot to mention how this relates to OP's question. The number of people who would support us is extremely dynamic. Someone in Nevada might be willing to join a revolution, but if the uprising is in Georgia then they're a lot less likely to do so. Assuming that percentage of a certain political party registration is just going to walk out the door and try to shoot the mayor is silly. Political factors effect this a lot as well. – The problem with this question is that you need more details about the revolution to give an adequate answers. Location, situations, leaders, what started it, etc. My entire post is just saying what our best strategy is to either take the government peacefully, or be in a position where a revolution could work.

That's such a gay phrase. People in power have power because they are strong. People will have a government that reflects their people. The idea that the government exists as an agreement that it's better for people is odd. Most people completely despise modern "democracies", yet they won't revolt. There are times when the government does things that hurt everyone, yet there is no revolt. There's no contract that's going to be 'removed' once some arbitrary line is crossed that triggers everyone to kill their government. The government reflects both the strongest people in society and the quality of the populace. A degenerate people ruled by jews can be swindled at every turn without any danger of revolt. However, if you took modern politicians and put them back in Andrew Jackson's time: people would just lynch them all to death.

The radicalization of the youth is always a result of two things. The first is the inability to successfully anchor them into the bourgeois class. The second, a reaction against wrong doing by the state. So I'm inclined to agree with you. There will be more and more violent leftists, which will naturally trigger a violent reaction by the right. One thing that worries me is that in this scenario the right-wing would be the loyalist faction. That means that a victory just means we'll be well received within the existing republic. The failed 1918 revolution in Germany seems to have helped the anti-communist right greatly. My concern is that we would be able to get good representation in government, but lack the ability to actually kill ZOG once and for all. That would just mean a gradual deterioration until we're back in the same spot. Furthermore, there would be virtually no desire for revolt among a people well represented in government.

And in primate social organizations, strength is determined by your ability to gain followers, not brute force.

That's an excellent analogy. I'd also say that most people who are rightfully dissatisfied are being encouraged to joust windmills rather than slay dragons.

Well that's exactly why I didn't specify what kind of reaction the Right brings to bear in such a scenario.

I can guess but it's a tentative guess at best; there are two main possibilities I can conceive of. The first is your fears that the Right cucks out to basic Conservatism and the Left becomes suppressed by the Right's wasted efforts. In which case the Right just supports the Military and helps them do whatever.

The second is that something more radical appears behind some figure or organisation, or movement perhaps one we can't foresee now - but keep in mind this is a reactionary movement we're talking about. So this very well could be the case - if there really was something that necessitated such a reaction.

But I think it's impossible to say - the "Right" which I am aware is a bullshit term that means nothing and accomplishes nothing but I am using colloquially for convenience. The Right is far more nebulous than the Left and much less monolithic and so predicting how it goes down is almost always a surprise even for the people in it's camp.

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I won't say that you're wrong. Power in the modern sense can only be realized when there is an actual outlet for it. But strength is still a key part in gaining and keeping power. The Supreme Court is a group of 9 kikes, women, and cuckservatives. On their own they are effectively powerless. But when the police and military are willing to enforce their decisions then suddenly they're quite powerful. Never underestimate the power of raw strength.

Wouldn't work. There's too strong of a division between the protestants and catholics. You can't have a theocracy if half of the country is calling the other half heretics that are going to hell, despite them being the same religion with only superficial differences. That's an inherent weakness in the universal religions. Hindus were ruled by the priestly caste, Brahmans, for thousands of years; they have hundreds of denominations, yet have been able to keep internal religious disputes to a minimum. You just can't do that with a denomination which says you need to agree 100% or you're going to hell.

Also >>>/christian/ I don't want to D&C, but most christians on Holla Forums are complete faggots.

america was founded on the idea of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Also telling the king of Britain to go fuck himself.

"We find it self evident that all men are created equal"

America most of all would not go for a dictatorship.

And a lot of people talk about revolution but they have no idea what that means, what that entails, or how its going to happen.
For instance, one would need the military on their side.
You would need the support of the plutocrats that really control the country.
Do you really think revolutions just happen spontaneously?

Ever wonder who funded the nazis?
Ever wonder who funded the commies?

Guns and training dont grow on trees boyo

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We often overlook how much freedom of action this gives them though. Imagine if you could run around with swastikas, attack people intentionally ruining society, and generally be an accepted nuisance for at least one day a year and face no consequences.

