How bad is Inquisitions Holla Forums? I'm in dire need of a new RPG to sit back and be comfy with...

How bad is Inquisitions Holla Forums? I'm in dire need of a new RPG to sit back and be comfy with. If I can avoid the socjus bullshit I will gladly do that. Is it avoidable? Or is it typical hamfisted Bioware writing that rams it down your throat?
And what's the gameplay like? Is it truly "collect 10 of these in this small open area and report back to quest giver for fuck all reward" or is that just the filler? Is there an actual RPG worth playing under all the fuckery?
If DA:I is beyond hope, then suggest something relatively recent that isn't The Witcher or Dragon's Dogma or Dark Souls.

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Fuck that gay shit. Go Play Xanadu Next instead

From what I can tell the game more or less forced you to spend a ridiculous amount of time doing shitty sidequests to unlock actual story content.

Make of that what you will.

Just play one of the Xenoblades. The have the same basic gameplay frame works but aren't pozzed to hell and back.

the game's practically a MMO what with all the fetch quests and empty terrain. it's a 10 hour story stretched over a hundred.

I was morbidly curious recently too, but
Yeah nah fuck that. There's other psuedo-MMOs that are more worth my time and bandwidth.

dude, if you actually are jonesing for a game that badly, play DA:Origins again.
If your first thought is "fuck no I don't want to play Origins again" then realize that it would be preferable to Cisquisition.

you shouldn't even pirate inquisition OP

Thanks Bioware.

Go pirate Underrail (buy if you like it) if you can deal with a CRPG. It came out a year ago and it's fantastic. Interesting exploration, great atmosphere, very approachable and some very good dialogue/characters.

I recommend it. They also have an expansion coming out some time next year. It's supposed to add a lot of new content.

Seems like it's not worth the effort then. I'm after a third person, controller friendly RPG for sitting back and getting comfy because I'm feeling a bit shit at the moment.

Yes, that's the gameplay right there. It's a single player MMO.

The worst part is that the size of the game is over 20GB.

Why, do I have a game for you my good friend!

The short answer OP is 'pretty fucking bad'.

The slightly longer answer is

The story makes no fucking sense at any point on any level, things happen for seemingly no reason, nothing is adequately explained, and the story falls apart if you even give it a passing thought or two. There's almost zero actual politicking in the game, which seems like a huge misstep for a game where you're part of a fucking Inquisition, which in itself makes no fucking sense, and all of the plot threads established in Origins/2 are written off completely if not outright forgotten about. Also several of your actions are retconned out of existence, specifically regarding character deaths. Leliana comes back and goes 'I'm alive jus' cus stop complaining you stupid nerds.'

A nonsensical main plot is not out of character for Bioware, but at least a game like ME2 had it's well thought out and likable cast to fall back on. DAI has unlikable pig-faced disgusting faggots at every turn, who spend most of their time pushing political agendas of the writer's than actually being interesting characters in their own right. Sidequests aren't any good either.

Gameplay is disgustingly droll. The MMO comparisons are accurate, pointless busywork that involves running around collecting shit to build up influence in the hopes that the next quest will actually be something substantial.

So don't bother. I hear Underrail is good, I think Divinity Original Sin's sequel is out, try one of those.

This shit right here. Pirated and later bought it recently, easily put in 150 hours over multiple playthroughs. The only thing I didn't like about the game, was the final section is a bit of a chore at times.

it's also really poorly designed. the "tactical camera" is actually just an invisible party member with a zoomed out overhead perspective who can get stuck on terrain.

Have a cap that captures a bit of what they did wrong.

The thing that pissed me off the most about Cisquisition was how it refused to let you be evil.
All the other Bioware games before it allowed you to play as a psychopathic prick. But in this miserable pile of shit, you are forced to be nice to every ugly dyke you meet. Did every character really have to be an ugly fucking monster?

Good RPGs you should look into

Didn't deserve so shit a company.

What's his face was okay. Let's not kid ourselves he kind of deserved death.

Pick one.

what's the point of writing a party of characters who all take some bullshit moral highground, wouldn't it be more engaging for the player if party members under their command had personality flaws that the player would have to try to correct or work around?

The thought most likely never crossed their minds. In a Bioware writer's mind, the only thing that exists is what they want to do that exact moment. Forget the person who bought the game, the cohesiveness of the story, and other trivialities, what do I, the writer, want from this scene? It's why even when they ignore previous games, they can't even keep the current game's story straight. Bioware's writers are so high off their own farts that it comes across as pure hedonism in literary form. It explains the mary sues, the soapboxing storytelling, the lack of any options aside from going along with it, and every other issue. To them, you've been kicked out of the player role as MC and are merely part of the audience to THEIR fanfiction. You're not supposed to have a say, since you're just an NPC with a wallet. You're here to appreciate their story and characters on Bioware's terms or you can hit the highway. It exists to serve them and no one else.

Bioware is pretty much daycare except replace the playdoh and coloring books with 3d modeling programs and dialogue scripts.

The game becomes a bad episode of Seinfeld if you add a laugh track to those inane dialogue cutscenes.

It explains why they love colors so damn much.

This guy gets it.

It's not worth it.

Oh god, that thing was absolutely horrendous.

I almost forgot about Krem, the minor character. She's quite a likeable character. But the writers can't stop pushing agendas down our throats, can they? It's a bloody shame, too.

Never made it through the Palace dancing scene. I just got too bored to continue.

Just emulate FF12 IZJS. Its comfy as fuck and if you are one of those people who just want to explore the world you can set up gambits and use the inbuilt frameskip option to speed through combat.

fucking this. i realize it's a sign of some deep-rooted autism or another but setting up gambits and bombing around, finding treasure, exploring deserts and watching my perfectly-programmed party handle every situation perfectly is easily one of my comfiest gaming experiences i've ever had

Inquisition sucks, it is garbage with mmo gameplay, mmo dialogues and mmo story. Armor customisation is even worse than in DA2, despite what was promised. Most of the previous lore is changed, so it barely feels like the same series. Inquisition comes out of nowhere and has no reason to exist, considering that there is already an organisation with such power in that universe, and it's called Grey Wardens.

For me it was awesome for the first few hours untill I noticed that ALL the side quests are mmo tier and that I won't miss anyting by not exploring. Then I just rushed through the meh main quest. Besides that the game is leaking SJW from it's asshole, all the women are ugly niggers or post op transexuals while the men are 10/10 fashion models. Also that muh dad won't accept that I'm a faggot and that I'll kill his genetic line, quest, and tranny loving homosexual qunari (a race that is known in DA lore as extremly conservative and anti degeneracy)

Better play a real RPG.