Nintendo Offering Bounties For Finding 3DS Exploits
I'm keking pretty hard right now

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That's pretty ingenious, Nintendrones love to get non-Nintendrones locked up for pirating their precious games


That's not what anything in the link is implying at all, you massive faggot.

thats because Nintendrones are blinded by nostalgia

Okay OP, you're retarded, it's okay we're here for you.

Why are they so kike-like when it involves piracy? They keep fighting a battle to patch shit against pirates, while getting rid of fan-made projects, and now this. You would think they have no money and have to do this or go bankrupt.


This is catastrophically dumb. 3ds is already unrecoverable. All of Nintendo's security budget should be going toward the Switch so they don't repeat what happened.

Maybe they're doing shit like this so people won't have to do it because the Switch is region free?

user I have some bad news…

But some people soft-mod their systems to do homebrew shit, I do not see how the switch would be any different.

Christmas is coming up and kids will get 3DSs for it. They're not trying to make the 3DS hackproof, they just need to make it hard enough to hack that by the time it is hacked the Switch has been out for a while. Giving a few nerds some pocket change is probably worth getting a few extra sales in.
Worst that happens is that they get some experience with hiring guys to check security. Best that happens for them is that they make 3DS hacking annoying enough that people don't bother.


Honestly, it's stuff like that which makes me worry about the future of fan translations. I mean, technically, companies have always been able to hit people with a C&D or whatever (Square tried to hit Sky Blade Cloud with one over Type-0 PSP but were too late, and thus made do with a DMCA), but most companies haven't seemed to care that much provided the translator isn't trying to make a profit off their works (and sometimes the people involved find it pretty cool that fans are willing to devote that much time to bringing a game into English themselves). But if companies start getting more asspained that the fans of their games are making better games than them, translating batter than them, etc, it wouldn't shock me if various places/groups start getting slammed with big take downs. Admittedly for what's already out there they can only damage control so much (once it's on the web, it's on the web), but they can make it harder than it was prior to find stuff and/or shut down projects trying to do better than the company itself was willing to.

we can dream of better days right?


The day Nintendo goes region free is the day Nintendo of America loses a lot of sales, therefore it will never happen because Nintendo of Europe have generally better translators and less censorship and everyone knows, even the libtards and SJW cucks at NoA know.

Is it just me or is this very little? Chances are if you have the skillset to exploit these systems you are most likely already earning way more then what Nintendo will be offering you. And it's not like they can't spare the money either, which is strange since I imagine software piracy costs them a lot more then 100$ per exploit.

Seems to be an international industry trend these days.

why is he wrong? I mean I've heard the rumors. Are you telling me they were debunked?

Yeah, no.

Rumorfaggotry is cancer


Are you stupid? 90% of these hacks are found by college aged kids fucking around trying to get titty JRPGs for free.


Why? The 3DS is already on its way out because of the Switch and Pokemon wont be able to keep it alive forever. It's also pretty funny that its only for the 3DS and not the Wii U, or that Nintendo cares about piracy this late into the 3DS.

They have been doing this for a while. I got my new computer this way, and I get to step on people's dreams!

Most of them are just college kids with too much time on their hands, if these kids decide to work for Nintendo then the homebrew scene will be FUCKED. Which will be great! Stupid fucking pirated, not buying terrible games! Who do they think they are for not contributing to cancer!!

You're trying way too hard, user.

It's already hacked. Even the 11.0 firmware that's on the consoles in stores now is downgradable if you have a friend who already has CFW, and an exploit that doesn't require a second 3ds is being released soon. They're locking the barn door after the horse has escaped.

thanks Todd.

I'm being ironic.
I know what route this thread is gonna take, we're gonna screencaps of Neofags saying "PIRACY IS FINISHED", then another user saying piracy is justified because the games are all shit and he doesn't wanna contribute to it (which isn't wrong, mind you). Then this entire thread will devolve into speculation.

If the games are shit, why are you pirating? Don't be a pussy and make excuses.

I might as well actually play them if I'm going to complain about them.

It worked for the PS3. That got blown right open but updates and later revisions contained it If you updated the only way to hack it was to downgrade by opening the thing up and flashing the chips directly, and that involves a soldering iron and Teensy.
They aren't aiming for the guy who already hacked his system and has recovery options. They're aiming at little Timmy who's been a good boy all year and got a new handheld. If Nintendo patched all the exploits properly by Christmas, Timmy's dad won't be going to GBATemp and hacking his 3DS with some well known exploits. DS flashcarts are well known by now and I've even seen normalfags browse game shops just to get ideas of what to pirate.
It isn't ending piracy, it's containing it for a bit so they can get some sales in. And all it costs them is a few hundred dollars thrown at a few nerds to keep them motivated.

Hence the "you're trying way too hard".

They can't. The consoles kids are opening up on Christmas will be 11.0 at the most, and therefore hackable. It doesn't even matter if they drop an 11.3 FW update before Christmas that patches every existing exploit, kids (or gift-givers) who are interested in CFW just won't update.

Because it's a handheld console. If it becomes PSP-tier easy to pirate your shit then software sales will die out real fast everywhere but in Japan. Like said though, this is much too late.

I seriously doubt this is real anyways. It seems like someone masqurading as nintendo and is going to send the exploits through email or something. Most 3ds exploits are already fucking throughly explained, so I don't even see the point of offering a reward.

I'll never understand people who pirate games they say are shit.

Well it's masochism because I have nothing else to do in my life
t. Guy who pirates games I think are shit

A battle Nintendo has no chance in hell at winning.

Surely you've pirated a shitty game before and thought, "I'm so fucking glad I didn't pay for this."

Not every game is shit. Far from it. But it's definitely insurance in the world of a system that has no rentals, no refunds on electronic purchases, and almost no demos.

You'd be a dumbass not to pirate, and this is coming from a buyfag who purchases the physical versions if the game is good enough to warrant purchase after pirating/playing it.

Are fucking retarded. From an user who works in the industry, lol, salary is regularly +-65k starting. It can go upwards of 150k+ base salary before bonus/comp at some firms in the infosec industry.

That's a pretty standard thing that companies offer. Love how people gotta put a spin on this shit every time though.

Oh. Then I did well.

The question is what's there to pirate that won't make me feel dead inside? I don't need another shitty version of StarFox 64 and Zelda: OoT nor do I really want to go through shitty sjw-translations in games like Fire Emblem and Dragon Quest.

If you could only twist it against them to prove no one likes the sjw-approved translations that are filled with retarded, inappropriate meme and shit like that.