That's huge. It's also a value statement by our governments that this is allowed from the left, it's not just a difference in attitude, it's the fact that coloreds and leftists are more valued by the government. That's one of the reasons why the institutions of power are able to get away with so much, implied value by power is still something that's internalized.

lurk at least two years before posting
bump for bad goy thread

To continue.
You would need to get the different levers of power on your side.
The media, the military, the 1%, the intelligence agencies, the police, the church, hollywood, academia.

Basically the political and economic elites.

You would need to convince them to support and fund you or think you were cool.

The final trick is to figure out how to get the people to support you, which might be much easier if you controlled the media and everything in between.

Then…..how to convince them that they should give up their rights, freedom, and hedonistic liberal lifestyle for a fascist dictatorship

the US is too decentralized. thinking you can pull off violent revolution is retarded

This thread is pretty intellectual so far. I agree with many of your opinions, and I think that the calamity ahead of us draws ever nearer. My thinking is that forming small bands of trusted people to operate in irregular warfare is the best strategy. (High trust, loyalty, shared goal.) The problem I have is that if all of us form small bands of trusted friends and family to fight, we are not part of a greater movement (sure, white nationalism/national socialism is one, but listen) and are not operating as a collective. How could we, spread out throughout the nation, operating independently accomplish our goal, and what would that goal be?

Let’s say the govt. comes for our guns. Let’s say we form a seven mans band or something. We launch small scale urban/guerrilla attacks, but when does it end? When our guns are guaranteed safe? When we have taken over the government? When we have carved out an ethnostate in New England or somewhere? If we are all working as singular militias, how could we band together and achieve victory? I think that’s easier if we had a formal, trained army fighting in regular warfare, which we can’t reasonably pull off, but otherwise we end up like the IRA or Shining Path.


Interesting with that 3.8-4 million number. Cause you have similar numbers if you have 1% of a population being fringe opposition or if the 3%ers stop being a meme

What exactly do you mean by this user?

honestly your dream isnt realistic at all.
At most you are just going to be a bunch of fat nazi spergs larping about muh revolution.
At worse even if you attacked something the government could easily squish you like a bug and you wont accomplish anything besides making the right look worse and giving the media ammo to talk about banning more things.

Basically youre a fucking retard mr fbi agent

Pole here, I think it might be worth considering what international impact this might have, as in how the outside forces will react to such a revolution.
Should a revolution happen in the US, so it is quite clear, at least with the current situation, that the US will be split up in at least 2 factions, which will fight each other.
This means every other outside country is free to interfere, since nobody will regulate this outside interference, thus creating more factions, possibly puppets, but also possibly great leaders, it all depends.
Although what is certain is that countries like Russia and China will try to support their most loyal people in the US. Same goes with most of Western Europe, should they still be able to do anything(they probably will).

Now, how would an American revolution look like? Unknown. It depends on too many factors and these factors aren't clear, although a major one is the amount of division as well as irrational fear and demonizing of your opponent. Should these be high, so it is far more likely that the revolution will turn violent. Although, most of the people in the establishment are indeed opportunists. So… it might never come to it, at least a revolution won't… Instead a civil war might.

Always remember, your country is never alone, there will always be outside interference… Be it by military force, diplomacy or intelligence agencies.

I would disagree. I see white Catholics identifying more with white Protestants than Hispanic Catholics.
Though I do agree that outright theocracy would be impossible - we would far more like see ```clerical fascism``` in the Romanian style, with a secular strongman being given huge support by the various Christian churches.

holy fuck what a glow-in-the-dark post

A revolution is doubtful, likely it will be fragmentation and civil war. But outside interference is inevitable. It happened in our American Revolution, in Greece’s Revolution, in France’s, and almost in your 1830 revolution.

And you call me FBI
In the case of total civil war, the Jew run media is going to side against the right no matter what. What matters is optics in the social sphere. Lurk moar
You want a theocracy and call my one-of-many scenarios unrealistic? Lurk moar or read the Turner Diaries.

If it wasn't clear that DC cannot be fixed and evil has triumphed, and that we are democracy in name only, look at the omnibus.

Trump completely sold us out.

1.3 trillion unpayable debt with a ban on hiring ICE agents and extreme restrictions on deportations, as well as on any wall prototypes.

57 deep staters running for office who will win, because they're running as DNC. GOP will be destroyed because of the omnibus.

This locks in deep state control directly and permanently. They will lock in control with legislation.

None of the this is what the founders intended. It is the opposite–they actually instructed Americans to take up arms in this situation. They expected the government would one day become authoritarian and tyrannical and not represent the people.

Trump's election, all the massive treason, evil, corruption and criminality his election exposed, and this recent omnibus sellout coupled with the 57 deep state candidates means it's all over

It will take very highly motivated individuals to bring attention to this and bring about the mass turning that has to come. Clearly, the powers that be have decided whites are simply unwilling, cowardly, weak, or maybe too stupid to see what has happened here and how they have quietly but systematically ripped up the constitution and completely destroyed this nation in a matter of only 50 years or so.

Remember that it only takes only a set–a strong set of highly motivated, intelligent, fearless patriots willing to do everything they can and accepting serious risk–to make a massive difference and huge change.

Side note: if faggots can have 500k kids march on DC in a fake, deep-state orchestrated march to take away our rights, why can't we orchestrate exactly the same thing? Why can't whites unite in times like this? It is too dangerous not to unite and fight back NOW. There will not be another time

this terminology is all wrong. you will find difficulty building a movement that claims to want to 'overthrow' the current order. colors too much like retribution and that would attract inner circle types, but logistically you need fringe elements - overground operatives helping in the normalsphere. restorative justice is more relatable by orders of magnitude. i.e., the movement promises to thwart the efforts of subversive, illegitimate power brokers and return the government to a good state: accountable, solvent, in accordance with the founders' intents and so the public good, etc…

sometimes it's less about what you're selling than how you're selling it.

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A government founded in Revolution exists always in Revolution or ceases to exist. Therefore, to "ponder Revolution" in the USA is to ponder the state of the USA - or if it even exists. So there's our first question: Does the United States of America still exist, in continuity with its initial revolutionary origins? If yes, then we are already in Revolution and the idea of "starting one" is irrelevant. If no, then we need to figure out our statehood issue pronto, because we have been usurped.

Afterward, I think a combination of Principle + Race is the key to go with Americans. Principle and Race were founding concepts for the USA. It means that we are focused on our race, but only those among the race who abide by our principles (Republicanism, basically). Therefore, our task is simply to remind our compatriots of our duty as sons and daughters of Revolution. We have to remember our colonial and revolutionary origins, and then graft in those who came after (from the same genetic and cultural stock as the colonists, only later in history) and define that as American, to the exclusion of all others, including former slaves, post-1965 muds, etc.

A black pill is more powerful than a red pill if you dredge up its inner drive and UNLEASH THE DEMON INSIDE (edgy but true). In other words, if a black pill snaps its more powerful than a red pill. The issue is of course, the reduced sense of self-preservation and deference. The solution is to break mini black pills down into rocket fuel, over a long period of time.

Preparation: Take the black pill, but in micro doses and occasionally larger doses, and destroy it until the tough leathery shit becomes pure fuel for your journey. Common sense does not work when digesting a black pill, only raw power. It's like dark matter; possibly nuclear, otherwise just deadweight at 20 kilos per cubic centimeter.

In event of a revolution, pure physical prowess will be the engine that drives it. Strength will be the determining factor. People rally around strength, strength determines how much you can do in what time, strength accomplishes the leg work of any project or operation. Physical prowess in all forms determines if you can carry 100 lbs of gear and still sprint like a wide receiver to the next tactical advantage and lob a grenade 60m or just plain accurately, 20m. Physical strength determines how many days you can stay awake without loss of performance. Strength determines morale, organization, awareness, etc. There are obvious economics involved, where the weaker can accomplish similar some instances, but requires acute specializations.
Pure physical prowess determines if you can make steroid level gains or not whilst also making bank, developing skills intensely and efficiently, developing occult power, and martial prowess.

The black pill is violence, power, lethality, ferocity, kinetic prowess. That is, if one takes the ENLIGHTENED Black Pill, or alchemizes their unenlightened black pills into the enlightened form. The growth potential is relatively limitless.

If anything the kikes are the most likely to overthrow the current government.

If this current push to repeal the 2nd Amendment doesn't go through, they might get desperate enough to try to kill Trump, or set off some nukes and start World War 3.

He means that the system maintains its power by people believing it has power. In actuality the system is so big that it is hard to get an accurate picture of how it actually functions.
Not to mention that it's malfunctioning with thousands of bigger and smaller problems or failures even during peacetime.
The system will not collapse totally but it will lose incredible amounts of people and thus power, very quickly for no other reason than folks deciding to stay at home or to go to their families during this time of crisis and not giving a flying fuck about their guv'ment job.
In the end, the kikes will see 80-90% of their golems vanish or turn on them.
They will be utterly helpless.

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Pic relevant.

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Modern revolutions are nothing but PR stunts, where a single "battle" takes place at the capital; then a flag is planted. This was true for most communist ones in the 21 century in the turd world. And the places that had serious revolution, the revolutionaries murdered each other afterwards. All the real work is done decades in advance sometimes, but often it is done with briefcases of money, soggy biscuit rituals and mass media.
The dream of grass roots revolution is a bottomless pit so you never progress, waiting for a deus ex machina moment.

We're full on silent wars and heart attack gun politics now. Real democides, genocides, coupes and seizures are completely unseen and untelevised. Start thinking of yourself as a cyber ninja clan rather than a group of useful idiot wannabe revolutionaries to be used by a foreign power to probably be killed or exiled afterwards for being professional traitors.

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revolution is not going to be nearly as neat as the civil war, that type of civil war is over.

eventually the state is going to have to weaken, and open a hole for "rebels" or terrorists as the state will call them. these rebels will take extreme losses. look towards the middle east on how it's done. despite the strongest military in the world bombing every single day and killing them a thousand to one, they still persist, because the state is unwilling to completely genocide civilians and they take advantage of that.

this is never going to happen in a nice and neat society though, in all of these middle eastern countries the heads had to be cut off the leaders and the central government weakened before the civilian population fought back in any numbers.

tldr; i don't see any type of revolution happening until after WW3, or some massive economic collapse weakening the federal government. anything less than this and individuals attempting to fight back against the state will be simply labeled as terrorists, and they'll have to be willing to die in the act or spend the rest of their life in prison. they aren't going to get support from the general population.

I think the best way forward in terms of revolution would be to harness the wilder lands. I don't have much experience or knowledge of the US in this regard, but what I mean is forming strong white rural communities who help each other out (trading markets, town trust building events), and gradually building a pseudo ethnostate from there. The left and the imported love the cities, but white people are in tune with nature and deserve the abundance we can harvest from the land without being poisoned by bigsoy and fast food. Then secure rural seats and vote for people sympathetic to your efforts.

This kind of thing should be discussed on something like tor or i2p, or off the internet, away from the enemies prying eyes.

getting a bunch of like minded people together is a great start, but the state will eventually shut that down under the excuse of "discrimination" if it's on a city scale, or on a smaller private property scale, imagine Waco.

The only way I imagine this working is if enough people get together with enough of a defense that the police are unable to handle it on their own, and the military has to be called, and the military would have to be put in a situation where they would take serious losses if they tried to go in. Bombing it off the map would look bad for PR and the public would likely not support that, they would have to go in with troops, but those troops would have to be at risk. With any luck, the troops would refuse, commanders would be relieved, there would be mixing up in the military during this, and in the mean time the area under siege would gather more and more public support.

i'm thinking here for this to work your looking at a thousand people with arms and enough supplies to last a couple months. at 20 people the police will just storm the area and shut it down, at 100 federal police will do the same, at a thousand your going to need an infantry division.

Can you explain to me why police would be storming a thriving white community? I mean if you and 50 other families all buy farms and start a collective together where you swap food, and more white families join, you elect a local mp or two, you support him into easing up on any restrictions facing your collective, encouraging more growth to the area, more voters, more people willing to work hard for their freedom… Its a slow burn but its setting the best foundations I can think of for any situation where shtf. I agree with some of the anons who think that a revolution type thing would be kicked off by the left. This creates what I think is the best survival route, enabling you to take advantage of the chaos aftermath.

if it's a "community" and not private property you can't select who moves into it. your not going to keep it all white, and the fact that it's a high percentage white is going to get the higher level government to eventually come in and diversity it.

you can't just buy a bunch of land next to eachother get together and declare it now a separate city either. assuming it's not already part of a city the county would have to approve it, which considering it's an all white area, they probably wouldn't.

if your going to do this the only way is via private property rights, but if you get enough people together, but not enough people, your going to get shutdown for any reason they can construct, too many guns/ammo, tax evasion, whatever, like I said remember waco, at which point your going to have to make a decision right then and there if you want to fight and in all likelyhood die or just surrender your weapons and go through the kangaroo court.

Are we talking about ourguys or do we mean anyone who would want to overthrow the gov include g retarded antifa fags who don't realize the zog is on their side?

I would guess half of young white men would join us if something started.

0.5 half
0.3 young (not child or middle aged or old)
0 6 white
0.5 men

0.5*0.3*0.6*0.5 =4.5% of americans

Fascism is the natural state of mankind.

I take what you say very seriously and of course a hundred other important factors and details help revolutions get underweigh.
However while I'd love to agre with you that we can take power peacefully if we can, we should I just don't see it happening.
The kikes have such control over the System that it seems almost impossible from here. If peacefully taking over the System is the goal, we're at the first stage of step one in a thousand steps.
As you know, the kikes attained their un-earned power by filtering a few kikes here and there into the media, then promoting each other until the entire thing was in jewish hands.
I have thought about this and I believe that taking over the media is out of the question. It's locked down tight and thouroughly jewish.
But who cares about TV right? Well social media is also in jewish hands.
We don't even have a political party so how on earth can we network our way into power when we can't trust people of our own race?
Not only that, but it's illegal to promote too many people of our own race.

Also, in this post you point out that in a reaction to the lest, the government would side with the right and thus many right wingers would become loyalists to ZOG, which is terrible. However in you say you'd be a loyalist yourself just to get back at a "right wing" party you hate.
So you'd choose to serve jews rather than assist in a rebellion started by a faction you don't like? That's insane. It makes me question everything else you say.

Easier said than done.

Agreed completely. These issues are things that worry me.
The third or fourth worst possibly possibility would to become a bunch of disorganized "right wing" paramilitaries that fight each other as much if not more than the government.
Think about how likely this scenario is. On this very thread there are people who would rather side with the jews, the disgusting freaks who are responsible for pedophilia promotion, child rape, and White Genocide than assist White nationalists who were not pure enough for their tastes.

If the USA destabilizes and we get one last chance to make our ancestors proud of us, my biggest worry is that we end up doing exactly this. Fighting each other instead of the jews. I'm sure the kikes already thought of this and have planned it.

This is the guy trying to accuse everyone else of being fbi. Amazing.

you don't belong

Damn. We should have memed Hillary Clinton into office.

The government probably knows with much better accuracy just how many people support revolution than a bunch of anons.

Besides, tor is owned by the government anyway.

Because a thought experiment is totally not going to get us in trouble with J. Edgar Hoover. Right.

Here is a point: the USA has numerous nukes. If the government got overthrown, nukes might go missing. This would not be a happy situation. The people who are smart enough to conduct an organized civil war are likely to prefer that nukes do not go missing. The problem of securing nukes makes civil war in the USA very, very difficult for rational actors. Nonrational actors are likely to be frustrated by rational actors. Unfortunately, some very depraved (((insiders))) might try to start a nuclear war out of sheer hatred of goyim.

The people who are most likely to talk of civil war are agents provocateurs, who would want innocent Internet users to say vague and ambiguous things that could be misrepresented as seditious or treasonous. And furthermore, Holla Forums is the board of peace; we only want sweetness and light for everyone; a true Holla Forumsitician would never harm anyone. Praise Kek.

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i think that is temporary
the sense of group identity is always imposed from the top
but the system as a whole is old and weak right now, especially culturally
don't see it as a negative, see it as the american people waiting for someone to remind them of who they are

that is the exact thing i would like to avoid, and the main reason to hate that semite worship, the genocide of it's cult memebers who are white

alright mister torposter i will bite
you say that as if living in a democracy would be any different or better
I dont know what you were expecting
If it's unpayable then why worry about it?
I thought you liked democracy? then people running for office is part of that
I would be surprised if anyone has any control over this shitshow
Just another faction vying for control of a dying empire
I think they were surprisingly foresightfull and comprehending of the nature of state, hence the bill of rights
Instead of concerning with how this empire cycle will end, prepare to start our own empire cycle when the time is right
starting 2026, have your own system in place
they're not responsible for death due to old age
An empire lasts 10 generations, even bacterial populations have cycles of expansio and death
Marches to loudly engage in faggotry and compaining does nothing and have been done a plently
Charlotteville was a thing, as usual such things are organized by and for jews so idk y u want a march
The concept of whites is in your head
it's a very american thing
And if you want a dying empire to suddenly rise up again, nope, sorry, can't happen
you have to wait
fighting will occur and i have full faith in whites
I expect the next empire cycle might see africa or the whole of the american continents conquored and cleansed of nonwhites
but i dont expect expansion happening again before 2030 or so

If the law was enforced properly, non-whites would be continually selected out of the population.

You can if heretics in said country are punished by death. Natural selection.



We Shadowrun now

Hi, FBI.

The United States is not–and never has been–a democracy, you STUPID MOTHERFUCKING RETARD.
Oh no! The jewish controlled opposition party will be destroyed!
Right, because you’re too stupid and lazy to od anything about it.
What mass turning? Kikes own all media.
Because whites are too lazy, stupid, and scared to do it.
Because they have jobs they have to go to.

You could always go with the basics. Freedom vs enslavement.

Try so much harder, intl.

If this ever happens it wont and cannot be a standard form of war. The fighting will be like Syria – in neighborhoods with pure chaos being the only moderating factor, at best. Traditional war, even guerrilla or jihadi war will destroy the US and that is not desired. We can remove the cancer and leave the body alone.

What is needed are small man crews that can find and remove parasites like Soros (and his children), Rothschild (can you believe this is in spellcheck?), b'nai brith, the Blintons, ms13/imported gangs, ADL, and every other obvious traitor. There is an old video of some dude confronting a Rottschild in public– this guy was angry enough to yell at him, but too pussy to neck the fool then and there. This is the only way to see change in the world. This is everyones problem.

my theory is that everyone is racist and it's just a matter of having the capability to rise above it. take the negro for example; he doesnt have much of an ability to conceptualize more abstract things like justice, honor, law, etc (why dont they respect handicap parking spaces?), so all he has is the more base instincts. whites have just as much racism as anyone else, but it has to share room and can conflict with other things, or something like that.
but, on the bright side (ironic) the racism that whites have been repressing has just been sitting deep down and festering waiting to burst, a la jung's odin archetype. and this time around it's even worse, so there will be a larger pushback. today even testosterone itself is being repressed.
so i'm not too worried about just letting things play out while pushing forward myself and playing my own parts. the winds seem to have been shifting in our direction pretty good and the future looks bright. be happy that you're ahead of the curve and be ready to welcome the irl newfreinds to what's going on when they start coming around

this is true. you'd be surprised at the extent that plenty of seemingly normal people are being " "red pilled" ". and you have to remember that not everyone has to be radical. look at muslims as an example - it's only a small group of guys that throw gays off buildings, but the masses who are supposedly moderate completely support these acts.

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There was an old blog that I read sometime in the early 90s that outlined a model of assassination driven politics which would arise should advances in cryptography make true anonymous transactions possible. Two and a half decades later and this kind of scenario seems more and more likely by the day.

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Why? What do you expect to happen in 2030 or so that will reverse the trend?

Brave words. However you know and I know that if that man killed Soros, he'd spend the rest of what remained of his life in a very bad place. (((They))) might even throw him into a cell full of niggers with a suit that said "racist" on the back.
Still, he'd be a hero and that matters.

I agree with you that this needs to be done. But let's think about this for a minute. Say you killed Soros and his kids. Do you really believe that the kikes don't have 15 more to replace him?
You talk about taking out ms13 gangs like it's nothing. And if a small gang of three heroes began taking out every obvious traitor, they'd be working for the rest of their lives. And that's assuming that they never make a single mistake, which you know is impossible.

Our goal is to overthrow the Establishment. Not the gubbermint, yaw.

Interesting. You have a link?

If you want to understand how to succesfully lead a revolution for nationalists/conservatives, you must understand what makes people liberal or conservative.
There have been dozens of studies on how exactly people turn either way and the most dominant aspect in all of these studies turn out to be "threat" and the assessment of it. For example, in a test they gave few people the theoretical ability of invulernability, while others were still vulernable. The people vulnerable to danger answered the test more conservative while the people with invulnerability answered more liberal.

To put it more simply, if you want the people in the U.S. to be more liberal you spam them with propaganda about how safe and friendly something is what our entire mass media is doing, but in return they will turn more conservative about a topic if you provide information about how threatening and dangerous something is imagine spaming the entire mass media with nigger attack videos. This is why people who have been previously "enriched" by experiences with niggers, spics and arabs, or grown up around them turn out to be more conservative than gated liberals who did not have such experiences with foreigners due to limited contact with them.

TL;DR, if you want destroy liberal nature through Revolution, counterspam with threat assessments. Hitler did turn the nation more conservative and won approvement with propaganda of threat of Jews and International entities while providing his party as a solution to deal with these threats.
So what you need is:
I would advise against starting a revolution with force or a violent coup, because if you start your revolution campaign by killing people you will be considered the threat and not the saviour. Using force is something you should do only after kikes, niggers, spices etc have been established as threat within the white population, because only then they will agree to you removing that threat just like Germans agreed to removing kikes once they understood the threat they pose.

I believe Dr. William Pierce summed what you said best in this video

However I think you and most others misunderstood my OP. I wanted to discuss the numbers of revolutionary Americans. I never said I wanted to lead a revolution. Nor did I propose that anyone do anything illegal as many ignorant airheads who didn't read my OP and immediatelly commented after reading only the word "revolution"
I have another, alterior motive as well that I might as well divulge. I want to help those of us who feel alone and hopeless realize that they're not alone. That there are many White Americans and Europeans generally who hate the System as much as they do. To not become blackpilled and think that only a few thousand people want to overthrow the System.
On the flip side, I want to caution those who vastly overestimate the number of revolutionary minded Americans. America is in no way in a revolutionary atmosphere and I've been here long enough to encounter hundred of anons who believe or pretend to believe that the time for revolution, for violence is now.
I hope to elevate the spirits of the blackpilled but also help the Bob Matthews among us recognize that the time for violence is not now.

Chaim sholom, Rabbi!

Christianity has always been about segregation of races and culture. The Bible states this explicitly multiple times. I wouldn't expect (((you))) to know the first thing about actual Christianity, though.

Just to elaborate on this a bit, merchants are the only ones with a truly vested interest in the intermingling of different races and cultures; as they are parasites and they need to spread to as many host cultures as possible to survive.

(((You))) merchants are the ones that invented multiculturalism, and (((you))) did it simply to increase profits. As history has shown time and time again multiculturalism always fails (sort of like communism… i guess everything (((you))) things do fails eventually).

To overthrow one (((system))) you need another.

Say there are 10 people. They all know each other and they know one person among them who would be a good leader, so they elect that person to the first tier or rank 1.
10 rank 1's become friends and find one among them to be a leader so they elect him rank 2. The process then continues naturally until no higher tiers are elected, and a council formed of the highest tier runs the government.
It's still authoritarian (I don't think the absence of authority is possible for any significant period of time), but is a form of democracy that cannot be corrupted by finance-media so easily.


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I'd guess around 20% of the populations is completely willing to start marching on DC today. I would also guess that 20% is split roughly evenly into three factions that want nothing to do with each other and a fourth miscellaneous spit off of 100 or so random groups holding 1% in total, so the 10% threshold isn't met for any one of them.

As for people that would cheer on the violent overthrow of the government while doing nothing themselves I would say closer to 40% but most of them are minors and boomers sucking down every anti-trump anti-constitution media piece.


Yes, the problem is White Americans are still very divided. The problem mainly being Judeo-Christianity and strong feelings over controlling sexuality, with the other dimension being those who are economic. Libertarian or Strasserist, both should at least agree that the current financial system has unfairly rewarded certain parties… and this is not is any sense a free or fair market. So repossession of ill-goten wealth at the highest levels needs to be something even Libertarians will support.

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20% is a lot. That's about 48 million adults. How do you figure it is that much?

I think the reality is that there won't be a collapse but a slow descent into greater left-wing tyranny. I'm an oldfag old enough to know dudes who've gone gray swearing that the collapse was right around the corner. They cite the same reasons they did 20 years ago.

I've never heard of a leftist betting on a collapse. You guys dream of slinking around in camo while being paranoid and living off acorns when shtf while the left slowly infiltrates every institution around you. Which strategy has won?

A collapse could usher in a new constitution which would certainly not be as free as what we have currently, assuming universal suffrage.

A context that would limit suffrage would require a sudden economic catastrophe, which may not happen in our lifetimes. The odds of the USA going Venezuela overnight are zero.

Look at the context in which Hitler found support. We aren't anywhere near that.

Women and brown people don't yearn for individual liberty and limited government, so any solution will have to take that into account.

BTW, can anyone point out an historical example of an empire in the decadent phase reversing course?

Guys want to get violent but that won't fix anything. You all would be better off starting news outlets to help set the stage for the younger generation.

The propaganda war is where to start. They can't stop ideas. Ideas can be distributed anonymously and funded anonymously. First shift the Overton window.

it doesn't have to be corrupted by finance media
it can be corrupted by >muh dik or by greed

I said it was better, I didn't say it was perfect.

Personally, I'd rather be the Monarch, but Monarchy in this day and age isn't really a possibility without lots and lots of $$$. Even owning a yacht in international waters is pricey. Revolution is a possibility but only for trained military personnel, and I'm not one of them.

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All you'd have to do is take down the power grid. Literally anyone reading this could do it. No power means cities go to hell and that makes it impossible to acquire/move supplies, and within a week the government is reduced to a few hardened facilities with nuclear reactors of their own.


But don't. Not yet.

0/10. How are you still getting paid for this?


4 man teams are a good size. You can patrol, set ambushes, break down into 2 sniper teams for recon or high priority targets, or to suppress and harass a larger force, clear buildings, and so on.

That question must always be definitively answered before you start fighting, or else you should not be fighting.

Don't worry, CIA, you'll be the first ones we come after.

Give it a couple months, user. Arrests will start to trickle in. Also, stockpile ammo, because they're not going to take that move lying down.


That's what it looks like to me. Soros and his Antifa minions try a color revolution, not realizing that fighting a war against the people who have all the guns is a bad idea.

I wish that weren't so true.


Just thinking about this gave me a boner.

In all seriousness, can you please come up with something better than this? It's not even fun to fuck with you when you don't try.

If you want to change the world, it is hard work, time, networking, education, trading, larping and lots of sexy fun baby making.

We must plan for the worst and hope for the best, we have to prepare White enclaves and replace the current bastardized Whites: White clan-syndicates, we are a world minority and we need to start thinking like one. They are implicitly illegal in many parts of the Western world, because Whites have lost the right to assembly and cannot associate with whom they choose, we are forced into public society as atomized units to be easily slaughtered and exploited like cattle. You can shout "The niggers and jews are here! Whites of the world, unite!" from roof tops all you want, but you need to bind us together with blood and a sacred story– a creation myth if you are to fight not in a war but to fight in a bad peace that very could last for centuries. The clan(extended family) is the true building block of society that can protect itself from modern predators, bastardized families and individual are snacks for corporations and other clans; you are in a jungle, the bastards are snacks for bigger organizations, never forgot that.
Anything that gets in the way of these goals is to be stopped at all costs. Freedom of assembly is of utmost importance, there's a very good reason jews get pissed when Whites form private societies and want to force us at gun point to always exist in public society– all while protecting their pet races' and their own private societies: private societies get shit done and public societies are nothing but slaughter houses. The White clans have been shattered and scattered systemically across the West into trendy nuclear families for population control then further bastardized into individuals, now look where we are. We must rebuild the White clans, better and stronger; this time without frivolous detractors and faithless traitors.

You have to get this right, because everything else is built on top of it and was what killed nearly all of the White clans last time; funnily enough nearly every single materialist cargo cult is built on top of theological axioms. Sabbatical religions are suicide and so is the buckeyball world of materialists. Whites are as of now, even on here, spiritual bankrupt and most of them have a hard time justifying their own existence even without the constant propaganda. This is why they do not have children and do not care to save an evil civilization, they can hardly bring themselves to invite others into their struggle. This time, we will live with theosophic axioms rather than dogma and an breakable faith towards our bloodkin.

Make big clans and then unify them in a generation with other clans into syndicates; couple generations later you can unify them into enclaves to take over cities and eventually into nations– perhaps then we can have a real legally recognized White super clan. And do not worry, with enough people wealth will come and you will be able to protect each other but you have to make sure that they are very educated or very ambitious but preferably both.

Buy up companies, start your own, seize large plots of lands to build clan halls, lobby and of course train for the worst. You need leaders in your clans and you have to make sure your families stay connected. If you did not have a clan at the start or join one, then you will be either grey or dead by the time this phase occurs, but this is how the world works. If you're an older man you can reunify your clan and teach them it's importance, you would be doing a great service.

Changing society is done in the bed room, office and workshop; reconnect with your clan and look for a girl with a big sexy clan, fuck her right in that fat pink cunt until Aryans pop out. Become the head of your clan, not just a pathetic bastardized family that can be broken up in a (((family court))). Revolutions/wars are won and lost before they ever start.

The this is, you know what you're getting under the current system. If some TWP idiots took power, they would be subverted within a week. It would just remove the safeguards we have under the current system which (((they))) are trying so hard to remove.

Proto-bolshevism didn't work for the inquisition, and it will work even less today. I hope you're just being rhetorical, because the kind of system which you describe is the anti-thesis of what any fascist wants. It betrays the Ghibelline ideal.

I've tended to think similarly to the way you do! I just think that it is necessary for the government to foster stronger, less brainwashed men in order for that burst of conscious racialism to finally spring forth.

I definitely like the idea of a "terrorist" style group rather than a war army. The IRA should really be our shining example. The second normies realize that they can fight against the system without a 100% chance of getting caught; we get a massive boost of support. It would also be nice to have a visible front organization. Being able to provide jobs to people fired for racism, banning communists from working for us, engaging in lobbying, offering charity, creating new media sources that aren't some NEET in his basement - all of those are really great institutional resources to build. This is copying more from Hezbollah instead of the IRA btw. I think it's useful to offer one hand for a handshake, and have the other hand behind your back, holding a pistol. If he shakes your hand, you can make sure he lives very well. If we mocks you then you put a bullet in his fucking skull.

Hitler managed having violent and non-violent branches really well.

We are so removed and degenerated from any kind of Ghibelline ideal or living tradition that it's a comedy to even mention it. It's obvious Western civilisation will fall what matters is securing the European race genetically because last time barbarians sacked the "civilised world" at least they weren't inbred brown people.